Political Law Reviewer 2022
Political Law Reviewer 2022
Political Law Reviewer 2022
– to prescribe the permanent framework of a system of government
– to assign to the several departments their respective powers and duties
– to establish certain first principles on which the government is founded
". written - one whose precepts are embodied in one document or set of
$. unwritten - consists of rules which have not been integrated into a single,
concrete form but are scattered in various sources
%. enacted / conventional - formally struck off at a definite time and place,
following a conscious or deliberate effort taken by a constituent body or ruler
&. evolved / cumulative - the result of political evolution, not inaugurated at any
specific time but changing by accretion rather than by any systematic method
'. rigid - one that can be amended only by a formal and usually difficult process
(. flexible - one that can be changed by ordinary legislation
". Constitution of Liberty
○ series of prescriptions setting forth the fundamental civil and political
rights of the citizens and imposing limitations on the power of the
government as a means of securing the enjoyment of those rights
○ e.g. Art. III Bill of Rights
$. Constitution of Government
○ provisions outlining the organization of the government, enumerating its
powers, laying down certain rules relative to its administration and
defining the electorate
○ e.g. Arts. VI, VII, VIII, IX Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Constitutional
%. Constitution of Sovereignty
○ provisions pointing out the modes or procedure in accordance with which
formal changes in the Constitution may be made
○ e.g. Art XVII
Republican State
– a state wherein all government authority emanates from the people and is
exercised by representatives chosen by the people
– manifestations:
". ours is a government of laws and not of men
$. rule of majority (Plurality in elections)
%. accountability of public officials
&. bill of rights
'. legislature cannot pass irrepealable laws
(. separation of powers
Doctrine of Incorporation
– rules of International Law form part of the law of the land and no legislative
action is required to make them applicable in a country
– Philippines is bound by generally accepted principles of international law,
which are considered to be automatically part of our own laws
○ applicable in PH
Doctrine of Transformation
– generally accepted rules of international law are not per se binding upon the
State but must first be embodied in legislation enacted by the lawmaking body
and so transformed into municipal law
– supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a State by which the State is
– characteristics:
". permanent
$. exclusive
%. comprehensive
&. absolute
'. indivisible
(. inalienable
o. imprescriptible
– distinction between imperium and dominium
○ imperium: stateʼs authority to govern
◆ includes passing laws governing a territory, maintaining peace and
order over it, and defending it against foreign invasion
○ dominium: capacity of the state to own or acquire property
– Doctrine of Auto Limitation
○ while sovereignty has traditionally been deemed absolute and all-
encompassing on the domestic level, it is subject to restrictions and
limitations voluntarily agreed to by the Philippines, expressly or impliedly
as a member of the family of nations
◆ e.g. doctrine of incorporation
○ Tanada vs Angara; limitations on sovereignty:
◆ imposed by the very nature of membership in the family of nations
◆ imposed by treaty stipulations
– civilian supremacy: civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military
○ relevant Constitutional provisions:
". by the installation of the President, the highest civilian authority, as
the commander-in-chief of all the AFP (Art. VII, Sec. 18)
$. Through the requirement that members of the AFP swear to uphold
and defend the Constitution
– The State may not be sued without its consent (Art. XVI, Sec. 3)
– all states are sovereign equals and cannot assert jurisdiction over one another,
consonant with the public international law principle of par in parem non habet
○ includes head of the State
○ public officials, for acts done in the performance of their official functions
or within the scope of their authority
◆ if the judgment against such will require the state itself to perform an
affirmative act to satisfy the same, the suit may be regarded as
against the state itself
– exception:
". officer is charged in his official capacity for acts that are
unlawful and injurious to the rights of others, or in bad faith
$. officer is being sued not in his official capacity but in personal
capacity, although acts may have been committed while
occupying a public position
Forms of consent
". express (embodied in a duly enacted statute)
○ General law
◆ Act No. 3083 and CA 327 as am. by S. 49-50, PD 1445
– money claims arising from contracts which could serve as a basis
of civil action between private parties to be first filed with COA
before filed in court
– COA must act upon the claim within 60 days
– rejection of the claim authorizes the claimant to elevate the matter
to the SC on certiorari
◆ Art. 2180, NCC
– tort committed by special agent
◆ Art. 2189, NCC
– LGUs liable for injuries or death caused by defective condition of
roads or public works under their control (jur)
◆ Sec. 22(2), RA 7160, LGC of 1991
– LGUs have power to sue and be sued
◆ Sec. 24 of LGC
– LGUs and their officials are not exempt from liability for death or
injury or damage to property
○ Special law
◆ PD 1620
– an express waiver by IRRIʼs Director General is the only way by
which it may relinquish or abandon immunity
$. Implied consent
○ when State commences litigation, it becomes vulnerable to counterclaim
○ when State enters into a business contract
Rules on liability
– by consenting to be sued, State does not necessarily admit that it is liable
○ rule on liability of the ff:
". public officers, by their acts without or in excess of jurisdiction
◆ any injury caused by him is his own personal liability and cannot
be imputed to the State
◆ illegal acts of government agents do not bind the State;
government is never estopped from questioning the acts of its
officials, more so if they are erroneous or irregular
$. government agencies
◆ establish whether or not the State has given its consent
%. government
◆ doctrine of State immunity is available
Doctrine of Separation of Powers
– legislation belongs to the Congress, implementation to the executive, and
settlement of legal controversies and adjudication of rights to the judiciary
– each is prevented from invading the domain of the others
". secure action
$. forestall over-action
%. prevent despotism
&. obtain efficiency
Executive check
". to legislative - through veto power
$. to judiciary
– through power of pardon: may set aside the judgment of the judiciary
– power of appointment: appoint members of the Judiciary
Legislative check
". to executive
– override the veto of the President
– reject certain appointments made by the president
– revoke the proclamation of martial law or suspension of the privilege of
the writ of habeas corpus
– impeachment
– determine the salaries of the president or vice president
$. to judiciary
– revoke or amend the decisions by either:
◆ enacting a new law
◆ amending the old law, giving it certain definition and interpretation
– impeachment of SC members
– define, prescribe, apportion jurisdiction of lower courts:
◆ prescribe qualifications of lower court judges
◆ impeachment
◆ determination of salaries of judges
Judicial check
– SC may declare acts of both the legislature and executive as unconstitutional
or invalid so long as there is grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction
Non-delegation of power
– a delegated power cannot be re-delegated
– a further delegation, unless permitted by the sovereign power, would
constitute a negation of duty in violation of the trust reposed in the delegate
Permissible delegations
". delegation to the People through initiative and referendum
$. emergency powers delegated by Congress to the President
○ Requisites:
◆ there must be war or other national emergency
◆ delegation is for a limited period only
◆ subject to restrictions as Congress may prescribe
◆ emergency powers must be exercised to carry a national policy
declared by Congress
○ different from the power of President to declare a state of national
emergency, which does not require delegation
%. Congress may delegate Tariff powers to the President
○ Tariff and Customs Code is the enabling law that grants such powers
&. delegation to administrative bodies
○ power of subordinate legislation/quasi-legislative powers
○ since Congress cannot provide for these due to lack of opportunity or
○ includes making of supplementary rules and regulations
'. delegation to local governments: grant of authority to prescribe local
". public health
$. public morals
%. public safety
&. public welfare
Eminent domain
– power of the sovereign state to take, or to authorize the taking of private
property for public use without the ownerʼs consent, conditioned upon
payment of just compensation
Public use
– does not necessarily mean “use by the public at large”
– whatever may be beneficially employed for the general welfare satisfies the
– notion of public use now includes the broader notion of indirect public benefit
or advantage (vicarious advantage)
Just compensation
– full and fair equivalent of the property taken from the private owner (ownerʼs
loss) by the expropriator
– FMV + consequential damages (damages to the other interest of the owner
attributed to the expropriation) - consequential benefits (increase in the value
of other interests attributed to new use of the former property)
– period to determine: at the date of the filing of the complaint
○ except: at time of taking, where filing occurs after actual taking and owner
would be given undue incremental advantages
– owner is entitled to payment of interest from the time of taking until just
compensation is actually paid to him
○ including taxes paid by him from time of the taking until transfer of title
– constitutional mandate
What are taxes
– enforced proportional contributions from persons and property, levied by the
State by virtue of its sovereignty for the support of the government and public
Concept of taxation
– process by which the government, through its legislative branch, imposes and
collects revenues to defray the necessary expenses of the government, and to
be able to carry out, in particular, any and all projects that are supposed to be
for the common good
– includes the power to destroy
○ only if used as a valid implement of the police power in discouraging and
prohibiting certain things or enterprises inimical to public welfare
– obligation based on law
Double taxation
– taxing the same property twice when it should be taxed only once
– taxing the same person twice by the same jurisdiction for the same thing
– direct duplicate taxation
○ two taxes must be imposed on the same subject matter
○ for the same purpose
○ by the same taxing authority
○ within the same jurisdiction
○ during the same taxing period
○ of the same kind or character
Tax Exemptions
– either constitutional or statutory
– strictly construed against the taxpayer
– revocability
". if granted gratuitously – revocable
$. if granted for valuable consideration – irrevocable
– fixed portion of the surface of the Earth inhabited by the people of the State
– an element of a State
– area over which a state has effective control
Archipelagic Doctrine
– waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago,
regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of
the Philippines
○ connect the outermost points of our archipelago with straight baselines
and consider all the waters enclosed thereby as internal waters
○ RA 3046 as am. by RA 9522; defines the baselines of territorial sea of
○ Spratlys and Scarborough shoal fall under #2 of composition of territory of
Scope and limitations
– power to propose, enact, amend and repeal laws
– substantive
○ express:
". Bill of Rights
$. on Appropriations
%. on Taxation
&. on Constitutional appellate jurisdiction of SC
'. no law granting a title of royalty or nobility shall be enacted
(. no specific funds shall be appropriated or paid for use or benefit of
any religion, sect
◆ except for priests etc., assigned to AFP, penal institutions, etc.
○ implied:
". prohibition against irrepealable laws
$. non-delegation of powers
– procedural
○ only one subject, to be stated in the title of the bill
○ 3 readings on separate days
◆ printed copies of the bill in its final form to be distributed to its
members 3 days before its passage
– except if President certifies to its immediate enactment to meet a
public calamity or emergency
◆ upon last reading, no amendment shall be allowed
◆ vote thereon shall be taken immediately
◆ yeas and nays entered into the Journal
○ appropriation bills, revenue bills, tariff bills, bills authorizing the increase
of public debt, bills of local application and private bills shall originate
exclusively in HOR
Principle of non-delegability; exceptions
– see discussion on delegation of powers (1st H.O.)
– 24 senators elected at large
– qualifications:
". natural-born citizen
$. at least 35 years on the day of election
%. able to read and write
&. registered voter
'. resident of PH for not less than 2 years immediately preceding day of
– term is 6 years
– shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms
○ voluntary renunciation shall not be considered as interruption
House of Representatives
– not more than 250 members, consisting of:
○ district representatives
○ party-list representatives
– qualifications:
○ natural-born citizen
○ at least 25 years on the day of election
◆ except youth party-list representatives
○ able to read and write
○ registered voter in the district in which he shall be elected
◆ except for party-list
○ resident in the district for a period not less than 1 year immediately
preceding day of election
– term is 3 years
– shall not serve more than 3 consecutive terms
Party-list system
– mechanism of proportional representation in the election of representatives to
the HoR from national, regional and sectoral parties or organizations or
coalitions registered with the COMELEC
– party-list representatives shall constitute 20% of total number of
representatives in HOR
". from “personally” appearing as counsel before any court of justice or before
the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial or other administrative bodies
○ during his term of office
$. upon assumption of office, all members of the Congress must make a full
disclosure of their financial and business interests
○ notify the House concerned of a potential conflict in interest that may
arise from filing of a proposed legislation of which they are authors
○ during term
%. cannot intervene in any matter before any office of the govt
○ for his pecuniary benefit
○ where he may be called upon to act on account of his office
". incompatible office
○ may not hold any other office or employment in the Government, during
his term without forfeiting his seat
○ except: if holds the other office in ex-officio capacity
$. forbidden office
○ cannot be appointed to any office which have been created, or the
emoluments thereof increased during the term for which he was elected
◆ allowed only after term, or upon re-election
○ even if he is willing to forfeit his seat, he may not be appointed
Voting majorities
– majority of Congress
". elect the Senate President or House of Representatives Speaker
$. Commission on Appointments ruling
%. passing a law granting any tax exemption
&. election of officers
– other than majority
". to suspend or expel a member in accordance with its rules and
proceedings: 2/3 of all its members
$. to enter the Yeas and Nays in the Journal: 1/5 of members present
%. to declare the existence of a state of war: 2/3 of both houses in joint
session voting separately
– a political question
– each house may punish its members for disorderly behavior
– may suspend (not more than 60 days) or expel a member
○ with concurrence of 2/3 of all its members
– may also be suspended by the Sandiganbayan or by the Office of the
○ suspension prescribed under RA 3019 (this is mandatory)
○ not a penalty but a preliminary preventive measure
○ precautionary measure to prevent the accused public officer from
frustrating his prosecution
○ incidental to the criminal proceedings before the court
". proposals and suggestions will come from the President, government
agencies, private individuals, interest groups and legislators
$. a bill will be filed with Secretary General of either House (HB) or Senate (SB)
%. first reading
○ reading of the title/author
○ referral to appropriate committee
○ committee will study and recommend
○ if favorable, a report will be submitted through Committee of Rules
◆ if unfavorable, Bill is laid on the table
◆ author shall be informed
○ Committee on rules will include the Bill in the calendar of business
&. second reading
○ sponsorship
○ period of debate
○ period of amendments
○ after these 3, there shall be a voting
○ if favorable, calendar for third reading
◆ if unfavorable, transmit to archives
'. third reading
○ distribution of Bill in final form
○ roll call vote
○ if approved, transmittal for action to the other house
◆ if disapproved, transmit to archives
(. the other house shall go through step #3-5
o. in case of conflicting provisions, a Bicameral Conference Committee is
constituted to reconcile differences
s. ratification of conference committee report
○ bill shall be printed in engrossed form
t. enrolment of Bill
"u. transmitted for presidential action, may either
○ approve
◆ shall take effect 15 days after publication in OG or in at least 2
national newspapers of general circulation
○ veto
◆ bill shall be returned to originating house with explanation
– house may accept the veto, or
– override veto by 2/3 votes of both houses
◆ shall take effect after publication
○ no action
◆ 30 days after receipt, Bill lapses into law
◆ shall take effect after publication
". Electoral Tribunal
○ sole judge of all contests relating to the election, returns, and
qualifications of their respective members
◆ only after the winning candidate have beed duly proclaimed, taken
oath, assumed functions of office
○ pass upon qualifications of party-list nominees after proclamation and
assumption of office
○ rule-making power
$. Commission on Appointments
○ confirms or rejects appointments made by the President, to wit:
◆ heads of the Executive departments
– Vice-President who is appointed to the post
◆ ambassadors, other public ministers, or consuls
◆ officers of the AFP from the rank of colonel or naval captain
◆ other officers whose appointments are vested in him by the
○ rules on appointments extended by President to the above-mentioned
while Congress is not in session
◆ only effective until disapproval by the CA or until the next adjournment
of Congress
○ rules on voting
◆ CA shall rule by a majority vote of all the members
◆ chairman shall only vote in case of tie
◆ CA shall act on all appointments within 30 session days from their
submission to Congress
– general plenary power
– specific power of appropriation
– taxation and expropriation
– legislative investigation
– question hour
Oversight functions
– all activities undertaken by Congress to enhance its understanding of and
influence over the implementation of legislation it has enacted
– scope:
". monitor bureaucratic compliance with program objectives
$. determine whether agencies are properly administered
%. eliminate executive waste and dishonesty
&. prevent executive usurpation of legislative authority
'. assess executive conformity with the congressional perception of public
– categories:
". scrutiny
◆ to determine economy and efficiency of the operation of government
◆ may request information and report from the other branches of
government and give recommendations or pass resolutions for
consideration of the agency involved through:
– Power of appropriation and budget hearing
– Question Hour
– Power of Confirmation
$. Congressional Investigation
◆ more intense digging of facts through inquiries in aid of legislation
%. Legislative Supervision
◆ connotes a continuing and informed awareness on the part of
congressional committee regarding executive operations in a given
administrative area
◆ allows Congress to scrutinize the exercise of delegated law-making
– legislative veto is unconstitutional
Informing function
– conduct legislative inquiries and investigation and its oversight power
– auxiliary power to ensure that the laws it enacts are faithfully executed
Power of impeachment
– impeachment: method by which persons holding government positions of high
authority, prestige, and dignity and with definite tenure may be removed from
office for causes closely related to their conduct as public officials
– impeachable officers:
". President
$. Vice-President
%. Members of the Supreme Court
&. Members of the Constitutional Commissions
'. Ombudsman
– grounds:
". Culpable violation of the Constitution
◆ wrongful, intentional or willful disregard or flouting of the fundamental
$. Treason
%. Bribery
&. Graft and Corruption
'. Other high crimes
(. Betrayal of public trust
◆ acts which are just short of being criminal but constitute gross
faithlessness against public trust, tyrannical abuse of power,
inexcusable negligence of duty, favoritism, and gross exercise of
discretionary powers
– steps in impeachment process:
○ initiating impeachment case
". verified complaint filed by any member of the HOR or any citizen upon
resolution of endorsement by any member of HOR
◆ If filed by at least 1/3 of all members of HOR, the same shall constitute
the Articles of Impeachment, and trial by the Senate shall forthwith
$. inclusion in the order of business within 10 session days
%. referred to the proper committee within 3 session days from inclusion
&. committee, after hearing, and by majority vote of all its members, shall
submit its report to HOR together with the corresponding resolution
'. Placing on calendar the Committee resolution within 10 days from
(. discussion on the floor of the report
o. vote of at least 1/3 of all the members of HOR shall be necessary
◆ either to affirm a favorable resolution with the Articles of
◆ override its contrary resolution
○ Trial and Decision in impeachment proceedings
". Senators take an oath or affirmation
◆ when the President shall be impeached, the Chief Justice shall
preside, otherwise the Senate President shall preside
$. a decision of conviction must be concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the
members of Senate
– when initiated? takes place by the act of filing of the impeachment complaint
and referral to the House Committee on Justice
○ one-year bar rule: another complaint may not be filed against the same
official within a 1 year
– effects of conviction in impeachment
". removal from office
$. disqualification to hold any other office under the Republic
%. party convicted shall be liable and subject to prosecution, trial and
punishment according to law
Presidential privilege
– power of President and high-level executive branch officers to withhold
certain types of information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the
– claim of the executive privilege may be valid or not depending on the ground
invoked to justify it and the context in which it is made
○ any executive issuance tending to unduly limit disclosures of information
in such investigations necessarily deprives the people of information
which, being presumed to be in aid of legislation, is presumed to be a
matter of public concern
– persons who can invoke:
". President
◆ President may not authorize subordinates to exercise such power
$. Executive Secretary, upon proper authorization from the President
◆ must state that the authority is “By order of the President”
– requirements in invoking the privilege
". there must be a formal claim of the privilege
$. claim has specific designation and description of the documents within its
scope and with the precise and certain reasons for preserving their
– kinds:
". State secret privilege: invoked by President on the ground that the
information is of such nature that its disclosure would subvert crucial
military or diplomatic objectives
$. Informerʼs privilege: privilege of the government not to disclose the
identity of persons who furnish information in violations of law to officers
charged with the enforcement of the law
%. Generic privilege for internal deliberation: attaches to intra-governmental
documents reflecting advisory opinions, recommendations and
deliberations comprising part of a process by which governmental
decisions and policies are formulated
&. Presidential communications privilege
◆ pertains to communications, documents or other materials that reflect
presidential decision-making and deliberations that the President
believes should remain confidential
◆ applies to decision-making of the President
◆ elements
– protected communication must relate to a “quintessential and
non-delegable presidential power”
– communication must be authored or “solicited and received” by a
close advisor of the President or the President himself; advisor
must be in “operational proximity” with the President
– remains a qualified privilege that may be overcome by a showing
of adequate need, such that the information sought “likely
contains important evidence” and by the unavailability of the
information elsewhere by an investigating authority
'. Deliberative process privilege
◆ includes advisory opinions, recommendations and deliberations
comprising part of a process by which government al decisions and
policies are formulated
◆ applies to decision-making of executive officials
Power of appointment
In general
– selection of an individual who is to exercise the functions of a given office
– may be made verbally but it is usually done in writing (commission)e
– executive in nature; political question
– elements in making a valid, complete, effective appointment
". authority to appoint and evidence of exercise of the authority
$. transmittal of the appointment paper signed by the President and
evidence of the transmittal
◆ there should be evidence that the President intended the appointment
paper to be issued (MRO)
%. a vacant position at the time of appointment
◆ incumbent must first be legally removed, or appointment validly
&. receipt of the appointment paper and Acceptance by the appointee who
possesses all the qualifications and none of disqualifications
◆ possession of the original appointment paper is not indispensable to
authorize an appointee to assume office
– different from a designation: imposition of additional duties on a person
already in the public service
○ only acting or temporary; no security of tenure; temporary designation
cannot exceed 1 year
Limitations on the exercise/power
". spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the 4th civil degree of
the President shall not, during his “tenure” be appointed as:
○ members of the Constitutional Commissions
○ member of the Office of Ombudsman
○ secretaries
○ undersecretaries
○ Chairmen or heads of bureaus or offices, including government-owned or
controlled corporations and their subsidiaries
$. appointments made by acting-President shall remain effective unless revoked
within 90 days from assumption of office by elected President
%. 2 months immediately before the next Presidential elections (2nd Monday of
May), and up to the end of his “term” (June 30), a President, or Acting
President shall not make appointments
○ except: temporary appointments to executive positions, when continued
vacancies will prejudice public service
Types of appointment
". appointments made by an Acting President
$. midnight appointment
– prohibitions:
◆ those made for buying votes: those appointments made within 2
months preceding the Presidential election; similar to those which are
declared election offenses in OEC
◆ those made for partisan considerations: consists of the so-called
“midnight” appointments
– only applies to presidential appointments (not to judicial appointments)
◆ except if CSC issues rules and regulations prohibiting local chief
executives from making appointments during the last days of their
– appointment ban shall be applied to appointments made before or during
such ban
%. regular Presidential Appointments, with or without the confirmation by the CA
– appts. that need prior recommendation or nomination by JBC
◆ members of the Supreme Court and all lower courts
◆ Ombudsman and his 5 deputies
– appts that requires confirmation of CA
". heads of executive departments
◆ appointment of cabinet secretaries requires confirmation (except
VP as member of cabinet)
$. ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls
%. officers of AFP from the rank of colonel or naval captain
◆ PNP of equivalent ranks and the Philippine Coast Guard is not
&. other officers of the government whose appointments are vested in
the President in the Constitution
◆ chairmen and members of the CSC, COMELEC and COA
◆ regular members of the JBC
– appointing procedure for those need CA confirmation (anytime before 4
steps, President can withdraw):
". nomination by the President
$. confirmation by the CA
%. issuance of commission
&. acceptance by the appointee
◆ for those that do not need confirmation only appointment and
&. ad-interim Appointments
– power of the President to make appointments during the recess of
– shall be effective only until disapproval by the CA or until the next
adjournment of the Congress
– permanent in nature
◆ takes effect immediately and can no longer be withdrawn by Preside
– different from appointments in acting capacity which is temporary
Emergency powers
– Congress may grant the President emergency powers subject to the following
". there is a war or other national emergency
◆ rebellion
◆ economic crisis
◆ pestilence or epidemic
◆ typhoon
◆ flood
◆ other similar catastrophe of nationwide proportions
$. grant of emergency powers must be for a limited period
%. grant of emergency powers is subject to such restrictions as Congress
may prescribe
&. emergency powers must be exercised to carry out a National policy
declared by Congress
– self-liquidating unless sooner withdrawn
Commander-in-chief powers
Calling out powers
– call the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion, or
– whenever it becomes necessary (discretionary)
○ declaration of a state of emergency gives no new power to President, nor
to the police; does not authorize warrantless arrests or control of media
○ does not require the President to declare a state of rebellion to exercise
her calling out power
– does not need any congressional authority for its exercise
– exclusively belongs to the President
Declaration of martial law and suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus; extension
– joint power of President and Congress
– guidelines in declaration of martial law
". there must be an invasion or rebellion
$. public safety requires the proclamation of martial law all over the
Philippines or any part thereof
%. duration: not more than 60 days; shall be automatically lifted unless
extended by Congress
&. duty of the President to report to Congress: within 48 hours personally or
in writing
'. authority of Congress to affirm or revoke or allow the lapse or extend the
effectivity of proclamation: by majority vote of all of its members voting
jointly (within 24 hours from proclamation)
– limitations:
". does not suspend the operation of the Constitution
$. does not supplant the functioning of the civil courts or legislative
%. does not authorize conferment of jurisdiction over civilians where civil
courts are able to function
◆ civilians cannot be tried by military courts if the civil courts are open
and functioning (Open Court Doctrine)
&. does not automatically suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
– factual determination by President reviewable by SC if attended with grave
abuse of discretion
○ actual use of AFP is not subject to judicial review
– upon initiative of the President, the Congress may extend such proclamation
or suspension for a period to be determined by the Congress
○ if the invasion or rebellion shall persist and public safety requires it
○ Congress shall vote jointly; at least majority vote of all its Members for
– Constitution does not specify the number of times that the Congress is
allowed to approve an extension of martial law or the suspension of the
Executive clemency
Nature and limitations
– pardon: an act of grace, which exempts individual on whom it is bestowed
from punishment, which the law inflicts for a crime he has committed
– discretionary
– non-delegable and must be exercised by President personally
". can be granted only after convictions by final judgment
– amnesty
$. cannot be granted in cases of civil or legislative contempt
%. cannot absolve convict of civil liability
&. cannot be granted in cases of Impeachment
'. cannot be granted for violations of Election laws without favorable
recommendations of the COMELEC
(. cannot restore public offices forfeited
Delegated powers
– see 1st handout
Residual powers
– executive power is more than the sum of specific powers so enumerated
– whatever power inherent in the government that is neither legislative nor
judicial has to be executive
– implied from the grant of executive power and which are necessary for the
President to comply with his duties under the Constitution
Veto powers
– general veto: if President disapproves a bill enacted by Congress, he should
veto the entire bill; not allowed to veto separate items of a bill
○ except: item-veto is allowed in case of appropriation, revenue, and tariff
◆ except:
". doctrine of inappropriate provisions: a provision that is constitutionally
inappropriate for an appropriation bill may be singled out for veto even
if it is not an appropriation or revenue item
$. executive impoundment: refusal of the President to spend funds
already allocated by Congress for specific purpose; failure to spend or
obligate budget authority of any type
– pocket veto: not applicable in PH; instances:
". when President fails to act on a bill
$. when reason he does not return the bill to Congress bec. it is not in
Vacancy before the beginning of the term of the President
". death, permanent disability of President-elect
– VP-elect shall become President
$. failure to elect the President
– VP shall act as President until Pres. shall have been chosen and qualified
%. no President and VP chosen and qualified / died or become permanently
– Senate President, or in case of inability, the Speaker of the House shall act
as President until a President or VP shall have been chosen and qualified
– Congress shall by law provide for the manner in which one who is to act as
President shall be selected, until a President or a Vice- President shall
have qualified, in case of death, permanent disability or inability of the
". at 10{00 A.M. of 3rd day after vacancy occurs: Congress shall convene in
accordance with its rules without need of call
$. within 7 days: Congress shall enact a law calling for a special election to elect
a President and a VP
○ held not earlier than 45 days nor later than 60 days from the time of call
○ bill calling such special election shall be deemed certified; becomes law
upon its approval on 3rd reading by Congress
%. appropriations for said special election shall be charged against any current
appropriations and shall be exempt from requirements under the Constitutition
&. convening of Congress and special election cannot be suspended or
'. no special election shall be called if vacancy occurs within 18 months before
date of next presidential elections
Judicial power
– duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights,
which are legally demandable and enforceable and to determine whether or
not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the Government
– vested in one Supreme Court and such lower courts as may be established by
Judicial review
– power of SC to determine the constitutionality of a law, treaty, ordinance,
presidential issuance, and other governmental acts
– when a law or a provision of law is null because it is inconsistent with the
Constitution, the nullity cannot be cured by reincorporation or reenactment of
the same or a similar law or provision
". actual case
– an existing case or controversy which is both ripe for resolution and
susceptible of judicial determination
– not conjectural or anticipatory
– that which seeks to resolve hypothetical or feigned constitutional
$. proper party
– one who has sustained or is in immediate danger of sustaining an injury as
a result of the act complained of; must show that:
◆ he has suffered some actual or threatened injury as a result of the
allegedly illegal conduct of the government
◆ injury is fairly traceable to the challenged action
◆ injury is likely to be redressed by a favorable action
– exception to actual injury: question is of transcendental importance
(determined by:)
◆ character of funds or other assets involved in the case
◆ presence of a clear case of disregard of a constitutional or statutory
prohibition by the public respondent agency or instrumentality of
◆ lack of any other party with a more direct and specific interest in
raising the questions being raised
%. earliest opportunity
– raise it in a pleading before a competent court that can resolve the same
– exceptions:
◆ criminal case: may be brought at any stage of the proceedings
according to discretion of the judge (trial or appeal)
◆ civil case: may be brought anytime if the resolution of the
constitutional issue is inevitable in resolving the main issue
◆ when the jurisdiction of the lower court is in question except when
there is estoppel
&. necessity of deciding constitutional questions / lis mota
– cause of the suit or action
– shows that the case cannot be resolved unless the constitutional question
raised is determined by the Court
– recommend appointees to the judiciary
○ duty to submit a list of nominees before start of the Presidentʼs mandatory
90-day period to appoint is ministerial
○ selection of candidates included in the list lies within its discretion
– may exercise such functions as the SC may assign to it
– consists of:
". Civil Service Commission
$. Commission on Elections
%. Commission on Audit
– decides any matter by majority vote of its members within 60 days from
○ choices are central to personal dignity and autonomy, are also central to
the protection given under the Fourteenth Amendment of the US
Constitution, equivalent of our Due Process Clause
– refers to the regular methods of procedure to be observed before oneʼs life,
liberty or property can be taken away from him
– purpose: serves as a restriction on actions of judicial and quasi-judicial
agencies of the government
– requisites:
". impartial court or tribunal clothed with judicial power to hear and
determine the matters before it
$. jurisdiction properly acquired over the person of the defendant and over
property which is the subject matter of the proceeding
%. opportunity to be heard
◆ either through verbal arguments in court or through submission of
&. judgment rendered upon lawful hearing and based on evidence adduced
– a day in court
– submission of pleadings and oral arguments
– notice and hearing are both essential
– opportunity to explain oneʼs side
– usually through seeking a reconsideration of the ruling or the action taken, or
appeal to a superior authority
– notice and hearing are only required when the administrative body is
exercising quasi-judicial functions
– requisites in admin law H.O.
Levels of scrutiny
". deferential review
– laws are upheld if they rationally further a legitimate governmental interest
◆ without courts seriously inquiring into the substantiality of such
interest and examining alternative means by which the objectives
could be achieved
$. intermediate review
– substantiality of the governmental interest is seriously looked into and the
availability of less restrictive alternatives is considered
%. strict scrutiny
– focus is on the presence of compelling interest, rather than substantial
governmental interest and on absence of less restrictive means for
achieving that interest
Levels of scrutiny
". Strict Scrutiny Test
– refers to the standard for determining quality and amount of governmental
interest brought to justify the regulation of fundamental freedoms
– used to test the validity of laws dealing with regulation of speech, gender,
or race as well as other fundamental rights as expansion from its earlier
applications to equal protection
– requisites:
◆ there is a compelling state interest behind the challenged policy
◆ law or regulation is narrowly tailored to achieve its result
$. Intermediate Scrutiny Test
– requisites:
◆ classification (means) must serve an important governmental
objective (ends)
◆ it is substantially related to the achievement of such objective
– example: classification based on sex
%. Rational Basis Test
– requires “only that government must not impose differences in treatment
except upon some reasonable differentiation fairly related to the object of
– demands that the classification in the statute reasonably relates to the
legislative purpose
– applied on classifications which do not affect fundamental rights
Concept of privacy
– right to be left alone
– right to be free from unwarranted exploitation of oneʼs person or from
intrusion into onesʼ private activities in such a way as to cause humiliation to a
personʼs ordinary sensibilities
Concept of a search
– procedure where law enforcement officers, upon probable cause that a crime
has been committed, search a personʼs property
– must be made in the presence of the lawful occupant to the place to be
searched or any member of his family
○ in absence, presence of 2 witnesses of sufficient age and discretion,
residing in the same locality
Warrantless searches
". visual search is made of moving vehicles at checkpoints
– requisites:
◆ establishment of checkpoint must be pronounced
◆ must be stationary, not roaming
◆ search must be limited to visual search and must not be intrusive
– exception (extensive search):
◆ if motorist is a law offender
◆ if officers will find evidence pertaining to a crime in the
$. search is an incident to a valid arrest
– officer making an arrest may take:
◆ any money or property found upon his person which was used in the
commission of the offense
◆ was the fruit thereof
◆ which might furnish the prisoner with the means of committing
violence or escaping
◆ which might be used as evidence in the trial of the case
%. search of passengers made in airports
– allowed under RA 6235; tickets issued to a passenger shall contain a
condition that his luggages are subject to search and seizure of prohibited
materials or substances
– forms part of the contract between the passenger and the air craft carrier
&. when things seized are within plain view of a searching party (Plain View
– requisites:
◆ law enforcement officer has a prior justification for an intrusion or is in
a position from which he can view a particular area
◆ discovery of the evidence in plain view is inadvertent
◆ it is immediately apparent to the officer that the item he observes may
be evidence of a crime, contraband, or subject to seizure
– where object seized was inside a closed package, the object itself
is not in plain view
'. stop and frisk
– must precede an arrest
– limited protective search of outer clothing for weapons
◆ a genuine reason must exist in light of a police officerʼs experience
and surrounding conditions to warrant the belief that the person
detained has weapons concealed
(. when there is a valid express waiver made voluntarily and intelligently
– voluntary, unequivocal, specific, intelligently given, uncontaminated by any
duress or coercion
– requisites:
◆ right to waive constitutional right against obstrusive searches exists
◆ person had knowledge, either actual or constructive, of the existence
of such right
◆ he had an actual intention to relinquish such right
o. customs search
s. exigent and emergency circumstances
Exclusionary rule
– any evidence obtained in violation of the Constitution shall be inadmissible for
any purpose in any proceeding
○ non-compliance with S.21(a) of RA 9165 will not render the drugs
inadmissible as evidence as long as:
◆ prosecution explains the reasons behind the procedural lapses
◆ the integrity and value of the seized evidence had been preserved
Types of regulation
Prior restraint and subsequent punishment
– Prior restraint refers to official governmental restrictions on the press or other
forms of expression in advance of actual publication or dissemination
○ examples of censored contents:
◆ pornography
◆ false or misleading advertisement
◆ advocacy of imminent lawless actions
◆ danger to national security
– Subsequent punishment is the imposition of the State of a punishment after
publication and dissemination
○ not absolute
○ examples:
◆ libel (cyber libel is not a new crime)
◆ obscenity (determination is a judicial function)
◆ criticism of official conduct (must be made with actual malice to
justify recovery of damages)
◆ limitation of free speech in school premises
– Basic test: whether the material appeals to prurient interests
○ based on Roth and Miller test
– not entitled to constitutional protection; exception in freedom of expression
Commercial speech
– speech or writing on behalf of a business with the intent of earning revenue or
a profit
– a speech that proposes a commercial transaction
– not accorded the same level of protection as that given to other
constitutionally guaranteed forms of expression but is nonetheless entitled to
– tests WON regulation violates free speech:
". whether the commercial speech concerns a lawful activity and is not
$. whether government interest asserted to justify the regulation is
%. whether the regulation “directly advances” that government interest
&. whether the regulation is no more extensive than necessary to serve that
National emergencies
– wave of warnings after declaration of State of National Emergency is
impermissible restraint on freedom of expression
○ NTC urged television and radio networks to “cooperate” with the
government for the duration of the state of national emergency
○ warned that NTC will not hesitate to recommend the closure of any
broadcast outfit that violates rules set out for media coverage during
times when the national security is threatened
○ imposition of standards on media or any form of prior restraint as well as
warrantless searches and seizures were declared unconstitutional
Cognate rights
Freedom of assembly
– right to peaceful assembly to petition the government for a redress of
– not subject to prior restraint
○ must be exercised in such a way as will not prejudice the public welfare
– permits as restrictions are valid if:
". it is concerned only with the time, place, and manner of assembly
$. does not vest on the licensing authority unfettered discretion in choosing
the groups which could use the public place and discriminate others
◆ permit can only be denied on the ground of clear and present danger
to public order, safety, convenience, morals or health
– permits shall not be necessary if to be held in:
". a private place
$. in a campus of a GOCC
%. in a freedom park
Freedom of association
– right to form or join unions or associations includes the right not to join, or to
– ability to strike is not essential to right of association
– right is not absolute; subject to limitations:
○ not allowed if for unlawful purposes
○ prohibition of managerial employees to join unions
○ compulsory membership in IBP
Freedom of information
– right of people to information on matters of public concern
○ includes negotiations leading to the consummation of the transaction
○ access to records, documents and papers
– does not extend to:
". privileged information
$. military and diplomatic secrets
%. information affecting national security
&. investigation of crimes for prosecution of accuseds
'. trade and industrial secrets
– requirement for publication of laws
– see 2nd H.O.
Just compensation
– see 2nd H.O.
". reenactment of a crime
– may rightfully invoke privilege
– by conduct of acting out how the crime was supposedly committed,
accused thereby practically confesses his guilt by action
$. handwriting
– does not matter whether testimony is taken by oral or written
– writing is not purely a mechanical act because it requires the application
of intelligence and attention
◆ purpose is to avoid and prohibit the repetition and recurrence of
compelling a person, in a criminal or any other case, to furnish the
missing evidence necessary for conviction
– also applies to one who is compelled to produce a private document
%. not applicable to juridical persons
Immunity statutes
". use and derivative use immunity
– witness is assured that his or her particular testimony and evidence
derived from it will not be used against him or her in a subsequent
◆ if the prosecutor acquires evidence substantiating the supposed
crime, independent of the witness's testimony, witness may then be
prosecuted for the same
$. transactional immunity
– witness can no longer be prosecuted for any offense whatsoever arising
out of the act or transaction
– blanket or total immunity
". during custodial investigation
$. as soon as the investigation ceases to be a general inquiry unto an unsolved
crime and direction is aimed upon a particular suspect
○ suspect has been taken into police custody
○ police directs interrogatory questions which tend to elicit incriminating
– applies only against testimonial compulsion
– when there is no compulsion and accused confessed voluntarily, no violation;
confession is admissible
". person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation shall at all times
be assisted by counsel
$. officer shall inform such person, in language known and understood by
him the ff:
◆ right to remain silent
◆ right to have competent and independent counsel, preferably of his
own choice
– if cannot afford the services of his own counsel, he must be
provided with one
%. custodial investigation report shall be reduced in to writing
◆ signed or thumbmarked by the person
◆ read and adequately explained to him by counsel
&. any extrajudicial confession made shall be in writing
◆ signed by accused in presence of counsel AND any of the ff chosen
by him:
– parents
– elder brothers and sisters
– spouse
– municipal mayor
– municipal judge
– district school supervisor
– priest or minister of the gospel
'. any waiver by such person under Art. 125 of RPC or custodial investigation
shall be in writing
◆ signed by accused in presence of counsel
(. such person shall be allowed visits or conferences
– what may be waived:
". right to remain silent
$. right to counsel
– requisites for a valid waiver:
". made voluntarily, knowingly and intelligently
$. in writing
%. with the presence of counsel
– purpose is to guarantee appearance of the accused at the trial, or whenever
so required by the court
– who are entitled?
". persons charged with offenses punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or
life imprisonment, when evidence of guilt is not strong
$. persons convicted by trial courts pending appeal
%. persons who are members of the AFP facing a court martial
– when starts to be available?
○ available from the very moment of arrest up to the time of conviction by
final judgment or after appeal
– prior arraignment is not a precondition to the grant of bail
○ undermines accusedʼs right not to be put on trial except upon valid
complaint or information sufficient to charge him with a crime and right to
– constitutional provisions connected to bail:
○ suspension of privilege of the writ of habeas corpus does not impair the
right to bail
○ excessive bail is not required
– bail can be granted to extradition and deportation proceedings
○ extradition entails deprivation of liberty of the extraditee
○ means employed to attain the purpose of extradition is also the machinery
of criminal law
○ while administrative, it bears all earmarks of a criminal process
○ extraditee bears the onus probandi to show that he or shee is not a flight
◆ clear and convincing evidence shall be used
– see Remedial law H.O.
Presumption of innocence
– in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the
contrary is proved
– can only be invoked by individuals
– equipoise rule: when evidence of both sides is equally balanced, constitutional
presumption of innocence should tilt the scales in favor of the accused
– few considerations:
". prosecution has the burden to prove the guilt of the accused beyond
reasonable doubt
◆ must rely on the strength of its evidence and not in the weakness or
absence of evidence of defense
◆ if prosecution fails to discharge this burden, accused deserves an
$. flight, in the absence of a credible explanation, would be a circumstance
from which an inference of guilt might be established
◆ however, non-flight may not be construed as an indication of
%. presumption that official duty was regularly performed cannot, by itself,
prevail over the constitutional presumption of innocence
Right to be heard
– person must be heard before being condemned
– based on principle of due process
Assistance of counsel
– accused is amply accorded legal assistance extended by a counsel who
commits himself to the cause of the defense and acts accordingly
○ efficient and truly decisive legal assistance
○ not simply a perfunctory representation
◆ PAO lawyer is considered as an independent counsel
– purpose is to preclude slightest coercion as would lead accused to admit
something else
– right commences from the moment the investigating officer starts to ask
questions to illicit information, confession or admission
○ not subject to waiver in:
◆ trial
◆ custodial investigation
– not necessarily required in:
○ administrative investigations
○ police line-up
Right of confrontation
– right to cross-examine the complainant and witnesses
○ witnesses must be presented during trial
○ if violated, testimony/affidavits of witness should be excluded; except
". failure to cross-examine is due to fault of accused
$. failure to cross-examine is not due to fault of prosecution
– demandable only during trial; not available in PI
Compulsory process
– right to secure the attendance of witnesses and production of evidence
– means available:
". subpoena ad testificandum and subpoena duces tecum
$. depositions and other modes of discovery
%. perpetuation of testimonies
– requisites for compelling attendance of witness:
". witness is really material
$. attendance of the witness was previously obtained
%. witness will be available at the time desired
&. no similar evidence could be obtained
– exceptions:
". dying declarations and all exceptions to the hearsay rule
$. trial in absentia
%. child testimonies
Trial in absentia
– purpose is to speed up the disposition of criminal cases
– allows accused to be absent during trial; requisites:
". accused has been validly arraigned
$. accused has been duly notified of the dates of hearing
%. failure to appear is unjustifiable
◆ one who jumps bail (escapes, flees to a foreign country) can never
offer a justifiable reason for his non-appearance
– after trial in absentia, court can render judgment by:
○ recording the judgment in the criminal docket
○ copy served upon accusedʼs counsel
○ service of notice requiring accused to be present at promulgation to:
◆ bondsmen/warden and counsel
– presence of accused in mandatory in the ff:
". arraignment and plea
$. during trial, for identification
◆ unless:
– accused has already stipulated on his identity during the pre-trial
– that he is the one who will be identified by the witnesses as
◆ court may issue summons for his arrest
%. promulgation of sentence
◆ except for light offenses
◆ absence of counsel will not affect validity
Requisites; scope
". valid complaint or information
○ does not attach if PI only
$. filed before a competent court
%. arraignment of the accused, to which he had pleaded
○ grant of MTQ may be appealed (no DJ), if MTQ is filed before accused
enters plea
&. defendant was previously acquitted or convicted, or case dismissed or
otherwise terminated without his express consent
○ conviction or acquittal of a quasi-offense bars subsequent prosecution for
the same quasi-offense, regardless of its various resulting acts
○ online libel is not new crime; still punished under RPC; RA 10175 merely
establishes computer system as another means of publication
○ instances where there is no DJ:
◆ re-taking of testimony and taking over of a new judge
◆ where withdrawal of appeal is denied by MTC, and judgment is
rendered by RTC
◆ promulgation of only one part of decision, as to another part
– identical offenses
– any attempt to commit the same or frustration thereof
– any offense which necessarily includes or is necessarily included in the
offense charged
". trial court acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
○ denial of Stateʼs right to due process
$. accused was not acquitted nor was there a valid and legal dismissal or
termination of the case
%. dismissal was during PI
&. does not apply to administrative cases
'. dismissal or termination of the case was with the express consent of the
○ not available when case is dismissed other than on the merits, or other
than by acquittal or conviction upon motion of the accused personally, or
through counsel
◆ except:
– based on insufficiency of evidence
– because of denial of accusedʼs right to speedy trial
– accused is discharged as a state witness
(. when case was provisionally dismissed
o. graver offense developed due to supervening facts arising from the same act
or omission constituting the former charge
○ Doctrine of Supervening Event
◆ accused may still be prosecuted for another offense if a subsequent
development changes the character of the first indictment under
which he may have already been charged or convicted
s. facts constituting the graver charge became known or were discovered only
after a plea was entered in the former complaint or information
t. plea of guilty to a lesser offense was made without consent of prosecutor
and of offended party
"u. accused appealed the judgment of conviction
Bills of Attainder
– legislative act that inflicts punishment without trial
– prohibited
– how to determine?
○ statute applies either to a named individuals or easily ascertainable
members of a group, in such a way as to inflict punishment on them
without a judicial trial
– kinds:
". bill of attainder proper
◆ ex. legislative imposition of the death penalty
$. bill of pains and penalties
◆ ex. imposition of a lesser penalty
– a branch of public law fixing the organization and determines the competence
of administrative authorities, and indicates the individual remedies for the
violation of the rights
". fixes administrative operation and structure of the government
$. executes or enforces that which is entrusted to administrative authorities
○ those charged with amplification, application and execution of the law
%. governs public officers and creates administrative officers
&. provides remedies to those aggrieved by these agencies
'. governs judicial review
(. includes rules, regulation, orders and decisions made by administrative
o. includes the body of judicial doctrines on any of the above
– an organ of government, other than a court and the legislature, which affects
the rights of private parties either through adjudication or rule making
○ instrumentality:
◆ any agency of the National Government, not integrated within the
department framework, vested with special functions or jurisdiction by
law, endowed with some, if not all corporate powers, administering
special funds and enjoying operational autonomy, usually through a
○ agency:
◆ any of the various units of the government, including a department,
bureau, office, instrumentality, or GOCCs, or a local government or a
distinct unit
○ department:
◆ executive department created by law
○ bureau:
◆ any principal subdivision or unit of any department
○ office:
◆ any major functional unit of a department or bureau including regional
◆ any position held or occupied by individual persons, whose functions
are defined by law or regulation
– creation and abolition is a legislative function; except if delegated by law to
President, or in his exercise of executive power
○ creation
". Constitutional provision
$. authority of law
%. legislative enactment
○ elements of abolition
". in good faith
$. not for political or personal reasons
%. not in violation of law
○ reorganization
◆ reduction of personnel, consolidation of offices, or abolition by reason
of economy or redundancy of functions
– kinds:
". for offers gratuity, grant, or special privilege
◆ ex. GSIS, SSS, PAO
$. to carry on certain functions of government
◆ ex. BIR, BOC, BOI
%. for performance of business service for the public
&. for regulation of businesses imbued with public interest
◆ ex. Insurance Commission, LTFRB, NTC
'. for regulation of private businesses and individuals by virtue of police
◆ ex. SEC, MTRCB
(. for adjustment of individual controversies due to strong social policy
◆ ex. NLRC, ECC, SEC
o. to make government a private party
◆ ex. GSIS
Rule-making power
– exercise of delegated legislative power, involving no discretion as to what the
law shall be, but merely the authority to fix the details in the execution or
enforcement of a policy set out in the law itself
○ doctrine of subordinate legislation: power of administrative agency to
promulgate rules and regulations on matters within their own
– administrative legislation must not override, but remain consistent with the law
they seek to apply and implement
Adjudicatory power
– power of administrative authorities to make determinations of facts in the
performance of their official duties and to apply the law as they construe it to
the facts so found
– judicial in nature
– limited to the powers specifically granted to the body
Administrative due process
– summary in nature
– technical rules of procedure and evidence are not controlling
– requisites (Ang Tibay vs CIR)
". right to a hearing
◆ includes right to present oneʼs case and submit evidence in support
$. tribunal must consider the evidence presented
%. decision must be supported by evidence
&. evidence must be substantial
'. decision must be based on the evidence adduced at the hearing or at
least contained in the record, and disclosed to the parties
(. tribunal or body or any of its judges must act on its own independent
consideration of the law and facts of the controversy in arriving at a
o. board or body should render decision in such a manner that parties can
know the various issues involved and the reasons for the decision
– non-observance of notice and hearing will invalidate the proceedings
○ may be remedied by an order of a subsequent hearing
– does not necessary require the assistance of counsel
– administrative decisions do not form part of the legal system
– power to inspect, secure, or require disclosure of information by means of
accounts, records, reports, statements and testimony of witnesses
○ issuance of subpoena
○ power to cite in contempt
◆ if no express power; invoke the aid of the RTC
– only if expressly allowed by law
– must be in connection with matters they are authorized to investigate
– cannot issue warrants of arrest
○ BID may issue arrest of persons ordered to be deported
– power to grant, deny, suspend, or revoke, a license, permit, franchise, or
certificate of public convenience and necessity
○ license: whole or any part of any agencyʼs permit, certificate, passport,
clearance, approval, registration, charter, membership, statutory
exemption or other form of permission, or regulation of the exercise of a
right or privilege
– must be with notice and hearing
– power delegated by the legislature to administrative agencies for the latter to
fix the rates which public utility companies may charge the public
○ legislature may directly provide for these rates, wages, or prices
○ must be reasonable and just and non-confiscatory
○ established in the manner prescribed by legislature
○ cannot be re-delegated
– may be performed either through its:
○ rule-making power
◆ applies to all enterprises
○ adjudicatory power
◆ applies exclusively to a particular party
– no rate-fixing rule or final order shall be valid unless the proposed rates shall
have been published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 2 weeks
before the 1st hearing
– re-examination or determination by courts in an appropriate case instituted by
a party aggrieved as to whether the questioned act, rule, or decision has been
validly or invalidly issued, or whether the same should be nullified, affirmed or
– doctrine of ripeness for review:
○ similar to exhaustion of administrative remedies except that it applies to
the rule-making power and to administrative action which is embodied
neither in rules and regulations nor in adjudication or final order
– limitations:
". final and executory decisions cannot be made the subject of judicial
$. acts involving a political question are beyond judicial review
◆ exception: when there is an allegation of grave abuse of discretion
%. courts are bound by the findings of fact of an administrative agency
– which court? Court of Appeals, Rule 43
Concept; distinguished from Government-Owned or Controlled
– one created by the State, either by general or special act for purposes of
administration of local government, or rendering service for the public interest
○ test: determine its relationship to State
– private corporations that render public service, supply public wants, or pursue
other eleemosynary objectives
– while organized for gain or benefit of its members, they are required by law to
discharge functions for the public benefit
– a specie of private corporation, but the qualifying factor is the type of service
the former renders to the public
○ if a private corporation performs a public service, then it becomes a
quasi-public corporation
Municipal corporations
– political and corporate body constituted by the incorporation of inhabitants for
the purpose of local government
– established by law, partly as an agency of the State to assist in the civil
government of the country, but chiefly to regulate and administer the local or
internal affairs of the city, town or district which is incorporated
". legal creation or incorporation
○ law creating or authorizing the creation or incoporation
$. corporate name
○ Sangguniang Panlalawigan may, in consultation with the Philippine
Historical Commission, change the name of component cities and
○ must be upon recommendation of the sanggunian concerned
○ must be ratified in a plebiscite in the political unit directly affected
%. inhabitants
&. territory
Eminent domain
– see discussion in other H.O.
Taxing power
– power of LGUs to tax is pursuant to the Constitution
– subject to limitations provided under the LGC
– taxes shall be uniform in each LGUs
– local fiscal autonomy
○ LGUs have the power to create their own sources of revenue
○ LGUs have equitable share in the national taxes released by the national
◆ automatic release as mandated by the Constitution
– shall be made within 5 days after every quarter of the year
– shall not be subject to any lien or holdback that may be imposed
by the national government for whatever purpose
◆ a “no report, no release” policy may not be validly enforced against
offices vested with fiscal autonomy
○ power to allocate their resources in accordance with their own priorities;
extends to preparation of budgets
– main sources of revenues:
". taxes, fees, and charges
$. Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)
◆ just share in the national taxes (40% local and 60% national)
◆ share cannot be reduced
– exception: there is unmanageable public sector deficit
%. equitable share in the proceeds of the utilization and development of the
national wealth within their areas
◆ law is needed to implement this provision
– requisites of valid tax ordinance
". tax is for a public purpose
$. rule on uniformity of taxation is observed
%. either the person or property taxed is within the jurisdiction of the
government levying the tax
&. in the assessment and collection of certain kinds of taxes, notice and
opportunity for hearing are provided
'. publication of the tax ordinance, within 10 days after their approval, for 3
consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation
◆ in provinces, cities, municipalities where there are no newspapers of
local circulation, it may be posted in at least 2 conspicuous, publicly
accessible places
○ SOJ has jurisdiction to determine legality and constitutionality of tax
ordinance or revenue measures
Legislative power
– every power to pass ordinances given to a municipality, there is an implied
restriction that the ordinances shall be consistent with the general law
– exercised by the sanggunian in case of LGUs
○ they have no contempt and subpoena powers
– ordinance
○ a rule of conduct or of action, laid down by the municipal authorities that
must be obeyed by the citizens
○ may be vetoed by the local chief execution on the ground that it is
prejudicial to public welfare
– resolution
○ merely a declaration of the sentiment or opinion of a lawmaking body on a
specific matter
Requisites for valid ordinance
". must not contravene the constitution and any statute
$. must not be unfair or oppressive
%. must not be partial or discriminatory
&. must not prohibit, but may regulate trade
'. must not be unreasonable
(. must be general in application and consistent with public policy
Corporate powers
". to have continuous succession in its corporate name
$. to sue and be sued
○ who will represent
◆ city legal officer for cities
◆ provincial fiscal for province (mandatory)
◆ municipal attorney for municipalities (mandatory)
○ who will initiate
◆ local chief executive, upon authority of the Sanggunian
◆ or sanggunian themselves
○ municipality, as an agency of the State engaged in governmental
functions, is immune from suit
◆ not liable for torts committed by agents
◆ liable if municipality is acting in a proprietary capacity
○ funds and properties of LGUs cannot be subject to writs of execution and
◆ exception: there is already an allocation for satisfaction of monetary
%. to have and use a corporate seal
○ any new corporate seal or changes on such shall be registered with the
&. to a acquire and convey real or personal property
○ only properties owned in its private or proprietary capacity may be
○ all others, it is held in trust for the State for the benefit of its inhabitants
'. to enter into contracts
○ requisites:
". LGU has the express, implied or inherent power to enter into particular
$. entered into by the proper department board, committee, officer or
◆ no contract may be entered into by the local chief executive
without prior authorization by the sanggunian
%. must comply with certain substantive requirements:
◆ actual appropriation
◆ certificate of availability of funds
&. must comply with the formal requirements of written contracts
'. posted at a conspicuous place in the provincial capitol or the city,
municipal or barangay hall
(. to exercise such other powers as granted to corporations
Philippine nationality
◆ primary test
$. grandfather rule
◆ applies only when the 60-40 Filipino-foreign ownership is in doubt or
where there is reason to believe that there is non-compliance with the
provisions of the Constitution
◆ percentage of Filipino equity in a corporation is computed, in cases
where corporate shareholders are present, by attributing the
nationality of the second or even subsequent tier of ownership
– service contracts
○ entered into only with respect to minerals, petroleum, and other mineral
○ crafted in accordance with a general law setting standard of uniform
terms, conditions and requirements
○ President shall be the signatory for the government
○ President shall report the executed agreement to Congress within 30 days
– public international law
○ body of legal principles, norms and processes which regulates the
relations of States and other international persons and governs their
conduct affecting the interest of the international community as a whole
○ grand divisions:
". Laws of Peace: govern normal relations between States in the absence
of war
$. Laws of War: govern relations between hostile or belligerent states
during wartime
%. Laws of Neutrality: govern relations between a non-participant State
and a participant State during wartime or among non-participating
– private international law / conflict of laws
○ that part of law which comes into play when the issue before the court
affects some fact, event or transaction that is so clearly connected with a
foreign system of law as to necessitate recourse to that system
– obligation erga omnes
○ an obligation of every State towards the international community as a
○ all states have a legal interest in its compliance, and thus all States are
entitled to invoke responsibility for breach of such an obligation
○ examples: outlawing of acts of aggression and genocide, basic human
rights, protection from slavery and racial discrimination
– jus cogens (peremptory norm of general international law)
○ literally means compelling law
○ a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of States
as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which