Pharminfo - Midterm
Pharminfo - Midterm
Pharminfo - Midterm
THE SIX STAGES OF ISP MODEL ● Is when interaction between the user and the
information system functions most effectively
and efficiently.
FEELING: Confidence increases as uncertainty
● Lack of knowledge/understanding subsides
3. Redundancy Corollary
THE ISP The interplay of seeking what is expected or redundant
and encountering what is unexpected or unique results
The formulation of a focus or personal perspective is in an underlying tension of the ISP. Redundant
a pivotal point in the ISP. Focus formulation calls for information fits into what the user already knows and is
reflective thinking about the information encountered in readily recognized as being relevant or not. Unique
the exploration stage of the ISP that provides a information is new and extends knowledge and does
direction for the completion of the search. A focus is a not match the person’s constructs requiring
guiding idea to concentrate on to complete the search reconstruction to be recognized as useful. Too much
and accomplish the task. People often find the period redundant information leads to boredom, whereas too
preceding formulation of a focus the most difficult much unique information causes anxiety. The lack of
phase in the search process. Exploration is a difficult redundancy in the early stages of the ISP may be an
stage because uncertainty commonly increases, rather underlying cause of anxiety related to uncertainty.
than gradually decreases, during this time. Uncertainty may decrease as redundancy increases.
4. Mood Corollary
Peoples can experience anxiety and frustration as
they encounter information from many different Mood, a stance or attitude that the person assumes,
perspectives, much of which may not be compatible opens or closes the range of possibilities in a search.
with their specific constructs and personal knowledge. An invitational mood leads to expansive, exploratory
The connection between feelings and formulating is actions, whereas an indicative mood fosters conclusive
evident from the rise in confidence that parallels actions that lead to closure. The person’s mood is
increased clarity as formulation unfolds. Formulation, likely to shift during the ISP. An invitational mood may
the central task in the ISP, is frequently misunderstood be helpful in the early stages and an indicative mood in
when the search process is thought of as merely a the later stages. A person in an invitational mood
process of collection not a construction activity. would tend to take more expansive, exploratory
actions, while a user in an indicative mood prefers
conclusive actions that lead to closure.
5. Prediction Corollary
● secure storage cabinets typically located
The ISP is a series of personal choices based on the decentrally on patient care units capable of
person’s predictions of what will happen if a particular handling most unit-dose and some bulk
action is taken. People make predictions derived from (multiple-dose) medications due to storage
constructs built on past experience about what limitation.
sources, information and strategies will be relevant and CAROUSEL AUTOMATION
effective. These predictions lead to the choices they
● a medication storage cabinet with rotating
make in the stages of the ISP. People develop
expectations and make predictions about the sources shelves used to automate dispensing.
used or not used, the sequence of source use, and the CENTRALIZED ROBOTIC DISPENSING
information selected from the sources as relevant or SYSTEM
irrelevant. Relevance is not absolute or constant but
varies considerably from person to person. ● centrally located devices designed to automate
the entire process of medication dispensing
6. Interest Corollary including medication storage, distribution,
restocking, and crediting of unit dose
Interest increases as the exploratory inquiry leads to medications.
formulation in the ISP. Motivation and intellectual
engagement intensify along with construction. MEDICATION ERROR
Personal interest may be expected to increase as
uncertainty decreases. The person’s interest and ● any preventable event that may cause or lead
motivation grows as the search progresses. Interest is to inappropriate medication.
higher in later stages after the person has formed a
focus and has enough understanding of the topic to SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT
become intellectually engaged.
● the management of pharmaceutical
order-to-pay process including management of
inventory and distribution of supplies
throughout the medication use process.
● Where 25 to 50 pockets are open which gives BAR-CODING AT THE POINT OF CARE (BPOC)
the nurse access to multiple medications.
● a process in which the patient and various
patient therapies are documented with a bar
code scanner at bedside.
● Latest cabinets are controlled by virtual
consoles ● an electronic device similar to a scanner that
● Provides access to the system from any analyzes an image, including linear and two -
computer as long as it is connected to the dimensional bar codes, and digitally converts
internet. its data.
Improved customization of inventory cabinets makes it LINEAR SYMBOLOGY
possible to place larger and more diverse products on
the floor in a safe and secure fashion. ● one dimensional bar code consisting of vertical
lines and spaces.
● Placement of barcodes
● Size of bar codes of wristbands
● Comfort to staff scanning.