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Unit 12 Health and Socail Care

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Unit 12 Additional needs


In this report I will be talking about two individuals, Rebecca and Ben, who suffer from many
conditions and diseases. I will be discussing the effect that occur on an individual. I will be also
talking about how these daises can be cure or specialised by many experienced professionals firstly I
will be briefly introducing the two-case study.

Case study 1: is introducing Rebeca brown which is 8 year of age and is on a wheelchair because of a
road traffic accident when she was 5 years of age. This affected her in a negative way as she
sustained a fracture spine meaning she has no movement below her cervical spine. Which require
Rebecca to have a physiotherapist which help to bring back movement and functions of joint
muscles when an individual is server injured. However, Rebeca lives in a small apartment which is
not wheelchair friendly and live also with her parents sue David and her older sibling Michael who is
12 years of age.so Rebeca well feels claustrophobic due to the small space she will not be able to
move around a lot.

And case study 1: also introduces ben brace who is fifty-two years of age that suffers with down
syndrome and type 2 diabetes these are major conditions ben suffers with and would need many
specific helps such as a language and speech therapist, detrition special which will help ben Control
his diet and help him make healthier life choices'. Ben also has a learning age of 8 and this will cause
him to have support with all aspect of daily living. Ben also lives with a group of individuals who also
have learning difficulties and require additional support.

P1: explain the diagnostic procedures to determine additional need for one child one adults with
different additional needs:

There is a range of diagnostic procedures to help determine additional needs in the health and social
care setting. There are mild, moderate, severe, and profound disabilities. These procedures are
especially important as they inform specialists about the individual’s condition and its level of

Mild learning disability is when an individual can hold a conversation and communicate most of their
needs. Individuals with a mild disability may require some support when trying to understand
complex information however they can complete everyday tasks. A moderate learning disability
states that individuals may show a delay in the development of their speech and motor skills. An
example of a moderate disability are individuals who struggle with reading, writing and
concentration. A severe and profound learning disability is when an individual is finding daily living
activities such as cooking and cleaning difficult to accomplish, they may have basic language skill to
explain themselves. Individuals with a severe and profound disability may involve someone who has
a chronic disability, mental or physical impairment. An example of a severe and profound disability is
autism and cerebral palsy.

There are diagnostic procedures or even tools which are used, and these are to determine what type
of disability an individual may have. A diagnosis is a condition, disease or injury from its sign and
symptoms by physical examination and blood tests which can be used to help make a diagnosis. A
diagnosis is usually carried out by a medical professional who interviews the patient and asks about
their history of symptoms to identify what the problem is.
The examples used to diagnose a disability are Dyslexia, ADHD, and Dyspraxia. Dyslexia is a learning
difficulty that affects the skills involved in fluent word reading and spelling. Dyslexia can be genetic
or acquired from an injury or disease. Dyslexia is a lifelong problem that can present challenges daily
however, support can be put in place to support individual’s battle with the difficulties of living with
dyslexia. There are many symptoms of dyslexia such as reading and writing slowly, confusing the
order of letters in words, being confused with letters that look similar, having difficulty with written
information and struggling with planning and organisation. An individual with dyslexia is most likely
to be unable to understand the process of graphic imagery. However, dyslexia are a
neurodevelopment condition which alters when an individual has problems with writing, reading,
and spelling. However, individuals are no less intelligent as they can still process complex
information. A dyslexic individual might also find it difficult to cope with daily living activities as they
do find it a struggle to be organized in life.an individual that is coping with this condition might also
find it difficult to cope with written work either in their education or at work which can take a toll on
their emotional development as this can cause them to have low self-esteem and a lack of
confidence. There are many ways to support individuals that are dyslexic for example there is an
early diagnosis and early strategies which can make them cope with their daily lives, the British
Dyslexia Association provide support for dyslexic individuals. To diagnose people for this, you may
contact a local or national dyslexia association for advice, if the person is a child, you may contact an
educational psychologist or a voluntary organisation. You can also request an assessment to test
reading and writing abilities, memory, language development, vocabulary, and approaches to
learning to see if you are dyslexic, this is usually carried out by a medical professional or local
authority educational psychologist in settings such as hospitals and gp’s. (NHS, 2022).

Secondly, I will be looking at ADHD which stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This a
moderate disability when an individual finds it difficult to concentrate and maintain an extended
period of focus on something that might have been interesting to them, their ADHD condition
prevents them from keeping focus. Moreover, the symptoms of this condition are usually diagnosed
between the ages of three and six years as children with ADHD tend to show chaotic behaviour.
ADHD affects people’s behaviour, individuals can seem to appear restless, act on impulse and have
trouble concentrating. And these individuals will also have elevated levels of tempers and energy
levels which make the child very hyper and less concentrated on their daily life activities. The signs of
ADHD are inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. People with ADHD have a noticeably
short attention span, make continuous mistakes, unable to listen or carry out instructions, are
forgetful and misplace things, excessive talking, acting without thinking, constant fidgeting, they are
unable to sit still and tend to interrupt conversations. However, there are no simple diagnostic test
for ADHD and specialists that support people with ADHD are general practitioners, child or adult
psychiatrist, paediatrician, and a qualified healthcare professional with expertise in ADHD. To
diagnose people with ADHD the GP (Graham Pennington) will ask about your symptoms, when the
symptoms started, how they affect your day-to-day activities and if there is a family history of ADHD.
People are then referred to assessments which can involve a physical examination, interviews, and
reports. However, for children should have a numerous of strict criteria for formally diagnosing a
child who might have six or more of these symptoms before the child has reached the age of 12.
These symptoms must have also lasted for more than six months, most have been noticed in more
than one setting and an example of this could be at home or school. This is to ensure that symptoms
are not just a reaction to a particular individual in a setting (NHS, 2021)

Dyspraxia is a motor skill disorder which affects a certain individual ability to do many types of
physical activities such as riding a bike and playing games, and this can also affect their long-term
stage as they will not be able to drive a car or perform a certain skill that is needed to have to work.
Dyspraxia will also affect an individual memory to decline or stop processing. what causes dyspraxia
is known that these conditions interrupt signals from the brain to the body. Dyspraxia does not
affect the individual’s intelligence. The symptoms of dyspraxia can affect your co-ordination,
balance, and movement, it can affect your daily living skills such as preparing meals, it can affect how
an individual remembers information, how they deal with emotions and how to function in social
situations. To diagnose you for this you may see a GP who would refer you to a physiotherapist or
occupational therapist for assessments to test your movement. These healthcare specialists may
provide the individual with two types of therapy; occupational therapy and cognitive behavioural
therapy. These can be carried out in settings such as hospitals and GP surgeries. But the gp will be
the first to see these individuals with dyspraxia and their first sign after that they will then be
referred to a specialist paediatric for assessment or a paediatric occupation therapist for regular
check-up and diagnosis test. or other specialist may be involved such as a neurodevelopment
paediatric which specialise in the nervous system. (NHS, 2020)

The standard of practice is given in the children and families act (2014) which states the condition
given by a set of coalition government and the local health authorities that care providers must
follow to ensure that service users are safe and protected from any harm or danger that occurs in
the setting. The children and families act (2014) protects vulnerable children or those who are at
risk. however, the new SEND code of practice which came into effect on September the 1 (2014).
This is also a statuary guidance for many organisations who work with young adults and children
with special need and disabilities. This ensures that children and young adult have a fair education
which regulates to their learning disabilities.

The organisations that are involved in this is the foundation for people with learning disability this
organisation work with people and their families to ensure they can use effective service. This
organisation also pays a fuller part in the community and society which would be beneficial to ben
and Rebeca as they can ensure that both individual are receiving the best care possible such as
providing Rebeca and her family with extra help which is receiving the professional care such as an
occupational therapist, physio therapist which can come and make regular check up on her and see
where she's has improved from as her accident was server where she sustained a fractured spine in
the accident which means she has a negative outcome on her cervical spine as she cannot be able to
move much due to her accident. And for ben as he lives with other people, he could use that help
and be provided with a speech and language therapist, nutrition to help with his diet.

The next organisation is the national autistic society which is the leading charities for autistics
individuals and their families. This organisation can really help Ben as he has down syndrome and he
can be supported by this organisation as they will provide him with a specialist such as a speech and
language therapist which can help him improve his speaking and communication skills as he does
also have a learning age of 8 so this will be hard as his cognitive thinking is just adapting by this age
and is understanding the world the way he sees it.

The royal Mencap society is a charity base working with learning disability; helps individual live
independent and this will benefit Rebeca as she is disabled and is a wheelchair user so she will really
benefit from this as this will help her be more independent in her life. But to ensure this she will
need the services adapt facility that will make a positive change in her movement in her one floor
apartment and this adaptation could be adapted such as making the door wider, making the kitchen
cabinet lower so it will be easier to move across her space.

The epilepsy society; this is the leading epilepsy medical charity which supports all people that go
through this condition that is common in individuals as seizures affects the brain and caused by a
genetic person structed of their brain. And this is a burst of electrical activities that has a short term
affects which cause the brain to work slower. And seizer also causes a wide range of symptoms such
as uncountable shaking fits, becoming stiff and collapsing. This leads to many problems occurring on
an individual such as brain decline and phycological symptoms such as anxiety, fear because of these
seizures. overall, this service help individuals overcome their issues as this service will empower
them to become resilient inderviduals.by creating educational and fun activities about this condition.

The British dyslexia associate: this organisation helps with individuals who have a learning disability
that primary affected skill that are living. And dyslexia is also about how an individual read and
writes which causes them to have problems on recalling information this condition can also cause to
have an enormous impact on organisation skill.so they acknowledge the visual and auditory
processing this difficulties that these individuals are experiencing.

The stroke association: this service ensures that individuals who have a stroke are supported with
the right help that they need. Such as funds support, campaign, this is a group that offers certain
support that deals with stroke survives and help them build friendship, family, carers .and this
service ensure that many of these individuals who have been through this tragic experience are
learnt about it as this will give them a bust of confidence.

Definition: paraplegic is a specialist who help any individual who is suffering with moving their lower
parts of their body and which are the areas of your body which are impaired to mobilise, and which
usually include their toes, feet or lags and may not include the abdomedy.

The specialist who works together in this social service, medical or teaching should be qualified at
degree level, and they must take further study to specialise in that area of care. These are known as
specialist for example a paraplegic which would take care of moving the lower part of your body and
this could help Rebecca as she would be more skilled in her mobility and move around easier around
her apartment and public. Rebecca will be satisfied with herself as she will see her improvement
evoking. Furthermore, to become a paraplegic you will need to have this qualification an approved
degree in paramedic science and with an apprenticeship degree you will then need to apply to an
ambulance service as a qualified paramedic and register with the health and care profession council.

To be a paramedic it will take at an average of three to four years whiles working full time and it also
includes a mixture of theory and practice work which includes placement at an ambulance service
you will have to do this to ensure that you have the best skill possible to become the best paraplegic.

However, the entry requirement for an undergraduate is:

. Two or three a level including a science along with five GCSE (9-4)

. Including English language GCSE maths and science

. A reverent NVQ

. A science or health-based access course

. Equivalent Scottish or Irish qualification

In ben case he is suffering from type 2 diabetes however he also suffers from Down syndrome. The
cause of this is due to his bad diet as he has a bag of sweet under his pillow that he constantly eats
every day. And he is always in his room which could be the other reason on why he was led to have
diabetes and this would have a negative effect on him physically such as having kidney problems and
cardiovascular diseases as diabetes increase heart issues which can include coronary artery disease
with chest pain such as heart attacks, narrowing of artery. However, diabetes would get diagnose
with the average age of 11 and up. And to get diagnose you will need to first go to the GP as they will
check your urine and arrange a blood test to check your blood sugar levels and if your test comes
out positive of having diabetes then the gp will provide you with information to reduce the disease
from increasing. And on what to take such as medicine, insulin.

Moreover with down syndrome the average age a person will get diagnosed is at birth or shortly
thereafter but you can see if your child will have down syndrome when a child is in the belly
between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy however if you would want to see a better result from these
conditions then further test will permit you to ensure that you can discover a certain possible if your
youngest will have down conditions' could take a more specialties such as chorionic villus sampling
which stands for (CVS) this is when you are eliminating and testing a little example of cells from a
small placenta which is the organ that connects to the mother blood supply with an unborn child
which is generally offered when there is a negative possible chance of danger that your child could
be suffering from the inheritance such as hereditary or chromosomal conditions which could be the
reality of the screening test which shows how your last pregnancy was might be influenced by a
hereditary conditions or your family has a background which is formed by the condition hereditary.
down syndromes are also an effecting disease mentally as it can cause you to have heart defect and
a blood disorder that can include leukaemia which is (cancer of the blood) and this can also cause
you to have immune system.

Children will also tend to have a mild to moderate intellectual disability which cause many issues like
have an attention spam, mood outburst, expressive communication. A midwife or obstetrician can
also talk to you more in depth on the condition. But a doctor will further examine your child for the
physical sign of the condition .has been so ben will suffer from this as he does have a learning age of
8 which cause him to have this negative effect, and this would be hard for the care supervises that
take care of him as ben would not be able to control himself and his emotion that occurs.

that why ben need to have a set routine on his exercise. This could be a walk around the campus he
lives at or a local gym as ben does not like going out due to the low self-confidence that he has been
faced by his appearance and to reduce this from happening ben could get a therapist to speak to.
And ben could also have a specialist education teacher to help with his delayed brain development
which could help him really get better building his ability to solve,

Furthermore, in Rebeca case she is suffering from a fractured spine which cause her to have
difficulties in walking and requires her to uses a wheelchair around her small apartment. Living in a
small apartment could be difficult for her as she lives with her mom, dad, and brother. And has not
enough space been able to move about. Rebeca fracturing her spine could lead be highly dangers for
her as it affects your brain causing saviour dizziness and headache because of the pinched nerve in
your brain this also affects your neck as you sometime will not be able to move. She also assists a
learning need teacher.

M1: asses the requirement of one child and one adult with different additional needs

As Rebeca is 8 years old and in her childhood stage which may cause a numerous of formative
achievement. that typically individual who are younger are most likely to gather foster an
assortment of changes .and an example of this could be prerequisites which might be near
adolescent stage as she will begging her feminine cycle. Additionally, Rebeca social prerequisites
might mean that she is more likely to have more freedom from her gradience.as considering that her
future is more on the spot which really makes us focus on her companionship. And how she needs to
enjoy and acknowledge by her companions. However, Rebecca may in addition have enthuastic
prerequisite and an example of this could be Rebecca creating quick advancement of her cognitive
development. Learning better approaches to portraying encounters, discussing her thought, and

Moreover, Rebecca having the ability of confidence then she will require a great opportunity of help,
and this will imply for her because of the car incident which caused her lower spinal cord, and this
will require Rebecca to have a wheelchair. And from her being in the wheelchair she will need a
colossal measured of help and this could imply her needing a higher up condo which is little and is
not wheelchair amicable. And this would adversely influence Rebecca as it essential that she will
have the ability to move about easier.

Which overall implies that Rebecca must live in a reasonable condo. Which might mean be classed as
formative achievement as she might be considering when she grows up and has lodging adornments'
an example of this might be Rebecca requiring a slop introduced extended entryway outlines. And
an expulsion of doorsteps which would really help Rebecca as she is in a wheelchair, and this would
help her access leaving her home easier. And a lower peephole so it would be easier for her to see
who is at her door, and this will be necessary for her if there was an emergency to happen this will
also be easier for her. And this will empower her as it ensures her to get around her apartment
quicker, effectively. Especially when she is trying to get to a dominant part of better place. This will
likewise permit her to do daily activities such as exercising without struggling.

Rebecca will also need a proficient support, which could be from a physiotherapist this is a specialist
which qualified to treat individuals' weather they are injured, infected or deformation from any
physical strategies such as back rub, heat treatment and exercise. And this will ensure Rebecca get
the best treatment possible which would leave her to have a positive experience on her treatment
and results. And this will also make her more grounded on improving her physical strength.

She will also need an alignment specialist which would help her spinal problem as they are
experienced in the spine. And these specialists utilize their hands to in order to help with issues like
bones, muscles, joints. She needs this to ensure that Rebecca fosters both gross and fine engine

However, ben is in his adulthood stage which means he may foster numerous changes which is
called formative achievement. And this is when ben can develop many skills. But like ben numerous
individuals in their adulthood stage tend to develop, gain the ability to evoke and mature in their
current life stage. Such as connecting to major ability to live freely. However, care group may also be
associable to ben as it has a great, positive impact for example individuals in comparable
circumstances. Which would have a positive effect on him psychologically by allowing him to meet
on a week premises to mingle. They also offer a vocation administration which is an act of giving
treatment such as providing him with the right medication. Overall, this would make him become
more autonomous and raise his confidence.

Ben also suffers with Down syndrome and type 2 diabetes which will need him to get the right
source of support, and these could be genuinely, mentally, sincerely, and socially. And this will imply
that ben get the right care, support with his everyday exercises which will have a positive impact
long term.

Cognitive learning;
In this section I will be looking at cognitive and learning needs this is when their gaps between your
knowledge of understanding and skill and the capability that are required for you have to be able to
perform certain task given .for example ben might not have this capability as he has the learning age
of 8 and would find it difficult to catch up on certain task that he might find difficult to perform.

There are many examples of learning needs. Buts the first one that I will be briefly talking about is
dyslexia this is a condition which affect your skill involved in Accruent and fluently word reading and
spelling. The effect of this condition is reading and writing skill are slower than others and confusing
the order of letter of words. These can really slow down an individual's learning capacity.

Moreover, the autism spectrum syndrome (ASD) this condition is a developmental disability which is
caused by differences in the brain which causes them to have a negative reaction to social
interaction and repetitive behaviour. The ASD has many types of condition that relate to this and an
example of this is:

ASPERGER SYNTOMPS: this is a lifelong condition that affect how an individual relates to and make
sense of the world an example of this is when you meet a certain individual and interpret, respond
to their facial expressions tone of voice and body language. But most time you can tell what that
person mood is weather their happy, sad, angry. But an individual with aspergean syndrome will
usually find it difficult to understand these signals and will find it more difficult to communicate and
interpret with other individuals.

PERVAISE DEVELOPMENT DISORDER (PDD, NOS) this disorder affects the development of an
individual's communication and social skills. Which are important as these are key skill you need to
ensure that you can interact and socialise with in this society. These symptoms of this diseases are
similar to the autistic and Asperger symptoms but do not meet these exactly. However, some
children show other noticeable symptoms that are not associated with this type of disease and a
hence of spectrum of symptoms which is associated with a child. furthermore, symptoms of PDDNOS

. problems with using and understanding language this is when a child has a repetitive language
disorder this could also be a child whose has challenges understanding specific word that they hear
and read .and this would mean that it will be hard for these individual to speaking with others and
expressing their thought and feelings. Plus, these could have many causes which could affect them in
many negatively an example of this could be brain default, brain injury.

. Difficult relating to people adjusted and event

. Playing with an individual with toys and object such as ordering

CHILDHOD DISSINTIGRATIV DISORDER this is when you are suffering with a regressive condition
which is similar to autism this affected a child language social and motor skill development which are
the skills that other have or are able to function when socialising in this society. When a child has
distinctively disordered the effect are very obvious or they are less noticeable this is usually
diagnosed when a reach their childhood stage which is 3 and up this is when a child begins to
develop their cognitive thinking. But for children with diagnose disorder they begin to regress their
development for example words that they will usually know will become unknown to then fall
behind venerable development which is being able to vocabulary develop. And the child also finds it
difficult to socialise with other peers around them. Which will cause them to develop a negative
outcome on their emotions development as they will be isolating themselves which can play a huge
part on their self-image and confidence as they cannot join in.
Inherited conditions:

In these sections I will be focusing on inherited conditions this is a disorder that is caused by many
faulty gene that are passed from your parent.in a human there are 23 pair of chromosomes on your
body which a child will inherited from their parent which evolve characteristic such as eye colour,
hair colour and an individual height and build are passed on this way. However, if a child has a faulty
gene, then their development will cause a negative outcome to occur that will be passed down to
the child. and an example of this will be:

Huntington disease HD:

Which is an inherited disorder of the central nervous system. The Huntington diseases accrues when
an individual reaches between 30, 50 years of age. Which causes the individual behaviour to change
thinking and emotions however there are a wide range of symptoms of an individual with HD might
have but if there in the same family then there will be different sighs of diseases however early
symptoms of this conditions is uncontrollable muscles movement short term memory apes decline
to the brain, mood swings. Moreover, an individual with this diseases hasemotoins attachment to
care such as their parent a close family member.


There is also another type of disorder which s dementia. This is a term that describes persistent
disorder of mental processes which includes many negative outcomes such as memory loss
personality changes and difficulties thinking problem-solving which is manly caused by Alzheimer's
disease. Or a negative outcome that can happen when dementia occurs is less blood. Supples that is
being provided to the brain which could cause by series of mini strokes which genetically describe as
vascular dementia.

Physical and health needs: Physical and heath needs are important to you as an individuals as
overall wellbeing weather that be in a negative way or positive which can be affected by any of these
choices diet, level of physical activities, and behaviour (for example smoking, drinking).

Needs for older people:

In the health care setting older people are most likely to for their needs to change regularly which
would expend on their previous or current lifestyle also this could depend on their mental health,
where they live. However, elderly is usually considered to be the age 65 years and over which results
to these certain individuals to see and experience many change that have happened in their lives,
including many advances in the health care. That include many individuals living longer than other.
Moreover, old people result to change and experience loneliness which causes them to withdraw
from society. older individuals also tend to need more healthcare needs than a younger.


Is a condition which infants your joints which is in terms for more than hundred conditions which is
caused by pain in joints or joint diseases? But inflammation is a respond to when the body is trigger
by a series of injuries and infection. However, if the pain is extremely bad then it will cause sever
inflaminatoin to the joint which could cause swelling, pain, stiffens of joint.

Furthermore, in the health care setting there is a common type of condition to this which is arthritis
which often stands for the phrase wear or tear. This condition manly effect elderly. there are also
several condition that relates to this; inflammatory arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis (this is when you
have trouble with your immune system and the auric acid crystallise which attacks your joint and

There is one other specific inflammatory arthritis and an example of this is ankylosing spodyti this is
seen in most young males and is when a form of spinal arthritis which causes immobility and fusion
of the veritable and sacroiliac joints. Moreover, a joint which is known as a knee or elbow, and this is
when two bones are connected by this fibrous connective tissue. the joint and muscles, tendons
which are surrounding the joints that allow movement to the body. but most importantly synovial
fluids inside the joints lubricate and assets any movement to take place while the cartilage which is
formed inside of the joints this provides shock absorption. however, in theotherapies we can see
cartilage performing in the joint as the characteristics such as pain, swelling, disability if forming due
to the thinning of the cartilage and boning which outgrows from each side of the joint.


Diabetes is when an individual is suffering with a chorionic metabolism disease characterised by a

certain level of blood glucose that leas overtime to many series of heart conditions, kidney Diesis,
eye. diabetes also has two main types firstly I will be talking about type one diabetes this is when an
individual's pancreas does not produce any insulate or insufficient insulant to the body in order to
work and do the job that is provided to do. This type of diabetes usually occurs when an individual is
under the age of 40 and this is also seen in children. These individuals also require taking an insulin
injection to frequently monitor the blood glucose. However, some individuals who suffer from type 1
diabetes also experience hypos which stands for (hypoglycaemia) this is a potential life-threatening
condition that an individual is suffering from low blood sugar levels that their body needs, this could
also be when the individual is not eating after their insulin injection, this could also be a flu and the
common symptoms which includes sweating, tiredness, hunger, lack of concentration. and if it is
severed then the individual will be faced with negative effect like collapse, unconsocisness .but if the
individual is awake take glucose and an example of this could be take a surgery drink and this will
quickly raise the individuals sugar levels.

Furthermore Type 2 diabetes is more common in older people. This is when an individual is older
than 40 years old. Insulin is also necessary for your body to absorb food as this will give you a sort of
energy that will help you. Type 2 diabetes has many early symptoms, but I will be briefly talking
about some such as regularly feeling a sense of tiredness, inability to focuses and concentrate. But
there are later symptoms which effect an individual in many negative ways such as personality
change, unsteadiness, losing concussion, stoke and blindness these are serious types of side effect
that can possibly lead an individual to have serious conditions. This type of diabetes may also be
picked up by the urine in cup as a test that is done as a regular check up by the health care
providers. However, diagnoses are usually required a certain blood glucose level to be measured
which is usually done at your local gp. But if the blood glucose level is too high and above any certain
range than a measured of checks will be made. however, most hospitals have currently put a
diabetic clinic in place with specialist who provide a good certain amount of care that they need for
example having a nutritionist that make a diet plan for the patient and help them make great
lifestyle choices which could have a positive outcome on their lives. But ones these individuals are
diagnose they will be prescribed a medication or ins serious cases insulin. Moreover type 2 diabetes
is a condition which is increasingly diagnose in elderly due to the unhealthy lifestyle choices they are
choosing weather that be smoking, drinking this can really have a negative effect on their lifelong
term. BEN
Physical need; when an individual is suffering with physical needs and requirement to ensure a great
level of support will depend on the certain disability they have and an example of this is having a
broken leg and an individual with a broken leg will need a short-term support with mobility. And if
the individual is being paralysed by injuries or illness then they will be more likely to have long term
support with their mobility abilities and an example of this is using a wheelchair and being supplied
with aids and taught how to use them, to ensure that they are getting the right support. REBECCA
will need an occupational therapist because she will need help to guid her and train her to ensure
that her needs are met.

Cystic fibroses: is when an individual has an inherited condition where the lungs and digestive
system will become clogged up by a sticky thick mucus which makes the digestive system harder to
work with. This can also cause many sides effective happening such as coughing constantly and
frequent chest infection, also putting on weight and eating less.

Sensory disability; this is a disability of sight and hearing smell and touch. Your sight and hearing is
the most important as these provide your most sense however if an individual's impairment and loss
of one of the five sense will have an increasing negative impact on their day-to-day life and how they
function. But as individuals tend to get older than they will suffer with loss of sense and their sense
become less sharp which could lead to them becoming withdrawal from society.

Deafness and hearing impairment;

This is a condition that some people are born with and sometimes this can be caused by an illness or
accident. Which cause some individuals to have a hearing impairment where they can only hear a
certain amount of noise weather that be as loud, they still will not be able to hear as clear. However,
individuals that have tinnitus hear continuous ringing noise in their body. This is often described as a
humming, buzzing sound. But for some people this be classified as a minor irritation and some
individual this might be a continues side effect which could cause problems with sleeping and
depression. Moreover, there can be communication improvement with hearing aid for those with
hearing impairment. But by teaching sign language and hearing to the one who have no ability of
hearing. There also are electric impairment which are introduced to individuals with hearing loss and
this work by providing sound signals to the brain.

Visual impairment:

Individuals who are born without the ability to sight or lose their sight because of a tragic accident or
illness. and certain individuals have only a limited vision, and these individual can only see shadows
or shape which can have a severe impact to their daily life experiences such as navigating around
abstract and avoiding any danger that may be difficult some of these individuals also are provided
with a guide dog this will help them navigate their way around as the dog will protect their owner
because of their great senses, or a walking stick could also be helpful.to maintain their reading skill
to get better its possible by using braille.


In the health and social care setting accident can change any individual life or sadly end it. But in
records to a work setting that there were 611, 00 accidents at work and this accident there were a
total of 142 people that were terrifically killed. But certain individuals can sustain major injuries at
work which could be from domestic activities, which can be dealt with an accident and emergency.
Moreover, when there is a more serious accident that occurs which could cause loss of limb, brain
damage, from head injuries paralysis from a spinal cord injury. Rebecca has been through an
accident as we can see that from the case study and how Rebecca has suffered being paralysed due
to this terrific accident.

Inflectional Deasis:

In the health and social care disease that are most common childhood complaints such as meases
and chicken pop tend to have no lasting effect. but when certain individuals have theses certain
infection, they require a care that controls a high tempter and soothing lotion to be applied to any
rashes. there are also many other sever infections and an example of this could be meninges,
poliomyelitis, necrotising fasciitis.

Pregnancy and birth: Women usually experience Pregnancy by the age of 19, 45 the adulthood stage
and some girls could also get pregnant by the age when puberty start. But some women could have
trouble with during pregnancy which can lead to them started developing specific additional need.
also pregnancy and birth puts a enormous amount of physical and emotional needs which strain a
mother body as this could lead her to also have backache, virginal bleeding, sever haemorrhage and
miscarriage, constipation these would lead the mother to have the ability to gain confidence in
herself but because of all these changes it lead the mother to have very less self confidence in
herself and all that pain could sometimes lead mother to loss motivation .which could lead her to get
a certain support that can help her during the pregnancy and birth. such as a psychologist and help
her mentally as some mothers do get post Pernal depression straight after birth so they might need
someone to talk to as for some mother it might be their first time being a mother so they will need
that help and support on their self-experience on their amazing, long journey of pregnancy.

And their also can be some complication to the babies in the worn during pregnancy and these could
be if the mother is smoking, drinking alcohol the child could gain defect. Brain damage could also
happen due to the lack of oxygen when a difficult happens at birth and sometime this could be
caused by the umbilical cord wrapping around the baby neck. There could also be trouble when you
damage the forceps which is used to assist in a difficult delivery and major effect could happen to
the baby which could be a palsy and facial injuries, burning and swelling in the head.

To deliver a baby there has to be many specialists involved this could be obstetric as and midwives
that is involved in the mother care and needs. There could also be another specialist involved such
as a paediatrician, nutritionist, and physiotherapist.

Social and emotional needs:

In the health and social care setting the NSPCC which defines as individuals who looked after
children as many venerable children are cared by local authority that look after these children more
than 24 hours and these children are looked after because of all these variety of seasons which
include their family being abusive or their parents cannot afford, cope with looking after them
because of the mental health disorder or addiction these negative descoin of detaching the children
from their family might leave them devastated and withdraw from society which could have a
negative impact on their emotional needs .which could also lead children to love their parent and in
the sometime feel loss as their separated from their parents.an example which shows this could be
Bowlby attachment theory as he looks at attachment and how a child is key to gain relationship
because of their attachment style and how they grow up.

Or sometimes it may be possible for the social care worker to put in place that the child can stay
with a close relative or family member. This can be done when there is a high chance of confidence
that the child will be safe and well cared for by the family members .and this will give high
confidence to the child as they will feel secure in an environment that they are close with some
family relatives.

Furthermore, in relate to this fostering can sometimes be sort or long term where the child is placed
with foster parent who are specifically trained to look after the needs of these children who are
sadly removed from their parents. However foster parent will have the ability to provide a stable and
nurturing environment which will have a positive impact on the child developing their social skill and
improving as a they grow to be resilient individuals.

It important to determine that a child need is frequently met to provide a stable and nurturing
environment, this could also be developing any child sense of identity as this will be important to
them when they grow and become independent, resilient individuals. and realising to keep their
dignity by keeping their sense of identity from their birth cultural .it is also important to meet the
child educational needs and by trying to maintain a sense of stability which is really important to the
child. the child will also be attending the same school depending on the negative situation that
happens to the child the school will then investigate, and the child will be taken to care. Children
may also be bullied due to the situation they are currently in which could be being in care, and this
will lead them to not focus on their education which will lead them to not achieve full potential.

Moreover, children will many faces emotional damage due to their abuse they have experienced
which may not be allowing them to not live with family and in this case social services will place
them in a hostel and if they are 19 and over then they will be allowed to live in a flat. And children
will also have a psychologist to talk to them and really help them become a better individual by
overcoming trumors and really begin to be confident in themselves.


These tragic events can really destroy some individuals as they if someone close to you was to pass
away it could really cause traumatic experience. the older a person becomes then they will
experience a close one passing away, but most people will need emotional support from these tragic
experiences. they will need these little things to feel wanted or heard and these could be some
listening, or doing something small which could be helping with shopping and cooking this will bright
an individual going through these tragic events.

But some individuals will need specific help from an experienced bereavement counsellor losing a
child, or parent which can be hard and traumatic for anyone to go through.


This can also be a major effect on a child emotional need because of not fitting in or having the right
friendship group. But schools and social services can provide emotional support. There can also be
provided a Counseller for children experiencing this feeling: when a school is unable to give a certain
level of support then the child will be referred to a mental health child therapist that can speak to
the child on a deeper level and on what going on with the child. But if the child does become a
school phobic than the child be referred to an educationalist physiologist. However, when the child
is going through this difficult journey, they will need to understand and sympathies with school

Many negative signs could come from Bullying this could be self-harming due to being name called
or excluding individuals and threatening them. Children may also be bullied due to their race,
weight, appearance, disability as children will think extremely negative from these certain things due
to the social circumstances. this can also cause long term damage to an individual and will need to
be effectively managed. And this can be done bey a properly trained health support where these
individuals can improve day by day.

This is when an individual is in serious danger as they can lose any part of function on any part of
their body this could be physical or a mental impairment and an example of this is when a specific
person has a problem with their sight and has a visual impairment or if a person was born without a
limb, they have a physical impairment. which in Rebecca case she is paralysed which causes her to
be disabled and this means Rebecca requires a occupational therapist that will help her in many
ways such as ensuring that she get back to her staibality and help her

Reference List:

 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dyslexia/
 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/
 https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/developmental-coordination-disorder-dyspraxia-in-adults/

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