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_ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION id YORK Supersedes: $15.28-N1Y (995) OUTDOOR SPLIT-SYSTEM HEAT PUMPS 515.28-N2Y (1196) 035- 14182 MODELS E*FHO18 THRU E*FHO60 GENERAL ‘This instruction covers the instalation of the following outdoor units: E2FHO1G, E2FHO24, E2FHO30, E2FHO36, E2FHO42, E2FHOdS and E 1FHO6O. ‘The outdoor units are designed to be connected to a matching indoor coll wth swoat connect lines. Sweat connect units are factory charged with refrigerant for outdoor unit plus 15 feet of fiold supplied lines. Addtional charge is required for inter-con- rrecting piping greater than 16 feet and some indoor coil ‘combinations. INSPECTION ‘As soon as. units received, itshouldbe inspected for possible damage during transit. If damage is evident, the extent of the ‘damage should bo noted on the carrier's delivery receipt. A ‘separate request for inspection by the carrier's agent should be made in writing. See Locai Distributor for more information, REFERENCE Use this instruction in conjunction with the instructions for the ‘appropriate indoor unit, air moving system and accessories Installer should pay pariularattontion to the words: NOTE, CAUTION nd WARRING NOTES are intended o clarity or make the instalation asior. CAUTIONS identifies procedure which, not olowed carefully Gould result personal mury, propery damage or produel damage, WARNINGS are given to alert the installer that personal injury. death or equipment damage may result it stallion proce- ures are not handled propery. NOMENCLATURE, Product See = Outdoor Spt Syatem Heat Pump Product Generation 1, 2= Design Lovel Product identifier FH = High Efficiency Heat Purp Nominal Cooling Capacity — O18=15 Tons 096=STons —060= § Tons. 026=2 Tons 042 = 3.5 Tons 030=25 Tons 048 =4.9 Tons Rettigerant Line Connections Sweat Fitings Voltage Code (06 = 208/280-1-60, LIMITATIONS. ‘The unit should be installed in accordance with all national and local safety codes, Limitations for he indoor uni, coll and appropriate accessories ‘must also be observed. The outdoor unt must not be instaied wih any ductwork in the air sttearn, The outdoor fan Is the propeller type ands not designed tooperate against any adcitional extemal static pressure. ‘Tho maximum and minimum conditions for operation must be observed to assure a system that will give maximum perform. ance with minimum service. ‘TABLE 1 - APPLICATION LIMITATIONS. {AIR TEMPERATURE “DE AIR TEMPERATURE ON OUTOOOR Col ‘ONINDOOR COIL Serer arene “Operation below his lenpeatre is permaab bea shen pares of tino, thonegmormng warm LOCATION Before starting the installation, select and check the suitability, (of the location for both tha indoor and outdoor unit. Observe all, limitations and clearance requirements. See Figure 1 enaxp stonpoig Aiewun, BONVEYSTIO /NOLYIANNDOV MONS Od NVauNE HSHIVaM WOOT OSHS z NOLWTIVLSNI TWOIdAL- | SHNDIS ANSTWRINOS HO MNDWHSd HLIMN(SIONINId Was SON¥uYTIO 'SS300¥ BOINUES be saais ay vse zi SONvEVIIO (av3HaN0 8% HOLUMS 493NNOOSIO s0ouasHIVaM, soouduaHIvaIA 38S ‘ONIN HOOGLNO TY *3L0N Woo wooONt ‘OL Aan uaMod OL ¥aMoTs ‘WOOGNI AVLSOWESHL on nq ut papinoud siounwoi8 unease soqqrs (») Uo resp @OUeYUe 0} pue UOTe12do 1e!Mb BINSU OL “sg "popinoid aseq 94) Uo yun su) UON'sog “> ;Peulsiy6i wrewos Pinoys syoq UMOp-2N JOsse:dWOD “e ‘o6e -wep ajarssod 39} jaadsu1 pue uoyee Bulddys au enowoE) “2. “uowe20| pouuuierep-oid ey) u Seq ® EPIAO:A “1 ANSW3OV1d LINN seumo YonsU “6 peyoed hun vs ‘8 ‘worss 06124 ‘Sto}eUUOD fos1UOD JBOUIDEIE BYE, 480) 89) pus Bujgni josuuog ‘seul pnb pue Joden aun nou, "yoyew i109 Jojesodens uo Byypuedap x4. 10 90410 18g eg "}90 so}eOdeAD U SoINEp Bulo}OUl {901109 [NEU] ‘yo-In9 jualquie Mo} puE WuIOd BoUEIeG IsniY ‘SUoo@UUOD Jemd jeOUIORI8 AEN -Z ‘eopjd ul yas pue yun yoadsu) “4 ;potsobiins 5) sdajs uoyeyersul jo aouenbes BuMoyo} UL, ‘S3UNOIIOUd NOLWTIVLSNI ‘eave snok ut uone|nuNooe mous pojpedxo 94) 40} neaing soUTEOM 890) 94) ODLID “UORE} -nunoae mous 0g jm 9:04 Bs@Uy SANE UI MOUS Aq SBOUENUE ve ey) Jo 9Beyp0Iq Aue yuaAe:d oF AUBIOWNE yun BY) BIeADIS, 4.26 mo}09 51.418 100p1r0 ‘240 o:njerad.e ayy uoiyn 27091) 44m afesu=pLOD ‘1Y) 124) pue Sajak tsoyap Busey Buunp soo un 249 Woy dup js eresuecu0® yeu JequiewtOLY ‘fini feuossed asne2 pnoo 801 40 pnuy sioypt ‘Pa1e ue u pae}suy 2q OU FyMOYS HUN JOOPINO BULL :DNINEVM ‘Puno a4 o1U0 Aiseup uresp 0 Ponoye 9q few syesvapuen Sil) AWN “e}oK> elon ou GuLNp Wn 200p)NO BY} Jo [Hoo BU) YYESUAG WHOL) UNEP |I!M @YESUPUOD (2% fons “swoospoq) swoo! 99 yo stopuin 1opun Aycan peoed 8 Tum ty aiqeuol algo oq Avi sjonot puoe Suqerodo euLsON) ‘ohepuno, ou 10 yno UseN ofassod fue prone 0} siayn6 ues wos on OM EIT ‘208d pouotipuoe oun om voeraA 10 pUn9S Jo orssiwsuen eta eziiuW! 61 pen 94 pious Yak “ole sje ‘Siu bed e Bupriou aun eho bem re ul Bamoudsjo ‘rgedes oq Yan oumjniis ax foo! Uo sun Buyoisu UeUNA, uojsusuEN UONeIAA 10 esIOU Plone 01 ainjons BupING oy wely 0569 au Sleost “uated fone; @ un aut elu PUB @AOge UMOYS SBdUBIEAIO BY) LIFILIEW “S¥e—{ O|q\ssod Bue set ferobijasoug uo ums Bsns ales loys Cu feta as6q pos e uo jena, punoiS ye payeisu 6g Ae yun au. ‘yeddns jeinonns afenbape Ue epinord un 1oopine ou on se You j0 Joho parerunone ou} Bun. plone 01 puno18 10601 24) exoge ‘iuebyns pasies aa pinays Lun ou -eore pune pocdovoe 0 je01 peseexa Uns joy © Uo Poyesui oqo} HUN ah I (2005 1e0 0} 208} y00) ‘vede seyou 9 Jo wnujurur peoeds oq ismud sun “SuOUEyeIsUY Bun o/dyWs 304 ‘SUON ‘888008 801§196 10} pue areY9SID 1610} Yoo JesuaPLOD 94) OF ‘20u U0, 10} 20Ue1B9f9 uOIOWINS oxBYYEMUI NUN ZOOpINO SUL AaNazsis ‘accessory kit model number 1SG0601. Grommets should bbe positioned as shown in Figure 2 NOTE: The base pan may difer in appearance, but the loca- tion of grommets is the same. 6. Make alholo(s) in the structure wall large enough to accom- ‘modata the inguiated vapor lino, the liquid line and the wieng. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS. 1. Check the elecvical supoly to be sure that it meets the Values specified on the unt nameplate and wiring label. Locate proper low voltage knockout “The complete connection diagram and schematic wiring label is located on the inside surlace of the unit electrical box cover. Typical Fiold Wiring is shown in Figure 3. All fod wiking to be in accordance with national electical ‘code (NEC} andlor local ety codes. NOTE: Power wiring, disconnect switch, and overcurrent pro- tection to be supplied by installer, See Physical and Electrical Data Table for proper sizes. USE COPPER CONDUCTORS ONLY. Unit must be grounded with a ‘Separate ground conductor wire. 515.28N2V unit BASE PAN UBER ELEVATING GROMMETS o ‘Note: De Nat. block drainage holes with grommets. FIGURE 2- POSITIONING OF RUBBER ELEVATING GROMMETS 5, Install the proper size weatherproof disconnect switch out- doors and within sight of the unt. ‘6. Run power witing from the disconnect switch to the unit. 7. Install the proper size time-delay fuses or circuit breaker, ‘and make the power supply connections "AIL WARIG TOBE IV ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL ELEGTAG CODE ANDIOR LOCAL CODES INDOOR UNIT? ELECTRIC HEATER ACCESSORY ‘THERMOSTAT WIRE NUT ~ oRScREW TERMINALS paar TD I ‘ouTDOOR UNIT eer 1 I onan orn + Feeinl not avatale onal Pemesiai, ri en eee “Tse sete enon een QKweH ; POWER WIRING. ee POWER WIRING *Conacipour weg aria sock on eis ‘ntrar ewctgstontoranemitourecrovceeter, 208/280-1-80, 24 CONTROL WING (NEC CLASS 2) FIGURE 3 - TYPICAL FIELD WIRING (N‘AH, F-RP AIR HANDLER / 2HK, 2HW, 2HN, 2HV ELECTRIC HEAT) Unitary Products Group ‘dnei9 sionpore ewer, wun soopino ‘vane ul paljeysuAs0j0e} 1 6u0 Bours soup soHy LeISUI JOU OC, “fyyayxoy owes uejos 01 pue uoHpexqA donpo1 OF nem 8 eveuieued hay) e1oym soul jUev061,jo1 punove wnBeuied, SB Yons [euEjew Suljeos e puE uOHENs sseI6 J8qy YOM, ‘umopinys jo spoued Buoy Buunp eur soden ‘tg ur yuese6iyo1 pinby) jo Sn pying eyl oziuAUIUI 0} o1aIssod Se yous sv iday aq pinoys soul poung) "9 eunBi4 ul umaYs SB ‘Suojey/eysu punoiBiepun fe 40) inpUCD B se Budd DAd 96, ¥BONVH ONIENL- § BUND! Nn Yogwa 2avk JoeW09 jBIOW-o} BOW MOY LON Oa “unos se seu yuereBiyes oul puedsns pue ade, “eumonns 8410} 1wowidinbe oy WOH UossIWsUER, esicu ez 0} Seu) JUBIeb Fes BMY BIeIOS} oF Pasn oq ‘sje snus 0369 “Bulqny etp yup 20 sBujdnoo au} eBewep o} jou, uae) eq jsnwi o1€9 -91q'Ss0d Se spuag may SE LAM SAU! OU) ISU) 704 10 WaYSAs uIPUY J “Joo Bt) 0} sse00" Bolles: orvjsqe 30U jum Kay EY! Os peyesUI oq PINoYs sou OUL, “soypyeUy joo JoopUI BUIOS puR s}IUN jeoME 30} 109} SL UE 436 8016 Budd Bujoouu00-101u1 20} peuinbai s|a6seu9/eUOUpEY ‘POUIeIUIEW s1 eynuLL ed 189} 0001. 1820) 18 0 AyD0)04 e Se Guo] se doxp emnssald eZ -{UIW 0} 0215 eu0 posvo:0U! oq ABW soul 1odeA ‘Posearoap 10, eseesout oq BAIN saw seu pinb7‘sGuny perdcns Aroyoe} ‘94 yoqew 04 paz:s eq pjnoys seus jues06Wj01 Buyjoouuoo-s014), “e218 ao|yio pajv01s09 ya popinoid oq yen isd 1 uetp 2642016 ure6 20 320} oxnsso:d ou pinby aan swershs 'y 0g" JoopUy enogY JoOpING, 05°" JOOpING eRCRY 00H £01 paul 618 SeoveL0yIp LONEAE:S TOTEMUNSIE SUTTOATDECES BORIS OY OT BNE SET ST OF BYU BIE SYVBTS] SUT TEL ‘210 ‘sden ‘Bubseyo woishs ‘suoy2e1109 Boy ‘suonEHUY} UOoREAgE Xyoo}an eUy sOdeA 40 wojeuuuejep ‘upeb 40 ss0) oinssoid uy pinby jo uoge;no -je0 ‘Buizis ey pinby pue soden 40} ,"yi6u87 au'7 jwRseGYy OL ‘Pur suoyepuowuiocay Budi, je12U89,"2}eq uonvoyddy 005 ‘eping fealuyo9), ui palj2eds (\un 4oopinoyio9 Joopul) suON ~eusquwoo weishs penoidde yym Ajuo pejreieui eq pINOYS HUN, ‘Gulgn} Jaddoo apei6-vo1}e16614501 poyeip. -Ayep ‘usejo ‘poriddns pjel) 98n ysnu swoisAs j2euUoSIeEMS SNOLL93NNOO ONISAL “4eSp onoge sosmyeiadisa) Joopino Ye yn0 ps¥20) 2q Wm 804 eiUoworddns ‘pojseuucd jou s) Jedwn! SIN J 1ujed souetea pousap oxy wey so4BIY 10 0} renbo 61 ey) jeuaze) 04} 04 soduin! oy oxow ‘Gunias pexrsep ‘41 JOU St iy} TeuLWa! 2046p Sy 24 0} PaIsBUUOD hi0}0e} 81 yey) Joduun! oyum oxy 27800) ‘UIOd aouBVeq oXy eBuEYD OL 1904 au9910 rewawerdéns Aue inoue Bung ey E24 veo wersks ay) YIU 1 ainjeradwwoy jsamo| ay s| duund yeay e jo wUIed eouETEG OU, ANAWAISNrOY LNIOd ONY IVE "4. 01- Mojoq soup eunjesecus} soopno eyp jun Ino px20) 36, LON jw tosseiduioo 2ua ‘peyoouuo0 you 6 edwin si jt “aunt exadwa) 1946.4 @ 01 paisnipe aq ue9 ing “4,01-¥e parauues ‘Ko}28j 5} 1UEUUIENIpe Yo-IND GuNVBIOdWO} MO] a4 “f DINBL BES, ‘peteulune) 51 uoHeiedo dund eoy aur youre ued aun isnipe o1pasn eq ue einpow A pIENOYIOA S4y LO saduiN! NAN SUL, ANBWWLSNPGY 440-1N9 SHNLYHaAWaL MOT STINGON WA. GUVNOMHOA - AHN ANaNUsnray 340-1ND SUALVURENAL MOT ANatusnray ANIOd 3ONV VE ARNeeSIS ‘TOINDOOR COIL To OUTDOOR UNIT LigUID LINE _- INSULATED cae, je ae VAPOR LINE ‘conpurr. FIGURE 6 - UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION Insulate all vapor lines with a minimum of 1/2" foam rubber. Liquid tines that will bo exposed to direct sunlight and/or high temperatures must also be insulated. COILS USING TXV KITS WARNING: Coil is under 30 PSIG pressure, ‘A thermal expansion vaive kit must be used to obtain system performance. The orifice must be removed from the fiting between the liquid line connection and the distrioutor. No orifice is used whenever a thermal expansion valve is used. Proper installation of the thermal expansion valve is covered in the instruction furnished with each kit NOTE: Que-to scroll compressor. had start components are ‘not requited when using coils with TXV er TXV kits. ‘The specific thermal expansion valve by model / col is listed (on the Tabular Data. sheet. ‘SWEAT-CONNECT SYSTEMS ‘The outdoor units have re-usable servico vaivas on both the liquid and vapor connections. The total system cefrigerant ‘charge includes sufficient charge for 15 f. of lines and is retained within the outdoor unit during shipping and installation. ‘The re-usable service valves are provided to evacuate and charge per this instruction. Serious service problems can be avoided by taking adequate precautions to assure an internally clean and dry system. Always use refigeration-grade copper tubing that is internally clean and dry for refrigerant lines, Use claan hard drawn copper tubing where no approciable amount of bending around ob- struction is necessary I soft copper must be used, care must Unitary Products Group s1S20.N2Y be taken to avoid sharp bends which may cause a restriction. ‘The vapor line must be insulated with a minimum of 1/2 inch insulation (Arm-A-Flex or equivalent) CAUTION: Dry nitrogen should always be supplied through the tubing while i is being brazed, because the temperature required is high enough to cause ox: dation of the copper unless an inert atmosphere is provided. The flow of ary nitrogen should continue Until the jaint has cooled. Always use a pressure regulator and salety vaive to insure that only low pressure dry niogen is introduced into the tubing, Only a small flow is necessary to displace air and prevent oxidation, {All outdoor unt and indoor coll connections are copper-to-cop- par and should be brazed wit a phosphorus: SSpp0” aly Material such as Sifos-5 or equivalent. 00 NOT use so solder. BASE VALVE CONNECTION PRECAUTIONS Procautions should be taken to provent heat damage to the fiting by wrapping 2 wet rag around it as shown in Figure 7. Also, protec alipainted surfaces and insulation during brazing ‘Atte Brazing - cool joint with wet rag, FIGURE 7 - HEAT PROTECTION WARNING: This is nota backseating valve. The serviceaccess ‘Port has a vaive core. Opening or closing valve does not close service access port ‘Valve can be opened by removing the plur cap and full inserting a hex wrench into the stem and basting out counter: clockwise untt valve stom jst touches retaining tng CAUTION: If visual verification ofthe valve stem reaching the retaining ring is impossible, stop backing out the valve stem when the slightest increase in resi tance is fel. Because of the small size and there- fore the reduced resistance, back out the iquid valve § tums maximum to prevent going past the retaining ring. nov sionpoia Aun {nse pynoo ‘Amnfur ouosieg ‘eunss01d sopun 6 wo}sAs ou) oitym ‘suouoeuuos pezeiq Aue sede: 0} ;dwONE JONN -ONINYM, ‘ueBe 158) pue ye9j oty dats "yea} ty 81200) (0 1801 4801 ‘peisedsns 5] fea) ej) ereydsowe eup 01 pauedo *vose91 Je\yo Aue 10} 'seM 10 jHowCL4s BuUNp 4ea) e Padojenen ‘Se4 Hun ou} J! WeIsAs ou lenders oF MESSE00U eq IM I NOLWNOWAa Bunn pieig 1eo.4Ay ¢ 21ND j 988 “Buu orL09 ay eUUOD "paPAOG ‘9)04 941 YEnoxs yun soopyno oy oyu! Busi jouluco By BINO eIsow9yy ou) UI SOVed-oHUE oy BUIDOYE syeup are 1exoid of 1usyeninbo 40 wnBewued yun yeisoU9M 94) Je JEM BUY UW BOY atf [eas ‘voRBado oHENe ajeUIUN|S ‘o'situn soopyno pue soopul euro} JeIsoweY) BY WOH (2 S8EID ‘O3N) Guyimyonuoo jon-pg a4) eins pue yeIsouNaLy 24: 1uNOY ‘soiu6 2 Ayddns 10 s100p ‘9pisino wos syeup ‘soounydde 10 s80)6 pocodKo wo} OHO UeIpe? 6U4 0} PasOdxe 1 G10yA 20 TE EPISITO UE UO Y BDeIE J0U 09 ‘wowpjnaxo se woo) jeuLiOU 0} pasodKo oq jy 04H, ‘yooy au oxoge "y § inoqe payeoo| eq PIMOS ye}SOWOY) Ou) ‘ans -cwow esoyt w ejgeisnipe-uou oe sioyedoyve Guyeoy pue Bujooo ey. “swersks duund yeoy ase Yim eBn Jo, pancidde stersowiey) oyoeds uy Jo eu0 esn ysnw syun duund yeoH AVLSOWY3HLWOOU ‘suonpuco Buneey 1velque mo] 18 1904 85/8) dn Buayoid sosuas JOopINo O44 0} np sIsOA}0p ainjeuiold o}ass0d oyeUUNO Wm SI4. “HUN JoOpINO OMY Buynee| euy pasodxe pue erjen sowias odea yp eensu Zi 3ATWA 44O-LOHS LINN HOOGLNO - 8 BUND! i 3HOD BAGYUHOS HAM LNod 301AH3S -spoyjaw 6uB1ey9 pepuswwoces ees ‘pexinbes s1 o64e4> [eUOLIPEE 41 “2 ‘2yceL ul uMous 81380) SL UEY! Jebu0| Seu 10} e6sey> jeUON, IPB "S109 JCOpU payIEUL-xIW awos 10) paxinba1 eBLeyD Buolyppe Jo 1UnOW oY) 20} BIE FENG, OF 01 29} Sulqnt jo 186)51 puB lo J0opUIPau}eU! U0 20} B6seYDIUE -soB 103 YBnoue SuIeIUCD YUN JOOpIN jDaUUOD ywAMS eYL “EL ssuonneaig Un -couuog anren aseg ag ‘Buy Buea: sayono) isn! wars ‘enjea un esrax20y0-s01UN09 no >9eq YoUBIM LOE UE LI ppue deo 19Bund au) Sunowos Aq sSun| sodten pure panty ‘ty wiog vad "warsks sy) om B6veYD 181061401 o8Ea;oe OF ‘pargeuu0o ‘1 a6ne6 pjojuew prepue}s e stun yovo 150) 0q tm juex064j1 jo e0uno ye Aiojewyxoiddy ‘pejoodsns ‘s1819N0N Ssajun sebNe6 proyeUs ELLOS OU Od NOLO wish oy) Bizoinias Jo} Auesso90u LOU dooxe suod eanses ou) woyy sdeo a1ey ayy enowes1Ou0G "6 (wns “REL 'sq|- oul 09 PUB OP WasHhIeg) NSLHOLL3AO LON (0G 6n 429) ave Kou) a:ns 0g 0) sdeo axey uod so.nias ‘Su Bulpniout suonpeuv0s Buickd jueleb ou We Ise) YEOT “e 186) 40610 06nd 01 ‘wun soopino eu ws wues06.yos woshs oy) asm 104 0G) :3LON “1 666d Uo .NOLLWNOWAS, 995 “Ou ppinby oy) pue joo s0opur ‘ou Joden oy o1eNOBA “syod ‘20)As08 Suny oden pue pnb yiog uj e209 sepeyos aeldey °L vod aovues Buny pnb ay) wo easnos uaBoxsU ‘uj exoulas ?pajsoo set Uol}oauued sly) Joy "Uons—LUeD {Wod somes foden ayy Woy wleks aun Gulee oa panoys UaBonwy aut “yun Joopine ul uo UotDeul6D out ‘odes au 92219 pe Bel joa Ui Bun soGen 8x YOO“ ‘enyen eoynios Joden 6/2 a) 0} our Joden ,@/1-4 94) Jo uonooUUDD 410) 8ujdnoo Guuanpas w osje's) s1844, 409 s09pUI Bu Luo Buyanoo Buonpa ay 0} aU J0dRA Bist ay) B7eI. ‘apeey s0den 100 1o0pur ou (080 PUP BFOHZI OU ‘yum periécns) Buydnoo Buronpe, ey) ezeiq pue Yesuy "090 DUE BPOH-IZ Wil pasn aqysnusauijJOdEAG/I-1 :31ON “youuioi8 aug soejde1 ‘pojocs sey voazeuuce ou) 22yy ‘uol}peuudo iodeA p09 Joopul suo} aul s0deR aut Sz) 109 au YB UONSaUUOD Oder 8i9 HOI YaLILUOAG By) BROW °g 1Y09 94) yBnoxy Buoy 29 Mou Pinoys uaBomI ‘eu "uonoa409 py yos Joopuy eurcreuy pinby ay ezeIG “y ‘Suriyy oun pinby arowias 10 yno pue our ode vo deo ‘Burnowios #10}@q Uoj}DauOD pinby oun ye SuNWy JepeyOs ‘ou yBnaiy, Neo Joop oy) ur seb wnyou oY) BEB0}0y “eC ‘Buywoy enugucs 0} veBon ‘oun molly ‘Ge: iom © uum Apog Bunny oui deum 0} eins og “yun seopino eu ye Buy Pin | oy O1 Ou pINdy OM OzEIE ~Z “vod somes our pinby oun 0) us6o1yu ounsse:d ‘mo} oouuod “un Joop3no eu ye suod aowues Bun Joden ‘Bue pinby ain uiog wos, 2100 J9pe140g puE CED oY) aAOUIOY “| ‘einpecoid Buyoyo} @\g Bush soul yueLeBUjo: Ou IeISUE NOUVTIVISNI NIT tebund Soadety “ame aug uedo of wey Jou op ‘Busssiu 1 Buy 6yureies yt 1UORD oY Uy “Aunt euosiad Gussnea Kyqyssod Ap0q AeA 84 30 {no Uie}s OA/2A 84) 8010} pjNoD eunsse1d WaIsAS 10 ‘e6ex89) 6ussneo pobewiep oq uEo Bu,0 avy ‘Buy ‘Suyuperes 24 ised Ino payaeq s} wieIS BAIEA OUR J} ZONINEIYM AeNezsis ‘syeo| waned o1 peoejdes aq jsnw de 21/1 feuoNppe Ue LeyUB veU ub) 186 Uy To verity ifthe system has no leaks, simply close the valve to the vacuum pump suction to isolate the pump and hold the ‘systom under vacuum. Watch the micron guage for a few ‘minutes. Ifthe micron guage indicates a steady and continuous ‘iso, it an indication of a leak. Ifthe guage shows a rise, then levels out after a few minutes and remains fariy constant, its fan indication thal the system is leak tree but stil contains moisture and may require further evacation if the reading is ‘above 500 microns. ‘SYSTEM CHARGE CAUTION: Refrigerant charging should only be carried out by 1 qualified air conditioning contractor with proper certification, The factory charge in the outdoor unit includes enough charge forthe unit and a most sold matched evaporator. Some indoor coll matches may require some additional charge. See Tabular Data sheet provided in unit iterature packet. Sweat connect unite also include suliciont charge for 15 feet of nes. Pre-charged line lengths are factory charged with the coirect amount of refrigerant, Table 2 lists the refrigerant ine charges. The “TOTAL SYSTEM CHARGE" must be pormanently ‘stamped on the unit data plate, ‘otal system charge is determined as follows: 1. Determine outdoor unit charge from tabular data sheet. 2. Determine indoor coil adjustment from tabular data sheet, 3, Calculate the line charge with the factors in Table 2. Caleu- late over 15 fect of sweat lines for sweat connect units. NOTE: If sweat connect lines are used, the line charge over, 15 feet shouldbe inclucied on the data plate and must ‘ba added to the system. Z _ REFRIGERANT {ARGES, TiauIOOD | VAPOR OD | -f-22 CHARGE OZ FT 3 58 9.66 se" aie 0.68 oe 718° 0.70 4, Total system charge = item 1 + item 2 + item 3. 5, Permanently stamp the unit data plate with the total amount of refrigerant in the system, Refrigerant Charge Verification ‘To verity proper refrigerant charge in the heating mode from 0 0 50°F outdoor ambient, measure the discharge line tempera- ture. The temperature should be 120 to 190°F warmer than the (OD ambient. This temperature range is applicable only under Rormal operating conditions (i.; 400 CFMMton, frost condition ‘of the coil, correct flowrater size] This is onlytoyasity the refigerantchargein heal pumps which use Hlowzaters for the metering device in the outdoor section. Unitary Products Group s1520.N2V The only accurate charging method is the measurement ‘method for heat pumps in the heat pump moda. Use the following charging method whenever additional fr ‘rant is required forthe system charga. ‘Measurement Method A calibrated charging cylinder or accurate weighing device ‘must be used 10 add refrigerant. Check fare caps on service ports tebe sure they are leak tight DONOTOVERTIGHTEN (between 40 and 60 inchibs, maximum). Weighrin addtional charge amount previcusly determinedin steps 2 and above, ‘Superheat Charging Method NOTE: Use this method only during system: maintenace and, ropair 1. Operate system untiltemperatures and pressures stabilize (minimum of 10 minutes). 2. Measure and record indoor wet bulb (WB) temperature: using a sling psychrometer and the outdoor dry bulb (D8) temperature using a thermometer. 3. Measure and record the suction pressure at the suction service valve port, 4. Using Table 4, note the superheat value corresponding to the intersection of the indoor wet bulb and the outdoor dry bub. '5, With the superheat value obtainedin step 4 anditne suction, pressure value from step 3, find the intersection of the values in Table 5. This is the required suction tube tempers ture at the suction service valve, 6. Tobring the tube temperature inline with the required value from Table 5, add refrigerant to the service port to cause the tubo temperature to fall and reclaim retrigeranttocause the temperature to rise. CAUTION: IT IS UNLAWFUL TO KNOWINGLY VENT, RE- LEASE OR DISCHARGE REFRIGERANT INTO THE OPEN AIR DURING REPAIR, SERVICE, MAINTENANCE OR THE FINAL DISPOSAL OF THIS UNIT. OWNER’S INSTRUCTION Assist owner with processing warranty cards. Review User's Information Manual and provide a copy for the owner guidance ‘on proper operation and maintenance. Instruct the owner or the ‘operator how to start, stop and adjust temperature setting. The ‘owner should also be instructed about the 5 minute off cycle timer and the defrost operation. ‘The installer should also instruct the owner on proper operation and maintenance ofall other system components. WHEN THE SYSTEM IS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY AND. THE OWNER HAS BEEN FULLY INSTRUCTED, SECURE THE OWNER'S APPROVAL chow sionpog fusjn ‘vonesedo Jomncjq epinoud 0} Aviad somoya yBno. 19eIU09 ,A, TPISOWIOY) WON} @pEL 8} HNO! 8 UomNsod LOL, U USM Ue) LAA “WHEIsks OY) WEIS puE 4j98|U09 62161008 O1 A CHYNDHHOA eu YBnoy} epew s 1unaao 8 se80j0 oe UCR Buoy ebeIS Sip eISOUNOYT LEU “y “uoneedo 104 Apeei s} worsss euy‘senuIL ¢ 2eyy ‘pouod Avjep OW SHEIS A CUWNOMYOA SIEIS POSE -uorpesado 2eM0iq snonujuos eprnoud 0} Keja1 16019 ‘yBnowy) epew S| ynax}2 @ ‘uOIUSOd JNO, Ul Si YIMS UE) J) -Z -soyerodene 04) 81109 1o0pino ou, ‘yesuepuod eu) 51 YoIyM 09 1oOPUI BY} O} peduind S| se6 eBreyosip ‘ejoko Buujeoy ou Uj "uoHe/edo Buywoy JO} y/n0 “ufo jue2061j0: uoIHsod 0} poz.B10U9-0p 81 OnjeA BUISIONDL “| NOUISod ‘SNILVSH Ni LVISOWUSHL GNY LIN OL HBMOd HLM ‘spu0des 6 10} sjeujuuie) 1s0} Ou ‘Buoys Ajusiodwwe) Aq pessediq aq how youn Aejop ui einusus eur WEIS jum spoyjou encqe BY) }0s04UF “LON ‘enue pues ou usay fm an ‘no¥20 0 BUT JCOpITO By BSMED Jovi gu c ssn, pew Buseoy uy 1 usey Au 19 OY ‘tn opin ou osnes ou 6 pve Bz samge ‘epow EuNOOO UT 'ZLON « TT ee 6) 105s emVEBGNa, 6 BBN ‘ee 08ue8 emIei6cTS) TOONS, ‘eungeroaueg obIeeG | 8 “1oup 10 oq) Arejedes payauysos | 4 oB2e4p 37806140) 0} ean) yOu UE; oopIND |g ‘Aq Pesneo sno 040 UNM EIEOHOP WROD Om, redo 1oseeiduidd jo 2904 | AN 2406 oud ya00) Jou pp exIesedwe} Bf8496I0, ThEle TONGS saipe0! einyeaadum, ooRIPEG_ | ISG Oy Kade seinea anncsaT eID 3009 300W SUMS +Bg09 $3009 LHD! ONIHSV14 JO GN30F1- € STEVE "spuodes 40) UN so9pul O40} 0M0d no1p josjuod Wor 2 24110 Jomod eu 64) nw8}U “g {t40) _‘Buyooo 40) puewep e ym spucoss $ ulm ‘uopsed Buyooo eu) 0} y winjed PUB UONSod 1440, 641 OF eISOUNYI BY) UO YOUNS WaIsKs oY) WIN. “e ‘j9s01 Ayeowewomne sey yno%o0) Busnes jonues 4) inoxs0) & Jaye uOeIedo e1cISa! OL —g ‘porate ur unous opou ‘xnjey oun Buneojpur‘esned e Aq pejesedes ‘epoo eun use 11 S14] eu “Busseeje1 pUe spucdos ¢ 20) 49019 feLIEY A prenBiu04, uo sjeuuuo) se), o14 BuILOYs Aq 18501 64 ‘uo uo eisoweW) ey} 18 peveepp sem inOHO| OLB} EAD 1ese1 nun Busey enujuoo jm PUE YSEY Wm A GEYND 140A uo WB JoWwopU NE; eL4“LONPHE U eIsoUOKY SUL IB YSRY |I|M 146) Jeey AoUaGseWe Oy ‘s1n290 yNoyDO) oUM “Uo}aUNjeu e sIo0}9p 1 1 YUN JOoPITO UN Ino -990| [IW pue Uoneiedo weiss SIOIUOW A GHWNODWYOA “L (ezyenbo 01 sounssoid weyeks Bumoje fq sosse,duos swevoid sui) “seInuw ¢ 40) WeIS-81 0} worsAs ou yued ou WM A CEYNDEOA etp“vondnuoqU) s9mod 40 pho Buyooo 8 WOH peddoys sey Wa}sKs oun zeyy “9 papecu se Bu) -J00o opinoid 0} puEWp yeISoUNeY) YUM o}oKO HIM WE}EKS “s “uoweredo 1among spitoud 0} ‘ojas semoyq yBno1ng oeuod Bujood Ye\soUOYY Woy opeUr 1 yno,9 e "vowsod .OL AY. U! YOUMS Ue) WIM "wersKs Buy "UeIS PUB 10}98IU0 €71618U8 O1 A GHWNOWHOA 84 UEnouy ‘epeU 8 nD4p @ ‘s9s0;9 jaeUOD Busjooo IISCUOY) LOU» ‘uowezedo 10) foze1 S| woysts ayy ‘saynuI ¢ s9yY ‘POued AeIOp OWN SEIS A GYNOWYOA SS POS °C ‘uojevedo JoMo}q snonunuod epinoud 1 Aeya4 46MOIg {yBnowyy apeu! s1 yn249 w ‘UONSOd JNO, Ul $1 YORMS Uj °Z ‘oyesodene oun 8 Y00 Joopu au esLepUED OLN $1 YOK HO J00p;n0 ay} 0} paduind s} se6 sBreyDRHp ‘=}0Ko Bus009 04) Uy aazedo Bujooo 19} nao juer@6 jou uonisod o} Youn lwoyshs yeisowuoy) Brown peziGious si onjeA Guszenees “L ‘NOUISOd SNITOOS Ni 1VISONUSHL GNY LIN OL HAMOd HIM, “weysks ‘etn YBno1y jeIe5yjo1 Jo Moy AU BDEN O} 6 SAINBIy Beg NOUWHSdO W31SAS Yon} 8410} $009 j90} IM YUN JOOpINO oy} Ye OUI PINDIL CL “y "yon0} 94} 0} wea joa) AULA LOOPING oye eu Oden eu. “E ionp 84) WOH 4e WHEN BuBrEOSIP “Buyeredo oq wm (ypuEUATE 10 eoeUin) JeMo}q OCDUN EU “zZ ‘wun aty jo doy ou wos, pabsoyosrp Buseq 12 Joos yun *BuluuNs 24 PINoYs UR} JoopInO Bul “| ‘smojo} $@ 81 uojeiedo Buea} sedoud jo suoweopuy ‘NLS ‘yono} 94) 0} WPM Jo9} JEM YUN JoopIno OU; Ye OUI! PinbA CLL “> ‘yono} 640} j009 189} a WUN JOOpINO eUNI# eUI|odEACUL “E “snp atp loys Joo Bubie4o5 “Buyeiedo aq (opueyite 0 63euIn) 1amo}aJoODLs eZ "yun ey; jo doy eu wos; paB=yasIp Bureg sre uwem yum ‘BuluLns eq pINcYs Ue} JoOPINO Bu “| ‘wun Buon “ypuvo se yeuouenved Kue se ewes eu 5} LeHesado Bur}O0D, “ORTTOOS NOILVH3dO Y3dOHd 4O SNOLLVOIGNI Aaneesis ——> coun cvcte FLOW —-P HEATING CYCLE FLOW * SHOWN IN COOLING POSTION FIGURE 9 - FLOW DIAGRAM E"FHO18 - 060 5. System wilt cycle with thermostat demand to provide heat: ing as nooded, 6. After the systam has stopped from a heating cycle or power interruption, the YORKGUARD V will nat permit the system 10 re-start for § minutes. (This protects compressor by allowing systom pressures to equalize.) 7. YORKGUARD V monitors system oporation and wil ‘out the outdoor unit if t detects a malfunction. When @ lockout occurs, the emergoncy heat light wil fash at the thermostat In addition, the fault indicator light on YORK GUARD V will flash and will continue flasting until rest evonilna lockout was cleared ate thermstaHtean ony be raset by shorting the “test” terminals on Yorkguard feeina ion for 9 seconds and essing. Tho is wil lash the code, separated by a pause, indicating the falure ‘mode shown in Table 3. 8 To restore oparation after a lockout (if contro! causing lockout has automaticaly reset); ‘a. Tum the system switch on the thermostat to the “OFF” Position and return it to the cooling position, within 5 seconds with a demand for cooling. (OR) b. Interrupt the line power or the 24 volt contro circuit ;powor to the indoor unit for 4 seconds. NOTE: Either ofthe above methods wil start the S-minuto time delay which may be bypassed by temporarily shorting the test terminals for 3 seconds. OPERATION BELOW LOW-TEMPERATURE CUT-OFF 1. At an outdoor temperature below the cut-off point, the compressor operation cannot be justified due to small amount of heat genorated. Unitary Products Group 515.28-N2Y FIELO CONNECTED UNE INo0oR CON, — fl, > i i iu 1 Ike— suction | { COMPRESSOR eurtow LJ acetatdvaron + = Pats BIFLOWLIQUID STRAINER / DRIER. vauve = pd} ——o5 t~saatbhal a FIELD CONNECTED LINE FLOW CONTROL DEVICE (HEATING) **NOTE: An osfice wil be installed in the indoor col. TKV kit rust be inetaliad on cola ‘wiht factory instaled TKV and orfen removed fo achieve 12 SEER rating, 2. YORKGUARD senses this and performs the following fune- tions: 4, De-energizes compreseor circuit. bb. Changes the frst step of supplemental heat so that itis ‘controlled by he first stage ofthe thermostat along with the fan. ‘. Energizes standby heat (f installed) under control of ‘second stago of heating thermostat. OPERATION IN EMERGENCY HEAT POSITION ‘When swich on thermastatis placed in emergency heal positon: 1. Emergency lights energized, 2. Compressor circuit is locked out. Supplemental and standby heaters (if installed) will be controled by first stage of heating thermostat. 4, Indoor blower witoperate on domand for heat and cycle of with the ast heater element wien in “AUTO" poston. ‘SUPPLEMENTAL ELECTRIC HEAT ‘Supplomontal electric heaters are energized by sacond stage. ‘of heating thermostat. YORKGUARD V will permit operation of ‘supplemental heaters below balanca point. At all outdoor tom- peratures above balance point, supplemental heaters are not ormittad to operate. orp sionporg Keun ‘uewsoyues eo "Weys JOU seop weIsAs || "seINUIW ¢ YEAA “HEIs ydwIORE ue spuoces ¢ 40} ejsouweU eu) Yo Wn) “welqosd eyeULWE ‘2829019 S1sGep 10420} 0} UONDBS JOOPINO “E “uogeynusnooe mous Jo} uon29s JeOPINO °z 4041 Aup 40} uoHDes soopuy “| :ueweorues @ Bujiea 210}6q Bumoyo} 4199049 'S11990 INO} SHSNMO Ol SOLON ‘a6euIeIp Jodoud ounsse pue siopo juoneid oO} AueynBes pouee} pus pojcadsuleq Pinoys Ued UreIp 109 00pUl Ou “s ‘soueUaeU! o}OU: J8MOKg ue 10) 10; suoHorsj6ul Z9;puBYarE 10 GOBLIN BUR OL16}9E) “p saoeuns pejued yu eIU09 U eWweD 01 penLUES aq you pMNoYs UDNMES TEM UeRR ym BUSY or0}eq SEINUIW OE 40} |JO9 UO UFEWE: Oo) UONAIOS Mo;Ty -[Jo}EM sued eres 01 ueajajo9 ued evo xn) uBcIoHOS UOEIE Ui pause oe pINOUS BAUER Bq 0} SARL TOD OM“ ‘Bujo s1poued eunbos ou ‘Soop pue pajeouiqny Aquaueuuied si ojous UE} OpING Bul “2 ‘sueeui olgeuns seuio 10 uowygeN J9UvO|> lunnoen ‘ysmug ® asf] "UeEID UN ey) deey 0) AlBsse08u Se UByo Se URSIN "YNDID Je BY) UI SYEd saYI0 40 S119 J00pin0 oU Uo eie;nUNEDe o1 PEMO|E OG OU PINCUS UI “L ONVNALNIVIN ‘yoo Buyjeoy yeusoU 0} yun uunIos oj Aejos OA'EA Busiene: pue Avjai ue; eu SeziGseUE-2p A GHYNOMYOA ‘sejnujw € snonuguos 2 10} 4 .Sp encae SpioY pUE 4 .SP s949ee! OUI pInbY ou “E “1 "eho woop ou Jo WORD ota wos} SernuNZ/L HL -Z +e 4.02 spesoxs eimetodue) au pnb OU "UeyIA payeLILA} 1 Bf0KO ISOH}OP SUL, on ‘B0Rds PEUO!}}PUOD ey U; SYRIP PjoD jUeAe/d o} (jen} 1980} 10 YeeY o1NDEI6 JeYIIe) jeEY /eIUSWIA;ddns Jo ders 154 UL 0216100 O$1@ GHYNOMOA 6ujo09 o}yrau }We!eBo! eA pins 01 Keos onjen Buss0%01 oy) soz6.0u0 pus ue} Joopino 84, Sdois uo Aejes ue} eu) sezi0U0 A CUYMOUOA “dn0p vein 10p\09 51 emnjezedute: nbs eup peprAOd oren s Ko ys0y9p OY) ‘YS0W9P 10} poou Jo eayeo}pUL 9g 0] jo1U09 ojuo.j9eI@ eu) Aq peUIUlIZeP UeEq sey YOK ‘onjen @ seyoee: sounjpiedwe} esau) UBEMeg diysuonEte: 4) Yum “o> JoopINO OW) ve Pinby| Wwes0B\ye1 OY) JO eIn} -eedwe] 24 pue @:njezedwey|UoIGUIE JoOpyno eANSBEL YOY ‘Siosuee einjesodwo} sioWUOU! AEnonUILED A GUYNDKOA 1801} YIM pes8RCD f}o}045.UOD OU 6} YO9 84} YBNOYY UBAS IMDS ‘ew ysoijop reuu0u ® YeAEMO}{ ‘OO By) Jo suoHoeS IUEIEyIP Ur Aluaneun eyeinunooe Kew 1s0y ‘silun 8504} 0 109 10OpInO ‘2uy UII yNoW!o jUeLeBUjes OY) Jo WweWNEUEITE oY) 0} ong yoo ‘1p uBno14; moy se ety 5300/9 1 UB poIsOHaP eq IsnUL jOK> SSuyeey 94 Sun yoo soopyn0 ey UO SuLO} YIU 291 UE IS0-3 37949 1soWs3a ‘e0euin; rewwoweyddns e71618u0-2p ‘01 uado jim j2eiU00 ‘poysves sawonaq reIsoweL9 BueeY JO ‘o6i2 puddes Loum “eoeuin, jejwoworddns eup ez/B10U8 OF ‘ren yu0, yBno.uy epews 51 una119 & peso} eIUOD TeISOULEK ‘Bugwoy jo oBm3s puooos im: 1w0d eourreg mojeq uoeIedg, ‘ayssedo 0} payiuzed ou s1 2eusn jpywowsiddns ‘yuod souejeg anoge seineieduiey 200pIno jj@ 1Y “julod eauejeG Mojaq soe, jeUoWO;ddns Jo Uuojeiado yuied jim A puenBL0, ‘Weisowsoy) Bueoy yo OBIS Puoses Aq pez\Gieue ae segeuiny Ho 10 seb jeueweiddng "WH LoBoOLZ0OWe OUT Jo o8n ein SBLINDEY ‘ALON NOLLWH3dO Tans TISsO4 “sueyBay jeRueWe|ddns 67/618U9-0p 0} Uedo jy EIUO ‘poysies sewooeq yesouuout Buneoy jo oBes puddes UOUM, “srojwoy jeyowlaiddns oxy o71510U0 01 A GLYNDWHOA Brow epeuss) yrau1o # ‘pesca eILOD WeISOWELA BUNeAY JO Beis puoods WIM ANIOd SONY MOTE NOLWH3dO ANE. 515.28.N2Y ‘TABLE 4 - Superheat Value INpooA| (OUTDOOR DBF we °F [ss [60 | 65 | 70 [75 | 00 | 05 | 90 | 95 | 100] 105] 110] 115, so [el7 sz_|iz{ tol] 6 j 34 [aa fre | a0] 7 se [a7 [as[ ra] v0] 6 so 18 60 | 2321 6 e2_| 25 | 26 ets| | 20 [27 nfoles 6 | 52/31 w{ulole 35 | 33 wofis|u[alole 70 35 22 [20] 16] 1513] 1] 8 m 26 | 24 | 20 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 14 4 ‘30 | 27 | 25 | 20 | 22 | 20 | 18 76 35 | 33 | 31 [ 29 | a7 | 26 | 25 | 29 “Evaporator Ewonng APF ‘TABLE 5 - Temperature and Pressure SUCTION SUCTION SERGE VALVE SUPERREAT Paeguere —— Goats | @ [2] 46 |e [sta] ue] se] 10] 20] 22 | ae | ae [20 | 20 | 22 | on as |slalo|n|slel7|elslal=|7lelalele ale 2 [a lootatalasta [ao] sr[satss|ar[sofer]efeser loot es [ofartaslas[artao]sr] so] ss [sr {so [or[es|ee[er [oo] n [7s moa farfastas lar [ae] sr] sa] ss |r [so] or] es] ester [eo 7179 [7s m0 [axfas [arpa ]sr]sa]sslsr] so] er] os] es eree|7 [79 [75 | 77 re0 |e [ar pao fs [as] ss [sr] ov] or /e0 fs [or] [rrr [75 [77 | ro rea [ar[ofsi [soles [sr] sol erfes[esterteo]7 7] 75 | 77 [70 | 21 wa fw fsr]so[e[srtsofole ls lorloln{al| [aimless TABLE 6 - Froon 22 Saturation Properties: PRESSURE | TeV) PRESSURE PRESSURE 35 46. a7 a 49, =o s Taio 110) St ca 18456. a 82 Ca ~aar's6 a2 | sf es | 199.18 113. 54, 6 193.03, na) % 56. Ed 8 Unitary Products Group " se me mis same aa vanes Sey gree fyuoyu0g sy pue Beary HOARE:

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