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Mapping of Sample Written Component Questions to the PCE Blueprint

Sample Questions PCE Blueprint 2018 1 PCE Blueprint 2009

Vignette for items 1 - 3 A 3-month-old baby boy with a diagnosis of congenital muscular torticollis requires physiotherapy in an out-patient
1. On palpation, the physiotherapist finds tightness Area of Practice Musculoskeletal Area of Practice Neuromusculoskeletal
of the left sternocleidomastoid muscle. Which of Condition 01.01.14 Congenital Condition 01.01.14 Congenital malformations (e.g.,
the following positions would the baby most malformations (e.g., talipes talipes equinovarus, hip dysplasia)
probably maintain his head in? equinovarus, hip dysplasia)
A. Right lateral flexion and rotation to the right. Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Assessment & Evaluation
B. Right lateral flexion and rotation to the left. Entry-to-Practice 1.4.2 Identify client’s body Code Examine and evaluate
C. Left lateral flexion and rotation to the left. Milestone structure and function neuromusculoskeletal, neurological,
D. Left lateral flexion and rotation to the right. impairments, activity limitations cardiopulmonary-vascular, integumentary
and participation restrictions. and other systems using appropriate tests
and measures.
2. The physiotherapist teaches a home program to Area of Practice Musculoskeletal Area of Practice Neuromusculoskeletal
the baby's parents. Which of the following Condition 01.01.14 Congenital Condition 01.01.14 Congenital malformations (e.g.,
instructions should be emphasized? malformations (e.g., talipes talipes equinovarus, hip dysplasia)
A. Incorporating the exercises into the child's equinovarus, hip dysplasia)
daily routine. Domain Scholarship Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
B. Pursuing the exercises intensively at frequent Re-Evaluation
intervals during the day. Entry-to-Practice 6.1.2 Incorporate client context Code Select and justify treatments
C. Carrying out the exercises only when the Milestone into clinical decision-making. and procedures using the best available
child is awake and can participate. evidence considering environmental factors,
D. Doing the exercises only when the child is safety factors, family/cultural factors, and
asleep. client's impairments, activities, and
participation levels.
3. The baby's torticollis improves with physiotherapy Area of Practice Musculoskeletal Area of Practice Neuromusculoskeletal
treatment. However, follow-up assessment at 8
months of age reveals a motor delay. Which of Condition 01.01.12 Inflammatory/ Condition 01.01.12 Inflammatory/infectious conditions
the following assessment tools should the infectious conditions of the of the neuromusculoskeletal system (e.g.,
physiotherapist use to determine the child's musculoskeletal system (e.g., osteomyelitis)
motor performance in relation to his peers? osteomyelitis)
Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Assessment & Evaluation
A. Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS). Entry-to-Practice 1.3.7 Select and perform Code Select and justify
B. Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Milestone appropriate tests and measures. evaluation/assessment procedures based on
C. Ashworth Scale.
client needs and expectations, responses,
D. Functional Independence Measure (FIM).
and best available evidence.

1 The PCE Blueprint 2018 is based on the Competency Profile for Physiotherapists in Canada (2017) and the current National Physiotherapy Entry-to-Practice Curriculum Guidelines.

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Sample Questions PCE Blueprint 2018 PCE Blueprint 2009
Vignette for items 4-5 A 50-year-old man received full thickness burns to his face, upper body, and arms at work. He is admitted to an acute care
facility. He has also been diagnosed with a restrictive pulmonary complication secondary to the burn.
4. What results would the physiotherapist expect to Area of Practice Cardiovascular-Respiratory Area of Practice Cardiopulmonary-vascular
find on assessment with respect to the client's Condition 01.03.08 Restrictive pulmonary Condition 01.03.10 Restrictive pulmonary disease (e.g.,
restrictive pulmonary complication? disease (e.g., fibrosis, asthma) fibrosis)
A. Decreased vital capacity and increased Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Assessment & Evaluation
pulmonary resistance. Entry-to-Practice 1.4.2 Identify client’s body Code Examine and evaluate
B. Decreased vital capacity and decreased Milestone structure and function neuromusculoskeletal, neurological,
pulmonary resistance. impairments, activity limitations cardiopulmonary-vascular, integumentary
C. Increased vital capacity and increased and participation restrictions. and other systems using appropriate tests
pulmonary resistance. and measures.
D. Increased vital capacity and decreased
pulmonary resistance.
5. The physiotherapist's caseload has doubled today Area of Practice Other Area of Practice Multisystem
because of the illness of a colleague. What should Condition 01.04.08 Integumentary Condition 01.04.08 Burns
the physiotherapist do? disorders (e.g., burns, wounds,
A. Complete full treatment for all clients before skin conditions)
leaving work. Domain Management Function Professional Responsibilities
B. Shorten all treatments in order to see all Entry-to-Practice 4.2.2 Address issues related to Code Establish and manage a
clients within work hours. Milestone waitlists, caseloads, and access to transparent prioritization process when
C. See only the clients who were not seen services. demand exceeds ability to deliver services.
D. Prioritize the clients who would deteriorate
without treatment.

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Sample Questions PCE Blueprint 2018 PCE Blueprint 2009
Vignette for items 6 - 8 A 60-year-old man with post-polio syndrome is experiencing deterioration of his physical status. He is attending a
rehabilitation centre as an out-patient for physiotherapy treatment.
6. During assessment, the physiotherapist notes Area of Practice Neurological Area of Practice Neurological
weakness of the erector spinae muscle group. Condition 01.02.07 Post-polio syndrome Condition 01.02.08 Post-polio syndrome
Which of the following postures is the Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Assessment & Evaluation
physiotherapist likely to observe? Entry-to-Practice 1.4.1 Interpret assessment Code Examine and evaluate
A. Decreased thoracic kyphosis. Milestone findings and other relevant neuromusculoskeletal, neurological,
B. Increased lumbar lordosis. information. cardiopulmonary-vascular, integumentary
C. Decreased lumbar lordosis. and other systems using appropriate tests
D. Thoracic scoliosis. and measures.
7. The client has greater paralysis of his left lower Area of Practice Neurological Area of Practice Neurological
extremity. This may be contributing to right knee Condition 01.02.07 Post-polio syndrome Condition 01.02.08 Post-polio syndrome
and ankle pain secondary to overuse. Which one Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
of the following devices should the Re-Evaluation
physiotherapist recommend for the left lower Entry-to-Practice 1.5.2 Determine an intervention Code Select and justify treatments
extremity? Milestone plan. and procedures using the best available
A. Neoprene knee sleeve. evidence considering environmental factors,
B. Ankle splint (air-cast splint). safety factors, family/cultural factors, and
C. Hinged knee brace. client's impairments, activities, and
D. Knee-ankle-foot orthosis. participation levels.
8. The client has used crutches for eight years. He Area of Practice Neurological Area of Practice Neurological
states that his ambulation has slowed and longer Condition 01.02.07 Post-polio syndrome Condition 01.02.08 Post-polio syndrome
distances are more fatiguing. Which one of the
Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
following aids should the physiotherapist
recommend for longer distances in the
Entry-to-Practice 1.5.7 Modify intervention plan as Code Protective, adaptive or
Milestone indicated. assistive devices (e.g., tape, splints,
A. Four-wheeled walker. orthotics, prostheses)
B. Two-wheeled walker.
C. Manual wheelchair.
D. Power scooter.

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Sample Questions PCE Blueprint 2018 PCE Blueprint 2009
Vignette for items 9-11 A 54-year-old woman fell on an outstretched right hand while at work. She experienced immediate hand and wrist pain. A
Colles’ fracture was confirmed on x-ray. After six weeks in a cast, her x-rays showed poor callus formation and she was
reporting right shoulder and elbow pain. She was recasted and referred to a private physiotherapy clinic.
9. Before initiating treatment, the physiotherapist Area of Practice Musculoskeletal Area of Practice Neuromusculoskeletal
describes the proposed treatment and possible Condition 01.01.07 Fractures, dislocations, Condition 01.01.07 Fractures, dislocations,
outcomes to the client. Why should the subluxations subluxations
physiotherapist do this? Domain Professionalism Function Professional Responsibilities
A. To allow the client to make an informed Entry-to-Practice 7.1.2 Comply with regulatory Code Secure informed consent for
decision about her treatment. Milestone requirements. evaluation/assessment and treatment
B. To allow the physiotherapist to justify the
treatment intervention.
C. To prevent the client from asking too many
questions during treatment.
D. To allow the physiotherapist to avoid
10. The physiotherapy assessment of this client Area of Practice Musculoskeletal Area of Practice Neuromusculoskeletal
reveals pain and muscle guarding in the shoulder, Condition 01.01.06 Joint Condition 01.01.06 Joint derangements/dysfunction
pain from the shoulder to the elbow, and derangements/dysfunction (e.g., (e.g., loose bodies, hypermobility,
restricted elbow extension. The pain is disturbing haemarthrosis/effusion, hypomobility)
the client’s sleep. The physiotherapist is hyper/hypomobility)
concerned that the client may be developing Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Assessment & Evaluation
adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Limitation in
Entry-to-Practice 1.4.1 Interpret assessment Code Examine and evaluate
which movements would indicate that the client
Milestone findings and other relevant neuromusculoskeletal, neurological,
has a capsular pattern of restriction?
information. cardiopulmonary-vascular, integumentary,
A. External rotation > adduction > internal and other systems using appropriate tests
rotation. and measures.
B. External rotation > abduction > internal
C. Flexion > abduction > external rotation.
D. Flexion > abduction > internal rotation.
11. Six weeks later, the client has had her cast Area of Practice Musculoskeletal Area of Practice Neuromusculoskeletal
removed. She has had a bone density study and Condition 01.01.08 Condition 01.01.08 Osteoporosis/osteopenia
has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Which one Osteoporosis/osteopenia
of the following interventions should the Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Assessment & Evaluation
physiotherapist use with caution in the treatment Entry-to-Practice 1.2.1 Identify client-specific Code Screen for contraindications and
of this client's wrist and hand? Milestone precautions; contraindications precautions for treatment planning (e.g.,
A. LASER. and risks. medical issues, psychosocial issues, safety
B. Interferential current. issues, language comprehension, educational
C. Joint mobilization. needs, risk factors and mediators)
D. Soft tissue manipulation.
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Sample Questions PCE Blueprint 2018 PCE Blueprint 2009
Vignette for items 12 - 14 A 50-year-old man comes to a private physiotherapy clinic for an aerobic exercise program. He has a 10- year history of
insulin-dependent diabetes.
12. Which signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia Area of Practice Other Area of Practice Multisystem
should the physiotherapist be aware of that the Condition 01.04.03 Metabolic Condition 01.04.02 Metabolic disorders/conditions
client may demonstrate while participating in an disorders/conditions (e.g., (e.g., diabetes)
aerobic exercise program? diabetes)
A. Manic mood, increased energy level. Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
B. Increased temperature, flushed face. Re-Evaluation
C. Weakness, excessive sweating. Entry-to-Practice 1.2.1 Identify client-specific Code Select and justify treatments and
D. Nystagmus, ringing in the ears. Milestone precautions, contraindications procedures using the best available evidence
and risks. considering environmental factors, safety
factors, family/cultural factors, and client's
impairments, activities and participation
13. In designing the aerobic cycling program for this Area of Practice Other Area of Practice Multisystem
client, which of the following parameters of Condition 01.04.03 Metabolic Condition 01.04.02 Metabolic disorders/conditions
exercise should the physiotherapist recommend? disorders/conditions (e.g., (e.g., diabetes)
A. 4 - 7 days a week for 20 - 60 minutes’ diabetes)
duration. Domain Scholarship Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
B. Daily at 20 - 40% of maximum heart rate. Re-Evaluation
C. Daily at 80 - 90% of maximum heart rate. Entry-to-Practice 6.1.1 Incorporate best available Code Schedule treatments to optimize
D. 3 - 5 days a week for 60 - 90 minutes’ Milestone evidence into clinical decision- client's response (e.g., time of day,
duration. making. medication timing).
14. What part of this client's intervention could the Area of Practice Other Area of Practice Multisystem
physiotherapist assign to the physiotherapist Condition 01.04.03 Metabolic Condition 01.04.02 Metabolic disorders/conditions
assistant? disorders/conditions (e.g., (e.g., diabetes)
A. Progression of the exercise program. diabetes)
B. Examination of the feet. Domain Management Function Professional Responsibilities
C. Assessment of the fitness level. Entry-to-Practice 4.5.2 Assign care to personnel Code Assign tasks, guide, and
D. Monitoring of the exercise program. Milestone involved in physiotherapy service supervise activities of support personnel as
delivery; and monitor delivery. needed.

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Sample Questions PCE Blueprint 2018 PCE Blueprint 2009
Vignette for items 15-17 A 62-year-old man presents to the emergency room at an acute care facility with chest pain and shortness of breath. An
electrocardiogram (ECG) reveals that he has sustained a myocardial infarction. Once the client has been medically
stabilized and transferred to the cardiac care unit, the physiotherapist is asked to assess him and provide treatment.
15. As a part of the treatment process the Area of Practice Cardiovascular-Respiratory Area of Practice Cardiopulmonary-vascular
physiotherapist discusses risk factor reduction Condition 01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia Condition 01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia and
with the client. The client explains that he is and infarction infarction (including surgical interventions)
unwilling to consider quitting smoking or changing Domain Professionalism Function Professional Responsibilities
his diet. How should the physiotherapist respond? Entry-to-Practice 7.2.1 Use an ethical framework Code Respect the knowledge, rights,
A. Discuss the need for change with the client’s Milestone to guide decision-making. confidentiality, and dignity of client and
family. family.
B. Discuss the client’s reluctance to change with
the physician.
C. Explain the risks of these behaviours, but
respect the client’s decision.
D. Explain to the client that change is essential,
or his health will deteriorate.
16. The client is concerned about the effect of his Area of Practice Cardiovascular-Respiratory Area of Practice Cardiopulmonary-vascular
myocardial infarction on his planned vacation in Condition 01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia Condition 01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia and
six months’ time. Which of the following factors and infarction infarction (including surgical interventions)
should the physiotherapist discuss that might Domain Scholarship Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
affect the client’s exercise tolerance on his Re-Evaluation
vacation? Entry-to-Practice 6.1.1 Incorporate best available Code Educate the client,
A. Altitude and change in diet. Milestone evidence into clinical decision- family/significant others about the
B. Altitude and cold temperature. making. condition, self-management, coping and
C. Change in diet and time change. prevention strategies.
D. Cold temperature and time change.
17. After five days of successful treatment in the Area of Practice Cardiovascular-Respiratory Area of Practice Cardiopulmonary-vascular
acute care facility, the client is ready to be Condition 01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia Condition 01.03.02 Myocardial ischaemia and
discharged home. Prior to the discharge, which of and infarction infarction (including surgical interventions)
the following should the physiotherapist Domain Physiotherapy Expertise Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
complete? Re-Evaluation
A. Graded exercise testing and complete VO2 Entry-to-Practice 1.6.3 Prepare client for Code Educate client, family, and
Max test. Milestone discharge or transition of care. healthcare and other service providers
B. Review home exercise program and complete about transitions (e.g., change in level of
VO2 Max test. care, care provider or care funder), other
C. Graded exercise testing and complete a services, and discharge plans.
referral to occupational therapy.
D. Review home exercise program and
encourage participation in an out-patient
rehabilitation program.
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Sample Questions – Stand alone PCE Blueprint 2018 PCE Blueprint 2009
18. An 8-month-old baby girl is referred to a Area of Practice Cardiovascular-Respiratory Area of Practice Cardiopulmonary-vascular
physiotherapy out-patient clinic for treatment of Condition 01.03.06 Acute lung injury (e.g., Condition 01.03.07 Adult/infant respiratory distress
her poor head control. Physiotherapy evaluation adult/infant respiratory distress syndrome (e.g., acute lung injury)
demonstrates abnormal muscle tone and strong syndrome, pneumothorax)
primitive reflexes. When asked by the parents Domain Collaboration Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
about her diagnosis, what should the Re-Evaluation
physiotherapist reply? Entry-to-Practice 3.1.1 Identify practice situations Code Determine need for
A. The child has symptoms of cerebral palsy. Milestone that may benefit from physiotherapy treatment, collaboration,
B. The child has symptoms of Werdnig- collaborative care. consultation, or referral.
Hoffmann disease.
C. It is too early to discuss a diagnosis for this
D. They should seek this information from the
treating doctor.
19. A physiotherapist in a rehabilitation center is Area of Practice Neurological Area of Practice Neurological
treating a 58-year-old male who has sustained a Condition 01.02.01 Cerebral vascular Condition 01.02.01 Cerebral Vascular
cerebrovascular accident with mild receptive accident/transient ischemic Accident/transient ischemic attack
aphasia. To help the client better understand attack
commands, what is the most effective method of Domain Communication Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
communication that the physiotherapist should Re-Evaluation
use? Entry-to-Practice 2.3.3 Adjust communication Code Use teaching and
A. Speak louder emphasizing key words. Milestone based on level of understanding communication strategies with clients and
B. Give details to clarify commands. of recipient. family members.
C. Provide written and visual cues.
D. Repeat detailed commands.
20. An 85-year-old man has been transferred to a Area of Practice Other Area of Practice Multisystem
long-term care facility shortly after his wife’s
death. He is demonstrating signs of depression. Condition 01.04.10 Complex conditions Condition 01.04.01 Episodic disease (e.g., oncology,
His mobility is progressively deteriorating and he (multiple systems/diagnoses) HIV/AIDS, autoimmune disorders,
has been referred to physiotherapy for treatment. rheumatic diseases, haemophilia)
How should the physiotherapist proceed?
Domain Leadership Function Interpretation, Planning, Intervention and
A. Suggest that he increase his hours of sleep Re-Evaluation
and provide a bed exercise program. Entry-to-Practice 5.1.2 Foster client engagement Code Select and justify treatments
B. Address what he perceives as his problems Milestone in finding solutions to address and procedures using the best available
and develop an activity program. health needs. evidence considering environmental
C. Encourage him not to focus on his losses and
factors, safety factors, family/cultural
start making new friends in his new home.
factors, and client's impairments, activities
D. Provide an activity program to assist with
mobility and then discharge. and participation levels.

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