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17 februarie 2018



I. Read the paragraph below and do the tasks (10 x 2 p. = 20 p.):

Many Third World nations, in an effort to become self-sufficient, encourage their

farmers to take up the capital-intensive agriculture of developed nations. Using this strategy,
some nations increased their food production, but, in general, poor nations and their farmers
cannot afford the industrial resources needed to adopt Western agricultural techniques. More
to the point, Western techniques often are not effective on tropical farmlands where the
climate and ecology differ markedly from those in temperate zones. To make matters worse,
inappropriate industrial techniques can ruin fragile croplands.
In contrast to the temperate world, the climates in the tropics are highly variable. They
include deserts, semiarid areas and regions of high rainfall. In some areas, rainfall can
fluctuate by as much as 40 percent above or below the average. Soils are apt to be heavily
eroded, and mineral nutrients can leach out easily. As a consequence, many tropical forests
keep their nutrients above ground in trees, shrubs and other plants. When a tropical forest is
cut down, most of the nutrients leave with the timber. Left behind is only sterile soil. In
contrast, when a temperate zone forest is cut down, most of the nutrients needed for the new
growth remain in the soil. Therefore, tropical deforestation is a significant cause of soil
erosion. Forest clearing, particularly in hilly regions, results in nutrient runoff. The runoff is
apt to end up in lakes, where it causes algae growth, often making the lakes uninhabitable for
fish and unusable for humans. On a long-term basis, agricultural techniques that conserve rain
forests would help farmers to produce more food.
To give one example: the domino effect “modernization” has sociologically,
economically and ecologically become evident after tractors replaced water buffaloes in Sri
Lanka. The conversion, expected to save eight to nine worker days per acre, soon showed the
hidden costs of the change.

A. Answer the questions: (4x2p=8p)

A. Is there any difference between Western agricultural techniques and those in tropical
B. What is the main shortcoming of high rainfall regions?
C. Is there any connection between tropical deforestation and soil erosion?
D. In what way was western-style modernization detrimental in Sri Lanka?

B. Choose the right synonym: (3x2p=6p)

1. fluctuate: a. alternate b. change c. go up and down d. move

2. timber: a. board b. wood c. frame d. plank

3. conversion: a. permutation b. regeneration c. refresh d. transformation

C. Rephrase the following sentences so as to preserve the meaning: (3x2p=6p)

1. When a tropical forest is cut down, most of the nutrients leave with the timber.


2. Left behind is only sterile soil.


3. The conversion soon showed the hidden costs of the change.

The hidden.................................................................the conversion.

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence

(10 x 1 p. = 10 p.):

There are persuasive arguments for rewarding winners in sport (1)…………(FINANCE),

thereby allowing the more talented to take (2)…………… (CORRESPOND) more from
their sport than those of lesser lights. If someone is also able to (3)…………(REPEAT) beat
the rest of the best in the world at tennis of golf, few would begrudge him or her the biggest
pot of gold. It is quite another thing, however, to pay (4)………..... (ASTRONOMY) weekly
sums of money to a member of an 11-man team – far in (5)……………… (EXCEED) of
most people’s annual salary. This team member may have a knack with the odd (6)
……………. (SUCCEED) free kick or (7)………… (SPECTACLE) header, but he will
often be out of action for (8)……………. (TERMINATE) periods with mysterious injuries,
and after a few years will allow himself to be sold to the highest (9)………… (BID) for the
whole sordid process to be repeated elsewhere. It is little short of an (10)………………

III. Translate the following text into English (10 p.):

După ce i-am povestit ce păţisem în primul an de liceu, m-a privit lung şi m-a întrebat
- Nu cumva şi dumneata ai fost un şcolar minune?
L-am privit un timp, înainte de a-i răspunde: era ironic domnul profesor? Nu ştiu, nu cred
că era... În orice caz, după prima pornire de a-i răspunde cu o frază sarcastică, am renunţat
să deschid gura. Afară ploua, cerul era cenuşiu şi pe el se zăreau norii grei. Preferam
această ploaie fină şi paşii trecătorilor pe trotuarul ud. Apoi, ”profesorul” şi-a continuat
monologul, falsa sa confesiune. Nu ştiu nici eu de ce am numit-o aşa. Poate nu minţea,
săracul de el, sau nu minţea lucid, sau minţea doar pe jumătate: adică se minţea pe el, iar
adevărul despre viaţa lui trecută era un fals adevăr.


Read the text below and do the tasks that follow.

He was a lad of eighteen when he dropped into London, with no money and no connections
except the address of a cousin who was supposed to work at a confectioner’s. When he went
to the pastry shop, however, he found that the cousin had gone to America. Anton Rosicky
tramped the streets for several days, sleeping in doorways and on the Embankment, until he
was in utter despair. He knew no English, and the sound of a strange language all around him
confused him. By chance he met a poor German tailor who had learned his trade in Vienna,
and could speak a little Czech. This tailor, Lifschnitz, didn’t much need an apprentice, but he
was sorry for the boy and took him for no wages but his keep and what he could pick up …
Anton had, however, a place to sleep. The tailor’s family lived upstairs in three rooms: a
kitchen, a bedroom, where Lifschnitz and his wife and five children slept, and a living-room.
Two corners of this living-room were curtained off for lodgers; in one Rosicky slept on an old
horsehair sofa, with a feather quilt to wrap himself in. The other corner was rented to a
wretched, dirty boy, who was studying the violin. He actually practised there … Rosicky used
to think he would never get out of there, never get a clean shirt to his back again. What would
he do, he wondered, when his clothes actually dropped to pieces and the worn cloth wouldn’t
hold patches any longer.

I. For each question choose the correct letter A, B, C or D (5 x 2p= 10p)

1. Anton Rosicky’s native language was

A. English
B. German
C. Czech
D. Italian

2. Anton tramped the streets for several days because

A. his cousin had rejected him
B. he knew no one in the city
C. he was in utter despair
D. his family had dropped him

3. The German tailor he met

A. rented him a room
B. found lodgings for him in the city
C. accommodated him in his flat
D. gave him a bed in the basement

4. In the tailor’s house, Rosicky

A. felt happy because he liked children
B. had a room to himself near one of the corners of the living-room
C. shared the corners of the living-room with a student
D. practised the violin in the room

5. Anton Rosicky
A. worried about his future and thought the situation was hopeless
B. didn’t mind being dirty
C. thought it was a wonder his clothes didn’t fall to pieces
D. wanted to go back to his country to have clean shirts again

II. Starting from the text above, write a for and against essay on working abroad in the
case of teenagers with little or no formal schooling. (250-280 words) (50 p)

N. B. Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii!

Punctaj total 100p
Timp de lucru 3 ore!


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