Green Manly Hotel Hospitality Management

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Green Manly Hotel Hospitality

Management Assignment

Application of Service Themes

Theme taken from Article 8
The current study of hospitality management assignment is focusing
on the various aspects of hospitality and tourism industry. In hospitality
and tourism industry the main area of interest is the customer
satisfaction and its application in the quality of service provided for the
customers coming in the Green Manly Hotel for spending quality time
with their closed ones (The Manly Hotel, 2019). The theme that has
been discussed in this particular article is by changing the interior
theme of the restaurant in the hotel where the guests visits to have
their meal and the food. As the hotel has recently changed their idea of
moving into an eco-friendly beach resort therefore, it is very important
to maintain the interior decoration and set up of the hotel in that
manner so that the tourists and the visitors gets attracted towards its
appearance and wish to stay in the hotel. The hotel owners and the
operational management staffs have planned to change the restaurant
theme into an eco-friendly getup so that the actual satisfaction that will
be obtained by the customers from the change satisfy both the hotel
staff as well as the trustworthy guests (Pizam et al. 2016). Green Manly
Hotel has also thought about the idea to serve organic meals from the
adjacent private garden of the resort to satisfy the customers with their
authentic idea of eco-friendly presentation.
Theme taken from Article 9
In Article 9 in order to achieve customer satisfaction through best
quality services, the main idea that is being discussed is about customer
loyalty and co cooperativeness. In order to ensure that the tourists
have a pleasant and comfortable stay at the hotel, eco-friendly theme
based children’s park has been thought about incorporating within the
hotel premises for the guests. As Green Manly Hotel has always
believed in providing quality services at an affordable range for its
guests, so they have come up with this idea of installing a nature
friendly theme based Children's park inside the hotel (Prentice, 2013).
This as a result will gain more customer satisfaction and their concept
of moving into an eco-friendly environmental sustainability program
will also gain its success. Both the articles therefore, have a similarity in
achieving customer satisfaction and perceived value by meeting the
needs of them as well as the business sustainability.

Pizam, A., Shapoval, V. and Ellis, T., 2016. Customer satisfaction and its
measurement in hospitality enterprises: a revisit and update.
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(1),
Prentice, C., 2013. Service quality perceptions and customer loyalty in
casinos. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 25(1), pp.49-64.
The Manly Hotel. (2019). The Manly Hotel - Your Hotel by the Sea.
[online] Retrieved from: [Accessed 5
Sep. 2019].

Productivity and Quality

Article 5
The Green Hotel Manly has proudly embraced their eco-friendly
sustainable concept to attract its customers in the best possible way.
Therefore, along with the quality of service that is provided by the
hotel, the cost of productivity in making the interiors and furniture
designing of the hotels in an eco-friendly theme has been also kept in
mind. In hotel and hospitality industry service is termed and defined in
various ways. Service in turn not only indicates in maintaining and
establishing a positive and happy relation with the hotel staff and
visitors, but is also indicates the manner of the behaviour and approach
of the hotel staff towards their customers (Crawford, 2013). Therefore,
in this article of hospitality management assignment, the productivity
and quality have been shown as interconnected with each other.
Article 7
In this article the main idea of the research paper is to deliver core
quality services for the customers in the hospitality industry. The
quality of the service can be determined by total quality control and
quality assurance of the products and items that are being served at
the hotel restaurant and at the hotel rooms (Kandampully, 2006). In
order to go through a proper quality check at a timely interval, Green
Hotel Manly should involve and appoint more hotel staff to to the
necessary tasks. This in result is a cost efficient subject and the size of
the employee production cost needs to be also monitored in this
regard. Therefore, in order to provide best quality services, productivity
needs to be taken care of simultaneously.
Article 10
In order to increase the internal service of the hotel staffs, more labour
intensive operational functionalities needs to be focused upon. This
directly involves an increase in the production cost by giving adequate
amount of training and skill based knowledge on handling and gaining
customer relationship management. This particular article of
hospitality management assignment is a relevance to the fact that
productivity and service quality goes hand in hand and it also states the
idea that quality of service should not be compromised even if there is
a considerable change in the productivity. It is obvious that the
productivity needs to be increased during the festival time to manage
more customers (Cannon, 2002). However, the Green Hotel Manly's
main focus is always on delivering best quality services even at times of
maximum business productivity in terms of profit marginal level.


Cannon, D.F., 2002. Expanding paradigms in providing internal service.

Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 12(2), pp.87-99.
Crawford, A., 2013. Hospitality operators' understanding of service: a
qualitative approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 25(1), pp.65-81.
Kandampully, J., 2006. The new customer-centred business model for
the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary
Hospitality Management, 18(3), pp.173-187.
Use of Technology
Article 11
As the service and hospitality industry continuously face a challenge
towards maintaining the balance between the service and the
demands, therefore proper implementation of technologies into the
industry is extremely crucial to manage the large capacity of guests
coming at the hotel. Since Green Manly Hotel is moving towards a
sustainable eco-friendly theme of their hotel, the core service value
that is maintained and provided by its staffs to the customers’ needs to
be adopted with a new modern technology (Lovelock et al. 1998). In
order to serve the guests in a better and approachable manner, the
guest detailed information needs to be updated in a database that
supports Cloud based functional technologies so that it can be easily
accessible from any parts of the country. In order to maintain the scenic
beauty of the hotel, improvised technologies needs to be installed
within the hotel premises that will serve the customers in the best
possible manner to avail all kinds of peripheral services (Chan et al.
2018). In this way the technological innovation can help in achieving
success in hospitality management services.
Article 12
This article of hospitality management assignment deals with the
explanation of the impact of technological innovations in the hospitality
industry. The new service and delivery process with the adoption of
new technology enhances the quality and the extension of services that
is generated by the Green Hotel Manly for its customers. With the
change in the design of client interface and by implementing new
service delivery system into the hotel, it can create a lot of positive and
strong customer satisfaction for the business (Chan et al. 2018). On the
other hand, the intangible components of the core services that are
provided by the hotel needs to be made tangible in the current context
so that more number of customers gets attracted and they believe in
their core services. The food ingredients that are served to the
customers are made out of pure organic vegetables and products that
are processed under in house technologies, thus assuring the
customers about the quality of the service that is being delivered
through modern technology (Khan and Khan, 2009). In this way, the
hospitality industry can achieve success with the integration of
technological innovation within the organisation.
Chan, E.S., Okumus, F. and Chan, W., 2018. Barriers to environmental
technology adoption in hotels. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Research, 42(5), pp.829-852.
Khan, M. and Khan, M.A., 2009. How technological innovations extend
services outreach to customers: The changing shape of hospitality
services taxonomy. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, 21(5), pp.509-522.
Lovelock, C.H., Patterson, P.G. and Walker, R.H., 1998. Hospitality
management assignment. Services Marketing: Australia-New Zealand.

The impact of servicescape in the hospitality industry is extremely
important to build a positive employee customer relationship. The view
of the physical and interior design, decor of the infrastructure creates a
direct impact into the customer’s mind as in hospitality industry
presentation is a very important component that is subject to gain huge
productivity and business demand (Bitner, 1992). The ability of the
physical environment to influence the behaviours of the customers so
that an image is created within their mind, is defined as the
servicescape in the hospitality industry.
With relevance to the Green Hotel Manly, the physical outlook will
impact a lot in creating a strong customer base for the organisation.
The tangible servicescapes that are considered for the internal physical
environment to create an image onto the customers mind is directly
linked with the intangible factors that are the consumer behaviours by
looking at the physical setting and outlook of the hotel (Bitner, 1992).
As this is a hotel cum restaurant so the self-service concept of
servicescape is not ideally taken into consideration for determining the
employee behaviour. In creating and delivering the best quality
services, Green Manly Hotel needs to also focus on achieving the
organisation's objectives by employee satisfaction, motivation and
operational efficiency so that the best peripheral and core services are
delivered to the reputed clients and the customers (Jang et al. 2015).
All of the above listed factors fall directly under the internal setting of
the hotel. In order to ensure that the client is provided with the best
accommodation and facilities there are free wifi, 24 hours dining bar,
reception and room service available for the customers. In this way the
external servicescape of the organisation is achieved. On the other
hand, by focusing on their attractive marketing and advertising strategy
to reach out to more number of customers, special promotional
discounts are provided to the regular and frequent customers, thus
gaining their trust and morality. In this way, servicescape is
implemented within the Green Manly Hotel to promote their new
hospitality management services.

Bitner, M.J., 1992. Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings
on customers and employees. Journal of marketing, 56(2), pp.57-71.
Jang, Y., Ro, H. and Kim, T.H., 2015. Hospitality management
assignment Social servicescape: The impact of social factors on
restaurant image and behavioral intentions. International Journal of
Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 16(3), pp.290-309.

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