Tadoapti Chapt 17 To 29 Answers

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Name: Date: Credit: _; Assignment: ‘Chapters 17-19 Answer the following in complete sentences for full credit. “Dance, Dance, Dance” (pp. 118-129) L ‘Why is the novel called The Abso! utely True Diary of a Part-time Indian? Use textual evidence. Part-time = Junior Changes School Jsugy a 13 Wis Stovy of rut ke m4 Juunioy struggles wit he, 2. Examine the cartoon on p. 120. Analyze each of the pictures. Why do you think Sherman Alexie resents the information in this way? So the reader Can understand that povert bic crs a OO lot of everyday Extras oo we tare Y Qvaunted . 3, What happens when Junior goes to the Winter Formal? Explain what happens. ts He dresses tn his fatncrs Suit Everyone thnks i+ 19 cool He docorix have ee 4p Avy, get food rte og cr be avec, Aut Ne Goetz Ss woy. Ki x4 ng to Ane dae oo him # it 5 Ove be tS ota TOY ore 4 How do Penelope and Roger react to Junior’s admission that he is poor? What does this reveal about their characters? Use textual evidence. They dovt veatty Cove, And they herp him me Roger gees lim # for denner dnd raes- 5. What does Junior learn by the end of the chapter? “HF Ute Let People. ive yur (We & Utllebet, Hey Cow Ve Preity dawn amanva,/” te ie Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time indian Credit Assignment # “Don’t Trust Your Computer (pp. 130-132) 1. What does Junior emait nowy a rs does he reply? hy does this make Junior we ia wd p UWior 2mais WS Wel o Ee oe Jemnisy once. his ~ ptt = fers! 2 Sar eo aTie Ton ola aned ody Says that trilees have Glusdys Shu i That aw produce, Hethen Says thes Ws0 Ger vid OF Weird People. Junior does Bt ae his. Wahian’ tribe » 3. What does Junior mean by the term become white? Ack while hang vs with white POPe “My Sister Sends Me a Letter” (pp. 133-134) 1. What does Junior think of Mary's “gorgeous new place”? Use textual evidence. Loy Avesvt think tts that ayer _ co k= G TW dinner Tray REVIEW Directions: Who is being referred to in the following quotes? 1. "Can your best friend be more important than your Family?” Lowdy 2. "S0 | heard the boom of my fathers rifle when he shot my bestfriend.” _ USCOW* 3. "Best of al, he taught me how toreaa” (WL. P- ? Wd a 4:"When | first started teaching here, that's what we did to the rowdy ones[..We beat them.” ‘0 id 5. "Oh, she loved to write short stories. [..] She wouldn't let anybody read them.” Many 6." want to go to Stanford and study architecture. [..] | want to build something beautiful. Because | want to be remembered," : Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Name: Credit #__; Assignment # Date: Credit: ; Assignment: Chapters 20 “Reindeer Games” (pages 135-149) © Connotations can effect meaning to be more positive or negative Reindeer Games (pp. 135-149} 1 Example: Quote: Denotation (What is “FULL-COURT ONE-ON-ONE. That was torture" (135), th oft con “0 Word Analysis 1 literal meaning the word?) oy nO) ane Connotation (What are the ‘emotions or images associated with that word? Isit positive/negative?) ~ evil, electrocutions, Punishment, + negative Analysis (Why did the author choose that word?) This emphasizes that tryouts were more than difficult. Junior was ina lot of pain during full-court one-on- fone. The fact that he continues to press on demonstrates that he erseveres and does not give up easily. | “Iwas a warrior” (142). punter pee Junior was a warrior in two ways. The high school mascot is a warrior, and ‘making the team made him feel included in the high school. Also, despite being small, he felt strong and brave like a warrior because of his, actions during tryouts. It has positive connotations including fierceness. “twas a fricking awesome display of contempt” (144). we ? ov}, e we | | | | Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time indian Credit #____; Assignment 2 How is Junior treated when he first goes on to the court? Other than the literal meaning, what does Junior ser oe hy in ti blood” Genailyy Mack ere a baa the fey nines ie Ce neces aos tHe haa it mt BV Wantecl to 3. Junior me that “Eugene was a legend?” (145). What are the connotations of legend and what does it imply? Why didn’t he continue to play in college? Awe > Everyone. Knnus them. ysuaiyin An Leg Spedne because Hel Oo Igo Ore Eugene crane vod. » 4. _ Retell what happens when Junior gets to play in the 3rd quarter and explain what happens in nye end of the game and why. Owdy Srpashes {we elbows ate Juniors \nead anc Knows Wim vneo eae Both tears Ae OTs into on Bes ate ave tithv fice wild” Fndiars the “tape a Bp pts. Well pim + ‘Chapter 21 “And a Partridge in a Pear Tree” (pp. 150-151) 1 What is Junior referring to when he says, “If okay was the Earth, then | was standing on Jupiter” (151)? What happened on Christmas; re Uwioy fer Cron berng, hae fs ne ee ard bee ena is iol ane ape cars ywuisat nq te a € 2 A paradox is “a statement that is: ‘seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true.” Find the paradox Juni¢ lescribe his father’s Christmas gift to him, and explain how this paradox: lize rae Was & beautiful iy tht ng! ; ful eciuse Wes fatier eeegi, because bean wn Some*hing Lee) at wal iv’ ee Glos UL ae ak awe an vO Ww Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Name: Date: Credit t_; Assignment __ Credit: _; Assignment: Chapters 22-23 Answer the following in complete sentences & answer all parts of the question for full credit. Red Versus White (pp. 152-158) Ss Se eae a they have poe eVerumMe Enos aun na af a eee Knct Communit They, Usect 4D OL Gvenye C tov evanee) 2, __ Using another paradox, Junior says his white friends’ fathers are good at “hiding in plain sight.” What shortcoming of white family culture is he asserting here? They we phyacauy Deo erct in tne homey, na mM Bt inace! Ker Gas. ave Wot Present 3. What happens to Junior's fone What does she request of the surgeon and why? She was hit Cuming the Surgery, She Wanded every ya Arunk diiver— aie iy forgive the Arun. dviver, Whe Kitlet her : shes Kitted Ua a Avnk driver, put she's Never dranic & What values and lessons does Junior's grandmother be tow +o be TOLERANCE 0u h him, by her,example, nate forgive. Grandmother Quote (relevant passage that reveals character tats, What isthe character doing? How are they reacting?) au J, Bample: (Wy Arindmother’s Greatest, aft et wos Tle ‘Analysis (What does this reveal about the character? What do we learn? What could this foreshadow or reflect?) ranclino-Hyer ae epteel Everyone or Who they were - Was Deact No Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time indian Credit #__; Assignment # Wake (pp. 159-167) 1, What happens at an Indian wake? i : | ooo people Srww wp. They dove esoe Junior ana let Wim grieve WW) Peace © 2. __ What attitude toward people like Billionaire Ted does Junior reveal in the way he retells the story of Ted's visit to the oe reservation? Why did he Scop ie The (Indians voll cw eyes at ¥ ae Ke eee aes Ted ee erg Ha They EWN. COME. a nope ‘ We Oo Pow Wow OMFRt thet belonged aad 4D Granlwa Spirit - 3. What does Junior’s mom explain about the costume? 7 this net Spokane - Bead voork iS wrong and G@vindma Spivit wasn) a Pow-Wow Qncer. 4. “When it comes to death, we know that laughter and tears are Pretty much the same thing,” Junior comments after his grandmother's wake (p. 166). What does this paradoxical reflection show about Junior’s community? Ss . : HONS da tears Ave Shrovng Cro Laughter oe sy S they Waushed, Mayle when he 49 s) “an CA WESS — truing to Wide Ee saan Tey Ove WY ives Gre 30 sad ana \pecause -hciv Lonley: — Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indien Name: Date: Chapter Valentine Heart (168-178) Credit #_ Assignment #__ Credit: __; Assignment: 24, Text Analysi hat is the effect of alcohol on Junior’s life? Quote (relevant passage that reveals character traits. What is the character doing? How are they reacting?) Example: “Rowdy's father is an aleoholic'(18). Analysis (1- What is the context for this quote? What does this reveal about the character? What do we learn? What could this foreshadow or reflect?) Rowdy's father beats him when is drunk. This negatively affects Rowdy and makes him an angry person. Because of this, Junior is the only person Rowdy depends on and Rowdy is violent with Junior for leaving. i Bobley, Whe was too Avunk to even Yemembcr Puy 9 the tigger. ” (ws) Bolo ley Slot Eugene in the face - ke Was So drunk he : ho idea What he wis aor “the lice. Think Evgene Ara Bobey yet over the lash OWL 10 te DOH ag ML Cul Laity [ditled Wyself my wb tre dund Fother ..” (149) Bolh sever Alcholics— 2 Both Aiea becouse of the looore - N dunior IS 30 , 4 Qipne Ale tne deat Suvvnuded dun) _ iim thet he oo ne Cmid Kill bvevy ON We Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Credit #__; Assignment # 1. “We all have to find our own way to say good-bye,” Junior observes after his grandmother's death, which precedes his “uncle” Eugene’s murder by less than ono Month, Compare and contrast how Junior “says goodbye” to these two beloved figures with the ways his father, mother, and sister say their goodbyes. USE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE. | “Saying good-bye” to Grandmother “Saying good-bye” to Eugene W1le-(t4 (Events, effect on Junior, memories left behind) | (Events, effect on Junior, memories left behind) Huge Funeval — -Viry depressed . Lug @ White 3ry ~ Juater Needs + mare ; sts th YeMLUnuver, tae Oona Wine Great | Oe Te Great Qrondmae Spivit i Aled Tolerance will be Mined ts etait im Jas y i RB Ave % Vitled boy dvunk Driver. Neaoian 0b rea yohor hana ve Fe ; 2, What do Junior’s cartoons (pp. 170, 171 and 172) reveal about his emotions? {explain each cartoon and its meaning) G (4D. Eugene's Death= Violence of Indian Cuttpre. a drawind rd Qvd/ Jesus,sv he Wocds-themin 9 0g tl Junior ws Oe Sees oy the death vf the People « Junio is Grie 2) AZ" oyna Wim 3. ‘Summarize what Junior learns and thinks about the ‘story of Euripides by Medea. How did he relate to that story? és ef a iw What “Areater ef than the (oso vf one's hative Land? Undi dps have lost overytning, se they oniy Wnow oe Tost Gnd he Urge SG Se They only CAS 4. What happens when Junior goes back to school? Explain the events and Junior's respons The Hacker is wot mice te Wim She toed? him for Nain aati deRnds him obyop bev Wares ae = Covad - a oa lune ere _ Jells te vocher - Shes o joVv a ecu". Apbhae: 2) ya a a Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time indian Credit #__; Assignment # Name: Date: Credit: 5 Assignment: Chapter 25-26 In Like a Lion (pp.179-196) 4 How et ‘explain his Mee nee basketball? rate evidence. wniov has Confidence with S ae ae The Kan bt vdan Need Wipe B, be geet SLi pedec im to Ve good - so he Was 2. What do the cartoon on p. 182 and the simile he uses to describe himself demonstrate about Junior's self-identity at this point in the novel? Wellpinct = Devil Cometicted |, eyarte Readan Guyra = Ange Oot Simil vp Against Lee aaah Reardon's team Crashes wep ee Gund the Kediden Hann albes guabthev™ Game 4tam. wit ‘Absolutely True Diary of @ Part-Time Indian Credit #__; Assignment 6. __ Junior tells the sportscaster, “I’m never going to quit living life this hard” (p. 186). What does he mean by this statement? Haat Wes +he Game IS Goind to ve Tee ie ‘ad Vay. Ana ia 5 not gpg tb ge up. 7. What analogy does Junior use on page 195 to explain why he cries even though his team wins the game against the team from the reservation? Why is Junior ashamed even though he is a hero? Dirt rot He. was VYING tears of Shame. tle Said ana Gsnamet that lhe thuyght of Nis Owh People as the ene way: Chapter 26 “Rowdy and | Have a Long and Serious Discussion about Basketball” (197-198) ae How does Rowdy’s email response "kick (Reardan's) asses next year" make Junior ue why? What is the foe of id tell Zz thinks that Row Y IS CoOMmINng le Avmnd Gna Mat they mignt be @lo bo ve fiends again 2. Once again in this chapter Alexie uses a slur to make a point. Compare this one to others he has used in the novel so far. Is this slur needed to make the characters sound authentic, or should he avoid this type of language in his novels because it may offend some readers? (t is Lada oH tear es Cobley lieve Thea C3 ee, Diver olin Pavent/teachers owe Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Credit #_; Assignment #. Name: Date: Credit: ; Assignment: Chapter 27-28 Answers must be in complete sentences and answer all parts of question. Because Russian Guys Are Not Always Geniuses (pp. 199-213) 1. According to Junior, what's the biggest difference between whites and Indians? Use 7 2 oe textual support. How has this difference likely shaped his view on death pa uonite LI lot of Aeatth Comer pene Fant Sapecring Fo die E Vistent deste 2 How does Mary die and did the people on the rez react? What is the irony? Wavy dies in @ Wise five. She Whs 30 Avice she never Woke vp: Ane People on the vez Get drunk. iw Vey Vso. 3. How does Junior react to Mary's death? Why does he react in this vit h lle actrauy laughs. Not sure why he Otks this hes eee heer maybe WS Geet is so big Anat Ihe Ct one moily Wordle it ‘Why does Junior feel responsible in some way for Mary's death? Use textual support, Siuys thot She lett tne vez Vie he leet the vez to Gr ty Gunoe! kes Got Some Sorceus Gust 4. Absolutely True Diary ofa Part-Time indian Credit #_; Assignment 5. _ How does Junior's decision to attend school the day after Mary's funeral illustrate his differences from others on the reservation? Jlunior Goes to Senopot because he has People thar Matter to Wim. ues itberent pecause Nhe sees the tony in te aArnUhy 6. How do the rhetorical questions on page 213 convey the depth of Junior's grief? Every ting? \ has lost , JUN Nas od System has ‘exploded? his Sister and € Cad ex Press the encvmity of Remembering (215-218) Loss : i What tribes does Junior belong to? How does this help him feel better? te Weanites Hnat he belbras to Man Aries Ntt JUst-the Spovane rive | Py. 2IF Siren a Dad have &, owing Wuwwene atter Gu the loss they have hao. both Mary and junior wariel he. an the VE# Can Give them. They ne mauve an ae leave. Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Credit #__; Assignment Name: Date: Credit: i Assignment: Chapter 29: Final Chapter & Reflection Answers must be in complete sentences and answer all parts of question, Talking About Turtles (219-230 is Symbolism 1.) What tree did Rowdy and Junior climb? Use textual evidence to describe the climb. What does it symbolize? ¢ biggest vee one vez i i Vept Climbing even if the branches bYoke. Went +o +e 4op. Sy rtoolize = The diicctty vf their , Priendshi? 2.) Explain the story of the stupid horse. What happens and what isits purpose? 2 Stvpia horse went in Lave = Drowned Took H+ Id, but 4 Came boue. fete ¥ Maybe Gen im Won defeat dove Give uP 3.) Junior describes his reservation as “located approximately one million miles north of Important and two billion miles west of Happy.” Vet when he and Rowdy look down from almost the top of an immense pine, he says, “We could see our entire world. And our entire world, at that moment, was green and golden and perfect” (226). What do those two explanations mean, and why does Junior have such mixed feelings about the reservation? (3- Ssemenees) (le Loves is People and Commun even with All Ses Flaws. He Knows WI Need tp leave to escape Whe iets ara Ne loaves te nw 05 Operon. He Will Always aohere his voots Ave. Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Credit #___; Assignment 4.) After reading about old-time Indians, what does Rowdy compare junior to at the end of the novel? Use textual evidence. What does this signify for Junior and Rowdy's opinion of mer Compares Junior 49 the Nematic [ndlans, du think of Jumor os & Real indian, Wot O° A it Ota 5.) How does Rowdy change during the novel? O Best fiends- help prtea Tuniov => Enbnay =e Encorgir unio V~ do Ye voourts Win peu. 6.) “We didn’t keep score.” (p. 230) What does the final line signify? What do Rowdy and Junior's future likely hold? Maybe the Ave €aucts~ to need to cep SLove- Point-of-View, Tone, and Writing Style How do the following impact the novel? Sere ete, fl ; ew Shunipe tells the story from his point of vt L perspective What Junior Is thineing) Kell ce ~ Humorous, Hyperbolic, and a € read 7 sy Ound Ertertaini ee Reeder wpe arse eve! Writing Style - Casual with visuals Keeps veoder 2ingoged .

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