PBL Reserach Paper
PBL Reserach Paper
PBL Reserach Paper
The abstract very concisely describes the contents of your paper. It states simply what work
you undertook, your results and your conclusions. Importantly, like the title, the abstract will
help potential readers to decide whether your full paper will be of interest to them. Try to
keep the abstract below 250 words. Do not make references nor display equations in the
abstract. The manuscript should be printed on A4 paper. It is imperative that the margins
and style described below be adhered to carefully. This will enable us to keep uniformity in
the final printed copies of the Journal. Please keep in mind that the manuscript you prepare
will be photographed and printed as it is received. Readability of copy is of paramount A
possible propulsion system concept for a stratospheric multi-body airship has been investigated. It features
distributed propulsion to fulfill thrust and stabilization demands of the airship. In the frame of this research a
simulation model for the propulsion system has been developed in MatlabMATLAB/Simulink. The
propulsion system’s main components are propellers, which are driven by electro motors, back-up batteries
and gas turbine power plants to supply the necessary electric energy. All components have been adapted to
work in ambient conditions at an altitude of 20km. The investigations have demonstrated adequate system
dynamics and confirmed the sizing of power plants and back-up batteries. The control system has shown
adequate stability and, therefore, guarantees the provision of the demanded thrusts and powers.
Keywords: Airship, electro motors, gas turbine, propellers, controlsAbout five key words
separated by comma
*Author for Correspondence E-mail:E-mail :om mailid@author, Tel: 167600@gmail.com
The introduction clearly states the object of your work, its scope and the main advances you are
reporting. It gives reference to relevant results of previously published work. A theoretical and
experimental methods section gives sufficient information about the research carried out by the
researcher. The results and discussion section states your results and their potential implications. In
the discussion you should state the impact of your results compared with recent work.
High altitude platforms are currently discussed as relay stations for telecommunications and for research and
surveillance purposes. In most cases of operationoperation, they are positioned at stationary locations over
ground. Whilst heavierthanheavier than-air and lighter-than-air configurations compete in this scope, the
propulsion system and power supply is a key issue for both of them. In this context a propulsion system concept
for the lighter-than-air platform shown in Fig. 1 has been investigated.
The references in the paper should be cited according to the Vancouver/Numbered style. Reference
citation should be always in square brackets and before the punctuation [1]. The references should be
arranged in proper numeral [2] sequence.
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The main headings or the first level headings should be written in all caps (Times New Roman, Bold,
Font size 12).
The subheadings or the second level headings should be written in Title case (Times New Roman,
Bold, Font size 11).
Further Subsequent Headings: should me made run on with the text separated by a column.
Figure captions should appear below the figure in Title case (first letter of each word capital). When
referring to a figure in the body of the text, the abbreviation "Fig." should be used. Figures should be
numbered in the order they appear in the text. Table captions appear centered above the table in Title
case. When referring to a table in the text, no abbreviation is used and "Table".
The reduced stiffness of the hull and the resulting lower structural weight yield a higher load
capacity and hence increase the mission length by larger fuel reservesThereserves the
drawbacks of this configuration are higher stabilizationdemandsstabilization demands of the
airship and, therefore, higher power requirements. Furthermore, a distributed propulsion
system as shown in Fig. 1 is needed
The maximum dynamic hull pressure determines the maximum relative head wind speed.
This and the aim for a maximum propulsive efficiency result in distributed propulsion system
units built-on electric motors and propellers. The power supply for these units could be
accomplished by batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, or by gas turbine power plant systems such
as investigated here [1]. The gas turbine power plant system consists of three gas turbine /
generator units which provide power up to 150 kW at an altitude of 20 km. This power
margin covers the maximum allowable dynamic hull pressure. The division of the power
plants into three separate parts is due to the need of mass partition for the multi-body airship.
As the power plants may not provide the dynamic requirements of the propulsion system,
they are thus supplemented with accumulator systems to act as back-up batteries. All
components are connected to a common electrical network which also supplies the on-board
systems with a constant power of 10kW. The architecture of this electrical network is shown
in Fig. 2.
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The design of the propulsion system required the analysis of operational constraints of
lighter-than-air platforms which are aimed to operate higher than in traditional flight traffic
altitudes. Thus, in the framework of the proposed paper extensive work was focused on the
analyses of stratospheric wind phenomena and wind measurement data as well as the
application of wind models. Further the operations and controls of the propulsion system are
discussed. Real-time simulations have been carried out to investigate the detailed system
NOMENCLATURE F [N] Thrust η [-] Efficiency i [-] Gear ratio I [A] Current J, Θ [kgm2 ]
Moment of inertia LHV [MJ/kg] Lower fuel heating value M [Nm] Torque n [1/s] Speed
NDOT [1/s2 ] Speed as a derivative of time P [kW] Power PPB [kW] Power of back-up
battery SOC [%] State Of Charge t [s] Time U [V] Voltage v [m/s] Wind speed WF [kg/s]
Fuel flow
Data measured by radiosondes like Jim spheres or Rawinsondes have been used as a basis
for the wind determination which is necessary for the investigation of the propulsion system
concept. This is in accordance to previous studies [2]. Data acquisition techniques are
described in [3], the accuracy is given in [4] to be in between 0.5m/s and 1.0m/s and the
vertical spatial resolution is at approximately 300m for greater altitudes. In the first place the
vertical wind profiles as depicted in Fig. 3 show a minimum wind speed at an altitude of
around 20km. This has led to a design flight altitude agreement of 20km in the project’s early
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PMF competency
(Future Core
PM Tools and
Competency techniques
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Conclusions summarize key results and may include any plans for relevant future work .
Acknowledgments recognize the contribution of funding bodies and anyone who has assisted in the
References list relevant papers referred to in the other sections, citing original works both historical
and recent.
In this section, references should be sequenced in the order these appear in the text in the form of
reference list. The number of references should preferably be limited to 50 (with the exception of
review articles). The references should be in numbered format.
This report was further upgraded by analysis of measurement campaigns for the location of
Stuttgart which have been evaluated for several years. A statistical overview for wind speeds
in the year 2002 is shown in Fig. 4. Higher wind speeds occur in the winter months and even
wind speeds greater than 33.33m/s have been measured. During the summer season wind
speeds over 20m/s, in contrast, are rather rare. Therefore, mission length varies and fuel
consumption becomes a function of the season
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It has to be pointed out that the measured data which are shown in Fig. 4 are of poor temporal
resolution. Therefore, no information for the dynamic requirements of the propulsion system
could be obtained. This leaves a gap in a rigorous definition of propulsion system
Several other potential data sources and methods to achieve wind speed data of higher
temporal resolution have been checked [6], [7], and [8]. Up to date no consistent and reliable
picture of short-term wind phenomena could be developed. Therefore, the required time
constant for the starting and acceleration of a propulsion system unit to full load has been set
to 15s.
The modules of the power chain have been designed to have independent controls with an
overall control system integrating all components in the power management. The control
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systems of the accumulator as well as gas turbine and propulsion unit’s controls will be
discussed below.
Battery controls-
The purposes of the accumulator system are the energy supply for gas turbine start-up and
the dynamic buffering of power demands. For gas turbine start-up a driving power of
approximately 50kW is required. Mainly due to the power-toweight ratio polymeric
electrolyte Lithium-Ion-Accumulators were favoured over lead-acid batteries. That type of
accumulator has further advantages like a low self-discharge and no memory effect with both
being a big problem for Nickel batteries. In the presented model a temperature management
has been neglected and a constant battery temperature of 23°C is assumed. Also the recovery
effect, which may improve battery performance, is not mapped. Deep discharge below 20%
of the capacity needs to be avoided and a charging limit is set to 80% of the battery capacity.
Thus only 60% of the capacity (110Ah) is usable. 45 single Li-Ion-elements are put into
series connection with a maximum current of 300A. The rate-capacity effect [9] is expressed
by a very low Peukerts’ number of 1.015. Further data for a virtual Li-Ion-Accumulator are
shown in Table 1 based on sources from Powertech [10] and Takeda [11]. A DC/DC
converter provides constant voltage for the electrical network.
Basically, the accumulator model is separated into charge and discharge modes. For both
modes efficiency charts have been achieved to calculate the current values for the effective
battery power and state of charge SOC. The controls are shown in Figure 5. The maximum
charge and discharge currents are specified to be 330A and 110A respectively. A 1D chart
showing charging current as a function of SOC is used in the model. A charge locking avoids
battery damage if the charging current exceeds the maximum limit. A
ConstantCurrent/Constant-Voltage control for charging
Similar to the charging model, the requested battery power PPB is limited during discharge
by the discharge locking. The voltage is a function of SOC and requires additional correction
in correlation to the maximum charging current. The dependent variables (current and
voltage) are derived from a closed loop to provide the requested battery power.
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The real time representation of the gas turbines is based on and has been validated with a
non-dimensional engine model which results in sufficiently accurate computations and easily
could be programmed in the simulation environment [12]. The assumptions for the gas
turbines are based on existing engines which have been scaled to provide 50kW at an altitude
of 20km. This energy is conversed to electrical power by a permanent synchronous generator.
A single-stage gearing mechanism operates in between gas turbine and generator. The
electrical machine is used as a starter motor for gas turbine starting. Gas turbine start times
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are largely determined by the available electric machine torque. Thus the electric machine has
been chosen likely to fulfill the mission requirements. Engine start-up and acceleration are
divided into three phases [13, 14]: up to a relative speed of 40% the gas turbine shaft is only
accelerated by motor power. At 40% the combustion chamber is ignited and a combined
operation of gas turbine and electrical machine up to a speed of 80% is performed. From 80%
the gas turbine accelerates autonomously. The starter motor is operated at maximum torque
up to a mechanical power level of around 45kW. At this margin power is limited by the
battery’s energy supply capabilities. At a speed of 77.5% motor torque is subsequently
reduced down to zero at 80% as shown in Fig. 6.
Control logic for engine start-up and acceleration is required to deliver repeatable power
plant characteristics whilst maintaining engine stability limits and a minimum of start-up and
acceleration time. The comparison of a linear fuel flow schedule [15] versus a ‘referred rate
of change of speed versus referred speed’ (NDOT-) schedule [16] showed the superiority of
the latter with respect to time to full power and repeatability under different conditions. These
advantages are overweighing the drawback of a loss in stability margin which is shown in
Fig. 7.
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The NDOT control was implemented in the simulation model with an overall power plant
start-up time of approximately 15s.
The propulsion system’s control variables are the variable pitch of the propellers and the
shaft speeds. The thrust requirement and air speed for the individual propulsion systems are
provided by the airship avionics. Based on the requested thrust and the given local airspeed,
the power demand is calculated consulting the current efficiencies of the components. In the
first place it is checked that the power demand does not exceed any component limits. The
maximum allowed value is then compared to the power available from the electrical network.
This value is obtained from the powermanagement. The control loop is displayed in Fig. 8.
The required rate of change in shaft speed is obtained from the resulting power value taking
into account the maximum motor torque and current. The speed control in the motor is based
on the equation
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with Θ being the moment of inertia of the shaft, including the rotor of the electric motor,
gearbox and the propeller. The current speed and pitch are defining the updated values of
power and thrust. Further controls are subduing deviations of thrust and adjust the current to
the requested values.
Propulsion system dynamics are dominated by the propellers moment of inertia with a value
of J2 = 45,3kgm2, as the moment of inertia of the motor accounts only to J1 = 0,00665kgm2 .
In addition, the propulsion system dynamics are dependent on the gear ratio for which an
optimum is achieved by
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As this optimum is given to iopt = 82.5 and the actual value accounts to i = 8.70, the
propulsion system dynamic is rather limited.
The purpose of the power management is on the one hand the accomplishment of the
airship’s thrust demands and on the other hand to guarantee an optimal overall efficiency. As
the part load efficiency of every component is below the design point efficiency, it is hence
important to achieve an operation near the design point for every component.
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Total system performance has been investigated by means of real-time simulations which
were accomplished using Matlab/Simulink. The simulations have been carried out as mere
propulsion chain testing. Randomized wind profiles have been used to examine the
propulsion system behaviour under realistic conditions. The thrust requirements resulting
from low and high frequency wind profiles are shown in Fig. 9
As no account has been taken for stabilization demands, the thrust requirements have been
equally distributed between the propulsion units. All simulations have been carried out for
standard ambient conditions at an altitude of 20 km.
The simulation time was two hours with averages of 19m/s for wind speed, 300N as the
average propeller thrust per unit and 36kW as the total advance power for the low frequency
sequence. One power plant is started at the beginning of the observed time period. After the
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start of the second power plant no more gas turbine start-ups are commanded for 2500s as
power oscillations are buffered by the accumulator system and part load operation of the first
power plant. Nevertheless, four additional engine starts are needed over the whole time
period bearing in mind that the signals for wind speed and hence thrust have rather long wave
The effect of the engine starts on thrust provision is shown in Fig. 10 for a time segment of
the low frequency simulation (∆time). It has yet been affirmed that the start-up of a power
plant is commanded when the back-up power of the batteries is not enough to cover the
power demands. As battery power is required for the coverage of the starter-motor power
demand, a gap in power coverage occurs for gas turbine start-ups. The lack of thrust for 15s
seconds will lead to a drift of the airship which therefore has to be compensated by higher
power requirements during later time periods. The overshoot of the actual power is due to the
controller being designed for quickest possible power coverage.
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The simulation sequence with short wave lengths leads to a similar picture. The averaged
wind speed is 18.2m/s and the averaged thrust demand is 285N and therewith quite similar to
the previous simulation. The amount of thrust gaps because of engine starts is shown in Fig.
11. There are eleven engine starts during a two-hour simulation. Several smaller amplitudes
can be damped by part load and accumulator power, but as several oscillations result in gas
turbine idle, there is no other possibility than to shut-down an engine, which, under these
conditions, has to be restarted several minutes later.
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A real-time simulation model for the propulsion system of a high altitude platform has been
designed in Matlab/Simulink. It covers all ranges of requested powers and thrusts and shows
adequate dynamic behaviour as though limited by the moment of inertia of the propeller. As
for the power chain single component models have been built up. The controls are separated
in a module and an overall system level. This structure provides high stability and
trustworthiness for the simulations. The controls have been optimized for maximum system
dynamic and power coverage.
This paper is based on the research activities of the project AirChain which is supported by
the department of science, research and arts in Baden-Württemberg by governmental funding.
We thank the department and the state foundation for their aid and encouragement.
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of book if later than 1st ed. Place of Publication: Publisher Name; Year of Publication.
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Hofmeyr GJ, Neilson JP, Alfirevic Z, et al. A Cochrane Pocketbook: Pregnancy and Childbirth.
Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2008. (Reference to a Book)
Rowlands TE, Haine LS. Acute limb ischaemia. In: Donnelly R, London NJM, editors. ABC of
Arterial and Venous Disease. 2nd Edn. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing; 2009.
(Reference to a Chapter in an Edited Book)
Bartlett A, Breastwork: Rethinking breastfeeding [monograph online]. Sydney, NSW: University of
New South Wales Press; 2005 [cited 2009 Nov 10]. Available from: NetLibrary (Electronic Book)
Conference Papers
Author(s) of paper – Family name and initials. Title of paper. In: Editor(s) Family name and initials,
editor(s). Title of Conference; Date of conference; Place of conference. Place of publication:
Publisher’s name; Year of publication. Page numbers.
Kimura J, Shibasaki H (Eds). Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th
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partner exchange. Paper presented at: The Scientific Meeting of the Royal Australian College of
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Australia. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on Climate Policy. Climate Policy Report. Canberra:
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Page E, Harney JM. Health Hazard Evaluation Report. Cincinnati (OH): National Institute for
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Online Thesis: Author. Thesis title [type of thesis on the internet]. Place of publication: Publisher;
Year [cited date – year month day]. Available from: Name of database/web address
Kay JG. Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages [PhD thesis]. St Lucia,
Qld: University of Queensland; 2007. (Printed Thesis)
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investigation of aetiological risk factors [PhD thesis]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2009
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of book if later than 1st ed. Place of Publication: Publisher Name; Year of Publication.
Hofmeyr GJ, Neilson JP, Alfirevic Z, et al. A Cochrane pocketbook: Pregnancy and childbirth.
Chichester, West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2008. (Reference to a Book)
Rowlands TE, Haine LS. Acute limb ischaemia. In: Donnelly R, London NJM, editors. ABC of
arterial and venous disease. 2nd Edn. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing; 2009.
(Reference to a Chapter in an Edited Book)
Bartlett A. Breastwork: Rethinking breastfeeding [monograph online]. Sydney, NSW: University of
New South Wales Press; 2005 [cited 2009 Nov 10]. Available from: NetLibrary (Electronic Book)
Conference Papers
Author(s) of paper – Family name and initials. Title of paper. In: Editor(s) Family name and initials,
editor(s). Title of Conference; Date of conference; Place of conference. Place of publication:
Publisher’s name; Year of publication. Page numbers.
Kimura J. Shibasaki H (Eds). Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th
International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan.
Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996. (Conference Proceedings)
Bengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of data protection, privacy and security in medical
informatics. In: Lun KC. Degoulet P. Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, (Eds.) MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of
the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam:
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(Electronic Newspaper Article on the Internet)
Australia. Parliament. Senate. Select Committee on Climate Policy. Climate Policy Report. Canberra:
The Senate; 2009.
Page E, Harney JM. Health Hazard Evaluation Report. Cincinnati (OH): National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (US); 2001 Feb. 24 p. Report No.:HETA2000-0139-2824.
Printed Thesis: Author. Thesis title [type of thesis]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
Online Thesis: Author. Thesis title [type of thesis on the internet]. Place of publication: Publisher;
Year [cited date – year month day]. Available from: Name of database/web address
Kay JG. Intracellular cytokine trafficking and phagocytosis in macrophages [PhD thesis]. St Lucia,
Qld: University of Queensland; 2007. (Printed Thesis)
Pahl KM. Preventing anxiety and promoting social and emotional strength in early childhood: an
investigation of aetiological risk factors [PhD thesis]. St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland; 2009
[cited 2010 Mar 24]. Available from: University of Queensland Library E-Reserve (Online Thesis)
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