MFRS108 Kedah S
MFRS108 Kedah S
MFRS108 Kedah S
2) An accounting policy are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices
applied by an entity in preparing and presenting financial statements.
An accounting estimate is an estimation used in the application of accounting policies.
5) Retrospective application means applying a new accounting policy as if that policy had
always been applied. When an entity applies the change retrospectively the entity
must adjust the opening balance of each affected component of equity for the earliest
prior period presented and the other comparative amounts disclosed for each prior
period must be presented as if the new accounting policy had always been applied.
Initial cost as at 1 January 2009 50,000
Accumulated depreciation
2009 – [50,000-2,000]/10yrs - 4,800
2010 - - 4,800 9,600
Carrying amount 31 December 2010 40,400
In January 2011, there is a change of estimate occurred.
Here, there is a change of method of depreciation. Although there is a change of
depreciation policy from straight line method to reducing balance method it is
accounted as a change of estimate.
The retained earnings should be adjusted prospectively in the period of change
[current year2011] and future periods[if the change affects future years]
Initial cost 1 January 2008 5,000,000
Accumulated depreciation:
2008 [5,000,000- 500,000]/10 yrs 450,000
2009 450,000
2010 450,000 1,350,000
Carrying amount 31 December 2010 3,650,000
If error discovered in year 2010, the current period error should be encounted as a
year end adjustment.
If error discovered in year 2011, the prior period error should be encounted
retrospectively and the error must be adjusted to the opening balance of retained
Error discovered in 2010: Journal entry to correct the current period error
Dr Account payable 100,000
Cr Salaries 100,000
Error discovered in 2011: Journal entry to correct the prior period error
As at 30 June 2011, the prior period loss should be adjusted retrospectively and the
loss must be adjusted to the opening balance of retained earnings, and the current
year loss is written off against the currrent year’s profit.
There is a change of the useful life of the copy machine. So the issue here is a
change of estimates.
Adjustment is made prospectively to the SOPL.
The previous depreciation was calculated RM1,000 per year.
As at 1 July 2009, the carrying amount of the copy machine was RM9,000. The
current year depreciation is adjusted to be RM3,000.
Journal entries :
Dr Depreciation 3,000
Cr Accumulated depreciation 3,000
Alternative answer:
9,000 = 3,000
(10 - 7)
A change in estimate. It is only change in useful life but the depreciation method still
the same
The accounting adjustment should be prospective. At end of accounting period 2010
the should be charged to the SOPL amounted RM14,000.
The depreciation expenses for each year is RM100,000/10 years. That is RM10,000
for each year.
Therefore the total depreciation expenses charged for year 7, year 8 and year 9 are
RM30,000 and the new carrying amount RM100,000-RM30,000 is RM70,000.
At end of accounting period 2010, new depreciation expenses of RM70,000/5yrs,
RM14,000 have to be charge to the SOPL for year ended 30/12/10.
The new carrying amount in the financial position is RM56,000 [RM100,000 –
According to MFRS 108, since the error was realised at end of accounting period year
ended 30/6/2010 that is a prior error
The retained earnings should be adjusted retrospectively.
An amount of RM1,400,000 were not charged to the SOPL for the year ended
The opening balance of the retained earnings have to be adjusted. The unprovided
depreciation of building is measured as follows;
30/6/2010 30/6/2009
Building (cost) 30,000,000 30,000,000
Less accumulated depreciation [2,800,000] [1,400,000]
Carrying amount 27,000,000 28,600,000
The element related to the above statement is ‘prior year error’.
Depreciation was not provided when the plant was available for use in 2001 to 2009.
Complying the MFRS 108, the accounting adjustment is made retrospectively by
reducing the opening balance of retained earnings by RM4,500,000 (RM10,000,000 x
5% x 9 years).
Depreciation of RM500,000 has to be made in the current year.
Consequently, the carrying amount of the plant will decrease.
Write off retained earnings and current year depreciation
Dr Retained earnings 4,500,000
Dr Depreciation 500,000
Cr Accumulated depreciation 5,000,000
The element related to the above statement is a change in useful life is ‘a change in
Complying with MFRS 108 the accounting adjustment should be made prospectively.
The previous depreciation was RM100,000 per year.
The total accumulated depreciation for year 7, year 8 and year 9 were RM300,000.
As at 1 January 2010, the carrying amount of the machine was RM600,000
[RM900,000 – RM300,000].
The current year depreciation is adjusted to be RM295,000 [(RM600,000 – RM10,000)
÷ 2 years]
The element related to the above statement is’ prior year error’. – The overstated
closing inventories of the previous year would have overstated the previous year
Complying with the MFRS 108 the accounting adjustment has to be made
retrospectively for the previous year’s error by decreasing the opening balance of
retained earnings and adjusting the current year inventoryby RM200,000.
Prior year error.
Adjustment is made retrospectively for the previous year’s error in which the
revaluation surplus was credited as income.
The restated opening balance of retained earnings will decrease and the surplus
credited to the revaluation reserve as per MFRS116 Property, plant and equipment.
Write off retained earnings
Dr Retained earnings 1,750,000
Cr Asset revaluation reserve fund 1,750,000
Prior year error.
Adjustment is made retrospectively for the previous year’s loss in which the opening
balance of retained earnings will be decreased.
The current year loss will be accounted as a current year expense
Write off retained earnings and charge current year expenses
Dr Retained earnings 1,600,000
Dr Operating expenses 400,000
Cr Account payable 2,000,000
This is a prior year error.
The error should be accounted retrospectively.
The losses from fraud should be adjusted to the retained earnings brought forward.
Journal entries:
RM’000 RM’000
DR SOPL - Losses due to fraud 975
CR Retained earnings 975
This refers to change in accounting estimate.
The adjustments need to be done prospectively.
The depreciation charged for year 2014 would be RM150,000 ([RM1 million –
400,000] / 4 years).
Journal entries:
Accounting treatment:
The transportation cost of RM10,000 and import duties of RM25,000 should be
capitalised and added to the cost of the machinery.