Chapter 2 Part 2 PERT Critical Path Method

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Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Activity times are probabilistic
Network analysis technique to estimate
project when there is uncertainty in activity
How to schedule project using PERT
1. Tabulate Project Tasks
1. Title and ID Number for Each Task
2. Estimate Duration for Each Task
te = (a + 4m + b)/6
• a = Optimistic
• m = Most Likely
• b = Pessimistic
3. Estimate Resource Requirements for Each Task
(May Need Dummy Tasks for Critical Resources)
How to schedule project using PERT
2. Identify Prerequisite Tasks for Each Task
3. Layout Flowchart of Tasks Based on
Dependencies NOT Time
4. Indicate Performance Milestones on
How to schedule project using PERT
5. Calculate Earliest Completion Time (ECT) and Latest
Completion Time (LCT)
– Beginning at start of project, ECT for task = ECT for
preceding node + duration
– Beginning at end of project, LCT for task = LCT for
following node - duration
6. Calculate Slack Time for Each Task
– Slack for Task= ECT - LCT
7. Determine Critical Path
– Longest Time Path
– Zero Slack
Project Scheduling
Class Exercise on PERT

Activity a b m

A 1 3 2

B 1 5 3

C 2 6 4

D 4 8 6

E 1 3 2

F 1 15 8
Class Exercise on PERT
Class Exercise on PERT
Class Exercise on PERT

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