Diseases (Unread 16)

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Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaires' disease is a common name for one of the several illnesses caused by Legionnaires' disease bacteria Legionnaires' disease are
called Legionnaires' disease bacteria. Favorable conditions for LDB growth and amplification. This are widely present at low levels in lakes,
streams, rivers, freshwater ponds, and mud. However, the levels of LDB that are found in the natural environment are so low that it is
unlikely that an individual will contract the disease from these sources. Domestic plumbing systems, cooling towers, and warm, stagnant
water can provide ideal conditions for the growth of the organism. This Disease transmission is most likely to occur Inhalation of aerosols, fine
sprays, mists or other microscopic droplets of water contaminated with LDB, providing direct access into the lungs and Aspiration is such as
may occur when choking or spontaneously during the drinking, ingesting, swallowing process. This allows oral fluids and particles to by-pass
natural gag reflexes and enter into the respiratory tract and lungs instead of the esophagus and stomach. Many infections are not diagnosed
or reported, so this number may be higher. More illness is usually found in the summer and early fall, but it can happen any time of year.
Legionella pneumophila belongs to the Legionellaceae family which now includes 48 species and over 70 serogroups of which it is believed
that half are susceptible to humans. Legionella organisms are residents of the aquatic environment with rare cases being recorded from soil.

Children have contracted Legionnaires' disease. Most cases have occurred in immunosuppressed children, but a number of immunocompetent
children, particularly newborns, have acquired the disease, most often after surgeries, or through the use of legionellae-contaminated
ventilators. If conditions are favourable the bacterium may grow creating conditions in which the risk from legionnaires' disease is increased.
Some investigators believe that the disease may be acquired also by drinking legionellae-contaminated water, particularly if legionellae
aspirated from the water are inhaled before the water enters the stomach. Cases have also been blamed on contact between contaminated
water and incisions or skin wounds.The disease is not contagious. Children have contracted Legionnaires' disease. Most cases have occurred
in immunosuppressed children, but a number of immunocompetent children, particularly newborns, have acquired the disease, most often
after surgeries, or through the use of legionellae-contaminated ventilators.

Causes of Legionnaires Disease

Common causes of Legionnaires Disease

• Legionella Bacteria.
• Non-epidemic.
• Community-acquired.
• Pneumonia.
• Smoking.
• Alcohol.


Brucellosis is an infectious disease. Brucellosis also called is Malta fever. It caused by the bacteria of the genus Brucella. Various Brucella
species affect sheep, goats, cattle, deer, dogs, and several other animals. It is found throughout the world. It is spread through contact with
aborted fetuses and discharges from the uterus of infected bitches, during mating, through maternal milk and possibly through airborne
transmission in some cases. The bacteria enters the body through mucous membranes and spreads from there to lymph nodes and the
spleen. It also spreads to the uterus, placenta and prostate gland as well as other internal organs at times. Humans become infected by
coming in contact with animals or animal products that are contaminated with these bacteria.Severe infections of the central nervous systems
or lining of the heart may occur.

Brucellosis can also cause long-lasting or chronic symptoms that include recurrent fevers, joint pain, and fatigue.The bacteria that infects
dogs specifically is called Brucella canis. It is spread by contact with the semen or vaginal discharge of an infected dog or bitch by contact
with mammary secretions and aborted puppies, and can also possibly be spread by contact with urine or other body secretions. In indoor
kennel situations, it may even possibly be spread by the airborne route. The most rational approach for preventing human brucellosis is the
control and elimination of the infection in animals. Pasteurization of milk is another protective mechanism. Vaccination of cattle is
recommended for control of bovine brucellosis in enzootic areas with high prevalence rates. The same holds true for goat and sheep

Causes of Brucellosis

Common causes of Brucellosis

• Unpasteurized milk.
• Inhalation.
• Contact with the placenta of infected animals.
• Infected meat.

Histoplasmosis is an infectious disease. Histoplasma capsulatum is a dimorphic fungus . The histoplasmosis fungus is found throughout the
world. The fungus grows naturally in soil in some areas of the United States, mostly in the midwestern and southeastern states and along the
Ohio and Mississippi River valleys. It thrives in soil that is enriched with bat or bird droppings.The infection sometimes can spread to other
parts of the body. Occasionally, other organs are affected. This form of the disease is called disseminated histoplasmosis, and it can be fatal if
untreated. This Histoplasma organism thrives in moderate temperatures and moist environments. Droppings from chickens, pigeons,
starlings, blackbirds, and bats support its growth. Birds are not infected with it because of their high body temperatures, but they do carry it
on their feathers. Bats can be infected because they have a lower body temperature than birds and can excrete the organism in their
droppings. To multiply, Histoplasma capsulatum produces small spores called conidia. The conidia of Histoplasma capsulatum are only two
millionths of a meter in diameter. When these conidia are inhaled, they are small enough that they enter the lungs and start an infection.
Many of these infections are easily overlooked because they either produce mild symptoms or none at all. However, histoplasmosis can be
severe and produce an illness similar to tuberculosis.

Chronic lung disease due to histoplasmosis resembles tuberculosis and can worsen over months or years. Special antifungal medications are
needed to arrest the disease Histoplasmosis is not contagious; it cannot be transmitted from an infected person or animal to someone
else.Vision is also impaired when these abnormal blood vessels leak fluid and blood into the macula. If these abnormal blood vessels grow
toward the center of the macula, they may affect a tiny depression called the fovea . The fovea is the region of the retina with the highest
concentration of special retinal nerve cells, called cones , that produce sharp, daytime vision. Damage to the fovea and the cones can
severely impair, and even destroy, this straight-ahead vision. Early treatment of OHS is essential; if the abnormal blood vessels have affected
the fovea, controlling the disease will be more difficult. Since OHS rarely affects side, or peripheral vision, the disease does not cause total
blindness.Histoplasmosis is spread through the air. The disease is not spread from person to person.

Causes of Histoplasmosis

Common causes of Histoplasmosis

• Soil.
• Material contaminated.
• Breathing the spores.
• Bird droppings.
• Poultry house litter.
• Caves.

Tularemia is a disease of animals and humans caused by the bacterium
Francisella tularensis. Rabbits, hares, and rodents are especially susceptible and
often die in large numbers during outbreaks. Humans can become infected
through several routes, including:
Tick and deer fly bites

Skin contact with infected animals

Ingestion of contaminated water

Laboratory exposure

Inhalation of contaminated dusts or aerosols

In addition, humans could be exposed as a result of bioterrorism.

Byssinosis, also known as brown lung disease, is a chronic condition that involves small
airways obstruction. Common causes of byssinosis are exposures to airborne dusts from
hemp, flax, and cotton processing. Byssinosis deaths constitute the smallest proportion of all
pneumoconiosis deaths. Fewer than 20 byssinosis deaths occurred annually between 1979 and
1999 (Figure 2–178). Byssinosis deaths are concentrated in the textile-producing States.
During the 1990s, more than 50% of byssinosis deaths occurred in Georgia and the Carolinas
(Figure 2–179). Yarn, thread, and fabric mills had the highest PMR for byssinosis among
industries, and miscellaneous textile machine operators had the highest PMR among
occupations (Figure 2–180).


• Tetanus is a serious disease that is caused by bacteria found in dust, soil, and manure1
• Tetanus enters the body through many kinds of wounds—from a pinprick to a deep wound1
• The bacteria live all over the world1
• Tetanus is commonly called “lockjaw” since it can cause stiffness in the jaw muscles1


• Symptoms may include1:

– Headache
– Stiffness of the jaw (lockjaw)
– Severe muscle spasms
– Sweating
– Fever
– Stiffness of abdominal muscles
– Difficulty swallowing
• Lockjaw is one of the most dangerous symptoms because it can lead to death by suffocation1
• Symptoms usually begin about 8 days after infection, but may range in onset from 3 days to 3 weeks1

Trichinosis, also called trichinellosis, or trichiniasis, is a parasitic disease caused by

eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game infected with the larvae of a species of
roundworm Trichinella spiralis, commonly called the trichina worm. There are eight
Trichinella species; five are encapsulated and three are not.[1] Only three Trichinella
species are known to cause trichinosis: T. spiralis, T. nativa, and T. britovi.[1] The few
cases in the United States are mostly the result of eating undercooked game, bear meat, or
home-reared pigs. It is common in developing countries where meat fed to pigs is raw or
undercooked, but many cases also come from developed countries in Europe and North
America, where raw or undercooked pork and wild game may be consumed as delicacies.

Erysipeloid is an acute bacterial infection of traumatized skin and other organs. Erysipeloid is caused
by the microorganism Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (insidiosa), which long has been known to cause
animal and human infections. Direct contact between meat infected with E rhusiopathiae and
traumatized human skin results in erysipeloid. In animals, the organism causes swine erysipelas and
several other diseases in poultry and sheep.1

Erysipeloid is an occupational disease.2,3 Humans acquire erysipeloid after direct contact with infected
animals. Erysipeloid is more common among farmers, butchers, cooks, homemakers, and anglers.
The infection is more likely to occur during the summer or early fall.

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