2011 Feng Shui Master Pun-Yin Press Kit

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375 South End Ave, Suite 29M New York NY 10280 Phone 212-267-9633



For I mmediate R elease: (September, 2 011) G ouverneur H ealthcare S ervices, located o n t he Lower East Side o f Manhattan, is c urrently the largest m unicipal freestanding a mbulatory care center a nd o ffers a multitude o f a ffordable healthcare s ervices. The first phase of $ 200 million modernization plan that t he healthcare c enter e mbarked u pon in 2 008 is coming to a close this September. The r enovation will a dd a n a dditional 1 08,000 square feet to the a lready large facilities, which can now add 8 5 a dditional nursing facility b eds, a nd i ncrease a mbulatory care capacity by 1 5%. Once complete, the modernization will include t he a ddition o f a n o n-site dialysis center, C T scanner, a mbulatory surgery center, a nd 3 0,000 square foot W omen a nd C hildrens C enter. The expansion v enture will a lso introduce the R esidence a t G ouverneur C ourt, which will include nursing homes t hat feel like a luxury a partment building. The major modernization program will increase t he r esidential a ccommodations by a t least 1 50 square foot per r esident a nd by 8 5 beds i n the n ursing facility. A ll private bedrooms a nd s uites will o ffer bathroom a nd shower facilities for every r esident. The n ew design will include r ooms a nd s uites, leisure/dining a reas a nd a menities s uch a s W i-Fi, family a nd meeting r ooms, a nd b eauty salons. The r emodeled G ouverneur H ealthcare C enter is more than just beautiful, state-of-the a rt facility. Master Pun-Yin, world r enowned Feng S hui expert has b een brought o n board by the G ouverneur team to bless the new facilities. Master Pun-Yins Feng Shui r ecommendations were incorporated a t t he d esign stage o f the endeavor within t he a rchitectural, interior, a nd executive team. This state o f the a rt medical facility commissioned by government a gencies has s uch positive Feng S hui e nergy. That is what makes this a ground breaking project b eyond just the b eautiful a esthetics. I t has r aised the bar o n the importance o f how a n ideal environment should feel," states Master Pun-Yin. To celebrate the d evelopments completion o n September 1 9, 2 011, there will be a n O pening Feng Shui Blessing C eremony commenced by dignitaries, honorable g uests, a nd hospital executives. A traditional Lion dance will k ick o ff the festivities a nd, a s A sian tradition has it, bring good luck to the care center. The lion dance will be followed by a r ibbon c utting ceremony conducted by Master P un-Yin, the Feng Shui consultant o f this project. Master P un-Yin has presided o ver Feng Shui o pening c eremonies with two sitting New York C ity mayors, Rudy G iuliani a nd Michael Bloomberg. Master P un-Yin has w orked o n such large a ssignments a s the Trump I nternational Hotel a nd Tower, Memorial Sloan-Kettering C ancer C enter, a nd t he Mandarin Oriental Hotel. H er Feng Shui work has been i nstrumental to landmark changes in Times Square a nd Columbus C ircle i n the 1 990s a nd brought Feng Shui to mainstream corporations a nd w estern consciousness. For more information about Master P un-Yin, please contact A bbie Teitelbaum at A bbie@ontrendusa.com or via phone at 2 12.343.8303.

Feng Shui Master Pun-Yin: Mission Statement To channel the power and wisdom of authentic Chinese Five Elements Feng Shui into effective client solutions that create a positive shift in energy, consciousness and destiny using natural elements that blend seamlessly with the clients overall design concepts.

Master Pun-Yin: Top Feng Shui Adviser and Feng Shui Media Commentator For over 20 years Master Pun-Yin has been increasing the good fortune, health and happiness of the highest-profile corporate and individual clients in New York City, throughout the US and around the world. The media storm around her work on the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Columbus Circle, New York City in the early 90s popularized Feng Shui, which had been, until then, little-known outside of Asia. Pun-Yin is unique in the US and in her generation, being classically and authentically trained through a 15-year apprenticeship to her father, world-renowned Feng Shui Master Tin Sun. This includes fluency in Mandarin and Cantonese dialects and the ability to read and interpret ancient Feng Shui texts that have never been translated into English. Master Pun-Yin is a popular guest and interview subject across the media spectrum because of her deep knowledge, warmth, appealing presence and frankness. For example: What other Feng Shui master has been asked to interpret the Feng Shui of the Oval Office in the White House by a major publication? Time Magazine asked Master Pun-Yin to opine on this during the Clinton Administration, and published her comments as Hail to the Chi in its Notebook in the February 10, 1997 issue. Television appearances include Late Night with Conan OBrien, ABC News, CNBC and the BBC. Print publications include The New York Times, W magazine, Vogue and Investors Business Daily. Master Pun-Yin can perceive energy of a space using Feng Shui. She can also read the energy/destiny of a person by reading the face, palm, chi, voice, physiognomy and Chinese astrology/Five Elements. She explains challenges and opportunities and offers solutions to moderate or dissipate potentially destructive forces. Five Elements: Water / Wood / Fire / Earth / Metal, and the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs are foundational to the art and science of Tin Sun lineage Five Element Feng Shui.

Feng Shui Master Pun-Yin Bio Master Pun-Yin was destined for her significant role in the field of Feng Shui from the moment of her birth when she was born as the daughter to Master Tin Sun who was initiated into the Tin Sun lineage by Monk Cheung Yee Shung Yan. The lineage has been around for many generations. The Feng Shui Master name Pun-Yin means The Origin (Pun) of Beauty (Yin). Before Master Pun-Yin was ten, she had already started following her father to some Feng Shui assignments. Shortly thereafter she started to read Chinese texts and use the Feng Shui compass (Luo Pan). Throughout her high school and college years Master Pun-Yin always held a job as well as being a full-time student and continuing her apprentice work in her fathers Feng Shui and Destiny Reading practice. The fields she was exposed to in this way run the gamut: Real estate, fashion, media, retailing, restaurant, import export and finance. In this way she gained insight to understand the various walks of life of her diverse client base. While in college, she was a TV news anchor, co-producer of TV programs, choreographer & emcee for live promotional performances and sitcom star for the SinoVision TV station; later moving on to be one of the co-producers of programs in Apple TV (since renamed CCTV). After college Master Pun-Yin managed real estate properties for a bank funded by China, and managed an import and distribution company and, with the blessings of her father, started her own Feng Shui practice. Master Tin Sun told her early on, To become the best mentor to people through Feng Shui, you must first go through the ups and downs in life yourself. This way you can understand relationships and emotions of people and approach solutions in practical terms compassionately. Your experience will focus the knowledge youve gained through books and my teachings. I can only teach you to become a practitioner, but it is up to your own gift, effort and destiny to become a master. By the time Pun-Yin was 28 years old during the early 90s, her role as the Feng Shui consultant for the revitalization of Times Square New York with the Mayors Office of New York through the Renaissance Hotel, revitalization of Columbus Circle New York through the Trump Intl Tower & Hotel launched the trend of Feng Shui into corporate America and the US cultural mainstream. In her practice Master Pun-Yin continues to provide compassionate advice and seamlessly integrated Feng Shui solutions to clients on three continents and across the spectrum of use: residential, business, healthcare/medical, retail and manufacturing.

Media Credits
Business Week Family Circle Fortune France-Amrique InStyle Mountain Living New York Magazine Prestige New York Self TEAM@Work Magazine, Mastercard International Time Time Out New York Vogue W Women's Wear Daily

Daily News The East Hampton Press Investor's Business Daily Los Angeles Times Minuteman The New York Post The New York Times Newsday Post Star Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong The South Hampton Press

CNN "Extra," NBC "The Fabulous Life of Donald Trump," VH1 "House Beautiful," A&E "Interior by Design," HGTV "Late Night with Conan O'Brien," NBC "Millennium Party," Everyday Elegance with Colin Cowie MTV NBC Real Estate Week "New Attitudes," Lifetime NY1 "Newstyle" PBS Pro 7, Germany "Raving Report," WTN SinoVision TILT 23 1/2, Fujisankel "Trump International Hotel," Travel Channel Voice of America Broadcasting in Asia WNYC TV

KFNX 1100, Arizona WPLU Radio, Chicago

TV Newspaper
am New York Asahi Shimbun, Japan Bedford Review Chicago Tribune Crain's New York Business ABC World News BBC CBS Evening News Chinese Television Network CNBC - Business News and "Management Today"

"One of the country's hottest management consulting teams in the area of Feng Shui a source of positive energy to plug into." - Description of Master Pun Yin and Master Tin Sun on CBS Evening News, January 1995 "My company has doubled in size since I started to consult with Tin Sun Metaphysics; they are truly the masters of Feng Shui. Team spirit and sta performance within our company have shown remarkable improvement as well." - Elie Tahari, founder and CEO of Tahari Ltd. on CNBC Management Today, June 1996 "Pun Yin provided energy boosts of a non-caeinated variety to executives at Smith Barney and Morgan Stanley, clothing designer Elie Tahari, and big real estate developers, among others. Business thrived for Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, an investment company, after Pun Yin's involvement." - Fortune, September 29, 1997
* All logos and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Partial Client List

AT Architects NY Hiller Group Architecture, NY Miller Savarese Associates Architects, NY Perkins Eastman, NY Philip Johnson/Alan Ritchie Architects, NY The Phillips Group Architecture (TPG), NY

Hotels & Resorts

The Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, NY Mandarin Oriental, NY Renaissance Hotel, NY Trump International Hotel & Tower, NY

Other Wellness and Health

Bronsky Orthodontics, NY Lorenzo Gonzalez Physical Therapy, NY Massage Envy, NY Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Int'l, CA, NY, The Bahamas Wayne M. Winnick, M.D., NY

Interior Designers
Christopher Maya, NY Crain & Ventolo Associates, NY Laura Bohn Design Associates, NY Ray Bennett Design, NY

Celebrity Clients
Elie Tahari Emanuel Ungaro

Real Estate Developers

Abacus Capital Group, NY Caicos Resorts Investments, Turks & Caicos Eagle Ridge Real Estate Development Project, NJ LeFrak Organization, NJ Muss Development Company, NY The Trump Organization, General Electric and Galbreath River Bank, NY Youngwoo & Associates, NY Zeckendorf Realty, L.P., NY

Civic Associations
The China Institute, NY Chinatown Manpower Project, NY Chinatown Partnership, NY Chinese Chamber of Commerce of NY Hong Kong Tourist Association The New York Chinese Cultural Center Renaissance Economic Development Corporation, NY

Manufacturing & Distribution

Atzen, NY Castle Hill Apparel, NY Daewoo Motor America, CA Deko International Company, US Keysbond, Hong Kong, China Ocular, US and China Odegard Carpets, US RTC Industries, IL Sarut, NY

Financial Institutions
American Express, NY Bank of East Asia, NY China Merchants Bank, NY Citibank, NY Dresdner Kleinwort Benson, NY First Republic Bank, NY Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC), NJ, NY Marine Midland Bank, NY National Westminster Bank (NatWest), NY Smith Barney, NY

Business Week, NY IMAX Ride lm, NY InStyle Magazine, NY Questus, Cumulus Media, IL Self Magazine, NY

Bernardaud, NY Calvin Klein, NY Catherine Atzen, NY The Elegant Setting, NY Emanuel Ungaro, NY Express, NY Hagopian, MI Janet Sartin, IL, NY Manufacturing Mart, OH Odegard, FL, IL, NY Pylones, NY Tahari, NJ, NY Theory, NY Yumi Kim, NY

Medical Institutions
Boyd Center for Integrative Health, CT Center for Optimum Health, CT Gouverneur Healthcare Services, NY Integrative Medicine Service Unit, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY New Hope Fertility Center, NY The Twig Organization of New York United Hospital Medical Center

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York New York City Health & Hospitals Corp

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