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Furuno CANbus Network Design Guide
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FURUN®O Fino CA Neto One te Pub, No, TIE-00170.8 Printed in China IA HL 00017318110 Furuno CAN bus Network Design Guide ‘This document describes the Furuno CAN bus and shows how to create Furuno CAN ous networks and how to install Furuno CAN bus devices 1. What is Furuno CAN bus? Furuno CAN bus devioas comply with NMEA 2000 physical and protocol standards, but these ‘devices can be Installed in a sightly diferent way from the NMEAZ000 standard to make @ network creation easier, ‘NMEA 2000 NMEA 2000 is @ combined lectical and data specication for a marine data network for ‘communication between marine electronic devices such a8 depth finder, charpatrs, navigation Inatumen, engines, lank level sensors and GPS receivers. NMEA 2000, a successor to the NMEA (0189 standard, connects devices using CAN (Controller Area Natwor)tachelogyonainaly developed foc te automotve Industy. CAN bated networks were developed to uncion in electcaly nosy NMEA 2000 ve. NMEA 0183 NMEA 2000 isa serial data “nett operating at 250k bps and NMEA 0183 i serial data “irerface™ ‘operating at 4.0k bps. NMEA 2000 networks allows multiple elace devices o be connected together ‘ona common channel forthe purpose of easily sharing information. Table 1 NMEA 2000 ve. NMEA 9189 ‘NEA 2000 NMEA DIES ‘Connector | Sandard connectors Diforet connectors of each (Pug and pay) | manufacturer Datarate | 250« bitsleecond 18k (38.4) bassond 1 Protocol Compact teary message ‘ASC Il serial communion Multilker, mutistener | Singie-aker, multctener Network ‘Sera communication (Point pont communication) CaN ve. Etnemet [NMEA decided to choose CAN to develop a lowcost, sat-confguring, and muit-masternstwa, The table Below shows other advantages of CAN ove Ethernet. Table 2.CAN vs. Etheenat TAN Ebene (Power Consumption —[ Tower igher [Banca ow High | Colson aveenos | Yas 7 No avoidance | tcotisoretecton age Pty —— [Yoga stn 11.2 Network Connections Uke a NMEA 2000 network, Furuno CAN bus networks consist of lengths of network ‘Backbone cable witha defined beginning and end. A resistive terminator (120 ohms, 144 W) is ‘connected a each ené to reduce vansmissionsine reflections. See Fig. Furuno Gan bus devices are connected to the network backbone cable with a single Drop ‘cable. The maximum cable length ofthe drop cable fs 6 m and the sum of the drop cables ‘should not exces 60 m. Power supply or battery connections are made to the network backbone cable otha directly or by means of a dedicated cable. Some Furuno CAN bus devices can power the network through the network connector. Faruno—]) CAN bus Device Furuno |) CAN bus. Device Drop cable [+ Doce 4 Depa emimex) Terinator NMEA 2000 Backbone Terminator Teomnector cable vee Gnd Shield (15 Vide recommended) Fig.1 Typical Furuno CAN bus Network Topology The T-comector is used to construct a Furuno GAN bus backbone and to extend the backbone with appropriate lengths of backbone cable. The T-connectors can be separates by the backbone cable oF connected dlretly together. When constructing the network, ake the 41) Use one T-connector per device (see Fig.3). 2) Use the sides of the T-connector to construct the backbone ofthe network. (Furuno CAN bus device with an intemal terminator Is connected to the side ofthe Teonnector) Fig 5 3) Use the top of the T-connector o attach a device. Davee Device Jam device Device Fig2 FigsDevice ay 7 = Fig Fois Figs Fig? Daisy Chain Connection Example ‘AF uruno CAN bus device, the FI-50, can be connected in dlsy chain without the T-connector {3 shown in Fig. Power spply Fig8 Daley chain connection of F-50 series ‘The network connection is mado by two methods for ll ypes of connections: a connector and barter strips. The connections are used: (2) For connecting segments of backbone cable together (b) For connecting terminations a tha two ends ofthe cable (0) For connecting the network power source, and (0) For connecting deviees. ‘Two types of the connector: "Mini for heavy cable and “Micro™ for ght cable are used for [NMEA 2000 network connections arr stip are only recommended when the connections are made in a protected location, Cor when they a installed na weatherproof enclosure, Two methods may be used together in ‘the same networkFig 9 shows a typical network connection made with barter sips, When used for terination resistors, all five wires ae attached o the barrier stip and the termination resistor, 120 ohms, ‘v4 W cannected between NET-H and NET-L. No connections are allowed to the other terminal, Fig 9 Barer strips “Star type connections are not alowed. Fig.10 Barior strip - Improper connection 1.3 Network Cable ‘Two types of cable are used in the network, heavy cable and light cable. The selection of cable type for various portions (including the drop cable) of the network depends on the umber of Network lads attached, the length of the network cables, andthe location ofthe specific cable in the network. Heawy cable ‘The heavy cable is fve-wire constructed with two individually twisted-shielded pairs enclosed by an overall shield with a shield drain wire connecting all three shields. Table 3 shows the wire colors ofthe heavy cable (10 mm siameter, MAX. B A).‘Table 3 Wire colors of heavy cable Name [Par Colr | Size Pi ‘Shiold [Drain | Bove BAW [4 [vers [power | Rea | seawe 1-2 NETC | Powe —| Black seaws | 3 NETH | Signal__[ Whte | seawe | 4 NETL | Signal [Bue saws 1s Light cat ‘The light cable Is fvewire constructed with two individually twsted-shielded pars enclosed by an overall shielé with a shield drain wire connecting all three shieds, ‘Table 4 shows wire colors of the light cable (6 mm diameter. MAX. 1A). “Tbe 4 Wire colors of light cable Name [Par | Goi Si Pit [‘shieie | Ovsin | ave anne [+ NETS | Power | Red Zana [cpaeer] NETC | Power | Bisck aang [3 [ec —[ signal [white 2aawG [4 Neri. — | signa | Bue, zaawe 6 1.4 Network Connector Furuno CAN bus network uses NMEA2000 standard S-pin connectors for the network ‘connections: "Min? for the heavy cable and “Miro” for the ight cable. Note that F-50 series Uses the L-type Micro connector, ‘Table 5 and Figs.t1 to 14 show Furuno CAN bus connector pin functions and face views. ‘These connectors comply with NMEAZO0O LTW connector standard “Table 5 Pin function of Furuno NMEA 2000 LTW connector Pin No. Funation “caer ‘Shield 1 2 [NET-S (Power supply postive, #V) '3___[ NET-C (Power supply common, -¥) [4 Treva (cane 2 [NETL (CANA) Fig.11 Female Mini connector Fig.12 Male Mini connector 5roc bu Mat Oe ae Fig.13 Female Micro connector Fig. 14 Male Mico connector ‘The following lst shows the backboneldrop cables. To extend the backbone cable, use the ‘cable with a male connector on one end and female connector onthe other. For example, i you need 15 meter cable, connect two 6 m cables, 22 m cable, and @ 1 m cable. Either heavy ‘cable oF ght cable is used as & backbone cable Note tha the langth of drop cable 0 to 6 m. Parts Nam (cose Number Connector fied ‘CAN bus light cable (1m) CAN bus light cable 2m) (CAN bus light cable (6 m) CAN bus light cable (1m) CCAN bus light cable 2m) ‘CAN bus light cable (6 m) (CAN bus heavy cable (11) ‘CAN bus heavy cable (2m) ‘CAN bus heavy cablo (6 m) ‘CAN bus heavy cable (1 m) ‘CAN bus heavy cable (2m) CAN ts Henny ete (8) 2-058m+058F-010 1M12.058M058F-020 M12-058+058-050 Mi2.058FFM-010 M2.058FFM-020 2-058 FN-060 (08-05PM+058F-010 (cB-0sPm+o58-020 (©B.-05PM+058F-060 CB-OSBFFM-O10 cB.05BFFM-020 Fig.15 CAN bus light cable ‘with @ connector at both ends 000-167-962 000-167-963 0.167.968 000-167-965 000-187-968 00-167-967 000-187-968 00-167-069 000-167-970 000-167-971 ovo-t67-972 Male and Female Mate and Fema Male and Female Female Female Female Male end Female Male and Female Male an Fensle Female Female Fig.16 CAN bus light cable ‘with a connector atone end1.5 T-connector “There are two typ of T-connectors: Minifor haavy backbone cable, Fig.17 and Mico for light backbone cable, Fig.18 PartsName Type Code Number Remarks ‘ini Tconnector NC-OS0G06-FNF-TS001 000-160-507 for heavy cable Mico T-connector $S-050505-FMF-TS001 000-168-603 for ight cable 7 _ 1) emate, ero PY Female Wale Fig.17 Mini T-connector Fig.18 Micro T-connector (NC-050505-FM-T8001) (6S-050505-F¥F-TS001) 1.6 Terminator Furuno CAN bus 120-ohm terminators are available with the fllowing part numbers. The terminator should be attached at each end ofthe backbone cable, ‘The terminator has a 120-ohm resistor aoross pins #4 and 5. Parts Nam ‘ype. Code Number Remarks Male terminator LIWMN-OGANMT-SLBO07 000-160-508 Mini connector Fig 19 Female terminator LTWMIN-OSAFFT:SL8001 000-160-509 Mini connactr,Fig.20 Male terminator LTWMC-OSBMMT-SL8001 000-168-604 Micro connector, Fig.21 Female terminator LTWMC-O5BFFT-SL8001 000-168-005 Micro connector, Fig.22, ee Ge © Fig.1@ Male terminator forheavy cable Fig.20 Female terminator for heavy cable Fig.21 Male terminator for light cable Fig 22 Female Terminator for ight cableFano CAND Near Os Ge ‘Termination with MED “The MFD units terminated with a terminator as shown in Fig.23, because the unit does not have the intemal terminator. OD rte Bockbone cable hi Female Teminstor cee — a) Fig.23 Termination with MED Internal Terminator Furuno CAN bus devices, ORS, FI-50, GP-330B, SC-30, and WS-200 have an intemal terminator, so these devices can be connected tothe backbone cable as shown in Fg 24 [By connecting the device tothe backbone cable, the cable length between the T-connector ‘and the device can be extended more than 6 m. Powersupply] [Device] [oevce | [Device =e oe Fig.24 Using internal terminator at bath ends of backbone cable ‘To actvate the intemal terminator (@) DRS ‘The resistor assembly, 120 OHM-1007#24-L50, CIN: 000-167-748 is connected 2etween 485 and #6 of J603 in the radome antenna and #4 and #5 of TB102 in the open type antenna, Fig.25 Terminator in ORS2D/4D Fig 26 Terminator in DRS4NBAIT2N25AFa Cab ter Oosn ee (©) GP-3308, ‘The supplied contact pin, 05-26-01 (CIN: 000-168-935) is inserted into socket # inthe connector before connecting it tothe antenna, — consetpn Fig27 Termination on GP-3308 (©) Ws-200 ‘The same contact pn as GP-3308 is used for tecmination. (Type: 05-25-01) (@) so-30 Use the cable, MU-A1OSPFOO1S-15/30 of which 10-pin MJ connector has @ 120-ohm resistor connected between pins #4 and #5 i woaveserears-») Fig 28 Termination on SC-30 (o) Fiso “The terminal resistor ison and off through “Setup2" menu. To show setup2 menu. press following two keys at aime until the menu appears [FSO series [To gatinto Setup? mode, press To choose liom, press F1-501/5021505 | Sed and 4th keys from ltt MODE F503 LOWER and SELECTICLEAR | Upper FL.S08 [APP/TRUE and SELECTICLEAR | DISP. L506 BRILL and Let arrow key Right arow key (To save the change, press BRILL ‘and Left arrow kay again1.7 Network Power Supply ‘The Furuna CAN bus network devices operate at 9.0 to 16.0 Vie. Ensure thatthe vokage of wer supply tothe device located farthest from the power soutoe on the network is 9.0 Vdc “The total current carrying capacity ofthe network depends on the choice of backbone cable and where the power fs connected inta that abla. The heavy cables rated at 8 Amos and the light cable is rated at 1 Amps. Both of these ratings are at 20 degrees Celsius and must be de-rated with temperatura. Ifthe power connection Is made to the center of the backbone cable, then the current canying capacty is effectively doubled as the full capacity i avalible to each end of the network from the power connection point. For CAN bus network with DRS ‘The ORS series outputs 15 Ve, 1A trom the network port to the CAN bus devices ln the network. The power supply cable connection to the network is not necessary when the DRS is in the network. The power connection is at ether the end or middle ofthe network Note that he pin assignment ofthe network pot difers between radome and open antennas. 44803 in Radome Antenna “TB102in Open Antenna in No. Signal name Remarks PinNo. Signal name Remarks 1 SHIELD 7 SHIELD 2 NC 2 NETS ve(rt5y) 3 NETS ve (etsy) 3 oNere |v 4 NEC ve 4 NETH CANH 5 NETH CAN 5 NETL © CAN 6 NETL CANE The number of the devices that can be connected to the network powered from the ORS depends mainly on the network load. For example, Weather Staion, WS-200 and Satelite Compass, SC-30 are not connected to the DRS via CAN bus at the same time due to ‘overload, The folowing section describes the network load calculation. op-ssos wS-200 sc-30 Fig.29 Furuno CAN bus powered from DRS (No network power cable required) \When both the SC-30 and WS-200 are connected to the network with the DRS, deconnect ping 3 and 4 of J603 on the CAN bus interface board, 03P9462 In the DRS and ccnnect an ‘extemal 15:Vde power supply tothe network backbone cable.Funro CA Neon Ge Fig.20 shows the simplified circuit diagram of power supply cicult on the CAN bus inerface board, 039462. The circuit is protected by a 1.5 A.onboard fuse. {WRB A From PWR Pca oe 602 | > sasviot——T peguawr[ FICLSA) >6>NOLL ssver— | yg peta nats (15) Fig 30 CAN bus interface board in ORS. For CAN bus network with MFD “The Furuno CAN bus network is powered through the MED unit the power supply o battery is Connected to pins #17 (NET_S_IN) and #18 (NET_C_IN) of 16:pin “DATA 2° connector on [MFD8/12/88 witha 1-A nding fuse and switch. See Figs 31 and 32, The output voltage ofthe power supply is ideally 15 Ve +/-5%, ripple 0.25 Vp-p or ess as 'NMEA2000 standard, considering input line variation and DC drop inthe network power cable. Do NOT connect the network toa 24 Vc power supply. “Isolation" from other devices power and grounds ofthe power supply must be maintained, [peri MFD__| oar Fig 31 Connection of power supply to network through MED Power supply *8-n peal cable for DATA? port ‘ype FRUDD-ABAFFMVL 180 CN: 000-154-608 | ye @ sie + amp Fuse and " Vv ining switch © wate Y aoe REC ere os ‘power supply connected) 40 Vie to 16 Vde, 121024 defor MED ‘Lamp Maximum | Fig.32 Connection of network power supply to MED "[A diode and a polyswiteh (SMDC110F) on CONT? board in the MFD unit protect the interface Circuit against over-current and short-crcut. See Fig.33 saoam tia roa! Eason ae exzo00 NET_S.IN=t7>—P} sf >> 92" NETS NET_C_IN=18——>2>—>2 >> NETIC. 1 Ee > NETH 1 yt ener Fig.23 Protection of network power cut in MFD “The maximum length ofthe network backbone is 150 m when the heavy cable is used and 50 im when the light cable Is used, More dotails are explained in the “CAN bus Network lentations” section. 1.8 Network Grounding “The network is grounded at @ SINGLE location. This is normally done at the power supply cconnestion tothe network and should be well connected to the vessel's grounding system. “There must be no other graund connections on the network to avoid the problem cf ground oops hich can harm the network performance. 4.9 Connecting NMEA 0183 Device ‘An NMEA 0163 deviee is connected to the CAN bus network via MFD unit or by using NMEA2000 Interface unit, IF-NMEAZKS. [enor] fimeaoies ] [ wencr83 (WAX. 3 unis) NMEA-CAN bus MED Intectace unit view | | ieNMERDK! I Power supply Fig.34 Connection of NMEA01SS to CAN bus network 21.10 CAN bus Network Limitations When building a CAN bus network, keep in mind following limitations 1.10.1 Single MED in CAN bus network ‘Single MFD or DRS unit, one of MFO8, MFD12, MFDBB, and DRS is connected to Furuno ‘CAN bus network. Do NOT connect to or more MFO andior DRS tothe Furuno CAN bus, network, The DRS and MFD units are connected each other via Ethernet, Fig.35 Single MFD or DRS in Furuna CAN bus network 1.10.2 Backbone Cable Length ‘Load Equivalency Number LEN) Like NIEAZ000, the power rating of the Furuno CAN bus device Is specified as @ Load Equivalency Number, or LEN and used in planning network installations. One networt load is ‘defined as 60 mA or any portion thereo e.g, a device taking 61 mA from the network power busi a Two LEN device), A LEN of 4 moans that the device consumes up to 4 x 50 m4= 200 mA, “Table 6 shows the LEN of Furuno CAN bus devices Table 6 LEN of Furuno CAN bus devices [Model [MED BB [WED 8/12 [6-20 | GP.3308 [WS.200 [F150 series” | [ten 1 4 10 3 13 2 7 FS015021505/508'505506 Use Tables 7 and 8 to find tho masimum length ofthe backbone cable First calculate the total LLEN of the devices inthe network. In the example of Fig 36, the total LEN is t+ 1 # 22 = 6, Inen, tind the maximum cable length for the LEN of 6 In Table 7 of 8: 150 meters fo" heavy ‘cable and 50 meters for ight cable when the netwerk is powered from 1 Vde power supply. \When the network is connected to 12 Vale power supply, the maximum cable length is about ‘haf the value in Tables 7 and 8 canbus | [canbus | [canoes] [caNeus Device Device Device Device Powersupply] | teN=1 || “uen=1 || UeN=2 LEN = O+}—+—1+—_- Fig8Practically, total LEN in the network is less than 20, so the overall cable length can be ‘extended up to 150 m with heavy cables and 18 Ve power supply. \Whon both heavy and light cables are used in the network as shown in Fig.10, the longth of cable Bis calculated by using th folowing formula, B= (Kaya \Where, Xs the maximum cable ongth obtained from the table, fe—_—___*=m jj, Oe —eaeaia geass ([Powsr sane] Fig ‘Assuming thatthe total LEN in the network fs 50 andthe heavy cable length, As 40m: B= (@0m—40m)/4= 10m ‘When power supply is connected to the middle ofthe network as shown in Fig38, the cable length of Aand B is determined incvidvally. For example if the total LEN of devices attached to the cable Ais 75, the maximum length of cable Ais 50 m from Table 7. Do the same for B. ‘The total length of cables A and Bis less than 150 m, [ty Pawar supply A Fig 38 Middle-powered CAN bus network \When the power cabla is connected to both ends ofthe network, the cable length fs double the value obtained from the table. In any case, the cable length doas not excoed 150 m. For ‘example, the maximum cable length Is 180 m, even if the calculated value is 180 m. [Note that power supplies are isolated and the shield connection is made at only one power ‘supply_{sinalepoint around) in multiple power supply configuration. Do NOT use a combination of battery and powor supply connections. Devin [Devco] [Deve | [Device] [Dever wer supply Power supply Fig 39 Multiple power supply configuration “Fino CAN us Natron Oeean ie 1.10.3 Drop Cable Length “The total drop cable length must not exceed 60 m and no single drop cable should exceed 6 1.10.4 Device Limitation No more than 20 (LEN) CAN bus devices can bo connected tothe Furuno CAN bus retwork Powered fom the DRS and through the MED unit. “The fotal LEN of the devices connected to the heavy backbone cable should not exceed 160 ‘and 20 fr the light backbone cable. “Table 7 Total LEN vs. Heavy backbone cable length (Power source: 18 Vdc") “Total | Max | Total | Wax | Tota | Max | Total | Max | Tow! ] Max ven | om | ven | om | ven | imi | cen | (my | ten | om <20 | 150] a6 | 90 72 | 5] e8 | 40] 128 | 30 a1_| 150 |47_| 00 | 73 [55 [9 | a0 | 125 | 30 [150 [as 20 | 7a [50 | 100 | a0 | 128 130 23 | 150 [4920 | 75 | 50 | 101 | a0 | 127 | 30 24] 150 [60 | a0 | 76 | 50 | 102 | a5 | 128 | 30 25_|_150|_s1_| 70 [77 | so | 103 | a5 | 129 | 30 2s | 150 | 52 [70 [7850 | 104 | 35 | 130 | 30 ‘ar_| 14053 [70 | 79 [50 | 105 | 35 | 131_| 30 ‘28| 140 [4 [70 | 60 | 50 | 106 | 35] 132 | 30 20| 190 |-55_[ 70] ar [so | 107 | as | 133 | 30 30_| 190 [56 [70 [a2 [a5 | t08_| 35 [134 130) si_| 130 |-57_| 70 [a3 | a5 | 109 | 35 [135 | 30 s2| 120 [68 | 65 [es | a5 | 110 [a5 | 196 | 30 [[ss [20 [58 [es [as [as [in [as 1372s, 7 351 no | 61 | 65 [a7 | a5 | 3| 35 | 199 | 25) 36 | 110 | ez | 65 | e8 | a5 | 14 | a5 | 140 | 25) 3r_| 100 | 63 | 60 | eg | a5 | m5 | 35 [142] 25) 38_| 100 | 6s | 60-00 | a5 | 116 | 35 | 144 | 25, 30 | 100 -¢s | 60 [1 | 40 | 117 | 30 | 146 | 25, ‘40| 100 [66 | 60 | 92 | a0] 110 | 30 | 148 | 25 41[ 90 | 6r| 60 | 03 | 40 | 19 | a0 | 150 | 25 az [90 | 68s | oa | a0 | 120 | 30 | 152 | 25 43 oo | 68 | 55 | 95 | 40] 121 | 30 | 156 | 25 ‘4490 [70 65 | 96 | a0 122 | 20 | 158 | 25 45 [a0 | m1 | s5 | or | a0 | 123 | 30 | 160 | 25 “When 12 Ve power source is connected tothe network, dvd the cable length in haies 5“Table 8 Total LEN vs. Light backbone cable length (Power source: 15 Ve“) (Tear CEN [Mc fp Torr CEW [ax (my [Total LEN [ac mp Tats 50 19 50 20 45 + When 12 Ve power source is connected othe networ, dvd the cable length in nave. 1.11 Adding a New Device [Anew device is added to @ working network bus by using the fllowing procedure. Fst, add ‘an ackitional Tconnector anyanere along the network backbone where 3 connection already texte, The connection is a the end ofthe network (between a T-connector and a terminator) betwoon two T-eonnectors, between a T-connector and a backbone extension cable, oF between two extension cables. Separat the connectors of the old connection and attach new ‘Teonnector between them. Then, connect the device to the T.connector by using a drop cable. “There area few things to consider +) Voltage drop between the power source and the device located farthest from the power source fs 3.0 Vde or lass when 12 Vde battery is used, 2) Total network foad must be considered. When the network Is powered though the MFO ‘and from the DRS, total LEN is 20 or less. 23) The network i torminated to function corecty. 4.12 Using Junction Box FI-5002 By using F-5002 Junction Box, Furuno CAN bus Is designed without Tconnecors and terminators. The FF-5002 has 120-ohm terminal resistors, six terminal blocks for the ‘connection of upto 6 devices, and two terminal blocks forthe connection of backbone cables for network expansion. The junction box s nat Waterpro. Fig40 shows simplifed schematic diagram of FL-S002. A three-way terminal block is used for the network power connection. sha =| ranere —| sseneris ‘To power supply “To éeice (ONS to CNS) ‘To backbone cable an (42 Ve, 20 04%) 5002 (or nt used) Fig 40 Connection of terminal blocks in1-5002 6ro CAN bs Nat OH de Fig 41 shows atypical Furuno CAN bus network by using a junction box F-5002. FLs002 lentena _cvatwens one EU Ep titra terminator ix 6m 12d [Device] [Device] (ax. 6 devices) Fig Typical connection on F1-5002 “To connect the intemal termination resistor othe end ofthe network bus, sot the jumper block as below, +1) Wnen no backbone cable fs connected, R1 and R2 ara set to ON position, 2} Wen one backbone cable is connected, eithor Rt or R2 is sat to ON position. 3} Wen two backbone cables are connected, Rt and R2 are st to OFF position, sneecvock > [ELE1] 2: Resistor is disconnected. (OFF) [EET] :Resistoris connected. (ON) Ro Rt Fig 42 Internal terminators in F-S002 “The F1-5002 Is added anywhere along the network backbone. A maximum of thee F5002 is connected in series Device | [device =) {TE reminte “rezonactor Fig 43 Network with F-5002 and T-conngctor wPonce] Tesmeetr Fig.44 Network wth two terminators connected to T-connectors| cx cue ee Fr5002, Fig,45 Three F-S002 in network 4.13 NavNet Bridge “Two or more CAN bus networks can be connected by using MFD and DRS via Fthsmnet 9s, shown in Fig.46, Al devices share the sensor data in the network. The connection of the DRS having @ CAN bus network to the MED In the bridge eliminates the duplication of the cable runt the sonsors outside. CAN bus network (1), [oar] [tooroes eis ‘CAN bus network (2), Fig 46 Simplified NavNet Bridge connecting two CAN bus networks 18More complex networks are designed by using a network Hub, HUB-101 as show in Fi.47 TS sco i CAN bus (1) [Rome Hue-101 Ethemet era 12 defee CAN bos CAN bus (2) o—o— Instrument, F-S0 serie ‘Smart Sensor, DST-800 Fig,A7 Two oc more MED in network ‘The number of devices that can be connected tothe network is DRS series: 2units HUB-101: — Sunits MFDB/2IBB: 10 units ‘The MFDBB has a built-in 4-port Hub, 80 up fo two HUB-101's are connected tothe network with a MFOBE, ‘The Ethernet ports 1 and 2 are designed to output power to the control units, DCUI2 and MCU.001. Do NOT connect MFD8/"2 to ports 1 and 2, otherwise MFDS/12 in the earior production may be damaged. MFDE/'2 inthe curent production has the protection circuit Fig 48 MFDBB, rear iowFa CAN a eto Ge NETWORK Fig.49 RU45 jacks for Ethemet connection on MFDBB. Table 9 Pin assignment of builtin Hub of MFDBB, NETWORK 12 | NETWORKS 4 “1 [eme eme 2 _| ETON EIDN a | eRDP RDP ‘| swe ‘SW P as | SN ‘SWN | ERDN RDN #7_| PWR SWN NC. #6 | PWR SWP NC. Be nization Power on/off synchronization amongst all of the NavNet 30 display units can be ‘achieved when the dedicated Ethernet hub HUB-101 is used. Set the corresponding DIP switch in the HUB-101 to ON position to activate ths feature. DIP switches #1 to #8 for ports 108, rom len ree) big em, a gS) Fig,50 HUB-101 with cover removed 2»
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
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Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
Margot Lee Shetterly
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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