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A4 - School Based Research Festival Rubrics 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education




0 -1 2-4 5-7 8 - 10
(Unacceptable) (Marginal) (Good) (Excellent)
Movements seemed fluid
BODY No movement or descriptive Very little movement or Movements or gestures
and helped the audience
LANGUAGE gestures descriptive gestures. enhance articulation.
Holds attention of entire
No eye contact with the Minimal eye contact with Clear articulation but has
EYE CONTACT audience. the audience. not polished.
audience with the use of
direct eye contact.
• Poised, clear
• Inaudible or too loud articulation
• Rate is too slow/fast • Some mumbling • Proper volume
SPEAKING Clear articulation but not
• Speaker seemed • Uneven rate • Steady rate
SKILLS as polished
uninterested and used • Little or no expression • Good posture
monotone • Enthusiasm
• Confidence
• Displays introductory • Delivers clear opening
• Displays neither clear • Displays some level of
or closing remarks, but and closing remarks
introductory nor closing organization with
segments of the body that capture the
remarks discernible theme, but
of the presentation are attention of the
• Does not present the the presentation is not
not presented in a audience and set the
ORGANIZATION segments of the body of organized clearly or in
coherent manner
the presentation in a a coherent manner
• Presents the segments • Provides a “road map”
coherent manner • Introductory and
of the body of the for the audience
• Irrelevant statements are closing remarks are
presentation in a • Each segment relates
made missing
coherent manner, but to the others according

Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

• Leaves the audience introductory and to a carefully planned

wondering where the closing remarks are framework
presentation has headed missing
Satisfactory use of
Use fluid speech and
Consistently uses a monotone Displays some level of inflection, but does not
VOICE voice inflection through delivery consistently use fluid
inflection maintains the
interest of the audience
• Ran too quickly • Gave audience almost • Gave audience ample
through the visuals and enough time to absorb time to absorb
spoke more to the material, but information on visual
VISUALS Used no visuals screen than with the occasionally read the • Spoke to the audience,
audience slide not the screen
• Visuals did not detract • Visuals added to the • Visuals greatly
from the presentation presentation enhanced presentation
• Correct use of
• One or more minor • Correct grammar
• Use of some advanced
Multiple grammar errors and grammar errors • Vocabulary mostly
LANGUAGE use of inappropriate • Vocabulary use is too appropriate for the
• Effective use of
vocabulary elementary or not purpose and the
appropriate vocabulary
effective audience
for the purpose and for
the audience
TOTAL: (Highest Possible Score – 70)

Name and Signature of Assessor: Group No: Remarks:


Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education




0 -1 2-4 5-7 8 - 10
(Unacceptable) (Marginal) (Good) (Excellent)
Abstract strongly
Somewhat able to see Abstract adequately
summarized the learner’s
connection of abstract to summarized the learner’s
Unable to connect abstract to research. Clearly
ABSTRACT research/ presentation. research. More information
the oral presentation. supported topic presented
Abstract did not contain would have been
and contained important
sufficient information. beneficial.
Visually appealing and
Poster was acceptable but Poster organization was strongly effective
POSTER Unable to understand link needs work to improve adequate but could presentation. Easy to read.
ORGANIZATION, between information visual appeal and improve effectiveness Utilized creativity in use of
presented and topic of organization through better through better use of graphics, headings, colors
MECHANICS, research. Not organized or utilization of graphics, space through graphics, and white space to provide
AND visually effective. Many colors, headings, and colors, headings, and sequential information from
APPEARANCE mechanical errors. white space. Some white space. Few introduction to conclusion
mechanical errors. mechanical errors. and references. No
mechanical errors.
Presented was poorly Presentation and Presenter was confident
Presenter did not convey a
PRESENTER’S prepared and did not demonstration of and professional.
sense of confidence or
ORAL adequately discuss the understanding was Established eye contact
ability to clearly convey the
research. Demonstrated acceptable. Demonstrated and clearly conveyed
PRESENTATION problems in several areas (no
research problem,
some problems (speaking research problem,
OF THE methods, conclusion, and
eye contact, no clear too softly, use of jargon, methods, conclusions and
RESEARCH implications. Additional
discussion of research, or a hesitation, inability to applications. Answered
practice would be helpful.
lack of professionalism). handle questions, etc.) questions well. Discussed

Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

research in layman’s terms

or appropriate to assessor.
Strong material. Well
The content was
Content presented was summarized. Clearly
adequately presented but
No or poor connection difficult to understand and shows development of
support for the study,
between poster content and did not sufficiently convey study of research with
research hypothesis, or
purpose of study, research a connection to the study, strong citation of sources.
POSTER question(s) is somewhat
hypothesis/ question(s), research hypothesis, Materials appears to
CONTENT general. Conclusion and
method, conclusions, or method, conclusions, or accurately support purpose
implications were
implications. Few or no implications Cited sources of study, hypothesis, or
reasonable. Several
sources documented. were scarce or research question(s).
sources were correctly
inadequately documented. Strong conclusions and
implication presented.
Total: (Highest Possible Score – 40)

Name and Signature of Assessor: Group No: Remarks:


Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education




0 -1 2-4 5-7 8 - 10
(Unacceptable) (Marginal) (Good) (Excellent)
The presentation does not The presentation has 20 The presentation has 20 The presentation has 20
have 20 slides timed to slides timed to advance slides timed to advance slides timed to advance
SLIDESHOW advance every 20 seconds, or every 20 seconds, but the every 20 seconds. The every 20 seconds. The
the presentation has major presentation has several presentation runs with one presentation runs
technical flaws. minor technical flaws. minor technical flaw. flawlessly.
Learner gave a partial Learner captured most of Learner captured all main
CAPSTONE OR presentation of his/her the main points of the points of the capstone/
Little or no attempt made to capstone/ research. capstone/ research. research. Achieved a clear
identify the main points. Understood some of the Understood most of the understanding of the
ANALYSIS main points, but thought main points for the capstone/ research project
there were gaps. capstone/ research project. and points.
The Pecha Kucha was
The Pecha Kucha was
The Pecha Kucha was extremely organized and
The Pecha Kucha was fairly organized and the
unorganized and not easy the ideas and images
unorganized and difficult to ideas flowed well. There
to follow. Ideas and flowed in a manner that
ORGANIZATION follow. Ideas and images were were perhaps jumps and
images were put together was easily followed and
put together with little thought transitions that were not
in a way that made understood. The material
to audience understanding. entirely seamless. Easily
comprehension difficult. transitioned seamlessly
from slide to slide.
The presenter has used The images/ texts chosen The images/ text chosen
VISUAL APPEAL Visual images are poorly
adequate quality visual were appropriate and were appropriate and
chosen, or the quality of the
AND images, but does not use a considered the topic in a extremely thoughtful to the
images are not legible, or
CREATIVITY creative or interesting thoughtful way. The topic and conveyed in an
used a particularly garish or
visual design for the presenter has used good excellent manner the

Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

distracting visual design for presentation. The images/ quality visual images and Pecha Kucha’s purpose.
the presentation. text chosen distracted from has used a creative or The audience was
the presentation. interesting visual design informed and entertained.
for the presentation.
It appears the presenter
The presenter obviously
It appears that the presenter prepared a mediocre script
The presented obviously prepared a compelling
PREPARATION did not prepare a script or did or was not adequately
prepared a script, script, rehearsed,
not rehearse, demonstrated rehearsed, or
AND rehearsed, demonstrated demonstrated superior
minimal knowledge of the demonstrated marginal
PRESENTATION strong knowledge of the knowledge of the
capstone/ research, or knowledge of their own
OF SCRIPT capstone material, and did capstone/ research
frequently read to the capstone/ research, and
not read to the audience. material, and did not read
audience. occasionally read to the
to the audience.
Total: (Highest Possible Score – 50)

Name and Signature of Assessor: Group No: Remarks:


Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Project MAKERS (Mamatid Association of Knowledgeable Educators and Researchers)

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