Andritz Financial Report 2021 Data
Andritz Financial Report 2021 Data
Andritz Financial Report 2021 Data
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
1) Amortization and impairment of identifiable assets acquired in a business combination and recognized separately from goodwill amount to of 65.6 MEUR (2021:
62.1 MEUR); impairment of goodwill amounts to 10.2 MEUR (2021: 4.8 MEUR).
All figures according to IFRS. Due to the utilization of automatic calculation programs, differences can arise in the addition of rounded totals and percentages.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Key financial figures of the business areas
Pulp & Paper
Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
In the 2022 business year, economic development in the world’s main economic regions was marked by the war in
Ukraine and the related sanctions by the West. Continuing high prices for energy and raw materials, bottlenecks
and delays in the global supply chains as well as the resulting record inflation rates placed a burden on economic
development in most industries and had a restraining effect on consumer demand from private households.
In Europe, economic growth slowed down significantly during the reporting period compared to the previous year.
The inflation rate in the euro zone increased to a new record level of more than 10% in the course of the 2022
business year. In view of the high inflation rate, the European Central Bank (ECB) initiated a reversal in interest
rates in the euro zone and raised the key interest rate substantially to 2.5%. In addition, it indicated more interest
rate hikes in 2023. Thereby the ECB made it clear that it was determined to bring back the inflation rate to the
medium-term goal of 2.0% as quickly as possible.
In the USA, economic growth also lost some momentum during the reporting period. Private consumption, which
plays a key role in the US economy and accounts for approximately 70% of the gross domestic product, declined
due to the high inflation rate during the reporting period. The labor market, on the other hand, remained very
robust, with the unemployment rate at a level of approximately 3.6% in 2022. In view of the high inflation rate, the
US Federal Reserve (FED) raised the key interest rate substantially during the reporting period. It now ranges
between 4.25% and 4.5%. Moreover, the FED announced more interest rate hikes to over 5% in order to continue
fighting the pressure from inflation, which is already easing.
The negative effects of high energy prices and global supply bottlenecks were also felt in most of the emerging
markets, leading to a significant decline in economic growth. In addition, the FED’s tight monetary policy
strengthened the US dollar, above all to the disadvantage of heavily indebted and low-income emerging
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The Pulp & Paper business area saw very good project and investment activity for pulping equipment during the
reporting period – both for modernization of existing pulp mills and for construction of greenfield pulp mills
(especially in Asia and South America). In the paper sector, many orders were awarded for tissue production lines
and for board production equipment. In the power boiler sector, the good project and investment activity of the
previous years continued, particularly in Asia (above all Japan).
The Metals Forming (Schuler) sector for the automotive and automotive supplying industry saw good project and
investment activity during the reporting period. Orders for press lines in both the middle and the higher price as
well as quality segments were awarded by international car manufacturers and their suppliers. Some important
orders for plants to produce components for electric vehicles (battery housings, electric motors, car bodies) were
also awarded in the growing electromobility market.
Project activity in the Metals Processing sector (equipment for the production and processing of stainless steel
strip, carbon steel strip, and of aluminum strip) was very favorable during the reporting year due to the good
liquidity and earnings situation of many customers as a result of the high prices for steel and raw materials.
The global investment and project activity for electromechanical equipment for hydropower stations saw a strong
upward trend in the 2022 business year, primarily due to the good earnings situation of many customers as a
result of the rise in global energy prices. Some medium- and large-scale modernization and new contracts to
supply equipment for hydroelectric power stations were awarded during the reporting period – particularly in Asia,
Africa, and Central America. Good project activity was also noted in the pumps sector.
The global markets for solid/liquid separation equipment developed very favorably during the 2022 business year.
Very good project and investment activity was noted in the Separation sector (dewatering and drying of municipal
and industrial sewage sludge dewatering and drying) as well as in the Feed & Biofuel sector.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Information on the consolidation scope can be found in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, chapter
B) 4. Consolidation scope.
Order intake
The order intake of the Group developed very favorably during the 2022 business year and reached a new record
level of 9,263.4 MEUR (+17.6% versus 2021: 7,879.7 MEUR). All business areas were able to increase their order
intake significantly compared to the previous year.
▪ Pulp & Paper: Order intake reached a new record level at 4,378.7 MEUR and was thus 16.0% higher than the
figure for the previous year’s reference period (2021: 3,774.7 MEUR). Both the capital business, whose order
intake included a large order to supply highly resource-saving and advanced technologies for a new pulp mill in
Asia, and the service business succeeded in increasing their order intake substantially compared to the previous
▪ Metals: The business area also achieved a new record order intake of 2,008.6 MEUR (+12.9% versus 2021:
1,778.8 MEUR) during the reporting year. This significant increase is primarily attributable to the Metals Forming
sector (Schuler), which succeeded in booking some larger press line orders, among others, in the e-mobility
▪ Hydro: The order intake reached a very favorable level at 1,956.6 MEUR and increased by 25.0% compared to
the previous year’s reference figure (2021: 1,565.2 MEUR). The business area secured several larger orders to
supply electromechanical equipment for new hydropower plants and to modernize existing hydropower power
▪ Separation: At 919.5 MEUR, order intake reached its highest level ever (+20.8% versus 2021: 761.0 MEUR).
Both the solid/liquid separation and the feed & biofuel sectors showed very good development during the
reporting period.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Order intake by business area
Order intake by region
2022 (2021) in % 2022 (2021) in %
Revenue of the ANDRITZ GROUP developed very favorably in the 2022 business year and reached a new record
level of 7,542.9 MEUR (+16.7% versus 2021: 6,463.0 MEUR). All four business areas were able to significantly
increase their revenue compared to the previous year.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Revenue by business area
Revenue by region
2022 (2021) in % 2022 (2021) in %
2022 2021
Pulp & Paper 46 45
Metals 25 25
Hydro 37 39
Separation 48 49
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Order backlog
As of December 31, 2022, the order backlog of the ANDRITZ GROUP amounted to 9,976.5 MEUR (+22.2%
versus December 31, 2021: 8,165.8 MEUR). All business areas recorded a significant increase in order backlog
compared to end of last year.
Order backlog by business area Order backlog by business area
as of 31.12.2022 (31.12.2021) in % as of 31.12.2022 (31.12.2021) in %
The operating result (EBITA) increased in line with revenue and reached a new record level of 648.5 MEUR
(+18.7% versus 2021: 546.5 MEUR), as did revenue. All four business areas recorded an – in some cases –
significant increase in operating result. Profitability (EBITA margin) increased to 8.6% (2021: 8.5%).
Excluding extraordinary effects, the EBITA of the Group amounted to 644.3 MEUR and thus was also significantly
higher than the reference figure for the previous year excluding extraordinary effects (2021: 549.9 MEUR). The
adjusted EBITA margin remained unchanged compared to the previous year at 8.5% (2021: 8.5%).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
▪ In the Pulp & Paper business area, profitability amounted to 10.8% and was thus below the high reference figure
for the previous year (2021: 11.3%). The slightly lower profitability compared to the previous year is largely
attributable to the changed order mix (higher proportion of large projects). The adjusted EBITA margin amounted
to 11.0% (2021: 11.6%).
▪ The EBITA margin in the Metals business area increased to 3.8% (2021: 2.8%), thus continuing its upward trend.
This is mainly due to the positive profitability development in the Metals Forming (Schuler) sector. The adjusted
EBITA margin amounted to 3.7% (2021: 1.9%).
▪ Profitability in the Hydro business area reached a solid level at 7.5% (2021: 7.1%). The adjusted EBITA margin
amounted to 7.0% (2021: 7.4%). The lower adjusted EBITA margin compared to the previous year is attributable
to the processing of individual lower-margin contracts.
▪ In the Separation business area, the EBITA margin continued to develop very favorably and increased to 10.6%
(2021: 9.8%). The adjusted EBITA margin amounted to 10.6% (2021: 9.8%).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Value added
Net value added increased by 12.7% in the 2022 business year to 2,528 MEUR (2021: 2,244 MEUR). In the use of
value added among the main stakeholders, 1,140 MEUR (2021: 1,034 MEUR) were attributable to employees.
Based on the dividend proposal for the 2022 business year, the share attributable to shareholders increased to
151 MEUR (2021: 118 MEUR). The state and the social security systems participate in the value added through
taxes and social charges with 1,042 MEUR (2021: 993 MEUR). The remaining share of value added in the Group
amounted to 195 MEUR (2021: 159 MEUR).
Gross performance 6,530
Cost of materials 3,381
2,244 Net value added
159 Company
1,042 *
118 Shareholders
933 Government*
(from company 449,
from employees 536,
from shareholders 57)
Depreciation 833
Other expenses and income 1,140
1,034 Employees
2,528 (net, excluding taxes and
social charges)
Net value added 2,244
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Allocation of expenses in %
Material expenses amounted to 3,995.2 MEUR in the 2022 business year and were thus significantly above the
level of the previous year (2021: 3,381.0 MEUR). The material expenses to revenue ratio increased to 53.0%
(2021: 52.3%). Personnel expenses, at 1,986.8 MEUR, were thus significantly above the level of the previous year
(2021: 1,804.1 MEUR), the personnel expenses to revenue ratio decreased to 26.3% (2021: 27.9%).
Other expenses amounted to 941.0 MEUR in the reporting period (2021: 749.8 MEUR) and mainly include sales
expenses, legal, consulting, and audit expenses, travel expenses as well as repairs and maintenance. Other
income, at 139.3 MEUR, was above the level for the previous year (2021: 123.1 MEUR) and mainly includes
government grants (mainly research bonus), profits on disposal of intangible assets and property, plant, and
equipment, income from scrap material as well as rental income.
The depreciation of property, plant, and equipment and amortization of intangible assets and amounted to
242.6 MEUR in 2022 (2021: 233.9 MEUR). Thereof 72.0 MEUR (2021: 68.8 MEUR) are attributable to
amortization of intangible assets and 163.5 MEUR (2021: 159.9 MEUR) to depreciation of property, plant, and
In 2022, the Group’s goodwill impairment amounted to 10.2 MEUR (2021: 4.8 MEUR), and the impairment
charges for intangible and tangible assets were 7.1 MEUR (2021: 5.2 MEUR). The goodwill impairment relates to
the Hydro business area, where the business in the Compact Hydro sector did not develop as expected.
Impairment of intangible and tangible assets mainly relates to buildings and technical equipment.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The financial result improved to -31.8 MEUR (2021: -40.0 MEUR). Net interest result increased, on the one hand,
due to active treasury management (early redemption of an additional Schuldscheindarlehen tranche with variable
interest rates in the amount of 58.0 MEUR in 2022 (2021: 122.5 MEUR) and, on the other hand, due to
significantly higher gross liquidity compared to the previous year (2,051.1 MEUR versus 2021: 1,837.9 MEUR),
which could be invested at a much better interest rate as a result of the very positive interest rate environment.
The significant decrease in other financial result is mainly attributable to the valuation of bank balances and loans
in foreign currencies (FX) as well as securities on the balance sheet date.
The tax rate decreased due to consequent management of tax groups and the associated recognition of loss
carryforwards to 25.6% (2021: 26.8%); see also notes to the consolidated financial statements, chapter
C) 16. Income taxes.
The net income (including non-controlling interests) amounted to 402.6 MEUR (+25.1% versus 2021:
321.7 MEUR). Thereof 409.6 MEUR (2021: 325.5 MEUR) are attributable to the shareholders of the parent
company and -7.0 MEUR (2021: -3.8 MEUR) to non-controlling interests (see also notes to the consolidated
financial statements, chapter F) 33. Equity.
The earnings per share increased significantly to 4.14 EUR (2021: 3.28 EUR). At the Annual General Meeting on
March 29, 2023, the Executive Board will propose a dividend of 2.10 EUR per share (2021: 1.65 EUR) for the
2022 business year. This is equal to a payout ratio of 50.7% (2021: around 50.3%).
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Earnings per share (EUR) Dividend per share (EUR) Payout ratio
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Treasury shares
As of December 31, 2022, the company held 5,096,411 treasury shares, i.e. 4.9% of the share capital, with a
market value of 272.9 MEUR – mainly for servicing stock option programs and issuing shares to employees.
More information on treasury shares is available in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, chapter
F) 33. Equity.
Total assets amounted to 8,491.8 MEUR (December 31, 2021: 7,672.8 MEUR). The equity ratio increased to
21.6% (December 31, 2021: 20.4%).
On the asset side, property, plant, and equipment (1,213.8 MEUR), goodwill (787.0 MEUR), deferred tax assets
(239.7 MEUR), and intangible assets other than goodwill (160.1 MEUR) were the most important items in non-
current assets (2,571.2 MEUR). The most important items in the other current assets, amounting to
3,889.7 MEUR, are trade accounts receivable and contract assets in the amount of 2,112.6 MEUR as well as
inventories (1,135.5 MEUR).
On the liabilities side, the other current liabilities (4,721.1 MEUR) mainly include contract liabilities from sales
recognized over time in the amount of 1,547.5 MEUR, trade accounts payable (983.0 MEUR), and provisions
(460.5 MEUR). The most important items in other liabilities (1,223.8 MEUR) are accruals and outstanding order-
related costs (634.6 MEUR), as well as unused vacation and other personnel-related accruals (320.4 MEUR).
Non-current liabilities, at 647.7 MEUR, largely contain provisions for employee benefits (312.4 MEUR), other
provisions (185.4 MEUR), and deferred tax liabilities (121.3 MEUR).
Further information on provisions is shown in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, chapter
D) 23. Provisions.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Liquid funds amounted to 2,051.1 MEUR (December 31, 2021: 1,837.9 MEUR), while net liquidity increased
significantly to 983.0 MEUR (December 31, 2021: 703.3 MEUR).
In the 2022 business year, ANDRITZ AG has made an early repayment of variable Schuldscheindarlehen in the
amount of 58.0 MEUR (2021: 122.5 MEUR) due to the very good liquidity situation.
In addition to the high liquid funds, the ANDRITZ GROUP also had the following credit and surety lines for
performance of contracts, down payments, guarantees, and so on, at its disposal:
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Capital expenditure
Investments in property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets amounted to 184.4 MEUR in the 2022
business year and were thus significantly above the previous year’s level (2021: 160.1 MEUR). Investments
breakdown by business area as follows:
Capital expenditure by business area Capital expenditure by category
2022 (2021) in % 2022 (2021) in %
As in previous years, investments mainly focused on workshop modernizations and targeted selected extension
projects, particularly in Europe and China.
Cash flow
The cash flow from operating activities, at 710.8 MEUR, was significantly above the reference figure of the
previous year (2021: 529.6 MEUR). The increase is mainly due to the increase in net income and to project related
changes in net working capital (151.1 MEUR in 2022 versus 16.0 MEUR in 2021). The change in net working
capital mainly relates to an increased receipt of advance and progress payments for large-scale projects.
After deduction of investments in property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets in the amount of
184.4 MEUR (2021: 160.1 MEUR) the free cash flow amounted to 526.4 MEUR (2021: 369.5 MEUR).
The cash flow from investing activities amounted to -190.5 MEUR (2021: -290.6 MEUR). The change compared to
the previous year is mainly due to higher payments received for disposal of non-current and current financial
assets as well as higher investments in property, plant, and equipment and higher payments made for non-current
and current financial assets.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The cash flow from financing activities amounted to -301.3 MEUR (2021: -355.4 MEUR). The change mainly
resulted from lower loan repayments (-90.3 MEUR in 2022 versus -237.8 MEUR in 2021), but higher paid
dividends (-163.8 MEUR in 2022 versus -100.3 MEUR in 2021). In 2021, non-controlling interests of 34.5 MEUR
have been purchased. In 2022, own shares of 16.0 MEUR were bought back (2021: 4.7 MEUR).
ANDRITZ signed an agreement to acquire the Bonetti Group, headquartered in Milan, Italy, in June 2022. Bonetti
is a global manufacturer and supplier of doctor, creping and coater blades, as well as blade holders, and also
provides services for paper machines. This acquisition extends and strengthens ANDRITZ’s aftermarket business
and supplements the company’s current Paper Machine Service portfolio (Pulp & Paper business area). The
company, with around 150 employees, has annual revenue of around 25 MEUR and runs five production locations,
two of which are in Italy and one each in the USA, Germany, and Canada.
In August 2022, ANDRITZ signed a contract to acquire J. Parpala Oy, a player in the maintenance and repair of
environmental equipment for industrial production and power generation plants in Finland. This acquisition
strengthens ANDRITZ’s air pollution control activities (Pulp & Paper business area) in Finland, making it the
leading service provider for inspections, maintenance, mechanical upgrades, spare parts, and workshop repair
activities related to filters, scrubbers, flue gas ducts, fans, conveyors, and other equipment in operation between
the boiler and the stack.
Schuler signed a contract to acquire the Sovema Group in August 2022. Based in Villafranca di Verona, Italy, with
further sites in the USA and China, Sovema is one of the leading international suppliers of equipment for the
production of top-quality battery cells. Furthermore, Sovema is the only supplier worldwide of automated, turnkey
plants for the mass production of lead-acid batteries. The acquisition extends the product portfolio of the Metals
Forming sector (Metals business area). The company, with around 170 employees, generates annual revenue of
approximately 50 MEUR.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
In October 2022, ANDRITZ signed a contract to acquire Đuro Đaković Termoenergetska postrojenja d.o.o, Croatia.
Đuro Đaković is a European leader in the production of customized pressure parts and boiler accessories. In the
renewable energy sector, Đuro Đaković manufactures and delivers complete power stations on a turnkey basis
with an output of over 2 MWel, producing electricity and heat from renewable biomass sources. The acquisition
further strengthens ANDRITZ’s market position for renewable energy equipment (Pulp & Paper business area),
especially in grate technology, and enhances the company’s manufacturing capacity and quality for pressure parts
and boiler accessories. Đuro Đaković has annual revenue of approximately 60 MEUR and employs around
870 people at its two locations in Slavonski Brod and Lužani (both in Croatia).
Further information on acquisitions can be found in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, chapter B)
5. Acquisitions.
The ANDRITZ GROUP is a globally operating company serving a large variety of industrial markets and
customers. As such, the Group is subject to a series of risks. The main, higher-level risks pursuant to Section
243 (1) of the Austrian Commercial Code (Unternehmensgesetzbuch UGB) include:
▪ Strategic risks
▪ Operational risks
The active risk management practiced by the ANDRITZ GROUP for many years now serves both to safeguard the
company’s existence in the long term as well as to increase its value and is thus an essential success factor for
the entire Group. For the purposes of value-oriented company management, risk management is an integral part
of the business processes and extends over all strategic and operative levels.
The planning and controlling process within the entire ANDRITZ GROUP is an integral part of risk monitoring and
control. Continuous controlling and regular reporting are intended to increase the likelihood of identifying major
risks at an early stage and to allow countermeasures to be implemented if necessary. Nevertheless, there can be
no guarantee that all risks can be detected in time with the monitoring and risk control systems currently in use.
The war in Ukraine and the resulting sanctions against Russia led to a sharp price increase and high volatility,
respectively, in energy and of many raw materials and industrial semi-finished products in the course of the
reporting year. As a result, the inflation rate rose significantly in many countries. If the prices for raw materials,
energy and sub-supplies – and consequently inflation – continue to rise, this could have a negative impact on the
financial development of the ANDRITZ GROUP.
Russia’s stopping of gas supplies to Europe has caused a substantial increase in the price of gas and of other
energy sources temporarily. The ANDRITZ GROUP’s expenditure for energy is low compared to its total
expenditure and is in the mid double-digit million euros range. ANDRITZ only uses gas for production of process
heat and to heat company buildings at some locations in Austria and Germany. Most of the ANDRITZ locations
concerned changed from gas to alternative energy sources during the 2022 business year.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The hazards and adverse effects of the corona pandemic have been reduced significantly towards the end of
2022. State-imposed restrictions have been lifted for the most part. However, the possible emergence of new
Covid-19 variants could lead once again to various statutory measures being implemented, for example further
lockdowns in individual countries or regions, and thus to an economic downturn. Resulting delays in the main
international supply chains and transport routes could lead to delays in the execution of orders on the one hand
and further price increases for many raw materials and industrial semi-finished products on the other hand.
In addition to the current risks mentioned above, there are numerous risks that could have a negative effect on
economic development if they materialize. These include escalating trade disputes between countries with strong
economies as well as increasing political instability. The high national debt of many countries also poses a risk in
the medium to long term.
The ANDRITZ GROUP’s risks described below are monitored continuously. ANDRITZ is ready to react to and to
counter these risks.
The principal financial risks include payment default, liquidity risks, and market risks, such as exchange rate risks,
interest rate risks, and raw material price risks.
A detailed description of all financial risks of the ANDRITZ GROUP is provided in chapter F) 35. Risk management
– Risks relating to financial instruments of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
2. Strategic risks
a) Political risks
The countries in which the Group is active include some that are classified as politically risky or very risky. Terrorist
activities or acts of war could result in orders being suspended. Political developments are monitored continuously
in all countries and regions in which the Group operates, and substantial political risks are reviewed before
entering new countries. Changes to legislation in individual countries could lead to changed production conditions
and different investment behavior. Risks related to deliveries to countries with average to very high political risks
are typically covered by insurance. However, the prerequisites for full hedging of these risks are not always
available. The measures and procedures in this respect are specified in the credit risk policy applying throughout
the Group.
b) Regulatory risks
Regulatory risks include both tax risks and compliance risks.
The ANDRITZ group companies are subject to local tax laws in the respective countries and have to pay income
taxes as well as import duties and other taxes. Changes in legislation or other regulations, also including
regulations on import duties and so on, and different interpretations of the regulations applying in each case can
result in subsequent tax and duty burdens. As a result, taxes and customs duties can be exposed to either positive
or negative fluctuations.
In Austria and other countries where the ANDRITZ GROUP conducts business, there are a variety of legal
regulations to be observed, including anti-trust and anti-bribery laws or compliance rules in the supply chain.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The Group has established a Compliance Committee to monitor compliance with these regulations and adopted a
number of compliance policies, including policies prohibiting insider trading and violation of the applicable anti-
trust and anti-bribery laws, for the protection of personal data, and also a global Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics. While the Group strives with a large number of measures to make sure that such policies are observed,
there can be no assurance that violations will be committed due to individual misconduct. Any such violation could
impact the financial position and reputation of the Group and may also lead to the cancellation of existing orders.
c) Competitive position
The ANDRITZ GROUP does business in highly competitive markets in which only a few large suppliers bid for only
a few large orders. In addition, there are many small companies competing locally that have a comparatively low-
cost base. This competitive situation or a possible change in the competition structure can have a negative effect
on order intake and on sales margins of the Group.
The Group counters this risk with continuous research and development work, product innovations and regular
cost optimizations. There is, however, no guarantee that the Group can also maintain its current market position in
the future.
As the Group’s competitive position is also based on proprietary technologies, the increase in product piracy,
cyber attacks, and industrial espionage facilitated by the digital era and the resulting theft of intellectual property
can also have an adverse effect on the Group’s competitive position. The Group protects its intellectual property
wherever possible, but there can be no assurance that these efforts will always be adequate.
d) Customer concentration
In many of the industries served by the ANDRITZ GROUP, there is a trend towards consolidations and mergers.
This applies above all to the pulp and paper industry and also to the steel industry. Such consolidations may result
in the Group having to negotiate in the future with fewer customers, but who have greater purchasing power.
Dependence on individual key customers may increase, and this could also have direct consequences for the
Group’s business activities.
The prices for equipment and products supplied by ANDRITZ in these segments are, in part, directly dependent on
the prevailing relationship between supply and demand for the goods produced by such equipment and products
of ANDRITZ. Possible price fluctuations can, therefore, have a direct influence on each customer’s capital
investment decisions, with subsequent impact on the Group’s order intake. This may lead to some volatility in the
development of the Group’s order intake.
The Group’s future success depends on whether a sufficient amount of new contracts can be secured, among
other things. It can be difficult to predict when an order for which the ANDRITZ GROUP has provided a quotation
will actually be awarded. Contract awards are often affected by events outside the control of the Group, such as
prices, demand, general economic conditions, the granting of governmental approvals, and the securing of project
financing. This uncertainty can cause difficulties in aligning the Group’s fixed costs with the expected order
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
In addition, natural disasters, pandemics (such as the Covid-19 pandemic) or epidemics as well as geopolitical
escalations (military conflicts, trade disputes) could also have a negative effect on development of the order
intake, the liquidity, and financial structure of the Group.
However, there is no guarantee that the Group will be successful in identifying and acquiring appropriate
acquisition candidates in the future, or that suitable candidates and sufficient funding will even be available for
acquisitions. In the past, ANDRITZ was largely successful in integrating newly acquired companies. However,
there is no guarantee that planned objectives and synergies can be realized entirely for all acquisitions in the
future (including the ongoing integration of the most recently acquired companies), or that the Group will not be
confronted with new or legacy risks that have not been identified or accurately evaluated.
Depending on the market position in individual countries or regions as well as the size of planned acquisitions,
transactions are subject to a regulatory assessment and approval procedure under the laws on fair competition. As
a result, there may be delays in mergers or acquisitions, or some takeovers may even be prohibited in individual
cases. In the interests of minimizing risks, ANDRITZ reviews them in great detail beforehand with national and
international legal and business experts.
In manufacturing, ANDRITZ relies on a targeted make-or-buy strategy in order to better balance the fluctuations in
capacity utilization that are typical of project-related business and make best possible use of the company’s own
manufacturing capacities. Process-relevant key components for ANDRITZ plants and products are mainly
manufactured and assembled in the Group’s own workshops, whereas simple components are purchased from
qualified suppliers, who are subjected to regular checks on quality, on-time delivery, and compliance.
Essential success factors to ensure short lead times and on-time production in manufacturing are precise planning
as well as high commitment and flexibility on the part of employees. ANDRITZ uses a flexible contingent of
temporary workers, especially in Europe, to better cope with fluctuations in workload. However, there is no
guarantee that ANDRITZ will always be able to compensate immediately for larger fluctuations in capacity
utilization, and failure to do so could, in turn, have a negative impact on the earnings development of the Group.
Global crises, pandemics or epidemics can result in suppliers not being able to manufacture and deliver the goods
ordered by ANDRITZ on schedule, which, in turn, could lead to ANDRITZ being unable to fulfill its obligations
towards customers on time. Such shortfalls could have a negative effect, not only on the respective project but
also on ANDRITZ’s chances of securing new contracts in the future.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
h) Human resources
The ANDRITZ GROUP seeks to be an attractive employer for its employees and also tie them to the company in
the long-term. High quality standards in the selection process guarantee that the most suitable candidates are
recruited for the positions becoming vacant. However, there is no guarantee that employees will not leave the
company again after a short time. This can lead not only to considerable costs, but also to a deterioration in
customer and service orientation. ANDRITZ tries to keep fluctuation to a minimum by offering training and
international career opportunities, incentive plans and targeted employer branding activities.
i) Digitalization
Based on extensive and long-term experience as a supplier of technologies and systems for various branches of
industry, ANDRITZ offers a broad portfolio of smart, digital solutions. These solutions help customers substantially
in achieving their production, sustainability, and corporate goals.
These innovative digitalization solutions from ANDRITZ that have been tested worldwide in many reference plants
are combined under the technology brand Metris-ANDRITZ Digital solutions. Metris is based on three strategic
pillars with the main topics classic automation, digital solutions, and advanced performance services. Metris
technologies are the very latest state of the art, and they are subject to constant further development and can be
tailored to individual customer requirements. ANDRITZ considers digitalization to be a vital growth sector for the
future and hence will continue to focus strongly on development of digital products and solutions, including data
However, the rapid developments in the digitalization sector also present a risk if ANDRITZ is not able to succeed
in developing and offering the products and solutions demanded by the market with the necessary speed. In
addition, a higher degree of digitalization can lead to a greater risk of cyber attacks on ANDRITZ.
As a publicly listed company, the ANDRITZ GROUP is rated regularly by financial analysts and institutional
investors. Analysts’ recommendations to buy or sell ANDRITZ shares and subsequent investment decisions by
shareholders may cause considerable fluctuations in the share price. ANDRITZ has consistently followed a policy
of open and transparent information exchange with shareholders and the financial community to avoid unfounded
fluctuations in its share price.
The high level (just under 70%) of public free float of ANDRITZ’s total outstanding shares and its intensive investor
relations activities have led to active trading in ANDRITZ shares on the Vienna Stock Exchange. There is no
assurance, however, that active trading will be maintained in the future. If active trading was not maintained, the
liquidity and market price of ANDRITZ shares would suffer adverse effects, and investors may not be able to sell
their shares at what they perceive to be an acceptable price.
In the absence of active trading or in the event of a major change in market capitalization, the ANDRITZ share
could be removed from various international industrial and stock exchange indexes, for example the ATX, the
leading index of the Vienna Stock Exchange, or other indexes. This could result in major changes in the price of
the ANDRITZ share.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
3. Operational risks
a) Project risks
In conjunction with the delivery of equipment and services, the ANDRITZ GROUP is under contractual obligation in
most cases to provide performance guarantees and to meet certain deadlines. If the performance data stated are
not achieved or if deadlines are not met, the Group may have to pay tiered penalties or perform remedial work at
its own expense. If a guaranteed performance level is missed by a wide margin, deadlines are significantly
exceeded, or the customer does not accept the plant for other reasons, the customer may have the right to
terminate the agreement and return the subject of the contract to ANDRITZ for a full refund and recover damages.
Such action could have a negative effect on the Group’s financial development. Another widespread Covid-19
outbreak and the resulting potential delays in the most important international supply chain and transport routes
could affect the Group’s ability to meet its contract deadlines.
Many of ANDRITZ’s projects are based on long-term, fixed price contracts. The sales and operating margins
realized in a fixed price contract may vary from original estimates as a result of changes in costs (especially
fluctuating material costs and sharply rising energy prices), particularly on projects that include engineering and/or
construction of complete plants, and where labor services have to be sourced from third parties. ANDRITZ was
largely able to make up for the sharply rising raw material and material prices in the 2022 business year by
implementing various operative measures. Dealing with rising costs for materials and outsourced components is
and will continue to be a challenge and could have a negative effect on the Group’s financial development in the
future if raw material prices continue to increase substantially.
As certain parts of systems to be supplied are outsourced, the Group may be forced to quote to customers at a fixed
price without the exact cost of the parts purchased being stated in advance. While ANDRITZ makes estimates using
empirical data and quotes from potential suppliers, these estimates may not always be quite exact. This is the
reason why the Group has experienced considerable losses on some projects in the past. Problems and losses of
this kind may also occur in future and adversely affect the Group’s financial development. Lessons learned in the
past form the basis of ongoing development of existing tools for consistent use in future projects.
In individual projects, ANDRITZ also has responsibility for plant-wide engineering and/or installation and
construction in addition to the supply of ANDRITZ equipment and systems. These contracts bear the risks discussed
above, but also entail certain risks relating to greater on-site responsibilities, including environmental matters, local
labor conditions as well as risks relating to geology, construction, and installation of the plants.
Additionally, the Group is exposed to the risks inherent in managing the third parties providing construction,
installation, and engineering services on these projects (such as strikes and other labor disruptions, which can
lead to delays in start-up or failure to meet deadlines). The Group has put risk management procedures in place,
including insurance programs, contract policies, and project management discipline, to reduce these EPC-related
risks (EPC: Engineering, Procurement, Construction) as far as contracts allow.
Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that these procedures are sufficient to prevent negative financial
consequences. The Group has experienced significant losses on certain past projects in this regard, and similar
difficulties and losses may occur in the future in a way that would adversely affect the Group’s financial condition.
The ANDRITZ GROUP participates in many EPC- and other projects together with third parties with whom it
shares a series of risks. While the Group attempts to make sure that risks in such projects are properly allocated,
there can be no guarantee that this will always be successful. Moreover, the inability of one of the Group’s
consortium partners to fulfill its obligations, including indemnity obligations towards the Group, may have an
adverse effect on the financial results and the liquidity of the Group.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
b) Limitations of liability
Liabilities arising out of the Group’s contracts may include liabilities for customers’ loss of profits and other
liabilities that can vastly exceed the value of the contract in question. While the ANDRITZ GROUP endeavors to
include appropriate limitations of liability in its contracts, there can be no assurance that sufficient limitations will in
fact be in place in all contracts or that such limitations will be enforceable under the applicable law.
c) Government contracts
A certain amount of the orders is placed by government entities. In connection with these projects, the Group may
be more exposed to the performance, liability, and EPC/turnkey contract risks described above because it may not
always be able to obtain its desired contractual safeguards due to public bid requirements and local laws.
d) Legal proceedings
In the course of its business, the ANDRITZ GROUP is party to numerous legal proceedings before both
administrative and judicial courts and bodies as well as before arbitration tribunals. The substantial majority of
such proceedings (such as contract and project disputes, product liability claims, and intellectual property
litigation) can be considered typical of the Group’s business. Where appropriate, the ANDRITZ GROUP makes
provisions to cover the expected outcome of proceedings to the extent that negative outcomes are likely and
reliable estimates can be made. There is no guarantee, however, that these provisions will be sufficient. Given the
amounts at stake in some of these disputes, a negative decision for ANDRITZ in one or several of these legal
disputes may have a significant, adverse effect on the earnings and liquidity position of the Group.
In product liability, there are a number of cases alleging injuries and/or death resulting from exposure to asbestos.
Details are available in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, chapter G) 39. Contingent Assets and
e) Currencies
A substantial number of the ANDRITZ GROUP’s subsidiaries are located outside the euro zone. Since the parent
company ANDRITZ AG reports in euros, the company converts the financial statements of these companies into
euros in the consolidated financial statement. In order to address translation-related foreign exchange risks, it is
generally assumed for the purposes of risk management that investments in foreign companies are made in the
long term and the results are reinvested continuously. The effects of fluctuations in exchange rate when converting
net asset items into euros are included in currency translation adjustments in group equity.
A significant portion of the Group’s revenue and costs from orders concluded by Group companies is not settled in
the respective functional currency, but in other currencies, above all in US dollars. The currencies in these
countries may be subject to considerable fluctuations in exchange rates. Currency risks in connection with orders
that are not invoiced in euros are minimized by derivatives, in particular forward contracts and swaps.
Although the Group attempts to hedge the net currency exposure of those orders, not invoiced in the respective
functional currency of the group company, with forward contracts, currency fluctuations can result in the
recognition of exchange rate losses in the Group’s financial statements. Development of exchange rates may also
have translation effects on the Group’s revenue and earnings, whose values are converted into euros. In addition,
shifts in exchange rates may affect ANDRITZ’s position relative to its competitors, although many competitors of
ANDRITZ are also based in the euro zone.
As some of ANDRITZ’s major customers are based outside of the euro zone, changes in exchange rates could
lead to delays in project decisions by those customers. Also, the equity of the ANDRITZ GROUP is not hedged
and thus could be affected by changes in the exchange rate.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
A change in the exchange rate of the euro against many other currencies could also have both a positive and a
negative impact on the equity as well as on the revenue and earnings development of the ANDRITZ GROUP
(translation effect).
f) Insurance
While the ANDRITZ GROUP maintains insurance programs to cover typical insurable risks related to its business,
there can be no guarantee that this insurance can fully cover potential losses, that the insurers will be liable to pay
damages, nor that the amount of the Group’s insurance will be adequate. Moreover, the Group is involved in
certain industries (for example the space and nuclear industries) for which risks are uninsurable or cannot be
insured against in full, or where it is not always possible to comply with all of the conditions required to contract
insurance. Any material liability not covered by insurance could thus have a substantial, adverse effect on the
Group’s financial situation.
To further reduce unauthorized accessing of IT systems, penetration tests are conducted in addition and at regular
intervals. Cyber attacks should be detected at an early stage with the aid of an optimized IT infrastructure so that
they can be repelled successfully. However, unauthorized access to and loss of sensitive and confidential data
both at ANDRITZ and at its customers’ premises as a result of cyber attacks cannot be ruled out, nor can any
resulting enormous financial losses for which ANDRITZ may be held responsible. Moreover, major damage or
outage of the IT systems can disrupt ANDRITZ’s ongoing business operations. Special online training is provided
to avert possible cyber attacks and raise employees’ awareness further.
The international business activities by ANDRITZ not only provide opportunities but also involve risks in the short,
medium, and long term. ANDRITZ thus has a group-wide internal control and steering system (ICS) whose main
task is to identify nascent risks at an early stage and – if possible – to implement countermeasures promptly. This
system is an important element of active corporate management. However, there is no guarantee that these
monitoring and control systems are effective enough.
The Executive Board is responsible for implementing and monitoring the ICS for the accounting process and
financial reporting. For this purpose, binding group-wide regulations and guidelines/policies have been adopted for
the major business risks and also for the financial reporting process.
The accounting department, which includes financial accounting, reports directly to the Executive Board. Various
organizational measures ensure that the legal requirements are fulfilled. In particular, appropriate regulations
ensure that entries in the books and other records must be complete, correct, timely, and orderly.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The entire process from procurement to payment is subject to standard group-wide guidelines/policies that are
intended to minimize any essential risks these processes may entail.
These measures and rules include segregation of functions, signature authorization matrices, and signatory
powers for authorizing payments applying on a collective basis only and being restricted to a small number of
employees (four-eyes principle).
Control measures relating to IT security play an important role in this context. For example, segregation of duties
is enhanced by the generally restrictive assignment of IT authorization by the financial software used (SAP). The
safety standards in this financial software are also guaranteed by automated business process controls installed
directly within the system.
Group-wide uniform accounting and valuation principles for the recording, posting, and accounting of business
transactions are regulated in the ANDRITZ GROUP IFRS Accounting Policy and are binding for all group
companies. Automatic controls in the consolidation and reporting system are in use in order to avoid
misrepresentation as effectively as possible, as are numerous manual checks. The control measures range from
review and discussion of interim results by the management to specific reconciliation of accounts.
By using a standardized, group-wide financial reporting system, together with ad-hoc reporting on major events,
the Group endeavors to ensure that the Executive Board is properly and promptly informed on all relevant issues.
The Supervisory Board is informed in Supervisory Board meetings held at least once every quarter on the current
business development, including operative planning and the medium-term strategy of the Group. In special cases
– for example acquisitions, restructuring, and so on – information is provided directly to the Supervisory Board. In
addition, the Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Supervisory Board receive a monthly report, including the key
financial figures with comments. Internal control and risk management are among the topics dealt with during audit
committee meetings.
Internal Auditing, set up as an executive department reporting to the Executive Board, audits individual processes
or group companies according to an audit schedule defined for each year as well as conducting audits in special
cases (ad-hoc audits). In addition, Internal Auditing monitors compliance with legal provisions and internal
directives. It is active in reporting and assessing the audit results as an independent, internal department that is
not bound by instructions from outside bodies. Internal Auditing reports to the Executive Board and Audit
Committee at regular intervals on the audits conducted and the results thereof as well as on the current
implementation status of report findings.
The auditor of the Group’s financial statements assesses the risk management functionality in the
ANDRITZ GROUP and reports on it to the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board. The risk management
functionality was checked in 2022 by the auditor of the Group’s financial statements.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The consolidated corporate governance report for the business year 2022 is available on the ANDRITZ website
There were no events of material significance after the balance sheet date.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The following section describes the non-financial performance indicators on social, employee, and environmental
matters and in respect of human rights. Information on measures to combat bribery and corruption is provided in
the Consolidated Corporate Governance Report on the ANDRITZ website
1. Materiality analysis
The ANDRITZ GROUP publishes information on the topic of sustainability in accordance with the criteria of the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). A list of all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reported, including comments, is
provided in the “GRI Index” on the ANDRITZ website
Compliance with legal
& ethical standards /
Corporate Compliance
Climate and
Labor and working conditions environmental
Influence on stakeholder decisions
Supplier relationship /
relations with
2 business partners
Sustainable production
Governance, & projects
ethics and
business practices
& innovation
0 1 2 3
Long-term social impact
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Stakeholder surveys and interviews with relevant stakeholders have already been conducted several times in
order to establish the main reporting topics and relevant fields of activity for the ANDRITZ GROUP.
Hence, the topics with the greatest influence on the social impact of ANDRITZ’s business activities and on the
decisions that stakeholders make with respect to their business relations with ANDRITZ are:
The different weighting of the topics is illustrated in the graphic above. These topics are dealt with in more detail
ANDRITZ has set comprehensive, ambitious environmental, social, and governance targets as part of its “We
Care” sustainability program presented in June 2021, which will enable ANDRITZ to make the greatest
contribution to a sustainable future for all stakeholders. The main focus in the Environmental sector lies on climate
protection, conservation of resources, and offering sustainable solutions and products. ANDRITZ as an attractive
employer as well as occupational health and safety are the main topics in the Social focus area. In the
Governance sector, the focus lies on fair and ethical business practices, comprehensive risk management and
scrupulous supplier management.
In the reporting year, a number of measures were implemented to achieve the targets, the effects of which are
clearly evident.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Environmental goals
Goal Measuring variable Base year 2019 2021 2022 Goal 2025
ANDRITZ has taken a major step forward in reducing CO2 emissions. Compared to the base year 2019,
emissions in relation to revenue have already been reduced by around 40%. The largest reduction was achieved
by switching the German ANDRITZ sites to electricity from renewable energy sources. In addition, the switch to
LED lighting was further accelerated at many sites. ANDRITZ has planned further measures to achieve its ESG
goals. These include the installation of photovoltaic systems at 18 sites, the switch to LED lighting and the
expansion of ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 9001 certifications to all sites by 2025. A multi-site certification is
planned for 2023.
ANDRITZ joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) at the beginning of 2023 to demonstrate its
determination to contribute to the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement. The commitment to SBTi provides
ANDRITZ with the opportunity to have greenhouse gas reduction targets evaluated and validated by an
independent organization based on the findings of climate science. Under the SBTi commitment, ANDRITZ will
develop comprehensive greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that will contribute to halving global emissions
by 2030.
Water consumption in relation to revenue was reduced by 3% in the reporting year compared with 2019, and the
waste volume, also in relation to revenue, was reduced by 35%. Work is already underway on a catalogue of
measures to further reduce water consumption. All sites have a waste management concept with the primary goal
of waste prevention.
Sustainable products and solutions accounted for 45% of revenue in the reporting year. ANDRITZ has
developed or launched a number of new products in the areas of decarbonization, renewable energies, recycling,
and e-mobility in 2022, whose share of total revenue is expected to increase significantly in the coming years.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Social goals
Goal 2025
Goal Measuring variable Base year 2019 2021 2022 resp. % p.a.
In the social sector, the lost time accident frequency rate in 2022 was further reduced compared to the previous
year, although the goal of reducing the accident frequency rate by 30% compared to the previous year was not
achieved. ANDRITZ has implemented many initiatives and measures on occupational safety in recent years, which
are reflected in a significant reduction in the accident frequency rate by almost 60% compared with the baseline
value in 2019.
ANDRITZ pursues a zero-accidents goal and takes further measures in this area for a pro-active safety culture to
prevent accidents. All incidents and accidents are recorded, investigated, and analyzed – irrespective of their
severity. In addition, injuries that result in absences from work must be documented in a group accident database.
Furthermore, a lessons-learned report is compiled and published in the intranet. Experience from actual incidents
and near-accidents as well as good/best practices are collected and used to improve the safety culture.
At 6%, the voluntary turnover rate in the reporting year was slightly lower than in 2021, but still well above the
2025 goal of 4.5%. ANDRITZ has taken several measures in this area to convincingly communicate ANDRITZ’s
added value as an employer, to build up an appealing employer brand, and thus to present the company as
attractive as possible on the recruiting market.
The proportion of female employees was largely unchanged year-on-year at 16.4%. Measures to increase the
proportion of women in the long term include increased promotion of women for management positions and
increased support in reconciling work and family life.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Governance goals
* Cumulative external purchasing volume by suppliers with an average annual purchasing volume of more than EUR 250,000
** The figure relates to 2020, as no comparable data is available for 2019
As in previous years, there were no event-driven profit warnings in 2022. Furthermore, there were no cases of
corruption or antitrust violations within the ANDRITZ GROUP. In the reporting year, there was one case of
fraud in which employees colluded with suppliers and ANDRITZ was noticeably damaged by inflated purchase
prices. However, the case was detected by ANDRITZ’s effective internal control system, and damage-limiting
measures were taken immediately.
ANDRITZ is also well on track for the ESG governance goal in the area of supplier compliance in relation to the
target of 85% set for 2025. In 2022, 82% of suppliers were audited in the Supplier Relationship Management
(SRM) tool.
3. EU Taxonomy
The EU Taxonomy Regulation 2020/852 as of June 18, 2020, is part of the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan
and aims to define sustainable economic activities. Thus, it is a significant regulatory step towards promoting
transparency in the sustainability sector. It is intended to direct investment flows towards a sustainability
transformation in line with the European Green Deal.
Pursuant to Article 8 of the Regulation, since 2021 ANDRITZ is subject to an obligation to report on the form and
extent of the economic activities that qualify as environmentally sustainable according to the EU Taxonomy
classification system.
According to Article 10 of the supplementary Delegated Act as of July 6, 2021, the EU Commission only requires
simplified reporting in the first year of application. Hence, in the first year the reporting undertaking must only
disclose the proportion of taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-non-eligible economic activities in the overall turnover
and in the capital expenditure and operating expenditure of the undertaking for the two environmental objectives
climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. In the current reporting year, the reporting must
additionally include information on taxonomy alignment for the identified taxonomy-eligible economic activities.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
While for the identification of taxonomy eligibility a match of the activity descriptions in the Delegated Regulation
2021/2139 with the economic activities of the own company was sufficient, taxonomy alignment requires the
fulfillment of the technical screening criteria relevant for the economic activity. These are to ensure that the
taxonomy-eligible economic activity makes a substantial contribution to one of the six environmental objectives,
does no significant harm to the remaining five environmental objectives, and meets minimum social safeguards.
Only with the cumulative fulfillment of all three requirements is the economic activity taxonomy-aligned.
Taxonomy eligibility
As in 2021, ANDRITZ classifies individual product groups (described below under 3. a)) as taxonomy-eligible
according to the definition of economic activities 3.1. Manufacture of renewable energy technologies and 3.6.
Manufacture of other low carbon technologies.
Taxonomy alignment
After applying and reviewing the technical screening criteria, ANDRITZ classifies the products assigned to
economic activity 3.1. as taxonomy-aligned. For details, see 3. b).
For the products assigned to economic activity 3.6., it is not possible for ANDRITZ to demonstrate taxonomy
alignment at this stage, as the technical screening criteria (especially the criteria for a significant contribution to
climate change mitigation) have not yet been clearly defined by the EU Commission. To make a substantial
contribution to climate change mitigation, the technologies must be shown to result in substantial life-cycle
greenhouse gas emissions savings, according to the currently available definition. To date, there is no clear
definition of the term "substantial". In addition, to meet taxonomy alignment, the technology must be better than
the best performing alternative technology available on the market in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Here,
too, it is currently not possible to prove that ANDRITZ’s technologies meet these criteria, as there is as yet no
international database on which to base these checks.
The taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned economic activities applicable to the ANDRITZ GROUP are shown
below together with the financial key performance indicators (turnover, capital expenditure and operating
expenditure) and the corresponding qualitative information to be reported pursuant to Article 8 of the EU
Before providing more details on the taxonomy-eligible and taxonomy-aligned economic activities, ANDRITZ
wishes to point out that the EU Taxonomy cannot be equated with ANDRITZ’s own definition of sustainable
products and solutions, that was published before the release of the EU Taxonomy, not least because only two out
of a total of six environmental objectives are considered in the taxonomy. ANDRITZ’s own definition of sustainable
products and solutions includes equipment, technologies, and systems that help customers achieve their
sustainability goals. They help protect the environment, contribute towards decarbonization, reduce the
consumption of valuable resources such as water, recycle and foster a circular economy.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
In contrast, the EU Taxonomy concentrates in its definitions of the first two climate objectives primarily on industrial
economic activities that are energy-intensive and emit large quantities of CO 2, without taking the respective supply
chains into full consideration. For these activities, the EU Taxonomy contains very precise descriptions and
technical screening criteria to determine the conditions under which an economic activity can be classified as
taxonomy-eligible or taxonomy-aligned.
As a supplier of technologies and systems that enable and push forward the green transformation, ANDRITZ
believes it has not been taken into consideration sufficiently in the first two climate objectives of the EU Taxonomy.
The ANDRITZ product portfolio contains a large number of technologies that make a significant contribution
towards climate neutrality in many industries. In addition, a Delegated Act on the four other environmental
objectives – sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy,
pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems – has still not been
published. It is currently assumed that further ANDRITZ products and technologies will fall within these objectives.
Finally, based on the published delegated regulations and the FAQs of the EU Commission, the following product
groups were classified by ANDRITZ as taxonomy-eligible in pursuit of the environmental goal of climate change
▪ Biomass and black liquor boilers, evaporators, technologies for gasification and combustion of bark,
wood dust and wood waste (Pulp & Paper business area)
▪ Plants and systems for lightweight vehicle construction: laser welding systems to produce tailor welded
blanks, continuous galvanizing lines and cold-rolling mills for the production of high-strength steel grades
(AHSS/UHSS), processing and heat-treatment lines for the production of aluminum sheet for lightweight
bodywork (Metals business area)
▪ Plants for CO2 capture for downstream transport and storage/further processing of CO 2 according to economic
activities 5.11. Transport of CO2 and 5.12. Underground permanent geological storage of CO2
(Pulp & Paper business area)
▪ Plants for the production of biomethanol (Pulp & Paper business area)
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
ANDRITZ Hydro is one of the globally leading suppliers of electromechanical equipment and services for
hydropower plants. With over 180 years of experience and an installed fleet of more than 470 GW output, the
business area provides complete solutions for hydropower plants of all sizes as well as services for pl ant
diagnosis, refurbishment, modernization, and upgrade of existing hydropower plants.
The business area offers a complete product portfolio with turbines, generators and additional equipment of all
types and sizes – “from water to wire” – for large and also small hydro applications, pumped storage power
stations and tidal energy turbines for marine energy projects. As hydropower and pumped storage power stations
are also designed for hydraulic and environmental conditions specific to the location, the associated
electromechanical equipment is also planned and designed accordingly. Virtually every turbine, every generator
and the general plant layout are in general “project-specific individual solutions”. ANDRITZ supplies products and
systems that form an integral part of a hydropower plant. Therefore, the contractual scope of supply usually
includes the planning, engineering, delivery, installation, and commissioning of the equipment and are therefore
grouped together as an integrated performance obligation under IFRS 15 and collectively under economic activity
3.1 in the EU Taxonomy.
The service sector offers plant diagnosis, rehab, modernization, and upgrades to existing hydropower plants. The
range extends from complex upgrades to small spare part deliveries. All ANDRITZ solutions meet the specific
customer requirements, are environmentally friendly and support operations management. The scope of supply
normally consists of repairs, reconditioning or complete replacement of components and plant parts.
The product portfolio in the service sector also contains general services such as technical support, training, spare
parts management, and service contracts to comply with all technical, economic, and legal requirements. Special
services can be offered for life cycle and risk analysis and for operation and maintenance. At the moment, this
product offering of the service area cannot be assigned to any economic activity of the EU Taxonomy due to the
definition of the two climate objectives climate protection and adaptation to climate change.
The Pulp & Paper business area contains a large number of products and technologies that can contribute
towards the environmental objectives of the EU’s Green Deal. However, they do not all correspond to the
economic activities defined and descriptions of the two environmental objectives climate change mitigation and
climate change adaptation.
The following section explains which products from the Pulp & Paper business area can be classified as economic
activities within the meaning of the environmental objective climate protection:
▪ Modern biomass boilers are subdivided into bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) and circulating fluidized bed (CFB)
technologies. Both generate steam and electricity from biomass and biogenic residual materials.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
▪ Black liquor boilers are used in pulp production to generate energy by burning the inorganic components in the
black liquor (mainly lignin). The inorganic components in the black liquor are fully re-utilized by means of a
closed-loop system for the production of the chemicals needed to pulp the wood.
▪ Evaporators are a preliminary stage that precede the black liquor boilers. Their primary goal is to produce a
stable flow of black liquor containing a high proportion of solids for efficient combustion in the black liquor boiler.
In a multi-stage process, the solids content in the black liquor is increased from around 15% to approximately
80% by the evaporators.
Black liquor is burned in order to generate electricity and process heat in the form of steam. Modern black liquor
boilers generate around twice as much electricity as the entire pulp mill consumes. The surplus “green”
electricity is fed to the national grid.
The black liquor is classified by reputable organizations like the IEA (International Energy Agency), the IPCC
(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) of the United
Nations, and the EU – according to the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) – as a renewable, CO2-neutral
and biomass-based fuel that contributes towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
▪ Gasification plants use the wood waste (bark, wood dust, etc.) from pulp production to produce gas with this
biomass in order to replace 100% of the fossil fuels used to fire the lime kiln. Hence, this technology makes a
contribution towards substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
▪ Plants for the production of biomethanol: ANDRITZ has developed a new process that produces high-purity
biomethanol from the non-volatile gases arising during pulp production. This biomethanol can either be re-used in
the mill or put to commercial use, for example as biofuel in the transport sector (biodiesel for shipping). This
achieves substantial savings in greenhouse gas emissions.
As in the Hydro business area, the sale of these products and services are also integrated performance
obligations within the meaning of IFRS 15 and fall under economic activities 3.1 and 3.6 in the EU Taxonomy.
The Metals business area is – via the Schuler Group – one of the technological and global market leaders in metal
forming. The company offers presses, automation solutions, dies, process know-how and service for the entire
metal-working industry and for lightweight vehicle construction. In the e-mobility sector, Schuler supplies plants for
economical serial production of components for e-vehicles – car body and structural elements, metal housings for
batteries, or electrical steel for motors. In addition, in the lightweight vehicle construction sector ANDRITZ offers
laser welding systems to produce tailor welded blanks, continuous galvanizing lines and cold-rolling mills for the
production of high-strength steel grades (AHSS/UHSS) as well as processing and heat-treatment lines for the
production of aluminum sheet for lightweight bodywork. The products from ANDRITZ and Schuler make a
substantial contribution towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions in downstream industries.
The sale of these products and services is an integrated performance obligation within the meaning of IFRS 15
and therefore is also grouped together in the EU Taxonomy under economic activity 3.6.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Finally, on the basis of the published Delegated Regulations and the FAQs of the EU Commission, the following
ANDRITZ product groups were classified as taxonomy-aligned when pursuing the environmental goal of climate
change mitigation:
▪ Biomass and black liquor boilers, evaporators, technologies for gasification and combustion of bark,
wood dust and wood waste (Pulp & Paper business area)
Review of the technical screening criteria for the products in economic activity 3.1
A substantial contribution to climate change mitigation is given if the economic activity produces renewable energy
technologies. This is the case for all products classified by ANDRITZ in economic activity 3.1.
The following section explains in more detail how ANDRITZ has demonstrated that the economic activity does no
significant harm to the remaining five environmental objectives. In addition to the products, the sites that produce
the taxonomy-eligible products were analyzed in greater detail.
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Management report
All relevant sites have a waste management concept and follow the waste hierarchy
(avoidance, reuse, recycling, recovery, disposal).
ANDRITZ reports all substances of very high concern (SVHCs) to the European Chemicals
Agency (ECHA) and to customers via the SCIP database.
Pollution prevention and control Parts lists are available for all self designed products. The metallic materials used are stored
in the ANDRITZ Material Code (AMC) system, which provides information on the
composition of the materials. From this it can be concluded, for example, that self designed
components do not contain mercury.
ANDRITZ reports all substances of very high concern (SVHCs) to the European Chemicals
Agency (ECHA) via the SCIP database, and to customers if ANDRITZ receives this
information from suppliers. This is currently the case for lead in metallic materials. ANDRITZ
does not use any substances subject to authorization according to Annex XIV. The
requirements for restricted substances (Annex XVII) currently affect ANDRITZ in part.
Audits were conducted last year for compliance with the content requirements for
substances of very high concern. ANDRITZ's goal is to eliminate and substitute SVHCs in all
products by the end of 2023.
Suppliers are also expected to report SVHCs to ANDRITZ. This is required in the order
Protection and restoration of biodiversity and All relevant sites operate an environmental management system in accordance with ISO
ecosystems 14001. In addition, a valid permit has been issued for all of them and any conditions imposed
by the authorities with regard to biodiversity have been implemented.
No Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been requested by the Authority for any of
the relevant sites in the past. However, in the course of reviewing the DNSH criterion, an EIA
screening was again conducted. This assessment also concluded that an EIA was not
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Within ANDRITZ, compliance with the Code of Conduct and Ethics is verified
by internal audits.
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Turnover in the denominator includes the turnover reported in accordance with IAS 1.82(a) and corresponds to the
turnover according to the consolidated income statement (see notes to the consolidated financial statements).
Turnover in the numerator consists of turnover generated by the provision of services and the supply of goods in
the definition area of activity 3.1 Manufacturing of renewable energy technologies. The typical contractual scope of
supply under Activity 3.1 typically includes the design, engineering, delivery, installation, and commissioning of the
equipment and are therefore aggregated under IFRS 15 as an integrated performance obligation and in the EU
Taxonomy as a whole under Activity 3.1. The performance obligations identified in accordance with the provisions
of IFRS 15.22 et seq. were reviewed for consistency with the EU Taxonomy. A separation of integrated
performance obligations within the meaning of IFRS 15.29 has not been made for EU Taxonomy purposes.
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Declaration form: Proportion of turnover from goods or services related to taxonomy-aligned economic activities – disclosure for the year 2022
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All investments in the taxonomy-eligible product groups described above have been considered in the taxonomy-
eligible capital expenditure. Furthermore, the following individual, sustainable capital expenditures that enable
ANDRITZ to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions and lower its consumption of water and energy were
included in accordance with the EU Taxonomy:
▪ Water treatment and waste management (5.2. Renewal of water collection, treatment, and supply systems)
▪ Electrically powered vehicles (6.5. Transport by motorbikes, passenger cars and light commercial vehicles)
▪ Charging stations for electric vehicles (7.4. Installation, maintenance, and repair of charging stations for electric
vehicles in buildings (and parking spaces attached to buildings)
▪ Installation of photovoltaic systems (7.6. Installation, maintenance, and repair of renewable energy technologies)
All investments in the taxonomy-aligned product groups described above have been considered in the taxonomy-
aligned capital expenditure. Furthermore, no other individual sustainable capital expenditures were included in
accordance with the EU Taxonomy.
To avoid double counting in the CapEx KPI (and OpEx KPI), these capital or operating expenditures related to
purchased output and individual measures already considered under "Category a" (i.e., capital or operating
expenditures related to assets or processes associated with revenue-generating economic activities, this relates in
particular to our production buildings) were only reported once.
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Declaration form: Proportion of CapEx from goods or services related to taxonomy-aligned economic activities – disclosure for the year 2022
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The numerator reflects those operating expenditures associated with the processes or assets of taxonomy-aligned
economic activities. This includes training and other adjustment requirements within the workforce as well as
research and development costs. Also, for investments that are still in the planning stage and aim to expand
taxonomy-aligned economic activities, the OpEx calculation must take into account the operating expenditures just
With respect to the business model of the ANDRITZ GROUP, operating expenditure essentially in the form of
research and development and also maintenance falls into this category. All operating expenditure in the
taxonomy-eligible product groups and investments described above have been considered in the taxonomy-
eligible operating expenditure. The total amount of non-capitalized research and development expenses included
in the income statement is reported in the notes to the consolidated financial statements in chapter B) 21.
Intangible assets other than goodwill reported under a) Research and development costs. Descriptions of
ANDRITZ’s research and development activities can also be found in the above-mentioned chapter.
ANDRITZ GROUP IFRS Accounting Policy defines that expenses from the research phase are not suitable for
capitalization but are recorded directly as expenditure. Expenses in the development phase must be capitalized if
strict criteria are met.
Delegated Regulation 2021/2178, p. 10, available at:
FAQ on Delegated Regulation 2021/2178, available at:
Delegated Regulation 2021/2178, p. 10, available at:
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
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Declaration form: Proportion of OpEx from goods or services related to taxonomy-aligned economic activities – disclosure for the year 2022
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Management report
4. Non-financial risks
Risk management is an integral part of all business processes and extends over all strategic and operative levels
of the ANDRITZ GROUP. The non-financial risks described below (pursuant to § 267a (3) line 5 UGB – the
Austrian Commercial Code) deal with possible risks relating to environmental, employee and social affairs, the
fight against bribery and corruption, and respect for human rights.
Non-financial risks for the company as well as for its environment can arise from the company’s own business
activities or from business relationships. The focus on non-financial risks was enlarged in the past not only as a
result of rising demands by the stakeholders, but also increasingly due to statutory regulations. In addition to
financial losses, the possible consequences of non-financial risks also include loss of reputation or being less
attractive as an employer.
a) Human resources
The ANDRITZ GROUP’s goal is to tie its employees to the company in the long term. Hence, it attaches great
importance to being an attractive employer. This includes providing a safe and healthy working environment for all
employees, applying the principle of equal treatment and avoiding any form of discrimination, harassment or
retaliation. ANDRITZ respects the values and cultures of other nations and appreciates the differences in their way
of thinking and backgrounds. However, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of some employees feeling that
they have not been treated equally or have been treated unfairly.
There are different means of lodging a complaint in such cases, for example to the respective local HR
organization, the Works Council, or using the online group-wide whistleblower system “Speak UP!“.
Working conditions that are perceived to be unsatisfactory can lower the motivation and enthusiasm of employees
and subsequently have a negative impact on productivity. Resulting increases in sick leave or fluctuation rates
could incur additional costs for ANDRITZ.
Hence, ANDRITZ attaches great importance to professional promotion and raising the level of employees’ skills.
However, these goals can only be achieved if each individual employee is willing to commit to them personally.
Consequently, a lack of willingness to undertake further training can result in employees not being adequately
qualified. ANDRITZ could become less attractive as an employer if there are also insufficient opportunities for
further professional and personal training, and this may deter potential employees from applying for jobs. As a
result, the company tries increasingly to address the topic of changes in the professional world and the new
demands by employees. This includes creating a good work-life balance, for example, to which ANDRITZ
contributes by providing more flexible working hours.
Thus, ANDRITZ endeavors to forge ahead with the implementation of internationally recognized environmental
and social standards (such as ISO 14001, the recommendations of the ILO, laws to prevent modern slavery, the
OECD standards for multinationals, the UN Global Compact Initiative or the Global Reporting Initiative) and also to
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monitor whether these standards are obeyed. An important step was taken when the ANDRITZ Supplier Code of
Conduct and Ethics, based on the general Code of Conduct, was introduced.
In China and India, two auditors monitor local suppliers’ adherence to these standards and take corrective action
in the event of any deviations from the code. Serious infringements can lead ultimately to termination of the
business relationship with a supplier.
The ANDRITZ GROUP uses or generates hazardous substances at its manufacturing facilities in some cases.
Professionally qualified waste managers draw up and supervise waste management plans and ensure that these
substances are handled correctly. The waste managers are also responsible for fulfillment of the general
obligations relating to collection, transport, storage, and treatment of waste. The hazardous waste generated
during operations is stored in lockable rooms until it is collected by the disposal company. Appropriate records are
kept on quantities of hazardous and non-hazardous waste as well as waste oil. Nevertheless, there can be no
guarantee that hazardous waste is disposed of according to the regulations and that environmental remediation is
possible as a result. Sometimes hazardous chemicals and materials are also used during installation and other
work on job sites. In the event of an accident, for example spillage of hazardous materials, a fire, or an explosion,
ANDRITZ could be held liable for property damage, personal injury, or environmental damage.
Climate changes in the longer term and their consequences, such as temperature changes, rising sea levels,
water shortages or a loss of biological diversity, can also have a negative impact on ANDRITZ. Hence, there is a
need to implement long-term corrective measures. In accordance with the EU Taxonomy Directive, climate risk
and vulnerability analyses were conducted at the manufacturing locations producing taxonomy-eligible goods.
Both chronic and acute hazards were assessed today, in 10 years and in 30 years. The risk of climate hazards for
the analyzed manufacturing sites is currently considered low.
The climate changes in evidence worldwide in the past few years have also resulted in extreme price volatility for
some raw materials. Other changes in climate could lead to rising input prices for production, energy, transport
and insurance. Measures have already been implemented at individual ANDRITZ locations to enhance energy
efficiency, particularly in the production process, and increase the proportion of renewable energy sources.
Photovoltaic systems will be installed at some manufacturing locations in 2023. At the moment, the proportion of
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energy costs in the ANDRITZ GROUP’s total costs is low. However, climate change could increase energy
consumption by the ANDRITZ GROUP in the longer term due to a need for more heating or air conditioning.
Transition risks occur due to the move to a climate-resilient economy with low CO 2 emissions. Higher taxation on
fossil fuels or CO2 emissions could result in additional costs. Hence, almost all ANDRITZ locations have
introduced an environmental management system or already have ISO 14001 certification.
On the product side, climate change causes a risk of certain products possibly no longer being sold successfully or
even becoming unsaleable. ANDRITZ addresses these risks with a broad product portfolio in the sustainable
technologies segment. The company already generates around 45% of its total revenue from products and
solutions that contribute towards production of renewable energy, environmental protection, the circular economy,
and e-mobility. This percentage is to be increased further in the future. A regulatory risk can also arise relating to
government measures implemented due to climate change. This can happen in many different ways, and it is often
difficult for companies to take long-term investment and operational decisions because climate policy at national,
EU, and international level changes frequently.
That is why accident prevention has top priority. A lack of planning and coordination of safety measures, no clearly
defined responsibilities, non-compliance with site regulations, inadequate identification and analysis of risks,
missing work permits, and a lack of preparatory meetings are among the most frequent causes of accidents. It is
the task of the respective managers to instruct their staff accordingly. The staff, on the other hand, must observe
mandatory measures in their day-to-day work, including reporting of risks in the workplace, taking note of safety-
critical incidents and attending training on a regular basis.
The cause of an accident is often a combination of different factors and human influences. Incidents that could easily
have led to an accident – so-called safety-critical incidents – are considered a warning signal. That is why ANDRITZ
endeavors to determine and eliminate their cause swiftly. Risk analyses are compiled for all work areas. Here, not only
static processes must be considered, but also dynamic ones (manipulation and moving of parts, e.g. on job sites).
The travel safety program is controlled by a group-wide travel risk management policy. The primary objective of
this program is to ensure that assignments abroad can be performed as smoothly as possible and that employees
return home safely. For this purpose, Group Corporate Security constantly monitors and analyzes the situation in
high-risk countries and provides support to project managers and travelers in the form of prevention and
contingency plans. In turn, this helps to minimize disruptions in operations (productivity fluctuations) and thus to
also increase customer satisfaction. As a result, all international staff were also able to remain in Ukraine in 2022
to perform all services contracted and still leave the country safely before the war began.
In addition, travelers and project managers have several tools and services at their disposal. A country portal that
can also be accessed via a smartphone app offers country-specific information, risk analyses, and practical tips on
the topics of travel health care and safety as well as updates on current developments. For example, these include
information on political unrest or health risks. Travelers are also informed here at short notice of any sudden or
imminent events (political unrest, strikes, difficult weather conditions, airport closures, outbreaks of disease, etc.)
that may have an impact on project execution or travel.
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Project managers, site managers and travelers should be able to make the best possible travel preparations with
the information provided and be ready for a changed situation on site. There are currently also multilingual
information pages on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Ebola outbreak in Uganda, and also the Covid-
19 pandemic
Travel Helplines are another important service. The experts at the ANDRITZ Medical Travel Helpline and Security
Travel Helpline are available to employees around the clock to answer any questions before departure and during
the journey. The helplines also liaise with local transport companies or service providers at the traveler’s
destination or organize classic emergency support and even evacuation in extreme cases.
f) Compliance
Premeditated or negligent breach of laws, internal rules or regulations by members of staff or executives bears a
substantial risk for ANDRITZ. In order to prevent this, the individual departments monitor compliance with the laws
and internal policies. In addition, the group-wide Compliance Management System (CMS) implemented by Group
Corporate Compliance focuses on measures relating to prevention of insider trading, compliance measures in the
areas of anti-trust law, anti-bribery, data protection, export controls and equal opportunities/non-discrimination, and
on supplier compliance. The ANDRITZ CMS is certified according to ISO 37301 and the anti-corruption
management system according to ISO 37001.
An important foundation of the CMS is the systematic detection of compliance risks. Such risks are analyzed
constantly by a compliance cockpit in order to implement measures to reduce them to a minimum. In addition,
regular training is conducted on the basis of the Code of Conduct and Ethics and other policies that apply
throughout the Group.
Compliance violations can result in fines, loss of profit, and loss of revenue that is secured by unfair means or
dubious business partners, also in claims for damages from contract partners or third parties, additional tax
payments, exclusion from public tenders, loss of image, fewer business opportunities, government sanctions, and
jeopardizing of company assets. The consequences for employees may be disciplinary measures or even
dismissal and possibly also criminal prosecution. All measures and activities in the compliance sector are
described in detail in the Consolidated Corporate Governance Report on the ANDRITZ website
g) Innovation
The business success of the ANDRITZ GROUP depends to a large extent on the company’s technical know-how
and the resulting development of new products and technologies. The ANDRITZ Innovation Management (AIM)
initiative promotes innovations and provides an opportunity for all employees to suggest ideas for new products. In
addition, there are internal startup contests from which several projects have already reached the implementation
stage. The large number of ideas and projects submitted reflects the wealth of know-how, innovative power and
commitment of the employees. However, innovation projects are often time-consuming and cost-intensive. Some
projects fail to establish themselves on the market and have to be discontinued even though substantial financial
and human resources have been invested in their development. The competitive pressure to create new products
and technologies all the time also bears the risk of quality deficiencies or of products being developed that do not
succeed on the market.
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h) Data protection
ANDRITZ endeavors to protect intellectual property and technical knowledge as best possible, for example by
means of patents. However, a large part of the company’s know-how cannot be safeguarded by means of
intellectual property rights. In this case, there is a risk of third parties exploiting this situation and copying
ANDRITZ products or technologies, thus jeopardizing ANDRITZ’s ability to compete.
On the other hand, data protection also involves protecting the data of third parties. Appropriate protection of the
personal data of customers, suppliers, employees, and all other ANDRITZ stakeholders minimizes the risk of data
protection breaches that can not only damage the company’s reputation but also result in expensive penalties.
In order to comply with the statutory requirements and also define specific instructions and precise internal
regulations, a group-wide guideline on the subject of data protection was published dealing in particular with the
collection, processing, storage, and maintenance of personal data.
In addition, data protection coordinators, who are responsible for compliance with the relevant requirements of the
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the business areas, group functions and subsidiaries, have
been appointed and trained, as required by the GDPR.
In Brazil and China, a data protection process was introduced and optimized, respectively, during the reporting
year on the basis of the current legislation, and two appendices were added to the data protection directive. In
addition, the data base set up to document and handle the processes containing personal data underwent a
quality check. Nevertheless, the risk of infringing this law cannot be excluded. Penalties can be up to 4% of the
Group’s revenue, which again creates a substantial risk for ANDRITZ.
As a result of increasing incidents in the business world, ANDRITZ is also looking very closely at the possibility of
attacks on its computer systems. System users are manipulated by criminals using tricks like phishing mails in
order to access internal and sensitive data and information or trigger unwarranted payments. In this context, a
group-wide safe payments policy has been implemented. Furthermore, the instructions for secure payment
transactions have been tightened and employees are constantly alerted to this topic by means of reminders and
information provided in the intranet and the employee magazine.
The Group Human Resources Management (HR) function is responsible for developing and implementing the
global human resources strategy. GHR’s aim is to provide the best possible support on human resources issues to
all areas of the ANDRITZ GROUP and hence contribute towards achieving the long-term corporate goals. The
main areas of focus include succession planning, talent management, change management, employer branding,
talent acquisition, organization and service management, further development of the corporate culture
(#1ANDRITZway, ONE ANDRITZ), education and vocational training, global mobility, the remuneration strategy,
digitalization, and achieving the ESG goals of the social focus.
The Global HR team is composed of employees from very different cultures, with diverse work experience and
perspectives, thus utilizing all the benefits of ANDRITZ’s international orientation. The core team of the group
function consists of HR competence centers in Graz, Vienna, Helsinki, Bratislava, Porto Alegre, and the USA. The
team members at the competence centers develop strategies as well as processes, systems, and tools to
implement these strategies in their respective special fields together with international HR specialists. In this way,
they can provide services for the entire organization, especially for the local HR organizations.
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In addition, there are global HR Business Partners working at different locations worldwide. They advise and
provide support to the respective business areas in strategic and individual HR matters. Their job is to manage
relevant HR activities in the respective business area, to communicate important essential information on human
resources topics and to exchange important information with the local HR managers.
Other major topics are digitalization of global core processes and further developing a master data management
system (#APeople) for uniform mapping and documenting of all HR data group-wide. This employee master data
is needed in many IT systems and is necessary in various process, also as a basis for management decisio ns. In
addition to master data management, #APeople contains various modules for the main processes in HR
management. In 2022, the modules for recruitment (#ARecruiting), onboarding (#AOnboarding) and performance
management, including target agreements (#APerformance), were enhanced.
Thanks to the standardized recruiting process and improvements in quality, vacant jobs were filled more
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Management report
c) Diversity
At the end of December 2022, ANDRITZ had employees from more than 39 countries. 24 languages are spoken in
the company. ANDRITZ uses this diversity and is committed to a multi-cultural working environment with
international career perspectives. The exchange of knowledge and experience between employees of different
origins, religions, and cultures as well as different ages creates positive effects for the Group.
Employees by region
as of 31.12.2022 (31.12.2021) in %
A Europe 52 (52)
B South America 14 (13)
C North America 13 (14)
D China 13 (13)
E Asia (without China), Africa, Australia 8 (8)
The proportion of female employees in 2022 was 16.4% (2021: 16.6%). One of the Group’s ESG goals is to
continuously increase this proportion. By the end of 2025, the proportion of women should be 20%. Measures to
achieve this goal include increased promotion of women for management positions and increased support in
reconciling work and family life.
Employees by gender
Absolute 2022 Absolute 2021 Percentage 2022 Percentage 2021
The most important tool to enhance personal development and good collaboration at the company locations is the
performance review that is usually conducted once a year – in some areas several times per year. This employee
performance review is used to discuss work content and goals, and future development is one of the central
themes. Feedback is provided on the current job status, to #1ANDRITZway as well as perspectives for the future.
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At the same time, the employees’ questions and concerns can be discussed. Performance reviews were
conducted with 68.8% (2021: 71.8%) of the staff during the reporting year. With the successful introduction of
#APerformance, the employee performance review module, a significant increase will be evident in the coming
In this context, talent management and succession planning also play an important role at ANDRITZ. Talent
management is a continuous process that enables managers to gain a better overview of the potential and skills of
internal succession candidates and of their willingness to take on responsibility. The company has used different
programs to develop future managers within the company for many years now – for example, the ANDRITZ Global
Talent Program or the ANDRITZ Global Leadership Program. Following the restrictions needed due to the
pandemic in the past two years, which were bridged with digital training elements, more training could be
conducted in this sector again in 2022. Further expansion of talent programs, particularly regionalization, is
planned for 2023.
The goal of ANDRITZ succession planning is to ensure smooth succession for all key positions and sufficient
management capacities for new business opportunities. 300 key positions were defined worldwide for this
purpose, and potential successors were named. This process is continuing on an ongoing basis. In 2022, the
focus on the proportion of women was further strengthened.
In addition, ANDRITZ has the opportunity to address highly qualified young talents through collaboration with
universities and other educational institutions. Efforts are made to attract and secure them for the company in the
long term. Students also receive support for their final theses and are employed in various ways during their
courses of study. Cooperation between ANDRITZ and universities / technical colleges was intensified in 2022.
These activities center around ANDRITZ employer value positioning (“ANDRITZ – where passion meets career”),
which replies to the question of what the company stands for as an employer and what the central claim is towards
potential and existing employees. It sets the agenda for all employer branding measures. These are various
internal and external measures (including the careers page on the company web site or LinkedIn).
There is also a strong focus on incorporating employees into the company in the so-called onboarding process.
Shortly after starting work for the company, new employees are asked via the internal net promoter score whether
they would recommend ANDRITZ to others as an employer. This score has risen constantly in the past few years
due to a large number of measures implemented.
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In 2022, 5,141 new employees were recruited, 13% of which were over 50, 58% between 30 and 50, and 29%
under 30 years old. Age distribution in the Group has been very well balanced for many years. The average age is
44. More than half of the employees (58%) are between 30 and 50 years old (2021: 58%). The proportion of
under-thirties is 12% (2021: 11%). 30% of the employees are over 50 years of age (2021: 31%).
ANDRITZ believes it is important to tie its employees to the Group in the long term. This is also reflected in the
figures. The average period of employment within the Group is 12.6 years. The staff fluctuation rate amounted to
12.0% or 3,471 employees in 2022 (2021: 13.3% or 3,570 employees). Of these, 6.0% or 1,732 employees (2021:
6.5% or 1,741 employees) left the company voluntarily and 3.9% or 1,119 employees (2021: 4.7% or 1,251
employees) had their employment terminated.
* Calculation of fluctuation rate: contracts terminated in relation to the average number of employees. Contracts terminated include dismissals by the employer and
resignation of employees.
Regular and also event-driven meetings are held by the ANDRITZ AG Executive Board and the members of the
Works Council to ensure and support an open and transparent exchange of information between both bodies. The
company supports the formation of internal committees representing employees’ interests. Freedom of assembly
applies at all locations in accordance with the respective local legislation.
ANDRITZ does not condone or tolerate any form of employee harassment or discrimination of employees due to
gender, age, origin, religion, nationality, and so on. The working environment should be free of intimidating and
offensive behavior for every employee. This is clearly documented in the group-wide Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics and in the HR policy applying throughout the Group. Possible ways of lodging a complaint have also
been defined. The notification periods for communication of significant changes in operations (closure of company
locations, layoffs, etc.) are defined in a policy applying group-wide.
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Average salaries for women amounted to approximately 87% of average salaries for men during the reporting
period. This difference results from the fact that the proportion of women in management positions and higher-paid
clerk and specialist positions is below 50%. Targeted measures have been taken to change this situation.
ANDRITZ also provides child-care support to employees, for example by entering into part-time employment
contracts. Several locations have company-run kindergarten facilities, some of which also focus on technical skills.
In addition, the company is not averse to providing part-time contracts for fathers or other forms of support with
child care. ANDRITZ allows employees to work from home during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, contributing
not only towards protecting its employees but also to making the demands of family working life easier to deal
One focus is on increasing the proportion of women and underrepresented groups, particularly in succession
In countries where the social welfare system is less well-developed than in Europe, employees receive voluntary
social benefits ranging from accident insurance to contributions to pension funds as well as life insurance policies
and support for dependents.
The ANDRITZ business activities contribute towards economic, ecological and social progress. But sometimes
these activities also have a negative effect on individuals. The company endeavors in collaboration with the
respective customers to draw up and implement compensatory measures or to help the customer implement them.
Before participating in large-scale projects, due diligence audits are conducted in order to determine their potential
effects on human beings and their environment. The resulting data and findings are evaluated and analyzed.
Participation in projects is then decided on this basis. Furthermore, as a member of the IHA (International
Hydropower Association), ANDRITZ Hydro is fully committed to the San José Declaration on Sustainable
Hydropower, which includes a stop to new hydropower projects in UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and also
supports the worldwide establishment of the Hydropower Sustainability Standard.
The Supply Chain Management group function (GSC) defines the strategy and general conditions for collaboration
with around 36,000 ANDRITZ GROUP suppliers worldwide. Approximately 3,100 of these suppliers cover almost
80% of the external purchasing volume. GSC supports the entire purchasing and distribution process together with
all relevant stakeholders (purchasing managers in the regions and divisions as well as the respective management
personnel). To be able to support the business units in the best possible way, it is important to involve GSC in
sales and order processing at an early stage – with a focus on project supply chain management. Global key
account management for suppliers makes it easier to bundle purchases and allows a transparent and coordinated
approach with regard to new or alternative suppliers. Another important focus is the development of a future
strategy for selected projects and suppliers.
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In addition to strategic alignment, the department is also responsible for group wide supply chain training as well
as supplier compliance and sustainability. Other fields of activities are promoting digitalization, innovation, process
development, management of material not needed directly in manufacturing and of all services relevant for all
business areas (e.g. energy, IT or business travel), and logistics.
The Supply Chain Executive Team acts as the decision-making and implementation body for the divisions and
regions. It is made up of the respective purchasing or supply chain managers of the business units and regions.
This committee not only puts the basic supply chain management processes and minimum standards in
operations into practice in the respective area of responsibility but also aligns the consequences and actions to be
taken in the event of nonconformities with agreed minimum standards.
The year 2022 presented Group Supply Chain Management with a number of challenges. In addition to the Covid-
19 pandemic, which mainly affected China, the war in Ukraine and high inflation also led to shortages on the
international raw material and product purchasing markets, huge price increases and supply bottlenecks.
To keep ANDRITZ’s supply chains stable, GSC is responding with various measures. This includes in particular
the diversification of the supplier base. Through cooperation between the divisions (adaptation of technical
specifications) with GSC (flexible supplier management and adapted regionalization/localization) and the sales
teams (increase in transparency and flexibility in supply chain design as early as the bidding phase), it was
possible to reduce dependence on individual suppliers or purchasing chains and activate alternative production
and supply options in other regions.
In addition, inventories of special materials and standard parts were built up to a reasonable extent in order to
ensure the supply of customers. Supply chain risk management processes were also improved to increase
transparency and identify potential supply bottlenecks even earlier. This enabled appropriate measures to be
taken in the Group as quickly as possible. There was also a focus on balancing stable and resilient supply chains
through long-term partnerships while maintaining flexibility. The latter was promoted by expanding the current
supplier base for specific material or purchasing fields.
A particular success factor for effective and flexible supply chain management in 2022 was the clear and close
partnership focus on successful supply chains within ANDRITZ. The ONE-ANDRITZ program supported the
opening up to alternative technical solutions, the development of new markets, and holistic coordination between
the functions and divisions in order to share resources and information and jointly develop solutions for the project,
product, and machine business. This enabled a timely response to volatile supply chains and manufacturing
ANDRITZ expects high inflation and the associated high energy prices to continue to play a major role in supply
chains in 2023.
The requirement for being an ANDRITZ supplier is compliance with strict criteria in terms of quality, costs and on-
time performance as well as an appropriate stance towards occupational health and safety, compliance and
sustainability. All suppliers must agree to and sign the contents of the ANDRITZ Supplier Code of Conduct and
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
In procurement of materials, ANDRITZ tries to source goods from suppliers near its manufacturing facilities and
which are also manufactured locally. This means that long transport routes can be largely avoided. This is also
reflected in both diagrams. In 2022, 55% of the external purchasing volume was generated in Europe, 18% in
China, and 12% in North America. Manufacturing capacity in Europe was 47%, in China 20% and in North America
b) Consumption of materials
Project materials and services account for the largest share of materials required (41.4%) – measured on the
basis of the external costs. This includes mechanical parts, electrical components, structural steel and conveying
technology, mechanical structures, installation work, and start-up/commissioning. 38.1% is spent on manufacturing
materials such as sheet metal, screens, bars, profiles, or cast and forged parts. 20.5% relates to overheads for
material, services, and investments.
c) Logistics
The logistics team assists the business areas with the logistical implementation of customer projects. Other
important tasks in the logistics department are definition of transport standards and guidelines, calling for tenders,
negotiating framework agreements with logistics service providers, and conducting internal training courses. As
ANDRITZ does not have its own vehicle fleet, transport services are purchased from third parties on a project -
specific basis. As a result, CO2 emissions are generated externally so these figures are not reported in any detail.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
New suppliers must deal with the topic of compliance and sustainability during the qualifying process.
Collaboration with ANDRITZ is only possible after the supplier has agreed in writing to the content of the ANDRITZ
Supplier Code of Conduct, which was compiled in 2015 on the basis of the general Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics and is continuously updated. During the onboarding process, suppliers must also complete a mandatory
compliance and sustainability questionnaire. The ANDRITZ Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) tool is used
to handle this process. All suppliers are reviewed, approved/qualified and documented with this tool.
As part of the ANDRITZ sustainability strategy, the goal was defined in 2021 of covering 85% of the supply volume
by end of 2025 with suppliers who have been audited in the SRM tool. 82.3% was achieved by the end of 2022.
In order to explain the content of the Supplier Code and the operations involved in the qualification process in the
SRM system, training is offered for suppliers and also for staff in the ANDRITZ purchasing organization. Webinars
and lectures on these topics have also been held regularly for several years.
In China and India, on-site supplier compliance and sustainability audits were resumed in 2022 after being
severely restricted in the previous year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the continued limited ability to
conduct audits in China, the focus there in 2022 was primarily on remote audits. These are a very promising
alternative to compensate for travel restrictions, save costs, and increase efficiency. As a result, they are to be
conducted in future in addition to local audits. The project was also to continue to support suppliers to the point
that they are able to build up and implement their own compliance management system and to live compliance
and sustainability (“From audit to compliance”). In 2023, this is to be reinforced by means of classroom training
and eLearning as well as individual support.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
7. Quality management
Quality management in the ANDRITZ GROUP covers products and applications, business processes, and safety
and environmental topics. Harmonized standards worldwide improve the general understanding of processes and
functions, encourage collaboration, and assign clear areas of responsibility. Each business area has its own
quality and safety manager. The organizational structure aims to make this topic a part of everyday business by
means of harmonized quality and safety strategies for all business areas.
The most important instrument in the ANDRITZ quality organization is the business process manual, which defines
the structure of the management system for the entire group. It defines the processes and responsibilities for
process management and provides guidelines for implementation of the individual steps. In 2022, work began on
updating the business process manual in order to meet the requirements of a growing company.
All of the measures described in the manual are intended to increase transparency, minimize risks, enable
continuous improvement, increase the efficiency of collaboration, assist employees with their everyday work, and,
above all, build trust. The quality requirements for everyday work have been structured specifically for the
respective business areas and at local level and are easy to find in the company’s intranet.
Quality management accompanies a project from its award to its completion. There are also guidelines for support
tasks such as IT or communications. External verifications confirm consistent and effective implementation of the
standards. In the meantime, 95% (2021: 90%) of the employees are covered according to ISO 9001 (quality
management systems), 75% (2021: 65%) according to ISO 14001 (environmental management systems), and
70% (2021: 62%) according to ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety). As part of the ESG strategy at
ANDRITZ, the company has set itself the goal of being as fully certified as possible according to ISO 9001, ISO
14001, and ISO 45001 by 2025.
In order to achieve this comprehensive certification, ANDRITZ began preparations in 2022 for multi-site
certification in 2023. This means that all ANDRITZ GROUP companies operate with a single certificate. In this way,
we are seeking to contribute towards practical implementation of our #1ANDRITZ core behavior principles and
strengthen the exchange of information via management systems. All small companies will also be included
systematically as a result.
Furthermore, all products and processes are certified internally and externally (Machinery Directive, ASME, GB
150, ISO 3834, ANSI, EN, DIN and ISO norms). Hence, they meet the highest standards and are reviewed
regularly for possible impacts on health, safety, and the environment.
An instrument developed by ANDRITZ to improve quality control for sub-supplies was launched during the
reporting year This instrument makes it easier to plan the quality resources needs, enables inspections to be
conducted on time, and provides an overall picture of the quality situation on projects.
As in the preceding years, all quality audits that do not require the auditor to be physically present were conducted
with the aid of remote technology, e.g. HoloLenses.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The Group Quality and Safety Management (GQS) function defines the strategy and measures to be implemented
by the quality, health and safety, and environmental managers. The health, safety and environmental team
provides support in implementation and ensures that the rules and regulations are observed. The management is
responsible for safety at each company and location. The employees have a duty to comply with applicable
policies, rules and instructions such as the basic ANDRITZ rules for health, safety and the environment as well as
to use the safety equipment provided and complete the safety training assigned. All employees have the right to
refuse to perform or to stop performing work that they consider unsafe without having to fear disciplinary
In addition to the legal requirements, the ANDRITZ health, safety and environmental management policy is the
minimum standard for all ANDRITZ locations. Furthermore, additional policies to improve safety can be defined at
each location. ANDRITZ also undertakes to obey all conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in
connection with occupational health and safety.
All incidents and accidents are recorded, investigated, and analyzed – irrespective of their severity. In addition,
injuries that result in absences from work must be documented in a group accident database. Furthermore, a
lessons-learned report is compiled and published in the intranet. Experience from actual incidents and near-
accidents as well as good/best practices are collected and used to improve the safety culture.
The ANDRITZ GROUP’s initiatives on the topic of safety are having a positive effect: The accident figures have
fallen in previous years, the accident frequency rate (accidents with one or more days of absence per 1 million
working hours) has improved by 10% compared to the previous year, and there were also no fatal accidents at
work in 2022.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Industrial accidents
2022 2021
A regular check on efficacy of the safety programs, accident analyses, appropriate handling of accidents and faults
as well as controlled communication thereof at all management levels are mandatory. The exact intervals for
audits and inspections are defined in the Health and Safety Management Implementation Guideline. The
management must ensure that all employees are aware of the policies and safety processes applying at the
respective locations.
The safety instructions (regulations), which must be strictly observed, should be handed over personally if
possible. A safety inspection is to be conducted at least quarterly in order to ensure that the regulations are
observed and remind employees how important this topic is. This safety inspection must also be documented.
Regular training is provided in order to meet technical and legal requirements and guarantee that the possible
risks and suitable protective measures are well understood. All new employees must complete online training on
safety in the workplace and take a refresher course every two years. In addition, there are some safety training
courses for management staff and for employees working in manufacturing. Each location must compile a
qualification matrix and an annual safety training schedule.
Subcontractors are also involved in the health and safety measures. They are selected on the basis of certain
criteria and assessed to establish whether they can perform the work contracted safely. External companies and
third parties who enter ANDRITZ locations must have sufficient information and training on the topic of safety and
also be suitably equipped to perform their work safely. Services by external companies and third parties are
monitored and assessed, including feedback, so that any shortcomings can be eliminated.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The environmental data for the ANDRITZ GROUP include manufacturing and office sites owned by ANDRITZ.
48% of all the manufacturing facilities surveyed are located in Europe, 27% in North America, 11% in Asia, 9% in
South America, 4% in China, and 1% in Australia. The key consumption figures for 2022 are based on
approximate values for some sites, as the figures for the fourth quarter of 2022 were not all available yet at the
editorial deadline. As a result, there may be subsequent adjustments to the figures for the previous periods.
All six main groups of manufacturing processes are used at all ANDRITZ production sites worldwide: forming and
casting mainly uses electrical equipment, particularly induction furnaces. The other processes, such as rolling,
pressing, machining, welding, weaving, soldering and gluing are also performed with the aid of electrically
powered machines. Only hardening and annealing processes use gas-powered machinery. As a general principle,
the production processes in the ANDRITZ GROUP are not energy-intensive (except for locations in North America
and China that have foundries attached).
a) Energy consumption
The bulk of energy and fuel consumption (district heating, heating oil, natural gas) is used to heat company
premises. Natural gas is needed primarily to operate hardening and annealing furnaces. Liquid gas is often used
as process energy in metal processing. Gasoline and diesel are mainly used for company vehicles. At some
locations, diesel is also required for emergency generators in order to compensate for supply bottlenecks.
ANDRITZ strives to reduce energy and fuel consumption. Annual fluctuations in consumption in manufacturing are
largely due to the varying workload and make detailed comparisons with previous years difficult.
The amount of purchased electricity remained relatively constant compared to 2021 and amounted to
292,611,189 kWh (2021: 290,813,140 kWh). 43% of the electricity purchased already comes from renewable
energy sources. ANDRITZ aims to further increase the share of purchased electricity from renewable energy
sources and to promote its own electricity production through photovoltaic plants. The installation of several
photovoltaic systems is planned for 2023.
Energy consumption*
Unit 2022 2021
* The key consumption figures are based on projected approximate values to maintain comparability as the complete figures for the 4th quarter of 2022 were not all
available before the copy deadline. Due to adjustments made to the consumption figures, the retrospective changes have resulted.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
An important goal of the ANDRITZ sustainability program “We Care” is that of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 1 + 2) by 50% compared to 2019. Direct emissions (Scope 1, primarily from the manufacturing sector)
amounted to 20,102 t of CO2e in 2022 (2021: 28,205 t CO2e). Indirect emissions (Scope 2, from the use of
purchased electricity, heat or steam) dropped to 82,341 t of CO2e in 2022 (2021: 104,513 t CO2e). This is mainly
due to the switch of the German sites to electricity from renewable sources.
b) Water consumption
Total water consumption in the recording year was 1,249,825 m 3 (2021: 1,017,286 m3). The water supply comes
primarily from the public water system, but a few locations also use surface water or groundwater. The water is
recirculated to third parties only, for example to the municipal wastewater disposal service. Water consumption
consists of process water for production plants (including cooling water) as well as water for drinking and for
hygiene purposes. A small amount is also needed for hydraulic test stands. Some industrial water is used to
generate steam or cool annealing furnaces, or it evaporates in air-conditioning systems.
c) Waste
ANDRITZ focuses great attention on the conservation and re-use of materials and raw materials in the course of
its business. The efficient use of materials, keeping rejects and waste to a minimum, and economical energy
consumption in material processing all play an important role here.
The largest share of waste comes from steel used in the manufacturing process. Metal waste is separated into
different types and then recycled. Other recyclable materials like plastic from packaging, waste from wooden
crates, cardboard packaging, and wastepaper are collected and recycled. Non-hazardous residual waste and
hazardous waste are collected according to the legal provisions and taken away by disposal companies. Special
attention is paid to observing all official regulations and record-keeping obligations, particularly when disposing of
hazardous substances. All in all, 47,866,224 kg of waste was produced during the reporting year (2021:
45,114,939 kg). 67% of this waste was recycled.
A detailed list of consumption figures can be found in the ESG Data Overview 2022 on the ANDRITZ website
9. Manufacturing
ANDRITZ produces custom-tailored machines, key components, plants, systems, as well as spare and wear parts
at around 145 service and manufacturing locations worldwide. Around two-thirds of these locations are in Europe
and North America and one third in Asia and South America. The majority of the locations manufacture on an
order-related basis for one business area, while a few locations manufacture for several or all business areas. The
manufacturing facilities focus on order execution in conformity with the contract, highest production quality, highly
qualified and skilled workers employed in manufacturing, proactive capacity management, and assigning
specialists to product design and quality management.
The manufacturing strategy aims to produce critical key components in terms of technology and quality in
ANDRITZ’s own production shops. Everything else is purchased from qualified suppliers. With this procedure, it is
possible to compensate effectively for any fluctuations in workload and thus make optimum use of manufacturing
capacities. Precise planning, high commitment and great flexibility on the part of the staff make short lead times
and on-time production possible. Investments in manufacturing are concentrated on the one hand on building up
and expanding manufacturing capacities in the emerging markets of Asia and South America and on modernizing
existing locations in Central Europe and North America on the other hand.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Focus in the optimization and improvement projects in manufacturing also lies on careful handling of available
resources and automation of processes in addition to adapting process management to exact scheduling.
ANDRITZ uses the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) here to control and monitor manufacturing in real time.
With this system, it is possible to link all important information on planning, lead time and costs as well as
machinery and operating data on one platform, and the system can also be adapted to local requirements if
necessary. MES was implemented as a pilot project at the Manufacturing department in Graz and is currently
being rolled out in North America and other manufacturing locations in Europe.
The ANDRITZ Production System (APS) plays a key role in continuous improvement of the production processes.
It defines the basic principles applying to manufacturing group-wide and provides tools and processes for
achieving a lean and effective production process. The overriding goal is to anchor a culture of continuous
improvement firmly within the company in order to achieve sustainably excellent results in manufacturing of its
The Group Manufacturing Management department offers comprehensive training on the APS. Around
300 employees at 50 manufacturing locations have taken part in various APS training courses since 2017 and
developed their process improvement skills further. The improvement projects implemented in the course of the
trainings led to significant productivity increases or cost reductions. They will be included as "best practice" in the
new oneAPS platform to share and further expand knowledge between sites. The platform can be used by all
employees of the ANDRITZ GROUP.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and associated travel restrictions, the APS training program was redesigned to
include virtual training methods and content. During the reporting period, a first APS Lean Leadership Training with
the new methodology was successfully completed. For the first time, the new oneAPS platform was used, which
teaches APS lean methods in an interactive form using videos, games, exercises, and training documents.
ANDRITZ Ventures (AV), which is a part of the Group Business Development function, provides support to all
ANDRITZ GROUP business areas in their innovation and digitalization activities. The vision behind this is to help
the business areas achieve technological leadership in their respective market segments.
As the central point of contact for open innovation activities, AV reviews and initiates collaborations, strategic
partnerships or investments in startups that are intended to strengthen or extend ANDRITZ’s technology portfolio
sustainably. Furthermore, AV maintains a broad network of innovation partners from the business sector,
universities and other organizations with the aim of linking internal and external stakeholders, promoting the
exchange of ideas and knowledge, and creating sustainable added value for the ANDRITZ GROUP by means of
inspiration and collaboration.
Here, the focus lies mainly on technologies intended to pave the way for the energy transition and more
sustainable management in rapidly growing markets. This includes, in particular, technologies for the production of
biofuels and green hydrogen as well as carbon capture and energy storage solutions. However, there is also a
focus on autonomous plant operation by means of visual detection and artificial intelligence for industrial
applications (e.g. the autonomous logyard), augmented and virtual reality applications for digital services and
remote start-ups, simulation/digital twins, digital solutions for supply chain management, operational technology
(OT), cyber security to safeguard customers’ plants, as well as performance monitoring and improvement and
preventive maintenance with smart sensors.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
In addition, there are several internal initiatives to promote and support innovations and other intrapreneurs. For
example, three startup competitions have been held so far, with a total of over 170 entries, from which several
projects have already been implemented successfully and further developed as internal startups. These startups
are supported with more process orientation in order to move more quickly from the prototype to the scaling phase
and thus establish new product groups within the ANDRITZ GROUP. One successful example of this is
A-Recovery+ in the chemical pulp sector.
The AV startup competition is a structured program that invites all employees to submit innovative suggestions of
products, services, and business models, to develop them, and finally, to launch them successfully on the market.
Here, the focus topic of each individual competition is closely aligned with the ANDRITZ GROUP’s strategic goals.
At the moment, staff are working on innovative solutions in the areas of sustainability by means of green products,
green hydrogen, biofuels, reducing CO 2 emissions, and customer relationship management 4.0. As part of the
program, there is also a strong focus on networking in joint training courses, on innovation journeys and on
sustainable personnel development.
In addition, various education and training opportunities are available with targeted measures to promote the skills
of ANDRITZ employees in the field of modern innovation techniques and innovation management. These
opportunities are to be extended further in 2023 and supplemented by additional modules and training sessions.
The development of new, external models to support the ANDRITZ GROUP’s strategic innovation projects was a
special focus during the reporting year. By implementing these formats in 2023, more new innovation projects are
to be initiated and the speed of implementation further increased by means of standardization.
Research and development (R&D) is an important part of the ANDRITZ corporate strategy and an essential
foundation on which to create internal growth and maintain the ability to compete in the long term. The ANDRITZ
research and development activities concentrate on launching products and technologies on the market that
protect the environment, are economical with energy and resources, and extend the life cycle of plant and
machinery. In the meantime, a significant proportion of revenue is obtained with sustainable solutions and
products. Another important focus of research and development work is digitalization.
In the past few years, so-called life cycle assessments (LCAs) were conducted for several products and plants in
order to analyze their impact on the environment over their entire life cycle. This includes, production, the
utilization phase, and disposal, as well as all related processes before and after (e.g. production of materials and
Considering the entire life cycle prevents possible negative impacts being moved to other life cycle phases. These
analyses are to be extended in the future and also considered in the product development phase. On the other
hand, product development can also influence the production and installation processes through design of the
products. In addition, better use is to be made of materials during production in order to produce less waste.
The ANDRITZ GROUP spent 113.8 MEUR (2021: 106.6 MEUR) on research and development activities during the
reporting period. Research and development expenses, including order-related development work, amounted to
around 3% of revenue.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The ANDRITZ GROUP holds approximately 6,600 patent rights. 80% of these patent rights have already been
granted, and the remainder is under review. In addition, the Group owns around 2,500 trademarks.
The following selected projects from the business areas represent a part of the diverse research and development
spectrum of the past business year:
To achieve this, all research and development activities follow the “Reduce, Reuse, Refine” principle. "Reduce"
means causing as few emissions as possible by optimizing existing processes. A new concept, that significantly
reduces emissions from recovery boilers, and is already in the product development phase, was presented at one
mill site. "Reuse" means that side streams can be reused by converting them into new products needed in pulp
mill processes. One example is the SulfoLoop sulfuric acid plant, in which commercially available concentrated
sulfuric acid is produced in the pulp mill itself. The ANDRITZ SulfoLoop solution is based on Wet gas Sulfuric Acid
(WSA) technology for the conversion of wet sulfur-rich gases and elemental sulfur into sulfuric acid. "Refine" aims
at the conversion of side streams that are normally burned in the recovery boiler, such as methanol. The ANDRITZ
KraftAnol biomethanol plant offers kraft pulp mills the most direct and cost-efficient way to produce commercial
grade biomethanol. In the future, it should be possible to operate highly efficient pulp mills with zero emissions and
zero waste, and thus CO2 neutral.
In the paper industry, ANDRITZ R&D activities focus on technologies and services for sustainable fiber treatment
and sustainable tissue, paper, and board production. Based on the five pillars of energy, fiber, water, and chemical
savings as well as digitalization, intensive research and testing is being carried out in the Fiber R&D Centers
(Austria, China, USA), the Tissue Innovation and Application Center (PrimeLineTIAC, Austria), and the Paper
Technology Center (Germany). The developments deal with the use of alternative raw materials, fiber savings,
carbon reduction in tissue paper production, electrical drying and drying without fossil fuels.
Due to new European regulations to be implemented by 2025 for the recycling of textile waste, many textile
manufacturers are increasingly asking for new technologies for textile recycling. ANDRITZ covers several
segments in the textile industry value chain: from technologies for textile fiber preparation by shredding or tearing,
to complete mechanical recycling lines for nonwovens and yarns, to chemical recycling solutions and complete
nonwovens roll good production lines for processing recycled fibers. In addition, ANDRITZ is active in numerous
research and development activities, often also in partnerships. In addition, ANDRITZ offers technologies for the
production of textile fibers from wood.
The Nonwoven sector is focusing on developing technologies to produce wipes free of plastic. ANDRITZ offers
numerous processes for this rapidly growing market segment. In the latest process developments, all types of
natural fibers and pulp are being used as raw materials. Various technologies are available for producing wipes
that are 100% plastic-free and biodegradable.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The Air Pollution Control sector focused its research and development activities on technologies to reduce
emissions (particulate matter and gaseous pollutants) from industrial processes. In view of increasingly stringent
emission regulations, ANDRITZ offers its customers various solutions to meet their individual requirements,
including carbon capture technologies that enable new and existing plants to operate profitably and reduce their
carbon footprint.
b) Metals
In the Metals business area, research focuses on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO 2) from
the plants supplied, on the avoidance of pollutants through regeneration concepts of end products from the
process chains, and also on the catalytic conversion of gaseous pollutants such as NOx.
The CO2 reduction is to be achieved by electrifying the plants (instead of operating with gas) and using hydrogen
as an energy carrier. Furthermore, the further development of digital products helps customers to operate plants
efficiently and thus as economically as possible. In addition, work is being done to continuously minimize the
thermal losses of the plants through special lining concepts and energy recovery systems.
Among the most important innovation projects within the existing product portfolio is the "Green Steel CGL"
(Continuous Galvanizing Line). The continuous galvanizing lines currently available on the market contain radiant
tube heating that is operated with gas-fired radiant tubes and emits large quantities of CO2. As a first step, the gas-
fired jet pipes are to be replaced by electric jet pipes that can be powered by green electricity. This leads to a
drastic reduction in local CO 2 emissions. Other advantages are elimination of NOx emissions, a 40% increase in
efficiency, and a much simpler process as there are no more gas pipes. Many galvanizing lines also have a
directly fired furnace section. The burners installed there are currently operated with fossil fuel as well. In a second
stage, the fossil fuel is to be replaced by green hydrogen. By developing ANDRITZ hydrogen burners for the
furnace section, CO2 emissions can be reduced too. Furthermore, work is continuing on the development of hybrid
systems that combine electric heating (using renewable energy sources) and gas heating (e.g. biogas or
hydrogen) for pre-heating and heat treatment furnaces. This allows the customer to be provided with customized
heating systems for each mode of operation.
The business area is also directing a large R&D focus towards electrolyzers for generating green hydrogen from
renewable energy. This project was initially started as a start-up within the ANDRITZ GROUP and is now being
continued and expanded as a separate division within the business area. Priority is given to the development of
systems based on PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) and AEL (Alkaline Electrolysis) technologies. Furthermore,
the SOEL (Solid Oxide Electrolysis) technology for high-temperature electrolysis is being investigated.
In the hydrogen sector, work is continuing on welding and press technology to develop the mass production of fuel
cells (used to generate energy from hydrogen) in order to power buses and trucks. ANDRITZ Soutec and the
ANDRITZ affiliate Schuler have been part of a collaboration project to develop plant equipment for serial
manufacture of fuel cells on a large scale. For the first process step in the production line, Schuler is supplying the
metal forming equipment for stamping and cutting the bipolar plate halves. Thanks to the innovative transfer
system “IntraTrans”, both bipolar plate halves – anode and cathode – can be produced at the same time with one
press stroke. In the subsequent process stage, the bipolar plates undergo gas-tight precision welding by means of
remote laser welding equipment. ANDRITZ Soutec developed SOUCELL for this purpose, the most productive
laser welding system worldwide for modern manufacture of bipolar plates (BPP).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
c) Hydro
As the world shifts to renewable energy sources, hydropower is becoming an increasingly important part of the
energy mix. ANDRITZ's innovative HyBaTec battery storage solution enables hydropower plants to adapt quickly
to changing grid conditions. By combining the advantages of hydropower and battery technology, this solution
enables faster response and more flexible operation of power stations, making them a reliable and efficient source
of renewable energy while significantly reducing mechanical stress.
Another research and development focus was on fish protection. ANDRITZ turbine design incorporates the latest
findings for maximum reduction of negative impacts on fish passing through the running turbines. These findings
are primarily based on two new techniques: computer-based simulations and experiments at the test rig. Field
measurements of fish passage conditions in HPPs conducted in 2021-2022 have successfully validated our design
With the Metris DiOMera software platform, ANDRITZ offers a solution for further digitalization of hydropower plant
operation and maintenance. It supports targeted maintenance work, taking into account the life cycle management
of the power plant, in order to define the right scope and timing for maintenance and thus maximize the service life
of the plant.
d) Separation
ANDRITZ Separation business area is focusing its R&D activities on sustainable separation solutions and
technologies that help customers achieve their sustainability goals. Various products and process solutions were
again successfully introduced to the market in the recording year.
With the development of Turbex, ANDRITZ provides an efficient extraction solution to produce high-quality extracts
from botanicals and natural products. This enables customers to optimize their processes and even use waste
streams such as orange peel or brewer’s spent grain (BSG) for revenue-generating nutrients. With up to 50%
higher yield and requiring up to 30% less energy than conventional extraction methods, ANDRITZ Turbex has a
faster return on investment and less environmental impact, because food waste is reduced.
The LiKOSET thickener presents a perfect solution for efficient clarification of liquids and recovery of slurry. Focus
is on highly efficient and sustainable processing of lithium needed for the expansion of e-mobility as well as
applications in the agricultural industry and for the chemical industry. The modular design enables a short delivery
time and provides efficient start up time. The LiKOSET can be combined with the control system Metris addIQ
ACE from ANDRITZ also to create a fully integrated automation solution that enables maximum operational
Efficient operation and reduced downtimes are provided by the new ANDRITZ screen scroll centrifuge HX. It is
designed for improved product quality and maintainability and can process bulk chemicals, minerals,
agrochemicals, and food, even under difficult feeding conditions. The introduced features minimize production and
maintenance costs and maximize uptime.
e) Automation
ANDRITZ Automation has been operating successfully in the plant automation sector for over 35 years. In the
meantime, the digital solutions from ANDRITZ Digital Solutions – sold under the umbrella brand Metris – are
among the leading solutions in industry. ANDRITZ operates Metris performance centers worldwide that provide
remote services for plant operators and production managers as well as for local engineering and maintenance
staff. With the aid of ANDRITZ remote support, very challenging start-ups of complex plants and machinery were
completed successfully during the reporting year.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
Work continued in 2022 on the development of solutions for future autonomous plant operation based on artificial
intelligence. With the aid of these automated solutions, it is possible to optimize the raw material input, lower the
related emissions accordingly and reduce any additional manual intervention needed to a corresponding minimum.
A main focus lies here on helping customers in their efforts to make their production processes more sustainable.
In addition, research work also concentrated on further developing digital twin technologies for online/offline
simulation and on predicting future production scenarios.
Economic experts expect a weakening of the global economy in 2023. High prices – particularly for energy and
raw materials – and rising interest rates are putting a strain on global economic growth, which is expected to slow
down, especially in Europe and the USA.
Despite the difficult overall economic conditions, the outlook and expectations compared to the previous year
remain largely unchanged for the ANDRITZ business areas in 2023. At the moment, ANDRITZ has no specific
indications that the general conditions described above will have a significant negative impact in 2023 on project
and investment activity by the markets and customers that ANDRITZ serves.
▪ Pulp & Paper: Unchanged good project and investment activity is expected from today’s perspective. In addition
to modernization of existing pulp mills, contracts may also be awarded selectively for some new mills. The
investments in sustainability planned by many pulp and paper producers should also have a supportive effect.
▪ Metals: In the Metals Forming (Schuler) sector, the slight increase in project and investment activity is expected
to continue. Particularly in the area of e-mobility, the award of individual medium-sized and larger contracts is
expected. In the Metals Processing sector, a solid market environment is anticipated in 2023.
▪ Hydro: In the Hydro business area, the favorable project and investment activity seen in the previous year is
expected to continue. The worldwide initiative to promote renewable energy sources – for example lowering
Europe’s dependency on fossil fuels imported from Russia – and the increasing need to store large quantities of
energy in order to balance out volatile peaks in demand should have a positive impact in the medium term.
Individual medium- or large-scale orders may also be awarded selectively.
▪ Separation: Continuing good project and investment activity is expected both in solid/liquid separation and in the
feed & biofuel sector.
Due to the continued good business development and the high order intake in the past fiscal year, ANDRITZ
currently expects to continue on its growth path in fiscal year 2023 and anticipates an increase in both revenue
and earnings compared to 2022.
However, if the global economic weakening, that is forecasted by market researchers, for 2023 intensifies, this
could have negative effects on processing of orders and on order intake, and hence, a negative impact on
ANDRITZ’s financial development. In particular, this could necessitate capacity adjustments, which would require
financial provisions for all or individual business areas and could have a negative impact on the ANDRITZ
GROUP’s earnings.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
The capital stock of ANDRITZ AG as of December 31, 2022, amounted to 104,000,000 EUR. The proportionate
amount of the capital is 1.00 EUR per no-par value share. There are no limitations concerning the voting rights or
the transfer of shares.
ANDRITZ has a stable and well-balanced shareholder structure. Around 31.5% of the ANDRITZ AG share capital
is partly held directly and partly indirectly by Custos Privatstiftung and by Wolfgang Leitner, a member of the
ANDRITZ AG Supervisory Board, respectively. 30.72% belongs to Custos Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH and
0.77% to Cerberus Vermögensverwaltung GmbH. With a free float of around 68.5%, national and international
institutional investors and private investors make up the majority of the shareholders. Most of the institutional
investors come from the UK, Austria, and Germany, while the bulk of the private investors are from Austria and
Shareholder structure
as of December 31, 2022 in %
At present, there is no authorized capital. The Annual General Meeting held on March 24, 2021, authorized the
Executive Board to purchase treasury shares up to the maximum amount permitted by law for a period of 30
months as from April 1, 2021, and to cancel these company shares where appropriate with the approval of the
Supervisory Board without having to consult the Annual General Meeting again beforehand. There is no
authorization of the members of the Executive Board – especially regarding the possibility of issuing or buying
back shares – that does not result directly from legal stipulations.
On December 2, 2021, the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of ANDRITZ AG adopted a resolution to make
use once again of the authorization from the Annual General Meeting to buy back shares. Up to
1,000,000 ANDRITZ shares (equaling 0.96% of the share capital) were to be repurchased through the Vienna
Stock Exchange between December 13, 2021, and February 6, 2022. On February 7, 2022, the Executive Board
of ANDRITZ AG announced that the buy-back program had been concluded as planned as of February 6, 2022.
450,000 ANDRITZ shares (equal to 0.43% of the share capital) were repurchased between December 13, 2021
and February 6, 2022.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Management report
As far as is known to the company, there are no holders of shares with special controlling rights. Furthermore,
there are no stipulations regarding the appointment and recall of the members of the Executive Board and the
Supervisory Board, nor regarding modifications to the company’s Articles of Association that do not result directly
from legal stipulations.
There are no significant agreements in which the company participates that would become effective, change, or
end in the event of a change in the control of the company following a takeover bid.
According to the terms of the “Schuldscheindarlehen” documents issued in June 2017, August 2018 and May
2019, all lenders are entitled to accelerate maturity of the amount corresponding to their contributions to the
“Schuldscheindarlehen” and to require immediate repayment of this principal amount plus the interest
accumulating up to the day of repayment in the event of a change of control. Acceleration of maturity shall only
apply if the corresponding notice of termination is given within 30 days after the change of control is announced.
Compensation agreements exist between the company and members of its Executive Board for the event of a
change of control. No such compensation agreements exist for the members of the Supervisory Board or any
Joachim Schönbeck Domenico Iacovelli Humbert Köfler Norbert Nettesheim Wolfgang Semper
President & CEO CFO
Certain statements contained in the annual financial report 2022 and in the annual report 2022 constitute “forward-looking statements.” These statements, which contain
the words “believe,” “intend,” “expect,” and words of a similar meaning, reflect the Executive Board’s beliefs and expectations and are subject to risks and uncerta inties
that may cause actual results to differ materially. As a result, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The company
disclaims any obligation to publicly announce the result of any revisions to the forward-looking statements made herein, except where it would be required to do so under
applicable law.
The annual financial report 2022 and the annual report 2022 contain assumptions and forecasts which were based on the information available up to the copy deadline
on February 23, 2023. If the premises for these assumptions and forecasts do not occur, or risks indicated in the chapter “corporate risks” and in the management report
in the annual financial report 2022 do arise, actual results may vary from the forecasts made in the annual financial report 2022 and the annual report 2022. Although the
greatest caution was exercised in preparing data, all information related to the future is provided without guarantee.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Consolidated income statement
Basic earnings per no-par value share (in EUR) 17. 4.14 3.28
Diluted earnings per no-par value share (in EUR) 17. 4.13 3.27
Proposed or paid dividend per no-par value share (in EUR) 33. 2.10 1.65
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Consolidated statement of financial position
(in MEUR) Chapter 2022 2021
Property, plant, and equipment 18./19. 1,213.8 1,170.7
Goodwill 20. 787.0 778.3
Intangible assets other than goodwill 21. 160.1 190.9
Investments accounted for using the equity method 6. 13.7 12.9
Investments and other financial assets 31. 71.9 103.8
Other receivables and assets 25. 85.0 86.7
Deferred tax assets 16. 239.7 241.9
Non-current assets 2,571.2 2,585.2
Inventories 26. 1,135.5 905.0
Advance payments made 27. 219.9 152.6
Trade accounts receivable 24. 1,065.1 936.8
Contract assets 9. 1,047.5 935.0
Current tax assets 36.6 16.2
Investments 31. 728.9 670.7
Cash and cash equivalents 32. 1,302.0 1,087.0
Other receivables and assets 25. 380.1 373.3
Assets held for sale 37. 5.0 11.0
Current assets 5,920.6 5,087.6
TOTAL ASSETS 8,491.8 7,672.8
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Payments made for property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets -155.0 -110.3
Payments received for disposals of property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets 46.2 32.2
Payments made for non-current and current financial assets -636.5 -579.8
Payments received for disposal of non-current and current financial assets 616.8 409.0
Payments made for investments accounted for using the equity method 0.0 -11.2
Net cash flow from company acquisitions 36. -62.0 -30.5
Payments received from bank loans and other financial liabilities 36. 28.2 70.4
Payments made for bank loans and other financial liabilities 36. -90.3 -237.8
Payments made for the the redemption of lease liabilities 36. -59.3 -48.5
Dividends paid 33. -163.8 -100.3
Purchase of non-controlling interests and payments to former shareholders 36. -0.1 -34.5
Purchase of treasury shares 33. -16.0 -4.7
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Attributable to owners of the parent interests Total equity
Reserve of Reserve of
remeasurements exchange
Capital Retained Fair value of defined differences on
(in MEUR) Chapter Share capital reserves earnings reserve benefit plans translation Treasury shares Total
BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021 104.0 36.5 1,566.0 9.9 -106.0 -167.7 -185.1 1,257.6 -1.9 1,255.7
Net income 325.5 325.5 -3.8 321.7
Other comprehensive income -9.5 38.9 63.3 92.7 -0.8 91.9
Total comprehensive income 325.5 -9.5 38.9 63.3 418.2 -4.6 413.6
Dividends 33. -99.3 -99.3 -1.1 -100.4
Change in treasury shares 33. -3.1 -3.1 -3.1
Change from share option programs 33. 1.4 1.4 1.4
Changes in ownership interests, without loss
of control -0.2 -0.2 -0.2
Transfers and other changes -0.9 0.9 0.3 0.3
BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2021 104.0 36.5 1,792.5 0.4 -67.1 -103.5 -188.2 1,574.6 -7.3 1,567.3
BALANCE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2022 104.0 36.5 1,792.5 0.4 -67.1 -103.5 -188.2 1,574.6 -7.3 1,567.3
Net income 409.6 409.6 -7.0 402.6
Other comprehensive income -0.2 26.3 13.6 39.7 1.0 40.7
Total comprehensive income 409.6 -0.2 26.3 13.6 449.3 -6.0 443.3
Dividends 33. -163.1 -163.1 -0.6 -163.7
Change in treasury shares 33. -0.2 -13.7 -13.9 -13.9
Change from share option programs 33. -2.0 -2.0 -2.0
Hyperinflation 38. 3.7 3.7 3.7
Transfers and other changes -0.5 0.8 -0.3 0.0 0.0
BALANCE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2022 104.0 36.5 2,040.0 0.2 -40.0 -90.2 -201.9 1,848.6 -13.9 1,834.7
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
p.117 22. Personnel-related provisions
General information and legal (employee benefits)
bases p.124 23. Provisions
p.80 1. General information
p.80 2. Accounting principles Net working capital
p.82 3. Accounting policies and use of
discretionary judgments and
estimates p.125 24. Trade accounts receivable
p.126 25. Other receivables and assets
p.126 26. Inventories
Information on the structure of p.127 27. Advance payments made
ANDRITZ p.127 28. Trade accounts payable
p.128 29. Other liabilities
p.83 4. Consolidation scope
p.84 5. Acquisitions
p.87 6. Investments accounted for Financial and capital structure,
using the equity method financial instruments, and risk
p.89 7. Related parties management
p.128 30. Financial assets and liabilities
p.134 31. Investments and other financial
Result of the year assets
p.135 32. Cash and cash equivalents
p.135 33. Equity
p.93 8. Segment reporting p.141 34. Derivatives
p.95 9. Revenue p.146 35. Risk management – risks relating to
p.98 10. Other income financial instruments
p.99 11. Cost of materials
p.99 12. Personnel expenses
p.100 13. Other expenses Other information
p.100 14. Depreciation, amortization, and
impairment property, plant, and
equipment and intangible assets p.155 36. Consolidated statement of
other than goodwill cash flows
p.101 15. Financial result p.157 37. Assets held for sale
p.101 16. Income taxes p.158 38. Effects of hyperinflation
p.104 17. Earnings per share p.159 39. Contingent assets and liabilities
p.160 40. Expenses for services by the
group auditor
Non-current assets and liabilities p.160 41. Impacts of the war in Ukraine
p.161 42. Events after the reporting period
p.162 43. Group companies
p.105 18. Property, plant, and equipment
p.107 19. Right of use assets from lease
contracts and lease liabilities
p.111 20. Goodwill
p.115 21. Intangible assets other than
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1. General information
ANDRITZ AG is an Aktiengesellschaft incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Austria and has been listed
on the Vienna Stock Exchange since June 2001. The registered office of ANDRITZ AG, the parent company of the
ANDRITZ GROUP, is at Stattegger Strasse 18, 8045 Graz, Austria. The ANDRITZ GROUP (the “Group” or
“ANDRITZ”) is a leading producer of high-technology industrial machinery and operates through four strategic
operating segments: Pulp & Paper, Metals, Hydro, and Separation.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared under the responsibility of the Executive Board of ANDRITZ AG
and are acknowledged by the Supervisory Board and the Annual General Meeting. On February 23, 2023, the
Executive Board approved the consolidated financial statements for the year ending on December 31, 2022.
Various amounts and percentages set out in the consolidated financial statements have been rounded. As a result,
totals may differ from the amounts shown. If not stated otherwise, amounts are given in million euros (MEUR).
2. Accounting principles
The financial statements were prepared in accordance with all International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and endorsed by the European Union, whose
application have been mandatory for 2022. All interpretations published by the IFRS Interpretations Committee
(IFRS IC), which also have to be observed for 2022, have been applied. The consolidated financial statements
meet the requirements of section 245a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) on exempting consolidated financial
statements according to internationally accepted accounting standards. Going concern is the basis for accounting
and valuation of the assets and liabilities.
The amendment to IAS 16 clarifies that it is not permitted to deduct income from the cost of property, plant, and
equipment that arises from the sale of goods that are produced while an item of property, plant, and equipment is
brought into operational condition, except for costs for test runs.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The amendment to IAS 37 stipulates that the costs of contract performance are made up of the costs that relate
directly to the contract. This includes additional costs for the performance of this contract and allocations of other
costs that are directly related to the performance of contracts.
The amendment to IFRS 3 implies that the standard no longer refers to the 1989 framework concept but to the
2018 framework concept, as well as two additions. Contingent assets acquired in a business combination are not
to be recognized and an acquirer has to apply IAS 37 or IFRIC 21 instead of the framework concept on business
transactions and similar events within the scope of IAS 37 or IFRIC 21 when identifying debts acquired in a
business combination.
The annual improvements to IFRS (Cycle 2018-2020) provide clarifications on IFRS 1 – First-time Adoption,
IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments, IFRS 16 – Leases, and IAS 41 – Agriculture.
b) Standards and interpretations that have been published but not yet applied
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is working on numerous projects that will only have an
impact on business years from 2023 onwards. ANDRITZ has not adopted the following accounting
pronouncements that have been issued by the IASB, but are not yet effective:
The amendment to IAS 8 concerns the distinction between accounting policies and accounting estimates. The
definition of “change in accounting estimates” is replaced by a definition of “accounting estimates”.
The first amendment to IAS 1 regarding information on accounting policies is intended to clarify which accounting
policies must be stated in the financial statements.
The amendment to IAS 12 restricts the scope of the initial recognition exemption, according to which no deferred
tax asset or deferred tax liability is to be recognized at the time an asset or liability is added. If deductible and
taxable temporary differences of the same amount arise in a transaction, these are no longer subject to the
exception rule, so that deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities must be formed.
IFRS 17 regulates the recognition, valuation, presentation, and information for insurance contracts.
The second amendment to IAS 1 concerns the adjustment of the assessment criteria for the classification of
liabilities as current or non-current. In future, only rights that exist at the end of the reporting period should be
decisive for the classification of a liability. In addition, further guidelines for the interpretation of the criterion “right
to postpone the fulfillment of the debt for at least twelve months” as well as explanations on the characteristic
“fulfillment” were included.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The amendment to IFRS 16 contains requirements for the subsequent measurement of leases as part of a sale-
and-lease-back for seller-lessees. Subsequent measurement of lease liabilities will be standardized to prevent
inappropriate profit realization.
These new or changed standards are not expected to have any or no material effect at ANDRITZ.
ANDRITZ describes the accounting policies as well as the use of discretionary judgments and estimates in the
respective chapters.
a) Accounting policies
In the respective chapters, the accounting policies are indicated as follows:
ANDRITZ has consistently applied all accounting policies described in these consolidated financial statements in
all periods presented, except for the amendments resulting from the first-time application of new standards in
chapter 2.a) Standards and interpretations applicable for the first time. The following section describes the general
accounting policies:
Consolidation principles
The basis for the consolidated financial statements is the individual financial statements of all fully consolidated
companies applying uniform group-wide standards and in accordance with IFRS regulations. Intercompany
receivables, liabilities, and internal business transactions, including interim results within the Group, were
eliminated. The consolidated financial statements were prepared based on uniform accounting principles for
comparable business transactions.
Currency translation
The consolidated financial statements are compiled in euros.
Foreign subsidiaries
Foreign consolidated subsidiaries are regarded as foreign operations because they are financially, economically,
and organizationally autonomous. Their functional currencies are generally their respective local currencies. Items
of the statement of financial position of foreign subsidiaries are translated at year-end rates to the presentation
currency (euros). Expenses and income are translated using the average exchange rates for the year. All resulting
translation differences are included in the item “Reserve of exchange differences on translation” in equity.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The exchange rates used for foreign currency translation of major currencies are as follows:
In number of units per 1 EUR Rate at reporting date Average rate for year
In the respective chapters, the use of discretionary judgments and estimates is indicated as follows:
4. Consolidation scope
The consolidated financial statements include ANDRITZ AG and those companies it controls directly or indirectly.
ANDRITZ controls an entity when it is exposed to or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the
entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power of disposition over the entity. The financial
statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which control is
obtained until the date on which control is lost. Changes in the Group’s share in a subsidiary that do not result in a
loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions. When the Group loses control over a subsidiary, it
derecognizes the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary, any related non-controlling interests, and other
components of equity. Any resulting gain or loss is recognized through profit or loss.
In case the influence on the Group’s assets, liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss of companies controlled
is of minor importance, the decision on including them into the consolidation scope is made based on quantitative
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
and qualitative considerations. The shares in non-consolidated companies are recorded in item “Investments and
other financial assets”.
2022 2021
Due to quantitative and qualitative considerations, 48 companies (2021: 43) controlled by ANDRITZ were not
consolidated and 7 associated companies (2021: 7) were not accounted for at-equity, respectively.
In the comparison period, ANDRITZ no longer consolidated ANDRITZ HYDRO S.L., Spain, and ANDRITZ HYDRO
Ltda, Colombia. The disposal of these subsidiaries resulted in a loss of 0.9 MEUR.
In the comparison period, ANDRITZ Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia, was newly included in the consolidation scope.
Business combinations are accounted for by applying the acquisition method if the acquired set of activities and assets
meets the definition of a business and the Group has gained control. In determining whether a particular set of activities
and assets is a business, the Group assesses whether the set of assets and activities acquired includes at least a
resource usage and a substantial process and whether the acquired group is able to provide goods or services.
The purchase price is offset against the revalued net assets of the acquired company (capital consolidation). In doing
so, the values at the acquisition date, which is the date on which control of the acquiree was obtained, are used as a
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
basis. Differences in value are fully recognized. The acquired identifiable assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities
are generally recognized at their fair values in the consolidated statement of financial position, irrespective of the
extent attributable to non-controlling interests. Application of the acquisition method requires certain estimates and
assumptions to be made, especially concerning the fair values of the intangible assets and property, plant, and
equipment acquired, the liabilities assumed at the acquisition date, and the useful lives of the intangible assets and
the property, plant, and equipment acquired.
Non-controlling interests can be measured either at cost (partial goodwill method) or at fair value (full goodwill
method). The choice of method can be made on a case-by-case basis. It is general practice within the
ANDRITZ GROUP to use the partial goodwill method.
In step acquisitions, where a company is acquired in several stages, the fair values of the acquired entity’s assets and
liabilities are measured in accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations at the date on which control is obtained.
Any resulting adjustments to the fair value of the existing interest are recognized in profit or loss. The carrying amount
of the assets and liabilities already recognized in the statement of financial position is then adjusted accordingly.
a) Bonetti Group
ANDRITZ has signed an agreement to acquire the Bonetti Group, headquartered in Milan, Italy. The closing of the
transaction took place in June 2022. Bonetti is a global manufacturer and supplier of doctor, creping, and coater
blades, as well as blade holders, and also provides services for paper machines. This acquisition extends and
strengthens ANDRITZ’s aftermarket business and supplements the company’s current Paper Machine Service
portfolio (Pulp & Paper operating segment). The company, with around 150 employees, has annual revenue of
approximately 25 MEUR and operates five production facilities, thereof two in Italy and one each in the USA,
Germany, and Canada. As a result of this acquisition, six fully consolidated companies entered the consolidation
scope of ANDRITZ.
b) J. Parpala Oy
ANDRITZ has signed an agreement to acquire J. Parpala Oy, Finland. The closing of the transaction took place in
August 2022. J. Parpala Oy is a player in the maintenance and repair flue gas cleaning systems for industrial
production and power generation plants. Due to the insignificance of this acquisition, no fully consolidated
companies were included in the ANDRITZ scope of consolidation.
c) Sovema Group
The Schuler subgroup, which is part of the ANDRITZ GROUP, has signed an agreement to acquire Sovema,
a group headquartered in Villafranca di Verona, Italy. The closing of the transaction took place in September 2022.
Sovema is one of the leading international suppliers of equipment for the production of top-quality battery cells.
The company made a name for itself in the automotive sector as well as other industries by building appropriate
machines for pilot and laboratory projects, accounting some of the most prominent battery manufactureres
worldwide in its customer portfolio. Furthermore, Sovema is the worldwide-only supplier of automated turnkey
plants for the mass prduction of lead-acid batteries. The company, with around 170 employees has annual
revenue of approximately 50 MEUR and operates subsidiaries in the USA and China. The acquisition expands the
existing product range in the Metals operating segment. As a result of this acquisition, two fully consolidated
companies entered the consolidation scope of ANDRITZ.
d) Đuro Đaković
ANDRITZ has signed an agreement to acquire Đuro Đaković termoenergetska postrojenja d.o.o., Croatia. The
closing of the transaction took place in October 2022. The company focuses on designing and manufacturing boiler
facilities, energy islands, and power stations that process biomass and waste on grate technology. In the Sector of
renewable energy, Đuro Đaković manufactures and delivers complete power stations on a “turn-key” basis with a
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
power output larger than 2 MWel, producing electricity and heat energy from renewable biomass sources. The
acquisition will further expand the product range in the Pulp & Paper operating segment. The company, with
870 employees, generates an annual revenue of approximately 60 MEUR at its two locations in Slavonski Brod and
Lužani (both in Croatia). One fully consolidated company was inlcuded in the consolidation scope of ANDRITZ.
The goodwill of the acquired companies mainly results from the skills and technical talent of the workforce and the
expected synergies from the integration into the ANDRITZ GROUP.
The initial accounting of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed from the contract with Đuro Đaković is based
on preliminary figures, because valuations have not been finalized yet. The final evaluation of the balance sheet
items will be carried out according to the regulations of IFRS 3 (revised) – Business Combinations.
Transaction costs directly related to the business combination are recognized as an expense incurred in the period
(in other expenses). The acquired receivables do not contain any receivables expected to be uncollectible.
The acquisitions have contributed 28.1 MEUR to the ANDRITZ GROUP’s revenue and -2.5 MEUR to the
ANDRITZ GROUP’s EBIT since their first-time consolidation. If the businesses had been acquired at the beginning
of the financial year 2022, they would have contributed 143.8 MEUR to the ANDRITZ GROUP’s revenue and
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The first-time inclusion of individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed is based on preliminary values due to
time constraints and not yet final valuations. If, within a year after the acquisition date, new and essential
information becomes available about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date and that would
have led to corrections of the preliminarily recognized amounts or to additional provisions, the accounting of the
acquisitions will be adjusted.
Depending on the type of asset and the availability of information, intangible assets are determined using a
suitable valuation method. The fair values of land and buildings are generally determined by external experts. In
addition to the assumptions about the future development of the estimated cash flows, these valuations are also
significantly influenced by the discount rates used. Analogously to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, all
available information about the circumstances at the time of acquisition is also used for the initial accounting of
contingent purchase price liabilities.
Climate-related risks and opportunities were considered in determining the fair value of the acquired intangible
assets and property, plant, and equipment, the liabilities assumed at the time of acquisition, and the useful life of
the acquired assets and property, plant, and equipment based on the best estimate of future developments
according to relevance. Opportunities and risks of environmental issues in acquisitions are already addressed in
the purchase process as part of the due diligence. The due diligence performed for Laroche acquisition in 2021
resulted in a deferral of the purchase price of 20% until the 2023 financial year.
Associated companies are entities, which the Group has significant influence on, but does not have control or joint
control over the financial and operating policies.
Joint ventures are entities over which ANDRITZ and one or more parties exercise joint control and have rights to
their net assets.
Associated companies and joint ventures are accounted for at equity and are initially recorded at cost.
Company Main office segment Category 2022 2021
Enmas ANDRITZ Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, India PP Associated company 40.00% 40.00%
VA Brazil Oy Espoo, Finland PP Associated company 40.00% 40.00%
Freiburg im Breisgau,
Psiori GmbH Germany HY Associated company 25.10% 25.10%
Smart Press Shop GmbH & Co KG Halle (Saale), Germany ME Joint venture 50.00% 50.00%
The joint venture Smart Press GmbH & Co KG is operated jointly by Schuler Group GmbH and Dr. Ing. h. c. F.
Porsche Aktiengesellschaft. The purpose is the highly flexible production of sophisticated chassis parts with
pioneering technologies.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The summarized financial information for associated companies and joint ventures is shown in an aggregated form
because the individual companies can be considered of minor importance. The following overview shows the items of
the statement of financial position and the income statement for companies accounted for using the equity method:
ANDRITZ has the following share of income of companies accounted for using the equity method:
Non-recognized losses of the financial year amount to 0.0 MEUR (2021: 0.0 MEUR). The cumulative unrecognized
losses amount to -1.0 MEUR (2021: -1.0 MEUR). They belong entirely to Enmas ANDRITZ Pvt. Ltd. A loan from a
company accounted for using the equity method is guaranteed in the amount of 59.7 MEUR (2021: 59.9 MEUR).
In the current year, the two shareholders of the joint venture did not make any contributions to equity (2021:
contribution of 11.2 MEUR each).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
7. Related parties
Under IAS 24 – Related Party Disclosures related party transactions have to be disclosed with entities, as far as
they are not already included as consolidated companies in the consolidated financial statements of ANDRITZ AG
as well with persons. The members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of ANDRITZ AG have been
defined as key management personnel, making them and the close members of their families related parties. The
compensation to be disclosed includes the remuneration of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
a) Related entities
In addition to the companies included in the consolidated financial statements, the Group has relations in the
ordinary course of business with non-consolidated subsidiaries, associated companies, and joint ventures that are
considered related parties of the Group. As the Group’s transfer pricing policy provides transfer prices at arm’s
length, no transactions are conducted that do not comply with market standards. The non-inclusion of non-
consolidated companies in the consolidated financial statements has no significant impact on the Group’s net
assets, liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss.
The extent of business relations with non-consolidated companies, associated companies, and joint ventures is as
The related companies are mainly sales or supplier companies. The joint venture Smart Press GmbH & Co KG is
also categorized as a related company.
— Read more details in chapter 6. Investments accounted for using the equity method.
b) Related persons
Business relationships with companies in which members of the Executive Board or the Supervisory Board of
ANDRITZ AG work are conducted at arm's length terms and are of minor importance, both individually and
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Executive Board
The Executive Board of ANDRITZ AG was composed of five members as of December 31, 2022:
Joachim Schönbeck President & CEO October 1, 2014 (Member of April 7, 2027
Executive Board)
April 8, 2022 (President & CEO)
Humbert Köfler Member of the Executive Board April 1, 2007 March 31, 2025
Norbert Nettesheim Chief Financial Officer December 6, 2019 September 30, 2027
Domenico Iacovelli Member of the Executive Board April 8, 2022 April 7, 2027
Wolfgang Semper Member of the Executive Board April 1, 2011 March 31, 2023
Wolfgang Leitner, who acted as CFO as of October 1, 1987, and as President and CEO of ANDRITZ AG as of
June 29, 1994, stepped down from the Executive Board on April 7, 2022, and was elected as member of the
Supervisory Board by the Annual General Meeting. Joachim Schönbeck, who acted as member of the Executive
Board as of October 1, 2014, was appointed as Wolfgang Leitner’s successor in the function of President and
CEO by the Supervisory Board as of April 8, 2022. Furthermore, Domenico Iacovelli was appointed to the
Executive Board as of April 8, 2022.
At its meeting on May 27, 2020, the Supervisory Board resolved the compensation policy of ANDRITZ AG, which
includes the principles of determining the compensation of the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board of
ANDRITZ AG as well as the executives. The primary goal of the compensation policy is to promote long-term and
sustainable corporate development above all in the interests of shareholders. The remuneration of the Executive
Board is composed of a fixed and a variable/success-based portion. The amount of the variable portion depends
on the net income achieved and the achievement of non-financial targets such as currently the accident frequency
rate. ANDRITZ aims to reduce the accident frequency rate by 30% each year compared to the previous year. If
this target is reached, the variable remuneration for each Executive Board member is 100 TEUR. If the accident
frequency rate is unchanged compared to the previous year, the variable remuneration does not apply. If the
accident rate improves between 0% and the target value, the variable remuneration is calculated proportionately
on a straight-line basis. If the target value is exceeded, the variable remuneration increases linearly up to a
maximum of 150 TEUR.
For contracts with members of the Executive Board, the maximum value for the variable annual remuneration was
fixed at three times the fixed annual remuneration. Any amounts in excess of this sum will be carried forward as a
variable remuneration to the following three years. If the net income of the Group falls short of a defined minimum
amount, this results in a “malus” (negative bonus) that is also carried forward to the following years and is a
reduction in future variable salary components. If there is a “negative bonus” at the time of leaving, this reduces
the entitlements existing upon leaving.
The other remunerations primarily relate to taxable benefits, mainly for company cars and travel expenses, which
amount in 2022 to a total of 157 TEUR (2021: 63 TEUR). In addition, ANDRITZ makes insurance contributions for
the risk of accidents such as death or disability and for medical expenses. If necessary, ANDRITZ also assumes
the costs of keeping two households for up to one year at the start of employment. In the 2022 financial year, the
other remuneration components granted amounted to 634 TEUR (2021: 520 TEUR). No advances or loans were
granted to members of the ANDRITZ AG Executive Board.
The members of the Executive Board are entitled to receive pension scheme benefits. In addition to a retirement
pension, these include benefits in the event of occupational disability as well as pension payments for dependents
following the death of the beneficiary. The retirement pension is normally paid from a certain age provided that the
employment contract has already been terminated by this date. The administration work has been outsourced to
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
pension funds. Pension contracts are either defined contribution oriented or defined benefit oriented. If the
employment contract is terminated prematurely, contributions made up to this point shall still be vested. The
pension amount to which the beneficiary is entitled is not subject to an escalation clause before any benefits
become payable; after this, annual adjustments can be made to take account of the development in wages and
salaries and of ANDRITZ’s economic status.
Some members of the Executive Board shall, upon termination of their function and concurrent termination of
employment, be entitled to severance payments in the meaning of section 23 of the Austrian Employees Act
unless such termination is the result of justified dismissal. Severance payments in the event of premature
termination without good cause of activities as member of the Executive Board are provided for in the Executive
Board contracts according to section 27 of the Austrian Salaried Employees Act.
The principles applied in establishing the remuneration of the Executive Board and of senior managers comply
with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance.
The following expenses have been recognized for the Executive Board:
In 2022 a provision of 6,728 TEUR (2021: 5,392 TEUR) was recorded for pensions of former members of the
Executive Board and their dependents. Expenses for these pensions amounted to 84 TEUR in 2022 (2021:
89 TEUR). In 2022, 466 TEUR (2021: 423 TEUR) were paid to former members of the Executive Board and their
surviving dependents.
ANDRITZ AG took out Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance (D&O insurance) for 2022. The policyholder is
ANDRITZ AG. The costs are carried by the company. The D&O insurance covers certain personal liability risks of
persons in the ANDRITZ GROUP acting under responsibility. The annual costs amount to approximately 700 TEUR
(2021: approximately 560 TEUR).
Joachim Schönbeck, Wolfgang Leitner, and Norbert Nettesheim waived their remunerations in their function as
members of the Supervisory Board of Schuler Group GmbH.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Supervisory Board
The ANDRITZ AG Supervisory Board was composed of six appointed members and three delegated members by
the employee representative organizations as of December 31, 2022:
Alexander Leeb Chairman of the Supervisory Board March 27, 2019 Until the Annual General Meeting in 2024
Wolfgang Leitner Deputy-Chairman of the Supervisory April 7, 2022 Until the Annual General Meeting in 2026
Wolfgang Bernhard Member of the Supervisory Board July 7, 2020 Until the Annual General Meeting in 2025
Jürgen Hermann Fechter Member of the Supervisory Board March 30, 2016 Until the Annual General Meeting in 2026
Alexander Isola Member of the Supervisory Board March 30, 2016 Until the Annual General Meeting in 2026
Monika Kircher Member of the Supervisory Board March 21, 2014 Until the Annual General Meeting in 2024
Georg Auer Member of the Supervisory Board July 1, 2011
Andreas Martiner Member of the Supervisory Board February 14, 2001
Alexander Mori Member of the Supervisory Board June 30, 2021
The remuneration scheme of the Supervisory Board is composed of a fixed and an attendance-related portion.
The fixed portion is a total sum, which is to be distributed such that the chairman of the Supervisory Board
receives double the amount and his deputy one-and-a-half-times the amount paid to the other members. The
second portion consists of a lump sum fee paid in respect of each meeting that the member attends. Subject to
approval by the Annual General Meeting, the Supervisory Board remunerations for the 2022 business year amount
to a total of 328 TEUR (2021: 315 TEUR). No Supervisory Board remuneration was paid to the Supervisory Board
members delegated by the employee representative organizations.
No advances or loans were granted to members of the ANDRITZ AG Supervisory Board. There were no
agreements subject to approval between ANDRITZ AG and individual members of the Supervisory Board or
companies closely associated with Supervisory Board members.
In 2022, Custos Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH owns 30.72% and Cerberus Vermögensverwaltung GmbH owns
0.77%. The shares in these companies are held directly and some indirectly by Custos Privatstiftung and by
Wolfgang Leitner, deputy chairmen of the Supervisory Board of ANDRITZ AG, respectively. A company controlled
by Wolfgang Leitner has ceded operation of a corporate jet aircraft owned by the company to a professional
private aviation firm. The related expenses for business trips amounted to 647 TEUR in 2022 (2021: 304 TEUR).
As of December 31, 2022, a liability to this company amounting to 26 TEUR (2021: 0 TEUR) was recognized in
this regard. Wolfgang Leitner waived his remuneration as member of the Schuler Group GmbH Supervisory Board.
The law firm GRAF ISOLA Rechtsanwälte GmbH, in which the Supervisory Board member Alexander Isola acts as
a partner, provided consultancy services as a legal advisor to ANDRITZ AG in 2022. These mandates were settled
at the respective applicable hourly rates of the law firm. The total volume of fees incurred in 2022 amounted to
21 TEUR (2021: 0 TEUR).
Until June 2022 the former chairman of the Supervisory Board, Christian Nowotny, was also a member of the
Schuler Group GmbH Supervisory Board and received a remuneration amounting to 11 TEUR as well as
attendance fees in the amount of 7 TEUR for the 2022 business year (2021: 25 TEUR as well as attendance fees in
the amount of 14 TEUR).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
8. Segment reporting
a) Operating segments
For management purposes, the Group is divided into four operating segments on a worldwide basis:
These strategic operating segments form the basis of the internal reporting structure to the Executive Board as the
key decision maker. The accounting and valuation principles of the individual segments are the same as those of
the Group. The operating segment Separation also contains the Feed & Biofuel operating segment for which the
Executive Board obtains a separate reporting. As the thresholds of the Feed & Biofuel operating segment are
below the limits, both operating segments are condensed to one reportable segment. According to the internal
reporting structure, all revenue as well as all direct and indirect expenses (including overhead and administrative
costs) are allocated to operating segments and reflect the management structure of the organization and the
predominant sources of risks and opportunities. The key measure of operating performance is Earnings Before
Interest, Taxes, and Amortization (EBITA). There are no substantial intersegmental transactions. All consolidation
effects related to the income statement are included in the respective operating segment.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(in MEUR) PP ME HY SE Total
(in MEUR) PP ME HY SE Total
b) Geographical areas
The Group’s activities are mainly conducted in Europe, North America, South America, China, and Asia (without
China). External revenue allocated by geographical areas is based on the location of the customers.
Rest of the
Asia world and
North South (without consoli-
(in MEUR) Europe America America China China) dation Total
Rest of the
Asia world and
North South (without consoli-
(in MEUR) Europe America America China China) dation Total
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
External revenue in Europe includes an amount of 154.2 MEUR (2021: 129.1 MEUR) recognized in Austria. Non-
current assets of 318.7 MEUR (2021: 316.9 MEUR) are located in Austria.
c) Key customers
There is no revenue from transactions with a single external customer that amounts to 10% or more of the
Group’s revenue.
9. Revenue
Revenue includes all income resulting from the typical business activities of the ANDRITZ GROUP and is
recognized in accordance with IFRS 15 from contracts with customers. Accordingly, ANDRITZ recognizes revenue
when control of a promised product or service is transferred to a customer. The rules of IFRS 15 are implemented
as part of the 5-step model: the model starts with the identification of the contract with the customer, followed by
the identification of separate performance obligations. According to this, separately identifiable services as well as
bundles of products and services are to be separated. In the third step, the transaction price is determined. The
transaction price is the amount of the consideration to which the supplying company is entitled as expected in
exchange for the goods or services supplied. Subsequently, the transaction price is allocated to the identified
performance obligations. In the last step, the revenue is recognized when the performance obligation is satisfied.
Revenue is recognized either over time or at a point in time.
The majority of revenues at ANDRITZ are recognized over time. Revenue is recognized over time in accordance with
performance progress using input- or output-oriented methods. Orders that are recognized over time are
characterized by individual contract terms with fixed prices. The performance progress is measured mainly by the
input-oriented method (“cost-to-cost method”). In applying the cost-to-cost method, revenue and order margins are
recorded relative to the ratio of accumulated costs to the estimated total costs to complete. Changes of the total
estimated order costs and losses, if any, are recognized in the income statement for the period in which they incur. For
technological and financial risks that might occur during the remaining project period, an amount individually assessed
for each order is included in the estimated order costs. For expected costs of warranty, provisions are recorded in
accordance with the profit realization. Upon completion of an order, the remaining warranty risk is reassessed.
If the criteria set forth in IFRS 15 for revenue recognition over time are not met, the revenue is recognized at a
point in time. At ANDRITZ, a customer obtains control over a promised product or service mainly when the asset
is accepted or when the risks and rewards of ownership are transferred.
Impending losses are recorded when it is probable that the total project costs will exceed the revenue.
Contract balances
In case advance and progress payments received from customers exceed the performance progress for contracts
with the revenue recognized over time, contract liabilities from revenue recognized over time are recorded,
otherwise contract assets are recognized. Advance payments received from customers for contracts recognized at
a point in time are presented as item “contract liabilities from sales recognized at a point in time” in the
consolidated statement of financial position.
Contract assets and contract liabilities are within the ordinary business cycle of ANDRITZ and are reported as
current assets and liabilities, respectively. Amounts originally recorded as contract assets are reclassified to trade
accounts receivable at the time when invoiced to customers. In case several contracts with a customer are to be
combined into one contract for revenue accounting purposes, the contract assets and contract liabilities are netted.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
In the service business, ANDRITZ basically fulfills the performance obligations with simultaneous use by the
customer while the service is rendered. Revenue is recognized over time. For services on site at the customer’s
premises, repairs or maintenance with a short runtime or execution time, the revenue is recognized at a point in
time. The invoicing of services by ANDRITZ and the payment by the customer are made on a regular basis.
Invoices are issued in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract, whereby the terms of payment
depend, among other things, on the country risk or customer credit risk.
With regard to the satisfaction of the performance obligations, it is evaluated whether two or more contracts with
customers are to be combined into one performance obligation or whether one contract with a customer is to be
divided into several performance obligations. If a contract is divided into several performance obligations, the total
consideration is allocated to the respective performance obligations based on the estimated stand-alone selling
prices. Since ANDRITZ’s products and services predominantly represent customer-specific solutions, the stand-
alone selling prices are mainly the expected costs plus a margin. Contracts with customers may also contain
variable components such as bonuses, contractual penalties, or other claims from the customer or from ANDRITZ.
Variable consideration is considered to the extent that it is most likely to occur.
For projects with contractually agreed standardized warranty services ("assurance-type-warranty"), ANDRITZ
recognizes provisions in accordance with revenue recognition. In exceptional cases where an additional warranty,
beyond the standard (“service-type-warranty”) is contractually agreed upon, a separate performance obligation
arises, to which part of the consideration is attributed.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
b) Disaggregation of revenue
The following table shows the external revenue of ANDRITZ by the reported segments:
Europe 1,051.6 959.1 538.1 558.1 398.9 409.9 236.4 209.2 2,225.0 2,136.3
North America 673.7 515.6 506.0 338.7 379.7 276.1 212.3 178.3 1,771.7 1,308.7
South America 936.7 685.4 17.4 29.6 93.1 84.4 88.3 68.3 1,135.5 867.7
Asia (without
China) 490.9 364.8 333.3 86.0 331.1 261.1 106.3 91.6 1,261.6 803.5
China 360.6 476.6 215.4 339.4 193.5 151.2 102.8 104.1 872.3 1,071.3
Others 77.6 69.1 11.0 14.3 142.7 162.4 45.5 29.7 276.8 275.5
3,591.1 3,070.6 1,621.2 1,366.1 1,539.0 1,345.1 791.6 681.2 7,542.9 6,463.0
Over time 2,106.4 1,807.2 1,012.4 844.0 1,239.3 1,067.9 291.5 235.2 4,649.6 3,954.3
At a point in time 1,484.7 1,263.4 608.8 522.1 299.7 277.2 500.1 446.0 2,893.3 2,508.7
3,591.1 3,070.6 1,621.2 1,366.1 1,539.0 1,345.1 791.6 681.2 7,542.9 6,463.0
Capital systems 1,967.2 1,688.7 1,212.5 1,018.0 954.3 803.6 410.1 344.7 4,544.1 3,855.0
Service 1,623.9 1,381.9 408.7 348.1 584.7 541.5 381.5 336.5 2,998.8 2,608.0
3,591.1 3,070.6 1,621.2 1,366.1 1,539.0 1,345.1 791.6 681.2 7,542.9 6,463.0
c) Contract balances
ANDRITZ recognizes contract assets in the context of revenue recognition over time in case the performance
progress exceeds advance payments received from customers. In the financial year 2022, cumulative impairment
on contract assets was increased by 0.1 MEUR (2021: Reduction of impairment by 1.7 MEUR). Due to
acquisitions, contract assets increased by 35.3 MEUR (2021: 0.0 MEUR). Amounts originally presented as
contract assets are reclassified to trade accounts receivable at the time when rights become unconditional. This
usually happens when the invoices are issued to the customer.
If advance payments received from customer contracts with revenue recognition over time exceed the
performance progress, contract liabilities from sales recognized over time are recorded. Revenue recognized in
the reporting period that was included in the contract liabilities from sales recognized over time at the beginning of
the period amounted to 779.4 MEUR (2021: 696.2 MEUR). Due to acquisitions, contract liabilities increased by
34.6 MEUR (2021: 0.0 MEUR).
Advance payments received from customer contracts with revenue recognition at a point in time are presented as
contract liabilities from revenue recognized at a point in time. These are generally recognized as revenue in the
subsequent fiscal year.
Cumulative catch-up adjustments to revenue, including adjustments arising from a change in the measure of
progress, a change in an estimate of the transaction price or a contract modification as well as revenue recognized
in the reporting period from performance obligations (partially) satisfied in previous periods amount to less than
one percent of the total revenue of a fiscal year.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
ANDRITZ has not made use of the practical expedient in accordance with IFRS 15.121.
e) Contract costs
ANDRITZ assumes that sales commissions paid to intermediaries as a result of concluding the contract are eligible
for reimbursement. At ANDRITZ, all contract costs can be attributed directly to the contract initiation. The capitalized
contract costs are included in the item "Other receivables" and amount to 11.2 MEUR as of December 31, 2022
(2021: 9.8 MEUR). According to the performance progress, 5.9 MEUR were amortized in the financial year 2022
(2021: 8.8 MEUR). In the fiscal year, no significant impairment losses were recorded.
Over time revenue recognition is made in accordance with performance progress using input- or output-oriented
methods. The accounting for orders with revenue recognition over time is based on estimations for order costs,
expected consideration as well as order risks including technical, political, and financial risks. These estimations
are reviewed regularly and adjusted accordingly. Although these estimations are based on all information available
on the balance sheet date, substantial changes after the balance sheet date are possible.
The evaluation of whether two or more contracts with customers are to be combined into one performance
obligation or whether a contract with a customer must be allocated to several performance obligations requires
judgment that may affect the recognition of revenue or profit. Variable consideration is estimated at the most likely
amount. Estimates are based primarily on expectations as well as on historical, current, and forecasted
information available as of the balance sheet date.
The presentation for grants related to income varies, whether the grant offsets several expense categories or not.
Consequently, grants related to R&D activitites are presented as other income, whereas grants related to a
specific expense category are credited directly to this expense category.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Miscellaneous other income includes, among other things, 6.7 MEUR from the reversal of impairment on trade
accounts receivable.
Expenses for raw materials, supplies, and goods purchased 3,198.5 2,689.3
Expenses for services purchased 796.7 691.7
3,995.2 3,381.0
Government grants for personnel cost of 0.7 MEUR (2021: 8.2 MEUR) were recorded as a reduction of expenses.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Miscellaneous other expenses include, but are not limited to, expenses for further training of employees and
expenses for industrial patents, rights, and licenses.
The main impairment losses on property, plant, and equipment were recognized for buildings and technical
equipment in Austria. These impairment losses on property, plant, and equipment were mainly recorded in the
Pulp & Paper operating segment.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Result from investments accounted for using the equity method 0.8 -3.7
Interest income 41.0 19.3
Interest expense -32.3 -40.0
Other financial result -41.3 -15.6
-31.8 -40.0
From obligations for pensions, severance payments, and other long-term employee benefits as well es return on
plan assets +4.1 MEUR interest income (2021: -3.8 MEUR interest expense) is included in interest expense as
well as interest expense on leases of -4.3 MEUR (2021: -4.5 MEUR).
The item “Other financial result” includes exchange rate gains and losses on loans and cash accounts of
-21.1 MEUR (2021: -8.8 MEUR), valuation effects on securities of -8.6 MEUR (2021: -0.5 MEUR), as well as the
gain or loss on the net monetary position from hyperinflation of -6.7 MEUR (2021: 0.0 MEUR).
Income taxes include current and deferred taxes. Current and deferred taxes are recognized in profit or loss
except to the extent that the taxes are related to a business combination or to items recognized in other
comprehensive income. Current taxes comprise the expected tax due (or tax receivable) on the taxable income (or
the tax loss) for the financial year based on the income tax rates applicable respectively and all adjustments to the
tax debt in respect of previous years. Actual tax liabilities also contain all tax debts arising as a result of dividends
being declared. Current tax receivables and liabilities are offset if a legal right exists towards a tax authority to
settle on a net basis. In the case of values determined in tax statements that cannot be realized the expected
effects of these uncertain tax positions are considered.
Deferred taxes are recognized for temporary differences between the net book value of assets and liabilities in the
IFRS consolidated financial statements and their tax bases at the level of the subsidiaries. Deferred taxes are not
recognized for
temporary differences in the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in a business transaction which is not a
business combination and affects neither the accounting profit nor the taxable profit,
temporary differences in connection with shares in subsidiaries, associated companies, and joint ventures
provided that the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is likely that
the temporary difference will not be reversed in the foreseeable future.
Deferred taxes are measured in accordance with the tax rates (and tax regulations) applicable on the balance
sheet date or which have essentially been passed as law and are expected to be applicable on the date when the
deferred tax credits are realized, or deferred tax liabilities are settled. A deferred tax asset is recognized for
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
unused tax losses, unused tax credits, and deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that
future taxable profit will be available against which it can be utilized. Deferred tax assets are assessed at every
reporting date and reduced to the extent to which it is no longer likely that the related tax advantage will be taken
of. Provided that the deferred taxes relate to the same taxable entity and the same tax authority as well as that
there is also a legally enforceable right to offset actual tax receivables against actual tax liabilities, deferred tax
assets and liabilities are offset.
On January 20, 2022, the eco-social tax reform was passed in the third reading in the plenum of the National
Council, which, among other things, provides for a gradual reduction in the corporate income tax rate in Austria
from 25% to 24% in 2023 and finally to 23% in 2024. These changes in the corporate tax rate have already been
considered in the calculation of deferred taxes.
Within the ANDRITZ GROUP, a tax group according to section 9 KStG 1988 (Austrian Corporate Tax Act) consists
of ANDRITZ AG as head, ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH as domestic member as well as OTORIO LTD, Israel, and
ANDRITZ DELKOR (Pty) Ltd., South Africa, as foreign members. A tax compensation agreement was concluded.
Furthermore, two fiscal unities between selected affiliated companies availing of profit and loss absorption
agreements exist in Germany. In addition, comparable tax groups exist in the USA, United Kingdom, France, Italy,
and the Netherlands.
The reconciliation of the calculated income tax expense to the effective tax expense is depicted below. The
calculated tax expense in the amount of 135.2 MEUR is determined by multiplying the Earnings Before Taxes in
the amount of 540.9 MEUR by the applicable tax rate of 25% for ANDRITZ AG:
The nominal income tax rates applicable for subsidiaries abroad are between 9.0% and 34.0% (2021: 9.0% and
34.0%) in the financial year.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The changes of deferred taxes in the statement of financial position are as follows:
The following deferred tax assets and liabilities are the result of the temporary valuation differences between the
book values of the consolidated statement of financial position according to IFRS and the relevant tax bases as of
December 31:
2022 2021
Deferred taxes Deferred taxes
(in MEUR) Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
The unrecognized tax loss carry forwards (gross values) include an amount of 3.9 MEUR (2021: 8.3 MEUR),
which are subject to expiration within the next five years. Tax groups in Germany avail of frozen loss carry
forwards for corporate income tax of 3.3 MEUR (2021: 2.7 MEUR) and for trade tax of 2.6 MEUR
(2021: 3.2 MEUR).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The deductible temporary partial write-downs (amounts for outstanding sevenths from tax write-downs on
investments) calculated in accordance with Austrian tax law amounted to 0.2 MEUR (2021: 1.0 MEUR). For this
amount, deferred tax assets of 0.1 MEUR (2021: 0.3 MEUR) were recognized.
Regarding investments in subsidiaries, branches, and associated companies as well as in interests in joint
ventures no deferred tax liabilities were recognized for temporary differences in the amount of 451.2 MEUR (2021:
360.1 MEUR).
On the balance sheet date, the loss carry forwards (gross values) are as follows:
2022 2021
(in MEUR) Germany USA Others Germany USA Others
Estimates of the future realization of deferred tax assets are decisive in assessing the recognition and
recoverability of deferred tax assets. This realization is dependent on the generation of future taxable profits during
the periods in which taxable temporary differences reverse and tax loss carry forwards can be utilized. This
assessment takes account of the probability of the deferred tax liabilities being reversed as well as the future
taxable profits. It could have adverse effects on the assets, financial, and earnings situation, if the actual results
deviate from these estimates or if these estimates need to be adjusted in future periods. Effects of uncertain tax
positions include the best estimation of the expected tax payment. In the future, new information could be
available causing the management to change the assumptions.
Basic earnings per share (as stated subsequently in the consolidated income statement) were calculated by
dividing the net income attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number of no-par value
shares outstanding during the period.
Diluted earnings per share were calculated by dividing the net income attributable to owners of the parent by the
weighted average number of no-par value shares outstanding with consideration of share options.
Basic earnings per no-par value share (in EUR) 4.14 3.28
Diluted earnings per no-par value share (in EUR) 4.13 3.27
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Property, plant, and equipment are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated
impairment losses. When an asset is sold or retired, its cost and accumulated depreciation are removed from the
accounts and any resulting gain or loss is included as other income or as other expenses in the income statement.
The cost of property, plant, and equipment comprises its purchase price including import duties and non-
refundable purchase taxes as well as any directly attributable costs of bringing it to the appropriate location for its
intended use and putting the asset into working condition. The production costs of self-constructed assets contain
direct material and production costs as well as adequate indirect material and production costs. Expenditure
incurred after the fixed assets have been put into operation, such as maintenance and repair, is charged to the
income statement in the period in which the costs are incurred.
Assets under construction are items of property, plant, and equipment not yet ready for use and are stated at cost.
Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis predominantly using the following estimated useful lives:
Buildings 20 - 50 years
Technical equipment and machinery 4 - 10 years
Tools, office equipment, and vehicles 3 - 10 years
The useful lives and the depreciation method are reviewed periodically to ensure that these are consistent with the
expected pattern of economic benefits from items of property, plant, and equipment.
Property, plant, and equipment are reviewed for impairment losses whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate that the net book value of an asset may be higher than the amount recoverable (the higher amount of fair
value less costs to sell and value in use of an asset or of a cash generating unit). Whenever the net book value of
an asset exceeds its recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized. Recoverable amounts are estimated
for individual assets or, if this is not possible, for the cash generating unit.
Government grants
Government grants related to assets are deducted from the cost of the asset.
Borrowing costs
Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset are
generally capitalized as part of the cost of the asset. All other costs of borrowing are expensed in the period in
which they are incurred.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Balance as of December 31, 2020 1,019.0 881.8 242.6 40.5 2,183.9
Additions 49.0 31.5 21.9 51.7 154.1
Disposals -29.3 -37.1 -22.0 0.4 -88.0
Reclassification 5.7 28.0 2.4 -39.3 -3.2
Currency translation adjustments 26.9 26.4 4.7 2.0 60.0
Changes in consolidation scope 9.3 1.0 0.1 0.0 10.4
Reclassification as held for sale -15.2 -0.8 -0.1 0.0 -16.1
Balance as of December 31, 2021 1,065.4 930.8 249.6 55.3 2,301.1
Additions 39.7 36.5 29.2 71.6 177.0
Disposals -23.3 -11.5 -20.9 0.0 -55.7
Reclassification 22.3 36.7 0.9 -60.8 -0.9
Currency translation adjustments 6.7 5.5 1.5 0.3 14.0
Changes in consolidation scope 34.0 8.9 0.8 1.0 44.7
Reclassification as held for sale -1.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 -1.1
Balance as of December 31, 2022 1,143.3 1,007.3 261.1 67.4 2,479.1
Balance as of December 31, 2020 -315.7 -532.9 -165.2 0.0 -1,013.8
Depreciation -59.9 -69.2 -30.8 0.0 -159.9
Impairment losses -3.7 0.0 -1.4 0.0 -5.1
Disposals 14.0 31.5 20.7 0.0 66.2
Reclassification 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.6
Currency translation adjustments -8.5 -14.8 -3.2 0.0 -26.5
Reclassification as held for sale 6.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 7.1
Changes in consolidation scope -0.1 1.0 0.1 0.0 1.0
Balance as of December 31, 2021 -366.8 -583.9 -179.7 0.0 -1,130.4
Depreciation -64.1 -69.6 -29.8 0.0 -163.5
Impairment losses -1.5 -5.6 0.0 0.0 -7.1
Disposals 14.4 6.4 19.8 0.0 40.6
Reclassification 0.3 -2.5 2.3 0.0 0.1
Currency translation adjustments -1.6 -2.4 -1.1 0.0 -5.1
Reclassification as held for sale 0.3 -0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1
Balance as of December 31, 2022 -419.0 -657.8 -188.5 0.0 -1,265.3
a) Collateral securities
As of December 31, 2022, property, plant, and equipment amounting to 2.0 MEUR was pledged as collateral
security (as of December 31, 2021: 6.1 MEUR).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
b) Commitments
The commitments arising from contracts for expenditure on property, plant, and equipment are only within the
ordinary scope of business. As of December 31, 2022, these commitments amounted to 33.4 MEUR (as of
December 31, 2021: 41.1 MEUR).
c) Borrowing costs
No borrowing costs relating to qualifying assets were capitalized in the financial years 2022 and 2021 as the
amounts were immaterial.
d) Government grants
In the 2022 financial year, government grants amounting to 0.5 MEUR (2021: 0.5 MEUR) were received for capital
expenditure in property, plant, and equipment and were offset against costs.
The anticipated useful lives of property, plant, and equipment are subject to estimates. If the current estimate of
the useful lives differs significantly from the previous ones, these will be adjusted accordingly.
The impairment analyses for property, plant, and equipment are primarily based on discounted estimated future
cash flows to be expected from the continued use and disposal of an asset at the end of its useful life. Factors
such as lower than anticipated revenue and resulting decreases of net cash flows as well as changes in the
discount rates used, could lead to an impairment.
ANDRITZ has set targets for reducing CO2, water consumption, and waste as part of the “We Care” sustainability
strategy. The first measures to achieve these goals were already implemented in the financial year and further
measures are being implemented. No significant effects on property, plant, and equipment are currently expected,
but in individual cases there could be adjustments to useful lives or replacement investments.
19. Right of use assets from lease contracts and lease liabilities
A lease is an agreement in which the lessor grants the lessee the right to use an asset for an agreed period in
return for one payment or a series of payments. IFRS 16 defines a comprehensive model for the identification of
leasing agreements and their treatment in the financial statement of lessees and lessors. Lessees make a
distinction between service and leasing. ANDRITZ only records the lease payments on the balance sheet, the
service payments are recorded directly as an expense. Lessors distinguish between finance and operating leases.
The lessee records the leases and the associated right of use assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet.
Exceptions for the recognition of leases can be applied. ANDRITZ uses some practical expedients. Leasing
contracts that involve an intangible asset are not recorded. This also applies to contracts for assets that are of low
value or contracts that have a short term. A uniform discount rate was used for portfolios with similarly structured
leasing contracts. Several leasing components and non-leasing components can exist within a contract. ANDRITZ
has decided to separate these components and to balance them based on the relative individual selling prices.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
At inception of a contract, ANDRITZ assesses whether a contract is, or contains, a lease. A lease is a contract, or
part of a contract, that conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange
for a consideration. The lease term is the non-cancellable period for which a lessee has the right to use an
underlying asset plus, if applicable, periods covered by an option to extend the lease if the lessee is reasonably
certain to exercise that option and/or periods covered by an option to terminate the lease if the lessee is
reasonably certain to not exercise that option.
At initial recognition, ANDRITZ recognizes a lease liability for the obligation to make lease payments in the future
and capitalizes a right to use the underlying asset:
The lease liability is measured at present value of the lease payments not paid at the commencement date,
discounted by the interest rate implicit in the lease or if not readily determined the incremental borrowing rate.
The borrowing rates were determined based on a reference interest rate plus a risk premium.
Lease payments comprise fixed payments, including in-substance fixed payments and variable lease payments
that depend on an index or a rate. Variable payments based on the future performance of the asset are not
defined as lease payments. Further included are amounts expected to be payable under a residual value
guarantee, the exercise price of a purchase option that is reasonably certain to be exercised, lease payments in
an optional renewal period if it is reasonably certain to exercise an extension option and penalties for early
termination of a lease if it is reasonably certain to terminate early.
The right of use asset is measured at cost and comprises the initial amount of the lease liability adjusted for any
advance payments plus initial direct costs incurred and an estimate of costs of dismantling and removing or
restoring the underlying asset or the site on which it is located, less any lease incentives received.
At subsequent measurement the right of use asset is depreciated using the straight-line method from the
commencement date to the end of the lease term. In case the ownership of the underlying asset is transferred to
ANDRITZ at the end of the lease term or the cost of the right of use asset reflects that a purchase option will be
exercised, the underlying asset is depreciated until the end of the useful life. The general depreciation rules
according to IAS 16 and impairment rules according to IAS 36 are applied.
The lease liability is measured using the effective interest method. A revaluation of the interest rate takes place if
the future lease payments change due to an adjustment of the index or the (interest) rate used, the term of the
lease or the amounts payable under a residual value guarantee change. When the lease liability is remeasured in
this way, the corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right of use asset.
ANDRITZ only has entered into operating leases as lessor. With operating leasing, the main opportunities and
risks associated with the use of the asset remain with the lessor. Leasing income is recorded on a straight-line
basis over the term of the respective lease. The initial direct costs involved in negotiating and brokering an
operating lease are added to the book value of the leased asset and are recognized on a straight-line basis over
the lease term.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
a) ANDRITZ as lessee
The Group has entered into various lease agreements for real estate, machinery, vehicles, and other assets as
lessee. They are presented in the item property, plant, and equipment shown in the consolidated statement of
financial position and comprise the following categories of right of use assets:
Additions to the right of use assets amounted to 33.5 MEUR in the financial year 2022 (2021: 47.5 MEUR). Cash
outflow for leases amounted to 63.5 MEUR in the financial year 2022 (2021: 53.0 MEUR).
Expenses for variable lease payments that were not included in the calculation of the lease liability 5.3 4.0
Expenses for short-term leases that were not included in the calculation of the lease liability 12.3 10.6
Lease expenses on low value assets that were not included in the calculation of the lease liability 5.2 4.3
Interest expense for lease liabilities 4.3 4.5
Depreciation of right of use assets 49.9 45.6
thereof land and buildings 37.9 33.1
thereof cars 9.0 9.1
thereof technical equipment and machinery 2.1 2.4
thereof other equipment, factory and office equipment 0.9 1.0
The average weighted interest rate on the lease liabilities amounted to 2.48% during the 2022 financial year
(2021: 1.37%) The leasing agreements contain no restrictions on the Group’s activities regarding dividends or
additional debts. There are no significant subleases. Lease payments for leases that the lessee has entered into
but have not yet started amount to 0.2 MEUR in 2022 (2021: 0.3 MEUR).
Some leases for land and buildings contain extension options that the Group can exercise up to one year before
the end of the non-cancellable term of the contract. The Group endeavors to include extension options in new
leasing contracts if this is practicable to ensure operational flexibility. The extension options held can only be
exercised by the Group and not by the lessors. At the start of the lease, the Group assesses whether the exercise
of the extension options is reasonably certain. The Group evaluates whether it is possible to exercise the options
with sufficient certainty if there is a significant event or change in the circumstances over which it has an influence.
The Group estimates that the potential future lease payments, if the extension options are exercised, would lead to
a lease liability of 1.0 MEUR as of December 31, 2022 (2021: 0.9 MEUR).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Other leases
In the vehicles category, ANDRITZ mainly leases cars for employees with an average leasing period of 2.7 years
in the 2022 financial year (2021: 2.8 years). The leased technical equipment includes machinery and other
vehicles that are used in factories and warehouses. The usual average contract term for this category of right of
use assets is 4.7 years in 2022 (2021: 4.6 years).
In addition, other equipment, factory, and office equipment are leased for the use of employees. The usual
average contract term for this category of right of use assets is 4.0 years in 2022 (2021: 4.2 years). Many
contracts in this category comprise low value items which are expensed immediately.
ANDRITZ monitors the usage of these vehicles and equipment and reviews the estimated amount to be paid as
part of the residual value guarantees as of the balance sheet date in order to revaluate the lease liabilities and the
right of use assets. As of December 31, 2022, ANDRITZ estimates that the expected remaining guarantee
amounts are not material.
b) ANDRITZ as lessor
In the financial year 2022, leasing income of 10.6 MEUR (2021: 10.1 MEUR) was recognized. The contracts
largely refer to real estate. The future minimum lease payments from the non-cancellable leases are as follows:
When applying the appropriate accounting methods for classifying leases, management makes critical judgments.
Impairment tests for right of use assets are mainly based on estimated discounted net future cash flows that can be
expected from the continued use of an asset and its disposal at the end of its useful life. Factors such as lower
revenue, the resulting lower net cash flows and changes in the discounting factors used can lead to an impairment.
Discretionary decisions are made when interpreting the options and defining the original price of items of low value.
The determination of the term of the lease is an essential criterion when applying IFRS 16. The useful lives of the
right of use assets are usually defined by contract. If not, the expected useful lives of the right of use assets are
subject to discretionary decisions and are reviewed periodically. In addition to the usual useful lives of the leased
assets, other factors influence the critical judgment. These include extension options, early termination options,
additions or extensions to the leased asset and economic effects of contract changes. If the current estimate of the
useful lives differs significantly from the previous ones, these are adjusted accordingly.
ANDRITZ has set targets for reducing CO2, water consumption, and waste as part of the “We Care” sustainability
strategy. The first measures to achieve these goals were already implemented in the financial year and further
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
measures are being implemented. No significant effects on the existing leasing contracts are currently expected,
but in individual cases there could be adjustments to the useful life or replacement investments.
20. Goodwill
Goodwill is measured as the residual of the cost of the business combination after recognizing the acquired
identifiable assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities at fair value. Following a review of the amounts stated, the
resulting value from the comparison of cost and fair value of the net assets of the acquired negative goodwill is
recognized immediately in the income statement.
Goodwill is not amortized but tested for impairment. This test is performed at least annually or more frequently if
events or changes in circumstances indicate a need for impairment. ANDRITZ performs the annual goodwill
impairment test as of September 30 of each business year. In determining whether the recognition of an
impairment loss is required, goodwill is allocated to the cash generating units that are expected to benefit from the
synergies of the business combination. In case the composition of the original cash generating units changes over
time due to reorganizations or changes in the reporting structure, the goodwill is reallocated accordingly. If the net
book value exceeds the value in use, which is determined by using a discounted cash flow (DCF) calculation, and
the fair value less costs of disposal is not higher, an impairment loss is recognized. An impairment loss recognized
for goodwill will not be reversed in a subsequent period.
The planning is carried out at the level of each cash generating unit comprising the next three years. Future
payment surpluses are based on internal forecasts, which are prepared in detail for the next financial year and
with simplifications for the subsequent two years and reflecting the historical performance and best estimates on
future developments. After this detailed planning horizon, a normalized development is assumed.
The discount rate used for the DCF calculation corresponds to that interest rate that represents the current market
estimates on the interest rate as well as the specific risks of the asset. A discount rate before tax is applied with
consideration of the applicable currency and risk profile.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Balance as of January 1 993.4 959.1
Changes in consolidation scope 12.6 12.4
Currency translation adjustments 12.7 21.9
Balance as of December 31 1,018.7 993.4
Balance as of January 1 -215.1 -199.1
Impairment loss -10.2 -4.8
Currency translation adjustments -6.4 -11.2
Balance as of December 31 -231.7 -215.1
b) Impairment loss
In the 2022 financial year, an impairment loss of goodwill was recorded in the amount of 10.2 MEUR because the
business did not develop as expected. The impairment relates to the cash generating unit Compact Hydro (HCH)
assigned to the Hydro operating segment. The recoverable amount of the cash generating unit corresponds to its
values in use and amounts to 26.3 MEUR. The discount rate before tax for this cash generating unit was 14.61%
(2021: 11.15%). In 2021, impairment losses of 4.8 MEUR were recorded in the Hydro operating segment.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Operating Discount rate Non-current
CGU segment Goodwill before tax growth rate Description
(in MEUR) (in %) (in %)
Operating Discount rate Non-current
CGU segment Goodwill before tax growth rate Description
(in MEUR) (in %) (in %)
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Climate-related risks and opportunities were considered in the revenue and cost of plans, if relevant, at the level of
the individual cash generating units based on the best estimates of future developments. Risks for the ANDRITZ
GROUP due to climate change include physical risks on the one hand as well as transition risks. Physical risks
result from the effects of climate change, in particular, extreme weather phenomena. Changes in climate could
have an impact on input prices for production, energy, transport, and insurance. Measures have been
implemented at individual ANDRITZ locations to enhance energy efficiency, particularly in the production process,
and increase the proportion of renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic systems will be installed at some
manufacturing locations in 2023. At the moment, the proportion of energy costs in the ANDRITZ GROUP’s total
costs is low. Transition risks occur due to the move to a climate-resilient economy with low CO2 emissions. On the
product side, climate change causes a risk of certain products possibly no longer being sold successfully or even
becoming unsaleable. ANDRITZ addresses these risks with a broad product portfolio in the sustainable
technologies segment. The company already generates around 45% of its total revenue from products and
solutions that contribute towards production of renewable energy, environmental protection, the circular economy,
and e-mobility. This percentage is to be increased further in the future. We currently see no significant risks on the
product side, as our products help our customers to achieve their climate goals. There was no impairment due to
climate-related indicators in the financial year.
Expected cost volatilities or increases and the corresponding options (e.g. adjustments to sales prices and price
escalation clauses) of passing these increases on to customers are shown in the future cash flows.
In the context of the war in Ukraine, the parameters of the goodwill impairment test were carefully reviewed.
Internal and external parameters such as market capitalization, market returns, market development, assets and
liabilities, business development, and the legal environment have partially changed for the ANDRITZ GROUP as a
result of the war in Ukraine. The review did not result in any impairment of goodwill.
The impairment test for goodwill requires estimations regarding the development of future revenues and margins,
and their resulting cash flows as well as assumptions for determining the discount rates used and therefore
includes certain inherent uncertainties.
The following changes of significant assumptions in percentage points would result in a match of the book value of
the goodwill and its value in use, if all other parameters remained unchanged (energy price scenarios are not
shown separately due to the low proportion of energy costs in the total costs):
Planned growth
CGU Goodwill Discount rate rates Planned cash flows
(in MEUR) (in %) (in %) (in %)
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Planned growth
CGU Goodwill Discount rate rates Planned cash flows
(in MEUR) (in %) (in %) (in %)
The absolute headroom at the time of the scheduled impairment test in the financial year 2022 for the cash
generating unit Xerium (PFR) was 37.4 MEUR (2021: 26.2 MEUR).
Intangible assets are accounted for at cost. After initial recognition, intangible assets are accounted for at cost less
accumulated amortization and any accumulated impairment losses. Intangible assets have a finite useful life and
therefore are amortized on a straight-line basis over the best estimate of their useful lives. The estimated useful
lives are as follows:
The useful lives and the amortization method are reviewed periodically to ensure that these are consistent with the
expected pattern of economic benefits of the items of intangible assets.
Intangible assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the net
book value of an asset may be higher than the recoverable amount (the higher amount of fair value less costs to
sell and value in use of an asset or of a cash generating unit). Whenever the net book value of an asset exceeds
its recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized.
Research expenditures are expensed as incurred. Development costs are capitalized if the recognition criteria of
IAS 38 are met. The company capitalizes the development expenditures at production costs. The costs include all
costs directly attributable to the development process as well as proportionate overhead costs. If the conditions
are not met the expenses are recorded in the year in which they incur.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Acquired customer-
and technology-
related intangible Other intangible
(in MEUR) assets assets Total
Balance as of December 31, 2020 473.3 89.8 563.1
Additions 0.1 6.0 6.1
Disposals -12.2 -4.9 -17.1
Reclassification 0.0 3.2 3.2
Currency translation adjustments 17.9 1.5 19.4
Changes in consolidation scope 17.8 -0.2 17.6
Reclassification as held for sale -1.8 0.0 -1.8
Balance as of December 31, 2021 495.1 95.4 590.5
Additions 0.0 7.3 7.3
Disposals -9.9 -0.9 -10.8
Reclassification 0.0 0.9 0.9
Currency translation adjustments 11.4 -0.2 11.2
Changes in consolidation scope 26.3 0.4 26.7
Balance as of December 31, 2022 522.9 102.9 625.8
Balance as of December 31, 2020 -267.3 -72.0 -339.3
Amortization -62.1 -6.7 -68.8
Impairment losses 0.0 -0.1 -0.1
Disposals 12.2 4.3 16.5
Reclassification 0.0 -0.6 -0.6
Currency translation adjustments -8.1 -0.7 -8.8
Reclassification as held for sale 1.3 0.0 1.3
Changes in consolidation scope 0.0 0.2 0.2
Balance as of December 31, 2021 -324.0 -75.6 -399.6
Amortization -65.6 -6.4 -72.0
Disposals 9.9 0.8 10.7
Reclassification 0.0 -0.1 -0.1
Currency translation adjustments -4.9 0.1 -4.8
Changes in consolidation scope 0.0 0.1 0.1
Balance as of December 31, 2022 -384.6 -81.1 -465.7
b) Collateral securities
As of December 31, 2022, disposal limitations arising due to the granting of collateral securities for intangible
assets amounted to 0.0 MEUR (2021: 0.0 MEUR).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The anticipated useful lives of intangible assets are subject to estimates. If the current estimate of the useful lives
differs significantly from the previous ones, these will be adjusted accordingly.
The impairment analyses for intangible assets are primarily based on estimated future discounted cash flows to be
expected from the continued use and disposal of an asset at the end of its useful life. Factors such as lower than
anticipated revenue and resulting decreases of net cash flows as well as changes in the discount rates used,
could lead to an impairment.
ANDRITZ has set targets for reducing CO2, water consumption, and waste as part of the “We Care” sustainability
strategy. The first measures to achieve these goals were already implemented in the financial year and further
measures are being implemented. No significant effects on the intangible assets are currently expected, but in
individual cases there could be adjustments to the useful lives.
Some Group companies provide defined benefit pension plans. Provisions for pension obligations are recorded for
benefits payable in the form of retirement, disability, and surviving dependents’ pensions. The benefits offered vary
according to the legal, fiscal, and economic conditions in each country. Benefits are dependent on years of service
and, in some cases, on the respective employee’s compensation.
In some countries there is a legal obligation to make severance payments in certain cases of termination of
employment. Appropriate provisions are recognized for severance payment obligations.
The obligations are valued every year by professionally qualified and independent actuaries by using the projected
unit credit method, different discount rates for different countries, and different average terms, respectively. This
method assumes that in each year of service an additional part of the final benefit entitlement is earned and
assesses each of these separately to build up the final obligation. The plan assets are deducted at fair value from
the gross obligation. This results in the net debt and the net asset value to be reported. Due to the net interest
approach, the Group determines the net interest cost (net interest income) by multiplying the net debt (net asset
value) at the beginning of the period by the interest rate based on the discounting of the performance-related gross
obligation at the beginning of the period. The net interest component resulting from obligations and plan assets is
recognized as interest expenses in the consolidated income statement. Remeasurement effects regarding
pensions and severance payments are recorded in other comprehensive income for the year, whereas those
regarding anniversary bonuses and other long-term benefits are recorded in income statement. The
remeasurement component includes the actuarial gains and losses from measurement of the performance-related
gross obligation on the one hand and the difference between actually realized return on plan assets and the
typically assumed return at the beginning of the period on the other hand. In the event that the plan has been
overfunded, the remeasurement component also contains the change in net asset value from applying the asset
ceiling as far as this has not been considered in the net interest component. If the present value of a defined
benefit obligation changes as a result of plan amendments or curtailments, ANDRITZ shows the resulting effects in
profit or loss for the period. Past service costs are generally recognized at the time the plan amendment occurs. In
some Group companies defined contribution plans exist. The related costs are expensed as they occur.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Other long-term employee benefits mainly consist of anniversary bonuses and partial retirement.
a) Pensions
(in MEUR) 2022 2021
According to IAS 19, the defined benefit plans for pensions are broken down according to the different geographic
locations. The pension plans largely relate to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The “Others” category primarily
comprises pension plans in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
The basic actuarial assumptions for the calculation of the pension obligations as of December 31 are as follows:
Germany and
Austria Switzerland Others
Germany and
Austria Switzerland Others
2022 2021
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The following tables show the development of the pension benefit obligation from January 1 to December 31:
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
Out of the total pension benefit obligation of 486.4 MEUR (2021: 672.2 MEUR), 260.2 MEUR (2021: 378.7 MEUR)
are covered entirely or partly by investments in funds.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The following tables reconcile the fair value of the plan assets:
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
(in MEUR) Germany and
Austria Switzerland Others Total
In 2022, the actual investment result from plan assets amounted to -2.05% (2021: 5.77%).
As of December 31, 2022, there were no extraordinary risks specific to the company or to the plan, or any
substantial risk concentrations.
Expected payments to the pension funds for defined benefit plans are estimated at 19.2 MEUR for 2023.
For the valuation of the various pension plans a method is applied, where parameters such as the expected
discount rate, increases of salary and pension payments as well as the return on plan assets are used. If the
relevant parameters develop significantly differently than expected, this can have a material impact on the
provision and, subsequently, on the Group’s related expenses.
The sensitivity analysis of the existing provisions for pensions is based on key actuarial assumptions. A change of
+/- 0.5 percentage points in the discount factor, +/- 0.5 percentage points in the salary increase, +/- 0.5 percentage
points in pension benefits, and +/- 1 year in life expectancy would have the following effects on the present value
of the pension obligation, if all other parameters remained unchanged (for a change of +/- 1.0 percentage point a
doubling can essentially be assumed):
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Germany and
(in MEUR) Austria Switzerland Others Total
b) Severances
(in MEUR) 2022 2021
In the financial year 2022, contributions of 2.3 MEUR (2021: 2.2 MEUR) to employees severance funds (MVK) in
Austria, are included in the severance expenses, which represent defined contribution plans.
A breakdown of severance obligations to the various geographical locations has not been disclosed because these
obligations relate to about 90% to Austria.
The actuarial assumptions used for Austria to determine the severance obligations as of December 31 are as follows:
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The following table shows the development of defined benefit obligations from January 1 to December 31:
For the valuation of employee benefits a method is used, where parameters such as the expected discount rate,
increases of salary and pension payments as well as the return on plan assets are used. If the relevant
parameters develop significantly differently than expected, this can have a material impact on the provision and,
subsequently, on the Group’s related expenses.
The sensitivity analysis of the existing provisions for severances is based on key actuarial assumptions. A change
of +/- 0.5 percentage points in the discount factor, and +/- 0.5 percentage points in the salary increase would have
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
the following effects on the present value of the severance obligation, if all other parameters remained unchanged
(for a change of +/- 1.0 percentage point a doubling can essentially be assumed):
23. Provisions
A provision is recognized when the company has a current obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past
event and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the
obligation and a reliable estimate can be made regarding the amount of the obligation. Provisions are measured at
the expected settlement amount. Provisions are reviewed at each balance sheet date and are adjusted to reflect
the current best estimate.
Order-related provisions include provisions for warranties, and other order-related risks as well as onerous contracts
with customers. The first mentionend are based on past experience and individual assessments, they represent the
legal and contractual warranty obligations as well as voluntary commitments to customers. Provisions for onerous
contracts with customers are set up if the unavoidable costs of fulfilling the contractual obligations by ANDRITZ are
higher than the expected sales. Onerous contracts are identified through cost and benefit forecasts and estimates
are updated on an ongoing basis.
The provisions for restructuring and personnel adjustments mainly contain benefits to employees resulting from
termination of the employment and are based on a detailed plan agreed between management and employee
Restructuring and
Order-related personnel
(in MEUR) provisions adjustments Others Total
ANDRITZ expects the non-current provisions to usually result in cash outflows during the next two to three years.
Current provisions are expected to result in cash outflows within the next fiscal year.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Other provisions include the current portion of other long-term employee benefits (anniversary bonuses and partial
retirement) as well as provisions for legal disputes that are not related to the sales business.
Provisions are recognized and measured based on estimates of the extent and probability of future events. As far
as possible, these are based on past experience. Sometimes, however, reliable estimates can only be made with
appropriate judgments, because litigation may concern complex legal issues. Therefore, in such cases, the
assessment is made with the involvement of internal and external lawyers.
All trade accounts receivable are classified as current. The disposal limitations arising due to the granting of
collateral securities amounted to 0.0 MEUR (2021: 4.3 MEUR). The parties receiving collateral security have no
rights allowing them to sell or repledge the collateral securities provided.
— Read more details on valuation in chapter 30. Financial assets and liabilities.
— Read more on payments overdue and development of impairment in chapter 35. Risk management –
Risks relating to financial instruments.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Miscellaneous other receivables and assets include, but are not limited to, receivables from deposits and suppliers
with debit balances.
26. Inventories
Inventories, including work in progress and unfinished services, are valued at the lower of purchase or production
cost and net realizable value after valuation allowances for obsolete and slow-moving items. The net realizable value
is the selling price in the ordinary course of business minus costs of completion, marketing, and distribution. Cost is
determined by the average method. For processed inventories, cost also includes the applicable allocation of fixed
and variable overhead costs. Inventories no longer usable are fully written-off. Changes in inventories of finished
goods and work in progress serve to neutralize expenses for inventories still in stock on the balance sheet date.
The write-down of inventories recognized as an expense amounted to 2.2 MEUR (2021: -1.8 MEUR). In the
financial year, no substantial reversal of write-down was captured as a reduction of cost of materials. The book
value of inventories carried at net realizable value amounted to 333.5 MEUR (2021: 309.4 MEUR). The carrying
amount of inventories pledged as security for liabilities amounted to 0.0 MEUR (2021: 4.1 MEUR).
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The advance payments made and presented in the consolidated statement of financial position relate to
procurement processes for both, customer orders and general inventories.
ANDRITZ has not derecognized the original liabilities underlying this arrangement as no legal exemption was
obtained nor the liability was materially modified by entering into the arrangement. From the Group’s perspective,
the agreement does not significantly extend the payment period compared to normal periods with other non-
participating suppliers. The Group does not incur any additional interest for paying the supplier liabilities to the
bank. The amounts factored by the suppliers are therefore reported under trade payables, since the nature and
function of the financial liability corresponds to the other trade payables. All liabilities underlying the SCF are
classified as current as of December 31, 2022, and 2021, respectively.
Payments to the bank are included in cash flow from operating activities because they remain part of the Group's
normal operating cycle and their essential nature remains operational, i.e. payments for the purchase of goods
and services.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Miscellaneous other liabilities include, but are not limited to, accrued interest and customers with credit balances.
A financial instrument is a contract that gives rise to both a financial asset for one entity and a financial liability or
equity instrument for another entity. Financial instruments are accounted for on the trading day. Financial assets
and financial liabilities included in the balance sheet comprise cash and cash equivalents, investments and other
financial assets, trade receivables and trade payables as well as a portion of other receivables and other liabilities,
bank and other financial liabilities, issued bonds, and Schuldscheindarlehen.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized in the consolidated balance sheet when the Group
becomes a party to the contractual arrangements of the financial instrument. Initial recognition is at fair value plus
transaction costs. This does not apply to financial assets categorized as "at fair value through profit or loss". For
these instruments the initial recognition is made at fair value without consideration of transaction costs. Financial
instruments are netted if the Group has a legally enforceable right to netting and intends to settle either only the
balance or both the receivable and the liability at the same time.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The classification category is determined by type of instrument: derivatives, equity instrument, and debt instrument.
it is held within a business model whose objective it is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows; and
its contractual terms lead to cash outflows on certain dates, which are solely principal and interest payments on
the outstanding principal amount.
In the Group, trade receivables, loans, and other receivables with fixed or determinable payments that are not
quoted on an active market belong to this category. These assets are measured at amortized cost using the
effective interest method. The amortized costs are reduced by impairment losses. Interest income, foreign
exchange gains and losses, derecognition effects, and impairments are recognized in profit or loss.
A debt instrument is valued at FVTOCI if it meets both of the following conditions and is not designated as FVTPL:
it is held within a business model whose objective it is both, to collect contractual cash flows and to sell financial
assets; and
its contractual terms lead to cash outflows on certain dates, which are solely principal and interest payments on
the outstanding principal amount.
These assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest income calculated using the effective interest
method, foreign exchange gains and losses, and impairments are recognized in profit or loss. Other net gains and
losses are recognized in OCI. Upon derecognition, the cumulative gains and losses in OCI are reclassified to the
income statement. In the Group, no instrument is assigned to this category in the financial year.
All debt instruments that are not measured at amortized cost or FVTOCI, as described above, are measured at
FVTPL. In addition, upon initial recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate a financial asset that meets the
requirements to be measured at amortized cost or at FVTOCI to be measured at FVTPL if it eliminates or
substantially reduces an accounting mismatch. This option is not exercised within the Group. This category
includes financial instruments acquired either mainly for the purpose of being sold or bought back at short notice.
Debt instruments to obtain profits from short-term fluctuations in the market price or from the trader’s margin are
not held. Any gain, including interest, or loss resulting from the valuation is recognized in profit or loss.
An equity investment is generally measured at FVTPL because it is held for trading or because it is irrevocably
decided upon initial recognition to not present subsequent changes in fair value in OCI but in the income
statement. This choice is made for each investment individually. Equity instruments that are held to gain profits
from short-term fluctuations in the market price or from the trader’s margin are not held. Any gain, including
dividend income, or loss resulting from the valuation is recognized in profit or loss.
The Group has decided to measure individual equity investments at FVTOCI. These assets are subsequently
measured at fair value. Dividends are recognized in profit or loss unless the dividend is clearly a reimbursement of
part of the investment cost. Other net gains and losses are recognized in OCI and are not reclassified to profit or loss.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The Group measures its financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss if the financial liability is held for
trading or if it is a derivative that has not been designated as a hedging instrument and is not effective as such.
Fair value
The fair value is the price that would be received in an orderly transaction between market participants on the
measurement date for the sale of an asset or for the transfer of a liability. The measurement of financial
instruments at fair value follows a three-level hierarchy and is based on the proximity of the applied measurement
factors to an active market.
Level 1: Financial instruments are valued according to level 1 if they have a quoted price in an active market for
an identical asset or liability accessible for an entity. Quoted prices represent the fair value.
Level 2: If the valuation according to level 1 is not accomplishable, level 2 valuation uses directly or indirectly
observable inputs for determining the fair value.
Level 3: If inputs are not observable, level 3 valuation uses unobservable inputs for determining the fair value.
Valuation techniques
Class Valuation techniques for the determination of fair values
Derivatives, investments, miscellaneous other The fair value is basically calculated using stock market prices. If no stock
financial assets, Schuldscheindarlehen, bank loans, market prices are available, the valuation is carried out using customary
and other financial liabilities and lease liabilities valuation methods taking specific parameters into account. The valuation
model takes the present value of the expected cash flows into account,
discounted with a risk-adjusted discount rate applicable for the remaining term.
Trade accounts receivable, other receivables and These classes of financial assets and liabilities are accounted for at their book
assets, cash and cash equivalents, time deposits value, which is a reasonable approximation of their fair value due to the fact
included in “investments”, trade accounts payable, that their residual maturity is essentially short.
and other liabilities
Other shares, equity instruments included in There are no prices quoted on an active market for these financial
“investments”, and contingent considerations instruments. The valuation is made via valuation parameters that are not
observable on the market.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Financial assets Financial assets Financial liabilities
Financial assets measured at measured at measured at
(in MEUR) Derivatives measured at FVTPL FVTOCI amortized costs amortized costs
Financial assets Financial assets Financial liabilities
Financial assets measured at measured at measured at
(in MEUR) Derivatives measured at FVTPL FVTOCI amortized costs amortized costs
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
To assess the fair value of financial instruments for which there is no active market, alternative valuation methods
are used that are subject to estimation uncertainties. The parameters used in the assessment are to some extent
based on future-oriented assumptions and the selection of suitable parameters requires assumptions about their
In accordance with the disclosure requirements for financial instruments, certain assumptions are made regarding
the future cash inflows and outflows of the instruments concerned.
Non-current investments and other financial assets consist primarily of non-current securities, Schuldschein-
darlehen, shares in non-consolidated companies, and other shares.
The current investments consist mainly of government bonds, bonds of top-rated banks, money market funds, and
time deposits. They are held for the purpose of investing liquid funds and are not generally intended to be retained
on a long-term basis.
— Read more details on valuation in chapter 30. Financial assets and liabilities.
Non-current investments and other financial assets are as follows:
The shares in non-consolidated companies did not include a restricted right of use in 2022 or 2021, respectively.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Cash includes cash in hand and cash at banks. Cash equivalents comprise short-term investments that have original
maturities of three months or less and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value e.g. time deposits.
— Read more details on valuation in chapter 30. Financial assets and liabilities.
Cash and cash equivalents are as follows:
The cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of financial position correspond to cash and cash
equivalents in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
In various countries exchange restrictions and other legal restrictions exist. As a result, the availability of these
funds of cash and cash equivalents to ANDRITZ AG as the parent company might be restricted.
33. Equity
Share capital
Only ordinary shares exist and all shares have been issued and have the same rights. The share capital of
ANDRITZ AG amounts to 104 MEUR, divided into 104 million shares of no-par value.
Capital reserves
The capital reserves include additional payments from shareholders on the issue of shares.
Retained earnings
Retained earnings predominantly include retained income, fair value reserve, actuarial gains and losses, and
currency translation adjustments.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Actuarial gains and losses 40.5 -14.2 26.3 47.8 -8.9 38.9
Remeasurement of defined benefit plans 40.5 -14.2 26.3 47.8 -8.9 38.9
b) Dividends
For 2022, a dividend of 2.10 EUR per outstanding share is proposed by the Executive Board.
The dividend of 163.1 MEUR for 2021, which is equal to 1.65 EUR per share, was proposed by the Executive
Board and approved by the 115th Annual General Meeting on April 7, 2022. The dividend was paid to the
shareholders on April 13, 2022.
c) Treasury shares
Based on an authorization given by the Annual General Meeting and with approval from the Supervisory Board,
the Executive Board has decided on a share buyback and share resale program. It includes the purchase of up to
1,000,000 shares, each, in the period from November 5, 2020 to February 1, 2021, as well as from
December 13, 2021 to February 6, 2022.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
In 2022, 344,750 shares were bought back at an average price of 46.43 EUR per share. No shares were sold to
authorized executives as part of the management share option plan for executives. 57,654 shares were
transferred to employees of ANDRITZ as part of employee participation programs. As of December 31, 2022, the
company held 5,096,411 treasury shares with a market value of 272.9 MEUR. It is planned to use these shares to
service options under the management share option plan and the employee participation programs.
The following table shows the changes in the number of shares outstanding:
In order to exercise a share option, the beneficiary must have been in an active employment relationship with a
company belonging to the ANDRITZ GROUP from June 1, 2022 until the date of exercise of an option.
Up to 30% of the options can be exercised between May 1, 2025, and April 30, 2029 (i.e. period of exercise),
provided that the average unweighted closing price of the ANDRITZ share over 20 consecutive trading days within
the period from May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 is at least 10% above the exercise price or the average unweighted
closing price of the ANDRITZ share over 20 consecutive trading days within the period from May 1, 2025 to
April 30, 2026 is at least 15% above the exercise price.
Up to 60% of the options can be exercised between May 1, 2025, and April 30, 2029, provided that the EBITA
margin for the 2022, 2023 or 2024 business year is within the EBITA-corridor. The EBITA corridor is defined the
following way: With an EBITA margin between 7.5% and 9.0% the aliquot exercise of options is possible
depending on the level of the EBITA margin, and with an EBITA margin of 9.0% or higher 100% of the options can
be exercised.
10% of the options can be exercised between May 1, 2025, and April 30, 2029, and only if the “Accident
Frequency Rate (AFR 1) > 1 days absence” is ≤ 2.4 in 2022, ≤ 1.7 in 2023 or ≤ 1.2 in 2024.
If the conditions of exercise are met, 50% of the options can be exercised immediately, 25% after three months,
and the remaining 25% after a further three months. Share options can only be exercised by way of written
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
notification to the company. The share options are not transferable. The shares purchased under the share option
program are not subject to a ban on sales over a certain period.
The calculation of fair value was based on an option pricing model; applying methods scientifically recognized. The
share price at the time of granting the options was the closing price of the ANDRITZ share on June 1, 2022, and
amounted to 43.56 EUR. The exercise price of the option is the unweighted average closing price of ANDRITZ
shares in the four calendar weeks following the 115th Annual General Meeting on April 7, 2022, and amounted to
38.80 EUR. The expected volatility and the expected dividend were calculated based on historical data of ANDRITZ.
In order to exercise a share option, the beneficiary must have been in an active employment relationship with a
company belonging to the ANDRITZ GROUP from September 1, 2020, until the date of exercise of an option.
Another requirement is a personal investment in ANDRITZ shares of at least 5 TEUR for junior executives for
future top management posts, at least 20 TEUR for senior executives and at least 40 TEUR for members of the
Executive Board.
Up to 90% of the options can be exercised between May 1, 2023, and April 30, 2027 (i.e. period of exercise),
provided that the average unweighted closing price of the ANDRITZ share over 20 consecutive trading days within
the period from May 1, 2022 to April 30, 2023 is at least 10% above the exercise price and the EBITA margin for
the 2021 or 2022 business year is within the EBITA-corridor; or the average unweighted closing price of the
ANDRITZ share over 20 consecutive trading days within the period from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024 is at least
15% above the exercise price and the EBITA margin for the 2022 or 2023 business year is within the EBITA-
corridor. The EBITA corridor is defined the following way: With an EBITA margin between 6.5% and 7.9% the
aliquot exercise of options is possible depending on the level of the EBITA margin, and with an EBITA margin of
8% or higher 90% of the options can be exercised.
10% of the options can be exercised between May 1, 2023, and April 30, 2027, and only if the “Accident
Frequency Rate (AFR) > 3 days absence” is ≤ 3.5 in 2021, 2022 or 2023.
If the conditions of exercise are met, 50% of the options can be exercised immediately, 25% after three months,
and the remaining 25% after a further three months. Share options can only be exercised by way of written
notification to the company. The share options are not transferable. The shares purchased under the share option
program are not subject to a ban on sales over a certain period.
The calculation of fair value was based on an option pricing model; applying methods scientifically recognized.
The share price at the time of granting the options was the closing price of the ANDRITZ share on
September 1, 2020, and amounted to 27.64 EUR. The exercise price of the option is the unweighted average
closing price of ANDRITZ shares in the four calendar weeks following the 113th Annual General Meeting on
July 7, 2020, and amounted to 31.20 EUR. The expected volatility and the expected dividend were calculated
based on historical data of ANDRITZ.
Due to the fact that the management share option programs do not include cash settlements, corresponding
expenses are recorded directly in equity, according to the International Financial Reporting Standards.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
975,000 options were granted from the 2018 stock option program. Due to the non-fulfillment of the performance
conditions for exercising the options, the fair value of the options was reversed in profit or loss in 2022. The reversal
resulted in an earnings effect of 4.5 MEUR.
948,500 options were granted from the 2020 stock option program. The fair value of the options at the time they
were granted amounted to 2.1 MEUR, of which 0.8 MEUR were recognized in expenses in 2022.
828,485 options were granted from the 2022 stock option program. The fair value of the options at the time they
were granted amounted to 8.4 MEUR, of which 1.7 MEUR were recognized in expenses in 2022.
Movements in options under the share option plans for the 2022 and 2021 financial years were as follows:
2022 2021
Average exercise Average exercise
price per option price per option
Number of options (in EUR) Number of options (in EUR)
The share option programs are measured based on the fair value of the options on the grant date. The fair value
of the options is based on parameters such as volatility, interest rate, share price, duration of the options, and
expected dividends. The interpretation of market information necessary for the estimation of fair values also
requires a certain degree of subjective judgment. This can result in a difference between the amounts recorded
and values subsequently realized in the market.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
e) Non-controlling interests
The share attributable to non-controlling interests is shown separately in equity of the consolidated statement of
financial position, in the consolidated income statement, and in the consolidated statement of other compre-
hensive income. The purchase method was applied for all companies acquired. Companies purchased or sold
during the year were included in the consolidated financial statements as from the date of their purchase or up to
the date of their sale.
Proportion of ownership
interests and voting rights
held by non-controlling Net income allocated to
(in MEUR) Main office interests non-controlling interests Non-controlling interests
OTORIO LTD Tel Aviv, Israel 49.99% 49.99% -7.8 -4.5 -15.7 -9.0
PT. ANDRITZ HYDRO Jakarta, Indonesia 49.00% 49.00% 0.8 0.7 1.8 1.7
Dabaki Grundstücksverwaltungs-
gesellschaft mbH & Co. Vermietungs KG Mainz, Germany 6.00% 6.00% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-7.0 -3.8 -13.9 -7.3
ANDRITZ is not subject to any statutory capital requirements. The company has obligations to sell or issue shares
in connection with existing share-based payment plans. In recent years, commitments from share-based payments
have primarily been satisfied through buy-back of the company’s shares.
The goal in capital management is on the one hand to ensure the going concern of the group entities and on the
other hand to maximize the return to shareholders by optimizing the debt and equity balance. In the past
Schuldscheindarlehen (in 2017, 2018, and 2019) were issued to safeguard the financial stability and to provide the
basis for further growth of the ANDRITZ GROUP. The capital structure of the Group consists of debt, cash, and
equity attributable to shareholders of the parent, comprising share capital, capital reserves, and retained earnings.
The capital structure is reviewed on an ongoing basis. The cost of capital and the risks associated with each class
of capital are taken into account. The Group will continue to optimize its capital structure through the payment of
dividends, share buy-backs as well as the issue and redemption of debt.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
34. Derivatives
The Group uses derivatives to hedge interest rate and foreign currency risks arising from operational, financing,
and investment activities. Financial liabilities to obtain profits from short-term fluctuations in the market price or
from the trader’s margin are not held.
Hedge Accounting
In order to better present the economic effects of the risk management activities, ANDRITZ applies the regulations
on the accounting of hedging transactions according to IFRS 9.
At inception of the hedge, ANDRITZ documents the economic relationship between the hedging instrument and the
hedged underlying transaction, including the risk management objectives and the underlying corporate strategy.
The essential conditions of the payments from the underlying transactions and hedging instruments (in particular
nominal and payment dates) are basically identical or behave in opposite directions (“critical terms match”).
Derivatives are initially recorded at fair value at the time a derivative contract is concluded and are measured at fair
value at the end of each reporting period. Depending on the fair value (positive or negative), the derivative financial
instruments are recorded as other receivables or other liabilities. The instruments are classified as non-current if
the remaining terms exceed 12 months and current if the remaining terms are 12 months or less. The changes in
fair value are recorded differently depending on the type of hedging relationship:
The Group only records the change of the fair value of the spot component of currency forwards as a hedging
instrument in the hedging reserve. The change in the fair value of the forward element of forward exchange
transactions (forward points) or the basis spread of swaps is accounted for separately as cost of hedging and is
allocated in a reserve for cost of hedging in equity.
If the cash flow hedge leads to an asset or a liability, the amounts that have been accrued in equity are recognized
in the income statement at the point at which the hedged item affects the result. If the hedging of an expected
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
transaction results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability, the amounts recognized in
other comprehensive income become part of the acquisition costs at the time the non-financial asset or non-
financial liability is recognized.
When the cash flow hedge results in the recognition of a non-financial asset or non-financial liability or becomes a
firm commitment to which hedge accounting is applied, the amounts recognized in other comprehensive income
up to the date of recognition become part of the acquisition cost of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability.
In all other cases of cash flow hedges, the amount recognized in other comprehensive income is transferred from
equity to the income statement, at the point at which the underlying transaction affects the income statement.
If a hedging instrument expires, is terminated or the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, all
cumulative gains or losses and the accrued cost of hedging remain in equity until the forecasted transaction takes
place. If the forecasted transaction is no longer expected, the cumulative gains or losses and the cost of the
hedging are immediately reclassified to the income statement.
In the ANDRITZ GROUP, cash flows from purchases and sales in the operating business are hedged by use of
foreign currency forwards and foreign currency swaps. This is intended to secure the expected and highly likely
future transactions in foreign currencies.
ANDRITZ also uses interest rate swaps to hedge against the interest rate risk of future cash flows from financial
liabilities. From 2017 to 2019, Schuldscheindarlehen were issued in ten tranches with a total nominal value of
1,075.0 MEUR. The tranches were concluded with terms of five to ten years and have variable or fixed interest
rates. To hedge the interest rate risk of future cash flows, four interest rate swaps were concluded. The future cash
flows expected from the floating-rate nominal amount of 190.5 MEUR were defined as the underlying. Combined
with the related interest rate swaps it was designated as a cash flow hedge relationship. In 2022, an early
redemption of a variable-interest Schuldscheindarlehen tranche with a total nominal value of 58.0 MEUR was
made (2021: two tranches with a total nominal value of 122.5 MEUR). The associated interest rate swaps have
been terminated as well.
The following overview shows the nominal values and fair values by type of forward contract:
not exceeding
1 year more than 1 year Total positive negative Total
Foreign exchange forward contracts 2,566.7 957.6 3,524.3 71.1 76.9 -5.8
thereof hedge accounting 1,528.6 974.9 2,503.5 55.0 51.3 3.7
Interest rate swaps 11.0 3.0 14.0 0.3 0.0 0.3
thereof hedge accounting 11.0 3.0 14.0 0.3 0.0 0.3
Forward contracts - Commodities 2.6 2.1 4.7 0.0 0.1 -0.1
2,580.3 962.7 3,543.0 71.4 77.0 -5.6
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The net gains and losses from forwards contracts, that do not qualify as hedging relationship, contained in other
gains and losses are shown in the table in chapter 30. d) Net gains and losses. These hedging instruments are
included in the balance sheet items “Other receivables and assets” and “Other liabilities”.
Currency risk
EUR / USD 885.6 15.1 -20.9 -5.8 January 2023 - January 2028 1.1 1.0
EUR / CNY 298.3 3.0 -3.8 -0.8 January 2023 - November 2026 7.3 -6.4
EUR / INR 62.2 0.9 -1.0 -0.1 January 2023 - January 2026 90.0 -1.7
EUR / BRL 60.7 2.0 -1.2 0.8 January 2023 - September 2029 6.4 -1.3
EUR / AUD 57.5 0.1 -1.2 -1.1 January 2023 - October 2025 1.6 -0.7
EUR / CHF 14.8 0.2 -0.2 0.0 January 2023 - October 2025 1.0 0.1
USD / EUR 368.6 12.6 -8.1 4.5 January 2023 - August 2027 0.9 -5.1
USD / BRL 94.0 3.4 -0.8 2.6 January 2023 - June 2026 5.7 -1.4
USD / CNY 92.3 1.5 -1.0 0.5 January 2023 - May 2027 6.8 -2.1
USD / INR 73.8 0.2 -1.3 -1.1 January 2023 - February 2027 84.0 -3.3
CHF / EUR 55.9 0.9 -1.3 -0.4 January 2023 - December 2027 1.0 -1.2
CNY / EUR 33.4 0.1 -0.7 -0.6 January 2023 - June 2024 0.1 0.0
SEK / EUR 140.0 0.8 -5.6 -4.8 January 2023 - June 2025 0.1 -7.3
MXN / USD 91.5 10.9 0.0 10.9 January 2023 - December 2027 0.0 6.1
Übrige 174.9 3.3 -4.2 -0.9 January 2023 - December 2026 - -5.7
2,503.5 55.0 -51.3 3.7
Interest risk
variable / fixed 14.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 May 2023 - May 2026 - 0.4
14.0 0.3 0.0 0.3
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Currency risk
EUR / USD 496.2 1.2 -4.8 -3.6 January 2022 - December 2026 1.2 -1.9
EUR / CNY 152.6 4.3 -1.6 2.7 January 2022 - November 2026 7.6 -1.4
EUR / BRL 23.0 0.7 -0.1 0.6 January 2022 - March 2023 6.7 0.9
EUR / INR 46.1 1.1 -1.4 -0.3 January 2022 - May 2025 90.6 -0.1
EUR / CHF 10.8 0.3 -0.2 0.1 January 2022 - October 2025 1.1 0.2
EUR / AUD 80.0 0.2 -1.7 -1.5 January 2022 - October 2025 1.6 0.0
USD / CNY 35.0 0.8 0.0 0.8 January 2022 - September 2023 6.5 -0.4
USD / INR 22.2 0.4 -0.2 0.2 January 2022 - February 2025 77.8 -0.2
USD / BRL 73.9 0.7 -1.0 -0.3 January 2022 - September 2024 5.8 -0.4
USD / EUR 166.6 0.4 -2.9 -2.5 January 2022 - August 2027 0.9 -20.4
CNY / EUR 26.9 0.1 -0.3 -0.2 January 2022 - December 2023 0.1 -0.4
SEK / EUR 88.7 0.1 -1.2 -1.1 January 2022 - December 2024 0.1 0.0
MXN / USD 141.7 2.2 0.0 2.2 January 2022 - December 2027 0.0 0.0
CHF / EUR 25.4 0.4 -0.4 0.0 January 2022 - December 2027 0.9 -0.1
Übrige 164.2 2.6 -2.2 0.4 January 2022 - December 2026 - 2.6
1,553.3 15.5 -18.0 -2.5
Interest risk
variable / fixed 68.0 0.0 -1.7 -1.7 May 2023 - May 2026 - 1.8
68.0 0.0 -1.7 -1.7
Transfers to income statement are mainly to revenue and interest result but there are also unmaterial transfers to
inventories and fixed assets included.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
c) Information on ineffectiveness
When assessing the ineffectiveness of the hedging of currency risks, the default risk of a counterparty, significant
changes in the credit risk of a contracting party in the hedging relationship or the change in the payment date of
the hedged item, a reduction in the total invoice amount or the price of the hedged item are used. With regard to
the interest rate risk, the effectiveness of the hedging relationship is determined using the cumulative dollar offset
method based on forward rates.
2022 2021
Change in fair Change in fair
value used to Change in fair value used to Change in fair
calculate value recorded calculate value recorded in
(in MEUR) ineffectiveness Ineffectiveness in other result ineffectiveness Ineffectiveness other result
Currency risk
Foreign exchange forward contracts -
purchase and sale -29.0 0.0 -29.0 -21.6 0.0 -21.6
Interest risk
Interest rate swaps - variable rate
loans and Schuldscheindarlehen 0.4 0.0 0.4 1.8 0.0 1.8
The result of the calculation of the ineffectiveness from hedging currency and interest rate risk is recorded in the
item “other financing expenses” in the income statement.
d) Offsetting
The Group concludes derivatives in accordance with the Global Netting Agreements (Framework Agreement) of
the International Swaps and Derivative Association (ISDA) and similar agreements. These agreements do not
meet the criteria for netting in the balance sheet. This is because at present the Group has no legal entitlement to
offset the amounts recognized. In the case of a termination of the framework agreement or an early termination of
the outstanding contracts, the net amounts of the market values of all contracts to be terminated would be
The following table sets out the book values of the financial instruments that are subject to the arrangements
Assumptions are made about the fair values of derivatives, in particular derivatives in foreign currencies, as of the
balance sheet date, which essentially reflect the future cash inflows or outflows from such instruments.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
As a global company serving a variety of different markets and customers, the Group is subject to risks relating to
financial instruments as well as strategic and operational risks. ANDRITZ has implemented an established Group-
wide control and risk management system with the main task of identifying emerging risks at an early stage and
quickly taking countermeasures. It is an important element in the active risk management system within the Group.
Despite having this control and risk management system in place, it cannot be guaranteed that all risks will be
identified at an early stage. Consequently, assets, liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss of the Group could
be adversely affected. In order to minimize the financial risks at the best possible rate and to enhance monitoring,
control, and assessment of its financial and liquidity position, the ANDRITZ GROUP has implemented
comprehensive policies and a transparent information system. The individual risks relating to financial instruments
are described below.
For ANDRITZ there are no financial risks resulting from climate risks. ANDRITZ does not have any loan
agreements that include climate-related targets, so climate-related covenants cannot be breached. Lenders have
not included environmental aspects into pricing of loans that would result in a discount on the interest rate when
certain climate-related targets are met, and thereby triggering accounting for an embedded derivative.
a) Credit risks
The impairment model of "expected credit losses" (ECL) is applied. This model requires significant judgment to
what extent the expected credit losses are affected by changes in economic factors. This assessment is
determined based on weighted probabilities. One of the following principles serves as a basis:
12-month credit losses: These are the expected credit losses due to possible defaults within 12 months after the
balance sheet date.
Lifetime credit losses: These are expected credit losses due to all possible defaults during the expected lifetime of
a financial instrument.
General approach
If an asset does not yet show an impairment loss at the time of acquisition, it is assessed based on the concept of
12-month credit loss at initial recognition. In principle, this assessment is retained for the following balance sheet
dates. If the credit risk of a financial asset has increased significantly on the balance sheet date since initial
recognition, the valuation is based on the concept of lifetime credit loss. When determining if the credit risk of a
financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition and when estimating ECLs, the Group considers
appropriate and supportable information that is relevant and available without disproportional effort. This includes
both quantitative and qualitative information and analysis, based on the historical experience of the Group and
forward-looking information as well as a substantiated credit rating.
The Group assumes that the credit risk of a financial asset has significantly increased if
the financial asset is more than 30 days past due, unless there are reasonable causes or
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
an instrument needs to be renegotiated and stricter requirements (e.g. increase in collateral, etc.) are applied or
there is a significant change in credit spreads, credit default swap rates for borrowers, etc. for a given or similar
At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether the respective assets are credit-impaired. This is the case
when one or more events that adversely affect estimated future cash flows have occurred. A corresponding
impairment reduces the gross book value of the assets. The following indicators are used in order to be able to judge,
after reasonable assessment, that a significant change in credit risk has occurred and that it cannot be realized:
The borrower is unlikely to fully offset his credit commitments to the Group without the Group taking any action
such as the realization of collateral (if any) or
the financial asset is more than 90 days overdue, unless there are reasonable causes or
the rating no longer meets the notation "investment grade". The Group defines this as Baa3 respectively BBB- or
higher (Cash and cash equivalents and time deposits included in “Investments“ deposited at banks; or financial
institutions are generally rated from Aaa to Ba1 by the rating agency Moody's and from AA+ to BB+ by Standard
& Poor’s and Fitch).
Simplified approach
For trade accounts receivable and contract assets that do not have a material financing component, the lifetime
credit losses model always applies. ANDRITZ has also decided to apply this method to contract assets with a
material financing component and other receivables. In addition to considering individual valuation allowances, the
estimated expected credit losses are calculated based on experience of actual credit losses over the past five
years. Credit risk within the Group is segmented by common default risk characteristics such as credit risk
assessment. Actual credit losses are adjusted using scaling factors to reflect the differences between the
economic conditions at the time the historical data was collected, the current conditions as well as the Group’s
view of economic conditions over the expected life of the receivables. The scaling factor is based on the gross
domestic product (GDP) and the unemployment rate forecasts as well as the industry outlook and is around
2 percent.
When recognizing the impairments, special disclosure requirements must be considered. There is a differentiation
depending on the type of financial instrument and the level of the impairment model to which a financial instrument
is assigned:
Impairment losses on financial assets measured at amortized cost are deducted from the gross carrying amount
of the assets.
If, for instance, there are objective indications of impairment at the time of acquisition, the expected credit loss is
priced into the interest rate. At the time of acquisition, a separate disclosure of the valuation allowance is not
necessary. For changes after initial recognition, a separate valuation allowance is required.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Credit risks and the risk of a delay in payment by counterparties are controlled by the use of credit approvals,
credit limits, and monitoring procedures. If appropriate, the Group obtains guarantees from governmental export
agencies or similar private institutions to reduce the risk of a counterpart defaulting.
Without considering risk minimization strategies as described above, the carrying values of financial assets
recorded in the financial statements represent the Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk.
Valuation allowances are included for all known risks. The possibility of a future shortfall in payment exceeding the
recorded valuation allowance cannot be avoided with certainty.
Trade accounts receivables Cash and cash
(in MEUR) receivable Contract assets and assets equivalents Investments Total
Balance as of December 31, 2020 -62.2 -3.1 -2.0 -0.3 -0.6 -68.2
Charged to expenses -2.8 0.0 -3.7 0.0 0.0 -6.5
Usage 2.7 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 3.1
Release 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.3 0.4 2.4
Currency translation adjustments -2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.3
Balance as of December 31, 2021 -64.6 -1.4 -5.3 0.0 -0.2 -71.5
Charged to expenses -0.6 -0.1 -31.2 -0.2 -0.4 -32.5
Usage 10.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.2
Release 6.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 6.6
Currency translation adjustments -1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.2
Balance as of December 31, 2022 -49.7 -1.5 -36.4 -0.2 -0.6 -88.4
Already in the bidding phase, customer credit assessments are carried out and corresponding credit limits are set.
In order to minimize the risk related to bad debts, collateral is agreed with customers and the risk of default is
largely covered by public or private insurances, respectively. The Group does not have any significant credit risk
exposure to any single counterparty or any group of counterparties having similar characteristics. The Group
defines counterparties as ones with similar characteristics if they are related entities. There is no revenue from
transactions with a single external customer that amount to 10% or more of the Group’s revenue. On an overall
basis, there is no significant concentration of credit risk.
To ensure transparency with respect to financial risks on projects and to enable immediate countermeasures a
quarterly credit risk reporting to the Executive Board has been implemented. The reporting shows the maximum
expected unsecured credit risk for orders with a value of over one million euros as well as customer ratings.
Changes in gross book values that contribute to changes in impairment are mainly related to the project portfolio
and regional distributions. For assets that were assessed according to the model of 12-month credit losses at
inception, there was no significant increase in default risk since initial recognition. Therefore, there was no change
to the valuation to the model of lifetime credit losses.
The following tables show the gross book values and value adjustments of the assets included in the impairment
model of IFRS 9, separated by risk category. The risk classes are based on the method of determining the
valuation allowance.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
concerning customers and project risk analyses, including the valuation of collateral securities. In particular,
collateral securities include credit insurance, advance payments, letters of credit, and guarantees.
In addition to individual valuation allowances, the estimated expected credit losses are calculated based on
experience with actual credit defaults over the last five years and the inclusion of a scaling factor separated into
days overdue and risk classes. Key parameters in this assessment are the unemployment rate, commodity prices,
automotive market, and economic growth.
Contract assets
Based on internal credit risk reporting, contract assets are valued differently, depending on whether there is
collateral or not.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Other receivables
In addition to individual valuation allowances, the estimated expected credit losses are calculated based on
experience with actual credit defaults over the last five years and the inclusion of a scaling factor.
Credit risk related to cash and cash equivalents and time deposits, included in the item “investments“, is low, since
a conservative investment strategy determines a preferably wide diversification with minimum criteria for the
counterparty's credit rating of the investment. Bank balances and time deposits are assessed based on ratings.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The valuation allowance based on the model of "expected credit losses" comprises to a considerable extent
assessments and judgments that are based on the creditworthiness of individual groups, the current economic
developments as well as the analysis of historical bad debts and future-oriented forecasts. The parameters used in
the model are updated regularly.
The value adjustment of individual dubious claims also includes the assessment of the creditworthiness of the
respective customer.
When assessing whether a transition from the 12-month credit losses model to the lifetime credit losses model is
to be used in individual cases, considerable judgment is required and existing information about customer and
market is taken into account.
b) Liquidity risks
To minimize the financial risks at the best possible rate and to enhance monitoring, control, and assessment of its
financial and liquidity position, the ANDRITZ GROUP has implemented comprehensive policies and a transparent
information system. The Group manages liquidity risks especially by holding adequate financial reserves, by
issuing Schuldscheindarlehen, by requiring customer advances, and by reconciling maturity date profiles of
financial assets, receivables, and liabilities. A rolling liquidity forecast based on a fixed planning horizon, the
quarterly update of this forecast as well as existing and unused credit lines are intended to ensure the necessary
liquidity supply for the ANDRITZ GROUP.
The Group endeavors to mitigate the risk of payment failure by customers at the best possible rate by means of
bank guarantees and export insurance. Further information can be found in chapter 35. a) Credit risks. However, it
cannot be excluded that there will not be any individual payment default that will have a substantial negative
impact on development of earnings and liquidity of the Group in the event of occurrence.
The ANDRITZ GROUP’s position in terms of liquidity is very good and it has high liquidity reserves. The Group
avoids dependence on a single bank or a few banks. To ensure independence, only a certain volume of each
major financial product (cash and cash equivalents, financial liabilities, securities, guarantees, and derivatives) is
handled by only one bank at a time. In the ANDRITZ GROUP, liquidity not only means the ability to meet financial
obligations in the narrower sense, but also the availability of sureties. Operative business requires that bid bonds,
contract performance guarantees, downpayment guarantees as well as performance and warranty bonds are
provided on a continuous basis. As a result, financial flexibility is also determined by sufficient surety lines. With
this diversification, ANDRITZ is seeking to minimize the counterparty risk at the best possible rate.
As described in chapter 28. Trade accounts payable, ANDRITZ offers a supply chain financing agreement, the
purpose of which is to enable more efficient payment processing of supplier invoices. The agreement allows
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
ANDRITZ to centralize payments of trade accounts payable to the bank instead of paying each supplier
individually. Since the agreement does not extend the payment terms significantly compared to normal terms with
other non-participating suppliers, there would be no impact on liquidity if the supply chain financing was no longer
available. The supply chain financing arrangement helps to better predict cash outflows.
There are no substantial credit delays by the ANDRITZ GROUP; in general, all financial liabilities are settled on
due date. The following tables show the undiscounted future contractual cash flows from financial liabilities:
(in MEUR) Net book value Contractual cash flows
Bank loans and other financial liabilities 187.0 90.8 83.6 17.8 192.2
Lease liabilities 207.4 48.1 112.4 60.1 220.6
Trade accounts payable 983.0 983.0 0.0 0.0 983.0
Earn out and contingent considerations 9.3 9.3 0.0 0.0 9.3
Schuldscheindarlehen 893.9 177.2 712.9 37.5 927.6
Other liabilities 1,166.1 1,160.8 4.7 0.6 1,166.1
Non-derivative financial liabilities 3,446.7 2,469.2 913.6 116.0 3,498.8
(in MEUR) Net book value Contractual cash flows
Bank loans and other financial liabilities 185.2 78.0 78.0 35.5 191.5
Lease liabilities 231.2 49.5 123.1 72.8 245.4
Trade accounts payable 811.1 811.1 0.0 0.0 811.1
Earn out and contingent considerations 9.5 0.2 9.2 0.0 9.4
Schuldscheindarlehen 951.5 13.3 812.9 175.9 1,002.1
Other liabilities 1,085.6 1,073.3 12.1 0.2 1,085.6
Non-derivative financial liabilities 3,274.1 2,025.4 1,035.3 284.4 3,345.1
c) Market risks
Market risk comprises the risk that market prices, for example exchange rates, interest rates or share prices,
change and that this will affect the Group's earnings or the value of the financial instruments held. The aim of
market risk management is to steer and control the market risk within acceptable ranges and at the same time to
optimize the return. The main market risks for the ANDRITZ GROUP include currency risks and interest rate risks.
To manage market risks, the Group purchases and sells derivatives or enters into financial liabilities. All
transactions are carried out within the guidelines of the Risk Management Committee. If possible, the accounting
of hedging transactions should be used to control earnings volatility.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Currency risks
The Group’s risk management policy is to hedge 75 to 85% of its estimated foreign currency exposure in respect
of forecasted advance and progress payments received from customers and payments made to suppliers over the
following 12 months at any point in time. The Group uses forward exchange contracts to hedge its currency risk,
most with a maturity of less than one year from the reporting date. The Group's risk management strategy was not
adjusted directly due to the war in Ukraine, but the indirect effects are accounted for.
The currency risks of the Group occur since the Group operates worldwide in different countries that do not have
Euro as their local currency. The Group enters into foreign exchange forward contracts and swaps in order to
exclude or minimize the foreign exchange risk (hedging) resulting from customer orders that are concluded in
foreign currency. Currency risks resulting from the recognition of equity are not hedged. Foreign exchange forward
contracts are concluded exclusively with first-class national or international banks whose credit rating is checked
continuously by Group Treasury to avoid a “cluster risk”. The necessary measures and rules in connection with the
hedging of customer or supplier orders that were not concluded in the respective functional currency of the group
company are regulated in the group-wide Treasury Policy.
The sensitivity analysis provides an approximate quantification of the risk exposure if certain specified parameters
were to be changed under a specific set of assumptions. Currency risks occur particularly with the US-Dollar
(USD), Chinese Renminbi Yuan (CNY), Swedish Kronor (SEK), Brazilian Real (BRL) and Indian Rupee (INR). The
following details describe the sensitivity to a rise or fall in the above noted currencies against the Euro (EUR) from
the Group’s point of view. The change shows the amount applied in internal reporting of foreign currency risk and
reflects the Group’s assessment of a possible change in foreign exchange rates. Currency risks in the meaning of
IFRS 7 arise from financial instruments that are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency and
are of a monetary nature. Translation differences from converting the financial statements of foreign Group
companies into the Group currency are disregarded. The sensitivity analysis includes the material financial
instruments of the ANDRITZ GROUP outstanding on the balance sheet date.
The impacts on net income and other comprehensive income are as follows:
The changes compared to the net income reported are mainly due to the market valuation of foreign exchange
forward contracts at new rates, which are used to hedge plan items and are not included in any hedge relationship
according to IFRS 9. These changes in fair values of derivatives are offset by the hedged order backlog.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The weighted average interest rates, referred to the remaining terms of the respective financial assets or financial
liabilities, were as follows at the balance sheet date:
Cash on current accounts 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.1
Current deposits 0.5 2.9 12.5 3.2
Investments - current 0.3 0.0 0.0 1.8
Investments - non-current 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lease liabilities 2.5 2.2 6.5 3.0
Current loans 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-current loans 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0
Schuldscheindarlehen - non-current 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cash on current accounts -0.1 0.2 0.0 1.5
Current deposits -0.1 0.4 8.0 3.1
Investments - current 0.1 0.0 0.0 2.2
Investments - non-current 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Lease liabilities 1.4 1.5 4.6 3.1
Current loans 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Non-current loans 1.3 5.8 0.0 0.0
Schuldscheindarlehen - non-current 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Interest rate sensitivity is assumed at 100 basis points in internal reporting on the interest rate risk. This reflects
the Group’s estimate with respect to a possible change in the interest rate.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
A rise in the interest level by 100 basis points, while simultaneously keeping all other variables constant, would
have led to an increase in the interest result of 8.8 MEUR in the 2022 financial year (2021: increase of 3.9 MEUR).
A decline in the interest level would have led to a decrease in the interest result in the same amount.
In the consolidated statement of cash flows, cash flows are separated into cash inflows and outflows from
operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities, irrespective of how the items are classified in the
consolidated statement of financial position.
Cash flow from operating activities is derived indirectly based on the net income, which is adjusted for non-cash
expenses and income (primarily depreciation and amortization as well as provisions). Cash flow from operating
activities is calculated considering the change in net working capital and consumption of provisions as well as
interest received, interest paid, dividends received, and income taxes paid.
Investing activities mainly comprise payments for intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment as well as
payments received, and payments made for non-current and current financial assets and payments for the
acquisition of subsidiaries. The payments made for intangible assets as well as property, plant, and equipment
include capital expenditures (additions to intangible assets and property, plant, and equipment) for the fiscal year
to the extent that they already had an effect on cash.
Financing activities include not only cash flows from the redemption or issue of bank loans and other financial
liabilities as well as lease liabilities, but also dividend payments and payments made for buy-back of treasury
shares and payments made to non-controlling interests.
Non-cash transactions encompass mainly the capitalization of right of use assets as property, plant, and
equipment by means of a lease or the acquisition of intangible assets or property, plant, and equipment by
assuming directly related liabilities (purchase on credit).
The changes of the items in the consolidated statement of financial position shown in the consolidated statement
of cash flows cannot be derived directly as among other things effects of currency translation adjustments,
additions and releases of valuation allowances, changes in consolidation type of companies not fully consolidated
in prior periods or no longer consolidated in the current period, as well as assets classified as held for sale do not
result in cash flows.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The net cash flow from company acquisitions breaks down as follows:
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The carrying amounts of the financial liabilities shown in the cash flow from financing activities, broken down by
cash and non-cash changes, developed as follows in the reporting year:
The requirements of IFRS 5 for classification as held for sale are met if assets can be sold in their current
condition, the sale is highly probable, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year of the
reclassification. The assets that are shown as held for sale contain individual assets and directly associated
liabilities. Assets held for sale are recognized at their fair value less costs to sell, if this amount is lower than the
book value. An assessment takes place immediately before the initial classification as held for sale. Any resulting
impairment losses are recognized in the income statement.
The following assets and directly associated liabilities are reported as held for sale:
In the Metals operating segment, the sale of property, plant, and equipment (land and buildings) in Germany was
initiated at the end of 2021. Assets of 6.5 MEUR were classified as held for sale and no impairment losses were
recorded. In 2022, part of the property, plant, and equipment was sold with a gain of 14.3 MEUR. The sale of the
remaining part of property, plant, and equipment worth 3.4 MEUR will probably be completed in 2023.
In the Pulp & Paper operating segment, the sale of a production facility in the USA was initiated in October 2021.
Assets in the amount of 1.7 MEUR were classified as held for sale and no impairment losses were recorded from
the preceding valuation. The sale was completed in 2022 with a gain of 2.1 MEUR.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
In the Metals operating segment, the sale of property, plant and equipment in the Netherlands was initated in
2022. Assets in the amount of 1.0 MEUR were classified as held for sale and no impairment losses were recorded
from the preceding valuation. The sale is likely to be completed in 2023.
In 2021, the sale of property, plant, and equipment (land and buildings) and intangible assets was initiated. Assets
in the amount of 1.5 MEUR were classified as held for sale. Impairment losses of 0.4 MEUR were recognized in
2021 based on the preceding valuation. The sale was completed in 2022 with a gain of 0.2 MEUR.
Also included are assets from the Pulp & Paper operating segment in Canada. An insignificant part of assets from
the Metals operating segment in the USA, which were reported as held for sale in the previous year, were returned
to fixed assets because there was no longer an intention to sell.
The determination of the fair value less costs to sell includes estimates and assumptions that are subject to a
certain degree of uncertainty. The proceeds that actually occur may deviate from the assumptions made.
IAS 29 – Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies is applicable if an entity's functional currency is that
of a hyperinflationary economy.
A country is classified as hyperinflationary if, based on inflation rates published by local statistical authorities,
cumulative inflation has exceeded 100% over the past three years.
The items of the income statement for the current reporting year have been adjusted to the current price level by
applying the change in the general price index. The items are indexed monthly or quarterly by use ofan average
monthly or quarterly index. The effects from the first-time application are recognized in equity, the effects on the
current year in the financial result.
Argentina has been classified as a hyperinflationary economy since July 1, 2018, and Turkey since March 1, 2022.
The adjustment of the application of hyperinflation accounting was not material in the previous years.
The IFRS financial statements of ANDRITZ FABRICS AND ROLLS S.A., Argentina, ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltd. Sti.,
Turkey, have been adjusted due to the change in the purchasing power of the functional currency with regard to
material resulting effects and stated in the measurement unit applicable at the reporting date.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
For the 2022 financial year, the effect of the application of IAS 29 on net inome amounted to -5.9 MEUR.
The effects of the first-time application of hyperinflation accounting on the opening balance amounted to
-2.5 MEUR and are recognized within equity.
A contingent asset is not recognized in the financial statements but is disclosed if an inflow of economic benefit is
probable. Contingent liabilities are not recognized in the financial statements. They are only disclosed if the
possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit is not probable but possible or the amount of
the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.
In the course of its business, the ANDRITZ GROUP is party to numerous legal proceedings before both
administrative and judicial courts and bodies as well as before arbitration tribunals. The substantial majority of
such proceedings is typical for the Group’s industry, including contract and project disputes, product liability
claims, and intellectual property litigation. The ANDRITZ GROUP records adequate provisions to cover the
expected outcome of proceedings to the extent that negative outcomes are likely and reliable estimates can be
made. There is no guarantee that these provisions will be sufficient. Given the amounts involved in some of these
legal disputes, a negative decision for ANDRITZ in one or several of these disputes may have a material adverse
effect on the earnings and liquidity position of the Group. In cases, where a negative outcome is not probable,
though seems possible (and is not totally remote), the ANDRITZ GROUP does not record provisions.
The subject area product liability includes a number of cases alleging injuries and/or death resulting from exposure
to asbestos. As of December 31, 2022, certain subsidiaries of the ANDRITZ GROUP are defendants in asbestos
cases in the USA. All cases relate to claims against multiple defendants. All subsidiaries intend to defend each
claim vigorously.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltda., Brazil, faces tax claims based on allegations of joint and several liabilities with the Inepar
Group arising out of the previous minority holding of Inepar. The tax claim enforcement actions, which were also
contested, are not active due to a settlement agreement between Inepar Group and the National Treasury
Attorney-General’s Office (PGFN). At the same time, an appeal is pending to determine that ANDRITZ was never
part of the Inepar Group.
As there are no uncertainties regarding the going concern of the ANDRITZ GROUP, going concern remains
the basis for accounting and valuation of the assets and liabilities.
There have not been changes in the consolidation scope (no loss of control of the fully consolidated Russian
subsidiary LLC ANDRITZ, based in St. Petersburg).
Because of the continuing acts of war and the international sanctions imposed, ANDRITZ has suspended its
new business in the field of large-scale projects in Russia. Existing contracts and obligations with customers
from Russia as well as Belarus, which were concluded before the invasion by Russia in February 2022,
have been or are being processed in compliance with all sanctions. In case the completion of the projects
was not or is not possible, a way of terminating the contract was or is being sought together with the
customers. According to the current assessment of the affected project portfolio, the order backlog of the
ANDRITZ GROUP was reduced by -103.8 MEUR (-1.0%) as of December 31, 2022, and thus amounted to
9,976.5 MEUR. The share of revenue carried out in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine compared to total revenue
in recent years was around 3% and, therefore, has no significant influence on the Group’s net assets,
liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss.
ANDRITZ has assessed whether there is any indication of event-related impairment of assets, such as
goodwill. More detailed explanations are laid out in chapter D) Non-current assets and liabilities.
There has not been any significant change in financial risks and renegotiation of financial liabilities. To date,
the war in Ukraine has not led directly to any deterioration in the liquidity key performance indicators and no
significant measures had to be taken. However, the indirect effects, e.g. high inflation, rise in interest rates,
lower prices of securities, are already reflected. The main objective of the Executive Board is and remains to
ensure liquidity of the Group, which is considered through comprehensive financial management.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
To be able to account for higher expected credit losses on trade accounts receivable, the ANDRITZ GROUP
continuously monitors the general economic conditions and, if necessary, takes measures to limit the credit
risk of customers who have been severely affected by the war in Ukraine. The parameters of future
expectations such as unemployment rate, prices for raw materials and energy, as well as economic growth,
were adjusted accordingly in the calculation of the lump sum valuation allowance.
Order intake and revenue in 2022 were significantly higher than in the previous year in all four operating
segments. Overall, the ANDRITZ GROUP was able to significantly increase EBIT in 2022 compared to 2021
– in summary, it can be said that the war in Ukraine had no noticeable negative impacts on the
The impacts of the war in Ukraine on assets, results, and cash flows are difficult to predict due to the high
degree of uncertainty, especially with regard to duration and scope. The assumptions and estimates made
upon preparing the consolidated financial statements are based on the current state of knowledge and
information. ANDRITZ continuously monitors the impacts on its business development.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2022 2021
Type of Type of
Company Main office Share* consolidation Share* consolidation
* The share is shown as the share of the immediate parent company. If a subsidiary has more than one immediate parent company within the ANDRITZ GROUP, the
subsidiary is included with its share of the total ANDRITZ GROUP under the parent company with the majority share.
FC ... Full consolidation; EQ ... Equity valuation; NC ... Non-consolidated due to minor importance
1) The exemption rule according to section 264b HGB (German Commercial Code) is applied.
2) The exemption rule according to section 264 paragraph 3 HGB (German Commercial Code) is applied.
Joachim Schönbeck e.h. Domenico Iacovelli e.h. Humbert Köfler e.h. Norbert Nettesheim e.h. Wolfgang Semper e.h.
Vorstandsvorsitzender Finanzvorstand
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Statement by the Executive Board
We confirm to the best of our knowledge that the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the
assets, liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss of the Group as required by the applicable accounting
standards and that the Group management report gives a true and fair view of the development and performance
of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties
the Group faces.
We confirm to the best of our knowledge that the financial statements of the parent company give a true and fair
view of the assets, liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss as required by the applicable accounting
standards and that the management report gives a true and fair view of the development and performance of the
business and the position of the company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties the
company faces.
Joachim Schönbeck Domenico Iacovelli Humbert Köfler Norbert Nettesheim Wolfgang Semper
President and CEO CFO
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
ATX Free cash flow
Austrian Traded Index, the leading stock market Cash flow from operating activities minus capital
index of the Vienna stock exchange. expenditure.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Order intake
The order intake is the estimated revenue of orders
which have been put into effect in the reporting
period considering changes and corrections of the
order value; letters of intents are not part of the
order intake.
Payout ratio
Part of net income, which is distributed to share-
holders and calculated as dividend per share /
earnings per share.
Pulp & Paper operating segment.
Return on equity
Earnings before taxes / total equity.
Return on investment
Earnings before interest and taxes / total assets.
Return on sales
Earnings before interest and taxes / sales.
Return On Equity: Net income / total equity.
Separation operating segment.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Auditor’s report
Audit Opinion
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of
Andritz AG,
Graz, Austria
and its subsidiaries ("the Group"), which comprise the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 31
December 2022, and the Consolidated Income Statement, Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income,
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year then ended,
and the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements comply with the legal requirements and present fairly, in all
material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2022, and its consolidated
financial performance and consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the EU, and the additional requirements pursuant to Section
245a UGB (Austrian Commercial Code).
Project Accounting
Refer to notes chapter 9 and 23
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Auditor’s report
measurement of project provisions require a substantial number of assumptions and forward-looking estimates.
Due to the significant volume of project business, this results in a risk of project revenue, net income, and
projectrelated balance sheet items being materially misstated.
Our response
We have assessed the project accounting as follows:
When performing our audit, we obtained an understanding of the processes and internal controls relevant to
project accounting and we tested the effectiveness of selected internal controls. This relates specifically to
internal controls with respect to approval of project cost estimates at contract inception, approval of the ongoing
cost status reports, the actual cost-to-budget-analysis, the status reports relating to current projects, and estimate
of the amount of outstanding or potentially outstanding costs to complete the project. Based on the results of
these tests, we have planned additional audit procedures.
We have applied these procedures to selected current projects and we have assessed management's
assumptions regarding those projects. The selection was based on risk criteria such as project volume, low or
negative project margin or significant margin changes. Audit procedures mainly included: review of underlying
contracts and agreements, a plausibility check on current project information, inquiries of individuals responsible
for project execution or project controlling as to the reasonableness of estimates and assumptions used,
evaluation of the accuracy of accounting estimates by comparing actual results to prior period estimates, and a
reconciliation of the assumptions used for estimates with contract information and other relevant documents.
In addition, we have evaluated the method used to determine the stage of completion and the proper allocation of
contract cost to individual contracts.
To assess whether the provisions for litigations and claims from costumers are appropriate, we have read the
relevant documents, obtained attorney confirmation letters and discussed the cases with personnel involved and
inspected their documentation.
In addition, we have assessed whether the presentation of the project business in the consolidated financial
statements as well as the disclosures in the notes are in line with the IFRS 15 requirements.
Valuation of Goodwill
Refer to notes chapter 20
Testing goodwill for impairment requires a considerable number of estimates concerning future development of
revenues, earnings, and net cash inflows as well as assumptions on discount rates used and is therefore exposed
to significant uncertainty. For the financial statements, this leads to the risk of goodwill being overstated.
Our response
We have assessed the project accounting as follows:
We have evaluated the reasonableness of forward-looking estimates and significant assumptions as well as the
valuation methodologies used, consulting our own valuation experts.
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Auditor’s report
We have reconciled the revenue and margin projections used for impairment testing to the Group's current
business plan as approved by the supervisory board. We have tested the underlying assumptions for
reasonableness in discussions with the management and reconciliation to information relating to the current and
expected development of the respective cash generating units. We also verified the historical accuracy of the
business plan by comparing plans for prior periods with the actual results.
With regard to the discount rates used, we have tested the underlying assumptions by comparing them to market
and industry-specific benchmarks and methodologies, and we have reviewed the respective calculation formula,
consulting our own valuation experts. Insofar as there are CGUs with excess returns, we verified the reasons
using historical data as well as future market- and economic positions.
Furthermore, we have assessed whether the entity-prepared impairment test disclosures in the notes are
Other Information
Management is responsible for other information. Other information is all information provided in the annual
financial report, other than the consolidated financial statements, the group management report and the auditor’s
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover other information and we do not provide any
kind of assurance thereon.
In conjunction with our audit, it is our responsibility to read this other information and to assess whether, based on
knowledge gained during our audit, it contains any material inconsistencies with the consolidated financial
statements or any apparent material misstatement of fact. If we conclude that there is a material misstatement of
fact in other information, we must report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
Management is also responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as
applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting, unless management
either intents to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The audit committee is responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a
whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that
includes our audit opinion. Reasonable assurance represents a high level of assurance, but provides no guarantee
that an audit conducted in accordance with the AP Regulation and Austrian Standards on Auditing (and therefore
ISAs), will always detect a material misstatement, if any. Misstatements may result from fraud or error and are
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Auditor’s report
considered material if, individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with the AP Regulation and Austrian Standards on Auditing, we exercise
professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit.
We identify and assess the risks of material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements, whether due
to fraud or error, we design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks and obtain sufficient and
appropriate audit evidence to serve as a basis for our audit opinion. The risk of not detecting material
misstatements resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion,
forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations or override of internal control.
We obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
Group's internal control.
We evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
and related disclosures made by management.
We conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based
on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may
cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our audit report to the respective note in the consolidated
financial statements. If such disclosures are not appropriate, we will modify our audit opinion. Our conclusions are
based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions
may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.
We evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the
notes, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a
manner that achieves fair presentation.
We obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities and business
activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for
the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with the audit committee regarding, amongst other matters, the planned scope and timing of
our audit as well as significant findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify
during our audit.
We communicate to the audit committee that we have complied with the relevant professional requirements in
respect of our independence, that we will report any relationships and other events that could reasonably affect
our independence and, where appropriate, the related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with the audit committee, we determine those matters that were of most
significance in the audit i.e. key audit matters. We describe these key audit matters in our auditor’s report unless
laws or other legal regulations preclude public disclosure about the matter or when in very rare cases, we
determine that a matter should not be included in our audit report because the negative consequences of doing
so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public benefits of such communication.
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Auditor’s report
Management is responsible for the preparation of the group management report in accordance with Austrian
company law.
We have conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted standards on the audit of group management
In our opinion, the group management report is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and has
been prepared in accordance with legal requirements. The disclosures pursuant to Section 243a UGB (Austrian
Commercial Code) are appropriate.
Based on our knowledge gained in the course of the audit of the consolidated financial statements and our
understanding of the Group and its environment, we did not note any material misstatements in the group
management report.
In addition, during the Annual General Meeting, we have been elected as auditors for the following financial year
and appointed by the supervisory board.
We have been auditors of the Company, without interruption, since the consolidated financial statements at 31
December 2016.
We declare that our opinion expressed in the "Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements" section of our
report is consistent with our additional report to the Audit Committee, in accordance with Article 11 AP Regulation.
We declare that we have not provided any prohibited non-audit services (Article 5 Paragraph 1 AP Regulation) and
that we have ensured our independence throughout the course of the audit, from the audited Group.
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Auditor’s report
The engagement partner is Mr Johannes Bauer.
Signed by:
Johannes Bauer
(Austrian Chartered Accountant)
This report is a translation of the original report in German, which is solely valid.
The consolidated financial statements together with our auditor's opinion may only be published if the consolidated financial statements and the group
management report are identical with the audited version attached to this report. Section 281 Paragraph 2 UGB (Austrian Commercial Code) applies.
ANDRITZ financial report 2022
Stattegger Strasse 18
8045 Graz, Austria
Certain statements contained in the 2022 annual report and in the 2022 annual financial report constitute “forward-
looking statements.” These statements, which contain the words “believe”, “intend”, “expect”, and words of a
similar meaning, reflect the Executive Board’s beliefs and expectations and are subject to risks and uncertainties
that may cause actual results to differ materially. As a result, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on
such forward-looking statements. The company disclaims any obligation to publicly announce the result of any
revisions to the forward-looking statements made herein, except where it would be required to do so under
applicable law.
The 2022 annual report and the 2022 annual financial report contain assumptions and forecasts based on the
information available up to the copy deadline on February 23, 2023. If the premises for these assumptions and
forecasts do not occur, or risks indicated in the chapter “Risk Management” and in the management report in the
2022 annual financial report do arise, actual results may vary from the forecasts made in the 2022 annual report
and in the 2022 annual financial report. Although the greatest caution was exercised in preparing data, all
information related to the future is provided without guarantee.