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OENG1167 Civil Progress Report Exemplar

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Optimising solar

chimney performances
for homes under
Australian weather
Engineering Capstone Project (OENG 1167) –
Assessment 2: Progress Report (50%)

Research Supervisor: Dr Long Shi


Group work member contribution table

Section Person(s) responsible and percentage
(add and remove sections as needed) (e.g. Person A 70% Person B 20% Person C 10% OR All members contributed equally)

1. Executive summary 100% 100%

2. Statement of problem 100% 100%

a. List of design/research 100% 100%

3. Feasibility/proof of 100% 100%
a. 100% 100%
4. Method and Preliminary 100% 100%

a. Well-supported 100% 100%

b. Critical analysis 100% 100%

5. Project management 100% 100%

(reflection and adjustment of
original plan)
6. Conclusion 100% 100%

7. Appendix 100% 100%



Executive Summary. ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.0 Introduction. ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Statement of problem. ........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.0 Literature Review................................................................................................................................................. 7
4.0 Research questions.................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.0 Significance of the problem .................................................................................................................................. 9
6.0 Methodology ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 Expectation ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.3 Design of Model .................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Construction.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 Experimental model scenarios. ........................................................................................................................... 20
7.0 Project Management ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Project Tasks Sheet ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Gant Chart ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Referrences. ................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendix. ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Executive Summary.
To construct the most efficient and effective use of solar chimnies that perform for houses under Australian
weather conditions. This research analyses and evaluates a range of variables for a design which provides most
efficient results for a solar chimney. From studies of academic papers and journals about solar chimney, this
research has constructed a model. The model has a floor plan with a length of 3m, width of 3m, a height of 2.7m
at the solar chimney and a height 2.4m at the opposing wall. Founded on current research this research will
integrate material studied and test variable factors under Australian weather conditions.

The variables which this research will examine are:

1) Implementing a cavity gap.
2) Opening of a room of 2.5m2.
3) Adjustable inlet and outlet sizes.
4) Efficiency of switching from cooling to passive heating.

The experiments which will be performed in semester two are:

1) Recording of temperature at five locations inside the chimney and living space
2) Recording of air flow at five locations inside the chimney and living space.

There will be thirty six scenarios which are listed in the methodology section. The experiment will be conducted
using a thermocouple and an anemometer. From the data gathered, results will be examined to find most
efficient design of a solar chimney under Australian weather conditions. Testing of the variables mentioned will
determine what a suitable measurement is for maximum performance. Evaluation of results and solutions
identified will assist practioners in industry to construct solar chimnies. An experimental assessment will then
provide possible designs for construction and provide commercially viable solution for homes under Australian
weather conditions.

1.0 Introduction.

Solar chimnies have been around for centuries, it’s use in buildings as natural cooling technique for achieving
thermal comfort provides an efficient natural ventilation(WJ Batty 1991). Natural Cooling techniques are
classified into three categories, passive, hybrid and active. Passive cooling system is the expulsion of heat from a
building through natural means. Hybrid system utilises fans and pumps. Active system is energy source is
provided by insolation collectors(WJ Batty 1991).

A solar chimney is a construct which brings natural ventilation through thermal buoyancy effect. Thermal
buoyancy is when dense cold air lifts warm air up and out of a building. Solar chimney is constructed so the
chimney absorbs solar energy throughout the day. The energy heats enclosed air inside chimney, which in turn
rises. Air is drawn from building through an opening at the bottom of a chimney. The air is then expelled from
building through an opening at top of chimney(Khanal & Lei 2011).

Solar chimnies have three types of constructs which include trombe wall, roof solar chimney and combined solar
chimney. Figure 1, 2 and 3 provide examples of trombe wall, roof solar chimney and combined solar chimney. The
construct directly correlates with performances(Shi et al. 2018). In Figure 1a, Notice the external glazing which is
applied on the outside of wall, this allows solar radiation to be absorbed in the cavity gap. An absorber wall plus
insulation is added in order to keep air insulated in chimney. Air is drawn from inside the building and externally
through windows. It flows through the inlet as warm air rises to top and through outlet. This provides a cycle
which provides natural ventilation. Figure 1b, switches from natural ventilation to passive heating. Air is drawn
from outside, as warm air rises it flows through to building.

Solar chimney can be a low cost alternative to traditional systems. It will move air in natural form which can
provide comfort by cooling building(WJ Batty 1991). In summer the days are hot, there is difference in the air
temperature from inside to outside. Using a solar chimney we can enhance air to create movement. If it’s a hot
windless day, due to buoyancy effect air will create a movement(Khanal & Lei 2011).

Figure 1a: Trombe Wall Solar Chimney Passive Cooling. Figure 1b: Trombe Wall Solar Chimney, Passive heating

Figure 2: Roof Wall Solar Chimney. Figure 3: Combined Wall Solar Chimney

2.0 Statement of problem.

Global warming has been an underlying issue for the past decade with gas emissions rapidly increasing. It is
shown that forty percent of Australian household energy usage comes from air conditioners and heating
systems which contribute to global climate change (McGee 2013). This is greatly influenced by Australia’s
scorching summers and chilling winter. In Melbourne alone, it is reported the city has experienced its hottest
summer ever recorded of 45 degrees (McGinn 2018).

As temperatures rise, the demand for energy increases. In the southern states of Australia, there have been
power outages which have caused significant problems, as there are insufficient energy being provided for local
residents(Plummer 2018). The energy crisis issue has required further assistance from external provider, Elon
Musk who has built solar batteries in South Australia(Keane 2018). This would help maintain the crisis for now,
however there is only so much a system can handle. With Australia’s rapidly growing population and continuous
expansive towards the outer suburbs, there would be more strain on power grids to cope with demand.
(Chalkley-Rhoden 2017)

Greater attention has been directed towards designing a sustainable source of alternative energy. This research
looks upon systems which will dramatically reduce burden on the national grid as well as greenhouse gas
emission. Solar chimney is a viable system which functions as a natural ventilation and passive heating. This
research focuses on optimizing maximum performance for solar chimneys in Australian weather conditions.

3.0 Literature Review

After studying solar chimnies, Ong and Chow (2003) note temperatures fluctuate at various levels of chimney
height. There is an increase in temperature proportional to height. This correlates with Plumb (2012) where the
buoyancy effect created is relative to height. Too much increase in the cavity gap will introduce a reverse flow
effect at the exit of the chimney (Chen et al. 2003; Khanal & Lei 2012). Studies by Mathur et al. (2006))
demonstrate cavity gap that is fixed, with an increase in inlet and outlet areas increase flow rate. This is
reinforced by Dimoudi (2009) where an equal size of inlet and outlet openings provides the maximum air flow
rate. It is evident that a height gap ratio of 10 is ideal for experimental analysis for maximum flow rate(Shi et al.

Experiments by Mathur et al. (2006) recognise a maximum airflow rate is obtained at a roof inclination angle of
45 degrees. This was confirmed by Chen & Bandopadhayay (2003) whose test results showed that airflow rate
was at a maximum at roof inclination of 45 degrees. Openings to a building which includes windows, door and
skylight induces a circulation of airflow. However through experiments Shi & Zhang (2018) noted that an increase
rate of air change will decrease significantly over 16m2.

A solar collector collects heat from solar radiation, Shi & Zhang (2018) have conducted tests of different types of
solar collectors and have found chevron patterned to be the best performance.

Glazing can be classified as single or multiple, the common material used in glazing is glass. It can be clear,
coated or laminated. Further it can be patterned or obscured (Chantawong et al. 2006). This is further
emphasised by Shi & Zhang (2018) where absorbency and emissivity of solar absorber materials can enhance

The thickness of thermal insulation is not necessarily more effective over 5cm thickness, according to Shi &
Zhang (2018) adding a 5cm thickness thermal insulation to cavity wall is as sufficient as 10cm thickness insulation.
Just as solar chimney is used for natural ventilation it can also be used as passive heating. By changing the inlet
and outlets, the flow of buoyancy effect can be reversed and passive heating can be generated into
buildings(Khanal & Lei 2011; Ong & Chow 2003).

Reviewing the role that winds play by creating positive pressure on the windward side and negative pressure on
the leeward side indicates that it provides ventilation(Khanal & Lei 2011). Moreover Shi & Zhang (2018) highlight
ventilation rate changes with the influence of winds. It is noted solar chimnies are misunderstood to be
insufficient across colder climate zones, However Khanal and Lei (2011) maintain through studies and tests that it
is capable of ventilation even in low heat conditions. Ideally it is acknowledged to operate well in tropic climate
(Naraghi & Blanchard 2015). Solar radiation is typically higher in summer months due to higher altitude of the sun
(Mathur, Mathur & Anupma 2006).

Based on the existing research our research will incorporate the information provided and test variable factors
under Australian conditions. The research is needed to be undertaken to find an optimum design that provides
maximum performance for a set of given conditions. The conditions will be adaptable and the research will
conduct new tests for example openings below 2.5m2, switching from cooling to passive heating and an increase
in cavity gap. The tests will focus on adjustable factors under Australian weather conditions, specifically in

4.0 Research questions.

This research will investigate,

 How implementing an adjustable cavity gap will provide maximum performance.

 How efficient is the function of switching from cooling to passive heating.
 How design factors influence solar chimney performance through experimental tests.

The location of experiments will be conducted at RMIT Bundoora campus Civil engineering laboratory.

5.0 Significance of the problem

Renewable energy systems, also known as alternative energy, are becoming a more viable solution to climate
change(Selin 2018). More alternative sources are being developed to combat global warming. Throughout the
Middle East its efficient use has been known for centuries. This is a consequence of high temperatures which the
geography experiences.(Monghasemi & Vadiee 2018)

There is a high demand for sustainability and fossil fuel independence, using solar chimnies as an alternative
source is being established to supply for rising energy demands (Bezergianni et al. 2018). There is growing
awareness in solar chimney technology, as it is recognized to be an efficient alternative in harvesting the sun’s
energy(Thirugnanasambandam, Iniyan & Goic 2010). Solar chimney can be found largely in regions with hot and
arid climate conditions (AboulNaga 2000).

Solar chimneys have several advantages, one of which is that it is a self-sustaining structure which provides
operation without direct sunlight (Jörg Schlaich 2005). As long as heat is being built up within chimney,
movement of air will naturally occur through thermal buoyancy(Shi et al. 2018). Solar chimnies requires very little
maintenance and it provides a clock system. Since there is a constant air flow the presence of dust and grit is
effectively minimized(Shi et al. 2018).

Considering Australia’s climate is hot and arid, it is surprising that solar chimnies as new technology is not used in
greater numbers, however it is finally being researched upon(Solar Chimneys: Viable Alternative to Photovoltaic
Cells? 2015). Solar chimnies do exist, though on large scale purpose as solar updraft towers. However for
residential purposes it has been unfavourably looked upon due to its initial steep cost(Solar Chimneys: Viable
Alternative to Photovoltaic Cells? 2015). Maintenance is effective and very little work needs to be done. Providing
proper research with results is the key to changing public opinion. By producing efficient data which maximise
results specifically under Australian weather condition we can change perception.

6.0 Methodology

6.1 Expectation
Our design and construction of a solar chimney meets professional standards in order for future students and
researchers to study and conduct their own research. Initial research educates on concept of solar chimney,
proceeding with full background and thorough research to understand function of a solar chimney.

In order to proceed with construction, initial research on materials and equipment needed to be studied. With
assistance of staff at Bunning’s warehouse, we had to learn the fundamentals of construction. The fundamentals
are scaping of land, foundation planning, use of equipment and materials which are needed. Once we had a
thorough idea of construction, materials and equipment. Design of model was made, proceeding to construction
of a live model.

The model is constructed of quality materials and has life of 30 years. The model is constructed with all factors to
be varied in order for 36 scenarios to be tested upon.

6.2 Parameters

The parameters for model are a floor plan of 3m by 3m. Height of 2.7m at solar chimney to 2.4m at end wall,
opening of a room (window) less than 2.5m2 and Implementing an adjustable cavity gap 0.15m to 0.45m.

Figure 4: Floor plan Figure 5: Vertical view


Figure 6: Opening Figure 7: Adjustable Cavity Gap

Figure 8: Adjustable Inlet and outlet sizes of 0.1m to 0.3m, Glazing wall & Inside wall + Insulation

6.3 Design of Model

Figure 9: Solar Chimney, with glazing wall view

Figure 10: Solar chimney, window view


6.4 Construction
Part 1: Foundation

Key factors would dictate design of foundation. First the structure cannot be fixed on ground due construction
site is RMIT property. Hence a concrete slab was not an option.
Concrete footings were another option. To create footings, ground would need to be excavated 600mm2 deep
at points in several locations. This would create complications as soil is quite compacted hence the labour would
be too concentrated. There could be electrical lines or pipes underground which we would be unaware off. The
option decided is a floating deck with bricks used to elevate the deck.

Figure 11: Floating deck

Figure 11: Brick

Method Notes

 Nail end joists together, create a square  Timber used are 90×45 MPG 10 structural
outer perimeter. timber
 The timber will be 3m long which means that  Place the timber vertically to ensure
the width would be 3000mm long whereas maximum moment capacity
the length would be 3090mm.  Make sure the sides are all levelled using a
 Mark out spacing’s of 450mm on west and leveller.
east joist.  Secure the plywood by nailing the edges at
 Proceed to nailing the rest of the joists at the 10cm spacing’s.
allocated markings.
 Noggins are then placed in between the
joists in a staggered position to add rigidly to
the sub structure.
 Place bricks underneath the deck frame at
the locations above.
 Nail in structural plywood on top of the deck
Orientation of timber

Part 2 : Framing
90×45 MPG 10 timbers are used to build the walls. Constructions of all four stud walls are built exactly the same
as the sub floor, with the exception of a door and window.

Figure 12: 3d Model of stud walls


 Selecting a 3m base and top plate.

 Nail two 2.4m studs on each side of the top and
bottom plate creating the outer perimeter
frame. Similar to the deck.
 Mark out the top and base plate at 450 mm
 Using the locations allocated, place 2.4m studs
in between base and top plate. Fasten studs to
the plate using a nail gun Figure 13:Typical stud frame with a window
 Fit noggins in between the studs at 1/3 height.
 Once the wall is completed, lift up the top of Notes
that the wall so that the stud wall becomes
vertical.  The timber walls will be constructed
 Place the wall at the edge of the foundation horizontally and once completed placed
and fasten the bottom plate to the sub frame vertically
using large timber screws.  The west wall is 2.7m high.
 Once all four walls are up, connect each stud  Begin building the East and West wall first
wall together by drilling timber screws into the then proceed to north and south wall.
ends of stud walls.  Add temporary bracing for the East and
West wall and remove once all four walls
are in place.

Part 3: Cladding and protection

Plywood is used as a source of cladding to cover exterior of home from the elements. The structural plywood
also acts as a brace to protect the home from wind loads.
To protect plywood from rain, Ametalin SilverSark® BreatherWall Insulation is installed on the exterior of the
house. The house wrap is mutli purpose; it is an excellent barrier to radiant heat, enhancing the energy
performance, thermal comfort of a building, while providing a physical layer to protect against water and air

Figure 14:3d Model of structure with

Figure 15:West stud wall with adjustable
openings. For cooling, close the top gap and
leave the bottom open. Vice versa for passive
Method heating.

 Cut plywood into appropriate dimensions

as required making sure to cover the
 Install adjustable air vents where the gaps
whole exterior.
are located. This will allow us to control
 Nail plywood at 10 cm spacing’s on to the
inlet and out let of the solar chimney.
exterior of the house.
 Leave window and door as voids.
 Cut Ametalin SilverSark® BreatherWall
Insulation into wall sizes, in this case 3m.
 Use a stapler to fix the wrap onto the  Use 10 mm nails
plywood  When installing the Ametalin SilverSark®
 A sharp utility knife is used to cut BreatherWall Insulation, keep the
openings. reflective side facing inwards towards the
 Leave a gap of 300mm height from the top house.
and bottom of the west wall. These gaps
are the variable inlet and out lets of the
solar chimney.

Part 4: Roof

The roof designed will be a single slope roof with an overhang of 500mm. The rafters, 190 x 45mm MGP10
Untreated Pine Timber Framing - 3.6m, will be placed from west to the east wall. Rise will be height difference of
the two walls, 400mm and run will be 3000mm.

Figure 16: Typical layout of roof rafters

Figure 17: Layout of Roof

Figure: 18: Typical layout of Bird’s mouth

 A bird’s mouth notch will be cut at the two
ends where the rafter meets the top plate.  When installing the metal roof sheeting,
 Place the rafter directly on top on the screw the roofs screws at intervals of
wood studs. 20cm.
 Use timber roof screws to screw the  The roof is slopped at 6 degrees.
bottom of the top plate into the rafter
 Nail the top of the roof with a layer of
 Staple Ametalin SilverSark® BreatherWall
Insulation on to the ply wood.
 Cover the plywood with bond roof sheeting
and use timber roof screw to secure the
metal sheeting to the rafters.

Part 5: Solar Chimney

Building of the solar chimney will consist of 3 compartments: Brick wall, Stud wall and Glass Frame.

Part 6.1: Brick wall - The brick wall acts as a solar battery, slowly releasing heat throughout the night.

Figure19: Typical layout of Brick wall Figure20: model of structure with

Brick wall

 To construct the solar wall, first and most
 If the end piece is too large, use an angle
important step is to set up your level line
grinder to cut the brick to the size desired.
 This line is an indicator to whether the bricks
 Use the cut off piece on the next level to
are straight and levelled.
have a staggered look.
 To set this up, use the west stud wall and mark
 In the case of a void in the brick wall, place
out lines of 86mm (brick 76mm+ mortar 10mm)
a lintel on top to the void making sure to
from bottom to top. Tie a string line on the
have 150mm end bearing at each end.
bottom first line.
 Make sure that the lintel is engineered to
 Mix the concrete mix to the correct water ratio
hold the weight of the wall.
as instructed on the manual.
 The lintels we will be using are 2 x 190 x
 Using a trowel, place a bed of mortar on the
45mm MGP10 Untreated Pine Timber
 Starting from the left, place a brick on the
 Gently tap the brick down using the trowel
until it becomes levelled with the string
Continue this process until the end of the wall.
 Once the brick wall is completed, allow 4 days
minimum to allow the concrete mix to bond.
 Paint the brick wall black to allow maximum
absorption of solar rays.

Part 5.2 Stud Frame

The stud walls are used to connect the glass frame to the house. Similar to part 2, build the frame to the
specified dimensions (2700mm height, 550mm long). Since the masonry wall is a non-load bearing wall, bolt the
stud wall to the sides of the west wall. Nail in structural ply to cover the sides completely.

Figure 21: Typical layout of solar chimney stud wall

Figure 22: Installation Stud walls


Part 5.3 Glass Frame

When designing the solar chimney, one of the key factors in this experiment was that the glass wall would be
variable. This meant that:

1. The glass would be able to open and close in order to allow airflow for passive heating or cooling
2. The glass frame would be able to move in order to change the size of the solar chimney. This would allow
us to experiment and furthermore collect data from various variables.

Keeping this in mind, we decided to custom order the glass to fit our specified needs. This would allow us to
control the openings of the glass.

The frame would be fixed onto hardwood pallets and pallet jacks will be used to move the glass wall to the
desired location.

Figure 23: Glass Frame with adjustable

openings. For cooling, open the top
window and leave the bottom closed. Vice
versa for passive heating.


 Place glazing wall upon pallet. Figure 24: Typical layout of glazing wall
 Reinforce the glass by framing timber from fixed on to pallets.
the glass wall to the pallet.
 Fix timber from the base of the frame to
the pallet horizontally on both sides of the  When erecting the glass frame, take caution
glass. This will allow the two bases to be as the frame is very heavy.
connected and move together as well as  Have 4 people to help.
add more structure to the frame.

6.5 Experimental model scenarios.

There are 36 scenarios which will be tested. The experiment will focus upon measuring temperature and airflow
at five different points inside the chimney and living space. The experiment will be undertaken in semester two
of RMIT and the weather will directly correlate results. Due to semester running from July to October, it is
season of Winter and Spring. The range of mean minimum temperature in July to be 6.7 degrees to a highest
temperature recorded in October to be 36.9 degrees Celsius.

Glazing wall Inside wall Cavity gap Opening

Scenarios Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet
1 0.1m Closed Closed 0.1m 0.15m Opened
2 0.2m Closed Closed 0.2m 0.15m Opened
3 0.3m Closed Closed 0.3m 0.15m Opened
4 0.1m Closed Closed 0.1m 0.30m Opened
5 0.2m Closed Closed 0.2m 0.30m Opened
6 0.3m Closed Closed 0.3m 0.30m Opened
7 0.1m Closed Closed 0.1m 0.45m Opened
8 0.2m Closed Closed 0.2m 0.45m Opened
9 0.3m Closed Closed 0.3m 0.45m Opened
10 0.1m Closed Closed 0.1m 0.15m Closed
11 0.2m Closed Closed 0.2m 0.15m Closed
12 0.3m Closed Closed 0.3m 0.15m Closed
13 0.1m Closed Closed 0.1m 0.30m Closed
14 0.2m Closed Closed 0.2m 0.30m Closed
15 0.3m Closed Closed 0.3m 0.30m Closed
16 0.1m Closed Closed 0.1m 0.45m Closed
17 0.2m Closed Closed 0.2m 0.45m Closed
18 0.3m Closed Closed 0.3m 0.45m Closed
19 Closed 0.1m 0.1m Closed 0.15m Opened
20 Closed 0.2m 0.2m Closed 0.15m Opened
21 Closed 0.3m 0.3m Closed 0.15m Opened
22 Closed 0.1m 0.1m Closed 0.30m Opened
23 Closed 0.2m 0.2m Closed 0.30m Opened
24 Closed 0.3m 0.3m Closed 0.30m Opened
25 Closed 0.1m 0.1m Closed 0.45m Opened
26 Closed 0.2m 0.2m Closed 0.45m Opened
27 Closed 0.3m 0.3m Closed 0.45m Opened
28 Closed 0.1m 0.1m Closed 0.15m Closed
29 Closed 0.2m 0.2m Closed 0.15m Closed
30 Closed 0.3m 0.3m Closed 0.15m Closed
31 Closed 0.1m 0.1m Closed 0.30m Closed
32 Closed 0.2m 0.2m Closed 0.30m Closed
33 Closed 0.3m 0.3m Closed 0.30m Closed
34 Closed 0.1m 0.1m Closed 0.45m Closed
35 Closed 0.2m 0.2m Closed 0.45m Closed
36 Closed 0.3m 0.3m Closed 0.45m Closed

7.0 Project Management

This research for semester one was conducted in three parts. Studies through academic journals and literature,
design of solar chimney and construction of solar chimney. In semester two we will perform experiments and
record data, there are a total of 36 scenarios which conducted. Organisation skills complimented in effective
work that was accompanied, weekly meetings, on few occasions scheduling extra meetings in week with Dr
Long Shi assisted in unexpected events. An example meeting was gaining budget approval from RMIT and
suppliers to provide materials in timely manner.

Once having thorough understanding of solar chimney we were able design with variables to test which would
provide maximum performance. Creating a conceptual design educated group members in learning to construct
a 3d model on Autocad. Once design was made it was relatively simple to construct a model.

Producing a list of materials and equipment required research where staff at Bunning’s warehouse kindly
assisted in order to construct. Once a list of materials and equipment was produced with a quote, it was
provided to Dr Long Shi to gain approval. It was noted there was a budget that could not be exceeded, this
required changes in materials.

From original plan of project proposal, there were changes which had to be considered. Those changes include a
budget limit, timeline of suppliers providing materials and methodology of construction. Expecting these
constraints we were able to take into account by researching several suppliers before and setting additional days
for tasks to be completed. Below is task sheet which provides detail on start to finish and a Gantt chart which
shows a timeline of task and activities.

Project Tasks Sheet


Gant Chart

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Solar Chimneys: Viable Alternative to Photovoltaic Cells? 2015, Australian Solar Quotes, viewed 11/05/2018,

Thirugnanasambandam, M, Iniyan, S & Goic, R 2010, 'A review of solar thermal technologies☆', Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 312-322.

WJ Batty, HAHSDP 1991, 'Natural Cooling Techniques', Applied Energy, vol. 39.

1) Bunnings quote for list of materials
2) Glazing windows quote from dowell.
Bunnings Group Limited
ABN 26 008 672 179


Customer: Date: 03-MAY-2018

Delivery Address:


Delivery Instructions:

Delivery Date:

We have the pleasure in submitting our Quotation No: 116981323 for the following job:

Job Address:

Summary (Refer Attachment) Amt Excl GST GST Payable Amt Incl GST


BUILDERS 1,642.62 164.26 1,806.88

HARDWARE AND FIXINGS 82.99 8.29 91.28


TOOLS 53.89 5.38 59.27

Prices in this quotation are valid for a period of 30 days from

the date of the Quotation after which the prices may be varied Total $1,783.68 $178.35 $1,962.03
by Bunnings.

Hardwood Species will be supplied at Bunnings discretion unless otherwise requested.

Note: To ensure correct pricing, it is important to state the Quotation number when

For further enquiries concerning this Quotation would you please contact our representative.

This Quotation is subject to Bunnings Terms & Conditions as printed on the reverse side of this form.

Page 1 of 5
Bunnings is pleased to supply you with goods on the basis of the following:

1.Quotes, Estimates and Orders

Unless the quotation/estimate specifies otherwise, it is valid for 30 days and for the full quantity only. The quote/estimate supersedes all previous
quotes/estimates. If you wish to change your order or product specifications before delivery a requote will be provided. We will be bound to supply you
the Goods when Bunnings accepts your order (but not before), and you will then be bound to pay for them. Delivery is within 30 days of us accepting
the order except where we advise you otherwise. Online orders will be regarded as accepted once payment has been processed and you have
received an email order confirmation from us.

In-store purchases: For retail customers (i.e. you do not have an account with Bunnings) then the following require payment in full when you place
your order: purchases under $500; direct deliveries from our suppliers; custom made products; and services. Purchases over $500 require a deposit
of $500 when you place the order, and the balance is payable before the Goods are collected or delivered. Personal cheques are not accepted for
amounts equal to or greater than $10,000.
If you are a Commercial customer (i.e. you have an account with Bunnings), Bunnings' Terms and Conditions of Supply on Credit apply. Short
payment of any invoice is not permitted.
Online purchases: You must pay for all online purchases at the time of online checkout prior to order confirmation in accordance with one of the
payment methods offered on the Bunnings website.

3.Delivery (if applicable)

If delivery is offered by Bunnings, a charge for delivery to your home or premises will apply. Bunnings will give you an estimated delivery date/time in
good faith, but we are unable to accept liability for delay in delivering the goods which is beyond our reasonable control (eg if stock is unavailable).
You must ensure there is clear and safe access for delivery. Please ensure there is a person present at the delivery premises who is authorised by
you to accept delivery. If there is not, you authorise us to deliver the Goods anyway (if we consider it is safe and appropriate to do so). If the delivery
contractor arrives at the agreed time but is unable to deliver the Goods or considers that it is unsafe or inappropriate to do so, you may be required to
pay for re-delivery later. Some Goods may require extra delivery personnel which may incur an additional charge. We will deposit your Goods at
ground level at the delivery premises unless you have arranged otherwise with us. The Goods are at your risk after delivery. For Commercial
customers liability for damage to any property occurring in the course of delivery will not be accepted.

If Goods are being collected, please collect them within 10 days (Commercial customers) or 30 days (retail customers) after we inform you that they
are ready for collection. If you do not, then unless you make arrangements with us for late collection, we will assume you have cancelled your order.
This means we may re-sell the Goods and you may forfeit any deposit or payment you have made. We may need to verify your identity upon

We will endeavour to resolve any problems quickly after notification. Bunnings warrants that the Goods are fit for their usual purpose and are free of
defects. You should ensure that the Goods are suitable for your specific purpose. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under
the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably
foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure
does not amount to a major failure.
For Commercial customers, Bunnings' liability is limited to refunding the price or replacing or repairing the Goods (at our option) and we exclude
liability for indirect or consequential loss (eg contractor time on site). We will not be liable for damage, loss or injury suffered as a result of any person
failing to follow instructions relating to the Goods, modifying them, failing to appropriately maintain or store them or using them for an unintended
purpose. Commercial customers must inspect the Goods upon taking delivery and any shortage, discrepancy, defect, wrong specification or similar
problem must be notified to Bunnings as soon as you become aware of it, and in any event within 7 days of delivery (otherwise we will not be liable for
that problem later).

6.Cancellation & Returns

We will endeavour to assist you if you wish to cancel your order or return Goods unused – for retail customers please see the returns policy on our
website. Some Goods, including custom made Goods are non-returnable unless a warranty or guarantee is breached (further information can be
found on www.bunnings.com.au/returns). Commercial customers may be required to pay for loss we incur as a result (for example, handling/transport
costs or any re-stocking fee charged by our supplier).
We reserve the right to cancel any order (in full or part) where: (i) you are in breach of your payment obligations to Bunnings; (ii) Bunnings reasonably
suspects that you are purchasing Goods for the purposes of resale or resupply; (iii) Bunnings becomes aware after order confirmation that the good is
out of stock; or (iv) there has been a genuine pricing or product description error by Bunnings or its supplier. We will refund any amount already paid
in respect of any cancelled order (and in the case of part cancellation of an order, we will refund the the amount paid that relates to the cancelled
portion of the order).

Bunnings collects your personal information here to allow us to supply you with goods or services. We will not use or disclose your personal
information for any other purpose. Our Privacy Policy can be found on www.bunnings.com.au/privacy-statement. By placing an order with us, you
consent to us providing your name, contact details and delivery address to third parties (including our suppliers or delivery contractors) for the purpose
of fulfilling and delivering your order. If you have any questions, email us at privacy@bunnings.com.au

8.Third Party Installation

Where you arrange for a third party to install Goods supplied by us, you must contract separately with that third party. Bunnings will not be liable for
any installation services provided by a third party.

If goods are being exported out of Australia and you can confirm that this will be within 70 days of purchase, then GST on the goods will not be
charged. Account Customers will be required to provide the relevant export documentation, i.e. Bill of Lading and customs clearance documentation,
within 70 days of purchase for this to be valid. If you do not provide the relevant documentation within this time frame, then GST on the purchase will
be charged to your account

These terms and conditions apply to the exclusion of all others.

Page 2 of 5
Bunnings Group Limited
ABN 26 008 672 179

Mill Park Warehouse

761-781 Plenty Road
MILL PARK VIC Metro 3082
Phone +61 3 9404 8400 Quotation No: 116981323

Customer: Date: 03-MAY-2018

Delivery Address:

Job Number:

Job Address:

Line Item Description or or

1 8030071 PINE STRUCTURAL 150.9 1 3.25 491.14 49.11 540.25

MGP10++90X45MM L/M 2.4M- Linear
3.0M 24/2.4, 19/2.7, 14/3 Metre

2 8423096 PINE TREATED STRUCTURAL 10 Each 29.75 297.45 29.75 327.20

H3++190X45MM 4.2M

3 8423094 PINE TREATED STRUCTURAL 4 Each 21.25 84.98 8.50 93.48

H3++190X45MM 3.0M

4 1103530 JOIST HANGER 180MM 7 Each 2.36 16.55 1.65 18.20

MPFB45180 EA

5 2361117 NAILS COLLATED 2 Each 27.18 54.36 5.44 59.80

BX3000 B20467

6 0340161 PLYWOOD STRUCTURAL 20 Each 30.00 600.00 60.00 660.00

CD++2400X1200MM 7MM

7 0810108 INSULATION 1 Each 118.18 118.18 11.82 130.00


8 0761537 CONCRETE MIX++20KG 3 Each 7.18 21.55 2.15 23.70


9 0960178 MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING 1 Each 27.27 27.27 2.73 30.00


10 4168565 HINGES REVERSE ANGLED 1 Each 3.94 3.94 0.39 4.33


11 1233751 LIQUID NAILS SELLEYS++320G 1 Each 4.18 4.18 0.42 4.60


12 1107055 NAILS FLATHEAD 1 Each 8.14 8.14 0.81 8.95

PRYDA++35X3.15X500G GALV

13 0242008 HARDBOARD 3 Each 0.68 2.05 0.20 2.25


Page 3 of 5
14 5660482 TAPE MEASURE 1 Each 2.68 2.68 0.27 2.95
12.5MM 924681003V^

15 5660641 LEVEL TORPEDO 1 Each 2.72 2.72 0.27 2.99

MAGNETIC 924210023N^

16 5860157 CLAMP SET IRWIN++4PCE 1 Each 18.14 18.14 1.81 19.95


17 5960104 TROWEL BRICK 1 Each 19.98 19.98 2.00 21.98


18 5830002 BRICKLINE NO8 S&J++50M 1 Each 4.55 4.55 0.45 5.00


19 5960015 LINE BLOCK S&J++SOLID 2 Each 2.91 5.82 0.58 6.40


GRAND TOTAL 211.9 1,783.68 178.35 1,962.03

*** Quote Valid until 02-JUN-2018 ***

All care taken but no responsibility accepted for any errors or omissions. It is the customer's responsibility to confirm all items and quantities prior to
any order being accepted.

* This quote is strictly confidential *

Page 4 of 5
Bunnings is pleased to supply you with goods on the basis of the following:

1.Quotes, Estimates and Orders

Unless the quotation/estimate specifies otherwise, it is valid for 30 days and for the full quantity only. The quote/estimate supersedes all previous
quotes/estimates. If you wish to change your order or product specifications before delivery a requote will be provided. We will be bound to supply you
the Goods when Bunnings accepts your order (but not before), and you will then be bound to pay for them. Delivery is within 30 days of us accepting
the order except where we advise you otherwise. Online orders will be regarded as accepted once payment has been processed and you have
received an email order confirmation from us.

In-store purchases: For retail customers (i.e. you do not have an account with Bunnings) then the following require payment in full when you place
your order: purchases under $500; direct deliveries from our suppliers; custom made products; and services. Purchases over $500 require a deposit
of $500 when you place the order, and the balance is payable before the Goods are collected or delivered. Personal cheques are not accepted for
amounts equal to or greater than $10,000.
If you are a Commercial customer (i.e. you have an account with Bunnings), Bunnings' Terms and Conditions of Supply on Credit apply. Short
payment of any invoice is not permitted.
Online purchases: You must pay for all online purchases at the time of online checkout prior to order confirmation in accordance with one of the
payment methods offered on the Bunnings website.

3.Delivery (if applicable)

If delivery is offered by Bunnings, a charge for delivery to your home or premises will apply. Bunnings will give you an estimated delivery date/time in
good faith, but we are unable to accept liability for delay in delivering the goods which is beyond our reasonable control (eg if stock is unavailable).
You must ensure there is clear and safe access for delivery. Please ensure there is a person present at the delivery premises who is authorised by
you to accept delivery. If there is not, you authorise us to deliver the Goods anyway (if we consider it is safe and appropriate to do so). If the delivery
contractor arrives at the agreed time but is unable to deliver the Goods or considers that it is unsafe or inappropriate to do so, you may be required to
pay for re-delivery later. Some Goods may require extra delivery personnel which may incur an additional charge. We will deposit your Goods at
ground level at the delivery premises unless you have arranged otherwise with us. The Goods are at your risk after delivery. For Commercial
customers liability for damage to any property occurring in the course of delivery will not be accepted.

If Goods are being collected, please collect them within 10 days (Commercial customers) or 30 days (retail customers) after we inform you that they
are ready for collection. If you do not, then unless you make arrangements with us for late collection, we will assume you have cancelled your order.
This means we may re-sell the Goods and you may forfeit any deposit or payment you have made. We may need to verify your identity upon

We will endeavour to resolve any problems quickly after notification. Bunnings warrants that the Goods are fit for their usual purpose and are free of
defects. You should ensure that the Goods are suitable for your specific purpose. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under
the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably
foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure
does not amount to a major failure.
For Commercial customers, Bunnings' liability is limited to refunding the price or replacing or repairing the Goods (at our option) and we exclude
liability for indirect or consequential loss (eg contractor time on site). We will not be liable for damage, loss or injury suffered as a result of any person
failing to follow instructions relating to the Goods, modifying them, failing to appropriately maintain or store them or using them for an unintended
purpose. Commercial customers must inspect the Goods upon taking delivery and any shortage, discrepancy, defect, wrong specification or similar
problem must be notified to Bunnings as soon as you become aware of it, and in any event within 7 days of delivery (otherwise we will not be liable for
that problem later).

6.Cancellation & Returns

We will endeavour to assist you if you wish to cancel your order or return Goods unused – for retail customers please see the returns policy on our
website. Some Goods, including custom made Goods are non-returnable unless a warranty or guarantee is breached (further information can be
found on www.bunnings.com.au/returns). Commercial customers may be required to pay for loss we incur as a result (for example, handling/transport
costs or any re-stocking fee charged by our supplier).
We reserve the right to cancel any order (in full or part) where: (i) you are in breach of your payment obligations to Bunnings; (ii) Bunnings reasonably
suspects that you are purchasing Goods for the purposes of resale or resupply; (iii) Bunnings becomes aware after order confirmation that the good is
out of stock; or (iv) there has been a genuine pricing or product description error by Bunnings or its supplier. We will refund any amount already paid
in respect of any cancelled order (and in the case of part cancellation of an order, we will refund the the amount paid that relates to the cancelled
portion of the order).

Bunnings collects your personal information here to allow us to supply you with goods or services. We will not use or disclose your personal
information for any other purpose. Our Privacy Policy can be found on www.bunnings.com.au/privacy-statement. By placing an order with us, you
consent to us providing your name, contact details and delivery address to third parties (including our suppliers or delivery contractors) for the purpose
of fulfilling and delivering your order. If you have any questions, email us at privacy@bunnings.com.au

8.Third Party Installation

Where you arrange for a third party to install Goods supplied by us, you must contract separately with that third party. Bunnings will not be liable for
any installation services provided by a third party.

If goods are being exported out of Australia and you can confirm that this will be within 70 days of purchase, then GST on the goods will not be
charged. Account Customers will be required to provide the relevant export documentation, i.e. Bill of Lading and customs clearance documentation,
within 70 days of purchase for this to be valid. If you do not provide the relevant documentation within this time frame, then GST on the purchase will
be charged to your account.

These terms and conditions apply to the exclusion of all others.

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