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tl1a pr(W-1\Jra equipment safety ·aulhorily

Welder'sName: Bi l Smith ABSA F il e N o .: �124 - _1 ______StampNo.- _99

� �1 ____ _
Identifica ti on of WPS followed by welder during welding of test coupon: C S-2 W.P. Reg. # WP-_C _S___
-_ 2 _
Base materia (l s} welded: P-N o.1 to P-No.1 Thickness: 0.280 in. 181 Test Coupon O Prod. Weld
Testing Conditions and Qualification Limits
Welding Variables (QW-350) Actual Values Range Qualified
WeldL'lg Process(es} Used: SMAW SMAW
Type of Welding (i.e., Manual, Semi- Automa tic} Used: manual manual
Base Metal P- or S-Number. To P- o r S-Nurnber: P-No 1 to P- No. 1 P-No.1 to P·No . 1
O Pla te 181 Pipe (enter diameter if pipe ortube) 6inches 2.5 inche s to B inch.es
BaCking,(metal, weld metal, double·welded, etc.); without with wit hout
Filler Metal or E el ctrode Specification(s) (SFA) (inf o only): 51
Filler Metal or Electrode Classificat!on(s) (info only)· #1 - E 6010 #2 • E7018
Filler Metal or Electro de F-Number(s ): F-No,3 F-No. 4 F-No . 3 F-No. 4
Filler Type (solid/metal o r flux cored/p owder) (GTAW or PAW):
C onsumable Ins ert for GTAW o r PAW·
Deposi� Thickness for each process or elec;trode type, etc. (in.}: 0.280 inch 0.560 inch
Process/Electrode #1: SMAW 3 la yers minimum Yes O No 181 Proce ss/E' e l ctrode #2: 3 la.,ers minimum Bl Ye s O No
Weldin g Pos iUon (2G, 6G, SF, etc.): _ 6G-'" __________ a_ -'Il P.__. o_ s_it_ ion_ _____ s_ _
Vert[cal Pr ogress ion (Uphlll or D ownhill): _d_own_hi_ ll
_ ______ __u....,Jph_ _il_l a_n_d_ d_o_v_m_h_il_l__ _
Fuel Gas for OFW or Inert.Gas Backing for .GTAW, PAW. GMAW
Transfer Mode (spray/globular or pul se to short circuit- GMAW): -----------+-----------
GTAW Curr�mt Type/Polar ity (AC. DCEP, DCEN).____ _____ _....._ _________

Vi sua l Examlnati on of Fit-Up: R oot Gc1p: pass Tack Welds: pass ( Length: Number }
Root Pass (Describe Discontinuity if Unacceptable): -===------------------------ -­
Completed Weld (Describe defects 1f unacceptable): � �------------------------­

Bend Test:� Tra nsver se R oot and Face fQW-462.3(a)J D Longitudinal Ro ol and Face {QW-462.3(tl)J D Side [QW-462.2]

O Pipe Bend Specimen. corrosion-resistant overlay fQW-462,5(c}] O Plate Bend-Specimen. corrosion-res1slantoverlay fQW-462.5(d)J
D Macro Test fot Fusion IQW-462.5(lJ)l D Macro Test fot Fusion TOW-462.o(e)]
Type Result Type Result Type Result
face ·oass - no indications face pass - 3/32" indication
root pass - 1 /16" indication Root pass - no indications
(For altematfve qua lificatio n of gr oove welds by volumefric ex amin a tion to QW-191 )
R.T. Results: U, T , Results. -----------------
Fillet Weld - Fracture 'fest (Describe lo.cation, nature and size of any crack or tearing ,of specimen):_____________ _
Length and Per Cent of Defects: inches- ------- - ------------­
Macro Test-Fusion : --------------------------------------
Appearance - Fi II et Size (leg.): X inch . Con,vexity: inch. or Concavit y:---- fnch.
Oth er Tes�:-------------- ------------------- -- ----�

Record Information
Film or Specimen s Evaluated by: Company:-----------­
Welding superv1 sed by: .,_
ud n-------- --------------- --------­
...,· s.,,o:.:.:
Mechani·cal te sts c onducted by: TH Testing Laboratory test no.: �� H--11
T � �0 - �i�-�78�----­
We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded and te sted in
acco rdance with the req u irements o f Se ction IX ofthe ASME Boiler and Pressure Ve ssel Code.
ACCREDITED ORGANIZATION; 1H Testing AOQPNo.:2552 Expiry Date _12_- 1_ 2_ -__ 3 _1' ____ _ _
Certified by: Tony H udso n Examiner File No. 304 D a te: �0�9- -=0�9-=2- =9�-------
P .O. Card No, (W hen issued}: 11-78 Perfonnance Test ReferenceNo .. _-1_1-7 _ ___ 8_ _ ___ _
Test Coupo n i.0. No.. SMAW- 01-78 Date Co upon is to be retained t o: �11_-=0=2-=-2=9�--- ---

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