Checklist - Admission and Enrolment of An Advocate
Checklist - Admission and Enrolment of An Advocate
Checklist - Admission and Enrolment of An Advocate
23 If applicant’s surname does not correspond with the name in the 17.6.2
application, or any other documents attached to the application,
attach a marriage certificate or other proof to reflect the reason for
the discrepancy
24 Degree certificate or certificates 17.6.3
25 Written confirmation the applicant registered with a person or entity 17.6.4
accredited by the LPC to supervise the practical vocational training of
26 Written confirmation from the LPC confirming the PVT contract has 17.6.5
been registered
27 Where applicable, an agreement relating to the cession of the PVT 17.6.6
contract and written LPC confirmation the cession has been
28 For admission as an advocate intending to practise with a Fidelity 17.6.7
Fund certificate, proof the applicant has satisfied the LPC
requirements ito section 85(1)(b) of the LPA re legal practice
management course, and passed the examination required by
attorneys to reflect the applicant has the required knowledge of
accounting for the keeping of accounting records ito section 87 of the
LPA and for compliance with the LPC accounting rules
29 Attendance of the applicant at an LPC approved PVT course (under 17.6.8
the name of the society of advocates)
30 Comply with service at the seat of the High Court [name of Division] Rule 3A
in terms of Rule 3A Admission of Advocates of the Uniform Rules of Uniform
Court Rules
31 The original and two copies of the application must lie for inspection 17.7
with the LPC for a period of not less than one month. The application
must be properly prepared and bound with an index, all pages of the
application must be paginated at the top right-hand corner of every
page, and all attachments must be clearly marked when the
application is served on the Council
32 An application in terms of this Rule 17 must be accompanied by 17.9
proof of payment of the fee payable in terms of Rule 2
Checklist: Affidavit by the training supervisor