Basketball Rules

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Department af Education PALARONG PAMBANSA 2018 Pres. Eipidio Quirino Stadium, Bantay, locos Sur, Philippines 2 2 Z s BASKETBALL COMPETITION GUIDELINES 1" Caer 2017 iasling the lest amendments shall govern the Basketball forthe Hementary Let, kerb Keer (FIDA) Rules — ald a a L PURPOSE: it is game specially designed to build a sttong foundation in developing positive values and character through their participation. It also aims to enhance the development of basic skills and productive exposure in games between and among Young boys and girls, providing unique experience for fun, enjoyment, and eventualty leading the way 10.4 long term involvement » we % inthe spots z= iL ontserives or rus cane 3 The eames shall be DEVELOPMENTAL in nature and uppoash 2 ft é Use sports (basketball in teaching values and principles as « developmental tool for the biggest game called LIFE. Serve fas am avenue in developing TEAMWORK, LEADERSHIP, PLAY ETHICS and TRUST, likewise, develop camaraderie, teoodtil, sportsmanship, discipline, and other LIF SKILLS walues inherent in the practice and participation in sports so tha ‘Young peopleiplayers learn lessons in life so they ean “LIVE BETTER LIVES TOMORROW” = zs TL _TEAM (Payers, couches & other tam oficial: |. Eugibitity [1 Based on the latest Palarong Pambansa Guidelines 2. Team Composition 2.1 Ateum shall be composed of not more than 12 team members and a COACH while the Girls Team may include 4 CHAPERON (only when the couch is male) 2 Only the Coach (and Chaperon) shall be allowed to stay within the team bench during official games, 4. Team Uniform 4.1 A player who is not wearing the team's complete uniform may not be allowed to play. In ense of an incomplete uniform on a player/s, a WRITTEN REQUEST FOR EXEMPTION (only when there is a valid reason) shall be submitted and duly signed by the Head of Delegation addressed to the Tournament Manager. and the playing numbers shall be (0, 00-99) and the assigned delegation color shall be followed (dominanv/secondary colors). RQUIPMENTIMATERIALS: 1. BALL \ 1.1 The SIZE of the BALL. for the Secondary Girls und Elementary Levels shall be size 6 x ANT 3. Coach E 3.1 A team shall be headed by a responsible Coach as required by the Palarong Pambansa Rules and Guidelines. 2 The SIZE of the BALL forthe Secondary Hoy shall be size 7 TIMING REGULATIONS. : 1 For ELEMENTARY LEVEL/CATEGORY Only D The game shall eonsist of 4 periods. The first three periods shall be played in S minutes and 10 minutes for the 4 period aad § sieen Ex ovey ec period a B. Fur SECONDARY LEVEL/ BoyvGirls CATEGORY: S = The official FIBA 2017 Rules (Regul Rules) shall apply with the latest amendments ic C. For both ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY CATEGORIES: The intervals between periods, is one (1) minute while interval between halves is five (5) minutes IV. PLAYERS’ PLAYING REGULATIONS: A. For ELEMENTARY LEVEL/CATEGORY Only: at T. All players of the team must be fieKled before the end of the 2nd period or within the 1 Halt, FAULURE of the Coach 10 field a plaver in the 1" Half shall he penalized with a Technical Foul (1 FT=BP) charged to the Coach. 2. “All players shall play at least one (1) period BUT not more than three (3) periods and MUST be rested for one (1) perioxl, ~~. Ya Coach fiekled a player for more than three (3) periods, it shall be penalized with a Technical Foul (1 FT+BP) ‘charged to the Coach. 3. Normal substitution procedures shall apply in all periods, (ENcept when certain rule dees net apply). A player may enter jn a game as a substitute as many times as possible within that period and considered as having played only in that peniod/quatter 4. One (1) time-out for every period shall be granted to each team for the first three (3) periods and fwo (2) time-outs shall be wan in he oth ty pr, rnd ne (1 time every eta pred msed inet sal at be cami vet to the next period, Inthe ft Uhre periods the Timeouts shal either he used or forfeited if wo used. oe ON rv P liver VW +5. Incase a team hus an incomplete line-up during the scheduled game: a) The Ist period shall always start with 5 players while the other periods may be played with the remaining members of the teu. b) A team with ONLY seven (7) players (physically present) a the start of the game shall be declared LOSER by FORFETT (but said present players may be allowed to play the 1” period only as a consolation). INTERPRETATIONS of RULE IV. EXEMPTIONS: a) IN CASE OF INJURY/DISQUALIFICATION: = Gin the 1°72™ Period) ~an injured player may be substituted by any player, and as such said” substitute player ‘and injured player” will be considered as having played in tut particular period = The “injured player” upon recovery may re-enter in the same period or may’ play in any period following See. 1, Rule IV. IMPORTANT Reminder: WHENEVER POSSIBLE AND JF THE RULES WILL ALLOW, EVERY PERIOD SUL BE PLAYED ALWAYS WITH FIVE (5) PLAYERS I [The official FIBA Rules or NORMAL substitution procedures shall apply V._ INCASE OF DISQUALIFICATION: L.A daown-out plaver must leave the confines of the play area, 2. Aplayer/eoach who is “EJECTED/THROWN-OUT™ as a result of a Disqualving foul due to Flagrant Foul) Fighting or the like, subject player shall be automatically suspended. ‘The number of games of suspension shall be determined by the Teehnieal Committee headed by the Tournament Manager and will be based on the gravity of the act. When there is suspension, it shall be applied inthe team’s sueceeding games 3. Any team member who is “DISQUALIFIED” duc to a} 2 Unsportsmantike Foul: b) 2 of 3 Technical Fouls by a ‘couch/plaver, is different from the above provision and game’s suspension may be slapped only upon the strict scrutiny and evaluation of the Technical Committee VI RULES OF CONDUCT: 1. FOULS TT TECHNICAL FOULS - any PLAYER/COACH who displays unsportsmanlike/ditespectlul act such as slashing of neck, showing of dirty fingers, pointing of accusing finger and trash talking/shouting bad words/foul language, contesting calls, arguing with the officials and others. A WARNING maybe given or a TECHNICAL FOUL shall be slapped. 12) PERSONAL FOULS a player causing contact with an opposing Playmate, whieh gives an unfair advantage and such contact are neither intentional nor flagrant 13 FOULS. a player causing excessive contact which may cause or have caused injury to an opponent such as: a) excessive swinging of elbow.) throwing a punch, c) tipping; and d) intentional ccontacting/pushing the back of @ player going for a basket shall be judge to be either an UNSPORTSMANLIKE/DISQUALIFYING FOUL VIL PLAYERS'/COACHES’ Conduct: 1. Any plaver/eouch, who is slapped with a Disqualifying Foul and ejected because of FLAGRANTLY UNSPORTSMANLIKE ACT (not due to 2/3 Technical Fouls), shall be penalized accordingly PLUS an wlditional game suspension/ital disqualification or banned trom further participation, depending on the gravity of the offense (As may be determined by the technical committee) 2. Uttering/shouting of obseene/foul language/bad words or verbal abuse trom players/eoaches to opponents/officials or teammates shall not be tolerated. Such act shall be dealt with « warming or a Technical Foul will be slapped. The Coach shall ehave as a professional and or being a responsible sports official or wacher and that in any way # will not sacrifice the values cand discipline of the team but rather to protect the integrity of the game. nv infringement violation of this conduet shall be penalized with a Techical Foul, Game Suspension and or Ban. 3. Teams shall keep and leave their bench areas clean and orderly. Non-compliance shall be dealt with a Waring forthe firs offense, TECHNICAL FOUL for the second offense. 4. Aplayer may be allowed to play with an incomplete uniform, for any valid reason thereof, (only when a Request by the HOD was submitted and approved by the TM), but shall be slapped with a Teshnical Foul before he will enter the playing sour. 5. Coaches shall always confirm their next schedule of game with the Tournament Manager BEFORE leaving the playing venue! or after their game, 6A team that walAs out of their game shall be penalized with & Disqualification ftom the competitiowPALARO and Likewise the Coach shall be BANNED. 7. Any Coach who abandons his/her team without any valid reason shall be penalized with game suspension to ban for I= ‘ear and or perpetual disqualification 8 Any infraction committed in the COVENANT by any player/eoach MAYBE PENALIZED with a reprimand and or oo Technical Foul if so warrants. VIIL SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE AND BULLYING: The conduct of the Palarong Pambansa is an official DepED activity and as such, pertinent provisions of the Child Protection Poliey (DepED Order No. 40, s. 2012). The cnt-Bullving Act (Republic Act No. 10627), and all laws protecting the rights ofthe learners shall be sivicly observed before. during, and ajter the Palarang Pambansa. IX. GAMES DISRUPTION: ‘Games which are cancelled/disrupted/stopped due to “FORCE MAVEURE" or for any valid reason, will be treated {nthe following manner: 1. REMATCH ~ if the disruption of the game took place during the first half 1st and 2nd periods), game shall be replayed and the scores is disregurded/back to zero. RESUMPTION — if the disruption of the game took place during the second half (3rd and 4th periods), the game shall he resumed with the remaining game time and the seores says. 3. RESET — if'a scheduled game was cancelled for a valid reason, the management will reschedule/reset the game at the botiom of all the scheduled games, and ifthe gaine result is no bearing already such game may not be played anymore 4. DURATION OF WAITING — in case of a power failure or any ieident (rain or darkness) that may affect the progress of the game, the LENGTH of time to wait forthe restoration of normalcy is 30 minutes or as may be allowed by the ‘Toumament Manager or his authorized ATM. X. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: The Tournament Manager reserves the right to make any decision on matters that affeets the conduct of the toumament and which subjeeVieoncern is not eovered/specified inthis ground rues. Department of Education PALARONG PAMBANSA 2018 Pres. Etpidio Quirino Stadium, Bantay, Philippines BASKETBALL COMPETITION FORMAT-! 1) ViLN TARY 1, The 18 teams/regions will be divided into four groups, A, B, C, & D. Three (3) groups will have four (4) teams each and the other group will have five (5) teams/regions, All groups must at have at least ‘one team each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The top four (4) placers in the last Palaro will be seeded/distributed in the four (4) groups respectively. The groups for the Sth to 17th placers shall be determined by drawing of lots. GROUPING FORMAT: Elimination Round A | B | € D ] Li-STCAA Vi- CVIRAA 12-NCR V2-WVIRAA | MI -ZPRAA_ 13-CAR_ M2—SRAA T4=BRAA | Mo —~CARAGA __ MS —NMRAA M4 — ARMM M3 — DAVRAA VRAA 5 - MIMAROPA L6-CLRAA L7-RIAA L8- CAVRAA (L~Luzon Region, V- Visayas Region, M-Mindanao Region) 2. Teams in each group will play single round robin to determine the team standings and the top two teams will advance to the QUARTER FINALS for a cross-over knock-out game. The WINNERS shall move to the SEMIFINALS. 2.1 Quarterfinals QFI=Al vs C2 QF2=A2vsCl QF3 = BI vs D2 QF4 = B2vs DI 2.3 SEMIFINALS SF1 = Winner QFI vs Winner QF4 SF2 = Winner QF2 vs Winner QF3 3. The SEMIFINAL WINNERS will then move to the FINALS/CHAMPIONSHIP, while the LOSERS will play for 3"' and 4" Place. 3.1 FINALS Loser SFI vs Loser SF2_ = 3rd and 4th Placers Winner SFI vs Winner SF2 = Ist and 2nd Placers EDILBERTO RABALOS,Ed. D. fournanvent Manager Department of Education p PALARONG PAMBANSA 2018 Pres. Elpidio Quirino Stadium, Bantay, Hocos Sur, Philippines BASKETBALL COMPETITION FORMAT-S).0. GIRLS 1 The 18 teams/regions will be divided into four groups, A, B, C, & D. Three (3) groups will have four (4) teams each and the other group will have five (5) teams/regions, All groups must at have at least one team each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, if possible. The top four (4) placers in the last Palaro will be seeded/distributed in the four (4) groups respectively. The groups for the Sth to 17th placers shall be determined by drawing of lots. GROUPING FORMAT: Elimination Round [ A B - Cc I D [L1-NCR Vi- WVIRAA L2— RIAA MI-SRAA V2- CVIRAA L3- CAVRAA M2— ARMM L4=BRAA 18—CAR L7—MIMAROPA L6— STCAA L5—CLRAA M3 - CARAGA Ma-NMRAA M5 - ZPRAA 3—EVRAA M6 - DAVRAA | (L— Luzon Region, V- Visayas Region, M-Mindanao Region) 2. Teams in each group will play single round robin to determine the team standings and the top ‘nwo teams will advance to the QUARTER FINALS for a cross-over knock-out game. The WINNERS shall move to the SEMIFINALS 2.1 Quarterfinals QF1=Al vs C2 QF2 = A2 vs Cl QF3 = BI vs D2 QF4 = B2 vs D1 2.3. SEMIFINALS SF1 = Winner QFI vs Winner QF4 SF2= Winner QF2 vs Winner QF3 3. The SEMIFINAL WINNERS will then move to the FINALS/CHAMPIONSHIP, while the LOSERS will play for 3" and 4" Place. 3.1 FINALS Loser SFI vs Loser SF2 = 3rd and 4th Placers Winner SF1 vs Winner SF2 = Ist and 2nd Placers EDILBE) Ss Hurnament Manager Department of Education PALARONG PAMB. pidio Quirino Stadium, Banta Pres. A 2018 , Nocos Sur, Philippines BASKETBALL COMPETITION FORMAT-S).C. BOYS |. The 18 teams/regions will be divided into four groups, A, B, C, & D. Three (3) groups will have four (4) teams each and the other group will have five (5) teams/regions, All groups must at have at least one team each from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, if possible. The top four (4) placers in the last Palaro will be seeded/distributed in the four (4) groups respectively. The groups for the Sth to 17th placers shall be determined by drawing of lots. GROUPING FORMAT Elimination Round B ic D Vi- WVIRAA V2- CVIRAA 12- STCAA M2 = CARAGA M3 — DAVRAA M4— NMRAA_ L3— RIAA M6 — ARMM MS —ZPRAA L6- CLRAA L7- CAVRAA L4— CAR 5 — MIMAROPA ins L8- BRAA (L ~ Luzon Region, V- Visayas Region, M-Mindanao Region) 2. Teams in each group will play single round robin to determine the team standings and the top two teams will advance to the QUARTER FINALS for a cross-over knock-out game. The WINNERS shall move to the SEMIFINALS. QF4 = B2 vs DI 2.3. SEMIFINALS SFI inner QF! vs Winner QF4 SF2 = Winner QF2 vs Winner QF3 3. The SEMIFINAL WINNERS will then move to the FINALS/CHAMPIONSHIP, while the LOSERS will play for 3“ and 4" Place. 3.1 FINALS Loser SFI vs Loser SF2 Winner SF] vs Winner SF2 = Ist and 2nd Placers = 3rd and 4th Placers

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