Site Master File: Therapeia Biologics
Site Master File: Therapeia Biologics
Site Master File: Therapeia Biologics
Therapeia Biologics,
Building no. 14, 212/2, Off Soli Poonawalla Road, Navi Mumbai,
Mumbai -400614
Tel: 022-26602113, 26602378, 26602978
FAX: 022-26993945, 26993921
Therapeia Biologics
1.1 Brief Information of the Firm (including name & address), relation to
other sites particularly, any information relevant to understand the
manufacturing operations.
1.5 Type of actual products manufactured on the site and such information
about especially toxic and hazardous substances handled, mentioning
the way they are manufactured.
The site covers 11197.43 square Ft. and is located in the Central Excise
Free Zone, Himachal Pradesh (India). The site has facilities for the
production of Tablets (Beta-Lactum & Non Beta-Lactum), Capsules (Beta-
Lactum & Non Beta-Lactum), Dry Syrup ,Ointments and Dry Powder
The common warehouse for Packing Material is located on the first floor of
the site and for dry powder injection‘s warehouse on ground floor.
The Raw Material stores for Non Beta-Lactum are located on the first floor of
the site and for Beta-Lactum are located on thethird floor of the site and for
dry powder injection on ground floor.
Therapeia Biologics
Adequate and separate AHU have been provided for: Tablet and capsule and
ointment (Non Beta-Lactum) tablet Capsules (Beta-Lactum) & Dry powder
injection (Beta-Lactum) .
The site has a centralized utilities section with Generators, Compressed air
system and A. C. system. The R.O. with mixed bed for demineralization
water and multicolumn plant for water for injection located on roof of the
Very few analytical instruments are not available with the firm for which
assistance of following reputed and competent laboratories are taken, which
does not infringe legal provision.
-All the job functions of the company are in time with its Quality policy. Total
Quality Management of the firm is looked after by a Quality Assurance
Executive. All department heads, up to the Managers, maintain and follow
Quality Management System.
Therapeia Biologics
The Quality Management Assurance with the help of other personnel has the
responsibility to see that all procedures are as per the standard operating
procedures. Personnel competence is also assessed by the Quality Assurance
Executive. The total Quality Management System is designed for ‗Zero
Defect Product‘ for which the Quality Assurance Executive is responsible.
Specifications and STPs are prepared by QC and finally reviewed and issued
by Quality Assurance. In case of regulatory specifications and STPs,
Department of Regulatory Affairs are consulted. Specifications and STPs are
written in prescribed format with identification no., effective date and
approval signatures. These are updated on any change in regulatory
requirements or pharmacopoeias or change in specifications and STPs
Department of Regulatory Affairs are consulted.
2.1 Organizational Chart showing arrangement of for Quality Assurance,
including production and quality control.
See attached sheets
2.2 Outline of arrangements for basic and in service training for record
The company has structured a training program, which covers the entire
employee. The managers are exposed to different are any programmes as per
need assessed by divisional had. This activity is co-ordinated by cooperate
trainings cell under the personnel manager.
Induction Programme
Manufacturing Techniques
Operation of Equipment
Cleaning Procedures
GMP Requirements
Therapeia Biologics
Each process operation has it own air-handling system and has temperature & humidity
controls. The corridors are also environmentally controlled and are at positive pressure
as compared to the individual rooms to prevent any mixing of air / powder from each
room to the corridors. Pressure balancing of each air handling system has been done to
avoid any cross contamination.
Each Core Process Room is supplied with controlled air passed through pre-filters
having efficiency of 99% down to 5 µ followed by micron filters having efficiency of
99% down to 3 µ and finally through H.E.P.A. filters having efficiency of 99.97%
down to 0.3 µ. Separate return air ducts are provided in each room at a height of above
100 mm from the floor and are fitted with 10 µ filters at return point. Efficiency of 0.3
µ H.E.P.A. filters are determined by checking the velocity, pressure gradient of
individual areas and based on the result, decision for filter changing is taken. Any
major change in the design of air handling system calls for revalidations. The
individual process area is designed to have a temperature varying from 21 0 C to 250 C
are maintained. The corridors are kept at positive pressure with respect to the process
cubicles 10% of fresh air taken in each re-circulation cycle of returned air.
The AHU‘s are designed to have air changes varying from 20 to 40 per hour depending
upon the process requirement.
Therapeia Biologics
3.4 Special areas for the handling of highly toxic, hazardous & sensitizing
3.5 Brief description of water system. Please see attached block diagram.
Source of Raw Water: There is municipal water and our bore water as source
of raw water.
The raw water is stored in a tank having capacity of 6,000 Liters. The water
from this tank is passed through R.O. with mixed bed Plant. The DM water
is monitored continuously for its conductivity and pH. This DM water is
pumped up in stainless steel (S.S.) storage tanks of 1000 Lts Capacity. From
there it is distributed to manufacturing area by S.S. pipelines. The tanks are
regularly cleaned & the record of cleaning is maintained.
The D. M water is used for preparing of paste for tablets and for ointments.
D.M.water is pumped to multi column distillation unit to produse water for
injection . This water for injection is distributed to sterile & non sterile areaof
powder injection section for cleaning of vials rubber bungs extra.
Therapeia Biologics
Each weekend the maintenance incharge along with the Quality Assurance
Executive and respective departmental heads, visit each part of the factory to
locate and rectify areas which may require maintenance e.g. cracks / breakage
in structures/plastering, painting etc.
3.7 Equipments
The Q.A. Department prepares, issues and updates the Q.A. Policy. The Q.A.
Department is responsible for preparing, revision and distribution of all documents
for manufacture. All master documents are stored in Central Record Room in Q.A.
Dept. and documentation control as per respective SOP. Every master document
has a review period and it is reviewed mandatory on or before that date. Circulation
of these documents is restricted to authorized users and to be controlled by issuing
department. On changes, documents are rewritten, duly checked, authorized and
signed by two independent persons. All superceded copies of the document are
destroyed, except one copy, which is kept for reference purpose and is prominently
marked as ―Superceded‖.
Approval, issuance and with drawl of SOP is controlled by the Q.A. Dept. and is as
per respective SOP.
Therapeia Biologics
Validation protocol and results of validation studies for equipment, process and
systems are available with the Q.A. Dept.
Reconciliation of raw materials, bulk products and packing material forms part of the
4.2 Any other documentation related to product quality which is not mentioned
elsewhere (e.g. microbiological control on air and water).
A routine monitoring of water (potable and purified water) is done drawing samples
from various points of usage. The plan envisages that purified water from every
usage point is checked once every week for microbiological and chemical tests.
Potable water is tested microbiologically once in three months.
Therapeia Biologics
Based on the bill of materials, the computer assigns particular quantities of raw
material (active & inactive) for that particular batch on FIFO basis. The dispensing
of the material required for the particular batch against the particular Quality Control
Analytical Reference No. Mentioned in the Formulation Order is done by a
technician in presence of a warehouse supervisor.
All raw and packaging materials are received at the warehouse. On receipt of the
material, the warehouse officer checks the supplier‘s documents accompanying the
goods. The warehouse personnel feed the details of these goods in the record book
and under test label pasted on the material containers. The No. Of labels are equal to
the No. Of containers received. The goods are stored in a separate ―Under Test Area‖
Q.C. Executive draws a representative sample of the batch. Sampled labels are
attached to each container taken for sampling. Sampling of raw materials, packing
materials and intermediate are done as per the respective SOPs.
The Q.C. lab against approved specifications tests a pooled sample in case the material
is approved, the data is feed in the computer as approval and the warehouse is
informed. The Q.C. officer affixes ―Approved‖ sticker on each and every container and
the material are moved to the ―Approved Bay‖. In case of rejection the Q.C.
officer affixes ―Rejected‖ sticker on the containers and they are moved to ―Rejected
Therapeia Biologics
All material is stored in warehouse as per the storage conditions prescribed by the
manufacturer. Dispensing of the material in warehouse is done as per BPR issued by
Production Planning Department and materials are transferred to Production Block.
At intermediate stages during manufacturing IP Q.A. draw random samples from
each batch and send these for testing in Q.C. Labs. Finished Goods after ―
Release ‖ are taken for distribution.
Any raw or packaging material that does not confirm to the approved specifications
is treated as rejected material. On completion of the testing, the Q.C. Dept. affixes
―Rejected‖ Label on each such container and a Rejection Note is prepared by giving
reasons for Rejection.
The stocks are moved to an area designated for rejected stock. The Purchase Dept.
informs the vendor on the rejection along with the reasons for rejection. The rejected
stocks are then sent back to the vendor. In case of rejection of labels, Cartons the
respective materials are destroyed in presence of the representatives from purchase
warehouse, Q.C. Dept. and Security Controls. In case a batch does not confirm to
specification, then the Q.A. Manager in consultation with process development takes
decision on destruction or reprocessing.
As a policy of a company, all the processes are validated before the start of
commercial production, any changes in a validated process have to be revalidate
prior to switch over basis controlled through SOP.
A process is considered to be validated when three consecutive batches give results
within the specified limits. Validation is carried out by a team consisting of
managers from production and Q.A.
Therapeia Biologics
6.1 Description of the Quality Control System and of the activities of the
Quality Control Department. Process for the release of printed
components and finished goods.
The batch Production Record is then reviewed by the Quality Assurance Manager.
He checks for the completeness of the documents and for the compliance with GMP
at various steps. The QA Manager ‗Releases‘ the batch for distribution by signing
the BPR.
All printed packaging materials on receipt from vendor are stored in warehouse with
‗Under Test‘ status. A Goods Receipt Note for the material is made and sent to Q.C.
Dept. The Q.C. Dept. assigns an Analytical Reference Number to the material and
does sampling of the same as per respective SOP of sampling. Samples are tested as
per the approved specifications and compared with approved standards and shade
cards, following Standard Test Procedures. If the samples conform to the
specifications, then the consignment is released and an ―Approved‖ label is pasted
over the ―Under Test‖ label. The consignment is then moved to the ‗Approved Bay‘.
Therapeia Biologics
Any market complaint is handled as per respective SOP. A copy of the SOP is
attached herewith.
In case of product recall, the Q.A. Manager informs the Head of Marketing
through telephone, telex or fax. This is followed by a written communication
by the QAM to the Head of Marketing. The Head of Marketing then informs
through telephone, telex or fax followed by a written communication to all
Regional Managers to quarantine all stocks and withdraw the batch from the
wholesaler / retailer.
The Distribution Manager reconciles the total quantities of the batch against the
quarantined batch and sends the stock back to the manufacturing location with
‗Quarantine‘ marked on each shipper.
The stocks are stored in Quarantined Area at the manufacturing location till all
investigation is completed by Q.A. Manager.
The Regulatory Authorities are informed about the batch recall and its
reconciliation. Further action is taken depending upon the reasons for recall.
Details of these are mentioned in as per respective SOP.
Therapeia Biologics
The Company has a defined Self Inspection System through which all
manufacturing functions, Engineering Department, Quality Control Department
and warehouse are audited by a team of Managers consisting of Works
Manager, Q.A. Manager and Production Manager and the Department Head of
Department being audited. The audit is carried out as per the SOP. All
deficiencies noted in the inspection are attended to by the Departmental Head and
a report issued by him.
Therapeia Biologics