BR 1
BR 1
BR 1
Chapter 1: introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Searching and Theoretical
New investig
conclus ate
Establis Materia
h facts ls and
Nature and Features of Research:
. Objective
. Control
. Generalizability
. Free from personal biases
. Systematic
. Reproducible
. Directed towards the solution of problem
. Logical
. Replicable
Objective of research :
Basic or Applied or
Fundamenta Action
l research Research
Basic or Fundamental Research:
A research conducted for depth knowledge on any issue or
subject of event.
A research that is primarily interested to find out certain basic
principles not the solution of the problem.
Basic research are generally carried out by academicians,
professors etc.
develops fundamental principles.
Finds major factors of practical problems.
Principles developed can be generalized.
Applied or Action Research:
A research which is conducted to find the salutation of a
particular problem is called applied research.
It provides the answer of the problem raised on policy, programs
and procedures etc. of an organization.
It is related to solving real life problem.
Conclusion of applied research can implemented immediately.
It helps to formulate new policies and programs .
Difference Between Fundamental and Applied Research
Fundamental Research Applied Research
c research)
Generalization Hypothesis
and formulation
research) Research
Data analysis Collection of
Approaches to Research:
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
A research concerned with qualitative phenomena is known as qualitative research.
Aim of qualitative research is to get depth knowledge and explain issue or subject rather than finding
solution rather than coming to conclusion. It is conducted to understand the response of people on an event
,issue or subject. Such type of research is generally used in social science.
A research in which the researcher relies on the views on participants , asks broad, general
questions ,collects information and analyze them in subjective manner.
In qualitative research data are collected from individual ,organization ,books , other written documents ,
media , wave sites, telephone , etc.
Data are analyzed on the basis of established theory like content analysis, comparative analysis ,conversion
analysis ,ground theory etc.
Development on concept of advertisement, new products development , are the example of qualitative
Quantitative Research
The research is mostly used to find solution of the problem rather than opinion
or views of participants.
The data are analyzed using statistical tools like mean , median , correlation,
Z- test, t- test etc.
Policy Research
Managerial Research
Action Research
Evaluation Research
Nature of Management Research
Commercial advantage
Double hurdle
Nature of
Doubl managem Commer
e ent cial
hurdl research advanta
e ge
Value of Management Research
Social science are always dynamic and related with human behavior and
activities. Human behavior and activities differ according to situations and
context so the social problems are not similar. Hence in practice it is very
difficult to use scientific method in social science.
Positivism: Interpretivism
Positivism Interpretivism
As per positivism , knowledge develops by As per interpretivism social world cannot
investigating the social reality through be understood by applying research
observing facts . principles adopted .
Social world exist externally and is viewed Social world is viewed subjectively .
objectively ,
Research is value free . Research is driven by interest .
Ethical Concern in Research
Ethics is the study of standards of right and wrong ; that part of
science and philosophy dealing with moral conduct, duty and
The term ethics commonly refers to principles of behavior that
distinguish what I good or bad , right or wrong.
Ethics are norms for conduct. These are moral principles or beliefs
about what is wrong or right.
Ethics are the norms or code of conduct for how to act for analyzing
the problems and issues.
A researcher should consider the certain norms or ethics on his
research work regarding on data collection ,data analysis and
preparation and presentation of repot. To be ethical , the researcher
should not do following works.
Put pressure on participants for getting information.
Violate individual right to privacy.
Possible deception of participants.
Fabricate the data.
Replace actual data with false data.
Manipulation of data .
Claim the credit for the work done by others.
Not maintaining confidentiality.
Report the data without permission of organization.
Post study sharing of results.
Publish the same paper in different journals without telling the
Violet the government and organization s rule and regulations.
General Ethical Principles:
Non discrimination
Respect to Intellectual property
Copy right