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Chapter 1: introduction
Chapter 2: Literature Searching and Theoretical

Chapter 3: Research Design

Chapter 4 : Measurement, Scaling and Sampling
Chapter 5 : Data Collection and Analysis
Chapter 6 : Research Proposal and Report Writing
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction

Meaning of research , scientific research –features ,Types of

research, The scientific research process ,Approaches to
research ,Paradigm Shifts-Positivist vs Interpretive
philosophies , Management research concept , nature and
value in business decision making , Applying scientific thinking
to management problems ,Ethical concern in research .
Meaning and Definition
Meaning: Literal meaning is search again or repeated
investigation(Re +Search).
Research is the process of finding something new or a
problem of a solution based on established theories.
According to F.N. Kerlinger ,“ Research is a systematic,
controlled, empirical and critical investigation of a
hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among
the natural phenomena.”
According to Advanced learners Dictionary, research is defined
as “ a careful investigation or inquiry through the research for
new facts in any branch of knowledge.”
According to P.V.Young “ Research may be defined as the
systematic method of discovering new facts or verifying old
facts , their sequence , interrelationship casual explanation
and the natural laws which govern them” .
The research helps:
to observe and describe the facts.
to predict.
to determine the causes .
to develop new theories .
to test the theory .
Research is simply the process of findings solution of a problem after
through study and analysis of a situational factors.

observes collection of data

Person Phenomena Conclusion
again and again analysis of data

New investig
conclus ate

Establis Materia
h facts ls and
Nature and Features of Research:

Research undertakes the depth study on any subject or

issue or events which helps to solve the problem and
enhance the knowledge.
The features of the research varies according to the
nature of research but some common features are:
Features of Research:

. Objective
. Control
. Generalizability
. Free from personal biases
. Systematic
. Reproducible
. Directed towards the solution of problem
. Logical
. Replicable
Objective of research :

The objectives of research are :

To find out solution of the problem .
To test the applicability of theory .
To support decision making .
To compare.
To do experiment .
To have detail knowledge.
Types of Research

Basic or Applied or
Fundamenta Action
l research Research
Basic or Fundamental Research:
A research conducted for depth knowledge on any issue or
subject of event.
A research that is primarily interested to find out certain basic
principles not the solution of the problem.
Basic research are generally carried out by academicians,
professors etc.
develops fundamental principles.
Finds major factors of practical problems.
Principles developed can be generalized.
Applied or Action Research:
A research which is conducted to find the salutation of a
particular problem is called applied research.
It provides the answer of the problem raised on policy, programs
and procedures etc. of an organization.
It is related to solving real life problem.
Conclusion of applied research can implemented immediately.
It helps to formulate new policies and programs .
Difference Between Fundamental and Applied Research
Fundamental Research Applied Research

Aim of fundamental research is Aim of applied research is to find

to develop theory and enhance out solution of current problem
the existing knowledge faced by organization.
Research is conducted on area Research is carried on immediate
of interest of researcher problem faced by organization.

No time limit. Time limit.

Result obtained can be Result may not be generalized.

generalized. i.e. result may be specific.
Findings of applied research
Principles developed through
have immediate applications in
basic research may not have
real life situations.
immediate applications.
Applied research are based on
Basic research are based on situational and individual
technical analysis. analysis.
Scientific Research

Scientific research is a step by step logical , organized and

rigorous method to identify the problems , gather data ,
analyze data and draw valid conclusion there from.

Scientific research is a systematic ,controlled , empirical

and critical investigation of a hypothetical proposition
about the presumed relations among the natural

Scientific research is conducted for solving the problems .

It identify the problem and analyze in every dimension,
finds solution of problems.
Why Scientific Research:
Scientific research is not based on hunches ,
experience and intuition.
It is purposive and rigorous .
Findings are accurate and confident .
Findings may apply to similar problems .
It is more objective.
Features of Scientific Research:
The Scientific Research Process :

research should follow certain pre determined systematic process to be a

scientific research .Scientific research process refers to the steps to be
followed while conducting the research work .The steps in scientific
research process are :

Step1: Realizing the problem

Step 2 : Problem Identification
Step 3 : Theoretical framework/ Literature Review
Step 4 : Hypothesis Formulation
Step 5 : Research Design
Step 6 : Data Collection
Step 7 : Data Analysis
Step 8 : Interpretation and Generalization
Scientific Research Process

Realizing the Problem Theoretical

problem identification framework

c research)
Generalization Hypothesis
and formulation

research) Research
Data analysis Collection of
Approaches to Research:

Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
A research concerned with qualitative phenomena is known as qualitative research.

Aim of qualitative research is to get depth knowledge and explain issue or subject rather than finding
solution rather than coming to conclusion. It is conducted to understand the response of people on an event
,issue or subject. Such type of research is generally used in social science.

A research in which the researcher relies on the views on participants , asks broad, general
questions ,collects information and analyze them in subjective manner.

In qualitative research data are collected from individual ,organization ,books , other written documents ,
media , wave sites, telephone , etc.

Data are analyzed on the basis of established theory like content analysis, comparative analysis ,conversion
analysis ,ground theory etc.

Development on concept of advertisement, new products development , are the example of qualitative
Quantitative Research

A research which is based on measurement of quantity. i.e it is applicable to

the phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity or amounts . The
result is purely numeric.

The research is mostly used to find solution of the problem rather than opinion
or views of participants.

The data are analyzed using statistical tools like mean , median , correlation,
Z- test, t- test etc.

Research related to income , expenditure and volume of sales etc. are

example of quantitative research.
Difference Between Qualitative and
Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

Used to understand and analyze Used to explain and predict the
the issue issue.
Researcher himself involves in Involvement of researcher remains
research work. less.
Data are collected through Data are collected through
unstructured questions. structured questions.
Sample size is small. Sample size is large
Data are analyzed on the basis of Data are analyzed using statistical
established theories. tools.
Structured data Unstructured data
Statistical analysis Summary
Objective conclusions Subjective
Surveys, experiments conclusions
Interviews, focus
groups, observations

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Management Research :
“Management research is the systematic and objective of process of
gathering ,recording ,and analyzing data for aid in making business decision.”
“Business research is a systematic inquiry whose objective is to provide
information to solve management problem.” Donald cooper and Schindler
Management or business research is the systematic and objective process of
generating information for aid in making decisions including financial
research, operational research, marketing research. Business research provides
the needed information that guides managers to make decision successfully .
Management research is that which is conducted to solve the problem in
organization related to planning ,organizing directing , controlling.
Business research refers to systematic collection and analysis of data with the
purpose of finding answer to the problem faced by management.
It is a applied or action research.
Types of Management Research:

Policy Research
Managerial Research
Action Research
Evaluation Research
Nature of Management Research

Management research is also social science research but its

problems are different than other subjects . Its purpose is
to identify business problem and its solution. Thus, it is
different than other research. The qualities that
differentiate management research from other research

Commercial advantage
Double hurdle

Nature of
Doubl managem Commer
e ent cial
hurdl research advanta
e ge

Value of Management Research

The prime value of management research is to reduce uncertainty and to

help in improving in decision making process. The decision making process
is associated with following interrelated dimensions:

Identifying problems and opportunities

Diagnosing and assessing problems and opportunities
Selecting and implanting a course of action
Evaluating the course of action
Applying Scientific Thinking in Management Research:

Social science are always dynamic and related with human behavior and
activities. Human behavior and activities differ according to situations and
context so the social problems are not similar. Hence in practice it is very
difficult to use scientific method in social science.

Management research is also a part of social science research so there is also

difficulties in applying scientific methods in management research. Even
being difficulties in use of scientific methods in Management research,
researcher are getting success in use of scientific methods.

The major difficulties in applying scientific method are as follows:

Complexity of subject matter
Difficult to obtain accurate measurement
Misconceived impression of society
Subjectivity of social events
Emotional tendency
Vested interested of researcher
Qualitativiness of social events
Lack of universality of social events
Paradigm Shift Of Research
A paradigm is simply a belief system(or theory) that guides
the way we do thing or more formally establish a set of
practices this can range from thoughts pattern to action.

A paradigm is a set of assumptions about how things work

. It is a school of thoughts or framework for thinking how
the research ought to be conducted to find out truth
Rossman and Rollis defined paradigm as “shared
understandings of reality.” All research are based on such
assumption or thoughts. There are two major thoughts;
Positivism and Interpretivism.

Throughout the 19th and mid 20th century positivism

remained a dominant philosophy of research. It based on
the work of French philosopher Auguste Comte. It is
associated with quantitative research. It involves
hypothesis testing to obtain “objective” truth. It is also
used to predict what may happen at a future date. It holds
that science or knowledge creation should be based on
what can observed and directly measured. Criticism
realism is a subtype of positivism that incorporates some
value assumptions on the part of researcher. Researchers
primarily rely on quantitative data to do this. Positivism
explains a phenomenon.
It is associated with the qualitative research. It is used to obtain an
understanding of the word from an individual perspective. Critical
Humanism is a subtype of the interpretive paradigm. The critical
humanism approach is the one in which the researcher involves the
people studied in the research process. Data is used for social change.
Interpretivism understands a phenomenon.

However a new approach has taken place these days.

Mixed or Triangulation: This is the new emerging process of

research; the integrated view of positivism and intepretivism that
combines both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Positivism: Interpretivism

Knowledge develops by Social world cannot be understood

investigating the social reality by applying research principles
through observing the facts. adopted.
Social world exists externally Social world is viewed subjectively.
and is viewed objectively.
Research is driven by interest.
Research is value free.
Related with qualitative research.
Related with quantative Sample size is small.
Less statistical tools are used in
Sample size is large. data analysis.
Statistical tools are used in data
Paradigms shift of Research:
A research paradigm is a school of thought or a framework for
thinking or a set of assumptions about how the research ought to be
conducted to ascertain truth .
A broad framework of perception ,understanding ,belief with in which
theories and practices operate .
Pattern of beliefs and practices that regulate inquiry with in a
discipline by providing frames and process through which
investigation is carried out .
A paradigm provides a conceptual framework for seeing and making
sense of social world.
The major paradigms in research are:
Positivism .
Interpretivsm .
Positivism: Also called Scientific/Normative
paradigm .
Paradigm which tends to control the research conditions through
scientific methods.
Science controlled , it generalized the findings .
Easy to objective .
Tends to quantitative method .
Deductive process going from generalization (theory) leading to
prediction(hypothesis) , explanation and understanding .
Replication of a true scientific study should yield the same result .
Interpretivism :

Also called humanistic paradigm .

Paradigm relies on human interpretation of reality as the basis of
understanding the world .
Post positivist paradigm .
Tends to use qualitative method .
The research process is inductive in which observation are made and the
generalizations are developed based on those observations .
Subjective in nature .
Replication of the study may not yield same result .
Positivism Vs interpretivism :

The main difference between positivism and interpretivism are :

Positivism Interpretivism
As per positivism , knowledge develops by As per interpretivism social world cannot
investigating the social reality through be understood by applying research
observing facts . principles adopted .
Social world exist externally and is viewed Social world is viewed subjectively .
objectively ,
Research is value free . Research is driven by interest .
Ethical Concern in Research
Ethics is the study of standards of right and wrong ; that part of
science and philosophy dealing with moral conduct, duty and
The term ethics commonly refers to principles of behavior that
distinguish what I good or bad , right or wrong.
Ethics are norms for conduct. These are moral principles or beliefs
about what is wrong or right.
Ethics are the norms or code of conduct for how to act for analyzing
the problems and issues.
A researcher should consider the certain norms or ethics on his
research work regarding on data collection ,data analysis and
preparation and presentation of repot. To be ethical , the researcher
should not do following works.
Put pressure on participants for getting information.
Violate individual right to privacy.
Possible deception of participants.
Fabricate the data.
Replace actual data with false data.
Manipulation of data .
Claim the credit for the work done by others.
Not maintaining confidentiality.
Report the data without permission of organization.
Post study sharing of results.
Publish the same paper in different journals without telling the
Violet the government and organization s rule and regulations.
General Ethical Principles:
Non discrimination
Respect to Intellectual property
Copy right

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