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BS en 14591-2-2007+C1-2008

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September 2008

Explosion prevention
and protection in
underground mines —
Protective systems —
Part 2: Passive water trough barriers

ICS 13.230; 73.100.99

BS EN 14591-2:2007

National foreword

This British Standard is the UK implementation of

EN 14591-2:2007, incorporating corrigendum September 2008.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee FSH/23, Explosion and fire precautions in industrial and
chemical plant.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained
on request to its secretary.
This publication does not purport to include all the necessary
provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity
from legal obligations.

This British Standard was Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

published under the authority
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee Date Comments
on 29 June 2007

28 February 2010 Implementation of CEN corrigendum September 2008;

© BSI 2010
row inserted in Table ZA.1 for 1.2.1

ISBN 978 0 580 64526 6


Incorporating corrigendum
ICS 13.230; 73.100.99 September 2008

English Version

Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines -

Protective systems - Part 2: Passive water trough barriers

Protection contre l'explosion dans les mines souterraines - Explosionsschutz in untertägigen Bergwerken -
Systèmes de protection - Partie 2: Arrêts-barrages passifs Schutzsysteme - Teil 2: Passive Wassertrogsperren
à bacs à l'eau

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 4 February 2007.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14591-2:2007: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Contents Page

Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................6
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................7
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................7
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................7
4 Construction requirements of water troughs ...................................................................................10
4.1 General..................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Dimensions, specifications ................................................................................................................10
5 Testing of water troughs.....................................................................................................................11
5.1 General..................................................................................................................................................11
5.2 Construction tests ...............................................................................................................................11
5.2.1 Shape, capacity, dimensions..............................................................................................................11
5.2.2 Strength, shape retention ...................................................................................................................11
5.2.3 Water level indicator............................................................................................................................11
5.3 Testing of electrostatic properties.....................................................................................................12
5.3.1 Test method..........................................................................................................................................12
5.3.2 Assessment..........................................................................................................................................12
6 Additional fittings for water troughs..................................................................................................12
7 Marking of water troughs....................................................................................................................12
8 Construction of concentrated and distributed water trough barriers............................................12
8.1 General..................................................................................................................................................12
8.2 Framework structures .........................................................................................................................12
8.3 Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section...................................................................13
8.4 Configuration of water trough barriers in mine workings ...............................................................13
9 Marking of water trough barriers .......................................................................................................15
10 Information for use ..............................................................................................................................16
Annex A (normative) Construction of quick-deploy passive water trough barriers ..................................17
A.1 General..................................................................................................................................................17
A.2 Trough frames......................................................................................................................................17
A.3 Ropes and chains ................................................................................................................................17
A.4 Attachment supports...........................................................................................................................17
A.5 Arrangement of the quick-deploy water trough barriers in the roadway.......................................17
A.6 Volume of water to be contained by quick-deploy water trough barriers .....................................18
Annex B (normative) Example of acceptable test procedure for water troughs ........................................19
B.1 Testing of heat reaction properties....................................................................................................19
B.1.1 Test procedure .....................................................................................................................................19
B.1.2 Test arrangement.................................................................................................................................19
B.1.3 Procedure .............................................................................................................................................20
B.1.4 Assessment..........................................................................................................................................20
B.2 Testing of explosion properties .........................................................................................................20
B.2.1 Testing of water dispersion ................................................................................................................20
B.2.2 Testing the extinguishing efficiency in full-scale tests ...................................................................22
B.3 Testing of fire-resistance properties .................................................................................................22
Annex C (informative) Example of marking of water troughs ......................................................................23

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex D (informative) Examples for configuration of water troughs..........................................................24

Annex E (informative) Example for marking of water trough barriers ........................................................44
Annex F (normative) Instructions for water trough barriers ........................................................................45
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 94/9/EC..............................................................................................46


Figure 1 — Trough group, plan view ................................................................................................................9

Figure 2 — Water trough type A (side elevations) ........................................................................................10

Figure 3 — Water trough type B (side elevations) ........................................................................................10

Figure 4 — General rules for water trough barriers in mine workings .......................................................15

Figure A.1 — Quick-deploy water trough barrier (example) ........................................................................18

Figure B.1 — Test arrangement for determining heat reaction properties ................................................19

Figure B.2 — Test arrangement for investigating water dispersion ...........................................................21

Figure D.1 — Location of water troughs, sectional view .............................................................................24

Figure D.2 — Arrangement of troughs in roadway cross-section – coverage...........................................25

Figure D.3 — Arrangement of troughs in roadway cross-section – horizontal distances .......................26

Figure D.4 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – vertical distances......................27

Figure D.5 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – vertical distances......................27

Figure D.6 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – transverse and longitudinal

Figure D.7 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – Obscurement by supports or


Figure D.8 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – Obscurement by supports or


Figure D.9 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – Obscurement by troughs .........30

Figure D.10 — Arrangement of vertically-offset troughs in the roadway cross-section, distance < 1.2 m

Figure D.11 — Barrier cordon for a roadway intersection ...........................................................................32

Figure D.12 — Barrier cordon for shafts and insets .....................................................................................33

Figure D.13 — Barrier cordon for closely spaced roadway intersections .................................................34

Figure D.14 — Barrier cordon for closely spaced junctions – Calculation examples for explosion-
barrier setting distances...........................................................................................................................35

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Figure D.15 — Barrier cordon for closely spaced junctions – Calculation examples for explosion-
barrier setting distances.......................................................................................................................... 36

Figure D.16 — Setting distances for concentrated and distributed water trough barriers...................... 37

Figure D.17 — Roadway drivage with concentrated water trough barriers............................................... 38

Figure D.18 — Roadway drivage with concentrated water trough barriers – Calculation examples a)
and b) ......................................................................................................................................................... 39

Figure D.19 — Roadway drivage with dispersed water trough barrier ...................................................... 40

Figure D.20 — Roadway drivage with concentrated and dispersed water trough barrier ....................... 41

Figure D.21 — Water trough barriers at the face/gate intersection............................................................ 41

Figure D.22 — Explosion barriers in advance gate-roads........................................................................... 42

Figure D.23 — Arrangement of water trough barriers when retreating to the main seam road .............. 43

Figure E.1 — Example for marking of water trough barriers ...................................................................... 44


Table 1 — Maximum container dimensions and water content for 40 litre water troughs ...................... 11

Table 2 — Container dimensions and water content for 90 litre water troughs........................................ 11

Table ZA.1 — Relationship between this European Standard and Directive 94/9/EC .............................. 46

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

This document (EN 14591-2:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 305 “Potentially
explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This document shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by
endorsement, at the latest by September 2007, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by September 2007.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.

EN 14591 Explosion prevention and protection in underground mines — Protective systems consists of the
following parts:

Part 1: 2-bar-explosion-proof ventilation structure

Part 2: Water trough barriers

Part 4: Automatic extinguishing systems for road headers

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Water trough barriers are autonomous protective systems by reducing the effects of combustible dust and/or
firedamp explosions in underground mines to a sufficient level of safety. They are used for preventing the
propagation of explosions in roadways in underground coal mines. The purpose of water trough barriers is to
extinguish explosion flames in roadways in underground mines and in this way to limit propagation of

Water trough barriers are designed and arranged in such a way that explosions are prevented from spreading
through dangerous chain reactions and incipient explosions do not become detonations.

Water trough barriers will only be effective as a configuration of individual water troughs in accurately defined
arrangements. Water troughs are the components for this protective system.

Their effectiveness in the event of explosions is based on the distribution of water acting as a fire-
extinguishing medium held in individual water troughs, with the blast wave preceding an explosion destroying
individual water troughs, thus evenly distributing water, the extinguishing medium, throughout the cross-
section of a roadway and extinguishing the explosion flame that follows.

The water trough barriers described in this standard are the result of research and testing of many years
above ground and underground. The results of these tests can be used as a basis for type examination.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for concentrated and distributed passive water trough barriers, and
quick-deploy water trough barriers.

This standard specifies the requirements and test methods for water troughs which are used as components
of the "water trough barrier" protective system for underground coal mines.

This standard does not apply to active water trough barriers.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 13463-1, Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres — Part 1: Basic method and

EN ISO 4589-2, Plastics — Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index — Part 2: Ambient-
temperature test

ISO 554, Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing — Specifications

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:

explosion barrier
device intended effectively to suppress coal-dust and firedamp explosions and to limit their physical impact

water trough barrier
explosion barrier in which the extinguishing medium, namely water, is contained in water troughs

water trough
container to hold the extinguishing medium, namely water, together with matching cover

trough group
any troughs located within a roadway section of no more than 3 m in length in the distributed barrier

NOTE See Figure 1. A group can be composed of 1 to 3 rows of troughs.

roadway cross-section
area bounded by the roadway floor and lagging or, where no lagging is installed, by the surrounding rock

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

volume of roadway section
product of the mean roadway cross-section and relevant length

NOTE In the case of concentrated water trough barriers, the relevant length is the distance between the start and the
end of the water trough barrier. In the case of distributed water trough barriers, the relevant length is the distance between
two adjacent trough groups.

passive water trough barrier
fixed or mobile water trough barrier in which the extinguishing medium, namely water, is dispersed solely by
the blast pressure of the explosion

active water trough barrier
fixed or mobile water trough barrier in which the extinguishing medium, namely water, is dispersed
independently of the blast pressure of the explosion

concentrated water trough barrier
water trough barrier which contains a minimum of 200 l of water per square metre of roadway cross-section
and which has a length of at least 20 m

NOTE The concentrated water trough barrier contains a minimum of 5 l of water per cubic metre of roadway section
between the start and the end of the water trough barrier.

distributed water trough barrier
water trough barrier which contains a minimum of 1 l of water per cubic metre of roadway section in each
trough group measured up to the adjacent trough group

NOTE The clear interval between adjacent trough groups does not exceed 30 m (or 50 m in case of cross-sections
up to 10 m ).

quick-deploy water trough barrier
quick-deploy water trough barriers are used in the case of rescue action, when concentrated or distributed
water trough barriers are not provided between areas where the rescue teams are working and the potential
fire source

NOTE Quick-deploy water trough barriers contain at least 60 l of water per square metre of roadway cross-section.

blast pressure
pressure exerted by a current of air on a free-standing static plate positioned at right angles to the direction of

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Trough group of one trough row
2 Trough group of two trough rows
3 Trough group of three trough rows

Figure 1 — Trough group, plan view

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

4 Construction requirements of water troughs

4.1 General

This component shall be designed and constructed according to good engineering practice. To ensure
avoidance of any ignition source, it shall be subjected to a formally documented hazard analysis.

Water troughs shall be designed so that, in the event of an explosion, the extinguishing medium they contain,
namely water, is released in such a way as to produce an effective quenching action.

Water troughs shall be designed so that an adequate dispersion of water is ensured during defined explosion
tests with given blast pressures.

Water troughs shall be designed or arranged so that it is possible at any time, without removing the covers, to
check whether the level of water in the containers is below the minimum level.

Water troughs shall be of sufficient strength and stability of shape.

Water troughs shall remain functional for as long as possible under the effect of high temperatures.

Water troughs shall be made of plastic.

Water troughs shall be composed of a material which does not burn spontaneously when subjected to a
defined level of exposure to flames.

Water troughs shall be designed so that the rate of evaporation of the extinguishing medium, namely water, is
as low as possible.

4.2 Dimensions, specifications

Figure 2 — Water trough type A (side elevations)

Figure 3 — Water trough type B (side elevations)

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Table 1 — Maximum container dimensions and water content for 40 litre water troughs

Container dimensions – max.

Water mm Capacity
trough type l
a b1 b2 h l1 l2

Type A 59 465 270 300 750 525 40 ± 2

Type B 22 320 231,5 330 625,5 556,5 40 ± 2

Table 2 — Container dimensions and water content for 90 litre water troughs

Container dimensions
Water mm Capacity
trough type l
a b1 b2 h l1 l2

Type A 25 ± 2 500 ± 2,5 > 415 275 ± 5 760 ± 5 > 675 90 ± 4,5
Type B 20 ± 2 500 ± 2,5 > 415 320 ± 5 760 ± 5 > 675 90 ± 4,5

The covers shall be designed to give a flush fit with the outer rim of the containers.

5 Testing of water troughs

5.1 General

The test pieces for the tests described below comprise one or several water troughs which shall come from
the same production run. The number of test pieces required is determined by the respective testing station.
When issuing contracts for testing, each testing station shall be provided not only with descriptions and
drawings of the equipment (e.g. containers, covers, floats and lid holders), but also with precise data on the
composition of the material used. For an example of acceptable test procedures, see Annex B.

NOTE Other test procedures are under consideration.

5.2 Construction tests

5.2.1 Shape, capacity, dimensions

The specifications laid down in 4.2 shall be used as a basis for testing the shape, dimensions and capacity of
the water troughs.

5.2.2 Strength, shape retention

When a uniform static load is applied to a stack of water troughs, composed of five containers fitted one inside
the other, by a force of 500 N (direction of force at right angles to the container bottoms), the containers shall
not suffer damage or permanent deformation. During subsequent unstacking, the containers shall not be
wedged together and shall not be damaged.

5.2.3 Water level indicator

The minimum water level indicator shall be checked for correct operation and accuracy. The maximum margin
of indicator error shall be ± 5 %.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

5.3 Testing of electrostatic properties

5.3.1 Test method

The surface resistance shall be tested in accordance with EN 13463-1.

The test voltage shall be 100 V. The measured value shall be read 60 s after the test voltage has been
applied. The measurement shall be carried out in standard atmosphere 23/50-2 according to ISO 554.

5.3.2 Assessment

Containers and matching covers, together with all attachments, shall be fitted together in a conductive
manner. Conduction shall take place both externally and internally. The water trough being tested meets the
requirements when the surface resistance RoA is less than 10 Ω.

6 Additional fittings for water troughs

Water troughs may be provided with additional fittings, such as level indicators and filling and draining
devices. These additional fittings shall not conflict with the construction requirements laid down in clause 4.

7 Marking of water troughs

Water troughs (containers and covers) shall be marked. An example is given in Annex C.

8 Construction of concentrated and distributed water trough barriers

8.1 General

The task of a passive water trough barrier is to fill all the roadway cross-section with water if it is exposed to
the explosion blast pressure wave.

Water trough barriers comprise troughs which are filled with water (and, if applicable, a permissible additive)
and arranged in trough groups. Trough groups are usually formed by special framework structures, shelves or
by arranging the troughs on the floor or on appropriate fixtures. These water trough barriers are designated as
fixed passive water trough barriers.

Water trough barriers will only be effective for extinguishing a fire subject to being arranged as specified in 8.3
and 8.4.

8.2 Framework structures

Framework structures shall be capable of supporting the applied load. Each structure normally comprises two
beams or one shelf arranged at right angles to the roadway axis and a number of cross-pieces set at right
angles to the beams.

The framework structures, beams or shelves shall be attached to the supports or to the roadway fixtures by
means of suitable mountings. Chains, steel ropes or suspension rods can also be used for this purpose.

The framework structures shall be designed in such a way that suspended troughs can be supported on all
sides by the full width of their edges, or failing that at least by the full width of their long sides, or that the
troughs can be constructed where necessary using battens.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

8.3 Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section

The number of water troughs in a trough group shall be sufficient to comply with 3.9 and 3.10.

The trough groups shall cover the greatest width of the roadway cross-section (floor width or roadway
diameter) at the point of installation. The achieved coverage is as follows:
 at least 35 % for roadway cross-sections of up to 10 m
 at least 50 % for roadway cross-sections of up to 15 m
 at least 60 % for roadway cross-sections of over 15 m .

This calculation is based on measurements taken between the edges of the outer troughs of the trough group
at the sides of the roadway.

The horizontal distance measured at right angles to the roadway direction

 between the roadway wall and the nearest trough shall not exceed 1,2 m and

 between two troughs shall not exceed 1,5 m.

The total distances shall not exceed 1,8 m.

The vertical distance between the bottom of any trough and the boundary of the roadway cross-section shall
not exceed 2,6 m in a downward direction nor 2,0 m in an upward direction. If the distance measured in an
upward direction from a trough has to be greater than 2,0 m, an additional trough shall be installed. In this
case, the vertical distance between the bottoms of the troughs in each row shall be less than 2,0 m.

Troughs are normally installed with their long sides at right angles to the roadway direction (transverse
arrangement). As a deviation from this, individual troughs can be arranged longitudinally (longitudinal
arrangement), though the number shall not exceed half of all the troughs in the group where this is necessary
in order to provide cover for the roadway width and to reduce the intermediate spaces.

It is permitted to arrange more than 50 % of the troughs in the longitudinal direction if the extinguishing
effectiveness is proved by experiments.

Troughs shall be arranged so that they are not obscured by supports or by roadway fixtures. Troughs which
are spaced less than 1,2 m apart in the direction of the roadway shall not obscure one another.

Troughs which are arranged at a distance of < 0,5 m above other troughs shall not obscure more than half the
lid area of any trough located beneath them.

8.4 Configuration of water trough barriers in mine workings

The distance between the water trough barriers and the intersections or junctions shall be kept as small as
possible and shall not exceed 75 m in the case of concentrated water trough barriers and 30 m in the case of
distributed water trough barriers.

The maximum distances of 75 m and 30 m between intersections and junctions do not apply when there are
no distances greater than 200 m between adjacent concentrated water trough barriers designed to cordon off
the intersection and junction areas.

The distance requirements do not apply either between closely-spaced intersections and junctions provided
that in any circumstance which may arise the distance between a distributed water trough barrier and an
adjacent distributed or concentrated water trough barrier designed to cordon off the intersection and junction
areas does not exceed 120 m. In this zone, the erection of water trough barriers can be dispensed with. This
means that points where roadways intersect with surface shafts, shaft insets or staple shafts are treated as

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

intersections or junctions. The trough groups of these distributed water trough barriers shall contain a quantity
of at least 200 l of water per square metre of roadway cross-section.

Concentrated water trough barriers constructed in roadways shall be arranged in such a way that the distance
between one water trough barrier and another does not exceed 400 m.

Distributed water trough barriers constructed in roadways shall be arranged in such a way that the distance
between the trough groups does not exceed 30 m.

Within a roadway, the distance between a concentrated water trough barrier and the first trough group of a
distributed water trough barrier shall not exceed 30 m.

By contrast, the distance between a concentrated water trough barrier and the first trough group of a
distributed water trough barrier, when measured through an individual roadway intersection or junction, can be
as much as 105 m (30 m + 75 m).

NOTE 1 Usually, in gate-roads and in mechanized in-seam drivages, water trough barriers are erected as distributed
barriers. Where no mining is being carried out in the gate-road zone, or when no mechanized heading operation is under
way in this area, distributed water trough barriers can be replaced with concentrated barriers if this proves necessary for
transport activities and the like.

When concentrated water trough barriers are used in roadway drivage operations, the distance from the
heading face to the nearest water trough barrier in the roadway shall be as small as possible; this distance
shall not exceed 320 m, though the first water trough barrier shall be erected at the very latest on reaching a
drivage length of 200 m. When distributed barriers are used in roadway drivage operations, the distance from
the heading face to the nearest trough group in the roadway shall be as small as possible. This distance shall
not exceed 120 m, though the first trough group shall be erected at the very latest on reaching a drivage
length of 120 m.

As a deviation from this, the drivage length in gate-roads can also be allowed to reach 200 m before
constructing the first water trough barrier, provided that the latter is designed as a concentrated barrier.

In gate-roads, the distance from the face-gate intersection to the nearest trough group shall be as small as
operating conditions permit; under no circumstances shall this distance exceed 120 m.

Where the advance heading section of a non-interconnected gate-road is longer than 120 m, distributed water
trough barriers are to be erected at this point in accordance with 3.10. In addition, the water content of all the
trough groups shall be at least 200 l/m of roadway cross-section.

NOTE 2 The location where water trough barriers are to be constructed, e.g. at roadway intersections, roadway
junctions and mine excavation (working), can be defined in national legislation concerning the safety of work places.

NOTE 3 Where the distance between the face/gate intersection and the roadway junction is less than 120 m during
coal winning, usually a concentrated water trough barrier is constructed in the gate-road at the roadway junction or
intersection. This concentrated water trough barrier can be omitted when the structural explosion protection provided in
the main seam road is in the form of distributed water trough barriers. The ability to provide structural explosion protection
in such cases should be taken into account during the roadway and coal face planning phase. The above-mentioned
requirements are not valid if the working face is protected by concentrated water trough barriers.

Due to local conditions the above-mentioned maximum distances can be reduced.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Figure 4 — General rules for water trough barriers in mine workings

For examples of water trough arrangements, see Annex D.

9 Marking of water trough barriers

Water trough barriers shall be marked.

For marking, panels shall be arranged in visible places at least at the beginning of a barrier, in the direction of
the firedamp flow, and also for any distributed water trough barriers at the end of the barrier. Marking shall
include the following details:

 name and address of manufacturer;

 site of operation;

 roadway cross-section;

 serial number of water trough barrier;

 type of barrier;

 rated water volume;

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

 actual water volume;

 number of water troughs;

 date of construction;

 date of acceptance;

 the specific marking of explosion protection ;

 the number of this European Standard, i.e. EN 14591-2.

An example is contained in Annex E.

10 Information for use

Information included in Annex F shall be considered in the instructions.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex A

Construction of quick-deploy passive water trough barriers

A.1 General
When carrying out sealing work where there is a risk of explosion during the rescue action, quick-deploy water
trough barriers are constructed in order to protect those constructing the stoppings from the flammable effects
of a potential explosion. The use of quick-deploy water trough barriers is always considered when
concentrated or distributed water trough explosion barriers are not provided between the areas where the
stopping construction teams are working and the potential fire source.

Quick-deploy water trough barriers are composed of hanger units with suspension gear and water-filled
troughs which are fitted into the carrying frame in such a way that the empty troughs and hanger units can be
transported as a stacked system and fixed to the roadway supports at the point of application (see
Figures A.1). The troughs can be used without covers.

A.2 Trough frames

Trough frames shall be designed so that water troughs can be suspended from them. The troughs are
immovably suspended in the support frame and at least the full edge width of their long sides shall rest on the
longitudinal beams of the support frame. The projecting ends of the support beams are provided with drill
holes for the guides and for the attachment of suspension ropes or chains.

A.3 Ropes and chains

Six or more support frames are combined to form a hanger unit, depending on the height of the roadway. The
individual support frames are immovably attached to the ropes or chains at an interval of at least trough height
+ 30 mm. The loadbearing capacity of an individual rope or chain shall be greater than the total weight of the
hanger unit when filled with water.

The length of the ropes or chains is such that suspension is still possible even in unusually high roadways
(see also A.5).

A.4 Attachment supports

The hanger units are attached to the supports in such a way that the long sides of the water troughs lie at right
angles to the roadway axis

A.5 Arrangement of the quick-deploy water trough barriers in the roadway

A quick-deploy water trough barrier shall comprise at least 3 hanger units which shall be constructed as far as
possible in a staggered arrangement in a roadway section of 10 m in length. The hanger units are constructed
in a staggered arrangement in such a way that as uniform a coverage of water troughs as possible is achieved
over the roadway cross-section. The number of water troughs employed per hanger unit depends on the
height of the roadway at the point of suspension. Approximately 3 troughs can be accommodated per metre of
roadway height.

The quick-deploy water trough barrier is located at least 200 m from the dam building site in the direction of
the hazardous location.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

A.6 Volume of water to be contained by quick-deploy water trough barriers

The quick-deploy water trough barrier contains at least 60 l of water per square metre of roadway cross-

a) Stacked troughs
b) Suspended troughs

Figure A.1 — Quick-deploy water trough barrier (example)

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex B

Example of acceptable test procedure for water troughs

B.1 Testing of heat reaction properties

B.1.1 Test procedure

Water-filled water troughs shall be exposed to the effects of a water and air temperature of (45 ± 2) °C for a
period of 48 h.

B.1.2 Test arrangement

Water troughs shall be tested using both "standing" and "suspended" arrangements (see Figures A.1). The
standing water trough shall be mounted on two supports measuring 45 mm in width by 45 mm in height and
spaced (300 ± 15) mm apart. In the case of 40 l water troughs, their long sides shall be at right angles to the
supports and 90 l water troughs shall have their long sides parallel to the supports.

The suspended water trough is to be supported between two hangers by its long edges in such a way that it
rests on its full edge width (dimensions a and b1 according to 4.2).

The temperature outside the water trough (air temperature) shall be established at two points at least and the
temperature inside the water trough (water temperature) shall be established at one point at least. The
measurement points for the air temperature shall be located centrally at the same level as the cover and
container bottom.

Dimensions in millimetres

trough trough
suspended fixed

1 Measurement of air temperature
2 Measurement of water temperature
3 Holder

Figure B.1 — Test arrangement for determining heat reaction properties

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

B.1.3 Procedure

The water troughs shall be filled to the brim with water at a temperature of (45 ± 2) °C. The air temperature is
to be set to (45 ± 2) °C within a period of 2 h and the humidity to at least 80 % relative humidity.

After the test, the quantity of water remaining in the water trough shall be determined.

B.1.4 Assessment

Water troughs meet the requirements if, after a period of 48 h, the 40 l water trough contains at least 35 l of
water and the 90 l water trough at least 80 l of water. During this test, there shall be no material damage which
has resulted in leakage. During the test, the suspended water troughs shall not slip through the trough

B.2 Testing of explosion properties

B.2.1 Testing of water dispersion

B.2.1.1 Test procedure

In order to determine the quality of dispersion of the extinguishing agent under the effect of blast pressure of
approximately 5 kPa, the absorption of infrared light is measured using testing equipment.

B.2.1.2 Test arrangement

The test shall be carried out in a tubular tunnel 25 m in length which is closed at one end and is circular in
cross-section. The tubular tunnel shall be 1,8 m in height and 1,4 m in width (see Figures B.2). A
homogeneous mixture comprising approximately 10 m of CH4 and air, in a concentration of between 6 % CH4
and 11 % CH4, is to be ignited at the closed end of the tunnel. This generates the blast pressures of between
1,5 kPa and 20 kPa which are required for the test.
The blast pressure which is generated is to be measured by a force-sensing device. This comprises a 10 cm
circular static plate 1,5 mm in thickness. The force-sensing device is to be positioned in the centre of the open
end of the tunnel (see Figures B.2).

Two rows of six and four iodine-quartz lamps, each of identical output, are to be mounted one row above the
other outside the tunnel and opposite the tunnel entrance as an infrared radiation source. All the lamps are to
be aligned so that they illuminate the entrance to the tunnel. A photoconductive cell is to be positioned at each
outer side wall, at mid-height level, at the entrance to the tunnel, in order to measure the infrared radiation
from the iodine-quartz lamps and/or the infrared absorption. The radiation spectrum of the infrared radiation
source shall match that of the photoconductive cell.

A carrier frame constructed from square steel tubing (40 mm x 40 mm x 2 mm) and capable of holding one
water trough is to be rigidly fixed to the sides of the roadway at the entrance to the tunnel. The frame
comprises two supports positioned at right angles to the roadway axis and two cross-members which lie at
right angles to the supports.

B.2.1.3 Procedure

In order to carry out the tests, the water trough shall be suspended in the support frame at the entrance to the
tunnel in such a way that each side rests on the frame over the full width of the rim and cannot be moved out
of place; the trough shall then be filled with water up to its rim. The 40 l water troughs shall be tested in a
longitudinal alignment and the 90 l water troughs in a transverse alignment.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

The CH4/air mixture described in B.2.1.2 shall be created in the explosion chamber and then ignited by means
of an electrical spark; the blast pressure and infrared absorption level shall then be measured. The tests shall
be carried out at pressures which are distributed across the entire pressure range of 1,5 kPa to 20 kPa.

Dimensions in metres

1 Explosion chamber 4 Iodine-quartz lamps
2 Water trough 5 Blast sensor
3 Photoconductive cell

Figure B.2 — Test arrangement for investigating water dispersion

B.2.1.4 Assessment of water dispersion

The exponential quotient b for the infrared absorption/blast pressure relationship shall be determined from the
measurement results of at least 20 tests using the method of least squares (regression). The infrared
absorption required for assessing the water dispersion shall be determined using equation (B.1):

( )
A = Ao × 1 − e −b ( p − p0 ) (B.1)

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)


A is the absorption coefficient of infrared radiation by water dispersion, in percent;

Ao is the instrument constant of the test arrangement, in percent (percentage of maximum absorption to be
achieved with the measurement arrangement);

b is the exponential coefficient of the infrared absorption/blast pressure regression, in 1/kilopascals;

p is the blast pressure, in kilopascals;

po is 2 kPa (blast pressure from which infrared absorption is measurable).

A water trough is considered to be sufficiently effective as an extinguishing device when the infrared
absorption A (see equation B.1) reaches the value 70 % at a blast pressure p of 5 kPa.

B.2.2 Testing the extinguishing efficiency in full-scale tests

If a water trough fails to satisfy the above requirements, its adequate extinguishing efficiency as part of a
water trough barrier can be established by means of full-scale tests.

B.3 Testing of fire-resistance properties

The flammability of the materials shall be tested according to EN ISO 4589-2.

The oxygen index value shall be higher than 27.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex C

Example of marking of water troughs

HGB Construction, B1, 2004, , EN 14591-2


HGB Construction identification of the manufacturer

B1 designation of series or type, here: 40 l

2004 year of production

the specific marking of explosion protection

EN 14591-2 number of this European Standard

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex D

Examples for configuration of water troughs

An arrangement of water trough barriers and trough groups suitable for a type of system is shown in the
following pages:

 arrangement of water trough barriers in roadway cross-section (Figures D.1 to D.10);

 arrangement of water trough barriers in working (Figures D.11 to D.23).

Dimensions in metres

1 W ater trough

Figure D.1 — Location of water troughs, sectional view

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Coverage

Figure D.2 — Arrangement of troughs in roadway cross-section – coverage

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

a ≤ 1,20 m and
b ≤ 1,50 m, with
Σ a + Σ b ≤ 1,80 m

Figure D.3 — Arrangement of troughs in roadway cross-section – horizontal distances

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.4 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – vertical distances

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.5 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – vertical distances

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.6 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – transverse and longitudinal

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

a) > 50 % of cross-sectional area of water trough b) ≤ 50 % of cross-sectional area of water trough
1 Fixtures 3 ≤ 50 % obscurement
2 > 50 % obscurement

Figure D.7 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – Obscurement by supports or


BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

a) > 50 % of cross-sectional area of water trough b) ≤ 50 % of cross-sectional area of water trough

Figure D.8 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – Obscurement by supports or


Dimensions in metres



a) Trough group of 2 trough rows, distance < 1,2 m
b) Trough group of 2 trough rows, distance ≥ 1,2 m

Figure D.9 — Arrangement of troughs in the roadway cross-section – Obscurement by troughs

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Trough row 1
2 Trough row 2
3 Trough group

Figure D.10 — Arrangement of vertically-offset troughs in the roadway cross-section, distance < 1.2 m

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Concentrated water trough barrier
2 Trough group of a dispersed water trough barrier
3 Distributed water trough barrier

Figure D.11 — Barrier cordon for a roadway intersection

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Shaft
2 Inset
3 Staple shaft

Figure D.12 — Barrier cordon for shafts and insets

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.13 — Barrier cordon for closely spaced roadway intersections

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Explosion barrier No. 1 4 Explosion barrier No. 4
2 Explosion barrier No. 2 5 Explosion barrier No. 5
3 Explosion barrier No. 3

Figure D.14 — Barrier cordon for closely spaced junctions –

Calculation examples for explosion-barrier setting distances

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

1 Explosion barrier No. 1
2 Explosion barrier No. 2
3 Explosion barrier No. 3

Figure D.15 — Barrier cordon for closely spaced junctions –

Calculation examples for explosion-barrier setting distances

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.16 — Setting distances for concentrated and distributed water trough barriers

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.17 — Roadway drivage with concentrated water trough barriers

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

a) Calculation example a)
b) Calculation example b)

Figure D.18 — Roadway drivage with concentrated water trough barriers –

Calculation examples a) and b)

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.19 — Roadway drivage with dispersed water trough barrier

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.20 — Roadway drivage with concentrated and dispersed water trough barrier

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.21 — Water trough barriers at the face/gate intersection

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.22 — Explosion barriers in advance gate-roads

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Dimensions in metres

Figure D.23 — Arrangement of water trough barriers when retreating to the main seam road

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex E

Example for marking of water trough barriers

Figure E.1 — Example for marking of water trough barriers

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex F

Instructions for water trough barriers

Instructions for water trough barriers shall include:

 the same details as required for marking protective systems, excluding a serial number, and possibly
recommendations for maintenance;

 construction details according to clause 8 of this standard,

 dismantling and recovery details,

 maintenance details (inspection and servicing by skilled persons, documentation),

 surface resistance details;

 special conditions for use (e.g. maintenance of storage temperature, frost protection);

 if required, details of a filling and discharging system, level indicator, etc.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive 94/9/EC

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the
New Approach Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994 of the European Parliament and the Council on the
approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for
use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Communities under that Directive and has
been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the normative
clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a
presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated
EFTA regulations.

Table ZA.1 — Relationship between this European Standard and Directive 94/9/EC

Essential Requirements of EU Directive 94/9/EC Clause of this EN

1 General requirements
1.0.1 Principles of integrated explosion safety 1
1.0.2 Equipment and protective systems must be designed and 8.4
manufactured after due analysis of possible operating faults in
order as far as possible to preclude dangerous situations
1.0.3 Special checking and maintenance conditions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 8.4
1.0.4 Surrounding area conditions Foreword, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3,
1.0.5 Marking 7, 9, Annex C, Annex E
1.0.6 Instructions 10, Annex F
1.1 Selection of materials
1.1.1 must not trigger off an explosion 4.1, 5.3, 8.1
1.1.3 predictable changes in their characteristics 5.2
1.2 Design and construction

1.2.1 Technical knowledge 4.1, 4.2, 5.2

1.2.2 Functionally safe installation of components 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

1.2.3 Enclosed structures and prevention of leaks 4.1
1.3.2 Hazards arising from static electricity 5.3
3 Supplementary requirements in respect of protective systems
3.0 General requirements
3.0.1 Dimensioning 4.1, 4.2, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4
3.1 Planning and design
3.1.1 Material characteristics 4.1, 4.2, 5.2.2

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)

WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling
within the scope of this standard.

BS EN 14591-2:2007
EN 14591-2:2007 (E)


[1] Directive 94/9/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 March 1994 on the approximation
of the laws of the Member States concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres (referred to as the ATEX-Directive)

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