Crossword yO6EyqJBlK

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1. the region where surface air from northern and 2. coined the term ecosystem
southern hemispheres converges 4. microorganisms break down dead organic material
3. suggested that energy flow through an ecosystem 5. bottom-dwelling
could be used as a currency to quantify the roles that 6. receives more incoming solar radiation than the
groups of organisms poles because Earth is spherical
8. state factor that most strongly determines 7. critical levels of one or more ecosystem controls
ecosystem processes and structure that, when crossed, cause abrupt ecosystem changes
11. human-caused 9. microscopic photosynthetic organisms that float
14. open-water near the water surface
15. causes a furnace to switch on when a house gets 10. nonbiological
cold and to switch off when the house warms to the 12. described the role that an animal plays in a
desired temperature community in terms of what it eats and is eaten
17. the energy and materials in the environment that 13. vertical gradient of the ocean which describes
are used by organisms to support their growth and salinity
maintenance 16. lowest atmospheric layer
20. causes condensation and precipitation because 18. consists of all the organism and the abiotic pools
cool air has a lower capacity to hold water vapor than with which they interact
warm air 19. e first produced in the 1950s as refrigerants,
21. releases latent heat propellants, and solvents
23. supposed that plants produce a substance that is 22. state factor that most strongly determines
essential to support the breathing of animals ecosystem processes and structure
25. drainage basin 23. quantities
26. brothers who developed the “systems approach”; 24. described the first nitrogen cycle
add 's' to answer 27. capture solar energy in the process of bringing
28. the capacity of a social-ecological system to carbon into the ecosystem
maintain a similar structure, functioning, and
feedbacks despite shocks and pe
29. flows

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