Job Description

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1. How many years did you work as Supervisor Production at Nickel Mining?

I worked as Supervisor Production for 1 year since Dec 2019 to Dec 2020 at Nickel Mining.
And before, I worked as Heavy Equipment Operators (small and Highest Dump Truct
operator and A2B) for more than 5 years and Officer at Productivity Improvement
Department for more than 12 years.

2. What is your Job Description?

Production Department – Production Supervisor.
Act as Supervisor Production activities in daily basis, responsibilities to supervise, directing,
controlling-monitoring, checking, evaluating, coordinating and ensure all mining operation
activities run according plans and instructions, safety and health implemented, effective and
effiecient productions echievement.
● Ensure and supervise Safety and Health are implemented correctly in all mining
operations activities (Safe Act–Condition, Hazard-Risk Assesment and Control,
SOP-JSA) by sub-ordinate and operators.
● Coordinate with Mine Engineering (Mine Plan and Grade Control), survey and
MCC regarding production plan and schedule activities.
● Conducting Continuous Improvement with make observations and provide input
on the development system and processes operations to become effective and
● Making and assign daily production task (Work Plan) to sub-ordinat to carry out
Production Plan, Ore Quality and schedule activities such as Pit Activities
(Clearing and Waste/OB removal, Selective Ore, Ore Getting, Hauling Ore),
Hauling Road and Maintenance, ETO/EFO stockpile (DOME-ROM Blending,
Trimming-Loading Barging), Jetty Barging – Shipment.
● Fleet Management System by allocate appropriate Productions Equipment and
Resources to ensure achievement Productivity, utilization and effectiveness
productions equipment.
● Monitoring and evaluate achievement of daily production, month to date
achievement and ensure appropriate Fleet Production (Matching Loader and
Hauler Equipment Cycle Time).
● Coordinate effectively with Plant/Maintenance team regarding to unscheduled
Breakdown unit.
● Monitoring achievement of PA and ensure UA of all Mine production and
support equipment in daily basis.
● Making effort in all activity to reduce standby hours of production and support
equipment with coordinating with many parties.
● Coordinate with Human Resources & General Dept regarding to Manpower
Planning-Requirement and monitoring Fulfillment process.
● Provide working Schedule/Roster for the operators.
● Conducting coaching and counseling and motivated sub-ordinate (Foreman &
● Developing and evaluated sub-ordinate to ensure knowledge, skill and
competency are appropriated with company standard by TNA.
● Conduct sub-ordinate Perfomance Appraisal regularly.
● Conduct Safety Talk and P5M regularly.
● Provide Weekly and Monthly reports and take Job Pending of Production Section
● Making effort in all activities have safety, health and environment awareness

3. Why did you leave your previous job?

In achieving the Vision, Mission and development of the Company, the duties and
responsibilities of the Production Supervisor are on the front line. Very requires of skills,
knowledge and competence. Not only in the task of supervision and direction but also
requires technical skills, problem solving, continuous improvement, strategic process
management and Leadership. I have obtained several training and certifications in
addressing these needs. I am aware of my Passion and the need for challenges in my work
and career path ahead.

4. What is your expected salary?

Based on my experience, competencies, training-certificate and skills will to show and
implementation at Job, allow me to expects salary include benefit is in Rp. 12.000.000.-

5. When can you start?

I am open to work immediately.

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