Communicative Language Teaching Lesson Plan

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Teacher’s name: Fabiola Fajardo

Date: Friday, September 23rd

Communicative Language Teaching
Lesson Plan
Title of activity: Free time activities
Concept: Use expressions of likes/dislikes, frequency, and location in oral interaction.
Grade level: 9th basic year
Learning objectives: This lesson will lead learners to talk about free time activities.
Materials: Picture cards, magazine pictures, with or without captions; activity related worksheets
Student Activity Teacher Activity

Engage  Select and Stick free time  Display different picture cards around the
activities picture cards on the class and write the words ‘free time
board. activities’ on the board
Play video
Listen to Chat with
music friends

Read time Play sports

Play a
Go to
Hang out instrument

Explore  After read in their books  Invite to students to explore the text
students will answer the visually before doing the exercise. Ask
questions asked by teacher: these questions: What are their favorite
My favorite activities plan for weekends with their family and
are…...- The benefits are…...- friends? What are the benefits of doing
Answer will be varied. productive activities in their free time?
 Using the word bank they  Focus students ‘attention on the photos
will associate each free time representing different free time activities.
activity with the different Using the new vocabulary: play video
sounds, then check the games, chat with friends, …..etc.
activities they like to do.

Explain  Students will share their  Explain to the students that use
answers: Ex. I like to………. like/love/prefer to talk about likes, dislikes
1 love to……., I prefer to…..
Then they will say according and preferences and ask
the answer to the questions  Emphasize the use of wh- questions to ask
about their members of about people preferences: What do you like
family´s free time activities. to do in your free time? What does your
mother/sister like to do in her free time?
What does your father/brother like to do in
his free time?

Elaborate  Students will say their  Tell students to prepare a short summary
summary and will show their and chart about their family´s free time
chart in front of the class, activities.
asking questions to their
classmates about that they

Evaluate  Students will say their  Provide the clues to students to complete
personal information about personal information use the verb like, love
their free time activities. and prefer.
= Affirmative sentences: I like to…
= Negative sentences: I don´t like to.
On Sunday afternoons,_____________
When I arrive home,___________
At night,_______________________
When I go on vacation,_______


Formative: Informal-

Is a part of instructional process: Answer questions –observations-creating charts-other

students learning evidence –classwork-homework-semantic maps-Venn diagrams.

Summative: Formal-

Is used to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know:

End of unit or chapter test-end of partial or quimester tests-scores that are used for


Anticipated misconceptions/alternative conceptions:

Students having trouble about the use of new vocabulary. They will clarify their doubts about the
vocabulary with several exercises in oral way.

Accommodations focus on how: provide multiple means and opportunities for students to demonstrate.
Modifications focus on what change the core content standard or the performance expectation.

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