Mwakenya Unfinished Revolution
Mwakenya Unfinished Revolution
Mwakenya Unfinished Revolution
Mwakenya book launch mainly talks on political factors that affected researchers and writers.It also
touches historical but at a very small area.
In the case of mwakenya writers and researchers were arrested for challenging the government where
the states accuse them of teaching revolution violence.
during the time of KANU leadership journalists and writers were Denied the freedom of press with the
government saying that the press were trying to rally a revolution and overthrow the government.
Repressive actions and policies of the KANU regime did not allow researchers and writers to practice the
freedom of the press.
The government of that time which was kanu throttled all the voice of dissent that included the
researchers and writers.
Researchers and writers were imprisoned and assassinated for writing on operation of the people by
Persons in authority.
In June 1982 during the KANU regime the December Twelve Movement Through it's secret organisation
circulated a newspaper called Pambana secretly . Pambana campaigned against the oppression end
dictatorship by the KANU regime.
Due to the denial freedom of press, true history of our country is buried and denied to us citizens as
writers and researchers are denied to bring the truth to light.
During colonialism history of Kenya was mostly told by the Colonizers thus it was one sided therefore it's
hard for researchers and writers To get to the other side of the story.
Due to fear of the government ratings were destroyed in the hidden as information is last time it
becomes difficult to find it.
In conclusion it is therefore true to say that's criminal law has criminalised legitimate dissent.