Jawaban Soal - Vita Nur Aryati

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1-Mar Kas 45,000,000

Modal 45,000,000

4-Mar Kas 25,000,000

AP 25,000,000

6-Mar Beban Perlengkapan 7,000,000

Kas 7,000,000

9-Mar Prive 5,000,000

Kas 5,000,000

12-Mar Kunci mobil 7,000,000

mesin 6,000,000
oli 3,000,000
sparepart 4,000,000
AP/Hutang 20,000,000

15-Mar Kas 15,000,000

Pendapatan 15,000,000

17-Mar AP 9,700,000
Kas 9,700,000

25-Mar Beban Gaji 6,200,000

Kas/Bank 6,200,000

26-Mar AR 11,000,000
Pendapatan 11,000,000

27-Mar Beban Perlengkapan 8,000,000

Perlengkapan 8,000,000

29-Mar Beban listrik 600,000

Beban air pdam 120,000
Kas/Bank 720,000

31-Mar Sewa dibayar dimuka 15,000,000

Kas 15,000,000

_x000D_ This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the

Jurnal Penyesuaian

31-Mar Beban Perl 8,000,000

Perlengkapan 8,000,000

31-Mar Beban sew 7,500,000

sewa dibayar 7,500,000

_x000D_ This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the

Dealer Sanjaya Dealer Sanjaya
L/R Laporan perubahan modal
Per maret 2019 Per maret 2019
Pedaapatan 26,000,000 Modal awal

Beban-beban: Laba bersi 3,580,000

Beban Perlengkapan 8,000,000 Prive - 5,000,000
Beban Gaji 6,200,000 Penguranagan modal
Beban Listrik 600,000 modal akhir
Beban Air PDAM 120,000
Beban Sewa 7,500,000
Total Beban - 22,420,000

Laba bersih sebelum pajak 3,580,000

Pajak penghasilan
Laba bersih setelah pajak 3,580,000

_x000D_ This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the

Dealer Sanjaya Dealer Sanjaya
n perubahan modal Laporan Keuangan
er maret 2019 Per maret 2019
aktiva: passiva
Kas 41,380,000 hutang usa 10,300,000
piutang us 11,000,000 hutang ban 25,000,000
perlengkap 19,000,000
- 1,420,000 sewa dibay 7,500,000 ekuitas: 43,580,000
43,580,000 modal
total aktiv 78,880,000 total passi 78,880,000

_x000D_ This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the


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