EN - AC Compressor Oil - Troubleshooting - Bulletin
EN - AC Compressor Oil - Troubleshooting - Bulletin
EN - AC Compressor Oil - Troubleshooting - Bulletin
Compressor Oil
Compressor oil:
all you need to know
All DENSO A/C Compressors are delivered
as complete assemblies, pre-filled with the
correct type of compressor oil.
Analysis of DENSO A/C Compressor warranty claims show the different viscosities cause a thinner oil film to form between
that in a quarter of all cases garages did not use the correct the cylinder and piston, leading to seizure or the reduction in
PAG-oil that is needed for DENSO Compressors. The use of the life expectancy of the compressor. To identify the correct oil
incorrect oils, such as universal oils or oil mixtures, inevitably type always refer to the compressor identification label, either
leads to seizure and damage. This is because universal oils, attached to the rear or side of the compressor. The new label
often preferred by garages, are PAO-oils or mineral oils with a will also display the amount of oil inside the new compressor.
different viscosity to that of synthetic PAG-oils. PAO-oils do not In some cases this can be differ from the vehicle specifications!
mix well with PAG-oils and with refrigerant R134a or R1234yf, Therefore always check car manufacturer data.
leading to poor lubrication and increased wear. Furthermore,
Troubleshooting: Compressor Oil
1. After recovery of refrigerant: When removing refrigerant, All DENSO A/C Compressors are complete assemblies,
some compressor oil will be mixed with the refrigerant and pre-filled with the right type of compressor oil.
will be removed from the refrigerant circuit together with the
refrigerant. It is essential that this oil is drained off at the 1. If the system has been flushed: Original DENSO
A/C service station and its volume measured precisely. The Compressors which are delivered with the correct amount
volume drained need to be charged to the refrigerant cycle of oil can be installed directly. Turn the compressor
when refilling with refrigerant. systematically by hand to distribute oil evenly. This will avoid
damage when the compressor starts moving or during start-up.
2. After removal of the old compressor: Drain the oil from
the compressor and measure the amount. Check the 2. If flushing of the system is NOT required: Use the
compressor installation guide for the appropriate oil drain following calculation to confirm the correct amount of oil to
procedure. remove from the new DENSO A/C Compressor.