Radiographic Appearance of Common Dental Diseases: Asst. Prof. Sana'a Jamal
Radiographic Appearance of Common Dental Diseases: Asst. Prof. Sana'a Jamal
Radiographic Appearance of Common Dental Diseases: Asst. Prof. Sana'a Jamal
Radiography is useful for detecting dental caries because the carious process causes tooth
The carious lesion (the demineralized area of the tooth that allows greater infiltration of x-rays) is darker (more radiolucent)
than the unaffected portion and may be detected on radiographs.
An early carious lesion may not have yet caused sufficient demineralization to be detected radiographically.
Intraoral radiography can reveal carious lesions that otherwise might go undetected during a thorough clinical examination.
A number of studies have shown the value of dental radiographs by repeatedly demonstrating that approximately half of all
proximal surface lesions cannot be seen clinically and may be detected only with radiographs.
Interpretation of Dental Caries (DC) regarding to its location
It is important to emphasize that the clinical and radiographic examinations are complementary. The clinical
examination should include periodontal probing, a gingival index, mobility charting, and an evaluation of the
amount of attached gingiva. Features that are not well delineated by the radiograph are most apparent clinically,
and those that the radiograph best demonstrates are difficult to identify and evaluate clinically.
Radiographic features of healthy periodontium
Periodontitis is the name given to periodontal disease when the superficial inflammation in
the gingival tissues extends into the underlying alveolar bone and there has been loss of
The destruction of the bone can be either localized affecting a few areas of the mouth, or
generalized affecting all areas.
The radiographic features of the different forms of periodontitis are similar; it is the
distribution and the rate of bone destruction that varies.
The terms used to describe the various appearances of bone destruction include:
• Horizontal bone loss
• Vertical bone loss
• Furcation involvements.
The terms horizontal and vertical have been used traditionally to describe the direction or
pattern of bone loss using the line joining two adjacent teeth at their cemento-enamel junctions
as a line of reference. The amount of bone loss is then assessed as mild, moderate or severe.
Severe vertical bone loss, extending from the
alveolar crest and involving the tooth apex,
The term furcation involvement describes the radiographic appearance of bone loss in the furcation area of the
roots which is evidence of advanced disease in this zone.
Although central furcation involvements are seen more readily in mandibular molars, they can also be seen in
maxillary molars l
The most common radiographic feature of pericoronitis of mandibular third molar is that there is presence
of distal bone loss. This distal bone loss is semilunar or circumferential in shape.In the case of mesiallytilted
impaction, bone loss is present on the mesial side.
4-Inflammatory lesions of the jaws
inflammatory lesions are by far the most common pathologic condition of the jaws. When
the initial source of inflammation is a necrotic pulp and the bony lesion is restricted to
the region of the tooth, the condition is called a periapical inflammatory lesion.
When the infection spreads in the bone marrow and is no longer contained, it is called
It must be emphasized that the names of the various inflammatory lesions tend to
describe their clinical and radiologic presentations and behavior;
Normal radiographic appearances
The appearances of normal, healthy, periapical tissues vary from one patient to another, from one area of
the mouth to another and at different stages in the development of the dentition.
Radiographic Features of periapical lesion
The radiographic features of periapical inflammatory lesions vary depending
on the time course of the lesion
Radiographic signs of fractures The following are general signs that may indicate the
presence of a fracture of bone or tooth:
3. A defect in the outer cortical boundary, which may appear as a deviation in the
smooth outline.
4. An increase in the density of the bone, which may be caused by the overlapping
of two fragments of bone
6-Impacted tooth
Accurate diagnostic imaging is an essential requirement to derive the correct diagnosis and optimal treatment plan, as
well as monitor and document the treatment progress and final outcome. Intraoral periapical occlusal and panoramic
films can provide this