Firewall Audit Checklist WP Final-2c

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Six Best Practices for Simplifying
Firewall Compliance and
Risk Mitigation

More regulations and standards relating to information thousands of rules, completed a manual security audit
security, such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security now borders on the impossible. Conducting the audit
Standard (PCI-DSS), the General Data Protection Regulation process manually, firewall administrators must rely on their
(GDPR), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Health Insurance Portability own experience and expertise—which can vary greatly
and Accountability Act (HIPAA), California Consumer across organizations—to determine if a given firewall rule
Privacy Act (CCPA) and ISO 27001, have forced enterprises should or should not be included in the configuration
to put more emphasis—in terms of time and money—on file. Furthermore, documentation of current rules and
compliance and the regular and ad hoc auditing of security their evolution of changes is usually lacking. The time and
policies and controls. While regulatory and internal audits resources required to find, organize and pour through all
cover a broad range of security checks, the firewall is of the firewall rules to determine the level of compliance
featured prominently since it is the first and main line of significantly impacts IT staff.
defense between the public and the corporate network.
As networks grow in complexity, auditing becomes more
The number of enterprises that are not affected by cumbersome. Manual processes cannot keep up. Automating
regulations is shrinking. But even if you do not have to the firewall audit process is crucial as compliance must be
comply with specific government or industrial regulations continuous, not simply at a point in time.
and security standards, it is now commonplace to conduct
The firewall audit process is arduous. Each new rule must
regular, thorough audits of your firewalls. Not only do
pre-analyzed and simulated before it can be implemented.
these audits ensure that your firewall configurations and
A full and accurate audit log of each change must be
rules meet the proper requirements of external regulations
maintained. Today’s security staffs now find that being
or internal security policy, but these audits can also play a
audit-ready without automation is impractical if not virtually
critical role in reducing risk and actually improve firewall
performance by optimizing the firewall rule base.
It’s time to look to automation along with the establishment
In today’s complex, multi-vendor network environments,
of auditing best practices to maintain continuous compliance.
typically including tens or hundreds of firewalls running

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 02

Below, we share a proven checklist of six best practices for a firewall audits based on AlgoSec’s extensive experience in
consulting with some of the largest global organizations and auditors who deal with firewall audit, optimization and
change management processes and procedures. While this is not an exhaustive list that every organization must follow, it
provides guidance on some critical areas to cover when conducting a firewall audit.

FIGURE 1: Overview of the recommended firewall audit process.

Gather info

Review change management

Audit firewall physical & OS security

Clean up & recertify existing rules

Assess & remediate risk


An audit has little chance of success without visibility into the business application connectivity within the network,
including software, hardware, policies and risks. The following are examples of the key information required to plan
the audit work:
• Copies of relevant security policies • Understandingall the business applications, key servers
• Access to firewall logs that can be analyzed against the and information repositories in the network and the
firewall rule base to understand which rules are actually value of each
being used Once you have gathered this information, how are you
• Anaccurate diagram of the current network and firewall going to aggregate it and storing it? Trying to track
topologies compliance on spreadsheets is a surefire way to make the
audit process painful, tedious and time-consuming. Instead
• Reports and documents from previous audits, including of spreadsheets, the auditor needs to document, store and
firewall rules, objects and policy revisions consolidate this vital information in a way that enables
• Identificationof all Internet Service Providers (ISP) and collaboration with IT counterparts. With this convenience
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) access, auditors you can start reviewing policies and
• All
relevant firewall vendor information including OS procedures and tracking their effectiveness in terms of
version, latest patches and default configuration compliance, operational efficiency and risk mitigation.

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A good change management process is essential to ensure proper execution and traceability of firewall changes as well as
for sustainability over time to ensure compliance continuously. Poor documentation of changes, including which business
application is related to change, why each change is needed, who authorized the change, etc. and poor validation of the
impact on the network of each change are two of the most common problems when it comes to change control.
• Review the procedures for rule-base change • Determine if there is a formal and controlled process
management. Just a few key questions to review in place to request, review, approve and implement
include: firewall changes. This process should include at least
– Are requested changes going through proper the following:
approvals? – Business purpose for a change request
– What business applications will be impacted by – Duration (time period) for new/modified rule
the change? – Assessment of the potential risks associated with the
– Are changes being implemented by authorized new/modified rule
personnel? – Formal approvals for new/modified rule
– Are changes being tested? – Assignment to proper administrator for
– Are changes being documented per regulatory and/ implementation
or internal policy requirements? Each rule should – Verification that change has been tested and
have a comment that includes the change ID of the implemented correctly
request and the name/initials of the person who • Determine whether all of the changes have been
implemented the change. authorized and flag unauthorized rule changes for
– Is there an expiration date for the change? further investigation.
• Determine if real-time monitoring of changes to a
firewall are enabled and if access to rule- change
notifications is granted to authorized requestors,
administrators and stakeholders.

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 04

It is important to be certain as to each firewall’s physical and software security to protect against the most fundamental
types of cyberattack.
• Ensure
that firewall and management servers are • Verify
that all appropriate vendor patches and updates
physically secured with controlled access. have been applied.
• Ensure
that there is a current list of authorized personnel • Ensurethat the operating system passes common
permitted to access the firewall server rooms. hardening checklists.
• Review the procedures used for device administration.


Removing firewall clutter and optimizing the rule base can greatly improve IT productivity and firewall performance.
• Identify
which applications each rule serves and • Detect similar rules that can be consolidated into a
determine the usage of each application. single rule.
• Delete covered rules that are effectively useless. • Identify
overly permissive rules by analyzing the actual
• Delete or disable expired and unused rules and objects. policy usage against firewall logs. Tune these rules as
appropriate for policy and actual use scenarios.
• Identify
disabled, time-inactive and unused rules that are
• AnalyzeVPN parameters to identify unused users,
candidates for removal.
unattached users, expired users, users about to expire,
• Evaluate
the order of firewall rules for effectiveness and unused groups, unattached groups and expired groups.
• Enforce object-naming conventions.
• Remove unused connections, including source/
• Document rules, objects and policy revisions for future
destination/service routes, that are not in use.

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 05

Essential for any firewall audit, a comprehensive risk assessment will identify risky rules and ensure that rules are compliant
with internal policies and relevant standards and regulations.
• Identify
any and all potentially “risky” rules, based on – Are there rules that allow direct traffic from the
industry standards and best practices, and prioritize Internet to the internal network (not the DMZ)?
them by severity. What is “risky” can be different for – Are there any rules that allow traffic from the Internet
each organization depending on the network and the to sensitive servers, networks, devices or databases?
level of acceptable risk, but there are many frameworks • Analyze firewall rules and configurations against relevant
and standards you can leverage that provide a good regulatory and/or industry standards such as PCI-DSS,
reference point. A few things to look for and validate SOX, ISO 27001, NERC CIP, Basel-II, FISMA and J-SOX, as
include: well as corporate policies that define baseline hardware
– Are there firewall rules that violate your corporate and software configurations to which devices must
security policy? adhere (See Figure 4 on page 9).
– Are there any firewall rules with “ANY” in the source, • Document and assign an action plan for remediation of
destination, service/protocol, application or user fields, risks and compliance exceptions found in risk analysis.
and with a permissive action? • Verify
that remediation efforts and any rule changes
– Are there rules that allow risky services from your DMZ have been completed correctly.
to your internal network?
• Track
and document that remediation efforts are
– Are there rules that allow risky services inbound from
the Internet?
– Are there rules that allow risky services outbound to
the Internet?


Upon successful firewall and security device auditing, verifying secure configuration, proper steps must be put in place to
ensure continuous compliance.
• Ensure
that a process is established for continuous • Make sure that a robust firewall-change workflow is in
auditing of firewalls. place to sustain compliance over time.
• Consider
replacing error-prone manual tasks with – This repeats Audit Checklist item #2 because is
automated analysis and reporting. necessary to ensure continuous compliance, i.e.,
• Ensurethat all audit procedures are properly compliance might be achieved now, but in a month,
documented, providing a complete audit trail of all the organization might once again be out of
firewall management activities. compliance.
• Ensure that there is an alerting system in place for
significant events or activities, such as changes in
certain rules or the discovery of a new, high severity
risk in the policy.

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 06

When it comes to compliance, the firewall policy management solution must have the breadth and depth to
automatically generate detailed reports for multiple regulations and standards. It also must support multiple firewalls
and related security devices.

By combining this firewall audit checklist with the AlgoSec Security Management Solution, organizations can significantly
improve their security posture and reduce the pain of ensuring compliance with regulations, industry standards and
corporate policies. Furthermore, they can ensure compliance continuously without spending significant resources wasting
time and effort on complex security policies on a regular basis.

Let’s go back through the checklist and look at a few examples of how AlgoSec can help.


AlgoSec enables you to gather all of the key information visibility of all changes to your network security policies in
needed to start the audit process. By generating a dynamic, real-time and creates detailed firewall audit reports to help
interactive network map AlgoSec visualizes and helps you approvers make informed decisions about changes that
analyze complex networks. (See Figure 2.) You can view affect risk or compliance levels. Lastly, AlgoSec automatically
routing tables and automatically detect all interfaces, discovers all the business applications that run on your
subnets and zones. Additionally, AlgoSec provides you with network and each of their associated connectivity flows.

FIGURE 2: AlgoSec provides network topology awareness with a map that provides visibility of all firewalls and routers
including all relevant interfaces, subnets and zones, and the ability to drill down to specific information about each device.

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 07

AlgoSec intelligently automates the security-policy change workflow, dramatically cutting the time required to process
firewall changes, increasing accuracy and accountability, enforcing compliance and mitigating risk. In addition, AlgoSec
provides flexible workflows and templates to help you manage change requests and tailor processes to your business needs.


AlgoSec enables you to optimize and clean up cluttered policies with actionable recommendations to:
• Consolidate similar rules.
• Recertify the applications instead of going through each rule in your policy
• Discover and remove unused rules and objects (See Figure 3).
• Identify and remove shadowed, duplicate, and expired rules.
• Reorder rules for optimal firewall performance while retaining policy logic.
• Tighten overly permissive rules based on actual usage patterns.
Not only does this help you improve the performance and extend the life of your firewalls, it also saves time when it comes
to troubleshooting issues and IT audits. Plus, it creates a time savings during rule recertification, as each application is
associated with multiple connectivity needs requiring multiple firewall rules.

FIGURE 3: Unused rules that AlgoSec has identified for removal.

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AlgoSec enables you to instantly discover and prioritize all risks and potentially risky rules in the firewall policy, leveraging
the largest risk knowledgebase available. The knowledgebase includes industry regulations, best practices, customizable
corporate security policies and scanner-based vulnerability information. AlgoSec assigns and tracks a security rating for each
device and group of devices to help you to quickly pinpoint devices that require attention and to measure the effectiveness
of a security policy over time.

FIGURE 4: AlgoSec identifies and prioritizes risky rules based on industry standards and frameworks and provides detailed
information of source, destination, service, as well as user and application when analyzing next-generation firewalls.

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 09

AlgoSec ensures continuous compliance and instantly provides you with a view of your firewall compliance status by automatically generating reports
for industry regulations, including Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), GDPR, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Financial Instruments and
Exchange Act (J-SOX, also known as Japan-SOX), North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP), and
International Organization for Standardization (ISO 20071). If the network security policy doesn’t adhere to regulatory or corporate standards, the
reports identify the exact rules and devices that cause gaps in compliance. A single report provides visibility into risk and compliance associated with
a group of devices.

FIGURE 5: PCI DSS firewall compliance report automatically generated by AlgoSec.

THE FIREWALL AUDIT CHECKLIST Six Best Practices for Simplifying Firewall Compliance and Risk Mitigation PAGE 10

Ensuring and proving compliance typically require significant organizational resources and budget. With the growing litany
of regulations, the cost and time involved in the audit process is increasing rapidly. Armed with the firewall audit checklist
and with the AlgoSec security policy management solution you can:

REDUCE THE TIME REQUIRED FOR AN AUDIT — Manual reviews can take a significant amount of time to produce
a report for each firewall in the network. AlgoSec aggregates data across a defined group of firewalls and devices for
a unified compliance view, doing away with running reports for each device, thereby saving a tremendous amount of
time and effort that is wasted on collating individual device reports. AlgoSec enables you to produce a report in minutes,
reducing time and effort by as much as 80%.

IMPROVE COMPLIANCE WHILE REDUCING COSTS — As the auditor’s time to gather pertinent information and
analyze the network security status is reduced, the total cost of the audit decreases substantially. AlgoSec facilitates the
remediation of non-compliant items by providing actionable information that further reduces the time to re- establish a
compliant state.

About AlgoSec
AlgoSec is a global cybersecurity company and the industry’s only application connectivity and security policy
management expert. With almost two decades of leadership in Network Security Policy Management, over
1,800 of the world’s most complex organizations trust AlgoSec to help secure their most critical workloads
across public cloud, private cloud, containers, and on-premises networks.

Copyright © AlgoSec Inc. All rights reserved. AlgoSec is a registered trademark of AlgoSec Inc.
The AlgoSec Logo is a trademark of AlgoSec Inc. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

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