Applsci 13 07418
Applsci 13 07418
Applsci 13 07418
Robustness Optimization of Cloud Manufacturing Process
under Various Resource Substitution Strategies
Xiaodong Zhang 1 , Xin Zheng 1, * and Yiqi Wang 2
1 School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;
2 China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China;
* Correspondence:
the impact of some disturbances (e.g., demand change, order fluctuation, and emergency
order insertion) through its own flexible configuration and self-adjustment strategies,
but relatively serious disturbances can cause a variety of damage, such as insufficient
supervision of the cloud platform, random the withdrawal of cloud service providers
from the platform, the failure of cloud resource nodes, and the interruption of cloud paths,
among others [6]. Therefore, it is of great practical significance for the implementation
and deployment of cloud manufacturing projects to accurately identify the impact of
uncertain environments on cloud manufacturing [7–9], explore the robustness level of the
cloud manufacturing process (CMP) under different interference modes, and formulate
corresponding robustness recovery strategies to improve the stability and anti-interference
of the system [10–12].
2. Related Works
2.1. Robustness Analysis Study of Manufacturing Systems
Many scholars have conducted research on the robustness of advanced manufacturing
systems and networks. Gao et al. [13] applied complex network theory to the manufactur-
ing industry, proposing the construction method of the complex network failure model.
Yana et al. [14] proposed that the vulnerability of the manufacturing network may lead
to new risks; they analyzed the topology structure and vulnerability of the cloud manu-
facturing network (CMN) and put forward management suggestions. Cauvin et al. [15]
analyzed the impacts of interruption events on the entire industrial system and proposed a
cooperative repair approach based on a distributed industrial system to limit these impacts.
Li et al. [16] established a collaborative manufacturing services network model using the
complex network method, defined six fault types, and proposed corresponding fault de-
tection methods. Further, the cascaded propagation characteristics of different faults were
revealed, and corresponding control strategies were proposed. Lachenmaier et al. [17]
analyzed the changing individualized requirements, risks, and possible solutions in cyber-
physical systems. Galaske and Anderl [18] proposed a decision support method for the
terminal management process of a cyber-physical production system, modeling and sim-
ulating respective scenarios of interruption events and response strategies. Hou [19]
established the process relationship network of the flexible job shop by analyzing the
relationships among basic production factors, such as machines and workpieces in the
shop. They proposed adaptive preventive maintenance and buffer time insertion strate-
gies. Zhang [20] proposed the definition of the manufacturing product assurance network;
they established an evolutionary model of the manufacturing product assurance weighted
network on this basis, and then analyzed the robustness characteristics of the network.
Such research demonstrates that cloud manufacturing and other advanced networked
manufacturing modes have large uncertainties and risks due to their networked, dis-
tributed, and loosely coupled characteristics. Robustness analysis of these modes has
become a popular issue in academic circles, with many scholars exploring this from a
variety of perspectives.
Regarding the study of reliable nodes, Li [24] proposed a heuristic scheduling rule based
on controlling critical nodes for the scheduling optimization of the job shop in a disturbed
environment, and Wang [25] used both the improved node shrinkage method and the
triangular fuzzy number method to comprehensively evaluate the importance of nodes in
the network, proposing corresponding improvement measures in terms of critical node
protection. Regarding the study of adding links (i.e., connected edges), Ji et al. [23] pro-
posed two new strategies: low inter degree–degree difference addition and random inter
degree–degree difference addition. They verified the effectiveness of these proposed strate-
gies through a comparison with four existing link-addition strategies (i.e., random addition,
low degree addition, low betweenness addition, and algebraic connectivity-based addition).
Wang et al. [26] proposed a preferred connectivity strategy based on the structure of inter-
dependent networks. They applied this strategy to three existing link-addition strategies
(i.e., random addition, low degree addition, and low inter degree–degree difference addi-
tion), finding that each improved strategy was significantly better than the previous one in
terms of robustness improvement. The effects of link-addition strategies on the improve-
ment of the robustness of different networks have been further investigated [27–30].
Measures such as adding redundant nodes and connected edges can effectively im-
prove network robustness. As such, these measures are receiving increasing attention from
scholars, and they also provided ideas for the design of the cloud manufacturing-based
robustness improvement strategy in this paper. Targeting the problem of frequent cloud
resource node failure, this paper attempts to establish redundant nodes so that appropriate
alternative resources [31] can be used to avoid the complete breakdown of the manufactur-
ing process or system when the original manufacturing resource nodes fail. Based on this
and the background characteristics of cloud manufacturing, this paper presents three kinds
of robustness improvement strategies: internal resource replacement, external resource
replacement, and internal–external integration replacement.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 perspectives, such as cloud service entity encapsulation [36,37], selection and scheduling 4 of 25
[38–40], and trust and security issues [5,8], among others. Multi-agent simulation has be-
come an important tool for cloud manufacturing research, yet current multi-agent simu-
lation research on the robustness of cloud manufacturing appears relatively rare.
current multi-agent simulation research on the robustness of cloud manufacturing appears
This paper proposes a robustness analysis method that combines the complex net-
relatively rare.
work and multi-agent simulation to investigate the optimization and enhancement of
This paper proposes a robustness analysis method that combines the complex network
CMS robustness under multiple resource substitution strategies. The complex network
and multi-agent simulation to investigate the optimization and enhancement of CMS ro-
perspective can reflect the structural robustness of CMSs, while multi-agent simulation
bustness under multiple resource substitution strategies. The complex network perspective
can consider
reflect the the process robustness
structural robustnessofofCMSsCMSs,from
whilemultiple dimensions,
multi-agent such as
simulation cantime, cost,
quality, and reliability. The combination of these two perspectives extends
the process robustness of CMSs from multiple dimensions, such as time, cost, quality, and the robustness
analysis object
reliability. of the CMS from
The combination thetwo
of these CMN to the CMP,
perspectives thereby
extends therealizing theanalysis
robustness dual-dimen-
sional analysis of the static structure and dynamic process of CMS robustness.
of the CMS from the CMN to the CMP, thereby realizing the dual-dimensional analysis of
The rest
the static of thisand
structure paper is arranged
dynamic processasof
follows. Section 3 constructs a multi-agent sim-
CMS robustness.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. Sectionindexes
model of the CMP and proposes process robustness from the
3 constructs simulation
a multi-agent
perspective. Section 4 establishes a complex network model of cloud
simulation model of the CMP and proposes process robustness indexes from the sim- manufacturing re-
ulation and selects structural
perspective. Section 4robustness
establishesmetrics from network
a complex the network perspective.
model Section 5
of cloud manufac-
defines four types of resource node failure modes and three types of resource
turing resources and selects structural robustness metrics from the network perspective. replacement
strategies to deal with
Section 5 defines four resource
types of failure.
resourceSection 6 conducts
node failure modesa case
three combining multi-
types of resource
agent simulation software Anylogic and Python 3.0 tools to study the changes
replacement strategies to deal with resource failure. Section 6 conducts a case study, com- in the ro-
bustness of cloud manufacturing under different failure modes. Section
bining multi-agent simulation software Anylogic and Python 3.0 tools to study the changes 7 provides the
research conclusions
in the robustness and future
of cloud prospects.
manufacturing under different failure modes. Section 7 provides
the research conclusions and future prospects.
3. Model of the Cloud Manufacturing Process and Robustness Evaluation Indicator
3. Model
based of the Cloud Simulation
on Multi-Agent Manufacturing Process and Robustness Evaluation Indicator
Based on Multi-Agent Simulation
3.1. Construction of Multi-Agent Simulation Model
3.1. Construction of Multi-Agent Simulation Model
The cloud platform, cloud task, cloud resource, cloud message, cloud order, and
The cloud platform, cloud task, cloud resource, cloud message, cloud order, and
other types of subjects are all contained in the CMS, along with two different types of user
other types of subjects are all contained in the CMS, along with two different types of user
roles: cloud service providers and cloud demanders [41]. The CMP [2] basically entails the
roles: cloud service providers and cloud demanders [41]. The CMP [2] basically entails the
following, as indicated in Figure 1:
following, as indicated in Figure 1:
Figure 1. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram of CMP.
(1) (1)
Through information transformation,
information resource
transformation, sensing,
resource resource
sensing, access,
resource unified
access, mod-
modeling cloudservices,
services, and
and other
other technologies,
technologies, cloud
cloud service
service providers
providers integrate
integrate dif-
kinds of kinds of manufacturing
manufacturing equipment
equipment and manufacturing
and manufacturing capability
capability resourcesresources
into the
into the cloud platform and deposit them into the cloud resource pool. This allows
globally distributed resources to be managed and shared centrally, thereby circum-
venting the spatial and geographical limitations.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 5 of 25
(2) Utilizing terminal devices, cloud demanders submit their requests for services
(i.e., orders) to the cloud platform. The cloud demand set uniformly stores orders
awaiting processing from various cloud demanders.
(3) In accordance with the service route of the to-be-processed order, the cloud platform
integrates and adapts various cloud tasks to create structured and reliable cloud
task sequences.
(4) In order to perform cloud manufacturing services, the platform imports each order
into the appropriate cloud task sequence when the cloud demand set is not vacant.
Based on the task type, the appropriate resources are requested from the resource
pool while processing cloud tasks. After being requested, resources in an inactive
state transition to a busy state. The resource is released and returned to an idle state
once the assignment has been finished.
Multiple entity types are present in the CMS, and numerous forms of information
transmission and behavior interactions occur among entities of the same and different
types. Consequently, the CMS model can be stated as follows:
where PA represents the cloud platform agent; DA represents the cloud demander agent;
SA represents the cloud service agent; TA represents the cloud task agent; RA represents
the cloud resource agent; OA represents the order agent issued by DA; MA represents the
message agent sent to SA when TA requests or releases resources; and E represents the
external environment of information transmission and inter-entity behavior interaction.
where replace_Resource specifies the alternative resource type R j for each resource type Ri ,
with this model assuming that Ri and R j are mutually substitutive; and replace_Rate is the
replacement rate (i.e., matching rate) of the replacement resource. Although the substitute
resource can replace the original resource to complete the established cloud task, there is an
increase in the total work time. The resource replacement rate is generated by a normally
distributed random number at the time of model initialization.
path for all order kinds (e.g., serial, parallel, and hybrid paths). The cloud task agent
further generates (a) the mechanism for choosing the best service provider, (b) numerous
statistical data, including the service cycle and cost, and (c) information on the cloud task
and cloud resource nodes. The existing process modeling library components are modified
accordingly to accomplish this goal. The following is a description of the cloud task agent:
where is_internalReplace indicates whether the current cloud task process has invoked the
internal resource replacement strategy; internal_replaceResource specifies the replacement
resource selected under the internal replacement strategy; internal_replaceRate is the
resource matching rate of the internal replacement resource; internal_replaceSerial is
an integer from 1 to 3 indicating which specific case of internal replacement the current
process belongs to; is_externalReplace indicates whether the current cloud task process
has invoked the external resource replacement strategy; external_Partner indicates the
specific external server with which to cooperate under the external resource replacement
strategy; external_replaceSerial is an integer from 1 to 3 indicating which specific case of
external replacement the current process belongs to; and FunccalcuWorkingTime calculates the
cloud task time under the current resource replacement strategy.
Figure 2 depicts the comprehensive CMP simulation implemented within the cloud
task agent by modifying and adapting existing component codes from Anylogic’s process
modeling library. This procedure’s specifics are as follows:
(1) By means of the enter component, the order is imported into the cloud task’s internal
procedure. The order is immediately assigned by the cloud platform if the current
task is the first in the task sequence; if not, the preceding task assigns the order after it
has been finished (e.g., task 2 orders are assigned by task 1 after task 1 is finished).
(2) The queue component temporarily stores the current order while the following deter-
minations are made: (a) if the current task is first in the task sequence or there is only
one task in the previous task sequence, the hold and hold1 components are opened
concurrently, and the current order is entered into queue2 for further processing; or
(b) if there are multiple tasks in the previous task sequence, the current order must
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 27
(2) The queue component temporarily stores the current order while the following
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 7 of 25
determinations are made: (a) if the current task is first in the task sequence or there is only
one task in the previous task sequence, the hold and hold1 components are opened con-
currently, and the current order is entered into queue2 for further processing; or (b) if there
wait untiltasks
are multiple the orders
in the of all previous
previous task tasks have been
sequence, processed
the current orderbefore
must entering queue2
wait until the
for further processing.
orders of all previous tasks have been processed before entering queue2 for further pro-
(3) The queue1 component combines the information of multiple branch orders, whereas
(3) hold2
the The component
queue1 component ensures that only
combines thea information
single order of is multiple
entered for subsequent
branch orders,
processing at any given time. Hold2 reopens and proceeds
whereas the hold2 component ensures that only a single order is entered for subsequent to serve the next order
when the
processing current
at any given order
time. is Hold2
fulfilled and exits
reopens andthrough
proceeds exit.
to serve the next order when
(4) When the order enters queue3, the
the current order is fulfilled and exits through exit. task agent selects the optimal service provider
(4) When the order enters queue3, the task agent selects theoptimal
and sends “resource request” information to it. When the optimalservice
service provider
accepts the request, it chooses to adopt or not adopt the resource replacement strategy
and sends “resource request” information to it. When the optimal service provider accepts
according to whether the target resource is faulty. If the resource substitution strategy
the request, it chooses to adopt or not adopt the resource replacement strategy according
is adopted, it is necessary to further select which resource substitution strategy to
to whether the target resource is faulty. If the resource substitution strategy is adopted, it
adopt. The busy attribute of the corresponding optimal resource is changed to “true”,
is necessary to further select which resource substitution strategy to adopt. The busy at-
the hold3 component opens and the order flows through the delay component to
tribute of the corresponding optimal resource is changed to “true”, the hold3 component
simulate the cloud manufacturing service. After a certain delay time, the service
opens and the order flows through the delay component to simulate the cloud manufac-
is completed.
turing service. After a certain delay time, the service is completed.
(5) The order is placed in queue4 and the “release resource” message is sent to the best
(5) The order is placed in queue4 and the “release resource” message is sent to the
server. When the best server acknowledges the message, the busy attribute of the
best server. When the best server acknowledges the message, the busy attribute of the best
best resource changes from “true” to “false”, and the hold4 component opens. Order
resource changes from “true” to “false”, and the hold4 component opens. Order traverses
traverses the delay1 component, and the release of the resource is accomplished
the delay1 component,
following and the release
a predetermined of the resource is accomplished following a prede-
delay period.
termined delay period.
(6) The order passes through the exit component to conclude all of its service procedures
for The
this order
task. passes
It then through
imports the theexit component
post-order taskto concludeofall
sequence of its
this service
task: (a) ifproce-
duresisfor this task. It then imports the post-order task sequence
only one post-order task, it is imported instantly into the enter component of this task: (a) if there
of the is
only post-order
one post-order task, it is imported instantly into the enter component
task; (b) if there are numerous post-order tasks, the information of the of the post-
task; (b) if there
order are numerous
is copied and broughtpost-order
into thetasks,
enter thecomponent
information ofof
thethe current order
is copied and brought into the enter component of the corresponding
post-order tasks; and (c) if there is no post-order task, this indicates that the task post-order tasks;
and (c) if there
already theislast
no post-order
task in thetask, task this indicates
sequence. Asthat the task
a result, the is already
order the last task
is included in thein
the task
groupsequence. As a result,
of completed orders, theand
datais such
as the inservice
the group of completed
cycle, service cost,orders, and
and route
data record
such asarethetallied
service andcycle, service cost, and route record are tallied and output.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Cloud
Cloud task
task agent’s
agent s internal
internal workflow.
3.1.3. Modeling
Modeling ofof Cloud
Cloud Server
Server Agent
cloudservers is toisconvey
servers information
to convey and interact
information with cloud
and interact with
tasks. Each cloud server’s resource pool has all kinds of cloud resources. The
cloud tasks. Each cloud server s resource pool has all kinds of cloud resources. The serverserver locates
the appropriate
locates resourceresource
the appropriate in its resource pool andpool
in its resource allotsand
it toallots
the cloud taskcloud
it to the after receiving
task after
receiving the “request resource” message. The server releases the associated and
“request resource” message. The server releases the associated cloud resource cloudadds
back to the cloud resource pool after receiving the “release resource” message.
and adds it back to the cloud resource pool after receiving the “release resource” The cloud
server agent
message. Thecan be illustrated
cloud server agentas follows:
can be illustrated as follows:
𝑺𝑨 =< 𝑰𝑫, 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆𝑷𝒐𝒐𝒍, 𝒅𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆,
𝒑𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆, 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆, 𝑭𝒖𝒏𝒄
pScore,totalScore,FuncconfigureResource ,
𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒆𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆 , (6)
Funccommon ,Funcinter_replace ,Funcexter_replace ,Funcinter&exter 〉
where ID represents the cloud service provider’s special identification number; location refers
to the server’s latitude and longitude coordinates, which is utilized to initialize the server’s
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 8 of 25
location on the GIS map; resourcePool is used for storing the corresponding virtual resources
of the cloud server; dScore, pScore, and totalScore are the distance score, price score, and total
score when the cloud task chooses the best cloud server; and FuncconfigureResource is used to
manage and distribute resources when receiving cloud task information. If the message is
“release resource”, the server will locate the corresponding resource and set its busy attribute
to “false”. If the message is “request resource”, the broken attribute of the corresponding
resource is examined before any other properties: (1) If the value of the broken property
is “false”, this indicates that the resource is not faulty, so its busy attribute continues to be
judged, where, (a) if the busy attribute is “false”, cloud order processing can be started, and
(b) if the busy attribute is “true”, this means that this resource is being used by other tasks,
so it needs to wait until the other tasks have been completed before starting the processing
of orders. (2) If the value of the broken property is “true”, this means that the resource is
faulty and it cannot complete the processing of the corresponding cloud task. If the resource
is faulty, according to the experimental settings, one of the following strategies is chosen: the
no-resource replacement strategy, the internal resource replacement strategy, the external
resource replacement strategy, or the internal–external integrated strategy. Funccommon is
the no-resource replacement strategy: when the requested resource fails, the requested
processing order is added to the failed order set. Funcinter_replace is the internal resource
replacement strategy: when the requested resource fails, a replacement resource is found
for the failed resource within the current service provider. Funcexter_replace is the external
resource replacement strategy: when the requested resource fails, the same type of resource
as the failed resource from other cloud service providers is requested. Funcinter&exter is a
combination strategy of internal and external resource replacement: when the requested
resource fails, the priority is to find a replacement resource within the service provider;
if the internal replacement resource fails, then external resources are sought from other
service providers.
failedOrderList,attackNum,Funcini ,FuncallocationOrders ,FuncsettingFaultStatus , (7)
FunccalcuQos ,FuncoutputNetwork 〉
MA=〈msg,resourceList,owner〉 (9)
DA=〈ID,location,orderList,FuncsendOrders 〉 (10)
The attributes and methodologies of these four agent types are already detailed in [42],
so they are not repeated here.
dimensions, such as the time, cost, and reliability [43–45]. Referring to the definition of QoS,
this paper proposes robustness of service (RoS) as a robustness measurement indicator from
the perspective of the simulation of four dimensions: service time, service cost, reliability,
and order completion rate. The specific calculation formulae for these four dimensions are
as follows:
(1) Service time
The sum of all orders’ completion times during the simulation cycle is represented by
the following formula:
T= ∑ tj (11)
j =1
where m denotes the overall number of orders, j = 1, 2, . . . ,m denotes the jth order in the
order sequence, and t j denotes the finish time of the jth order, which can be derived from
the results of the simulation.
(2) Service cost
The cloud resource service fee, logistics service fee, and cloud resource release fee,
which together make up the overall cloud service cost, are determined as follows:
m nj m nj
C = ∑ ∑ ti,j ∗ presource
i,j + ∑ ∑ di,j ∗ clogistic
j =1 i =1 j =1 i =1
m nj (12)
+ ∑ ∑ ti,j ∗ prelease ra
j =1 i =1
where m represents the total amount of orders and n j represents the number of assignments
associated with each order; j = 1, 2, . . . , m is the jth order in the order sequence; i = 1, 2, . . . ,
n is the ith the task in the task sequence; ti,j represents the cloud service time of the ith
task in the jth order; pi,j represents the service cost per unit time of the resource related to
the task; di,j represents the logistics distance related to the task; clogistic represents the logistics
cost per unit distance; ti,j represents the release time of the cloud resources for the task;
and prelease represents the cost per unit time of releasing resources.
(3) Service reliability
The service reliability is measured by a multiplicative index [44], which has the
following form:
∑mj=1 ∏i =1 reli,j
rel = (13)
where reli,j represents the service reliability of the ith task in the jth order, as specified in
the order agent’s reliabilityAccum property.
The evaluation of the CMP’s robustness in this paper also refers to the definition
of robustness, which refers to the ability of the CMS to operate normally and maintain
its original performance in the face of various unexpected disruptions and interruptions.
For the CMS, the normal completion of cloud orders within a service cycle can reflect its
normal operation capability more intuitively. Therefore, the order completion rate index
is introduced:
(4) Order completion rate
The order completion rate is the proportion of total scheduled orders to orders actually
completed throughout the simulation cycle.
ofr = (14)
N1 + N2
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 10 of 25
where N1 represents the number of orders fulfilled throughout the simulation cycle and
N2 represents the number of incomplete orders.
In summary, combining the definitions of robustness and QoS, this paper proposes a
new robustness evaluation index, RoS, to comprehensively consider the normal operational
capability of the CMS in the face of unexpected disturbances.
The RoS index takes the order completion rate as the main body, where the higher the
order completion rate, the stronger the normal operational ability in the face of interference,
and the stronger the ability to resist risks (i.e., the stronger the robustness of the cloud
service), and vice versa. When the order completion rates are the same, the index then
compares the differences in the time and cost of completing the same order quantity: if the
same number of orders are completed with less time, lower cost, and higher reliability, the
cloud service is more robust, and vice versa. Therefore, it can be expressed as:
| T − T0 | |C − C0 | |rel − rel0 |
RoS = o f r ∗ [1 − (ω1 ∗ + ω2 ∗ + ω3 ∗ )] (15)
T0 C0 rel0
where T0 , C0 , and rel0 are the respective baseline values of the service time, cost, and
reliability under the condition of no interference; T, C, and rel are the actual values of the
current experimental group; and ω1 , ω2 , and ω3 are the respective weight coefficients of
the three indexes, satisfying ∑3i=1 ωi = 1.
Figure 3.3.Schematic
Figure depictionofof
CMSCMS’s internal
s internal relationships
relationships andand (b) cloud
(b) the the cloud resource
resource net-
Table 3. Cont.
Location Location
ID City ID City
(Latitude, Longitude) (Latitude, Longitude)
S1 Beijing (39.91, 116.41) d5 Jinan (36.4, 117)
S2 Shanghai (31.21, 121.43) d6 Lanzhou (36.03, 103.73)
S3 Chengdu (30.66, 104.06) d7 Wulumuqi (43.76, 87.68)
S4 Hangzhou (30.26, 120.2) d8 Changsha (28.21, 113)
S5 Shenzhen (22.61, 114.06) d9 Nanchang (28.68, 115.9)
d10 Fuzhou (26.08, 119.3)
d1 HaErbin (45.75, 126.63) d11 Nanning (22.48, 108.19)
d2 ShenYang (41.8, 123.38) d12 Lasa (29.6, 91)
d3 Baotou (40.39, 109.49) d13 Lianyungang (34.36, 119.1)
d4 Tianjin (39.13, 117.2) d14 Hefei (31.52, 117.17)
The weight coefficients for the RoS were set in this study to be ω1 = 1/3, ω2 = 1/3,
and ω3 = 1/3.
Figure 5. Layout
5. Layout of the
of the cloud
cloud resource
resource network
network in space.
in space.
Topological Parameter Number of Nodes Average Degree Density Average Path Length
Cloud resource
231 21.208 0.087 4.231
network Figure 5. Layout of the cloud resource network in space.
Then, using the four failure modes outlined in Section 5.1, Python 3.0 was used to
simulate and determine how the structural robustness indexes changed in response to
each failure mode.
Figure Cloud resource
6. Cloud resourcenetwork degree
network distribution.
degree distribution.
The network contained 231 resource nodes, and the distribution of node degrees was
veryThen, usingAthe
unbalanced. four
small failure
number modes
of nodes outlined
occupied inmajority
the vast Sectionof5.1, Python
connected 3.0 was u
simulate andthe
proving that determine how thethe
network possessed structural
traits of a robustness indexes
scale-free network. changed
It was in respo
a sparse
network, as the
each failure mode. nodes with higher degree values tended to connect the nodes with lower
degree values, as indicated by the network’s low density.
Then, using the four failure modes outlined in Section 5.1, Python 3.0 was used to
simulate and determine how the structural robustness indexes changed in response to each
failure mode.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 27
Figure 7. 7.
Figure Variation of of
Variation S under IDID
S under failure mode.
failure mode.
6.2.2. Structural
Structural Robustness
Robustness Comparison
Comparison ofof Three
Three Substitution
Substitution Strategies
Strategies under
under Initial
Node Betweenness Loss (IB) Failure Mode
Node Betweenness Loss (IB) Failure Mode
As shown in Figure 8, (1) in the IB failure mode, the maximum connectivity subgraphs
As shown in Figure 8, (1) in the IB failure mode, the maximum connectivity sub-
under the no-substitution strategy (“common”) and the three resource substitution strate-
graphs under the no-substitution strategy (“common”) and the three resource substitution
gies (“internal”, “external”, and “inter&exter”) all show a decreasing trend as the number
strategies (“internal”, “external”, and “inter&exter”) all show a decreasing trend as the
of node failures increases. This indicates that from the complex network perspective,
number of node failures increases. This indicates that from the complex network perspec-
the structural robustness of the CMS gradually decreases. (2) The curves of the three re-
tive, the structural
source substitution robustness
strategiesofare theallCMS
locatedgradually decreases.
above the curve of(2)
theThe curves of thestrategy
no-substitution three
resource substitution strategies are all located above the curve of
(i.e., their maximum connectivity subgraph values are larger than the no-substitutionthe no-substitution strat-
egy (i.e., theirvalue).
strategy’s maximum Thisconnectivity
indicates that subgraph values
all three are larger
resource than thestrategies
substitution no-substitution
can im-
strategy s value). This indicates that all three resource substitution
prove the structural robustness of the CMS in the face of initial node betweenness strategies can improvefailure.
(3)structural robustness
The “internal” curveofisthe CMS
only in the higher
slightly face of than
node betweenness
“common” curve,failure. (3) The
and when the
“internal” curve is only slightly higher than the “common” curve,
number of node attacks is high, the maximum connected subgraph values of these two and when the number
node attacks is high,
decrease the
to 0, atmaximum
which point connected
the CMNsubgraph valuescollapsed.
has completely of these two strategiesthe
In contrast,
decrease to 0, at which point the CMN has completely collapsed.
“external” and “inter&exter” curves are significantly higher than the “common” curve, In contrast, the “exter-and
nal” and “inter&exter” curves are significantly higher than the “common”
even when the number of node attacks is high, the connected subgraph values still maintain curve, and even
a highthelevel.
node attacks
that theis high,
connected subgraph values
strategy and the still maintain a
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 27
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 high level. This indicates that the external replacement strategy and the internal–external
18 of 25
integrated replacement strategy both offer more significant robustness enhancement than
high level. This indicates that the external replacement strategy and the internal–external
the internal replacement strategy under the IB failure mode.
integrated replacement strategy both offer more significant robustness enhancement than
the replacementstrategy
internal replacement strategyunder
both offer more
the IB significant
failure mode. robustness enhancement than
the internal replacement strategy under the IB failure mode.
6.2.3. 8. 8. Variation
Structural of of S under
S under
Robustness IB IB failure
Comparison mode.
mode. of Three Substitution Strategies under
Recomputed NodeRobustness
6.2.3. Structural Degree Loss (RD) Failure
Comparison ofMode
Three Substitution Strategies under
6.2.3. StructuralNode
Recomputed Robustness
Degree Comparison
Loss (RD) of Three
Failure ModeSubstitution Strategies under
As shown
Recomputed in Figure
Node Degree 9, Loss
(1) in(RD)
the RD failure
Failure Mode mode, when the number of node attacks
is high,Astheshown
maximum in Figure 9, (1) in the
connectivity RD failure
subgraph valuesmode,
underwhen the number
all three of node
substitution attacks is
As the
high, shown in Figure 9, (1) in thesubgraphRD failure mode, whenallthe number of nodestrategies
decrease to maximum
0, at whichconnectivity
point the CMN has completely values under
collapsed. three substitution
This indicates that the
is decrease
high, theto maximum
0, atiswhich connectivity subgraph values under all three substitution strategies
RD failure mode morepoint the CMN
destructive to has
the completely collapsed. This
structural robustness of theindicates
CMS thanthateither
the RD
decrease modeto 0, atis which point the CMN has completely collapsed.
of theThis indicates thatthethe
ID or IB modes. more(2) destructive
The “external” to the structural
curve is alwaysrobustness
located above CMS than either
the “internal” curve,ID
RD orfailure
IB modes.mode (2)isThemore destructive
“external” curveto isthe structural
always locatedrobustness
above of the CMScurve,
than either
and the “inter&exter” curve is nearly always located above thethe “internal”
“external” curve. This and in-the
the ID or IB
“inter&exter” modes. (2) The “external” curve is always located above the “internal” curve,
dicates that the curve
maximumis nearly always located
connectivity subgraphabovevalue
the “external” curve. This
is largest under indicates that
the internal–ex-
andthethe “inter&exter”
maximum curve subgraph
connectivity is nearly always
value islocated
largest above the the internal–external
“external” curve.integration
This in-
ternal integration replacement strategy, followed byunder
the external replacement strategy,
dicates that
replacement the maximum
strategy, connectivity
followed by subgraph
the external value is
replacement largest under the internal–ex-
and then the internal replacement strategy. Therefore, for the strategy,
structuraland then the of
robustness internal
ternal integration
replacement replacement
strategy. Therefore, strategy,
for the followed
structural byrobustness
the external of replacement
the CMS strategy,
under the RD
CMS under the RD failure mode: internal–external integration replacement strategy>ex-
and then mode:
failure the internal replacement integration
internal–external strategy. Therefore,
replacementfor the structural robustness of the
ternal replacement strategy>internal replacement strategy. strategy > external replacement
CMS under> the
strategy RD failure
internal mode:strategy.
replacement internal–external integration replacement strategy>ex-
ternal replacement strategy>internal replacement strategy.
Figure 9. Variation
Figure of of
9. Variation S under RDRD
S under failure mode.
failure mode.
Figure Variation ofRobustness
S under RDComparison
failure mode. of Three Substitution Strategies under
Recomputed Node Betweenness Loss (RB) Failure Mode
As shown in Figure 10, (1) in the RB failure mode, when the number of node attacks is
high, the maximum connectivity subgraph values under all three strategies decrease to 0,
at which point the CMN has completely collapsed. This indicates that the RB failure mode
6.2.4. Structural Robustness Comparison of Three Substitution Strategies under
Recomputed Node Betweenness Loss (RB) Failure Mode
As shown in Figure 10, (1) in the RB failure mode, when the number of node attacks
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 19 of 25
is high, the maximum connectivity subgraph values under all three strategies decrease to
0, at which point the CMN has completely collapsed. This indicates that the RB failure
mode is more destructive to the structural robustness of the CMS than either the ID or IB
is more
modes. (2)destructive to thecurve
The “external” structural robustness
is always locatedof the CMS
above than eithercurve,
the “internal” the IDand
or IB
(2) The “external” curve is always located above the “internal” curve, and
jority of the “inter&exter” curve is located above the “external” curve. This indicates thatthe majority
the the “inter&exter” curvesubgraph
connectivity is located above
value the “external”
is largest under thecurve. This indicates
internal–external that the
maximum connectivity subgraph value is largest under the internal–external
tion replacement strategy, followed by the external replacement strategy, and then the integration
internal strategy,
replacement followed
strategy. by the external
Therefore, for thereplacement strategy, and
structural robustness then
of the the under
CMS internal
replacement strategy. Therefore, for the structural robustness of the CMS
the RB failure mode: internal–external integration replacement strategy>external replace- under the RB
ment mode: internal–external
strategy>internal replacement integration
strategy. replacement strategy > external replacement
strategy > internal replacement strategy.
Figure 10.10. Variation
Variation of of S under
S under RBRB failure
failure mode.
InIn summary,from
summary, fromthe
perspective, allall three
three resourcesubstitution
resource substitution
strategies significantly improved the structural robustness of
strategies significantly improved the structural robustness of the CMS. In the four the CMS. In the four failure
modes (i.e.,
(i.e., ID,ID,
the the structural
structural robustness
robustness levels levels
underunder all three
all three strate-
gies were higher than those with no strategy. Further, the internal–external
were higher than those with no strategy. Further, the internal–external integration re- integration
placement strategy
strategy brought
brought the greatest
the greatest robustness
robustness enhancement
enhancement to thetoCMS,
the CMS, followed
followed by
the external replacement strategy, and then the internal replacement strategy. This isThis
by the external replacement strategy, and then the internal replacement strategy. rea- is
sonable because because the essence
the essence of a resource
of a resource substitution
substitution strategystrategy
is to addisredundant
to add redundant
nodes, so when a resource fails, redundant alternative resources
so when a resource fails, redundant alternative resources will be there to replace will be there to replace
it to com- it
to complete the task. Therefore, as the number of node failures
plete the task. Therefore, as the number of node failures increased, the strategies with increased, the strategies
more moreredundant
initial redundant nodes
nodes (i.e., (i.e.,
the the internal–external
internal–external resource resource integration
integration strategy strategy
and the external replacement strategy) were more robust. Conversely, the strategy with
the external replacement strategy) were more robust. Conversely, the strategy with fewer
fewer initial redundant nodes (i.e., the internal replacement strategy) was less robust. In
initial redundant nodes (i.e., the internal replacement strategy) was less robust. In addi-
addition, in the failure modes based on the initial topology (i.e., ID and IB), only the struc-
tion, in the failure modes based on the initial topology (i.e., ID and IB), only the structural
tural robustness under the no-replacement strategy and the internal replacement strategy
robustness under the no-replacement strategy and the internal replacement strategy sig-
significantly decreased. In contrast, in the failure modes based on the recomputed topology
nificantly decreased. In contrast, in the failure modes based on the recomputed topology
(i.e., RD and RB), the structural robustness under all strategies significantly decreased, indi-
(i.e., RD and RB), the structural robustness under all strategies significantly decreased,
cating that the failure modes based on the recomputed topology were more destructive to
indicating that the failure modes based on the recomputed topology were more destruc-
the structural robustness of the CMS. However, for all four failure modes, all three resource
tive to the structural robustness of the CMS. However, for all four failure modes, all three
substitution strategies could protect the structural robustness of the CMS to some extent.
resource substitution strategies could protect the structural robustness of the CMS to some
6.3. Process Robustness Analysis
This research analyzed changes in the RoS under the four failure types using the
6.3. Process Robustness Analysis
multi-agent simulation program Anylogic and Python 3.0.
Figure Variationof
11.11.Variation of RoS
RoS under
6.3.2. Process Robustness Comparison of Three Substitution Strategies under IB
6.3.2. Process
Failure ModeRobustness Comparison of Three Substitution Strategies under IB Failure
Mode As shown in Figure 12, (1) in the IB failure mode, the RoS values under the no-
As shown strategy (“common”)
in Figure 12, (1) inand theIBthree
the resource
failure mode, substitution strategies
the RoS values (“internal”,
under the no-sub-
“external”, and “inter&exter”) all show a decreasing trend as the number
stitution strategy (“common”) and the three resource substitution strategies (“internal”,of node failures
increases (i.e.,
“external”, as the cloud order
and “inter&exter”) completion
all show rate decreases).
a decreasing trend asThis indicatesof
the number that
a multi-agent simulation perspective, the robustness of the CMP gradually decreases.
increases (i.e., as the cloud order completion rate decreases). This indicates that from a
(2) The curves of the three resource substitution strategies are all located above the curve
multi-agent simulationstrategy
of the no-substitution perspective, the RoS
(i.e., their robustness of larger
values are the CMP thangradually decreases. (2)
the no-substitution
The curves value,
strategy’s of thewhich
three means
theirsubstitution strategies
order completion arehigher).
rates are all located
Thisabove thethat
indicates curve of
theallno-substitution strategy (i.e., their RoS values are larger than the
three resource substitution strategies can improve the robustness of the CMP in the faceno-substitution
of initial node betweenness failure. (3) The “internal” curve is only slightly higher than the
“common” curve, and when the number of node attacks is high, the RoS values of these
two strategies decrease to 0, at which point all cloud orders fail to be processed. In contrast,
the “external” and “inter&exter” curves are significantly higher than the “common” curve,
and though the RoS values fluctuate when the number of node attacks is high, they still
maintain a high level (above 0.6). This indicates that the external replacement strategy
and the internal–external integration replacement strategy both offer more significant
face of initial node betweenness failure. (3) The “internal” curve is only slightly higher
than the “common” curve, and when the number of node attacks is high, the RoS values
of these two strategies decrease to 0, at which point all cloud orders fail to be processed.
In contrast, the “external” and “inter&exter” curves are significantly higher than the
“common” curve, and though the RoS values fluctuate when the number of node attacks
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 21 of 25
is high, they still maintain a high level (above 0.6). This indicates that the external replace-
ment strategy and the internal–external integration replacement strategy both offer more
significant robustness enhancement than the initial replacement strategy under the IB fail-
mode. In enhancement thanthe
particular, when thenumber
initial replacement strategy
of node attacks under
is high, thethe IB failure
slight mode. In
in particular, whenindicate
the RoS value the number
that of
high, the slight
tends to bein the RoS
stable value
at this
time, that theresource
but different cloud order completion
substitution rate tends
strategies will to be to
lead stable at this
changes time,
in the but different
service time,
cost, substitution
reliability, strategies
and other factors.will lead to changes in the service time, cost, reliability, and
other factors.
Figure 12.12. Variation
Variation of of
RoSRoS under
under IB IB failure
failure mode.
6.3.3. Process
Process Robustness
Robustness Comparison
Comparison of of Three
Three Substitution
Substitution Strategies
Strategies under
under RD RDFailure
Failure Mode
As shown in Figure 13, (1) in the RD failure mode, as the number of node attacks
As shown in Figure 13, (1) in the RD failure mode, as the number of node attacks
increases, the RoS values under all three substitution strategies rapidly decline and finally
increases, the RoS values under all three substitution strategies rapidly decline and finally
decrease to 0, at which point all cloud orders fail to be processed. This indicates that
the RDtofailure
0, at which
mode point all cloud
is more orderstofail
destructive thetorobustness
be processed. ThisCMP
of the indicates
than that
either thethe
or IB mode
modes. is more
(2) Thedestructive
“external” to curve
the robustness
is alwaysoflocated
the CMP thanthe
above either the ID orcurve,
“internal” IB
modes. (2) The “external” curve is always located above the “internal”
and the “inter&exter” curve is nearly always located above the “external” curve. This curve, and the “in-
indicates curve
that theis nearly
RoS valuealways located
is largest above
under thethe “external” curve.
internal–external This indicates
integration that
RoS value is largest under the internal–external integration replacement
followed by the external substitution strategy, and then the internal substitution strategy, fol-
lowed by the external substitution strategy, and then the internal substitution
strategy. Further, under the three strategies, the numbers of node attacks required to make strategy.
Further, under
all cloud theprocessing
order three strategies, the when
fail (i.e., numberstheof node attacks
process required
robustness to make
decreases toall
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW processing fail (i.e., when the process robustness decreases to its lowest)
are approximately 110 (“internal”), 140 (“external”), and 160 (“inter&exter”). Therefore, are approx-
23 of 27
imately 110 (“internal”), 140 (“external”), and 160 (“inter&exter”). Therefore,
to attain robustness of the CMP under the RD failure mode: internal–external integration to attain ro-
bustness of the CMP under the RD failure mode: internal–external
strategy > external substitution strategy > internal substitution strategy. integration strat-
egy>external substitution strategy> internal substitution strategy.
Figure 13.13.
Figure Variation of RoS
Variation under
under failure mode.
failure mode.
Figure 14.14. Variation
Variation of RoS
of RoS under
under RBRB failure
failure mode.
In summary,
6.4. Management from the perspective of multi-agent simulation, all three resource sub-
stitution strategies significantly improved the process robustness of the CMS. In the four
Based on the analysis results in Sections 6.2 and 6.3, the following management sug-
failure modes (i.e., ID, IB, RD, and RB), the process robustness levels under all three strate-
gestions were obtained. First, focus should be placed on protecting the resource nodes
gies were higher than those with no strategy. Further, the internal–external integration
with a larger degree and larger betweenness (i.e., the important nodes in the CMS). The
replacement strategy brought the greatest robustness enhancement, followed by the exter-
structural robustness and process robustness of the CMS decreased rapidly in the failure
nal replacement strategy, and then the internal replacement strategy. This is reasonable
modes based on the node degree (i.e., ID and RD) and node betweenness (i.e., IB and RB),
because the three strategies provided different amounts of alternative resources: the in-
indicating that nodes with a larger degree and betweenness are crucial to maintaining
ternal substitution strategy can provide fewer alternative resources, which corresponds
system robustness.
to lower Morethe
robustness; specifically, nodes with astrategy
external substitution large degree are closely
can provide fiveconnected
resourceswithof the
same nodes, so they can
type because five play an important
external cloud serviceroleproviders
in maintaining systeminconnectivity,
are involved this paper; andandthe
nodes with a large betweenness
internal–external have greaterstrategy
integration replacement control can
the logistics and information
more than five resources
flow in the system, so they can play an important role in
of the same type or alternative resources, which corresponds to higher maintaining the robustness.
information In
addition, inratetheof the system.
failure modesSecond,
based on alternative
the initialresources
topologymust be provided
(i.e., ID and IB), onlyto ensure
the pro-
that when the original resources fail, alternative resources can replace
cess robustness under the no-replacement strategy and the internal replacement them to complete
their tasks. These
significantly alternative
decreased. resourcesincan
In contrast, thebe set up
failure within
modes (1) the
based on same service provider,
the recomputed topology
other external service providers, or (3) a combination of both, and all these
RD and RB), the process robustness under all strategies significantly decreased, indi- methods
protect thethe
that robustness of thebased
failure modes CMS to onathe
certain extent. topology were more destructive
to process robustness. However, for all four failure modes, all three resource substitution
7. Conclusions
strategies could protect the process robustness of the CMS to some extent.
This study combined the complex network with multi-agent simulation to propose a
new analysis method for the structural robustness and process robustness of the CMS. To
target the frequent failure of resource nodes in the cloud manufacturing environment,
three resource substitution strategies were proposed to better ensure the stability and ro-
bustness of the system. First, a multi-agent simulation model was constructed to study the
dynamic process robustness of the CMS. Here, RoS was proposed as a robustness meas-
ure, and the behavior characteristics and modeling methods of several key types of CMP
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 23 of 25
7. Conclusions
This study combined the complex network with multi-agent simulation to propose a
new analysis method for the structural robustness and process robustness of the CMS. To
target the frequent failure of resource nodes in the cloud manufacturing environment, three
resource substitution strategies were proposed to better ensure the stability and robustness
of the system. First, a multi-agent simulation model was constructed to study the dynamic
process robustness of the CMS. Here, RoS was proposed as a robustness measure, and
the behavior characteristics and modeling methods of several key types of CMP agents
were detailed. Second, a complex network model of cloud manufacturing resources was
established through the order–task relationship and task–resource relationship to study
the static topological robustness of the CMS. Here, the maximum connectivity subgraph
was proposed as a robustness measure. Regarding attack strategies, four failure modes
(i.e., ID, IB, RD, and RB) were defined, and regarding robustness enhancement strategies,
three resource substitution strategies (i.e., internal replacement, external replacement, and
internal–external integration replacement) were proposed. Third, a case study of a cloud
manufacturing project of a new energy vehicle was conducted. The results of this show that
(1) the proposed RoS index was effective at portraying the variations of CMP robustness,
(2) the three resource substitution strategies could improve both the structural robustness
and process robustness of the CMS (with the internal–external integration strategy being
most effective, followed by the external substitution strategy, and then the internal substi-
tution strategy), and (3) the two node failure modes based on the recalculated topology
were more destructive to the robustness of the CMP than the two node failure modes based
on the initial topology. However, for all four failure modes, all three resource substitution
strategies could protect the robustness of the CMS to some degree.
In combining the complex network with multi-agent simulation, the robustness anal-
ysis object of the CMS is extended from the CMN to the CMP, which provides a new
perspective with two dimensions (i.e., structure and process). Moreover, the three proposed
recovery strategies (elastic measures) are designed based on the idea of adding redundant
nodes, which is of great significance to the implementation and deployment of cloud man-
ufacturing projects. This research will be furthered by investigating the robustness of cloud
path interruption, cloud logistics interruption, city lockdowns, and other phenomena, to
provide a quantitative and dynamic decision-making basis for improving the robustness of
the CMS.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, X.Z. (Xin Zheng); methodology, X.Z. (Xiaodong Zhang).;
software, X.Z. (Xin Zheng); formal analysis, X.Z. (Xin Zheng); investigation, X.Z. (Xin Zheng);
resources, X.Z. (Xin Zheng); data curation, X.Z. (Xin Zheng) and Y.W.; writing—original draft
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 7418 24 of 25
preparation, X.Z. (Xin Zheng); writing—review and editing, X.Z. (Xin Zheng) and X.Z. (Xiaodong
Zhang); visualization, X.Z. (Xin Zheng) and Y.W.; supervision, X.Z. (Xiaodong Zhang); project
administration, X.Z. (Xiaodong Zhang). All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No. 71871018).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The used and analyzed datasets during the present study are available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
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