(Regd. No -20010501029)
Guided by
This is to certify that the work which is being presented on this report titled
“Gabion structure” in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the seminar of
bachelor of technology in Civil Engineering to department of Civil Engineering,
Govt. Hydro Engineering College is an authentic record of work carried out by
Gourav(registration number- 20010501029) under the supervision of Mr.
Abhimanyu singh pathania , Department of Civil Engineering ,Govt. Hydro
Engineering College .
I would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Asst. Prof. Mrs.
Anamika Gandhi, Department of Civil Engineering Govt Hydro Engineering College
Bandla, Bilaspur.
For the guidance, continuous encouragement and supervision throughout the
course of present work.
I would also like to express my gratitude towards my parents, my teachers and
my college friends for their co- operation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this seminar report.
Table of Contents
1.1 – CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO USE ....................................... 2
1.3 – INVESTIGATION PHASE..................................................................... ......2
1.1 – CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO USE ................................................. 2
WATER SUPPLY........................................................................................................ 2
FLOOD REGULATION.............................................................................................. 3
EARTHFILLDIKES........................................................................................ 6
1.3 – INVESTIGATION PHASE............................................................................7
preliminary feasibility,................................................................................... 7
preliminary site survey, ...................................................................................7
definitive project...............................................................................................7
Preliminary feasibility.....................................................................................7
Preliminary site survey....................................................................................8
Definitive project.............................................................................................8
The first category refers to structures the main function of which is the supply
of water for human needs, livestock watering, and crop irrigation. Retention
structures are generally used in conjunction with substantial seasonal runoff
variations. The required storage volume is established according to local water
requirements and runoff fluctuations. For example, in arid and semi-arid regions,
earthfill dams are used to stock water during the rainy season, making it available for
consumption in the dry season. Diversion weirs can only be built if the runoff rate
tends to be constant throughout the year.
Hydraulic works for flood regulation are structures used to control water runoff
effects, mitigating erosion phenomena. Debris and check dams are built on small
streams to diminish the bed gradient and to reduce runoff transportation. In detention
dams, the runoff is stored only temporarily, to be gradually released through an outlet
system. Water spreading dams are used to build up the streambed causing
floodplain inundation in areas where runoff overflow is an important factor in
groundwater recharge and irrigation practices.
In the majority of cases, hydraulic works can be profitably built to meet more
than one purpose. For example, a detention dam can be equipped with a small storage
volume for water supply, or a diversion dam can also be used to cause floodplain
While projecting hydraulic works, a serious effort should be made to optimise
locally available water resources, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, where the
latter are very scarce. Hence, in the case of water storage structures, high evaporation
rates should always be taken into consideration, in order to prevent the loss of an
important percentage of stored waters. In these instances it might be preferable to opt
- earthfill dams,
- gabions weirs, - earthfill dikes.
Each of these classes is briefly described below together with site and watershed
main requirements.
This class refers to earthfill embankments built on small catchment areas in
order to store water. Embankments are constructed with the rolled-fill technique.
Embankment height generally does not exceed 10-12 m and its length is less than 1
km, but minor variations may occur, depending on the site topography.
They are generally equipped with both a spillway and an outlet system. To
prevent the structure’s overflow, the spillway should be designed to evacuate the
maximum water-flow during runoff events. Gabions should always be installed to
protect the spillway from erosion. A pipeline next to one of the embankment
shoulders generally functions as an outlet system. It can be used in storage dams to let
water out from the reservoir, or in detention dams to release runoff water gradually.
The pipeline’s diameter is determined according to the amount of water it will have to
support. A gate system might be set up to control the flow’s rate.
The reservoir capacity is established on the basis of the purpose it will be put to
and of local runoff characteristics. It corresponds to the sum of storage and detention
volumes. Site features:
Watershed features:
Gabion weirs function as cross structures, which build up the streambed and
stabilise the bed shape. Weir height is generally limited to 2-4 m to prevent damages
downstream caused by local erosion phenomena, which could provoke the structure’s
Site features:
- availability of construction materials (stones, proper kind of earth and water for
embankments and foundations)
- stream cross section allowing flow passage without giving rise to an important
specific charge,
- relatively straight longitudinal stream section, avoiding bank erosion downstream
the structure,
- wide impounding reservoir, with pervious substrate (water spreading dams),
- compatibility between stream bed level and outlet level (diversion structures), -
potential for series positioning along the stream (debris and check dams), -
soil characteristics adequate to support structure loads.
Watershed features:
These are earthfill embankments built in the vicinity of stream banks to protect
floodplains from inundations. Embankment height generally does not exceed a few
meters (3-4 m) and its length can reach a few kilometres, according to site
topography. They are generally endowed with a gated outlet system, to allow the
passage of water between floodplains and stream, if required.
Site features:
Preliminary feasibility
The first step involves the collection of all available data that might result
useful at different phases of the project stage.
If the data collected during the preliminary site survey confirm that the site is
definitely suitable for the kind of hydraulic structure we consider building, we can
deepen our analysis.
In-depth topographic and soil surveys should be carried out in all the areas that
will accommodate the structure and reservoir, in order to estimate the reservoir’s
capacity and to know the soil’s characteristics. Prospect pits in the quarry area will
provide us with data on the characteristics of local construction materials and their
available quantities. Especially with regards to earthfill dams, it is necessary to make
some soil borings in the embankment’s footprint to know the depth, thickness and
geotechnical features of the subsoil layers.
At this point we have to do a preliminary structure project to establish the
quantity of materials required and the means necessary to build the structure. In line
with cost effectiveness and durability concerns, it is a priority to make a project that
relies on local means and materials available on-site, and suits local topographic and
geological features. For example, with regards to earthfill dams, the spillway’s cost
usually takes up a high percentage of the total. The presence of favourable natural
conditions, such as a saddle in the shoulder, should be established in advance and
eventually exploited to substantially reduce the spillway’s cost. Also water deficiency,
in the surroundings of an earthfill dam, would hinder an adequate compaction of the
In this phase it is also necessary to prepare a general work plan. For example, if
a temporary stream diversion is required during structure building, performing this
costly operation can strongly affect the overall structure’s costs.
We can now estimate the total costs of building the structure, which should be
compared to the benefits that could be derived from its installation. This particular
kind of cost/benefit analysis is highly delicate, as it is very difficult to quantify some
effects, such as runoff retention or groundwater recharge.
Definitive project
If all the investigations confirm that the designed hydraulic work can be
conveniently built in the chosen site, we can move on to the definitive structure
project. However, before doing so, it will be useful to complete the topographic and
soil surveys started at the previous investigation phase.
All the substructures must now be designed and verified. Firstly, all structural
characteristics, such as storage and detention volume for an earthfill dam, or weir
height for a diversion dam, must be calculated. The spillway’s dimensions should also
be accurately calculated at an early stage, as a very common cause for the failure of
hydraulic works is the structure’s overtopping caused by miscalculations of the
spillway’s characteristics.
A topographic plan and cross section must be designed for every structure.
Cross section structures must be designed for all the appropriate load combinations
and tested against hydraulic seepage. Particular specifications have to be defined prior
to the installation of construction materials, such as stone size for gabions filling and
moisture content for earthfill materials.
We have to prepare a detailed work plan for each phase of the construction,
trying to optimise the utilisation of available means.
Various types of inquiry should be conducted at the same time, in order to
advance our understanding of the site’s characteristics and requirements. Preliminary
and progressive structure projects have to be prepared to evaluate the works’
feasibility. At an early stage of our investigations, it will be convenient to consider
different solutions, as if we were carrying out several projects at the same time. This
will allow us to progressively contrast the respective costs and benefits of different
solutions, until we are able to select one of them. At this point the related inquiries
become more focused.
These investigations require various kinds of expertise. Ideally, a team of
experts, comprising at least a hydrologist, a geotechnical specialist and a hydraulic
engineer, should be formed on purpose. In developing countries it is often very
difficult to gather all the data required for projecting a small hydraulic work.
Therefore, the designer will have to extrapolate the required data from other sources.
The extent of the enquiries and the personnel involved should be commensurate
to the magnitude of the works to be implemented, lest preliminary studies take up a
disproportionate stake of the available funds. With reference to the procedures
described above, investigations concerning minor hydraulic works should be
substantially simplified.
It is fundamental, in the final work project, to take into consideration future
maintenance concerns. In fact, it is not uncommon for minor damages left un-
repaired to be at the origin of severe structure’s breakdowns. This is why, starting
from the design stage, great care should be taken in minimising maintenance tasks.
All aspects of ordinary maintenance should also be covered.
2004 – Tricoli Dario – www.tricardi.it SECTION I - 15/16
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Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 5, May, pp.707~717