Operational Manual-SV06

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Operation Manual

with Maintenance Information

Models SV06CNL

• Read this manual before operating.
• Use the machine only indoors.
Serial Number Range: after 716125 - Current Copyright
Part Number: FS-339BS © AICHI CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
June 2008 No part of this manual may be reproduced
in any form, in an electronic retrieval system
or otherwise, without the written permission
from AICHI, except for personal use or other
cases permitted by copyright laws.
Contact us:
Head office

1152 Ryoke Ageo Saitama 362-8550 Japan

This machine has been
TEL: +81-48-781-1111 manufactured to conform to
http://www.aichi-corp.co.jp European Standard EN280.
Important Information
Thank you very much for making your • Constant improvement of its products is
purchase from AICHI. AICHI's policy. Therefore, specifications
Please operate and use the machine of the machine are subject to change
correctly. without prior notice.
• Operation of the machine not in • The figures illustrate the cautions listed
accordance with this manual, incorrect in this manual. The purpose of the
operation, incorrect checking, and figures is to identify important points. In
incorrect maintenance may lead to some cases the shapes may be different
injuries, death, and may damage the from those of the product you have
machine. purchased.
• Please make sure to read and • This manual must be kept with the
understand this manual before using, machine at all times. Always keep it
checking or maintaining the machine. with the machine, and make sure it is
• The machine is designed to lift people immediately available for use.
and equipment. It is designed for use in • When you transfer the use or ownership
assembly and repair work in high places of the machine, please attach this
(work on ceilings, roofs, buildings, manual to the machine for the next
etc.). It is strictly prohibited to use the user.
machine for other purposes. • This manual includes optional devices.
• This manual describes only what can be There is a case that the option is
foreseen. illustrated in figures of this manual.
• AICHI does not accept responsibility • This manual is written in English.
for direct or indirect losses, damages, If the machine is to be operated,
or expenses incurred through the checked, or maintained by people who
abuse, misuse or misapplication of the do not read English, please translate this
machine, or through any other cause. manual into a suitable language, and
• Only appropriately trained and qualified make sure that the users understand
people may operate the machine. The this manual. In case of discrepancy
operator must be certified. between the English manual and the
• Replace parts and grease, etc. that have translated manual, the English manual
reached the end of their service lives, prevails.
are worn out, or have suffered wear
and tear. Refer to the separate service
manual and follow the replacement
standards of that manual. Contact AICHI
or AICHI's dealer to do the replacement.
• Only AICHI's genuine spare parts must
be used for parts important for the
safety and stability of the machine.
• It is strictly forbidden to make
modifications to the machine without
obtaining AICHI's written approval.
• Make sure to perform all maintenance
described in this manual and in the
designated service manual for the

Safety alert symbol and Signal Owner and User
Words Responsibilities
This is the safety alert All owners and users of the machine
symbol. It is used to alert you must read, understand, and comply
to potential personal injury with all applicable regulations. Ultimate
hazards. Obey all safety compliance to national safety regulations
messages that follow this is the responsibility of the user and their
symbol to avoid possible employer.
injury or death.

The safety signal words, “DANGER,”

“WARNING,” and “CAUTION” identify the
degree of latent hazard and its level of

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if
not avoided, will result in death or serious

Indicates a hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in property
damage. It may also be used to provide
special information to assist in the
machine operation.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Safety Rules...............................1 2–7 Natural lowering check...................................... 19
1. Electrocution Hazards.......................................1 2–8 Tilt warning check................................................ 19
2. Tip Over Hazards..................................................1 2–9 Limited travel speed check............................. 20
3. Fall Hazards.............................................................2 2–10 Last check.................................................................. 20

4. Collision Hazards..................................................3 Chapter 7 Maintenance...........................21

5. Crushing Hazards.................................................3 1. Storage method................................................21
6. Damaged Machine Hazards..........................4 2. Daily Maintenance...........................................21
7. Fire Hazards.............................................................4 2–1 Hydraulic oil level check.................................... 21
8. Battery Safety.........................................................4 2–2 Battery liquid level check.................................. 21
9. Personal Safety......................................................4 2–3 Battery charging.................................................... 21
3. Periodic Maintenance....................................21
Chapter 2 Decals.........................................5
1. Symbol and Pictorials Definitions..............5 Chapter 8 Operation................................22
2. Safety signs and locations..............................7 1. Lower Control (from ground)....................22
1–1 Raising and Lowering Platform..................... 22
Chapter 3 Safety Systems........................10 2. Upper Control (from platform).................22
1. Emergency Stop Device...............................10 2–1 Raising and Lowering Platform..................... 23
2. Emergency Lowering.....................................10 2–2 Traveling..................................................................... 23
3. Pothole Protector.............................................10 2–3 Steering with Steering Switch....................... 23
4. Pothole Protector Interlock.........................10 2–4 Steering with Steering Dial (option).......... 23
5. Guardrail................................................................10 3. Extension Deck..................................................24
6. Safety Prop...........................................................10 3–1 Extending.................................................................. 24
7. Battery Disconnect System.........................11 3–2 Retracting.................................................................. 24
8. Lanyard Anchorage Point............................11 4. Fold Down Guardrail (if equipped).........24
9. Overload Sensing System............................11 4–1 Folding Down Guardrails.................................. 24
4–2 Raising Guardrails................................................. 25
10. Platform Lift up Limit System....................11
Chapter 9 Emergency Operation...........26
Chapter 4 Part Name................................12
1. Emergency Stop................................................26
1. Part names............................................................12
2. Emergency Lowering.....................................26
2. Upper control panel........................................13
2–1 Standard specifications..................................... 13 Chapter 10 Transporting...........................27
2–2 Optional devices.................................................... 14 1. Preparation before loading.........................27
3. Lower control panel........................................14 2. Loading the machine.....................................27
Chapter 5 Workplace Check...................16 3. Hoisting the machine.....................................28
4. Lifting with forklift............................................28
Chapter 6 Pre‑Start Check.......................17
1. Visual check.........................................................17 Chapter 11 Storage.....................................29
2. Function check..................................................17 Chapter 12 Specifications..........................31
2–1 Preparations for function check................... 17
2–2 Battery level check............................................... 18
2–3 Raising and lowering platform check........ 18
2–4 Emergency stop check...................................... 18
2–5 Pothole protector check................................... 18
2–6 Upper control check............................................ 19

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Chapter 1 - Safety Rules

Safety Rules

11 Electrocution Hazards • Do not use the machine as a ground for

DANGER 22 Tip Over Hazards
• The machine is not electrically insulated.
Do not use the machine near electric DANGER
power lines.
• Do not exceed the platform capacity as
• Keep a safe distance from electric power indicated on the serial number plate.
lines and apparatus. For safe distance,
• Do not hang or attach loads to the
check your national or local regulations.
machine. Spread loads evenly on the
If no national or local regulation is
available, use the table below.
• Do not use the machine as a crane or
• Do not use the machine on sloped, soft
or uneven surfaces, or surfaces with
bumps larger than 30 mm.
• Use the machine only on a firm, level
surface. When the tilt alarm buzzer
sounds, immediately lower the platform
and move to a firm, level surface.



Voltage Minimum Safe

(Phase to Phase) Approach Distance
0 to 300 V Avoid Contact
over 300 V to 50 kV 10 ft 3.05 m
over 50 kV to 200 kV 15 ft 4.60 m
over 200 kV to 350 kV 20 ft 6.10 m
over 350 kV to 500 kV 25 ft 7.62 m
over 500 kV to 750 kV 35 ft 10.67 m M081U200
over 750 kV to 1000 kV 45 ft 13.72 m ffffffff
table 1–1
• Do not disable or alter the switch.
• Keep away from the machine if it • Do not touch or be attached the
contacts energized power lines. Until platform to any nearby structures.
energized power lines are shut down,
any persons in the platform must not
operate the machine and any persons
on the ground must not touch the

Chapter 1 - Safety Rules

• Do not put side loads on the machine. • Do not climb on the guardrail, stand on
top of the guardrail, or jump from the
platform to another structure.


• The machine is intended for indoor

use only. Do not use the machine
outdoors. Do not operate the machine
where there are strong winds or gusts.
Do not increase the surface area that
can catch wind, such as covering the
worktable with a sheet. The stability
of the machine will decrease, and the
potential for fall hazards will increase,
which could result in death or serious
• The machine is not allowed to travel on M0851300

public roads. ffffffff

33 Fall Hazards • When the platform is raised, do not

climb up to it or down from it.
DANGER • Be especially careful when getting on or
getting off the platform. When getting
• Do not use a stepladder or stool on the on or getting off, lower the platform to
platform of the machine. the lowest position, face the machine,
and always use three-point support (for
example, two arms and one leg, or one
arm and two legs).
• After getting on the platform, close the
entry gate without fail. Do not operate
the machine with the gate open.



Chapter 1 - Safety Rules

44 Collision Hazards • If you go under the platform for checks,

you must remove any load from the
WARNING platform, and support the scissors arm
with the included safety prop (red
• Before traveling, check the surroundings colored) so that the scissors arm does
and make sure that no person or not come down.
obstacle is in the traveling direction. • Stow the safety prop in its stowage
If your vision is poor, have a guide to position when it is not used.
assist you.
(Stowage Position)

Safety Prop



ffffffff • Take care that your hands on the

guardrails are not caught in other
• When traveling, be aware of obstacles
around and above the machine. When
raising or lowering the platform, check • Do not drop things from the platform.
that there is enough space above, There is a hazard that falling objects will
below, and on all sides of the machine. hit cars, or people that are passing by.

55 Crushing Hazards
• Once the platform is raised, do not allow
people or things under the platform.





Chapter 1 - Safety Rules

66 Damaged Machine Hazards • If battery liquid gets on the skin or on

clothing, wash it away immediately with
WARNING cold water. If it gets into the eye, wash
immediately with cold water, and seek
• Do not use a damaged or ophthalmologic treatment immediately.
malfunctioning machine. Have it • The battery produces flammable
checked and repaired immediately. hydrogen gas, and there is a possibility
• When operators are changed by work of explosion. Never allow anything
shift, perform the pre-start checks at that can cause fire close to the battery.
every change. Perform the pre-start Charge the battery only under good
checks on the operator's responsibility. ventilation.
• Perform the pre-start checks on a firm, • The battery also acts as a counterweight,
level surface, with the platform lowered, so it is essential for the stability of the
and the extension deck retracted. machine. If the battery is changed, use
• If the pre-start checks reveal any one designated by AICHI.
abnormalities, immediately put an "Out
of Order" sign on the machine, and stop 99 Personal Safety
using the machine. • When working, wear appropriate
• Make sure to perform all maintenance protective clothing and equipments.
described in this manual and in the All persons in the platform must
designated service manual for the comply with employer, work area, and
machine. local and national safety regulations
• Be sure all decals are in place and that regarding the use of a personal
no decal has a loss and damage. Any protective equipment. All personal
decal loss or damage is one of the protective equipments must comply
machine malfunction. with applicable regulations, and must
be inspected and used in accordance
77 Fire Hazards with their manufacturer's instructions.
• All personal fall protective equipments
WARNING must be attached to only
• When handling flammables (fuel, oil, the authorized lanyard
etc.), be aware of anything that can anchorage points provided
cause fire. in the platform.
• Have a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher
ready in case of an accident or fire.
• If the machine is to be used in a location
where flammable gas is produced,
only use the machine after sufficient

88 Battery Safety
• The battery liquid contains corrosive
acid. When dealing with the battery,
always wear appropriate protective
clothing and equipments to protect
your hands, eyes, face and body, and
avoid contacting battery liquid.

Chapter 2 - Decals


11 Symbol and Pictorials Definitions

Read operator s Crush Hazard Crush Hazard Maintain required

manual. clearance.

Do not wash Do not step. No smoking.

Keep off. Do not use outdoors.
by high pressure. No open flame.

Keep away. Emergency Lowering

Safety Prop Pre-start Check
Do not touch. Lever

Main Platform Extension Deck Maximum Manual Maximum Wind Speed

Capacity Capacity Force


Chapter 2 - Decals

Platform Over Load System Failure Charge Failure Maximum Wheel Load

Folklift Point Lanyard Anchorage Lift Point Tie-down Point


Loads Charging (blinking)

Battery Disconnect ON and OFF
(personnel and tools) Full Charge (lighting)

Maximum Slope Maximum Side Slope Horn Enable Switch

Rating Rating

Steer: Left / Right Forward / Raise / Upper control / Off /

Travel: Lift:
Backward Lower Lower control Selection


Chapter 2 - Decals

22 Safety signs and locations

182-01003 5Y6-03716-00(SV06CNL) 491-0000671 5Y6-03742-00(SV06CNL)









5Y6-03739-00 491-0000682


491-0000673 494-0000551 491-0000676 491-0000676 494-0000551


Chapter 2 - Decals

494-0000552 5Y6-03742-00(SV06CNL) 5Y6-03716-00(SV06CNL) 182-01003

5Y6-03743-00(SV08CNL) 491-0000669

5Y6-03756-00 494-0000552


494-0000557 5Y6-03739-00








491-0000673 491-0000682 494-0000551 491-0000676 491-0000676


Chapter 2 - Decals

494-0000554 491-0000674 491-0000669 491-0000671 494-0000554

494-0000554 494-0000554

D S47510-44
(Non Slip Tape)

E 491-0000671
(Arrow - Red)

494-0000564 491-0000668 5Y6-03727-00 491-0000669


(Safety prop)





(Caution Stripe)

(Extension Deck)

(Caution Stripe)

Chapter 3 - Safety System

Safety Systems

11 Emergency Stop Device 55 Guardrail

The machine is equipped with readily There are guardrails on all sides of the platform
identifiable emergency stop buttons, located to prevent persons in the platform from falling
at both the upper and lower control panels. off the platform.
It stops all of the movements of the machine The entry gate is part of the guardrail system
when this button is pressed. and must be securely fastened after entering
the platform.
22 Emergency Lowering
This is an emergency lowering device for 66 Safety Prop
when the platform has been raised, and The safety prop is a support pole that prevents
cannot be lowered because of problems with the scissors arm from lowering when it is
the power source. necessary to do maintenance work under the
The emergency lowering handle (fig. 3–1, A) is scissors arm or platform.
located at the front of the machine.
The handle is connected, by a cable, to the (Stowage Position)
holding valve on the lift cylinder.
Pulling the handle opens the valve spool,
lowering the platform.

Safety Prop



ffffffff How to Use the Safety Prop

(1) Remove all materials from the platform.
33 Pothole Protector (2) Raise the platform about 2.5 m (SV06CNL)
/ 3 m (SV08CNL) from the ground.
When the platform has been raised, the
(3) Rotate the safety prop and hang it down
pothole protectors come down automatically.
It provides pothole protection for traveling
raised platform.
44 Pothole Protector Interlock Keep a safe distance from scissors arm
If the pothole protectors are unable to lock in when lowering the platform.
position because an object is caught under it, (4) Lower the platform carefully until the
the machine will not travel and the platform safety prop rests safety on the scissors
will not be raised. arm.
(5) Stow the safety prop in its stowage
position when it is not used.

Chapter 3 - Safety System

77 Battery Disconnect System

The battery disconnect switch
cut off the battery electrically.
When electrical maintenance is
performed, push in the switch
marked with " ".

88 Lanyard Anchorage Point

If the personal fall protective
equipment is used to prevent
persons in the platform from
falling off the platform, attach
to only the authorized lanyard
anchorage points provided in
the platform.

99 Overload Sensing System

This system disables all of the functions,
overload warning light blinks and overload
warning buzzer sounds when the platform is
When overload warning buzzer sound starts,
immediately reduce the load on the platform.

111 Platform Lift up Limit

This system disables platform lift up function,
tilt light goes on and tilt alarm buzzer sounds
when the machine tilts more than approx. 3
degrees longitudinally / 1.5 degrees laterally.
When tilt alarm buzzer sound starts,
immediately lower the platform and move to
a firm, level surface.

Chapter 4 - Part Name

Part Name

11 Part names

1 2 3 4 5


24 18

5 19
14 21 20

13 12 11 10 9
26 25 M07ZO421

fig. 4-1

(1) Manual Holder (15) Flash beacon (option)

(2) Upper Control Panel (16) Extension Deck
(3) Foot Switch (option) (17) Platform
(4) Handle (18) Lift Cylinder
(5) Lanyard Ancorage Point (19) Scissors Arm
(6) Guardrails (20) Emergency Lowering Lever
(7) Entry Gate (21) Pothole Protector
(8) Battery Charger Cable (22) Chassis
(9) Lower Control Panel (23) Step
(10) Rear Wheel (24) Safety Prop
(11) Serial Number Plate (25) Fuse
(12) Hydraulic Oil Tank (26) Battery Disconnect Switch
(13) Power Unit (27) Battery Charger
(14) Steering Wheel (28) Battery

Chapter 4 - Part Name

22 Upper control panel (3) Overload warning light / Tilt light / System
failure light
222 Standard specifications • Overload warning light: When
the platform is overloaded, this
1 2 3 4 5 light blinks, the alarm buzzer
sounds and all of the functions
are disabled.
• Tilt light: When the machine
is on a slope, this light goes
on, the alarm buzzer sounds
and platform lift up function is
• System failure light: This light
goes on or blinks, in the event
of a computer control system
(4) Horn switch
Push the horn button and the
alarm horn will sound. Release
the horn button and the alarm
horn will stop.
8 7 6 Before moving the machine, sound the

fig. 4-2
horn to warn the personnel around the
(1) Lift/travel select switch (5) Emergency stop button
Select the lift/travel select Push down the Emergency stop button to
switch to either "LIFT" or its "OFF" position to stop all functions. Pull
"TRAVEL." Hold it more than 0.3 up the Emergency stop button to its "ON"
second and then release the position to operate the machine.
switch, the power indicator light
(6) Steering switch
goes on and the alarm buzzer
sounds. Start operation within 3 While the power indicator light
seconds after releasing the switch. goes on by selecting the lift/
travel select switch to "TRAVEL,"
NOTICE operate the steering switch to
right or left and the steering wheels will
• This switch is canceled if any of the turn right or left. This operation is possible
upper control function is not operated even when traveling. Even when the
more than 3 seconds after releasing the steering switch is returned to neutral, the
switch. steering wheels will not return to neutral.
• This switch is canceled, even if the (7) Lift/travel joystick controller
switch is selected and held, if any of the • While the power indicator light
goes on by selecting the lift/
upper control function is not operated
travel select switch to "LIFT,"
more than 20 seconds. operate this joystick controller
(2) Power indicator light to raise or lower the platform.
When the power indicator light • While the power indicator light
goes on, the upper controls goes on by selecting the lift/
are available, and the alarm travel select switch to "TRAVEL,"
buzzer sounds. When this light operate this joystick controller
is going off or blinking, release all function to the traveling direction.
switches once, then select the lift/travel (8) Not use.
select switch again.

Chapter 4 - Part Name

222 Optional devices 33 Lower control panel

1 2 3 4 5

8 7 6
9 M084i300

fig. 4-4
(1) Battery charger indicator light (green)
This light goes on when charging is
M084i220 finished. This light blinks when the battery
fig. 4-3 charger is charging batteries.
(9) Steering dial (option) (2) Battery charger failure indicator light (red)
While the power indicator light This light goes on or blinks, in the event of
goes on by selecting the lift/ battery charger failures.
travel select switch to "TRAVEL," (3) Enable switch / Pre-start check switch
turn the steering dial to right or • Hold this switch up, to
left and the steering wheels will operate the machine on the
turn right or left. This operation is possible ground.
even when traveling. By returning the The enable switch is canceled if any of
steering dial to neutral, the steering weels platform lift function is not operated more
will return to neutral automatically. than 20 seconds after holding the enable
(10) Foot switch (option) switch to its "ON" position. Release the
Press down the foot switch to operate the switch once, then operate again to enable
machine on the platform. the functions.
The foot switch is canceled if any of the • Follow the instruction and hold
upper control function is not operated this switch to lower position when
more than 20 seconds after pressing the pre‑start check is performed.
down the foot switch. Release the switch (4) Lift switch
once, then operate again to enable the Operate this switch up and the
functions. platform will lift up.
Operate this switch down and
the platform will lift down.

Chapter 4 - Part Name

(5) Emergency stop button

Push down the emergency stop button to
its "OFF" position to stop all functions. Pull
up the emergency stop button to its "ON"
position to operate the machine.
(6) Overload warning light / Tilt light / System
failure light
• Overload warning light: When
the platform is overloaded, this
light blinks, the alarm buzzer
sounds and all of the functions
are disabled.
• Tilt light: When the machine
is on a slope, this light goes
on, the alarm buzzer sounds
and platform lift up function is
• System failure light: This light
goes on or blinks, in the event
of a computer control system
(7) Key switch for Upper control / Off / Lower
control selection
Turn the key switch to the left
and the upper controls will
Turn the key switch to center
position and the machine will
be off.
Turn the key switch to the right
and the lower controls will
(8) Battery level indicator / Hour meter
• This indicator displays the battery charge
• The hour meter works only when the
machine is in motion.

Chapter 5 - Workplace Check

Workplace Check

Do not move the machine to the
workplace until the workplace check is

• Make sure to check the workplace before

starting operation. Make sure there are no
following hazards:
– near electric power lines and apparatus
– holes
– sloped surfaces
– slippery or icy surfaces
– soft ground
– bumps
– curbs
– debris
– strong winds or gusts
– other hazardous situations
• Remove the hazards, if any, after the
workplace check. If it is not possible to
remove them, do not move the machine to
the workplace.
• The machine can be used only on level
surfaces which are firm and for which all 4
wheels can maintain contact evenly with
the ground.

Chapter 6 - Pre-Start Check

Pre‑Start Check

11 Visual check
• Do not operate the machine before SSSSSS
pre‑start checks described in this Circle the machine once and check
manual. visually that there are no oil leaks, and no
• Perform the pre-start checks on a firm, damage to the decals or to the machine.
level surface. Begin the checks with the SSSSSS
platform lowered, and the extension
Make sure there is no damage, looseness,
deck retracted. or missing parts in the wiring, bolts, each
• If the pre-start checks reveal any switch and the guardrail. Make sure all the
abnormalities, immediately put an guardrails are attached properly, and all
“Out of Order” sign on the machine, the bolts, etc. are tightly fastened.
and stop using the machine. The use of
the machine not repaired can cause a
serious accident. Make sure all decals are in place, legible
After repairs are completed, perform and no damage. Replace any lost or
the pre-start checks again from the damaged decals. Use mild soap and
water to clean decals. Refer to section 2 of
chapter 2 for decals and their locations.
• If there is damage, such as cracks, on
the welds of the platform guardrails, SSSSSS
or on the guardrail pipes, replace the Check the hydraulic oil level when the
guardrails immediately. platform is fully lowered and the extension
• Damage and stains to the decals will deck is retracted. Refer to section 2–1 of
obstruct correct handling. Immediately chapter 7 for details.
remove the stain, or replace the decals. SSSSSS
• Make sure to perform the checks with
Check for battery leaks, and check that
no load on the platform. there is sufficient battery solution.
Refer to section 2–2 of chapter 7 for

NOTICE details.

While the machine is being moved, or 22 Function check

the platform is being raised or lowered, 222 Preparations for function
the motion alarm buzzer produces a
warning sound for personnel to stand
away from the machine. SSSSSS
Put the machine in the following state
– Put the machine on a firm, level surface.
– Lower and retract the platform fully.
– Operate the machine from the lower
– Unload the platform.

Chapter 6 - Pre-Start Check

SSSSSS operates smoothly (no strange noises,

vibrations, or rattling).
After charging the battery, remove the
(2) The platform lowering will stop when
charging plug from the socket, and store
the platform is 1.4 m (SV06CNL) / 1.6 m
in the designated place.
(SV08CNL) above the ground. To lower
222 Battery level check the platform fully, check that there are no
people and/or objects under the platform,
SSSSSS release the lift switch once, wait 2 seconds
Turn the key switch to “LOWER CONTROL." and then operate again to lower the
platform fully.
Make sure the battery level indicator is in
the green range. 222 Emergency stop check
222 Raising and lowering platform SSSSSSS
check Push the emergency stop button.
(1) Hold the pre-start check switch down. Attempt to raise and lower the platform.
(2) Hold the lift switch "UP" and raise the Make sure that these functions are
platform. The alarm buzzer sounds just disabled.
after operating both switches.
Pull the emergency stop button up to
Make sure that the wear pad stops release the stop state.
between the red arrows on the chassis.
Wear RED ARROWS 222 Pothole protector check
(1) Raise the platform. When the pothole
protectors are fully come down, the
platform is raised approx. 1.2 m (SV06CNL)
/ 1.4 m (SV08CNL) from ground, stop the
Chassis platform.

ffffffff (2) Push the pothole protectors, and make

sure it does not move.
SSSSSSS (3) Lower the platform completely.
(1) Keep holding the pre-start check switch (4) Remove the upper control panel from the
and the lift switch. Make sure that the guardrails of the platform.
alarm buzzer stops sounding about 5 (5) Place a piece of wood 40 mm thick under
seconds after the wear pad stopped. the pothole protector.
(2) At that time, make sure the error indicator
light is going off.

If the buzzer does not stop sounding,
the platform lift up function is disabled 40 mm thick
and the error indicator light goes on or

SSSSSSS ffffffff
(1) Hold the enable switch up. Raise and (6) Raise the platform to about the same
lower the platform completely a few height as in (1).
times, and make sure the platform

Chapter 6 - Pre-Start Check

(7) Make sure the pothole protectors are not (2) Hold the switch more than 0.3 second and
fully come down when it comes in contact then release it, the power indicator light
with the piece of wood. goes on and the alarm buzzer sounds.
(8) Attempt to raise the platform. Make sure (3) Operate the lift/travel joystick controller
the raise function is disabled. slightly and slowly to "FORWARD"
(9) Turn the key switch to "UPPER CONTROL." and "BACKWARD." Make sure the
(10) Attempt to travel using the upper control machine travels forward and backward
panel. Make sure the travel function is correspondingly.
disabled. (4) Return the lift/travel joystick controller to
(11) Lower the platform fully. neutral. Make sure the machine stops.
(12) Return the upper control panel to its SSSSSSS
original position and remove the piece of
wood which was placed in (5). Travel a few meters, and make sure the
machine operates smoothly (no strange
222 Upper control check noises, vibrations, or rattling). Repeat a
few times.
Turn the key switch to "UPPER CONTROL."
Steer and make sure the steering is
SSSSSSS smooth (no strange noises, vibrations, or
Get on the platform. When getting on or rattling).
off the platform, use three‑point support
(for example, 2 arms and 1 leg, or 1 arm
and 2 legs). (1) Push the emergency stop button.
(2) Attempt to raise and lower the platform,
SSSSSSS to travel forward and backward, and to
Select the lift/travel select switch to steer left and right. Make sure that these
either "LIFT" or "TRAVEL," operate each operations are disabled.
joystick and switch on the upper control (3) Pull the emergency stop button up to
panel. Make sure each function operates release the stop state.
normally, and does not make strange
noises. 222 Natural lowering check
(1) Select the lift/travel select switch to "LIFT." Raise the platform to its highest, and leave
(2) Hold the switch more than 0.3 second and it there for a few minutes. Then try to raise
then release it, the power indicator light the platform more. Make sure it does not
goes on and the alarm buzzer sounds. raise at all (or go down naturally).
(3) Raise and lower the platform completely 222 Tilt warning check
a few times, and make sure the platform
operates smoothly (no strange noises, SSSSSSS
vibrations, or rattling).
(1) Lower and retract the platform fully.
(4) The platform lowering will stop when
(2) Remove the upper control panel from the
the platform is 1.4 m (SV06CNL) / 1.6 m
guardrails of the platform.
(SV08CNL) above the ground. To lower
the platform fully, check that there are no (3) Place a piece of wood 40 mm thick under
people and/or objects under the platform, both wheels on one side.
release the lift/travel joystick controller (4) Travel the machine up onto these pieces
once, wait 2 seconds and then operate from the ground with the upper control
again to lower the platform fully. panel.
(5) Make sure that the tilt light goes on and
SSSSSSS the alarm buzzer sounds.
(1) Select the lift/travel select switch to (6) Attempt to raise the platform. Make sure
"TRAVEL." the raise function is disabled.

Chapter 6 - Pre-Start Check

222 Limited travel speed check

(1) Raise the platform about 2 m. Travel the
machine forward or backward and make
sure the machine travels at slow speed.
(2) Some machines should not move at all
unless the platform is lowered and the
extension deck retracted. If this is the case,
make sure the machine cannot travel
when the platform is not in this state.

2222 Last check

Lower the platform fully and turn the key
switch to "OFF."
Circle the machine and check visually that
there are no oil leaks.

Chapter 7 - Daily Maintenance


11 Storage method 222 Battery charging

After each use, store the machine as follows:
(1) Park the machine on a firm, level surface. WARNING
(2) Lower and retract the platform fully. • Charge in a well-ventilated, open area,
(3) Turn the key switch to "OFF," and remove away from open flames.
the key to prevent using the machine • Do not charge the battery when it has
without permission, and store it suitably. too little battery liquid, otherwise it will
(4) Chock the wheels. produce a poisonous gas, and there is
(5) Perform the daily maintenance. possibility of damage to people and
things, such as poisoning or metal
22 Daily Maintenance
corrosion. In this case, stop charging
Only maintenance items that described in this immediately.
manual can be done by the operator.
• The battery needs charging when battery
222 Hydraulic oil level check level indicator is in the red range or a day's
work is finished.
• Maintaining the hydraulic oil at sufficient
level is very important for the machine • Charge the battery before discharging fully,
operation. Deficient of the hydraulic oil level otherwise the battery will be damaged
can damage hydraulic parts. permanently.
• Daily checks from the oil level gauge (fig. – Do not charge the battery continuously
7-1, A) can confirm the change of the for more than two days.
hydraulic oil level that might show the – Do not disconnect the cable while
hydraulic system problems. charging.
– Always keep the charger dry.

33 Periodic Maintenance
• Perform a monthly and annual inspection
referring to the separate service manual.
– Depending on the laws of the country in
which the machine is being used, keep
the records of the checks for the required
ffffffff number of years.
– For any doubts you may have about
222 Battery liquid level check handling, inspection or spare parts,
• Check the battery liquid levels every day contact AICHI, AICHI's dealer, or the
(especially when using the machine in authorized service shop nearest to you.
warm and dry climates). – Refer to the separate service manual for
• When the battery liquid level has dropped what must be checked regularly.
more than 10 mm, add distilled water only. • If the machine has not been used for over
The battery life will be shortened if anything one month, make sure to perform the
other than distilled water is added. monthly inspection before use.
• Keep the terminals and the upper surface of
the battery clean.

Chapter 8 - Operation

111 Raising and Lowering Platform
NOTICE (1) Hold the enable switch up.
While the machine is being traveled, or (2) Operate the lift switch to "RAISE" or
the platform is being raised or lowered, "LOWER."
the motion alarm buzzer produces a (3) Immediately reduce the load if the
warning sound for personnel to stand overload warning light turned on when
away from the machine. raising the platform.

11 Lower Control NOTICE

(from ground) The lowering of the platform will stop
Enable Lift Emergency when the platform is 1.4 m (SV06CNL)
Switch Switch Stop Button / 1.6 m (SV08CNL) above the ground.
To lower the platform fully, check that
there are no people and/or objects
under the platform, release the lift
switch once, wait 2 seconds and then
operate again to lower the platform

22 Upper Control
(from platform)
Battery Level Indicator Key Switch M07X9B20
(1) Turn the key switch to "UPPER CONTROL."
ffffffff (2) Check that the battery level indicator is in
the green range, and that the battery is
(1) Turn the key switch to "LOWER CONTROL." sufficiently charged.
(2) Check that the battery level indicator is in (3) Pull the emergency stop button on both
the green range, and that the battery is the lower control panel and the upper
sufficiently charged. control panel.
(3) Pull the emergency stop button on both
the lower control panel and the upper
control panel.
Emergency Stop Button



Chapter 8 - Operation

222 Raising and Lowering Platform (2) Hold the switch more than 0.3 second and
Lift / Travel Power Indicator
then release it, the power indicator light
Select Switch Light goes on and the alarm buzzer sounds.
(3) Operate the lift/travel joystick controller
to “FORWARD” or “BACKWARD” within 3
seconds after releasing the lift/travel select

If the power indicator light goes off or
blinks, release all function switches and
then operate again from (1).
222 Steering with Steering Switch
(1) Select the lift/travel select switch to
(2) Hold the switch more than 0.3 second and
then release it, the power indicator light
Lift / Travel Steering
Joystick Switch M07X9620 goes on and the alarm buzzer sounds.
ffffffff (3) Operate the steering switch to “RIGHT”
or “LEFT” within 3 seconds after releasing
(1) Select the lift/travel select switch to "LIFT." the lift/travel select switch. Then steering
(2) Hold the lift/travel select switch more than wheels should turn right or left. This
0.3 second and then release it, the power operation is possible even when traveling.
indicator light goes on and the alarm
buzzer sounds.
(3) Operate the lift/travel joystick controller to
“RAISE” or “LOWER” within 3 seconds after If the power indicator light goes off or
releasing the lift/travel select switch. blinks, release all function switches and
then operate again from (1).
NOTICE (4) Even when the steering switch is returned
to neutral, steering will not return to
If the power indicator light goes off or
blinks, release all function switches and
then operate again from (1). 222 Steering with Steering Dial
(4) Immediately reduce the load if the (option)
overload warning light turned on when (1) Select the lift/travel select switch to
raising the platform. "TRAVEL."

NOTICE (2) Hold the switch more than 0.3 second and
then release it, the power indicator light
The lowering of the platform will stop goes on and the alarm buzzer sounds.
when the platform is 1.4 m (SV06CNL) (3) Turn the steering dial to “RIGHT” or “LEFT”
/ 1.6 m (SV08CNL) above the ground. within 3 seconds after releasing the lift/
To lower the platform fully, check that travel select switch. Then steering wheels
should turn right or left. This operation is
there are no people and/or objects
possible even when traveling.
under the platform, release the joystick
controller once, wait 2 seconds and
then operate again to lower the
platform fully. If the power indicator light goes off or
blinks, release all function switches and
222 Traveling then operate again from (1).
(1) Select the lift/travel select switch to

Chapter 8 - Operation

(4) By returning the steering dial to

neutral, steering will return to neutral
A 3


333 Retracting
(1) Get on the side of the platform that does
not have the extension deck.
Steering Dial M07X9A20
(2) Turn the handles, which are on the left
and right guardrails, towards the inside
until it stops. The lock of the extension
33 Extension Deck deck will be released.
(3) While holding the handles, pull the deck
DANGER towards you until it stops.
(4) Turn the handles to their original positions.
Make sure the extension deck has
The extension deck is now locked.
extended or retracted fully and lock it,
before operating the machine. 44 Fold Down Guardrail
The extension deck which is not
locked may move accidentally. Such an
(if equipped)
accident increases the potential of fall The platform guardrails may be lowered
approx. 45 cm, which is useful for limited head
clearance or transportation.
333 Extending
(1) Get on the side of the platform that does DANGER
not have the extension deck. Using the machine with the guardrails
(2) Turn the handles (fig. 8-5, A), which are on folded increases the potential for
the left and right guardrails, towards the hazards, which could result in death or
inside until it stops. (fig. 8-5, 1) serious injury. Do not raise the platform
(3) The lock of the extension deck will be with the guardrails folded. Take extreme
care when traveling the machine with
the guardrails folded.
444 Folding Down Guardrails
2 1 Fold down the platform guardrails
according to the following procedure. It
should be done with two or more people.
A (1) Lower the platform in the down position
and lock the extension deck.
A (2) Close and lock the platform gate.
(3) Remove the lock pin A (see fig. 8-7) that
which locks the upper controls (fig. 8-7,
B) to the guardrails. Remove the controls
from the guardrails and lay them on the
platform floor.
(4) While holding the handles, push the deck
forwards until it stops. (fig. 8-5, 2)
(5) Turn the handles (fig. 8-6, A) to their
original positions. The extension deck is
now locked. (fig. 8-6, 3)

Chapter 8 - Operation

444 Raising Guardrails

B In order to put the guardrails back to the
original position, perform the procedure

A Make sure the fold down guardrail
has raised and lock it by pins, before
operating the machine. The folding

down guardrails which is not locked
(4) Hold the areas B (see fig. 8-8) of the may move accidentally. Such an
guardrails so that they do not fall down. accident increases the potential of fall
Remove the lock pins A (see fig. 8-8), hazards.
which lock the guardrails.
Take extreme care when getting on
and off the platform after the guardrails
have been folded down.



(5) Keep holding the parts B, slowly push

down the guardrails forward until the top
rails rest on the middle rails (see fig. 8-9).

Do not hold guardrails except the areas
B (see fig. 8-9) when the guardrails fold
down. Your hands might be pinched
between the rails.



Chapter 9 - Emergency Operation

Emergency Operation

22 Emergency Lowering
NOTICE If the platform has
If the emergency operation was done been raised, and it is
because of a malfunction, immediately not possible to lower
stop the operation, and have the it because of power
machine checked and repaired. source failure, for example, a dead battery,
or because the upper stop switch has been
11 Emergency Stop pressed, do the following:
Use the emergency stop button. When (1) The emergency lowering handle is located
the emergency stop button is pressed and at the front side of the machine (fig. 9-3,
all of the functions are disabled. Press the A). Pull the handle outward and lower the
emergency stop button in the following platform.
(1) When personnel on board the platform
stops all of the machine movements to
avoid danger.
(2) When the personnel on the ground
judges that the operation from the upper
control is unsafe.
(3) When the machine is uncontrollable due
to malfunction.
Emergency Stop Button M07X1301


(2) To stop lowering, release the emergency

lowering handle.

Do not put your body or any object
ffffffff between scissors arms. Failure to avoid
this hazard could result in serious injury
Emergency Stop Button
or property damage.



Chapter 10 - Transporting Method

• When loading/unloading, be sure to
NOTICE have a guide assist you so that the
• This information about transporting is wheels do not fall off the ramps and the
offered as a recommendation. transport vehicle bed.
• Only the qualified persons shall use the • Failure to avoid these fall hazards could
transport vehicle, crane, forklift, and the result in death or serious injury.
machine. SSSSSS
• All persons on transportation must
Chock the wheels of the transport vehicle.
comply with employer, work area, and (fig. 10–1, A)
local and national safety regulations
regarding the use of these machinery.
• Each machinery must comply with all
applicable regulations, and must be
inspected and used in accordance with B B
their manufacturer's instructions.

11 Preparation before loading

When transporting the machine by a transport
vehicle, beware of the following. C
(1) The transport vehicle must be loaded and A
unloaded on a firm, level surface.
(2) The platform must be lowered fully, and
retract and lock the extension deck. SSSSSS
(3) Make sure the bolts and pins for holding
the guardrail are tight. Attach the loading ramps at as small an
angle as possible.(fig. 10–1, C)
(4) Check the entire machine for loose bolts,
and unfastened locks. SSSSSS
22 Loading the machine Travel the machine forward at low speed
onto the ramps, and load the machine

WARNING onto the transport vehicle.

• Do not travel the machine on a slope
that exceeds the machine gradeability. Stop the machine and chock the wheels
The wheels of the machine could fall off, of the machine.(fig. 10–1, B)
if the transport vehicle or the loading SSSSSS
ramps incline excessively.
Pass the chains or wire
• Do not turn the steering of the machine ropes through all the
while it is on the ramps, because of the hoisting rings and tie
possibility of a fall. down the machine
• Use a winch for loading/unloading, if on the vehicle bed
the ramp is too steep or slippery. securely. (Refer to fig. 10–2)

Chapter 10 - Transporting Method

Attach the sling chains
or wire ropes firmly,
for example, with
shackles, to all the
hoisting rings.

If sling chains or wire ropes contact the
platform, place pads on the platform to
protect it.

fffffffff SSSSSS
Place the sling wires or chains according
33 Hoisting the machine to the fig. 10–3 and hoist the machine.
Crane hook
44 Lifting with forklift
Protection is
necessary If a forklift is used, there are marks
on the machine. Adjust the 2

forklift forks to the marks and



Hoisting rings
(4 rings)


• Be sure the crane capacity, loading
surfaces, sling wires or chains are strong M081U701

enough to support the machine weight. fffffffff

See the serial number plate for the
machine weight.
• Pass the sling chains or wire ropes
Insert the forklift forks at the marks.
through the hoisting rings. There is the
possibility that the machine will break, There is hazard of the machine falling,
and fall. Such accidents could result in and of damage to the machine. Such
death or serious injury. accidents could result in death or
serious injury.
Use 4 sling chains or wire ropes of the
same length. (Refer to fig. 10–3 for length)

Chapter 11 - Storage

(1) Clean each part. (3) Grease each part.
Apply enough rust-prevention oil to the
cylinder rod of the steering cylinder.

M0851501 M0851701

fffffffff fffffffff

NOTICE (4) Disconnect the minus terminal (anode) of

the battery. Cover the batteries, or remove
Be careful about freezing in winter. them from the machine.

(2) Wipe away dirt from around the electrical

parts with a dry cloth.

Do not wash, particularly high-pressure
washing, around the electrical parts.



• When removing the battery, disconnect
the minus terminal (anode) first.
• When reattaching the battery, connect
the minus terminal (anode) last.


Chapter 11 - Storage

(5) To prevent overdischarging, charge the

battery every month.

The battery will self-discharge little
by little even when it is not in use. If it
is not charged for a long time, it will
become over-discharged, and this will
shorten the battery life.

(6) In order to prevent rust when the machine

is stored for a long time, operate the
machine every month to prevent the loss
of the oil layer on lubricated parts.



Before operating the machine, wipe off
the rustprevention oil that had been
applied to the cylinder rod.

Chapter 12 - Specifications

Max. 6,100 mm 7,770 mm
Work floor height
Min. 1,025 mm 1,155 mm
360 kg 230 kg
Rated working load (2 persons+tools: 200 kg) (2 persons+tools: 70 kg)
(Evenly distributed) Extension 120 kg

deck (1 person + tools: 40 kg)

Maximum allowable tilt angle Front-to-back: 3.0 ° Left-to-right: 1.5°
Maximum travel speeds Stowed 4.5 km/h
(Level surface) Elevated 1.0 km/h
Up 24–36 s / 5.1 m 32–48 s / 6.8 m
Platform lift speeds
Down 24–36 s / 5.1 m 32–48 s / 6.8 m
Gradeability (Stowed) 14 °(25 %)
Inside 0 mm
Minimun turning radius
Outside 2,240 mm
Folding down Raised 2,345 mm
Overall length
guardrails Folded 2,795 mm
Overall width 800 mm

Folding down Raised 2,125 mm 2,255 mm

Overall height
guardrails Folded 1,720 mm 1,845 mm
Wheelbase 1,815 mm
Tread 673 mm
Platform inner dimensions
2,210 × 710 × 1,100 mm
(length × width × height)
Extension length 1,000 mm
Tires (Diameter × Width) 406 × 127 mm

Gross weight 1,810 kg 2,140 kg

Maximum tire loading force 800 kg
AC motor power output (Travel) 0.7 kW (JIS)
DC motor power output (Platform lift, Steering) 2.2 kW (JIS)
Battery model GS Yuasa EB100
Power source

Battery capacity 200 Ah

Battery voltage 12 V × 2 ( × 2 Parallel)
Charging method Fixed current, fixed voltage
Input voltage AC 100–240 V
Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Max. output current 25 A
System voltage DC 24 V
Rated hydraulic pressure 18.1 MPa (185 kg/cm2)
Hydraulic oil tank capacity 5.3 L
* These machine are intended for indoor use only.
* The limit deviation tolerance without the instruction depends on AICHI's own standard.
* Travel speed, function speed, and gradeability assume there is 1 person on the platform and the battery
is fully charged.
* Travel speed and gradeability are subject to surface conditions and sufficient traction.
* Advisable atmospheric temperature range: -20℃ to +40℃

Chapter 12 - Specifications

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