Tnetv3010 Prod Bulletin
Tnetv3010 Prod Bulletin
Tnetv3010 Prod Bulletin
Figure 1
of constantly evolving networks such that they operate as if Latency in the network to
with often extreme variations directly connected over a public PSTN direction is affected by:
(signal levels, hybrids, non- switched telephone network • Delay associated with
linearities, etc.). G.168–2002 (PSTN) connection. playout buffer
provides a limited set of The equipment performing • Processing delay
prerequisites for a “good” echo the fax relay functions must • Codec algorithmic delay
canceller and assumes a handle the effects of network
telephony plant operating Effective DSP solutions
delay, jitter (variable delay), and
within a predefined set of should constantly strive to
lost packets while preventing the
standards, which is not always improve latency in order to
fax machines from timing out.
the case. The Telogy echo maintain quality voice services.
Fax relay, as a part of the TI
canceller is a field-hardened solution, is T.38 compliant. In
echo canceller that has addition, forward error correc- System Flexibility
successfully addressed the tion and advanced error conceal- Telogy Software provides an
challenges of today’s networks. ment techniques are employed extremely flexible solution that
to improve document quality. does not come at the expense
Wireless Features of channel density. Examples
Wireless features are available of this flexibility include:
Low System Latency
with the standard Telogy Latency in a high density gate- • Codecs may be assigned on
Software product. These fea- way degrades signal quality a channel by channel basis
tures include a full suite of and can cause more serious without restrictions based
wireless codecs as well as Voice issues. Latency is present in upon DSP or DSP core
Quality Enhancements (VQE) each network component and • Codec Frame Size
such as automatic level control, in the network itself and must - 5 ms to 30 ms (PCM)
tandem free operation (TFO), be minimized in order to pro- - 10 ms to 80 ms
acoustic echo control and noise vide toll quality voice service. (low bit rate codecs)
reduction. Latency in the PSTN to Channel configurations and
network direction arises from features can be mixed as
Carrier Class Diagnostics the following areas: required without impacting
Diagnostics are aided by an • Sample frame collection performance. This is accom-
extensive set of statistics and • VAD algorithmic delay (PCM, plished by state-of-the-art
remote, real-time tracing ADPCM only) MIPS and memory management.
capability on a per-channel • Codec algorithmic delay
basis. Remote JTAG interfaces Each DSP is autonomous, so
• Processing delay that there are no master/slave
are available for real-time fault
isolation without requiring a Delay in the TI solution relationships between DSPs in
physical presence in the field. is minimized by staggered a design.
Bellcore Test Line support for scheduling of processing.
diagnostic testing is also avail-
able as well as a full
complement of loopbacks.
Echo Cancellation Challenges
Finally, Telogy Software is
“redundancy aware” for fast, Bad levels (IP or digital phones produce hot levels)
reliable switchovers. Nonlinear hybrids
Together these features Handset leakage (wireless/acoustic/electric)
reduce the amount of time Extreme double-talk
required to effectively isolate Dial tone breaking (talk-over)
and correct field problems. Tandem connections in VoIP
Frame slips
Fax Relay Hybrids with low ERL
Fax relay provides reliable real-
time fax service between two G.168 does not address these real world challenges and is not a guaran-
analog fax machines over a pack- tee of acceptable performance.
et network. The equipment at
both ends of the packet network Figure 2
spoofs the analog fax machines
Feature-Rich Software
Telogy Software contains many Frequently Asked Questions
other features that provide a
comprehensive solution: Why doesn’t TI use an internal RISC processor?
• Signaling support Internal RISC processors do not eliminate the need for
• Tone detection/generation aggregation or a Master Control CPU and they can increase
• Caller ID (NTT, ETSI, latency when smaller packet sizes are used.
Canadian, and Bellcore)
• Voice activity detection with Why does TI use internal memory?
comfort noise generation The use of internal memory decreases space and power
• Network channel switching requirements and ensures high throughput.
• Host offload
• Host control software Why did TI combine the control and packet bus?
• Announcement playout
TI’s solution is designed with a common Utopia bus for both
control and data. This approach decreases the number of
Reference Designs board layers required, resulting in a higher board yield and
TI’s gateway solutions include a lower manufacturing costs.
detailed reference design that
allows OEMs to take advantage What channel count is offered on the TDM interface?
of TI’s design expertise. TI also Most competing solutions offer 128/256 channels versus 512
has evaluation platforms (a hard- for TI. The higher port count allows for a decrease in the
ware implementation of the number of Time Slot Interchanges required, decreasing the
design) that can be used for fea- cost, power and space requirements for the overall solution.
ture evaluation, system software
development and testing. Figure 3
Three reference designs
exist and are differentiated by
aggregation architecture. An
FPGA-based design, a network
processor-based design, and
a daughter card design based
upon an rMII interface are
available. TNETV3010 Processor Architecture
aggregation and protocol encap-
Support and Quality Assurance Telogy Software has been in milestones in the development
When you base your communica- continuous use in major carrier process, such as hardware
tions products on TI’s program- networks for over seven years. design review and onsite soft-
mable DSPs and award-winning We protect your investments ware/hardware integration.
Telogy Software, you receive through updates, upgrades and TI offers the support and
comprehensive technical ser- customer input on our enhance- valuable assistance that can
vices and support from our soft- ment roadmap. In addition, we help you speed time to market
ware and systems experts. offer targeted support at key and shorten time to profit.
Global Feature List: Telogy Software® Products*
Voice Codecs
G.711 PCM 64 Kbps, G.723.1 5.3/6.3 Kbps, G.723.1 Annex A (silence suppression), G.726 ADPCM 16,24,32,40
Kbps, G.727 ADPCM, G.728 16 Kbps, G.729 8 Kbps, G.729 AB 8 Kbps (Annex A and B – VAD, CNG), G.729
Annex D 6.4 Kbps, G.729 Annex E 11.8 Kbps, GSM FR, GSM EFR, GSM AMR, EVRC, SMV, QCELP
Echo Canceller
G.165/G.168-2002 echo cancellation (up to 128 msec echo tail with multiple reflections cancellation)
VQE for wireless applications
Fax Protocols
V.17 at 7200, 9600, 12,000 and 14,000 bps, V.27ter at 2400 and 4800 bps, V.29 at 7200 and 9600 bps, fax
pass-through (PCM), T.38 real-time fax relay, fax relay on AAL2
In-band Signaling
DTMF generation/detection, MF R1, R2 tone generation/detection, CP tone detection for T1 CAS, SS7 ring
back tone generation, SS7 COT, R2 signaling support (compelled, non-compelled, semi-compelled)
56K Rate Adaptation
Management Services/Other
API support (management, event monitoring/reporting, statistics)
Configurable country code (per channel)
Loopback test capabilities
Core dump facility
Memory read/write support
Trace messages
* Please contact your TI sales representative for supported feature combinations. For more information, please
contact your TI sales representative or call 972.644.5580
Important Notice: The products and services of Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries described herein are sold subject to TI’s standard terms and
conditions of sale. Customers are advised to obtain the most current and complete information about TI products and services before placing orders. TI assumes no
liability for applications assistance, customer’s applications or product designs, software performance, or infringement of patents. The publication of information
regarding any other company’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.
Technology for Innovators, the black/red banner and TMS320C55x are trademarks of Texas Instruments. Telogy Software is a registered trademark of Telogy Networks,
a Texas Instruments Company.