Vag Antes 1947

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EPISCOPI VAGANTES AND THE, ANGLICAN CHURCH HENRY R. ‘T, BRANDRETH LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, Wica Be pol 19g m. W. vu. vu. 1x, x. ‘XI. CONTENTS Paszace Fonewouo Ibernopvenon ‘Vauiorry ano Recoranmy Tur Maruzw Svocesson ‘Tar Viuarm Svocesor ‘Tue Feanere Succes Buor Venvon Hesroxo “Tu Arrace Suoceso “Ta, Poss Marsavare Cronest ‘Beator Lovie Citanizs Wowace Dr. F. G, Lax avo ‘itt Onsen oF Conronars ‘Recsoe | ‘| Arcane Avex scram Episopi Varnes APPENDICES, Nome rao me Svat Pariancnarn oF ‘ANTIoGIE AND ALL THE EAS Snunorto Bsuoonarny lise or mu Pravcapat Croneaes ao Onaarara- "rons Prasmep oven av Epicopi Vegans Isoex at 4 33 37 60 6 & 6 r n % 6 n. um, LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Auszor Onionsat, Tasstarion or sie Butt ‘or Toxavies Peren TMT op Axriocit son, Tae Cousecranion oF JR. Varna Frotipie Ivgrauweyr or Coxsnonanion oF Caner Hexny ‘Cantona cate Auzzoro Tverneitnnr or Cossronarion oF ‘Ener Opntn Cort 7 Auizom Teernoursr or Cossronarios oF ‘Uumie Version Henson % ” st PREFACE, ‘Tans small book had is origin ia a Report T was asked to Bere has Yong ao he etek of ea agente tle gatheriag the information om whic that “Heport was bated it became obvious that moet Angiicans had not ven heard of the existence of such poop. It seemed, there, that wome genera sean of Cube might be of interest, and it was clearly desirable that those charged Wwth the administration of the Church should have some Compendium’ of information, which might be of service Should they ever have to deal with any*ot the persons of ‘whom this book speaks. : ‘The study ofthat lighthearted racking in holy things which characteris eo'many of the sport gant, cannot Eo bes pal one” 1, none the fe stacy whch fugit 19 be undertaken, since much of the harm done by these miguided men hasbeen due to Sgnoranee, en the pat ‘of Ghuehmen, of ther tee aims and. ponion. Tope T have made it clear in the pages which follow that ail ‘pisepisageres ave not tarred with the same brush Since Andertaking the study of the movements which they re: Rave come Io contact wth ner of the 5nd for some, however much T may disagree with the positon ‘which they fave adopted, 1 have come to cherish a personal liking and respect and these, I feet sure, will wish me to tll the truth as Pave however unpalatable to them that tr may be. STi hn book it cold not hae een writen with fut the generous help'of'a number sf penons: T-owe my {ntrodacton to the subject in any fall ens, to Canon J. outs, an hoyghon thea yer in whch Leb studyiog ie hav boon a master guiding me in ight paths, {Gh ne Loe owen is ongin ee nlc of needs Sd that is bot one of many seasons Ihave to olor im & tribute of grate. Team ako indebted to Dr./A. J. Macdonald, who read the typescript and made valuabl surgestions. Lord Lang, whet Archbishop of Canterbury, aciounly allowed tne sere to fies of papers relating (0 Bishop Mathew, and Iam indebted to the present Ach hop of Canterbury forthe same Privlege For help particular pont Iam indebted tothe Archbishop of Utrecht, retshop a Chichester, te hshop a Los Angee, Dr. Mom Dr? Hayd W. ombinn the Rev Mauree Rosen, Sifetbe Ven Joln E. Gaines, Mee Bean and many tioies Tam very gat to them, Tate ao courte Ben enminad Yo ommine the Sopy of Bah Mathews Rigler wch a tr sf an jage’ bs undoatedy in handwriting, Miss M. V. Wallace, ofthe Church of England Eaton Foreign Keats, avon me ent help st pat HRT B. FOREWORD By ‘Tue Rev. Canon J. A. Dovoras, PatD., D.D. Formerly Hon. General Secretary ofthe Church of England Council on Foreign Relations tum and at ok Ws Wh of be oat ee ete fing the past sixty years- Te was in 1939 chat, ashe states ATE Pes epider pace yen F Rate an Calon Wve els Non i wis const? mate mite aad A SEP cule Ma aoe Sieare s STRSPS, mea Wnts reign Sule Sea ean Wd eta a ar ang BORNE aac haatadans Re eed a a Ser a ental by wh eta Reece ald emg bat ff the Anglican. Cornmunion in general, and in particular Stabe aut ohe Ghee ue Soar wt ny ded Sti eon ne hace esheets Riel bok very wi BS pede tog wel pice psa ae es aay ni wee author fares melt of hae own wl into the June Suga er sae no mode lommen Ba eae a a et ae tap fags ad ret bakes thas Od vtertesrer deg om bo ni “Sie ng tame by Fr Brande ome have Heer OF at deeatty and dingcky ofl Othecr hare Bon bn Mt a er Ep nar ee eaears ln she hates misaota teed lad fo any hich sr as Sy eee ht In open ‘iyi ndingleciaracericincomrm,, One a anim cin nest peed Pai Su ded horas Seuac asc espns es dente tn on sah sear ett te morn ey shat cen Broateast, appeared’ in England and Ameren during the past hundred years, the answer is that unl the middle of Sinclar ation "remained. everywhere omg. Two English apostolic succession. As James I put it: “No Bishop; no haar edebos Aisi St Ein hinnenantacsin testa centary denosaced Anglian Orders on mich. the same ten when it reached them, Englimen in the seventeenth sh i iWon Ste wreasied the om tae = the, leeds simian tetas ona ea eae ae ar emia oe pr ex a util of Beau ef etre Cale oer en ates ees Tie oe aes Meee ee Saree mane Sy Sata epi pr at oh sae ie re Hen Meron aes Gani Sere Soe rat ts Pas ates tel a rene pepo eau Amt lpn at Sek gcomrad sauce apa pope Siete te ont catego ap 2 erates ahead Serre conte a, creara ee Rage Seamer ec re Sepia even Yl pen a Rectan pert cae iin 7 th ead ped he cota of he exe became ms ntl, by the Begining of he swenti ontury, all over the county, and fen she by side, were tbe in hich on the one hand the Miss was rendered with every ritual accompaniment and the teachin and practice were in accordance, and. on the other han rer Comin was gen piominence andthe tach ing and practice were in accordance. To the foreign or supercal observe the fet seme to be tha the Cause cing op dvd ine ev cure wish wre bold fogetier only by the establishment. “That, of course, was not the eae” While the teaching given, and the servite of the parish churches, varied more or lest one from another, thoy graded as it were in elther direction from a central type of which the cathedrals provided the norms and the {st mas of English Church a remained ply Church blk, and so long as extreme practices were not foreed upon, then, they dit not trouble the heads. sahene ees thang done eu acted by i ave ways. een relatively few the. quaskcongrezationalism ‘which began to obtain in the Church of England in the fifties produced among many Anglo-Catholics a dispro- conte sentvens in regard tote vali of Anglican Byder When a man whose way of religious Ie was to n't ofr the Bachan Satie of Sanday tnd ‘beer hs Comumanion resort Consol, "Nog Nn Man ll and your Abokton Ahaha fae tene brat hms Bees the aerate became a homin ae at 2, he Roman eo ropagandiead apply the Eagisr Roman Catolc [inc’iegun to be recogaued as Being as tae an Boglshonan Seer ree etan It ws bo fle Hagia harman ne nen arch vk, Rowers uncon, Sond Kim to ate wheter he'iad fy ral acamcea! Sal And tbe a te wen oy he growing wane Sone of he rc of El a ‘com Nel Anlo-Catbis by hn cernstesing consi teas of schism from the rest of historic Christendom. The Ten a the Auman Communion wih te Latin West fel ae tan esse, oar ops tarantino Eyre tengo ts rev om Rome fa nade a peste appl hem the flrs eres Sulfimen as Willa Pate re Leen sted So ee Eeartnopie dryers met by a take of the head Sh tl We Eyton aboae you enape ato ate SMststant and Reformed wine a the ann Coie dacs the event. dept von Dang the Butek Od isin the Renlanei ying sch te tae Ht tras thin dha, with her whole postion freely seated fom within by the extreme Protestant Anglicans, and attacked Hetil hytas Renae conven te cated Kage at se cena mise: thet Eee wee oa, CMiSouired by the Orthodox and seul een hy the Butch Old Gaia tne Ane Gaol edd es te olf andy ext on ther acramental eS bat ey might ak fe tele diye “liat me rec eo, tei of Aten Orie mat have Dont ater ot ee ee oe necator nes eee Siping, but T vencure to doubt whether thelr succesors of SUN cts lac ow Anglos is tar micaee wine pein are general han de sabi ie generally more important than fdr wile taunt tit the ae fr Argh Gries ve ee ot aly'tuad Os ie eotrany sb apparent tay, T. A Lacey's statement of tin the nineties be Compared wh thal of Bem Gresoy Dis lt ea thet ea as Become increasingly convincing. “Men uch as Lord Halifax, rk rath use ee Ge Seeiariera, Wnrduis one iol eta sea sy ier Arhiva matey aces oa But to form a reasoned judgment on so technical a question ony is ees mae Sooo Uap cette tendo Sightaarsatinty sehen fade i Te Mea emi wr Sele bch gong ce ee Soren ait aban et Seca wt Steet ne a Oa a atte a plein ak onan Saale rau eg teas eg ees EY peal eet Pipa iii Ratti ‘Sake Ot history aye SEER" ae aaa aed pres al Rin oa tl ec dens ea af Agen! Caen ete Lia ae gra ‘Se aa a casa Ret iri ot et El os ew Se mp tno, tone ni is 9 Se Rs, is we age ts sont ees tari pele Be ia et seul beehe ere mianace Grane Spent eis weit gaia whee ee amir rs wl gn ar ce her meer aceeeee ae Seite heat gem ee comeypenrin igs eras One recat kee eatin Te? fat, itn, eves de a Se Gre mar ei in ci away Se ene ee a peer a ey Seeing mera tenes saree cry on patio sche eal ts J eres om ear at io eee bese ental ag mies Bd res ee ies rey hs Ere ico ea ars |p crac nea Ha att Fe Oe tempi here is that the rumourd current about Lee and rae hahaa crmercra re Meat ieee Fee cacy elec @ Sasson tatewratsnoutr ants reer octal ashe On San fe sag eed gem et Serie pai tone oe ose pe es ee rie Baer ee teat cee es Be Anse: Ek ware gira ties Jem sung eae Mastneterae ne cneee Seen ea ree oesaceet Sees ee ti eens, nea a Lr Ik dhe Peer Fie wer ing Bests itt Py tere sca ae Seay ee of fhe otctant Ealepal Gi ee ee att Brie 2 et ootin ok , Fe Ee SS gone rh so or een seul eve ace ooh apie Sy nr’ (ee Nc os ta err Ca at at frig crs, ae eel mete ee Ural Aaa ar e cmaenhe Se a ae Pech enet Ae k es n IMT hs wie se "AS to whether Vernon Herford ever received episcopal prone! ceeie keh Tee peer pe rete mera rime ee ere a.zenchampl an od of ty of ed wa ae a ec te ee ie peat gow icearion oe Sr omc ape ses pene eee es eee con oe ere eve ae ore Sha See Te mn cna wei rea iennin Dy en a, at wba ae ren gon ot ove oe at eens lea et eee mete ne fee eae SEIS gant tea ase Bere re terres fees ae Shc eerers cae Spoederyh et meer vie Het Se a ace memo acne een, apices of eis att Newsbeat decal Tae le aan ed te ces al ee es adit ans * gems Bem de, ma itt pape lg: Eres ote Srl Na eel rf dss ns er ae Far sips cna ete Hilarie i atin nd others tie they were realable, "The late Old Catholic ee aioe san ahr aca ester itera hy Soe GLa det ce aeneat pace a Seah stadt Nea ‘ero feta ing reara Higa pte eer Wn an ie SE ao tol et ie te HEE Engish aherens never namberel more than. lew ic ie eee eens aoe Heep teira Att nicl io ech ieaceate Soate Ser aes meas cae Hc Rect ie oa anata, toh se aay ee sara ad ep“ ibe det ached ewe inet ete ys ge soln oa cele yer se Loe ae pied iecearaae iho Go Se aoe ation a Sia ena rine tame be Eceishfisiesa iat damien ffom rail and other eausea . eat Ht ee vem on ie ili ie ama ee SARC ete eae wih a chequered past to Anglican fom Rome, His ive were pa rence sn Belg an other sete WS wets Hee Mathew's stand Ink Serer pended erly on hs beg tn Regan who confered valid” Orders.” Indeed, “unite Soir ecient poten fering tartrate tion to be bishop of an existing Church. His dubious Cctacrtr, “Altea “melt someking ean ‘Phepe tena he sey etn coneraton i tate Etec When, in view ot the forthcoming Lambeth Sones of tat Taauited ot he Syria Orton, Fee of Anich, Mat Eling and of the Maran of Bese star tees beaeven, whe u daw tin fattest Ueltn elhdesitol ki ne ines shen? ‘a dele itt he war no bop. tng ike Mathew en. 2 Ghuch,b nd rae Minin Being nabamedly an po sgt at ae Pa Owens he beets has boa acne Se tacing ihe tastes of the Witte ecco ighy pts on hat Tredenebonexe Jon fe ocr wih gt of con os nga ember ee cae sei and tla porte" Wittz caso ave Let Sata sua ae tofxm a my Church snd to bas item inet oye who was fred clever, ambitious MPT Meted 2 Belboay poses’ of tuple meant ‘chime od i ei Gr of nw fis open to any Anglican Hlagyman whe eceved ali Orders from hima, "At the same time he imparted ‘valid? Epucopal Orders tosevralGhurces which ene to belng fiom diferent causes, but over which he claimed no jure aml For campo, when in'1gey af the eight oe depo rah fing er te "Aen nd CiErch® wat formed in OSA, Liye! contested biog fer ie whith bebop inthe torn consecrated bahopefor a Bane of it wit itr eine io elng in South A a, tea the nea For Sok of Ceo ts ee {hfe hare cf cna ype an Yai on tata re ecogazable sheng wie tn Vda a Bytom and myers bn ti hey "he Kubchone Episcopal Succeston’ In ta way Lloyd succeed in cea oo cgetaion In whic he waa Iasi ta hc antialopcope apes, sad wich conte Finly staech churche but stl Gere an underground Elen Anglican clergymen who belonged ao Onder of Antioch and owed him allegiance, Moreover, Inving tected in, g3p conendat ath ace of the ‘hears to extend that Onder to England, where, incredible {Bough may appear, ten years ago fe had equ to atract fn appreciable, i nck large, membership, which was ch {ited ll over England, and included a autaber of Anglican AE sat sy, Unt vin-Gmnnt te Goat perl, Sleepy,“ fo Get Cal at sean a eee: oe ver iy hyd iil Seem Biers marta ts ietepoling oh dw OH Ae kde uc ee amen Breen ceo ocr ears Bi igen era ole ane eens Me as is beooged os as; Ordar whlch foe repre es tet oe En abel ne re in Anchen me Sea aay vege epee Aes 1d approached him a couple of ears before and, showing Fed sero Min ce tec ee Min pay epee ome ce the Gtr Sy, cach ero Ate hc ssi, Vie ee gr er ireccieln an fan a ie cm 1 oe pe ry eae se ae Oe iad Sige ofa, Tae ip eomen in , Tye tamer bad remy op FSP pte the Oe of oc, Hind i, ole ors ce Sem Caer oe ie cai ae Sis Sane mtn oe ea By teh Pe See wearer ee eer Bee fed eee ma rel ree ope rere, Fe eae ee, crepes, abe oe tiles ce rap tin oO el ae arcane fue, mag ed ieee tet iy Oi tre ego oc ea Fe, Brana’ Vine Lit Ne § wil show dha ory Caen rice seated Sader nae sberese Dard comeen Sy ae Me tiee Soper ad Viner ne Grae, Ai er folate Salto Sey tne lla Oke hd oxone end ob Hee chee Geka Shake oe te ee Se ag Cen ae eae eh Se hs ee ae Sac Sag ge ates faa ht eon aera ad a a oe SI eee eT ook vey fll, with the are othe or te Sg ae Ts peti mtr ox oem beng rc ne ie Se ce a ie re Bias, Sy Ste Ine ‘ree erchey os aa Reaper treed ile Gases "er ae one canes Beate ele A ches atic Fae ee aa Stes ata Semen pec of ony ingen bos roma Eee a ee ar Ceara ee eee tt am Att foe ee, eer ccm ne Heel ce Se ee ae a Richa oan ae cer ena eet arial Po ce Mi ee eae Se BES ise vas Who tat gar Ontos Be Soe en tii cet SOS ae so eral te aise dy Sas ogee icy beg howe ome i pte Orgel eu 2 ee ee oe abl esytogme Shre Me and ice, be HESS ld tear be pepoteos INTRODUCTION Is hie study of Epiteopt Vagentes i Church Hlitry Dr. A. Maedonai has traced the hoi fafa ng of te Middle Ages to a number of causes, “The primary caste of yaneting, sf lent in the East, appears 0 ave bec the cprivation of offec, though not of episcopal sats, on fccount of herey or nconduct, "The medod of popular lection, by which a bishop might be consecrated to8 See Which subsequently refuel to elect him, also compelled umbels 0 wander a ore 1 se & ion, inthe West, and les Frequent the, eae swore ease of trouble, while ata Inter poo in he West the wandering mssonary bahope om Ire perambulated the Continent in lange numbers ‘De. Macdonald hs shown how again and again couneils and sna elated sent he eg oy eeu tht Abit disrupted the course of diocean administration. Tt ‘was only ats later period thatthe epaeopal status of certain the segend! became open to questan, abd that mally inthe cane ofthe rh bibs —— moder espus eau sles easy to canfy than is orc preecchor? and the groumis of cbjecion aginst im are dierent p some repects the ile w mideading, Since the majority of these prelates do ot wander ar thet Drelesenon did.” On the otter handy the majority of them Eombine the disulvantages of the histone py Dagan of ‘ot the caer an ater periods; they invade jurbtion, sd in moat eases thei episcopal vat ts doubifl. To-day tuan i placed inthis categery who has, orcas to have, ceived trepular oF clandestine consecration; of, having been consecrated regularly and canonically, has been exe Communicated by. or other eut off om, the Chureh which consecrate! hima ad is not in communion with any historic metropolitcal Sce. ‘The main ground of objection Against fim i that, in spite of resounding elaine to the ontary, his epscofal stats i doubly and tha, ven if Ais ordes be Vaid the exeree of thers i not legitimate. Tn many ne huh er ich econ nro Ses SS i ee Sy aperkigan ten sar palaalgs cle drs cs sags pens poten aon, eget ec seen A et ine oe cay oe 8 eed sed ov a ig of cma an ae So ae ope pe ae eo ae I wimg! apn in pms ey wee colt epee pens dy re pee ema ine eat fan De ey cae als ct nee be peri oe oe Sete eee es ‘Semin thle es te el 2 beet, Ss Sas PES AS Seti tore . y abi tees se eat et a ot cea toed eyo of cobepl ware, oF ual toy gaged Pye te Solie Gren ae, teal eR ey ne ca Soe ee sig etn Pe erropverion 4 formed into unlimited power; the restrictions, to creative Echicyenent ve way fo aetual omnipotence" All this nay be conditioned by religious feng, eas, cinotions a aan Two eto be ang sn ke 4 thie that the psyehologial problems presented. by, the Tut ofthe moder sinopt gents may best be approached. {Tie condidon of fantay is common enough, But certain religious ‘terse or iene have i thew cscs, given (0 ir arange xm, {The kind or thng which may happen is thi; John Suid comes Info contact with an epic sega, Hic has certain Sock ambitions, and he has seen the moll tanding of the Sogy. "He theftoe flsters the bishop, tl him What he Sant to give his ie to the avice of God, and begins to Terre the Bishops Mase” ‘As soon ase has become ecient St the star the bishop maker him deacon, sod then, fren be has learned to ty Maas, ordains him priest John Sint bas bots made a rie city on the merits of be le to eay Mase withresronableeliceney; hei uneducated, Sind hie ack of caltoral equipment may even be such that Tends alifeniyy in componing ordinary earrspondence Hlaving bran made 2 priest he bouns to work more 0 he Vihops Hl stats by telling him that, ashe head ofan Tadependentehurchy he oat bea arebbop Bat fn achbishop must have rullragan,juradiction over whom juss the elim to arckiepiscpal tus John Smith and bie of hi fellow press are therefore “eleizd™ by a syed sycophants and consecrated. Aer the consecration the Conterator hs elected archbishop. ‘Thus matter continue Fee red nt fon Sie unre th he uperioe fd proclaims himell independent Whether he doc that ‘Sendy the pont that the Conseertor had some smateing St ent of education, and knew mater, for and itendon- ‘Join Soul's mind i a blank on such premise, chough he thy be ae fo ctr ago sd doce Fpl thecal pb te by ths sort of “The ceclelantical problems presented by tis srt of pro: cout se of po cay cakong and wie a he Spa Segant ane not ofthe hind of Job Sid and his conseratr, Jel a considerable numberof them are 90 that it not Mivays posible event decide upon the technical vabigiy at ei orders according. to Werte: theories of rane fnision. The problems presented by some ofthese bishops Sulcmerge store fallyas°we examine. cach ream. of «Poly of Cara 908) 4 -NPIICOPE_VAGANTES AND IKE ANGLICAN CHURCH fucein Carin pine, hover, ay be ean can a ae ame ee Sag te Ses he ie later ean ss ur Seong 2 Ban Meher ermeann a ‘Sithouk casting any Pott of reflection on the vagy f Old Sa Sean gyro ce ay Od aa ae ees te shel) ques ee ha we el a nat Pa 2 Simgb chews sae kala Gar we es nee ean ee tere oe spud shen fal res sai ot eg in ear Orders were valid, though there is grave doubt as to the CST tat the ee cat ae Tie pdeeak a ohaee eas wae eta Beart ire de ee ara hee ree ao ee nee a a a Sie ene SY Chest Bet Ber 2p voi i eel cy deieee fe te, ke dle hare earpiece sets Cate rite oi Sar RSD cel Gey we png a ce ee eae cre eae eee Se ety ore ea a creel a reed er Pont aunt ents Mae Fee bags SOLE EH en nnn spt Bras SH etameay of lea eek chee oneey Srl se al a ra Pherae ote od Seer Sone pe te aes sien et SES a ee Mate wa at ert, Pinal hoc oey here nda ee een a eras ernopucrion 5 prio ew epi peel BEM gad selon ony et pees pid enue Wa edna ar ae sper re are tpi ie ony ae Se hee lle eral et at Ba a ee a ae fale finden iy ihe io aioe sy i i 0 en prc Sarete eee eles ae ores en Geng ee Ne rd el ee emi, soe Ge Pope ec Ei ey reel Joey Fre ek nt eee Se tel lo ee eer ry cng BOPP tk ts its uae sat hs eat cen i Seis dete Sia eon ees fi reg er ra rateg ein nea © fe ba Renee a a ce more Does tn Se peed Bit Beene nredires ieee Oa cial cecpret eee Ce a oak Milo le eee ts Bee ee Somes, emia Share camo a ier Be Dio as red eee ‘VALIDITY AND REGULARITY In dealing with eri eagans one is faced. wilh thei him to fowess yld Ordess and in some istinces hey setae fe'wredee erdanet te support mccain fa Sic undp amare ies neceseny reat ge Sie coneleraibe tothe niaere at ay. : Berti, he Gathlic Ghar kits to their octal ake fe ees the Augusta andthe ened TL Aagusiian: they geerly mec ie West but has newer seed apace weer pat Rettig to ths ieoya thoy whos Bestraiy agente dec when aroma! or Sotae coc off fom the Chart scam the: pow of Sgt cae atid ieee, Gee The Fa seul ot cay my, “aes hope always ‘ut he would goon ty,“ Once posting dhe re hop aye poweking the oer a Pithop™® The Augustinian is compelled, therfore to go Serial te he poeer ate tortie, SesPGeotn andthe logins soe of tat power "Rl ive fn poner gm on" Tero Seas Beat slam end cmt pet on 19 Lg ca Tite dicaed arouse gon of the FETS tie ime sudty spe ono Saye fie Ghul Ta Sunt tealogy ee ete i these. ayione ae sa eatdeaa” ategthng die way ea the alia ee penis ef onlinaon, they int that * Te dao i se, Ausie,Cne inn Prem oa, Dias dae, mae Ce Rie Re Secs Weg ee as eee ae ee cetera an ae tar Srentts aaah ay Ak eee gos ee metus eee ae Se Se rrenerees ee eens Seseret eee acne ane meee Pens Baty oy pa VALIDITY AND REGULARETY 1 cefation spe Yl wien Ninh he copes aber ig ce tang Soe ‘but dha, Bor this ordination to be legitimate itis necewary Tai teh the hon end the scat ahead be na sale wae ee Sr Reaeaian view is gute dierent from th or theo Nt Oats We valid ey ola i oie Rel of Ce ay elo of Si. Spel?! yom tees of ty Bae i rere ee ae Pee ear gnteay ie Cpt: or tn Raptr Tegel Ondo poston Smt eaty pat ward Ease once a) Tas Orta bold upeen umble wo preonnce Pa restr ar aeenrag ‘Communion of the Orthodox Church, ie. in the sense of amnion of i Ort Cre ee iti, Se, are rane Sehedony epee and other Oder Sa sf eontsred by heterodox epeeopal pe ge tg ee emlahehene™ etme canbe Chart at wun Auge OU Gatabe ea ue tage Bre ae on come pe eee eater rons myern eho Gia thet eats Cadence ey haps eto the Cre ily Cate Church whit ey bbe part of the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church ‘All thaPthy te Goma it anes and hl Sigma spent he dal) anened betes use ee Chushey wey colaut reat hen se Boge a Gach Re Maen eae a ee are aio” be cena he seston fs cpap of te Coa ad ir iat {Reyes Shc te dept elt of bose Ce oe ee eal " GOxpat Orn y Se e aan, og bata as ata, Ss tee a eS ae et ll eg SL Spee ements meats mooie te Se oye oer og FEES, cae) 5 toe wl Fe tinjeat Lactate ite tie 8, Dt, Ebadi ee Me Gal 8 RPWOOPI VAGANTES AND THEE ANOLIGAN cHURCHE consecration, or af the ordering of pres and deacons, be fonsstent, oF identical, with their own, € ves free to atcepe those who have received them as bishoy priests and deacons, and as at thee discretion, ie, tbe To receive them as such or to reiterate their ordination oF (b) The apparent inconsistency, as Western theologians any prina age the ation af the Ortheton, i explained ‘he Sf Economy, se. the prineiple thatthe arch bing tanita, hein the daty of stewardship inher own household (o Tong as abe doct not transgres ier dogmatic tedtion 6 rere by Chree through Hs ‘Aponil n Holy Scopus preied bythe (uted genie iy Spay aed by Oe Gaal fd bythe pra ofthe Holy Spi trot he cena) She and indent bund exrce er sewardhip by Scoping or noening hetrslor societal mts Accordingly ashe judge her doing v0 to befor the advance tient fle Kinglort ef Ganitthod the good ef haman ‘ot, or the reves Tp Iter ory, wile xt quirement, which Thater, form and minster, andthe esoteric sigateance of {enone mcr h acetates cone Uomo a ondnton fa the Orthodox wiewpot ay Hesaieairenne ceonres caked puak tS end led sue gabe frie epee tf re ei ele ba bi ‘afored the ansratin othe Hap lo pened ‘rian, fa early fo pom te “(On this reapet 1 abou pnt oot that sin the case of cher Greek etki tert wich are’ srandate lan theological terme. popiainy ad exlatia, m eonision arcs om the uc ofthe erm validity’ cqulvae itor contents fo te term enn Tihatover conten be acl fo the tem validiy’ of Condens is copmologcal fnew ive the mind to the eich as t0’whether oF not the bop comtcrated oF tie rier ordninats be a true shop opis te seme thats has secled cara having eseeed which he has to pecgin tho weramental Sinton of habop. Bris pred And it thos that or many Angean the ings wal ss for all Roman Gale theologians ea Nessa ei vatioiry AND REWARITY ° sant penn ge ae fnaitr what hs here, how oF feom whom he reeived erate tin em Se wcities bral incr tat ae luce 9 tier arg Sec achat Reece tat End on being recsived into the communion of We Chures, ied wet ire Seeeaieee ene ‘rte Onan ee Sisco Pn aia ee oe tare maiming ee ee Heh iee nl hateraeoats Solos he accedes © Orbtoxys sn Gh ene nw Can he ol el pnb ae Grier acti swe nnd Sr ca ana tek meee i Gamera pi pete Anta a Be fea cute a os Sly cpa pea te Eat SRLS Sacra cae cara Te Ch of Hl thy on he of these theories, though in practice she inclines tothe Augustinian” Bishop fis ‘Wordsworth of Salisbury, peo- fably the greatet. Anglican authority on the subject, was jute clea that the Chuech of Englend was Augustaian ‘TOiog the word Sacrament in the broader sense given to ic by ancient theology, which, of course, includes under the {erm other eficgcious sign of sacred realities than thove of the 40 ret Sacrament of the Gvpel. we hold i he GarchoEagland gute a strongly thin ld i fay par of Christm, at the “Sacre of Ore! Feguifes laying-on of hands, with prayer suitable tthe fe conferred, and with & general iment of making 2 fy fe example, the Lambeth Conference in. the cottons aquired befreponiting intcenmsmunion ‘wi the Sesndianies Ghiniee ‘aman what the Church intends as Bishop, Pret, or Deacon, ‘We bold that ch an Ondinaon conned by Bishop sino hit miter ho her been hie o octane, ren ithe ta heres valid and cannot be retested without sactleg, and that ti impose to bind the power {conferred by Church comuress That suey up the fever corsa of ts onion sf Anglican divine a te Stes though ft may be noted that uch am interpretation not demand citer by the Preface tothe Ores o br thowe of te Article of Religion which west of the matter Horainaton Neblett why sey. The nnoneAugustinany if cared to its logical conclsion, would tenn efter that valid Orders do not exist a ll of would Tipit tbe panei ofthe fo one part only ote Catholic Guth "fie Augasinian theory on the ether hands if Sclycontaued, ents to divere the power of Onde fom the scan ofthe Ghurevs ict Gil the sangin OF the Church is necouny for the regular cece of the (power of Orde, sad the writer of S'rceat arise cent Be eve pte st Lnpareanttrath when hess that rages il ty ef suet mecary to pales We Should've inline, theron, fo say tant Onder which te wantonly iequat ayn fe, inva aod wort ‘ny other ednception must in the ead lend countenance 10 tn'aaurthy wha opposed to the very cacncr af ie Snlored HZ ofthe Hod Bt Cho. Consteaton or ond Sto whidh we perbrmed for’ dese of the pestny Bring coneatad of ordain, rather tan for the ake of the Ghuehs aes at best to tse the’ phrase of Tertalany ‘Nmerarine, lev incostantar.* “They cannot be. pre: sumed valid, af E he guetion ais, therefore ast the mas fut ge of isto be tcopiad towanch shea pet ar dere Crain by therm, who may wel ent the Church of Spgland, Any’ Raegand ke "rule ie ound to sppeat tccary in Vow of te dive of cuctmmianecs ChE itive beughe the suoossionsnt'being andthe difrencs * ins po 2 Pin eet ss soc 23078 and cosrabng esc" the ada’ af thee ete GER Tattle tedealeaece Spt Slee Unidis Wpiscoporum by H. Bryant Salmon ja They, August Pit pagar Mander uty ee eget ke acti teeta an Gate eae eee betes ee bare ee ihe ogee ona Sennett en ag iy a ious Gaekicn eat wah at Hye ch ee ec aanarienis nn Hea dete Sn ag Ges Hatake Brn en oe oie ls a Wada ai tend ied outer Secrets acta oe ee whi pobre Sag gn ma ral he hoes ‘Church should refuse to give them, Bars Giles Orascom Iie, to give a solemn undertaking never to, exercise tele irc ne eater Fh Wace Cie ea ee The mile a power of elspenation’ fom ie in exceptional eine fing out oy cu ee sore as Seated rath 0 esti ca PY pete Be Ri ‘THE MATHEW SUCCESSION Anworo Haanus Manus, the child of a mised marriage, tres originally prepared for tie Anglin rmiatry, but a, Jn'iOyi, ordaed priest fm the Roman, Cathole Church Aversa Reman Caliph pr ‘arious place, sce of unfortunate circumstances for whl Tre was not raponsible cauel him to leave the Roman Ghrurch; ater he snacriod. For a short period he acted g'an Angiban ‘curate at’ Holy ‘Tvinity Church Sloane Street, with te sanction of the Bihop of London, Dr. Fredeiice Temple Unfortnately. the incumbent tinder whom he worked, the Rev, Rober Eyton, was 2 man of [vey linmoral life, who shorly afterwards had to leave Eflend to avoid expomare and digrace.” Mathew resigned, ‘went to live in retirement in the country, wore lay vet Sad! pesoret "no iii finn. "in sgn he Spprofched the Archbshop of Canterbury, Dr. ‘Randall Pidvony, with the proposal that he showid be asniged Some trial change ta the Church ef England, bt afer tome correspondence the project wes abandoned. Tn December, soy, Mathew was approscisl by an ex- Roman pis called Richard O'allora, who torte him, thar thefe were 250 pris and congregations who wished {or the miuptratons of an Old Catholic bahop and that Mathew had been cloted to that office by them, Negot- ations were opened with the Seo of Utrecht, and Mathew sre ilorng the Archibthop of Canterbury of what was ing forward,” On April 8th, 2090, he was conserrated hop in St Gertrude’s Cathedral at Utsech, by Atchbshop Gul, assed. by the Old. Catholic Bahops of Hsarlem Ef can due, Deventer Spit) and Germany sistee Mbsthew returned to England immediately afer nent bol spay stneotone ane Ue ae see Ply Oren was ce find that the actual number of those willing 19 accept his buttons gus nite. Ther wnt fo bn ott REPS [nce rm Useet of hc tne sate ‘ue waritew svecesios 3 of affaig and added a request that he might be permitted to etre, The Dutch bishops exonerated him from personal ‘lame in the following letter: cast trot rd py Ol Geta at alge CSE ae Com soe Sri a ree er Si Ce co eee Expand ‘ince the year 1002. 2 a Em of, Bom, Suan, poner eran tes eres patti a ie calles seh eon ae EE Me es by an pret Dab pi edema wr nt he tt Dep epi cermeti maera tach BS ee ‘he one od eae Be Ua Sache eran a cnet oe i, Ne requae We with now to state that our conbdence in set Satis Sit eg et Gad We earnestly hope that his ministratiors will be abun dal ere eae peer og a cen of ea ala SY Tune By tae “There scent no reason to doubt the corrertnes ofthe view hete taken by the Duteh bishops thatthe Dain fr the state of alla attached to O'Halloran, and not to Mathew at this Stage. For the to years following his conseration Mathew Fete in fl cammanion with Used and with the Matus of a misionary bishop. "Ia October, 1909, he Was ‘oe ofthe aninants fa Ute at the constrain of Wie Sfaviavite Bshop Jean Marie Kowalatd by Arekbishop Gul © The Guan, Jane gry 908. 14 HPISCOPL VAGANTES AND THE ANGLICAN CHURCHE In September 19, Mathew atended te Olt Catholic ese nae” Maier, atended he OW, Chl Seer ars at Genre Se ae re era amas ee ee Seared atau rena ay seeee ek ee Hatice Mcatad of By, Sheet te lars Ted ce grea sue hese Np eases Se ced ty oeelny. ey Migr esl di bet eset, jong le, ate, Boson Leu ke gel ay aa EES ae Contre Os eabeliy tan Rupa SAR oe mcr SM aarch a ane a ee Lae, eee eee es aie tiny iccagh ay opener at and ee Scien Si CS Sie sls ome secre Bt cement doen py the Chd Cte sua Ome arenes eye pty te OM Cae Eeboe nee espn hy, te ee ere Ee Fiera ee an ae ct Cet cre near ee eee uae sn iin coe moe covery ofthese facts they broke off intercourse with him. Teer eae te oe a a geen pei of the Cur of Uist gh ates se a a tat Sderegea nlc bes deme pes sha afte ten dome eet br “Tt cai ite Gage of Bae a i ase Aree rae sath Me Pct te seo i) a eee ere eh emocer wenn ages Aenea nee ert, Rete Peace sees oe Bee totes ee as ieee ees oma aay at eee Seep Ee eens ete tet eee nha tlt ot Sabie eve nomes nanre nee Reames ff Van Tisch Beep af Haar" The Cuenan, "August, as ApS sue austin svoceaon 5 oo. se ht Mesh Met oa epee fe 1920 Lambeth Conference, as we have seen above, (p. 4) gee Lambe Cone aoe hee eee 8) ee a may pacealy 7 eee Mbon el vores Sez ten al sere rea eee cle a es ee eee eee ae ee near ak srceey ae at wo ely ee get sean el ear ee Hee freee oe re ee a Be mere elo er ae sped pnt hy tee og alee Have eee Mer tot Oa e Sears eee i ar re ton ohare Ti ceili an pe SEAT ne Rend 2 one elie He per ened be citer pa Sen ine oe he iese two men were Herbert gnats Beate and Acthr Tyee ee Ha le a Ahr sei a eb sel en rang (Oi Gutc ina une. ear ae pee aged etre wih repro Mas pend ee eee ee peace pomreate ed eerie Sh ig cprce e eet otal Epi beginner tei 5 Aone in: soy wy ona ‘erin hereon hel an sees ng cmt roccring Tpoeope ccmterstign ntl e escived Alatew' ofr, but ile ‘Sianecan bepisced upon the tates. 1G RPNCOPT VAGANTES AND "THEE ANGLICAN CHURCH Mathew's clergy then proceeded to elect four of their number and. to” press for their consecration. Mathew cceded other request, and consscrated Francis Bacon, Githbere “Francie Hinton, “Frederick Clement Christe Egerton and William “Edvaund. Seatt-Hall No reason scems to have been given at to” Why it was considered ecesary fo conscrate four men atone, but in the event al thes prelates departed ‘fom Uie Kite after a short time. "The next person to be conscerated was Prince de Landas Berghes et de Rach, who soon afterwards went 69 Amer ‘witcre he was snattumental in founding two stream cession 9 which we shal Iter refer. From Mathews oof th Rect of Buys rained, on Tetons. Willoughiyy was conscrated, only to be expel ‘whe his trae eharacter became kag. Te Apel 1910, Bernard Mary Willams was consecrated as Mathews per= ual condjutor with sight of succesion, "AL this time Fist ‘promised to conteerave no. more bishops, but in spite of thie he consecrated MePall Tater in the same ‘Wiliams claims that he represents the only legitimate continuation of Matiow's Rite. "This calm. jostiedy fiom his ova point of view, by documentary evidance and the Rt over whch he pres extremely anal hough Stand on 1 higher level than the majority of the Bodiss dealt ‘with in this book “The most widespread ofthe Mathew lines of suoeesion is that of the so-called Liberal Catholic Church.” ‘This body isa carious fthoot of the Theosophieal Society, and its formation on its preent Lines appears fo have been mainly due to 4 notorious colleague of Nis. Annie Herant call Leadbeater" "The succession comes through Willoughby, fad the whole movement was srongly condemaed st ie furlier stages by Mathew himself who isued a Pastoral ater om Mbp i the Thasopcal Sec) andi th Order 1 fer fer ascot of heise the ble of eon Pe gr nel gad ea ai tte utr ea tc I ace TS "Sots Sone bio Seta oar Phare Thi, ese Semi oe, Sa er EL eee Scour sea anata a, Seog vidoe once Stra aen ‘THE suaTHEW svooESSION ” of the Star of the Kat. The movement is not Christian in ny, td sense ofthe word, bat isa combination of ‘Pring Bihop othe ody ry Lagan and ia a ean amber of aa throught the ‘country, enya geen long cay ete eee iho ranches it Indi Ameriea Ansa the Due east Titi and on the Gna "the aa peng he Ane Rar nla Alt the movement wide, owetayno mamerealy frong anyone pose Ht im bt ie see oF ecing ave ous ma be epee 3 he saa oft Sd rine de Tatas a ha boo tated, is response for ces nro tein a een “Be Ouse Bet 01, be comer Wa fay Banc the, lon te owing day comotrated Care eny Gare ‘The non fore Unubc coecerston fe vry Obra thevhals dg appensto ere brn donor Megs coment rappel ihestennohavedeclgel ach cath cag toe the ony ae bad of OM Caos ote ces to have hada smal loving ef his consti Thayne dna heds dy oficneae ‘ons profi Out Gate pipe "had ica Surge in min wor al tthe Und Mae se Seba wer onthe pd Oath iis seed iis ‘union with the European Olé Gathotcs‘and were placed ede he unin of Mgr Jan Pants chy opine pica nitrite Ao ot rey De Guy wnt ue te a er Alb wh ha eon elit Soh, cfd eee Epcope he ing ing nSnuntn nh Cet Ege let tout Brother sect rin communion withthe! Mariavie Gc hl," Acro onan he cuoplian Sr x New aby” ane hesrely ‘meres shall cost of seven BRhopy one of whom i 10 "Py of tele his + Tegra Aen o ict ris hs in anor to an pol ar ge, Gee Rats A eae Gon cio eae ey eae Ege ae icine gate a Se te ‘Spe ee i be styled Archbishop, andthe others Bishops Ausiiary! Foctope de these! had isheadquarers at Augustine's Abbey Gos Cob, Connecticut, were the Prior yas the late Big Hon, Gi Gaonbary weblog" The Abbey Fassine removed so New York Girlie ongansaoni mach more widespread, and iS detmea th it has reprecatacves ia Frame, Size Hd el and Pl" the a fw yay irra timed‘ nunber” of ‘comerations and apparent unde? sycral new chuches "Nether he nor Brothers inecognted by Mgr BM, Willams Sneath son regrettable fearurs of Mathew’ esc pote ea the fag of he Onder of Caxorte Resign Wed “This cated to be « rival of Be, ty G, Leet ‘alr moverents but ws in fat unconnected wit By Seans of tus Orer Mathew offre ondintion and conte {Eran to such Anglican incumbents 8 might be dspse Seleptit Te mier of howe who actwalyascepie these Geis was probably very eal, a Ue fey wh dl accept the al esp the act de," Orie {os sili eu in shadowy underground way though ist cnn ih te as ath tn Mecnted by Avehbhop Willams. ‘This Arehbstop, in Ing ust Pastoral Letter, stated hie postion quite clearly in Tegan to the matters believe ito be Baty yell know, UikeT foe never been ia sympathy with the Order, and that 1 hays never onined ene of i members. L propose to ves ely Orders am the lnc ofthe Onder of Corprate Reanion, wile rtngniing that Taye a daty toward those brdained by my predeceutre =. = Themumbersadher- Sig to this Order are probably agw such as might be counted we fingers but the very exten of och people vas fatal qussioas sto Chek postion. Tes ecu (0 see ow ihe econ their position in tlaion tothe Chureh ROME dey epenly miter, nd whove revenues they do tlre ap cece aero ch fi gad ean pow come, an fs much to be ca way wal be Found of adequately dealing with the matter TEX that egitaton may ‘oe enacted forthe removal of crsont howe presence within the Anglican mins 10 Terand ther, dere 1 Thay ft Ci hi own 1 + Tt ae fe dave, Signor by Serna Sa sie dh Ren ee Gee ea Archbishop of ‘rim eavuew svecrason: 19 1 ‘Tam Marinw Succession Gnaano Gut, Archbishop of Utect on April st, 1908, Anxoup Hass Maras, who, on April 14th, 1916, cone stoated Beano Maxy Wis as his perpetual coadjtor wi ‘Tight of succession Peer 1 Aaron toans Mave, on be yo - scarab 7 pereees SES socom on Sqtnbe ‘1915, consecrated - . en Sake Eee oe Fa Sh, vate ‘consecrated Teer oredr Jon REE! who, on Ju” em 6 cog Was Laxman w Btn fe Auras Seine oes Mae ig ie iy a a i erase tg eet ries shea de ee cet ER ea Wika the Cadac Church" (Fe fiery ad Psp te BU Ronee ne aces Sie ay ay eae Gals Se ey Stee es nies {nlalble Authority ofthe Holy Seo Pome (ihid)." He har not yet SABE pee a ce ‘care when charged with tritns of geass asual perversion. Te ep guava oe ae eee Sacrede Mritin coe vases coed Egimnot tha ti fo cel Cease in aeyeeerene of he Hheophical Socty Ores of aie ng = Colne PA heoophie who boca fin Presiding Bip of the ‘Liberal cake’ Ge "Feom Watrweod gwar al Hope hr Ese ‘hscgoriy ind Tren onc it gy fet Mae Ene: cr fad been enpected wilh Moz Anmie wan? move. sentinels” Hs big book, he Swe he Sacremento ‘Tam Jownutern Joes Apniax Mazes’ as Auxiliary Bishop fr Aug, Wedgwood, om July 190, 3080, cme Invixo Steiorn Coren! as Bihop for the US.A. On ‘March pth, 1924, Leadbeater consecrated Frank: Watext Picors? as Iegionary Bishop for Great Briain and tecland, On May rh, 124, Leadbeater ‘Jor Ross Titousost as Sulfragan Bishop for New Zealand. “On june 20th, 1924, Leadbeater consecrated. ‘Jou Watxen® a8 Suffragan Bishop for Sous Africa. On. “August 4th, 1625, Leadbeater consecrated Groner Svownr Antnpate.® Leadbeater, on May 23rd, "926, consecrated eee Joun Mowwman Terrams? as Auxiliary Bishop for the “USA. On July 10th, 1920, Wedgwood consecrated Row Hier Beaxvirn as Suffagan Bishop for USA. ‘On October 17th, 1926, Leadbeater consecrated Ray Mansuatt, WARDstt’ also as Suffragan Bishop for U.S.A. Wedgwood on January 2oth, 19n8, consecrated Anriton Graaun Houvenizen as Auxiliary Bishop for France. ‘On April rth, 1928, Wedgwood consecrated Jouay Hurser Bows” as Ausliary Bishop for Holland, ‘On August 5th, 1928, Wedgwood consecrated 1 of the Liberal, Cathie Church om all ach sabes; it abound "Hy apuson snd taste eH os rina in or tine he Heal Scena Heat eed Pring “Ilthop ofthe Liberal Catholic Church in’ 7993, and. in 1034 S\io 12 ppsined Regonary Bip forthe Netherlands Indes and sn agig manly for Soba Hedet ee ‘Aschishop of a Prownce; Suflragars are equvelent to digeean {ies unin besa ach the mre Dos saan 1 Rie Ean pret, He was cletd Presiing Bishop in ‘ge aon he viele. ie ee Te 1 Pounder of the Onder of the Staci the Bm 2 Sty hope rain Ayneonas (ope tbe cana Kesar tobe de” World ‘Geen Whar eke nme Aone Arupale was pele Regie Bop for Ta in aid, he reigned im tape and became ellen ofthe Themophieal Suety, Hedi in os Hens Roun Cathe pret appoinied Saagan Bishop for USA op. "i! in’Siago and ded tn 190, Resigned ia 3058 Annigay Gran Vuttor a8 Regionary Bishop for the eletand Indias On Angus gh 196, tender foun Cont as Auxiliary Bishop for Burope and nipeaue Noein a a Aysary Bhp fay Boop im September 3th, 199s, Cooper consecrated CCauantns Haurros? a8 Actllary Bishop for USA. Lead- ‘beater, on May tath, 1938, consecrated Davio Morrow Twat as Rexionnry Bihop for Australia, Teh on February 24th, 934, ennsecrated wie Gara Aalty Sp by New Zest June age, 1935, Hampton consecrate owuy’ Waizen Sissies! ae Auailary Bishop for U. Tigoty on Aigast oth, 2996, connecated Bounavaeryea Joust a Sefiregan ‘Bho for Puerto HRkcor Ge, Anges aged ofthe same” year Pte Faoszaco Jost FantRas as Suffragan Bishop for Cuba, On ‘eptchber lh, yg, Veeede comers Fags hous Gnnakp Fouasurn a Sulragan Bishop for the Netieind es, Hampton, on Rebrary 7203, JJost"Thasa Aca at Suffagan Bishop for Cental ‘Ameria including Columbia. Pigot, on September agth, 1998, consecrated Faagcow Aston Bawwor as Ausdliary Bishop for the ‘Netherlands. On May 28th, 1999, Tweedie consecrated Lows any or Atty Bop fr Asal “Hampton, on July 20d, *039, consecrated Jone, eon Se a ea jary Bishop for U.S.A. ‘wetdie, on August 20th, 1939, conteera Sramunr Sraory Fismrs at Autry Behop for Australia, "There have been no consecratont since that of Fisher In‘1gor a Liberal Catholie pret, F- Be Peres, secured clandesine consecration from! Willoughby. He remsined 2st ofthe Eira Catholic Chie, og exes Epucopate, which he appears to ave. obtained soll Eis he petewea it wou give him greater power in is healing work, 2 Appeiniod Regina Bop fo ase Cental Faroe fn 195 4 Appoined Regirry Biop foc Wen Cemeat burp a 2 ii ry Heo th rene nox el ur Anxou Hanaus Marzve, on June 13th, 1910, consecrated Hisxsnxr Iowarws Beate! ‘Anruur Wittiaw Howat, Ww Annoto Hanus Maras, on January 7h, 1911, consecrated late nner Bacon who comet, on Decor "git, in Americ, ‘Taowa oaart Bavarg who, 1915, comserated Anmmox Winzoveney Hincnnn = v Anwoto Haun Manny on Janey 2,191, conseated Wetana donna Soren de rrntenr Peanee Serson? sh Seaonnck Cltuarr Chase Reraron * ea fat a an “Ol Caoe” min at Gee eee ea ta Ol ate min ot Gums eee Seng is oa eee tance ay yg He Ge eal at PURE TES nace, ache poi let a2 Gxt, nin lv ced gay te iy ice em at eg ed ae ge ee Ses ee Peat al fe aa Mears (iin Ae te eet Viton Cee eel eat a, a Ree ae ee See ay oe ‘but never exercised his Ordera. me nr Ras TTS San inate Ure ning Mais seat pre nea at flee Mae SRG ae ena, Wines eine ge a is Seales eb a Mame, te ae fe acu ce a A Sy Heacit ae iemebet ean Pe etichcaarcteoi er tp eats ante an Pepe ote of Ma thew's priests; he is said to have officiated SE TATE a es wep he i glee ocean Sa TS eras wan fon pt a open # rea te ay Sx cae eran pried “TAR MATHEW SUCOESSION 3 vr soma Hanes Maat, fly a3, 916, cost, {fiona Goren MEact! as Bah for dreland: MeFal, ‘on cue 8 98 conrad Hoe em eee aa vit Faspunick Sawer Witrovcuny, on November 5th, 1916, ‘consecrated Frapenick Jaums? Willoughby, on July oth, 1922, cone lanes Hanrwozosmy Baws! wha, in 1925, consecrated ts Fae Com of Ras Gi, USA Maya, ‘940, Banks consecrated an Anglican clergyman Swat Zines Paom Nesom who has now been re-conse- rated by Newnan of the Ferrte cceion Vu [Ansoun Hanais Maruzw consecrated, probably on August ‘send, 1917, pane se in. Belfast, but be appears to’ faction only in haga He ‘snot « od by the other Mathew bishops. vegas ace acrMr bt ‘Walaa he was conucratad tp punta te. Mathew Se eevee cee es NSeOiCANli, ec, wat niet oe ae Maik bo fod srigny sated Hi to de pond. He be place of worn Das Steely Kaughtbeidhe, kngwo as “The oe eps 235; She repo chat ati thes Ths shoul bt Sart iad epic vegenesunyYestehet et Weaed fae only ead ofthe Sanctuary ft believe a Goa and it edocs Rete te ree AR ores ta ama earn ie Sarnia ne Sota Seas ieaimacricta mavens ow ianae CSL a cm ered ewes webiste eer tm in art Webra ae eee Syeier ee achnes tateaeorar aes CESS vnee Ries ‘24, RPNCOPE VAGANTHS AND ‘EE ANGLIGAN cHURCM Wietsam Nort, Laxman and Jou Ansoun Canten:* 1x Aneenicare Successor Axxouo Hanus Marae, on J for work in Scotland Panvor be Lanna, Benones er ne. Racite,! who, however ‘went to America and, on October gr 1916, consecrated Wautran Hany Fnaness Brormmas, and othe day following Garam Hine Ganrora. In 1927 de Landas consecrated sav Micnaastie2.® agth, 1913, consecrated x Ganon, Hany Cantona, on May goth, 1921, consecrated connected with the Order of Carpernte Reunion founded by Mathew i ‘gala aerial of De FG. Lee scety os ps Og)” Thi Onder Uhicy ata to ee onuoatans owing othe atcha Mathews ‘he Reise wetten in hig own hand ed fn wich be tates tnt he has Devon nacomerratonn spare fom ‘hive spered tern I That copy othr afte above ames appear nd there rele to Salat pol that shee eros went rough any frm of eearceraton svistner" Furthermore, ey apeeopal eal war emowed aed pot is he pug f brng d a tat document beac Snes Mee Op agent ee geeks iced tis vue eae ee ae toad, a2“ T Old Roman Catholic Are oats rica" Fle died: ae dia elaine to bes Beto of Pcopty of de Ongessy of Naples nd Doctor of Theology af the Theclogial Univenity of Naples. fe now hie ot Area ain Old Catholie Chureh.* ty the Teo Bok oF ce ey 2 5 o Ea a 9 3 | sec REVERENDISSINLM DOMINUM, rarest “nue Naritew svocesioN 5 Roman W. Suoctssst! On Febrary 11th, 1924, Carfora ‘coniecrated Eowor Watack Huvrent as Regionary Bishop for the ‘ted Sats and Canada, ‘OH Seplember fists, Givforaconsterated Gnasest Acruonan Beanoneree as ‘Bihop of Portland’. Gay i fe Caos comccates Warsi Hthasioxo.® ‘On December £50, 1929, Carfora ‘consecrated ‘Hansa Punonatoe vas Tene! as Minionary Archbishop.” ‘On December 15th, 1929, Carfora conseerated Paweutey Guat. Deriws ti ‘Archbshop of Chicago. ‘On November ast, "930, Carfora consecrated Hiasny Pre Hii" wile on November 29th, 1931, Be consecrated Bast Darat’ at Archbishop of the “Ukranian Orthodox ‘Church’ which he had Rounded. On December 8th, 14a, Garfora consecrated Jon Recnaan Wasa? and ‘tows, ae, Ggce a sry deh, Cae, pan Somber or Sak ees ee tenets wore remo iene Sok ere ars acre hoe Sesh ein ee vile iat te ‘Gil and temporal" (Gimeral Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Nor See ol Rate ORT rita ot atin tie SOE ie Te omnes TES Se pai nk pe ap tt yo ere akan, He eame “Aion” 1m and cinta Ambo, ss, ea dt pe a id Eat Inge gute wi mont ant ey, He ves ca Seas Mager rt eee Ne “ie depen by Cara. He was hooey arpa, and ind hea i Cnet in tye be abandoned bi il a Crs exgantnton ae iter ens the Roman Church na er 1 2 Sere ast eat eed crac "Gere re Mig thas oe comply incre for yar * "Bain 1a97;, bi Ukranian following i now under the Baope of the Rumian-Aimrican Synod as net "New comply neve in the Caro onganetion ad solder in the Amen Atay. 26 MPNCORE VAGANTRS AND IEE ANGLICAN cHURCH Frascis Xavinx Reso? On April 16th, 1041, Casira ‘onsnatcd Rucigay Auton Mancatwat On Joly got 1942, Gatora conserated Fimegret Avorn Horst! In 194g Cafora founded the "Protuant Orthod: Waters Choc and om August isikef tha year contre as bop ott Fargo Lirrisn Puan On December Ob, 1945, ators concerted Auras Ronin Bawsre Hamas’ Tn 1944 Carfora cone iF, Ove f in New York City. A Jou E Grave for negro work in New York City. Also in nog Cairn conseroted : sion 1 Vinings ithasan sep, On As ‘toh, gj Canora cornea Pave AR. Nikasinwies and ‘FRANoIs Mazur’ On June r7th, 1945, Carfora con- Eau Anoutn Lawasxcs Jats tobe * Bishop of Toronto in November 1940, Garfors, conectated cushiss 6: Vast xt Canes Hinny Cantona, on June 12th, 1921; consecrated * Hle wat depend by the Caria bishops in 2042, and ae since outed Ws GRE PEM Ea SPR Sly as Wi Snags of aor Cis aehars he as on ep Glowing church "Ba Saber speed a leat ie by Carona ve Inigo he a ely we a ton of sue An Ohad Cees Ga py ela rene te nd ge ial gratin by ina inning yea ie hag recente ia Arto New PORE ’Sloen: al Spec. Fd Se agutne OB Rema Te Se hati thr dependents in Calis * Orally cried, act by uy tn 1915 1920 he seceived Anglican plea’? orders om the Bishop of London; later he Shipsed S GQLE sal Wetaae "Veer Coheal ote Libel LENE tee, He Rene ih Cars appro workings = Gg aero Beene Ohne pane Cail Poll cach Coad Fores ‘conection ine, acrlig oa Cathe ee ang tek fide coustuion’ (Anarten Nabel Calin Mayy ag4a)e 2 Sm ate Ga ict we Aled to serve ‘under Markdewiez, and such work as he has isin Chicago, ‘rum aru sveenssi0N 7 Swoon, Desi Basen! Tn January, 1ge7, Bett Gronc AvGUsTOS Newaank.* xIr a Hens Cnn op Mach come fsa eae gr 00 ee est On May ih, 1p Crummey consecrated al be sega Nt Be Minny By ett dak roi a foun ener + sexe tro ge ps ferecoecan Seer "Yar Boat of erin Charest have 197 arches snd 2400 member SES cispiSiomatin tsahaga at cane Bee emi is ng, Bona a ot lee ein opie iene ers rea eel Spee Saag tw pce ark ae oer stte ction tnarae aoe oem eee eae See eect coy nace, T+ Cromncy fad egal Univer Episcopal Communion? in r9g, whch was a movement intended offer ae ring order int seed cater ts eam ee Sires “Pelee See. ies ares Series nay oe Gace ‘which exited ay an epiopal counely the Univers Ghratian Com uno yu ited chet oy it Wh te over hse dt dicate hey cena Beagreacs Gitowas senehmerass Sab ave te tear a Oa ae Beetle ie tele Fanta aa ree Gee ecera! cea er oe oe See reek Serene Sees alate rats Spinto de eee ile as ict acon Commins rer Whe Ba Bi Sel wh Crammey trom 299¢ 10 194, when he reigned and etced from all ecclesiastical unctises, *” Seite Rc 28 RPHCOPE VAGANTES AND TEE ANGLICAN CHURCH XII Gaurona Suecnssion mx Mexico ‘Ganue Haxny Ganrona, on October 17th, 1925,conscrated ‘Sed "fonsum Danes + Buoax! a “Archbishop of Mexico dig ‘Avot bmsaoxo Lorts Siznnat ag Coaghutog ad {JoaE Macao Loraz! ss Bishop of Pueblo, Mex’. On ‘Decency auth, toag, Carforg consertel ‘aeteobe Makin’ a ep of San Anton, Texas’, On "Jone Sou toge, Castors consecrated Ami vox Moyne Hewon* and Vineneer Jost Livas.t Some tine before the end of gs Pe as copa Josh Rowanvo DavazacGancna* On Febraary 26th, 1953, Canora consersed : eases Jo Dp xa Vnon a ‘Bio of the Sta ivera Graz. On une ag, 1993, Carr com Jougine bana Onn as chnnute of te Meaean Old ‘Roman Catholic Church. xiv Wain Hear Feanors Broruens’ in June, 1938, com secrated +i en a hn dl iS SE ert UBS IPRSied Gigs tana feein-bom Mescancen, unable Rae” Fock tay in Mexico maved to San Antonio, Texas, Later seeieccion Sees abetted Shon Bt he ots othe date ete “a fothen had alceady formed a small oct when he was concrete alin peneketern wept oy ernst eke ae Sider ree asc nes ir Gare ‘ome aearmew succession: 29 “Awrosto Rooaiourz at Auxiliary Bishop for the Portuguese ‘On March shy igo, Brothers comecrated Aumut Eowano Sieet’ and on Maret agi of the same year ‘Ausonros Jutax as Regionary Bishop of Chicago. Bar in ged a Babop ofthe Syfian Cle Journ ‘Jrsxaxico, was received into Brother’ sect, and he sated Brothers to consecrate Wrmae Monsoon ‘Brown? as Ausilary Biop in suceesion to Bishop Stanplaus Mickiewicz. In" che ‘ego's Brothers contecrated AtonttD, Bete? Bell consecrated Evoan P. Vixosrex. xv Anizonp Martew Succession Tarovort Wirraant ‘Aun Havas Mare, on Jue th 1910s sd to have ‘Noah Ameren’ and “Orthodor Old Gath Church ia America) Ren a ovate ge ee Abb ‘Stibbhmen’s paitin ifound frhinwife ‘mays Ute andno srs the Protas pcp = rg, tad teen Bey, of Alene of te Prtant pore] {erlrceay- ie wana ne me connected witha wall body i Benen, {Colorad,ayed the Liberal Chore and The Rcty Moo Newt S'Gciebey ea, announced ate bad seeped rembortyi the annem being made by @ cerainDthop. Prank Hl. Ric ii eeere fa tee pape eel eit Cie ‘cowed fo be'n Chrttinn and for sme time nya himself the athet Sie Hale inte ey S2'Ea at eam nla oy of the Carr, Cy Feaeing ten comerated by Hbop Kreuzer ‘of Bonn. Tle wee itr anid by Sra {rbot te xn of thin cmc ob SgbEe ARE ANA comocien sppuc t'bs Gerke by ale ‘Rsthew top, wie his name bot ontained ine copy oft Hepes yey ie, lim 1 ne at Wenn oe Se Thang og cn of Father tae oe we ‘Saoecdon wh athe’ own moveeat” The Ene trom Cope Sip tat bet ie dn to ded rom Mathew on even fran ‘Wana, mun tain a matter of pate unl free vides 50 RPIOOPr VAGANTEE AND THK ANOLICAN cHORCIE Rate Wattruan® as ‘Bishop for Llanthony Abbey’, who, ‘on July 19th, 1040, igsaid to have consecrated Bao On Cota ihop ofthe Orr of anthony other's Cope, on Augurt and, 1942, consecrate Joos Yor: Barrys OnvJune tty 944 Cope cone Jom Sea shop of Lanny’ whoyon Jy 23794 Francis Enneat Lasowers,¢ otherwise known as ‘Francis, Pishop of Minter "ian ied ove mgd Gana, oy er Me the ate war. A printed ‘document whieh purports to be & Pastoral Sco ion Dae fe Op Leo Rash Gl Cai, dated fiom Gloyesser'oy Advent Sunday 14 tn ths document he cain ite tha he i the senior Old Cathaie Bop fo the United Kars Su aia icine All Bitop, Prieta exer Clery ta Ol Gale Bader are remindd of the ay f canonical obedience, snd frum nibs theses tomy jaca” "Tre ty howeveh ne ae Ee dcmcnt edeally, cremated on Winco 2, {des ere i'n evidence dat such 9 pena ay Whitan scaly "Tic lar, f cour, tha Gone lai 10 the epiprate cannot be in anyone crepe tal te eaytery regarding his comccrator B22 He plcwc a doeinen wich purport to be = eeaente ‘feenceftion Wat esas ndecpherale ae fel ere thing {fh iat tigen. Poomaly ent ef Wetaon Hero pret 1 Syria Ganghel tave bole seed oudial r-comtcration feom elliott Novenan of he Foret rneesson” Cepciricace

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