AOP Worksheet Animal Eye Facts
AOP Worksheet Animal Eye Facts
AOP Worksheet Animal Eye Facts
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1 How many eyes does a jumping 5 In an ostrich which is bigger – 9 Which animal has the largest
spider have? its eye or its brain? eyeball?
a) Two a) Its eye a) Elephant
b) Four b) Its brain b) Blue whale
c) Eight c) Neither, they are same size c) Giant squid
2 Which animal can look in two 6 How many eyes does an earthworm 10 What is the shape of a
different directions at the same time? have? horse’s pupil?
a) A camel a) None a) b)
b) A chameleon b) Two
c) A cat c) Six c)
How many eyelids does a tiger shark How long are a camel’s eyelashes?
3 7
have on each eye? a) 3 centimetres
2 Which animal can look in two different directions at the same time?
b) A chameleon
A chameleon can look in opposite directions at the same time! Each eye can move separately from the other
one, allowing the chameleon to observe two different objects at the same time without moving its head.