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AOP Worksheet Animal Eye Facts

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Animal eye facts


1 How many eyes does a jumping 5 In an ostrich which is bigger – 9 Which animal has the largest
spider have? its eye or its brain? eyeball?
a) Two a) Its eye a) Elephant
b) Four b) Its brain b) Blue whale
c) Eight c) Neither, they are same size c) Giant squid

2 Which animal can look in two 6 How many eyes does an earthworm 10 What is the shape of a
different directions at the same time? have? horse’s pupil?
a) A camel a) None a) b)
b) A chameleon b) Two
c) A cat c) Six c)

How many eyelids does a tiger shark How long are a camel’s eyelashes?
3 7
have on each eye? a) 3 centimetres

© Association of Optometrists, 2016

a) One b) 5 centimetres
b) Two c) 10 centimetres
c) Three
Which animal can sleep with
From how far away can an eagle one eye open?
spot a rabbit? a) Crocodile
a) 300 metres b) Fox
b) 3,200 metres c) Tiger
c) 5,100 metres
Animal eye facts
1 How many eyes does a jumping spider have?
c) Eight
Jumping spiders have eight eyes like most spiders, four on its face and four on the top of its head.
Although some spiders can only see the difference between light and shadow, jumping spiders are
believed to have excellent eyesight.

2 Which animal can look in two different directions at the same time?
b) A chameleon
A chameleon can look in opposite directions at the same time! Each eye can move separately from the other
one, allowing the chameleon to observe two different objects at the same time without moving its head.

3 How many eyelids does a tiger shark have on each eye?

c) Three
Tiger sharks have three eyelids on each eye. The upper and lower lids, which don’t fully close over the eye,

© Association of Optometrists, 2016

and a third inner lid which slides horizontally to protect the eyes, especially while biting prey and eating.
Other animals that also have a third eyelid include chickens and hares.

4 From how far away can an eagle spot a rabbit?

b) 3,200 metres
Eagles can spot a rabbit from over three kilometres away. Their eyes have special retinas that allow them
to see almost eight times better than humans and help them see small rodents from high above, thus the
expression ‘to have an eagle eye’!
Animal eye facts Answ
5 In an ostrich which is bigger – its eye or its brain?
a) Its eye
An ostrich’s eye is bigger (and weighs more) than its brain!

6 How many eyes does an earthworm have?

a) None
An earthworm has no eyes but hundreds of tiny cells which can detect light called eye spots. These eye
spots are around its head and tail, allowing the worm to sense light and dark.

7 How long are a camel’s eyelashes?

c) 10 centimetres
A camel’s eyelashes can be as long as 10 centimetres to protect its eyes from wind-blown sand in the desert.

8 Which animal can sleep with one eye open?

a) Crocodile
Crocodiles can sleep with one eye open, in fact, one half of their brain stays ‘awake’! Scientists believe this
helps them stay alert to threats (and prey) at all times, so watch out! Other animals that sleep with one eye
open include bottlenose dolphins and blackbirds.

Which animal has the largest eyeball?

© Association of Optometrists, 2016

c) Giant squid
The giant squid has the largest eyeball in the animal kingdom. On average it measures about
28 centimetres across, roughly the size of a football or a watermelon or your dinner plate!

What shape is a horse’s pupil?

a) (Horizontal ellipse)
Horses have horizontal slit pupils that allow them to see a very broad field of landscape, much like a
camera’s wide-angle lens. This is useful for spotting predators.

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