Countable and Uncountable Nouns

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Life Intermediate Unit 9a

Countable and uncountable nouns: Plural nouns

Countable nouns are words for things that you can Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable
count. They have both a singular and a plural form. You with different meanings:
can use them with a/an and numbers: Keep your luggage with you at all times. (= on all
one phone, two phones, an announcement, occasions)
two announcements. Quick, we haven’t got much time! (= the general concept
Uncountable nouns are words for things that you of time)
cannot count, e.g. music, liquid. They are singular. You I love Italian coffee. (= uncountable)
cannot use them with a/an or numbers. They have no Can I have three coffees, please? (= three cups of coffee)
plurals forms.
Can I have some cake? (= part of a cake)
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Can I have some cakes? (= a number of whole cakes)
an apple music / news You use some with uncountable nouns and plural
two apples a piece of music countable nouns: some music, some cups
some apples some music / news
Plural nouns
You usually form plural nouns by adding -s, -es or -ies:
When you want to measure uncountable nouns, or talk belt/belts, key/keys, watch/watches, family/families
about a specific quantity you can use an expression See page 233: Spelling rules
with a/an or a number and of: a cup of coffee, three
bottles of water, a bowl of salad, two tins of soup, a Some nouns have an irregular plural form:
packet of sugar. child/children, man/men
TIP Some nouns which are uncountable in English See page 233: Plural nouns
are often countable in other languages: luggage,
money, news, information, advice.
Say some information, a piece of luggage (don’t say some
informations, some luggages)

Practical Grammar 2 1 © National Geographic Learning

Intermediate Unit 9a
1 Add a/an to the countable nouns and some to the uncountable nouns.
a a
1 an apple 6 child 11   song
2 some orange juice 7 a family 12   a tooth
3 a box 8 a foot 13   some toothpaste
4 a bus 9 some music 14   a toy
5 some meat 10 somw snow 15   a watch
2 Write the plural form of the countable nouns in exercise 1.
1   apples  3    5    7       9  
2    4    6    8    10  
3 Complete the labels with the words in the box.
bread cheese pasta rice sugar toothpaste water wine

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 a bottle of wine 5 a spoonful of 7 8

2 a plate of 6 a glass of
3 a kilo of 7 a slice of
4 a piece of 8 a tube of
4 Correct the sentences. One sentence is correct.
1 I’d like some informations about the new 4 She let the sand run slowly between her
English course. fingers.
2 Excuse me, can I ask you for an advice? 5 Have you got any moneys I can borrow?
3 Quiet, please. I have one important news to 6 I’m sorry, I haven’t got a time to talk. I’m late
give you. for work.
5 Complete the sentences a) and b) with the pairs of words in the box.
glasses / glass  light / lights  paper / papers  room / rooms  time / times  cake / cakes

1 a  How many times a week do you go to the gym?

b  How much time have we got before the train arrives?
2 a  The Christmas lights look wonderful.
b  Can you open the curtains, please. We need some lght in here.
3 a  Is there enough room in your car for one more person?
b  It’s a big house. It’s got ten rooms .
4 a  Be careful where you put your feet. There’s some broken glass on the floor.
b  Can I have two glasses of water, please?
5 a  There’s no paper in the photocopier.
b  Have you seen the papers today? They’ve all got the same story on the front page.
6 a  I loved those cakes your mum made for the party. Can I have the recipe?
b Are you hungry? Would you like a sandwich or some cake .
Practical Grammar 2 2 © National Geographic Learning

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