Structure of Notochord
Structure of Notochord
Structure of Notochord
7. Cell membrane at the lateral margin of the plate is highly infolded into diverticula
approximately 0.2μ in diameter and 1.5μ in length
10. Along the dorsal and ventral surface of notochord there is a row of cells called
Muller’s cells which are different from the plates. They have no fibrils and they
possess a system of intra cellular canaliculi.
11. Within cytoplasm of these cells there are small vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum
and mitochondria.
Notogenesis is the development of the notochord by the epiblasts that make up the floor
of the amnion cavity (Human Embryology). The notochord arises from the bilaminar
embryonic disk.The notochord forms during gastrulation and soon after induces the
formation of the neural plate (neurulation), synchronizing the development of the neural
tube. On the ventral aspect of the neural groove an axial thickening of the endoderm
takes place. (In bi-pedal chordates, e.g. humans, this surface is properly referred to as the
anterior surface). This thickening appears as a furrow (the chordal furrow) the margins of
which anastomose (come into contact), and so convert it into a solid rod of polygonal-
shaped cells (the notochord) which is then separated from the endoderm.
The notochord is the defining feature of Chordates, and was present throughout life in
many of the earliest chordates. Although the stomochord of hemichordates was once
thought to be homologous, it is now viewed as a convergence. Pikaia appears to have a
proto-notochord, and notochords are present in several basal chordates such as
Haikouella, Haikouichthys, and Myllokunmingia, all from the Cambrian. The Ordovician
oceans included many diverse species of agnathan fish which possessed notochords,
either with attached bony elements or without, most notably the conodonts, placoderms
and ostracoderms. Even after the evolution of the vertebral column in chondrichthyes
and osteichthyes, these taxa remained common and are well represented in the fossils
record. Several species (see list below) have reverted to the primitive state, retaining the
notochord into adulthood, though the reasons for this are not well-understood.