Lets Talk About Animals

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Speaking and listening - Elementary

Let’s talk about Animals

Conversation cards

Do you have a pet? What’s your favourite How often do you go to

Tell something about it. animal? Why? the zoo?

Which animal are you Which animal do you find Which wild animal is the
most afraid of? Why? the cutest? Why? most dangerous? Why?

Should pets be sold in Should a dog sleep in the Have you ever seen an
malls? house or the garden? elephant? Where?
Why? What does it eat?

Some people hunt animals Have you ever visited a Name five wild animals
for fun. Do you like this? farm? Which animals did that live in Africa.
Why (not)? you see?

Where do crocodiles live? Have you ever ridden a Name five animals that
What do they eat? horse or another animal? live in the water.
Talk about it. Can you swim?

What’s the strangest Which pets are most What was your first pet
animal you have ever popular in your country? and how did you get it?

Tick the animals you know

anteater elephant peacock
bear fox pig
buffalo giraffe rat
camel hamster rhino
cat hippo skunk
cow horse snake
crocodile kangaroo tiger
deer koala whale
dog lion wolf
dolphin meerkat zebra

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