Facilatating Learner-Centered Teaching Exam
Facilatating Learner-Centered Teaching Exam
Facilatating Learner-Centered Teaching Exam
13. In creating their personal goals, learners are best assisted by their teachers when they
A. set time for dialogues with their teachers and administrators
B. are mandated to attend seminars, recollections and retreats
C. are dictated upon by both their parents and teachers because they are still young
Ⓓare guided to make their own, considering their experiences and aspirations in life
15. As Kenneth multiples a binomial term, he was initially confused. Suddenly, he remembers
the acronym FOIL (First Outer-Inner Last). What was in operation at that instance? B
a. declarative
b. procedural
c. conditional
d. contextual
Using new technologies in the classroom has more disadvantages than advantages, as
learners are overwhelmed.
A teacher who facilitates learning becomes the main source of knowledge in every lesson in
1. Believes that child’s cognitive development follows a well- defines sequence of stage
whereby they acquire structures and schemes that enable them to deal with the world.
a. Jean Piaget c. Erik Erikson
b. Sigmund Freud d. Laurence Kohlberg
2. A process of creating a new scheme after an individual’s interaction with the environment.
a. Equilibration c. Assimilation
b. Accommodation d. Maturation
3. In what level of Moral Development which judgments are based on the norms of expectations
of the group?
a. Post- conventional morality c. Theory of moral development
b. Pre- conventional morality d. Conventional morality
4. The theory where in association between a conditioned stimulus a response is strengthened
by repeated
presentation with the unconditional stimulus.
a. Connectionism theory c. Operant conditioning
b. Classical Conditioning d. Social Learning theory
5. Factors affect learning that made through the use of audio- visual aids, review, drills and
other means is
a. Motivation c. Reinforcement
b. Extinction d. Interest
6. Learning is strengthened if it results to satisfaction but weakened if it results to annoyance is
a. Law of Effect c. Law of Readiness
b. Law of Exercise d. all of the above
7. A theory which describes how the intellect develops and comes to know and understand the
a. Psychological Theory c. Psychoanalysis Theory
b. Theory of Moral Development d. Cognitive Theory
8. His theory focused on the problem of what people do with information to achieve generalized
in sights.
a. Kohler c. Kohlberg
b. Brunner d. Watson
9. How a child talks or gestures which have been learned from models he has been exposed to
is an example of.
a. Insight Learning c. Instrumental Conceptualism
b. Social Learning Theory d. Programmed Learning
10. It is an example of the Law of Effect.
a. constant repetition of reciting a poem c. reviewing a lessons
b. learning to read d. tendency to repeat and learn to interpret the
poem taught
11. Bryan has had difficulty getting the right solution to a problem in algebra. Suddenly he “saw”
how solve to
problem. Which of the following explains this situation?
a. Revelation b. Insight
c. Retention d. Memory
12. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the
theories of
a. Use of multimedia approaches b. Cognitive insight
c. Importance of the reinforcement d. Concept of readiness in learning
in the learning process
13. _____ reflects the teachers’ understanding of development as results of maturation and
A. Patience when dealing with the slower ones
B. Creativity with the classroom strategies or task
C. Fairness when giving grades or school marks
D. Cheerfulness and enthusiasm when discussing
14. ______ is Erikson’s, Piaget’s and Freud’s thought about play.
A. Contributes to the child’s mastery of his physical and social environment
B. Makes a child’s life so enjoyable that he will tend to hate school life late
C. Prepares a child for an excellent academic performance in formal schooling
D. Develops in the child highly competitive attitude because of the nature of play
15. A teacher attempting to develop a student’s metacognitive skills teaches the students to:
A. Recall past lesson C. Visualize
B. Formulate hypothesis D. Think about their thinking
16. A teacher maximizes the cognitive development of students by having an environment that
multisensory stimulation. In this situation, the teacher’s role is:
A. Molder of character C. Facilitator of learning
B. Dispenser of knowledge D. Evaluator of learning
17. According to Friedrich Froebel, education should awaken the child’s dormant potentials and
develop them in the best way possible. This showcases the teacher’s role as:
A. Molder of character
B. Dispenser of Knowledge
C. Facilitator of learning
18. In a Social studies class. Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks
student what they
would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based?
a. Bandura c. Kohberg
b. Piaget d. Bruner
19. Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when he and her family went to Enchanted Kingdom.
The mere sight
of a roller coaster gets her excited. Which theory explains Bernadette’s behavior?
a. Operant conditioning c. Attribution theory
b. Social learning theory d. Pavlovian conditioning
20. According to Freud, with which should one be concerned if he/she has to develop in the
students a correct sense of right and wrong?
I. Super-ego II. Ego III. Id
a. I and II c. I
b. II d. III
21. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive
a. reversion c. accommodation
b. assimilation d. conservation
22. Pavlov is famous for his work in:
a. contingent conditioning c. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning d. oppositional conditioning
23. The study of learning is most closely associated with which school of psychology?
a. psychoanalytic
b. humanist
c. social
d. behaviourist
24. If we reinforce the desired response every time it occurs we are using:
a. continuous reinforcement
b. incremental reinforcement
c. intermittent reinforcement
d. contingent reinforcement
25.Observational learning is also known as:
a. classical conditioning
b. operant conditioning
c. modelling
d. manipulation
26. Taking away a child’s toys after she has hit her brother (to stop her hitting him again!)
is an example of:
a. positive punishment
b. negative punishment
c. vindictive conditioning
d. observational learning
27. According to the behaviourist school, ________ plays no role in learning.
a. experience
b. nurture
c. nature
d. punishment
28. Thorndike developed the:
a. law of effort
b. law of energy
c. law of effusion
d. law of effect
29. Giving a student extra homework after they misbehave in class is an example of:
a. positive punishment
b. negative punishment
c. positive reinforcement
d. negative reinforcement
30. ________ schedules of reinforcement are based on number of responses while ________
schedules of reinforcement are based on elapsed time.
a. fixed, variable
b. variable, fixed
c. interval, ratio
d. ratio, interval
31. To train her puppy to roll over, Kim began by rewarding it for simply lying down. Later, she
only rewarded the puppy if it lay down AND turned to one side. Later still, the puppy only got a
reward if it lay down, turned, then rolled over. Kim was using:
a. classical conditioning
b. modelling
c. a fixed interval schedule
d. shaping
32. In classical conditioning, US stands for:
a. unintentional stimulus
b. unconditioned stimulus
c. unconnected stimulus
d. none of the above
33. In classical conditioning, UR and CR are:
a. opposite behaviours
b. the same behaviour
c. the result of extinction
d. the same stimulus
34. Which of the following phrases best sums up the law of effect:
a. think before you act
b. if you can’t beat them, join them
c. if it works, repeat it
d. measure twice, cut once
47. You are online one evening when an advert appears showing your favourite movie star
wearing a new brand of sunglasses. The advertiser hopes that your positive feelings
toward the movie star will make you want the sunglasses. In this situation, the
sunglasses would be the:
a. US (unconditioned stimulus)
b. UR
c. CS (Condition Stimulus)
d. CR
48. People who have a lot of dental problems often come to dislike even the smell of their
dentist’s office. The smell represents a(n):
a. US (unconditioned stimulus)
b. UR
c. CS
d. CR (conditioned response)
49. Taking away a person’s car after they have been caught speeding would be
an example of:
a. positive punishment
b. negative punishment
c. positive reinforcement
d. negative reinforcement
50. Research indicates that exposure to violent TV/video games:
a. has no impact of aggression
b. increases aggression
c. reduces aggression
d. promotes random acts of kindness
51.Animals are most likely to learn associations that promote:
a. survival
b. happiness
c. extinction
d. discrimination
52. The historical movement associated with the statement "The whole may exceed the sum of
its parts" is:
A. para psychology C.functional psychology.
B. behavioral psychology D. Gestalt psychology
53. While singing to you on your birthday, your friends leave off the very last word of the song
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear David, Happy Birthday
to..." Your tendency to mentally fill in the last word best reflects which of the following Gestalt
principles of organization
A. Continuity C. connectedness
B. proximity D. closure
54. According to the principle of similarity, objects that look similar are likely to be perceived as
A. belonging in the same group C. farther away than unique, dissimilar objects
B. constant in color and shape D. occluding retinal disparity
55. Our brain's tendency to look for the whole and fill in gaps in visual perception is called
A. similarity C. closure
B. proximity D. continuity
56. The Gestalt principle that explains the tendency to perceive objects that are close together
as belonging to a group is called
A. Context C. proximity
B. convergence D. similarity
57. Apart from its size, how big an object appears to us depends mostly on the object's
A. color C. motion
B. distance D. shape
5 principles of Perception by Gestalt
• Similarity
• Closure
• Proximity
• Continuity
1. Predisposition to learn
2. Structure of Knowledge
3. Modes of representation
4. Effective sequencing
1. Verbal
2. Intellectual skills
3. Cognitive strategies
4. Motor skills
5. Attitudes
1. Derivative subsumption
2. Correlative subsumption
3. Superordinate learning
4. Combinatorial learning
(1) expository
(2) narrative
(3) skimming
1. The 14 Learner-Centered psychological principles are divided along the following areas,
a. physical and psychomotor c. developmental and social
b. cognitive and metacognitive d. individual differences
2. Which of the following best describes an intentional learning environment?
a. The school is complete with modern-day facilities and equipment.
b. Learners are aware of their learning process and use tools to enhance this learning process.
c. The teachers are experts in their fields and had finished postgraduate studies.
d. Teachers use technology in lesson presentations and activities.
3. In creating their personal goals, learners are best assisted by their teachers when they
a. set time for dialogues with teachers and their administrators
b. are mandated to attend seminars, recollections, and retreats
c. are dictated upon by both their parents and teachers because they are still young
d. are guided to make their own, considering their experiences and aspirations in life
4. Which of the following is the very heart of constructivism?
a. New knowledge is created from old knowledge.
b. Social interaction creates meaningful learning experience.
c. Use of contrived experiences creates meaningful learning situations.
d. Group activities mean more active participation and engagement of everybody,
5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a strategic thinker?
a. does not easily give up even in difficult situations
b. uses knowledge in different ways to solve problems and address concerns and issues
c. uses experiments and trial-and-error methods to find the best solution to a problem
d. ask others for possible solutions to problems before thinking of his or her solution
6. A person’s inner drive to do something without necessarily being forces by someone is
a. encouragement c. emotional state
b. motivation d. effective domain
7. Which of the following is NOT an intrinsic motivation?
a. to make one’s parent happy c. to attain personal gratification
b. to avoid punishment d. to prepare for one’s future
8. Which of the following is NOT a part of the diversity of learners?
a. Multiple Intelligences c. learning Styles
b. Differentiated Instruction d. Dale’s Cone of Experience