B. Mahesh Babu, L. Ravi Srinivas T. Karunakar A. Amarendra Duvvuru Sreenadh Reddy M. Ramu J.N.V.R.Swarup Kumar S. S. Tulasi Ram Regular Paper

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B. Mahesh Babu1,* J.

Electrical Systems 19-1 (2023): 1-12

L. Ravi Srinivas2
Regular paper
T. Karunakar3
A. Amarendra4
Duvvuru Sreenadh Power Quality Improvement
Reddy5 based on VSHDE Algorithm
M. Ramu6 Incorporating Shunt Active
J.N.V.R.Swarup Power Filter
S. S. Tulasi Ram8
The usage of the word Power quality in recent times acquired intensified interest due to the
complex industrial processes. The usage of intelligent tools to improve power quality is
increasing day by day, as assumption of present day power system as a linear model is
unsatisfactory. This paper deals with analysis of Differential Evolution (DE), Hybrid
Differential Evolution (HDE) and Variable Scaling Hybrid Differential Evolution for harmonic
reduction in the source current with optimal tuning of PI controller gain values. Shunt Active
power Filter is one of the better solution to suppress the source current harmonics which are
induced into power system because of nonlinear loads. Current controller called HBCC is
considered for gating operation of switches in Voltage Source Inverter. The Intelligent tuned
PQ theory is used for reference current generation. The then obtained compensating currents
are injected at point of common coupling for current disturbance mitigation. Simulations of
MATLAB/SIMULINK environment of the present work shows the efficacy.

Keywords: Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF), Intelligent Instantaneous Active and Reactive Power
(IPQ) Theory, Hysteresis band current controller (HBCC), Variable Scaling Hybrid Differential
Evolution (VSHDE) and Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Power Quality (PQ).

1. Introduction
The widespread use of switching equipment in domestic and industrial purpose is very
much noticeable. This electronic equipment, driving energy transit equipment is the major
source of voltage and current variations which might lead the power quality issues like
harmonics and sags/swells in the power utility systems. The presence of these PQ issues
may diminish and cause low power factor, flicker voltage distortion and electromagnetic
interference etc. Such adverse effects are usually addressed by power engineers and
researchers [1], [2]. If these PQ not addressed at right time then these may often make
system to malfunction and finally tend to complete power system shutdown.
The power quality issues under current variations are first discussed by L. Gyugyi [1] in
1970’s. The current variation issue can be addressed using power quality analyzers and
synthesizers, i.e. shunt active power filters. H. Akagi [2] is other prominent researcher who
stressed active filters dealing power quality variations and their measurement in processed
control and power utility systems. With the advent of flexible AC transmission devices in
the transmission line, which reduces the operational cost without increasing the installation
cost the power engineers and researchers are also looking for such transit solutions to take
care of the system in distributed side. These are usually called as custom power devices
(CPDs). One such cost effective solution to reduce current variations is shunt active power

*Corresponding author: 1Dr. B. Mahesh Babu, Department of EEE, SRGEC, JNTUK, bannu219@gmail.com.
Department of EEE, SRGEC, JNTUK, India; 3Department of EEE, KITS, Coimbatore, India;
Department of EEE, CVR college of Engineering, Hyderabad, India; 6,7Gitam University, Vizaq, India
Department of EEE, G.Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science, Telangana, India

Copyright © JES 2023 on-line : journal/esrgroups.org/jes

Mahesh Babu B et al: Power Quality Improvement based on VSHDE Algorithm Incorporating
Shunt Active Power Filter

filter. The researchers have looked into various factors of topological structures, sizing
factors, optimal placement and control factors of SAPF. These have left few gaps like
inappropriate compensation, switching related problems in this direction of work. Hence
researchers focused on better filter architecture to sort of this problem.
The performance of the system is measured and standardized universally by different
international bodies like IEEE, IEC which have set the limits for various power quality
issues and events [3].
As conventional low power and medium power SAPF is not fit to resolve present day
power quality problems regarding effective compensation [4] and appropriate switching.
Hence, engineers looked into MLI based architecture [5] instead of concentrating on control
and placement issues, which sorted out compensation related issues. The present paper
focus on the further enhancement capabilities of such developed cascaded MLI based SAPF
(MLISAPF). The reference current generation and respective switching mechanism is
discussed by PQ theory and Hysteresis Band Current Controller (HBCC) [6]. The control
strategy is optimized with Particle swarm Optimization [7]-[9] which is good in search
space problems. The self-tuned PSO called APSO is proposed and applied for enhancement
of the concerned issues further. The control variables are gains of the PI controller which
makes the conventional PQ theory evolved as Intelligent Computing active and reactive
power (ICPQ) theory. Using this technique, the current variations aspect of the system can
be improved. In MATLAB/SIMULINK, dynamic simulations are conducted to compare the
results with those from other cases (other artificial intelligence techniques). The MLISAPF
working phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 1.

Fig.1: Working illustration of Shunt Active Power Filter.

The APF's developed by Akagi, are good enough to ease harmonics in the utility system
with improvised mechanism [2],[5].
The PI controller in the control strategy addresses harmonic content mitigation. The PI
controller needs the calculation of proportional and integral gain values. Usually for power
systems with linear loads, methods like Ziegler–Nichols, Cohen-Coon help in findig the KP
and KI values emphirically. These methods of linear control do not work for system with
nonlinear loads.
Presently, inteliigent and optimal tuning algorithms such as Evolutionary
Programming (EP) [10], Genetic Algorithm (GA) [10], Particle Swarm optimization (PSO),
Simulated Annealing (SA), Differential Evolution (DE) [11]-[13], Expert Systems, Tabu

J. Electrical Systems 19-1 (2023): 1-12

Search (TS) [14] Algorithm, were developed to solve the dynamic electric system problems
with enhanced optimal tuning FACTS devices.
Later, Storn and Price [11] introduced another evolutionary computing based
algorithm called DE to solve engineering electric system problems. M.Basu [15] applied
DE to solve PQ issues incorporating FACTS devices. In later recent years, some hybrid
algorithms with extended features have been developed to enchance and explore search
efficiency. Thus developed HDE Algorithm [16], [17] sorted out large capacitor placement
problem in utility system. The research in this direction is promising and encouraging as far
as with obtained results.
This paper employs an improved Hybrid algorithm called Variable Scaling Hyrid
differential Evolution (PSODE) algorithm [18], [19] to solve the power quality issues
discussed. This algorithm is the hybridization and modification done to DE algorithm. The
SAPF as a FACTS device which is incorparated to adress the power issues. A SAPF
connected to utility power system mitigates the concerned power quality disturbance. The
harmonic disturbances, which are introduced into the system, are eased with the help of
SAPF by injecting reverse harmonic currents into the power system. The PQ theory is used
for reference currents and voltage generation. These reference currents and voltages are
utilized for generation of gating pulses by the Hystersis Band Current Controller. The PI
controller in PQ theory with intelligent and optimal tuning take care of harmonic
mitigation. The optimal tuning of PI controller gains is done with the proposed VSHDE
optimization technique. Later is compared with conventional PI controller [20]. The active
filter is further planned to enhanced with photovoltaic’s as discussed in [21]. The single
objective optimization is planned to enhanced as multi objective optimization as discussed
in [22].
2. Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF)
A sample case study with 3-ϕ, 415V, 50Hz supply is constructed to discuss the complicated
process control system with nonlinear load. The SAPF intended to ease current disturbances
needs the discussion of the following design parameters:
2.1. Specifications of SAPF

A 3-Ø three leg six pulse shunt active filter with line to line voltage of 415V is considered.
The DC bus Synchronizing voltage and its capacitor capacitance calculation is made as

2.1.1. Synchronizing DC Bus Capacitance

The capacitance (Cdc) is calculated with:

1 2 2 (1)
c [(
dc v dc
) − (v dc1 )] = 3V (aI )t
Where, Vdc and Vdc1 are the reference and minimum level of dc bus voltages
respectively, 'a' loading factor set as 1.2, V and I are phase voltage and current respectively
and t is recovery time of dc bus [5].
2.1.2. Synchronizing DC Bus Capacitor Voltage

Upon the measurement of three phase voltages (VLL) and with specified modulation index
m the dc bus voltage can be obtained as follows [5]:

Mahesh Babu B et al: Power Quality Improvement based on VSHDE Algorithm Incorporating
Shunt Active Power Filter

2 2 vLL (2)
v dc
3 m

2.2. PQ Theory

The PQ theory is explained clearly with the help of the Fig. 2. PQ theory deals with
conversion of three phase (a, b, c) voltages and currents to two-phase (α, β, 0) using the
direct conversion and once again the inverse phenomenon backed with a filter [2-5]. The
Butterworth filter extract the fundamental component that are required for reference current
or voltage generation. The source voltages and load currents are sensed and from which the
required reference currents are developed. The illustration, development and design is
clearly shown with expressions in Fig. 2.
The active and reactive power components are illustrated as follows:

Fig.2. PQ Theory for Reference Current Generation.

− −
Where p,q : Fundamental active and reactive power components.
~ ~
p , q : AC equivalent values of active and reactive power components.
& instantaneous and fundamental components of currents.
iα i β

ia*, ib* and ic*: reference currents of three phases.

The PI controller gain values are obtained by the proposed VSHDE optimization technique
and thus the PQ theory can be called as Intelligent PQ (IPQ) theory.

J. Electrical Systems 19-1 (2023): 1-12

2.3. HBCC [2],[3],[5]

The reference currents (iabc*) and the actual injection harmonic currents (iabc) are
sensed first, the error between these are supplied to HBCC which intern generates the gate
pulses required by the VSC. The HBCC of the proposed work is as follows:

Fig.3. HBCC controlling switches of VSI.

The outputs of HBCC (S1-6) are the gating signals to the six switches of VSC, which is
shown in Fig. 3.
3. Proposed Variable Scaling Hybrid Differential Evolution (VSHDE) For SAPF
[18], [19]
DE has the limitation of premature convergence [16], [17]. The improved HDE with
migration operation overcomes this limitation of HDE. But, HDE has problem of fixed
scaling factor (F) [18], [19]. The proposed VSHDE algorithm is an improvement made for
HDE algorithm.
The concept of the VSHDE is to use the 1/5 success rule for the variable scaling factor. The
updating scaling factor following the above rule is as follows [18], [19] :

 c d × F t , if ρ St < 1 / 5
t +1  (3)
F =  c j × F t , if ρ St > 1 / 5
F t , if ρ St = 1 / 5

where ρ St is the regularity of winning mutations measured.
Whenever the scale factor is too small then it is reset to find the improved result in the
elucidation process.
The flow chart representation of VSHDE algorithm is as shown in Fig. 4.
4. Problem definition
The minimization objective function is defined as follow:
F = THD of Source Current (4)
subjected to gains of PI controller.
The PI controller mathematical model is given as :

Mahesh Babu B et al: Power Quality Improvement based on VSHDE Algorithm Incorporating
Shunt Active Power Filter

(s) = I
+ k (5)
G C k s p

The gains KP and KI of PI controller are tuned by the VSHDE algorithm as shown in Fig. 5.


Read system data

Initialize control variables and fitness values

Call the Simulink model into the evaluation process

Run the process and appraise the fitness value of each


Selection of next generation by judgment and choice operations

Locate offspring by applying mutation and crossover operations


Apply migration operation if necessary

Apply variable scaling

Terminating Criteria Satisfied?


Fig.4. Flowchart of VSHDE algorithm.

Fig. 5.PI -VSHDE Control System.

The PI controller output u(t) is given by:

J. Electrical Systems 19-1 (2023): 1-12

u (t ) = k p
e (t ) + k ∫ e ( t ) dt

5. Simulation Results
The power quality issue particularly concentrated in this paper are source current
harmonics. The current harmonics are mainly caused due to nonlinear loads. The nonlinear
load phenomenon is implemented with the help of power electronic converter (diode bridge
rectifier) with RL load. The MATLAB/Simulink representation of SAPF for PQ
enhancement is shown in Fig. 6.

Table 1 System parameters for simulation

Parameters Values
Supply voltage /frequency 415V/50Hz
Smoothing inductor(Rs, Ls) 1Ω , 0.1mH
Diode rectifier 6-diode
Load resistor(RL), Load inductor(LL) 50Ω, 40mH
Interface inductor(RcLc) 1 Ω ,1mH
DC side capacitance(Cdc) 1800µF
Reference voltage( Vdc,ref) 880V
Voltage source inverter 6 IGBTs

The compensating current generated by the IPQ theory is shown in Fig. 7(b). The graphical
illustration of reduction of harmonics in the system is shown in the Fig.7(c).

Fig. 7. The simulation results with VSHDE Algorithm showing a) source current with
harmonics before compensation. b) SAPF reverse injection compensating currents. c)
source current after compensation.

Mahesh Babu B et al: Power Quality Improvement based on VSHDE Algorithm Incorporating
Shunt Active Power Filter

The SAPF helps to supply by injecting the required compensating currents into the line and
make source current sinusoidal. The compensating currents and the resultant source
currents are shown in Fig. 7.
This section compares the THD of source current with SAPF for different algorithms. The
SAPF controlled and optimized by DE based PI controller, HDE based PI controller and
VSHDE based PI controller are evaluated and later employed for comparison.
The DE, HDE, VSHDE Algorithms based PI controller was tested and implemented to ease
the THD in source current. The fitness convergenceis subjected with Kp and Ki values of
PI controller. The population size is taken as 10. The optimized control parameters and
corresponding fitness values are give in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 respectively. The
fitness value of THD is reduced to 1.32% with DE, further to 1.31% with HDE and 1.30%
with VSHDE (The value after 10 runs each) subjecting Kp and Ki ranging between 0 to 200
(By Expert system) varying CR and F in case of DE and HDE whereas varying CR and
randomly choosing F in case of VSHDE . Where CR and F are crossover and mutation
coefficients of proposed algorithms. The optimization is run for 100 iterations. The
corresponding fitness convergence graphs with DE algorithm are shown in Fig. 8, HDE
algorithm are shown in Fig. 9 and VSHDE algorithm are shown in Fig. 10 respectively. The
suitable crossover rate (CR) for better optimization is 0.9 and Mutation constant (F) is
varying between 0.5< F<1 which is evaluated by experimentation validation.

Fig. 6.MATLAB/Simulink representation For power quality enhancement.

Table.2 Control parameter convergence of source current THD in SAPF with DE

1 0.9 0.5 62.255 102.45 1.77
2 0.9 0.6 49.942 98.808 1.79
3 0.9 0.7 62.219 200 1.70
4 0.9 0.8 5.2322 199.98 1.34
5 0.9 0.9 5.2627 200.00 1.32
6 0.9 1.0 12.698 200.00 1.56

J. Electrical Systems 19-1 (2023): 1-12

Table.3 Control parameter convergence of source current THD in SAPF with HDE
1 0.9 0.5 4.7006 200.00 1.34
2 0.9 0.6 2.3027 199.54 1.31
3 0.9 0.7 6.6474 195.99 1.32
4 0.9 0.8 3.4427 199.83 1.32
5 0.9 0.9 6.6372 196.11 1.32
6 0.9 1.0 12.6987 182.67 1.49

Table.4 Control parameter convergence of source current THD in SAPF with VSHDE
1 0.4 4.1273 200.00 1.33
2 0.5 3.4345 200.00 1.33
3 0.6 4.9362 199.98 1.31
4 0.7 6.0917 200.00 1.33
5 0.8 5.4126 195.08 1.36
6 0.9 4.569 199.99 1.30
7 1.0 3.5518 200.00 1.30

Fig. 8.Convergence of fitness (source current THD) with DE Algorithm making CR=0.9
constant and F variable.

Mahesh Babu B et al: Power Quality Improvement based on VSHDE Algorithm Incorporating
Shunt Active Power Filter

Fig.9. Convergence of fitness (source current THD) with HDE Algorithm making CR=0.9
constant and F variable.

Fig.10. Convergence of fitness (source current THD) with VSHDE Algorithm making with
CR Variable and F randomly chosen by the algorithm.

The main concentration is kept on how the hybridized algorithm of VSHDE effectively
works overcoming the limitations of DE and HDE. Table. 6 illustrates the comparative
convergence of DE, HDE and VSHDE algorithms. The comparative convergence of the
DE, HDE and VSHDE algorithm for best result of the 10 test runs performed is shown in
Table 5 Control parameter convergence of source current THD with Different Algorithms
Algorithm Best Average Variation
DE 1.32 1.52 0.20
HDE 1.31 1.42 0.11
VSHDE 1.30 1.33 0.03

J. Electrical Systems 19-1 (2023): 1-12

Fig. 11.Comparison of Convergence of fitness (source current THD) with DE, HDE,
VSHDE Algorithms.

Table 6 proves the superiority of VSHDE algorithm over other methods in

reducing the THD value. Though the methods in Table 6 also got THD values less than 5 %
as prescribed by IEEE standards [3], it is always desirable to reduce THD as much as
possible. This minimizes the heating of various equipment and mechanical stress on
bearings and shafts of motors. This reduction in THD is achieved with optimizing the PI
parameters and without any additional device or cost.

Table 6 The comparison of source current THD with other methods

Type of Controller/ Algorithm THD(%)

PI Controller [20] 3.84
DE Based PI 1.32
HDE Based PI 1.31
VSHDE Based PI 1.30

6. Conclusion

The performance analysis of SAPF based on DE, HDE and VSHDE techniques is
presented and compared in the present work. The Comparative analysis of DE, HDE and
VSHDE techniques shows the superiority of VSHDE over others. The limitations of DE
and HDE are overcome in VSHDE. The rate of convergence and searching process is better
in VSHDE when compared with DE and HDE. The stability of dc bus voltage maintaining
constant voltage equal to the reference voltage is phenomenal. The efficacy of the proposed
algorithm is shown with MATLAB simulation results.

Mahesh Babu B et al: Power Quality Improvement based on VSHDE Algorithm Incorporating
Shunt Active Power Filter

Authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Sheshadrirao Gudlavalleru Engineering
college, Gitam University and JNTU Kakinada for their software, technical knowledge
transfer and support.


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