5 Gases

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Principle of Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 1102 LAB)

Department of Chemistry

Abstract: There is a variety of gases in this universe, but despite being variable and different from one
another, they all obey the gas laws. The gas laws consist of three primary laws: Boyle’s law, which
explains the volume-pressure inverse relationship; Charles’ law, which explains the volume-temperature
direct relationship; and Avogadro’s law, which explains the amount-volume direct relationship. The vapor
pressure affects the boiling point of a liquid; when the pressure decreases, boiling point also decreases.
The diffusion of gases, on the other hand, varies from gases to gases. The molecular mass of a gas can be
determined from the ideal gas equation.

Keywords: Avogadro’s law, Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, diffusion, ideal gas

Introduction (Bagley, 2016).

Gases are the third state of matter that has no fixed volume ∝temperature
shape and no fixed volume. They have low density, with a
great deal of empty space between particles that have a lot Through this relationship, equation relating the two
of kinetic energy (Bagley, 2016). The kinetic molecular was formed (“Gas Laws: Overview”, 2019):
theory of gases is a model that explains the behavior of the V1 = V2
motion of particles that makes up a gas. This model explains T1 T2
that atoms and molecules of a gas continually move in Avogadro’s law states that number of particles and
random motion and direction, colliding with each other, as volume have a direct relationship. When the number of
well as on the sides of the container where it is (Jones, particles increased, the volume also increased
2019). Shahbaz and Cooley (2019) discussed the five (“Relationships among Pressure, Temperature, Volume, and
assumptions to apply the KMT of gases, which are: Amount”, 2015).
1. Gases are made up of particles that has no defined
volume but has defined mass. The volume of the gas
volume ∝number of particles
particles is so small compared to the distance between
them. Boyle’s, Charles’, and Avogadro’s law were
2. Gas particles don’t undergo intermolecular forces of combined to form an equation to describe an ideal gas.
attractions. PV =nRT
3. Gas particles are in continuous random motion.
4. Collisions between gas particles are elastic. There is Where P is the absolute pressure, V is the volume, n
no net loss or gain on their kinetic energy when they is the amount, T is the absolute temperature, and R is the
collide. ideal gas constant (“Gas Laws: Overview”, 2019).
5. The average kinetic energy of all gases is the same at Because temperature and pressure differ in different
a given temperature, no matter what the gas is. The places, there is a standard reference point, called standard
kinetic energy is directly proportional to the absolute temperature and pressure, that is used in calculations and
temperature. equations (Bagley, 2016). The standard temperature is 0 °C
From these assumptions, the gas laws that relates or 273.15 K, and the standard pressure is 1 atm (Bagley,
pressure, volume, temperature, ideal gas constant, and 2016).
number of molecules is derived. The density of a gas can also be solved through this
Boyle’s law states that volume and pressure have an equation.
inverse relationship; that is, when the volume increases, the m PM
pressure decreases, when temperature stays constant Density= =
(Bagley, 2016).
The molecular mass can also be obtained.
volume ∝ mRT
pressure Molecular mass=
This relationship results to the equation (“Gas Laws: PV
Overview”, 2019): Diffusion is the movement of matter from a region of
P1V1 = P2V2 high concentration to a region of lower concentration
(Falconer, Battaglia, & Carpi, 2015). It is a spontaneous
process that is a result of the random motions between
Charles’ law states that volume and temperature have particles (Zapanta, n.d.). However, there are many factors
a direct relationship; that is, when volume increases, affecting diffusion. “Temperature, the size of the molecules
temperature also increases, when pressure stays constant
Principle of Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 1102 LAB)
Department of Chemistry

involved, the distance molecules need to travel, the barriers pressure reading from PAGASA was determined and
they may encounter along the way, and other factors all converted into atm. During the experiment, the lighter was
influence the rate at which diffusion takes place” (Falconer weighed. A 50 mL graduated cylinder was filled water,
et al., 2015). inverted, and placed inside a 1 L beaker half-filled with
water. The lighter was then submerged under the inverted
Materials and Methods cylinder and its gas was released. After displacing the
1. Samples and Reagents largest volume possible, the lighter was removed from the
Reagents used for this experiment are concentrated water, wiped, and dried for 10 minutes. The cylinder was
hydrochloric acid and concentrated ammonia. Plastic tape moved so the water level inside and outside are the same,
and wrap, a lighter, 2 syringes, cotton balls, tissue paper, ice then the volume of the gas was read from the cylinder. After
cubes, small sized balloons, and an air pump were brought the lighter dried, it was weighed again. The difference from
by the experimenters for the succession of the experiment. the previously recorded mass was recorded. The
temperature of the water was also measured and from the
2. Determining Volume-Pressure Relationship table given, the vapor pressure was also determined. The
A syringe was half-filled with air and blocked by a difference of the vapor pressure and the atmospheric
finger. The nozzle was then pushed forcefully, not letting pressure gathered from PAGASA is the pressure exerted by
any gas escape. The volume was observed. With the same the gas. Using the values gathered, the molecular weight of
syringe, a finger was put again at the nozzle then the the gas was computed.
plunger was pulled to maximum. The relationship of the
volume and pressure was observed. 8. Calculating the Rate of Diffusion of Ammonia and
Hydrochloric Acid
3. Assessing the Relationship of Number of Particles and Using a glass rod, a moist piece of blue litmus paper
Volume was inserted to the bottom of a 100mL graduated cylinder.
Three balloons were used for this experiment. The A cotton was dipped in concentrated HCl and placed at the
first balloon was inflated with one full pump of air, the opening of the cylinder then sealed. The time for the HCl
second was inflated with two full pumps of air, and the third gas to make changes in the color of the blue litmus paper
was inflated with three full pumps of air. Their sizes were was recorded. The process was repeated using red litmus
compared with one another. paper and concentrated NH3. The rate of diffusion of the
two gases were computed. Their ratio was determined and
4. Observing the Relationship of Temperature and Volume checked against the theoretical ratio.
Using Balloons
Two balloons were inflated with equal sizes. The Results and Discussions
first balloon was subjected to hot water (about 80 °C), while 1. Determining Volume-Pressure Relationship
the other balloon was placed in an ice water bath. Their Table 1.1. Determining Volume-Pressure Relationship With
sizes were observed after 10 minutes. the Use of Syringe
Plunger Observation
5. Observing the Relationship of Temperature and Pressure Push The nozzle returns to its original
Using Syringes position.
A syringe was half-filled with air then sealed. A
Pull The nozzle returns to its original
quarter of it was then submerged to hot water (about 80 °C).
A finger was placed on the plunger to determine if the
plunger pushes the finger or makes a pulling force. The When the syringe was half-full, blocked, and pushed,
process was repeated using ice water bath. there was only a certain level unto where the nozzle can be
pushed. It cannot be pushed all the way to the bottom due to
6. Determining the Effect of Vapor Pressure in a Liquid’s the mass of air inside. Aside from that, there is a pushing
Boiling Point force that can be felt from inside, keeping the finger to push
A Florence flask was filled with water ¾ full. It was it all the way down, and when the finger was released, the
subjected to heat until it boils, the temperature was nozzle also released.
recorded. When it cooled down to 80 °C, the flask was On the other hand, when the syringe has no air,
sealed and inverted in a beaker. A pack of ice was placed on blocked, and pulled, the nozzle can be pulled all the way to
top of the inverted flask and the effect was observed. the top, but when the finger was released, it went down to
the bottom again.
7. Getting the Molecular Weight of a Gas Through the Ideal Volume-pressure relationship is inverse; that is,
Gas Equation when the volume increases, pressure decreases, and vice
Before the experiment, the most recent barometric versa (Bagley, 2016). On the first syringe, the volume and
pressure inside was balanced, but when the plunger was
Principle of Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 1102 LAB)
Department of Chemistry

pushed, the volume was decreased. The particles became

more crowded when the volume was decreased, resulting to
more collisions on the insides of the syringe, which
increased the pressure inside. When the finger let go, the
nozzle also pulled back to balance the pressure and volume
inside. Meanwhile, on the second syringe, the volume was
increased while the number of particles remain the same.
Increasing the volume increases the distance between
particles, which results in less collision with the container.
Due to this, the pressure inside dropped. When the finger let
go, the nozzle returned to its original position to make up
for the low pressure inside.

Figure 2.1. Volume and number of particles relationship.

Adapted from “Relationships among Pressure, Temperature,
Volume, and Amount”, from Chemistry LibreTexts, (2015).

Figure 1.1. Volume-pressure relationship. Adapted from

Adapted from “Relationships among Pressure, Temperature,
Volume, and Amount”, from Chemistry LibreTexts, (2015).

2. Assessing the Relationship of Number of Particles and Figure 2.2. Three balloons inflated with one, two, and three
Volume pumps of air, respectively.
Table 2.1. Determining the Relationship of the Number of
Particles and Volume Using Balloons 3. Observing the Relationship of Temperature and Volume
Balloon Observation Using Balloons
1st balloon Smallest Table 3.1. Determining the Temperature-Volume
2nd balloon Bigger than the first balloon Relationship Using Balloons
3rd balloon Biggest among the three Balloon Observation
After inflating three balloons with different number 1st balloon (heated) It expanded in size
of particles, results showed that the first balloon, inflated 2nd balloon (cooled) It decreased in size
with one pump of air, was the smallest, while the third After subjecting two balloons with the same volume
balloon, inflated with three pumps of air, was the largest. in hot water and ice water, it is found out that the balloon
The number of particles and the volume has a direct subjected to heat expanded while the balloon subjected to
relationship (“Relationships among Pressure, Temperature, ice decreased in size.
Volume, and Amount”, 2015). Particles of air occupies Temperature and Volume has a direct relationship
space and volume, so increasing the particles also increases (Bagley, 2016). Gases expand when they are heated, so
the volume that is occupied. On the first balloon, the least when there was an increase in temperature, the volume that
number of particles of air was inserted inside, compared to gases occupy also increased. When the first balloon was
the second and third balloon, which resulted to its volume subjected to a higher temperature, its volume increased
being the smallest. The second balloon has greater volume because the gases inside it expanded. On the other hand, the
that the first because it received more particles of air. Lastly, second balloon subjected to a lower temperature decreased
the third balloon has the greatest volume among the three in size, because the gases inside also decreased the volume
because it received the greatest amount of particles inside it.
Principle of Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 1102 LAB)
Department of Chemistry

that they occupy. Water boiled in 100 °C, but inside the flask with ice
on top, it boiled even though it wasn’t in its original boiling
point state.

The boiling point of a liquid is affected by the

pressure, intermolecular bonds, and addition of solutes
(Osborne, 2018). In an open area, the boiling point of water
is at 100 °C, but even after the temperature lowered to 80
°C, when it was subjected to ice, it boiled again. Due to the
presence of ice, the temperature inside the flask decreased,
this also decreased the pressure inside the flask. The
decrease in pressure resulted to a vacuum inside. Because a
liquid’s boiling point is greatly determined by its
surrounding pressure, when the pressure inside the flask
decreased, the liquid’s boiling point also decreased
(Osborne, 2018), resulting to the water boiling despite not
Figure 3.1. Relationship of volume and temperature. being in 100 °C temperature.
Adapted from Adapted from “Relationships among
Pressure, Temperature, Volume, and Amount”, from 6. Getting the Molecular Weight of a Gas Through the Ideal
Chemistry LibreTexts, (2015). Gas Equation
PAGASA barometric pressure last September 17, 2019
4. Observing the Relationship of Temperature and Pressure = 1006 millibar
Using Syringes 1 atm
1006 millibar × =0.9929 atm
Table 4.1. Determining the Temperature and Pressure 1013.15 millibar
Relationship Using Syringes
Balloon Observation Mass of lighter before the experiment = 11.85 g
Syringe 1 (heated) It became harder to push the Mass of lighter after the experiment = 11.75 g
nozzle Difference = 11.85 g – 11.75 g = 0.10 g
Syringe 2 (cooled It became easier to push the
nozzle Volume of H2O in graduated cylinder before the experiment
When the syringe was placed in hot water, the nozzle = 50 mL
became harder to push, as if the insides were pushing Volume of H2O in graduated cylinder after the experiment
outside. Meanwhile, when the syringe was placed in an ice = 8 mL
bath, it became easier to push the nozzle. Difference = 50 mL – 8 mL = 42 mL
The temperature and pressure have a direct 1L
relationship (Lakna, 2018); that is, when the temperature 42 mL × =0.042 L
1000 mL
increased, the pressure also increases. Gases have kinetic
energy, for they are moving in constant random motion, and Temperature of H2O = 28 °C
kinetic energy increases as temperature increases. Increase 28 °C + 273 = 301 K
in kinetic energy results to more collisions within the gas
container, thus increasing the pressure inside. When the Vapor pressure of H2O in 28 °C = 28.4 torr
syringe was submerged in a higher temperature, the gas 1 atm
particles inside moved faster, which resulted to an increased 28.4 torr × =0.0374 atm
pressure, making it harder to push its nozzle. In the case of 760 torr
the other syringe submerged in a lower temperature, kinetic
motion of the particles inside decreased, which resulted to Pressure exerted by gas = Atmospheric pressure – vapor
lower collisions and lower pressure, making it easier to pressure
push. = 0.9929 atm – 0.0374 atm = 0.956 atm

5. Determining the Effect of Vapor Pressure in a Liquid’s Known values:

Boiling Point Mass = 0.10 g
Observation Volume = 0.042 L
Water inside the flask boiled despite not being in a 100°C Temperature = 301 K
temperature. Pressure = 0.956 atm
Ideal gas constant = 0.08206 L·atm/K·mol
Principle of Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 1102 LAB)
Department of Chemistry

Molecular weight=
L · atm
(0.10 g)(0.08206 )(301 K )
K · mol
MW =
(0.956 atm)( 0.042 L)
MW = 61.516 g/mol

Accurate mass of butane = 58.12 g/mol

The mass of butane was 0.10 g, the pressure was

Figure 7.1. Hydrochloric acid turned the blue litmus paper
0.956 atm, the temperature was 301 K, and the volume was
to red.
0.042 L. The molecular mass of a gas can be computed
through the ideal gas equation. By altering and manipulating
formulas, the equation for the molecular mass was

7. Calculating the Rate of Diffusion of Ammonia and

Hydrochloric Acid

Rate of diffusion of HCl:

23.8 cm
=0.156 cm/s
153 s
Rate of diffusion of NH3:
23.8 cm Figure 7.2. Ammonia turned the red litmus paper to blue.
=0.161cm/ s
148 s
Ratio of the two diffusion rates: The gas laws explain the relationships of the volume,
pressure, temperature, and number of particles that a gas
Rate (NH 3) MW (NH 3)
=√ contains. Boyle’s law explains the inverse relationship of
Rate( HCl) MW ( HCl) pressure and volume, Charles’ law explains the direct
0.1588 17.031 relationship of volume and temperature, and Avogadro’s
=√ law explains the direct relationship of number of particles
0.1563 36.461
and volume. From these laws, the ideal gas law was
= 1.5129 formulated. On constant temperature and amount, when
volume increases, pressure decreases, and when volume
Theoretical ratio: 1.46 decreases, pressure increases. On constant pressure and
temperature, when the number of particles increases,
The rate of diffusion of HCl was 0.156 cm/s, while volume also increases, and vice versa. On constant pressure
and amount, when temperature increases, volume also
the rate of diffusion of NH3 was 0.161 cm/s. The ratio of
these two diffusion rates is 1.5129, which is slightly higher increases, and vice versa. Lastly, on constant volume and
amount, when temperature increases, pressure also
than the theoretical ratio of 1.46.
The vapor pressure of a liquid affects its boiling
point. On atmospheric pressure, liquid boils at 100 °C, but
when pressure decreases, water can boil at even 80 °C. By
manipulating the ideal gas equation, the molecular mass of a
gas can be computed. Lastly, gases diffuse from a higher
concentration to lower concentration, and it varies on
different gas compounds.

Principle of Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 1102 LAB)
Department of Chemistry

Bagley, M. (2016, January 8). Properties of Matter: Gases. Retrieved from Live Science:
Falconer, H. M., Battaglia, G., & Carpi, A. (2015). Diffusion I: An Introduction. Retrieved from Visionlearning:
Gas Laws: Overview. (2019, June 6). Retrieved from Chemistry LibreTexts:
Jones, A. Z. (2019, May 4). Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. Retrieved from ThoughtCo.:
Lakna. (2018, April 24). Relationship Between Pressure and Temperature. Retrieved from Pediaa:
Osborne, A. (2018, April 25). Factors Affecting the Boiling Point. Retrieved from Sciencing: https://sciencing.com/factors-
Relationships among Pressure, Temperature, Volume, and Amount. (2015, September 24). Retrieved from Chemistry
LibreTexts: https://chem.libretexts.org/Courses/University_of_California_Davis/UCD_Chem_002A/
Shahbaz, S., & Cooley, A. (2019, June 6). Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases. Retrieved from Chemistry LibreTexts:
Zapanta, C. S. (n.d.). Laboratory Manual in Chemistry 1108. Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.
helium can easily diffuse or pass through on small
openings compared to nitrogen and oxygen.
1. How can you explain the fact that butane (lighter fluid)
is a liquid in the lighter but gas when collected?
The vapor pressure of butane is relatively low,
that’s why inside the lighter where it is under pressure,
it is liquid, but becomes gas when it escaped the

2. What is boiling point?

The boiling point is the temperature that a liquid
needs to turn into vapor. It can be achieved when the
vapor pressure of the liquid matches the pressure
around it. The boiling point is greatly determined by its
surrounding pressure.

3. What happened to the boiling point of water inside the

flask when an ice pack was placed onto the top of the
inverted flask?
Because of the ice, the temperature inside the flask
dropped, resulting to a vacuum inside. Because of low
pressure, the boiling point of the water inside also
lowered, making it boil despite not being in 100 °C

4. Why does a helium-filled balloon deflate faster than an

air-filled balloon (composed of mainly nitrogen) of
comparable volume?
Helium is a relatively small atom and is
monoatomic, compared to oxygen and nitrogen that are
bigger and diatomic in nature. Because of its size,

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