MB2022 TaxLaw Reviewer
MB2022 TaxLaw Reviewer
MB2022 TaxLaw Reviewer
July 11, 2022
Inherent Powers of the State
Why inherent?
Taxes are the life and blood of the government, and all In CIR v. Pineda (G.R. No. L-22734, 15 Sept. 1967),
states have the power of taxation because without it the taxes are the lifeblood of the government, and their
government will die and will lack to moving power to prompt and certain availability is an imperious
operate. need.
Atty. Manuel:
Palaging minamadali ang collection ng taxes kasi funds
for the government’s use must always be available in
1. Police Power – The power of promoting the order for the government to be able to effectively render
public welfare by restraining and regulating the public service. For example, in tax remedies, meron
use of liberty and property. (City Government of tayong tinatawag na no injunction rule when it comes
Quezon City v. Ericta, G.R. L-34915, 24 June to the collection of taxes. Here, courts may not enjoin
1983) the collection of taxes. As a general rule, once an
2. Eminent Domain – it is the taking of private assessment has been made by the BIR, it can proceed
property for public use with payment of just to collection especially if the assessment has already
compensation become final and executory. And this may not be
3. Taxation – stopped by the court. Of course, alam natin, that by
virtue of the act creating the CTA, it is only the CTA that
Atty. Manuel: may issue the injunction by way of a suspension of
By prescribing crimes, liberty and property are regulated collection of payments.’
by the state exercising the inherent power of police
power. Our use of property is being limited. Aside from the lifeblood doctrine, we also have the
necessity theory.
Eminent Domain is otherwise known as expropriation
the only requirement is payment of just compensation to
the prior owner of the property and the taking must be
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
Necessity Theory
Similarities of the Inherent Powers
Without taxes, government cannot fulfill its mandate
1. Inherent
of promoting the general welfare and well-being of
2. Indispensable
the people.
3. Legislative in nature
4. Limitation on rights
Gerochi v. Department of Energy, G.R. No. 159796,
5. Equivalent compensation
17 July 2007
Income Tax – tax on the income you earn qualifies under the substituted
Donor’s Tax – tax when you donate something filing of income tax return (ITR).
Estate Tax – tax on the transfer of property from
the decedent to the heirs, legatees or devisees - The employee need not file his
upon the death of a person; it is not a tax on the own ITR; it would be the filing of
death of a person the employer particularly BIR
Value-Added Tax (VAT) – tax when you sell Form No. 1604 CF or 2316.
something in the course of trade or business; tax Whatever the employer files
on importation before the BIR is already the
compliance of such employee
Non-compliance with tax laws is dealt with civil and for that particular taxable year.
criminal penalties.
Atty. Manuel:
Civil Penalties It is easier to collect from a single
1. Interest – 12% or double the legal employer than collect from his hundreds
interest rate of employees.
2. Surcharge – either 25% or 50%,
depending if there is willfulness, b. Electronic Filing and Payment
fraud, etc. System (EFPS)
3. Compromise Penalty - The BIR introduces electronic
modes of filing returns and
Criminal Penalties payment of taxes
1. Fine
2. Imprisonment 3. Theoretical Justice
Atty. Manuel: SECTION 28. (1) The rule of taxation shall be uniform
There must be a budget surplus and not a and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a
budget deficit. progressive system of taxation.
2. Administrative Feasibility
Taxes are proportional in nature. Why?
It means that the tax system should be capable Because it complies with the principle of
of being effectively administered and enforced theoretical justice.
with least inconvenience to the taxpayer
(Municipality of Cainta v. Pasig City, G.R. Nos. “Progressive System” – Taxes must be based
176703 & 176721, 28 June 207). on a person’s ability to pay. Those who have the
ability to pay should pay more and those who
Atty. Manuel: cannot should be reduced of their taxes up to the
It involves ease of paying taxes. It must cause point of exemption.
the least inconvenience on the part of the
taxpayer. If hassle magbayad, taxpayers will Manifestations of the Progressive System of
necessarily be discouraged to pay taxes. Taxation include:
1. House of Representatives – headed by the
Speaker of the House, composed of 316
Q: Are taxes payable in money? representatives – 253 Congressional District
Representatives and 63 Partylist
A: Yes. Representatives, based on the ration provided
by law.
Atty. K: 2. Senate – headed by the Senate President, 24
Taxes are monetary in nature, as a general rule. Senators.
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
Legislation Process
In granting tax exemptions, the absolute majority
vote of all the members of Congress is required. It
1987 CONSTITUTION means at least 50% plus 1 of all the members voting
separately. (Art. VI, Sec. 28[4], 1987 Constitution)
SECTION 24. All appropriate, revenue or tariff bills, The taxing power of the State … is unlimited, plenary,
… shall originate exclusively in the House of comprehensive and supreme. The power to impose
Representatives, but the Senate may propose or taxes is one so unlimited in force and so searching in
concur with amendments. extent. It is subject only to restrictions which rest on the
discretion of the authority exercising it. (Republic v.
Illustrative Case Caguioa, G.R. No. 168584, October 15, 2007)
In Tolentino vs. Secretary of Finance (G.R. No. 115455 As a general rule, the power to tax is plenary and
August 25, 1994), petitioners contended that in enacting unlimited in its range, acknowledging in its very nature
Republic Act No. 7716, or the Expanded Value-Added no limits, so that the principal check against its abuse is
Tax Law, Congress violated the Constitution because, to be found only in the responsibility of the legislature
although H. No. 11197 had originated in the House of (which imposes the tax) to its constituency who are to
Representatives, it was not passed by the Senate but pay for it. (Ibid.)
was simply consolidated with the Senate version (S. No.
1630) in the Conference Committee to produce the bill Nevertheless, it is circumscribed by constitutional
which the President signed into law. limitations.
However, the Court ruled that it is not the law — but the
revenue bill — which is required by the Constitution to
"originate exclusively" in the House of Representatives.
It is important to emphasize this, because a bill
originating in the House may undergo such extensive
changes in the Senate that the result may be a rewriting Republic v. Caguioa
of the whole. G.R. No. 168584, 15 October 2007
The President shall have the power to veto any The taxing power of the State is unlimited, plenary,
particular item/s in an appropriation, revenue or tariff comprehensive and supreme. The power to impose
bill, but the veto shall not affect the item or items to taxes is one so unlimited in force and so searching in
which he does not object. (Sec. 27(2), Art. VI, 1987 extent, it is subject only to restrictions which rest on the
Constitution) discretion of the authority exercising it.
Atty. Manuel:
Atty. Manuel:
Although normally, a veto must be made of the entire
bill by the President, item veto is allowed in tax bills. However, sabi it is only subject to restrictions, which rest
on the discretion of the authority exercising it.
A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum Therefore, kung i-limit ng Congress ang kanyang sarili,
to do business xxx (Sec. 16[2], Art. VI, 1987
pwede, diba? Sa batas, kung gusto niyo sabihin na ito
ay exempted edi sundin, exempted yan. Kung ito ay
Atty. Manuel: taxable, taxable yan.
A majority of those present in a quorum shall be
sufficient in order to pass a bill.
Chamber of Real Estate and Builders’ Association
Illustration: v. Romulo
G.R. No. 160756, 09 March 2010
There are currently 216 members in the House of
Representatives. The number of representatives As a general rule, the power to tax is plenary and
required to constitute a quorum is 158. Only 80 out of unlimited in its range, acknowledging in its very nature
those 158 representatives shall be required in order to no limits, so that the principal check against its abuse is
pass a bill. to be found only in the responsibility of the legislature
(which imposes the tax) to its constituency who are to
However, a bill granting tax exemptions requires a pay it. Nevertheless, it is circumscribed by constitutional
higher threshold. It requires the absolute majority vote limitations.
of all members of Congress.
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
Atty. Manuel: Of course, Justice Bernas did not mince his words sa
kanyang libro. Sabi nya,
Sinasabi pa ng ng Supreme Court dito that the power to
tax is plenary and unlimited in its range. However, kahit To lay with one hand, the power of the government
comprehensive, unlimited, plenary, supreme ang on the property of the citizen, and with the other to
description natin, it is nevertheless circumscribed by, bestow it upon favored individuals to aid private
limited by, restricted by constitutional limitations. So, enterprises and build up private fortunes, is a
meron pa ring limitations. Kahit sabihing unlimited, robbery because it is done under the forms of law
that’s only the general rule. It’s unlimited, however, its and is called taxation.
not really unlimited in the truest sense kasi meron
Bernas, J., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of
tayong tinatawag na mga limitations to the power to tax.
the Philippines: A Commentary, 1996 ed., p. 714.
no institution and no property can bear taxation." (C.J. destroy while this Court sits. That’s of course the
Marshall) Panhandle Oil Company case, a US Supreme Court
Case, 1928 and of course that provides naman the
Taxation is unlimited in nature. Kung unlimited in nature Holmes Doctrine.
ang taxation; therefore, ang ating mga negosyo, ang
ating mga taxpayers can only bear so much of taxes. So, we have the Marshall Doctrine and the Holmes
And therefore, necessarily daw the power to tax Doctrine.
involves the power to destroy.
Sabi ni Justice Marshall, the power to tax is the power
Marshall Doctrine to destroy. Sabi ni Justice Holmes, the power to tax is
not the power to destroy while this Court sits.
The power to tax involves the power to destroy
according to Chief Justice John Marshall, taong 1819. Doon muna tayo kay mareng Marshall. Of course sabi
ni Mareng Marshall, the power to tax is the power to
McCulloch v. State of Maryland destroy. Of course, this is the use of taxation as an
17 U.S. 316 (1819) implement of police power. Taxation ang means, but of
"A question of constitutional power can hardly be made
course, the purpose is nevertheless regulation or is
to depend on a question of more or less. If the states
nevertheless the promotion of general welfare. Taxes
may tax, they have no limit but their discretion; and the
for the promotion of general welfare and therefore taxes
taxpayer, therefore, must depend on the discretion of
may be use as an implement of police power.
the state governments for its existence. This
consequence is inevitable." Has this been done? Of course, yes this has been done.
Atty. Manuel: EXAMPLE
According to him at least ‘no, before to 1819 pa, to Excise Taxes. We have your excise tax on tobacco
question the constitutionality ay depende kung gaano products na medyo malaki laki, ayan, for ano ba to,
kataas o kababa ang rate ng tax is improper according tobacco products, heated tobacco products, vapor
to him. If the states may tax, they have no limit but their products, yung mga electronic cigarettes and vape,
discretion; and the taxpayer, therefore, must depend on cigars and cigarettes, they are all subject to additional
the discretion of the government for its existence. This taxes. Meron silang excise tax na tinatawag. Excise tax
consequence is inevitable by virtue of the taxing power on alcohol, ayan. Excise tax on alcohol, we have your
of the government being described as unlimited. Yan wines, fermented liquors, distilled spirits, they are all
ang sabi jaan sa kasong iyan ni McCulloch v. State of subject to excise taxes. Dahil of course in order for, para
Maryland. mapilitan ang mga tao to drink moderately dahil
mamahalan ang alak. Sweetened beverages because
Therefore, inadapt at palaging tinuturo yan sa Philippine
they pose health risks sa mga tao. Sweetened
taxation that’s what is known as the Marshall Doctrine.
beverages have likewise been imposed excise tax
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
under the TRAIN law. So we have, halimbawa, flavored
So, again sabi ni Justice John Marshall, the power to tax fruit juice drink ayan na hindi naman 100% natural, ang
is the power to destroy, ayan. However, of course that’s mangyayari doon ay that is already subject to excise
1819. tax.
Holmes Doctrine Atty. Manuel: They are all subject to additional taxes.
Meron silang excise tax na tinatawag. Excise tax on
Taong 1928, another US case, Panhandle Oil Company alcohol i.e., wines, fermented liquors, distilled spirits,
versus Mississippi had to say the following: etc., are all subject to excise taxes para mapilitan ang
mga tao to drink moderately dahil mamahalan ang alak.
Panhandle Oil Co. v. Mississippi
Sweetened beverages have likewise been imposed
277 U.S. 218, 14 May 1928
excise tax under the TRAIN law because they pose
If the States had any power it was assumed that they health risks [such as] flavored juice drink na hindi
had all power, and that the necessary alternative was to naman 100% natural. That is already subject to excise
deny it altogether. But this Court which so often has tax.
defeated the attempt to tax in certain ways can defeat Reconciling Marshall and Holmes Doctrine
an attempt to discriminate or otherwise go too far
without wholly abolishing the power to tax. The power to Taxation may be used as an implement of police power.
tax is not the power to destroy while this Court sits. However, let’s reconcile it with [the] Holmes Doctrine.
Sabi ni Holmes “the power to tax is not the power to
Atty. Manuel: destroy while the Court sits”.
Sabi, of course, this one is from Justice Holmes ng US Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc. v. CIR
Supreme Court, the power to tax is not the power to
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
G.R. No. 17330 (Resolution), 18 September 2009 For instance, [under] Sec. 108, NIRC, renewable
energy is a zero-rated service because we encourage
The power of taxation is sometimes called also the the use of renewable sources of energy than non-
power to destroy. Therefore, it should be exercised with renewable sources i.e., coal and fossil fuels because it's
caution to minimize injury to proprietary rights of a detrimental to the environment.
Electric cars are exempt from excise tax as opposed to
Atty. Manuel: ordinary vehicles which are not exempt from excise tax.
Stated alternatively, while we recognize that taxes may So maraming ine-encourage ang ating gobyerno na
be used as the power to destroy, it should be exercised gawin natin by way of taxation. So yan ang ibang
with caution to minimize injury. Accordingly, it must be purposes of taxation.
exercised fairly and uniformly [because] “tax should not
kill the hen that lays the golden egg”. Syempre, hindi mo
papatayin yung business ni taxpayer kasi doon ka sa 2. Inherently Legislative
negosyo kumukuha ng buwis na nagsusustento sayo.
Yan ang limitation natin sa power to destroy—it must be GR: The power to tax is exclusively exercised by the
exercised with the appropriate inherent and Congress.
constitutional limitations; it must not be exercised
Atty. Manuel:
arbitrarily, capriciously, and whimsically and likewise
observe [the] tenets of due process and equal It's inherently legislative. The power to tax is exclusively
protection clause, among other constitutional exercised by the Congress. When we speak of
limitations. “exercised by the Congress” that involves the face of
taxation known as levying. It’s the determination of the
Nevertheless, even though the power to tax has the
power to destroy and that taxation must be used as an subject of taxation, rate of taxation, and timing of
implement of police power, still, it is a law which must taxation.
be exercised within the bounds of the Constitution and Q: Ano ang object of taxation?
the Court may strike down any law as unconstitutional if A: It would be the Congress who will determine.
it transgresses, violates [or] overtakes any provision of
the Constitution.
[Again,] the Holmes doctrine [provides] that the power Q: Sino nagsabi na ang income ay [taxable]?
to tax is not the power to destroy as long as this Court A: Congress.
Atty. Manuel:
For instance, import taxes may be increased in order to Q: Sino nagsabi na ang donation ay subject to tax?
protect local industries para mas mahal yung imported A: Congress.
goods compared to locally manufactured products.
Import taxes, tariffs may be increased to protect local
economies. Q: Who determined that the rate of corporate income
tax is 20/25%?
Encouraging measures
A: Congress.
Tax incentives may be provided to foreign investors,
such as those which are settled in Eco-zones in
economic zones or Freeport zones. Under CREATE Q: Who determined that the rate of VAT is 12%?
law, meron sila mga incentives. That's the Philippine A: Congress.
Government encouraging them, by way of taxation, na
mag invest [sila] sa Pilipinas because if [they will] invest
in the Philippines, they will enjoy lower taxes [and]
Q: Sino nagsabi na ang rate of estate tax is 6%?
certain tax incentives. Kung tataasan ang tax, that’s a
A: Congress.
discouraging measure; that's the power to tax being
used as a power to destroy. Under [the] Marshall Atty. Manuel: Because that's part of their power of
doctrine, kapag bababaan ang tax, that’s in order to levying–that's the exercise of the power of taxation.
encourage certain activities.
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
Take note [that] what has been delegated can no longer implementation of a law that was passed by
be delegated. Since the power to tax has already been Congress. Specifically, yan ang ginagawa ng
delegated to the Congress, hindi na pwede ipasa ng BIR with respect to the NIRC through the
Congress sa iba, as a general rule. The power to tax is issuances of Revenue Regulations.
Inherently Legislative
Q: Sino nagsabi na required for large taxpayers ang
Exceptions: electronic filing and payment? Walang electronic filing
and payments sa Tax code.
1. President – tariffs (Art. VI, Sec 28(2), 1987
Constitution A: [It is] under [a] revenue regulation.
Under the flexible tariff laws, import quotas, Taxation is a sovereign act.
tariff rates may be set by the President because
Benefits of taxation are confined within the territorial
that is being used as a tool of Foreign Relations.
boundaries of the taxing State.
Kung kaibigan mo ang bansa, babaan mo.
Kung kaaway mo ang banse, edi taasan mo
Atty. Manuel:
ang tariffs doon sa mga produkto nila. Taxation is an act of sovereignty. If ikaw ay nabuwisan,
meaning you are being subject to the sovereign power
of that particular state. Benefits of taxation are confined
And of course, since the chief architect of within the territorial boundaries of that particular state.
foreign relations is our President, siya ang may Hindi pwedeng na ako ay nasa Pilipinas, tapos biglang
kapangyarihan to set the rate of tariffs. That’s sinisingil ako ng Chinese government ng Chinese Tax
under the flexible tariff laws. kasi kumite ka.
4. International Comity
Air Canada v. CIR international law, embassies are treated as foreign soil
G.R. No. 169507, 11 January 2016 land.
Atty. Manuel: The principle of international comity
provides that all states are sovereign equals. If a tax
treaty entered into between two sovereign states, both
states must honor the treaty.
GR: GOCCs are subject to tax
Tax treaties are usually entered into for purposes of
eliminating double taxation. Ang tawag natin dito ay
XPNs: Exempt GOCCs:
international double taxation. Kung saan the same
1. Government Service Insurance System;
subject, the same income, the same property is taxed
2. Social Security System;
by the same kind but by different taxing jurisdiction.
3. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation;
4. Local Water Districts; and
Pacta sunt servanda
5. Home Development Mutual Fund (new under
Air Canada v. CIR
G.R. No. 169507, 11 January 2016
Atty. Manuel: It is non-taxable since it is equivalent to
Pacta sunt servanda is a fundamental international law
transferring of funds from one pocket to another. By way
principle that requires agreeing parties to comply with
of exception, GOCCs are subject to tax.
their treaty obligations in good faith
Atty. Manuel: We follow Pacta sunt servanda that is 6. Prohibition on Double Taxation
compliance in good faith with our treaty obligation. And,
therefore we are bound by the treaties we entered into. Double Taxation
Q: Which is more superior, is it the NIRC or Tax Treaty? City of Manila v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines,
G.R. No. 181845, 4 August 2009
A: Necessarily tax treaty ang masusunod by virtue of
Pacta Sunt Servanda which is equivalent to an implied
repeal of the NIRC. Mangyayari ay tax treaties are Double taxation means ... "taxing the same person twice
considered as superior compared to our local municipal by the same jurisdiction for the same thing". It is
laws. obnoxious when the taxpayer is taxed twice, when it
should be but once
Atty. Manuel: Tax treaties are where countries sheds
apart its sovereignty in order to agree with other country.
Atty. Manuel:
Atty. Manuel: Considering the doctrine of sovereign
equality, that all government are treated sovereign We have two (2) kinds of Double Taxation, one of which
equal, therefore foreign government are exempt from is allowed and one of which is disallowed.
PH taxes.
1. Direct double taxation
For instance, ang lupang tinatayuan ng mga embahada
ng iba’t ibang bansa, they are all exempt from RPT. Direct double taxation is not allowed.
Because they cannot be subjected to PH taxes. Under
Also: Double taxation in the strict sense
Kailangan mag-comply dito sa anim na ito. If pare- What if sabihin ni Pacquiao "Hindi, tinax-an na
parehas lahat ng iyan, then that is direct double ako sa America noong ako ay
taxation. nakipagbugbugan doon. 'Yung kita ko bawas
na ng tax sa America, babawasan pa ba ng
In the case of City of Manila v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Pilipinas?" Answer: Why not? Because that is
Philippines, Inc., local tax ang pinag-uusapan diyan. only indirect double taxation, particularly,
Mayroon tayong tax on sellers tapos mayroon pang tax international double taxation. Allowed naman
on retailers. So, basically, that is same subject matter, iyan.
etc. and therefore, it was struck down by the Supreme
Court as direct double taxation. Q: Bakit indirect double taxation?
A: Because one of the 6 requisites was not
Kapag direct double taxation, that is a violation of the satisfied, particularly, "by the same taxing
due process of the taxpayer and, therefore, invalid. authority." It was not taxed by the same taxing
authority. It was the US IRS na nangolekta kay
City of Manila v. Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Pacquiao doon, then it's the BIR who collected
Inc. here. Therefore, that is just indirect double
G.R. No. 181845, August 4, 2009 taxation as a necessary consequence of the
extraterritoriality application of Taxation.
Doctrine: There is indeed double taxation if respondent
is subjected to the taxes under both Sections 14 and 21 b. Income Tax and VAT
of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, since these are being
imposed: (1) on the same subject matter – the privilege Income Tax and VAT constitute double
of doing business in the City of Manila; (2) for the same taxation, pero indirect in nature.
purpose – to make persons conducting business within
the City of Manila contribute to city revenues; (3) by the May argument kasi na Income Tax, tinatax-an
same taxing authority – petitioner City of Manila; (4) 'yung income, tapos VAT, tatax-an mo rin 'yung
within the same taxing jurisdiction – within the territorial benta? Eh hindi ba 'yung income nanggaling din
jurisdiction of the City of Manila; (5) for the same taxing sa benta? So, that is double taxation daw.
periods – per calendar year; and (6) of the same kind or
character – a local business tax imposed on gross sales Sabi ng Supreme Court, yes, double taxation
or receipts of the business. 'yan but indirect double taxation. Different
subject matter (iba naman ang sale sa income),
When a municipality or city has already imposed a different kind ('yung isa income tax, 'yung isa
business tax on manufacturers, etc. of liquors, distilled business tax), and, therefore, indirect double
spirits, wines, and any other article of commerce, taxation lang.
pursuant to Section 143(a) of the LGC, said municipality
or city may no longer subject the same manufacturers, Under the CREBA case, Minimum Corporate
etc. to a business tax under Section 143(h) of the same Income Tax (MCIT) is being assailed as
Code. Section 143(h) may be imposed only on unconstitutional kasi direct double taxation
businesses that are subject to excise tax, VAT, or daw. Sabi ng Supreme Court, hindi. MCIT is
percentage tax under the NIRC, and that are "not based on gross income, samantalang ang ating
otherwise specified in preceding paragraphs." In the Regular Corporate Income Tax (RCIT) is based
same way, businesses such as respondent’s, already on taxable income. Therefore, may double
subject to a local business tax under Section 14 of Tax taxation, but indirect double taxation naman
Ordinance No. 7794 [which is based on Section 143(a) siya. And of course, hindi naman siya double
of the LGC], can no longer be made liable for local taxation talaga kasi MCIT is imposed in lieu of
business tax under Section 21 of the same Tax RCIT. Hindi naman nagsasabay ang MCIT at
Ordinance [which is based on Section 143(h) of the RCIT under Sec. 27. Hindi ba, ang binabayaran
LGC]. lang doon is whichever is greater between your
MCIT and RCIT. Therefore, walang nalabag.
Atty. Manuel:
Atty. Manuel: Re: #3: Must be germane to the purpose
of the law. The purpose of majority of tax laws is in order Alam naman natin na religion enjoys a preferred status
to raise revenues, so kailangan, related sa revenue- sa ating Constitution. It is part of the basic liberties of
raising purposes ang batas. man na maniwala at i-profess ang kanyang paniniwala,
at mabuhay ayon sa kanyang paniniwala o sa kanyang
For instance, tatax-an yung income, since income is the kawalan ng paniniwala.
best evidence of a person’s ability to pay, therefore, very
germane to the purpose of the law ang pagi-impose ng Freedom of religion likewise includes freedom FROM
income tax. religion. Whatever you believe in or not believe in, that
is protected by the Free Exercise Clause under Article
Transfers presuppose that you are able to part of a part III, Section 5.
of your property. Therefore, when you transfer, lets say
by way of succession or donation, it means that you Basically, it is a two-way street. Hindi pwedeng
have the ability to pay, which is germane to the purpose suportahan ang isang religion at hindi rin pwedeng i-
of the law of raising revenues. Therefore, the imposition prohibit ang isang religion.
of donor’s tax and estate tax is proper.
2. Non-establishment clause
Re: #4: Must be based on substantial distinction which
is still related to the purpose of the law. ARTICLE VI
In Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. v. Treasurer of Ormoc City, the LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
ordinance of Ormoc City was struck down as
unconstitutional because the ordinance imposed tax on SECTION 29 (2). No public money or property shall
sugar manufacturers, pero ang tanging sugar be appropriated, applied, paid, or employed, directly
manufacturer lang that time was Ormoc Sugar or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or support of any
Company, na pinangalangan sa ordinance. It is a tax on sect, church, denomination, sectarian institution, or
Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. at wala nang iba, kasi siya lang system of religion, or of any priest, preacher,
yung sugar manufacturer. minister, or other religious teacher, or dignitary as
such, except when such priest, preacher, minister,
The Supreme Court said that it violated the equal or dignitary is assigned to the armed forces, or to
protection clause because Ormoc Sugar Co. Inc. was any penal institution, or government orphanage or
singled out in the ordinance. It would not apply both to leprosarium.
present and future conditions, kasi what if magkaroon
ng bagong sugar company in the future? If magkaroon
ng bagong sugar company tapos ang nakapangalan
lang sa ordinance specifically ay si Ormoc Sugar Co. Atty. Manuel:
Inc., if nagkaroon ng Ormoc Sugar Company 2, hindi na
siya subject to tax kasi it was only Ormoc Sugar Hindi pwedeng gamiting ang taxation in order to prohibit
Company which was specifically named under the someone from exercising his or her religion (Free
ordinance, kahit sabihin pa na siya ang pinangalangan exercise clause).
kasi siya lang ang sugar manufacturer that time. It must
apply both to present and future conditions. Therefore, With regard to the disposition of public funds, bawal sa
the ordinance was struck down as invalid. religious purposes.
In both cases, the Supreme Court held it as valid therefore they may also be exempt from income tax.
because they recognize that religious events have But, what is only in the Constitution is with regard to
significance here in the Philippines. exemption from real property taxation, because it is a
part of religious freedom.
In fact, what is being applied in religious freedom cases
would be Benevolent Neutrality, which recognizes the A place of worship is part of one’s exercise of religion.
religious nature of the Filipino people and the influence In order for us to freely exercise our religion, we must
of religions to our lives. Therefore, Benevolent have a place where we can congregate, commune,
Neutrality is applied when it comes to test of religious celebrate, and worship together. That is part and parcel
freedom. of the practice of religion. If such will not be exempt from
real property taxes, under the LGC, for failure to pay real
LEMON TEST property taxes, the LGU may exercise its power to levy
the land that is being subjected to real property tax if the
1. The statute must have a secular purpose. real property tax has not yet been paid.
2. Its principal or primary effect must be one
that neither advances nor inhibits religion. Therefore, if the said land will be confiscated, it is
3. The statute must not foster “an excessive equivalent or tantamount to prohibiting the exercise of
religion. Para hindi makamkam ang lupa ng ating mga
government entanglement of religion.”
(Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602, 1971)
Atty. Manuel:
Re: #3: Hindi dapat masyadong nagi-intermingle dahil 4. Exemption of non-stock, non-profit
separate ang Church at State. educational institutions (NSNPEI)
Lemon Test also applies to Tax in order to determine
whether a tax law violates the constitutional provision 1987 CONSTITUTION
on religious freedom.
Related to religious freedom would be the following
provisions under Article VI, Section 28 (3). EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,
3. Exemption from Real Property Taxation
SECTION 4(3). All revenues and assets of non-
ARTICLE VI stock, non-profit educational institutions
(NSNPEI) used actually, directly, and exclusively for
LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT educational purposes shall be exempt from taxes and
SECTION 28 (3). Charitable institutions, churches
and parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, Atty. Manuel:
mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all lands,
buildings, and improvements, actually, directly, This has been interpreted in the landmark case of DLSU
and exclusively used for religious, charitable, or v. CIR as to cover all duties and taxes (income tax, VAT,
educational purposes shall be exempt from taxation. Local taxes, real property taxes). As long as gagamitin
(Emphasis supplied) for actually, directly, and exclusively for educational
purposes, exempt ang non-stock, non-profit educational
Atty. Manuel:
In the case of DLSU v. CIR, siningil ng CIR ang DLSU
Article VI, Section 28 (3) pertains to REAL PROPERTY dahil ang daming income from unrelated sources. Inside
TAXES ONLY. Although phrased in such a way, it has DLSU there are many private concessionaires and
been interpreted as to only pertain to only real property therefore they are paying rent to DLSU. However, DLSU
taxes. Other exemptions are found in other laws. alleged that they are NSNPEI and therefore it actually,
directly, and exclusively used its income from whatever
EXAMPLE: Section 30 of the NIRC on Exemption from sources for educational purposes. CIR alleged that they
Tax on Corporations enumerate the same list, and should be liable for income tax and VAT. The Court
ruled in favor of DLSU because the exemption of
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NSNPEI is different because it is stemmed with Art. XIV, SUMMARY: Educational Institutions
Sec. 4 of the 1987 Constitution. Ang nilalaban kasi ni
CIR ay Sec. 30 of the tax code na if the income is from PEI GEI NSNPEI
activities conducted for profit or from properties, Governing Sec.27(B) Sec. 30, ART. XIV,
whether real or personal, such would be subject to Provision , NIRC NIRC Sec. 4(3),
income tax. But the SC rendered that particular Const.
provision UNCONSTITUTIONAL only in relation in Rule <50% TI as such, ADE used
NSNPEI. unrelated, exempt; TI for educ
apply 10% for profit or purposes,
RECAP IN INCOME TAX: EDUCATIONAL (1%) to all from exempt.
INSTITUTION TI; properties, Otherwise,
RCIT 20/25%
Proprietary - They enjoy a preferential >50%
Educational rate of 10%, if their gross unrelated,
Institution income from unrelated trade, apply 30%
business, or other activity to all TI
does not exceed 50% of the Test Source Source Use
total gross income derived
from all other sources.
- 10% based on their taxable 6. Uniformity and Eligibility of Taxation
- If the unrelated trade, ARTICLE VI
business, or other activity LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
exceeded 50%, they would
be subject to tax as if they SECTION 28(1). The rule of taxation shall be
are an ordinary corporation. uniform and equitable. The Congress shall evolve
- Under CREATE, yung 10% a progressive system of taxation.
pwede pa bumaba (July
2020 – June 2023, the rate is
1%) Atty Manuel:
Government - The provision for Uniformity is very similar to equal protection clause. All
Institution government institution is persons belonging to same class shall be tax on the
found under Sec.30 which same rate. Equitability rule of the taxation is similar to
provides that the following the progressive system which provides that taxes shall
corporations are exempt on be based on the person’s ability to pay.
their income as such
- Income ng government 7. Non-imprisonment for payment of debt
institution as an educational and non-payment of poll taxes
institution is EXEMPT from
income tax. However,
income from activities 1987 CONSTITUTION
conducted for profit (Ex: ARTICLE III
Nagbenta ng property or BILL OF RIGHTS
nagparent, then they would
be subject to regular income SECTION 20. No person shall be imprisoned for debt
tax rules(20% or 25%)) or non-payment of a poll tax
Non-stock, - We do not care about the
non-profit source of the income, we are
Atty. Manuel:
educational after the use and disposition
institutions of the income.
Walang makukulong sa hindi pagbabayad ng utang or
- As long as it is Actually, poll tax. It presupposes that non-payment of tax,
Directly, and Exclusively mayroon kulong. ONLY poll tax yung walang kulong.
used for educational But for taxes in general, there is criminal liability (fine or
purposes such will be imprisonment).
Poll tax
necessarily applicable to
Atty. Manuel: tax.
NOTE: However, there
Dahil tao kang buhay, just because of your mere are many modes of
existence, you are liable to pay tax. Poll tax is otherwise extinguishment of an
known as a personal tax or capitation tax. obligation.
a. Basic: P5.00
b. Additional: Additional tax of P1.00 for Debt is capable of In tax, compensation or
every P1,000 income regardless of compensation or set-off set-off not applicable.
whether from business, exercise of that is when two persons
profession or from property which in no are debtors and creditors
case shall exceed P5,000.
of each other. There is NOTE: Hindi porket may
Atty. Manuel: compensation or set-off utang ang gobyerno
under the Civil Code sa’yo hindi ka na
Dahil tao ka, automatic na magbabayad ka dapat ng magbabayad ng Tax.
P5.00 to your LGU.
- Community tax certificate or otherwise known
as “cedula”
- Walang nakukulong sa hindi pagbabayad ng i.e. hindi pa binabayaran
P5.00 ng gobyerno ung just
compensation ng lupang
kinuha nila sa’yo kaya
Debt vs. Tax
hindi kana muna
It is recognized that debt is different from tax because magbabayad ng tax,
in tax there is imprisonment. hindi pwede ‘yon dapat
tuloy-tuloy pa rin ang
DEBT TAX pagbabayad ng tax,
walang compensation or
AS TO SOURCE set-off pag dating sa
Art. 1157 of the Civil Tax arises from law.
Code: Debt arises from
Non-imprisonment Non-payment of tax can
There is delegation, There is no novation in be penalized by
subrogation, novation in tax. imprisonment or fine.
NOTE: Hindi mo Interest rates for debts There is no stipulation as
pwedeng ipasa ung must be stipulated by the to taxes. It is already
utang mo to other parties. provided and fixed by law
people. Tax is non- at 12%.
It is usually 6 or 10 years, *to be discussed later*
Both are normally payable in money. depending if it is an oral
or written contract.
Legal tender Dacion en pagp, cession
in payment are not
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
SECTION 10. No law impairing the obligation of
contracts shall be passed.
Atty. Manuel:
Tax laws must also observe the non-impairment clause. Tax laws are implemented by the executive department,
Pero marami ng jurisprudence which provided that headed by our President. Under the executive
power to tax is superior than that provision, pero sina- department, there are different cabinet secretaries and
cite pa rin ‘yan as one of the constitutional limitations. different executive departments. i.e. DPWH, DOA,
9. Freedom of the press
Department Of Finance – it is under this department
that we get to be introduced to other departments that
are related to tax such as the Bureau of Customs (BOC)
and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). DTI may also
be related to tax because they provide the certain
incentives because under DTI we have the investment
promotion agencies for instance PEZA (Philippine
STRUCTURE OF THE BIR Economic Zone Authority) and the Board of
Investments, they also play a role to taxation but to a
1987 CONSTITUTION lesser extent.
SECTION 4. No law shall be passed abridging the NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or
the right of the people peaceably to assemble and
petition the government for redress of grievances. ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTION OF THE
Atty. Manuel: Medyo weak din itong freedom of the SECTION 3. Chief Officials of the Bureau of
press as a constitutional limitation kasi parang wala Internal Revenue. - The Bureau of Internal Revenue
namang masyadong ganap ‘yang freedom of the press shall have a chief to be known as Commissioner of
in relation to taxation. Internal Revenue, hereinafter referred to as the
Commissioner, and four (4) assistant chiefs to be
The closest to it is Section 109 pertaining to VAT
known as Deputy Commissioners.
exemptions of newspapers, magazines and bulletins.
(but these are not exempt from income tax.) Also in
overseas communication tax, news agencies have NOTE: Lilia Guillermo – current Commissioner of
exemption. Internal Revenue.
NOTE: Taxes are unlimited, comprehensive, supreme Under the Commissioner we have 4 Deputy
and plenary. Thus, the legislative department has Commissioners: (Also consists of the 4 divisions)
unlimited discretion in determining what to tax, when to 1. OPERATIONS
tax, how much to tax, that is part of taxation called as 2. LEGAL
levying. It is the Congress exercising the power of 3. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
taxation. However, by way of emphasis, it is not truly 4. INFORMATION SYSTEMS
unlimited because the Congress is still circumscribed,
limited, restricted by our inherent and constitutional Under the Deputy Commissioners we have the
limitations. Regional Offices, Revenue District Offices, the latter
has smaller area of jurisdiction.
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Sino ang namamahala dito? Mostly the BIR but only for ▪ QUASI-JUDICIAL – to decide on tax disputes.
national internal revenue taxes, which means those
revenues that are internally generated. Ito yung mga
nasa NIRC such as estate tax, donor’s tax, Under Section 244 of the Tax Code, the Secretary of
documentary stamp tax, VAT etc. Finance can promulgate needful rules and regulations.
Ang tawag natin dito, ito ang ating Revenue
Custom duties are not part of international revenue Regulations.
taxes, these are being collected by the Bureau of
Customs. EXAMPLE:
This is a Revenue Regulation from 2021. Ganito ‘yung
As for the enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties, and
fines connected therewith, including the execution of itsura ng last page ‘nung Revenue Regulation back
judgments in all cases decided in its favor by the Court then, ‘nung 2021.
of Tax Appeals and the ordinary courts – BIR will be the
one in charge.
Revenue Memorandum Circular Isa sa mga nag-trending last year will be the RMC
- reiterations and amplifications of existing pertaining to taxation of social media influencers.
laws Matagal nang taxable sila ayon sa batas because, you
know, they are income earners. By all means, kailangan
BIR Rulings nila magbayad ng tax.
- Questions and answers, applicable to the
specific taxpayer requesting for ruling Pero dahil may confusion kung papaano sila
magbabayad ng tax, nag-issue ng RMC regarding that.
Atty. Manuel:
That is only to reiterate existing laws. Walang bagong
1. Revenue Regulations batas na nagtatax sa social media influencers. Inulit
• Again, signed by the Secretary of Finance, lang yung currently existing NIRC of 1997 – inapply sa
promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, social media influencers. That is by way of RMC.
recommended only by the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue under Section 244 EXAMPLE: Solo Parents’ Welfare Act.
• They specify, define, and prescribe rules,
Section 12 of the Solo Parents’ Welfare act provides for
as long as they are within the bounds of the
VAT exemption.
law they seek to implement. Basically, ito
yung IRR ng isang batas but specifically Meron nang VAT exemption ang ating mga solo parents
applied to tax laws – we call it revenue para sa kanilang mga bibilhin na milk, dietary
regulations. supplements para sa kanilang mga junakis.
• Kung may kulang pa sa batas, revenue
regulations ang kukumpleto. Meron silang VAT exemption, provided na hindi
• Of course, dapat mag-comply sa valid lalagpas sa 6 years old ‘yung anak and provided the
delegation of legislative powers. solo parent does not earn income more than 250,000
2. Revenue Memorandum Order
• Basically, these are internal instructions, So dahil nasa batas na ito na Expanded Solo Parents’
Welfare Act, para ulitin lang, pwede mag-RMC lang ang
processes, operations, policies, objectives.
BIR doon.
• These are memoranda to employees of the
Bureau of Internal Revenue and officers of
4. BIR Rulings
the BIR?
• These are question and answer portion.
• Ano ang collection target natin? Papaano
• Magrerequest for ruling, sasabihin mo ang
ba ang process dito internally? Kapag
facts, then itatanong mo sa Bureau of
pinasa sa atin ang papel, sino ang
Internal Revenue – What is the tax
tatanggap? Kanino mapupunta? Sino ang
implication of this particular transaction?
magrereiew? ‘Yan ay nakalagay sa
• Then the Bureau of Internal Revenue will
Revenue Memorandum Order.
answer – that is binding to the specific
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
taxpayer who requested for such ruling. – because the contrary ruling of the BIR prior na hindi
Hindi pwedeng i-apply sa ibang taxpayer. na kailangan hintayin ‘yung 120 days constitutes
But of course, that would be indicative of equitable estoppel on the part of the BIR.
the opinion of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue, but not necessarily binding. So ‘yan ‘yung ruling doon sa series of cases detailing
with 120 + 30 days.
So ‘yan ang apat na pinaka-importanteng issuances ng
BIR. Any revocation, modification, or reversal of the rules
shall not be given retroactive application if it will be
Non-retroactivity of rulings prejudicial to the taxpayer.
NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE Sinabi ni BIR na exempt tapos biglang babawiin niya sa
TITLE IX dulo kung kalian na-implenet na yung transaction –
ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS hindi pwede ‘yun kasi that is bad faith on the part of BIR.
RULES AND REGULATIONS Exceptions to the Rule on Non-Retroactivity of
SECTION 246. Any revocation, modification, or
reversal of any of the rules and regulations or any of 1. Where the taxpayer deliberately misstates or
the rulings or circulars by the CIR shall not be given omits material facts from his return or any
retroactive application if it will be prejudicial to the document required of him by the BIR;
taxpayer. 2. Where the facts subsequently gathered by
the BIR are materially different from the facts
on which the ruling is based; or
Atty. Manuel: 3. Where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
Once an RR or a BIR Ruling is issued, hindi pwedeng Section 246, National Internal Revenue Code
retroactive effect. Hindi pwedeng retroactive effect,
particularly if it will be prejudicial to the taxpayers. Atty. Manuel:
‘Yan ang mga exception natin sa non-retroactivity of
So ang famous dito would be CIR v. Aichi Forging rulings. Pwedeng mag-retroact ang ibang ruling na
Company (2014). detrimental sa taxpayer if it is the taxpayer’s fault kaya
mali ‘yung unang ruling. That is under Section 246. Of
Ang dami dami niyong cases sa VAT dealing with 120 course, that is the quasi-legislative power of the BIR.
+ 30 na mandatory and jurisdictional period for the filing
of a claim of VAT Refund, ‘diba? Pero may binanggit Tungo tayo sa quasi-judicial power.
doon na BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03.
BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 na inissue ng BIR na 2. Power to decide disputed assessments
sinasabi na hindi kailangan maghintay ng 120 days para
mag-file ng Petition for Review before the CTA.
Ngayon kasi, ang rule is kailangang maghintay ng 120 TITLE I
days (currently 90 under CREATE) bago tayo mag-file ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTION OF THE BIR
ng Petition for Rev before the CTA in our claims for
SECTION 4. The power to decide disputed
unutilized input VAT attributable to zero-rated sales assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees
under Section 112. or other charges, penalties imposed in relation
thereto, or other matters arising under this Code or
But there is a BIR Ruling, BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03, other laws or portions thereof administered by the
which answers a query na hindi naman kailangan BIR is vested in the Commissioner, subject to the
hintayin ‘yung expiration of 120-day period bago mag- exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the CTA.
file sa CTA. Eventually, that ruling was reversed. Ano
ang sabi ng BIR? Ina-apply ngayon ng BIR during the
effectivity of BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03. Atty. Manuel:
When it comes to disputed assessments, the
Sabi ng Supreme Court, hindi pwede mag-retroact Commissioner of Internal Revenue can decide. May
‘yung ruling na kailangan hintayin ‘yung 120 days, to the away ang revenue officer versus taxpayer. May away
detriment of those who filed before that particular ruling ‘yung Regional Office versus taxpayers sa paniningil ng
tax, sa refund ng tax, or sa penalties – the CIR can available, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue can
decide on these matters, exercising its quasi-judicial assess the taxpayer.
power as an administrative agency.
Examination of Books
Ano ang kanyang mga kapangyarihan para
makapagdecide? CIR is authorized to examine any book, paper,
record, or other data which may be relevant or
Examination of return material to such inquiry.
When a report required by law shall not be Section 5(B), National Internal Revenue Code
forthcoming within deadline or when there is reason
to believe that any such report is false, incomplete or Atty. Manuel:
Hindi lang sa mismong taxpayer but from any person.
THEN: the CIR shall assess the proper tax on the Halimbawa kung gusto ko malaman kung may benta
best evidence obtainable siya, tatanungin ko yung possible niyang customer.
“Customer, ano ang mga purchases mo? May binili ka
Atty. Manuel: ba sa kanya?” Kasi kung may binili ka sa kanya at hindi
niya dineclare, as part of his benta, then pwede iyon
gamitin ni BIR para makapag-assess. It’s not only on
Q: What if walang makuhang evidence ang BIR?
that particular taxpayer, the CIR may obtain information
also from other persons. Such information may be
A: Then the CIR shall assess the proper tax on the best obtained on a regular basis, by prescribing
evidence which they can obtain. That is the best documentary requirements attached to the returns
evidence rule under Section 6 of the Tax Code. being filed.
If hindi nag-file si taxpayer, hindi cooperative si Issue Summons
taxpayer, there is reason to believe that what the
taxpayer has supplied is false, incomplete, or
erroneous, then in accordance with the best evidence
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Atty. Manuel:
3. Other authorities
Under Mercantile Law, we have secrecy of bank
deposits, RA 1405 your basic law on secrecy of bank
deposits. Under Sec. 2, they are absolutely confidential Other authorities
in nature, except upon written permission of the
depositor, bribery, dereliction of duty, impeachment, 1) Conduct inventory-taking and surveillance
etc. But meron bang lusot ang CIR jan? (Sec. 6(C), NIRC)
2) Terminate taxable period based on the
As a general rule, the CIR cannot inquire on bank following grounds (Sec. 6(D), NIRC):
deposits, however, by way of exceptions, pwedeng • Retiring from business
mag-inquire sa bank deposits ang CIR in the following • Intending to leave PH
circumstances: • Concealing his property
• Tending to perform an act
1) Decedent in determining gross estate. (Sec. obstructing the proceedings of
6(F), NIRC)
collections of tax
3) Prescribe real property values (Sec. 6(E),
Atty. Manuel: NIRC)
4) Accredit and register bank agents (Sec.
Wala nang privacy si decendent, patay na siya. 6(G), NIRC)
Therefore, considering na patay na siya, pwede 5) Prescribe additional documentary
nang mag-inquire sa bank deposit ng ating requirements (Sec. 6(H), NIRC)
decedent for purposes of determining the gross
1) Conduct inventory-taking and surveillance
2) Any taxpayer who has filed an application for (Sec. 6(C), NIRC)
compromise of his tax liability by reason of
financial incapacity to pay his tax liability (Sec. Atty. Manuel:
6(F), NIRC)
This is particularly useful for excise tax compliance.
Atty. Manuel: Halimbawa, on excise tax on alcoholic products,
beverages, tobacco products, petroleum products, they Zonal value is that assessed by the BIR, while assessed
are imposed per liter, per volume, per box. Ang value is the one used by the local assessors for
mangyayari ay they can conduct inventory-taking para purposes of determining real property tax (RPT).
bilangin kung ilan ang subject to excise tax and they can
determine kung ilan ang masisingil doon. 4) Accredit and register bank agents (Sec. 6(G),
The BIR has the power to visit the premises of taxpayers • Based on professional competence,
for inventory-taking and surveillance. integrity, and moral fitness
• Denial of accreditation may be
2) Terminate taxable period based on the appealed to SOF.
following grounds (Sec. 6(D), NIRC): • Lapse of 120 days is deemed an
• Retiring from business approval.
• Intending to leave PH
• Concealing his property Atty. Manuel:
• Tending to perform an act obstructing
the proceedings of collections of tax Tax agents can sign returns on behalf of a taxpayer.
Para saan ang termination of taxable periods? NATIONAL INTERNAL REVENUE CODE
Remember that we have deadlines. TITLE I
• VAT - 25 days following the close of the taxable GENERAL PROVISIONS
• Income tax - 15th day of the 4th month following SECTION 7. The Commissioner may delegate the
the close of the taxable year; powers vested in him under the pertinent provisions
• Estate tax - one (1) year from the date of death; of this Code to any or such subordinate officials with
• Donor’s tax - 30 days from the date of donation. the rank equivalent to a division chief or higher,
subject to such limitations and restrictions as may
In income tax, if tumatakas na sa Pilipinas ang isang be imposed under rules and regulations to be
taxpayer, pwede niyang pigilan na ang kanyang taon. promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon
The taxpayer’s year ends here, and now the BIR can recommendation of the Commissioner
collect. Bago pa makatakas si taxpayer, hindi na
hihintayin ng BIR yung April 15 next year, at pwede
nang singilin si taxpayer.
Q: Can the CIR delegate powers?
3) Prescribe real property values (Sec. 6(E), A: Yes.
GR: The CIR can delegate powers, especially for
• Called zonal values (ZV)
instance, assessment. Since the CIR is only one
• Adjusted every 3 years
person, and there are many tax evaders in the
• ZV must be published in a newspaper Philippines, they cannot be assessed by only one
of general circulation person. Therefore, the CIR may delegate assessment
powers to his or her employees.
Atty. Manuel:
XPN: Non-delegable powers
In fact, Sec. 6(E) defines fair market value, which is 1) Recommend the promulgation of rules and
zonal value or assessed value, whichever is higher. regulations by the SOF
Atty. Manuel: After the return has been filed, the CIR has the power
to examine such. And, of course, to obtain information
The CIR is the only one who should sign the revenue to make an assessment for the correct amount of tax.
regulation as the recommending approval, together with
the secretary of Finance. Therefore, pursuant to this provision, among others,
found under the NIRC, the CIR or the BIR in general can
2) Issue rulings of first impression or reverse, make assessments.
revoke, modify any existing any BIR ruling.
If the BIR ruling to be issued involves reversal of a Doctrine: A formal written notice/communication with
previous ruling, it cannot be done by any other person, the computation of the tax liability to the taxpayer and
but only the CIR. demanding for the settlement of a due tax liability within
the indicated period thereof.
3) Compromise or abatement of tax liability
• XPN: If P500,000 or less, it may be Purpose of Assessment
It is to inform the tax payer. That’s why it must be sent
Atty. Manuel: to the taxpayer himself/herself.
Pursuant to the Lifeblood Doctrine, the tax liability of a NOTE: It is not just enough that we have informed the
taxpayer cannot just be cancelled. It being special, it is taxpayer of his/her tax liability, it must be coupled with a
supposed to be the CIR who should be authorized to demand for the settlement of such deficiency tax liability
compromise or abate a tax liability, EXCEPT if the within the indicated period in the assessment.
liability is P500,000.00 or less, it may be delegated or
assigned since the value is immaterial. That’s basically an assessment as will be used sa ating
Tax Remedies under the NIRC.
4) Assign or reassign internal revenue officers to
establishments where articles subject to excise Atty Manuel:
tax are kept.
Actually, maraming meaning ang assessment, e.g. (1)
Atty. Manuel: Assessment as a phase of taxation; or (2) Assessment
involves the determination of tax due.
Only the CIR may assign or reassign revenue officers
as to the factories they are to supervise for purposes of But when we speak of Tax Remedies, assessment is a
determining excise tax compliance of taxpayers. formal written notice. Particularly when we speak of an
assessment, that pertains to your Final Assessment
Notice and Formal Letter of Demand (FAN/FLD).
After a return has been filed, the CIR or his duly
authorized representative may authorize the To the Government:
examination of any taxpayer and the assessment
of the correct amount to tax. (Section 6(A), NIRC) 1. To enforce taxpayer liabilities and certain
matters and certain matters that relate to it,
Part of the powers of the BIR is the quasi-judicial such as the imposition of surcharges and
powers. It has the power to decide disputed interests
assessments, refunds, and other matters arising from
the National Internal Revenue Code. It enables the government to enforce tax laws on the
taxpayers. Of course, it allows the government to
impose surcharges and interests among other civil
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
Atty. Manuel:
Para makapaningil ang ating gobyerno pursuant to its
mandate and pursuant to the characterization of taxes
as the lifeblood of the government. Kailangan maningil I. Self-Assessment
ng ating gobyerno dahil hindi lahat ng ating taxpayers
ay honest, therefore, kailangan may assessment power
ang ating gobyerno. Self-Assessment – When the taxpayer computes
his own liability, files his return and pays the tax
To the Government: based on his computation. (Section 56(A), NIRC)
Alam natin that there is a presumption of regularity on Hindi dahil binanggit natin na may presumption of
the part of the practice of our government officials and correctness, automatically correct na ang assessment.
therefore, assessments are presumed to be correct. It It must be based on actual facts. Kung puro
is up to the taxpayer to overthrow that particular presumption lang din naman ang laman ng assessment,
disputable presumption, to overcome the burden of hindi pwedeng i-uphold ng court because again, it must
proof that is required of him. be based on actual facts.
242 SCRA 289
Best Evidence Obtainable Rule
Doctrine: In the absence of any irregularities in the
When the report required by law shall not be
performance of official duties, an assessment will not be
forthcoming within deadline or when there is reason
disturbed. Failure to present proof of error in
to believe that any such report is false, incomplete or
assessments will justify judicial affirmance of said
THEN: the CIR shall assess the proper tax on the
Therefore, kailangan of course, ma-overthrow natin
best evidence obtainable.
‘yung burden of proof.
Atty Manuel: For example, I saw Andrea and I know
that Andrea is a tax evader, sinumbong ko sya sa
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, sabi ko, “CIR, hindi TITLE I
nagbabayad etong si Andrea, singilin nyo sya ngayon
din.” Pwede ko ba i-compel by way of mandamus si GENERAL PROVISIONS
CIR? No, because it’s discretionary on the part of the SECTION 13. A Revenue Officer assigned to
CIR. There are a lot of factors which the CIR may perform assessment functions in any district may,
determine whether to collect taxes. It is the CIR’s duty pursuant to a Letter of Authority issued by the
but it is not ministerial in nature, there is an exercise of Revenue Regional Director, examine taxpayers
discretion. If the cost of assessment outweighs within the jurisdiction of the district in order to collect
whatever taxes will be predicted to be collected from the correct amount of tax, or to recommend the
Andrea, then it is on the sound discretion of the CIR assessment of any deficiency tax due in the same
whether to collect or not. We cannot compel the manner that the said acts could have been performed
Commissioner to assess a certain person. by the Revenue Regional Director himself.
Atty. Manuel:
Delegability of CIR’s powers Kailangan may LOA, without such, the assessment
The CIR may delegate the powers vested in him would be void for being unauthorized. We know naman
under the pertinent provisions of this Code to any or na the power under the law is vested with the CIR, but
such subordinate officials with the rank equivalent to it can be delegated. Without the delegation, a revenue
a division chief or higher. officer is unauthorized kahit empleyado sya ng BIR.
What a revenue officer may do without an LOA is
Section 7, National Internal Revenue Code unauthorized assessment and therefore a violation of
the substantive due process of the taxpayer for not
being conducted in accordance with law.
Atty Manuel: The CIR may delegate powers vested in
An LOA is the authority given to the appropriate RO
him, including making assessments, to certain officials.
assigned to perform assessment functions. It
The authority to make tax assessments may be empowers or enables said RO to examine the books
delegated to subordinate officers. Said assessment of account and other records of a taxpayer for the
has the same force and effect as that issued by the purpose of collecting tax.
CIR if not revised or reviewed by the latter. Medicard Philippines v. CIR (2017)
issuing Las covering audit of “unverified prior years” practice. So kung sa LOA ang nakapangalan ay si
is therefore prohibited. Revenue Officer Patricia Uy and si Revenue Officer
Robinson Mojica… Audits may last for years. There are
CIR v. Sony Philippines (2010) instances wherein 2017 na-audit, for ex. tumatagal ng
isang taon but ofcourse we have employees of the BIR,
minsan nagpaparellocate or transfer or minsan
Atty. Manuel: nagreresign at lumilipat ng ibang agency ng
government or biglang nagpa-private practice.
Hindi pwedeng magkaroon ng LOA which covers
unverified prior years. Kailangan sabihin kung anong So kung sa LOA ang nakapangalan ay si Revenue
year ang covered ng ating Letter of Authority. Why? Officer Patricia Uy at si Rafael Domingo, pero si Rafael
Because kasabay ng ating LOA is normally, a notice for ay nag resign at lumipat ng DOF, tapos ang pumalit sa
presentation of document, kung saan magrerequest sila kanya na Revenue Officer ay si Daniella Besino, sya na
ng documents (nakalista yon). ang bagong Revenue Officer, walang inissue na
bagong LOA to inform the tax payer that it would be
It would be burdensome on the part of the taxpayer if Revenue Officer Daniella Besino, who would take the
unverified prior years ang nakalagay, kas lahat ng case of Rafael Domingo. In such a case, it would
documents kakalkalin nila. Therefore, in order to ease invalidate the audit, it would invalidate the assessment
the audit process on the part of the taxpayer, specify because the assignment or transfer of cases would
naman sana yung taon. require a new Letter of Authority.
NOTE: The LOA shall also likewise indicate the taxes Hindi porket sabihin nating nagresign, automatic may
being audited. Kailangan nakalagay kung anong taxes replacement, kailangan may bagong LOA, para masabi
lamang ang i-audit. Pero normally, sapat na iligay na na valid. That RMO provision is frequently cited in court
“internal revenue taxes”, which is basically all taxes.
However, remember that there are LOAs which only
assess income taxes and value-added taxes. Rules in LOA
Service must be done within 30 days from the date Revalidation of LAs is done through the issuance of
of Issuance. a new LA.
It can be revalidated:
Within 120 days, RO to conduct audit and submit the
1. only once, if issued by the Regional Director;
required report of investigation.
2. twice, if issued by the CIR.
Section 3, DOF Department Order No. 06-99))
Q: Papaano irerevalidate?
A: Through the issuance of a new LOA. Btw, minsan LA
Atty. Manuel: or LOA yung acronyms. Normally, for BIR Issuances,
LA yung gamit nilang acronym. For court cases LOA
Within 120 days from the issuance, kailangan may
ang ginagamit nilang acronym sa Letter of Authority.
results na kung ano ang naging imbestigasyon ng ating
Revenue Officer. Revalidation may be done once, if it is issued by the
Regional Director and twice if issued by the CIR.
Any re-assignment/transfer of cases to another
RO(s), and revalidation of L/As which have already
expired, shall require the issuance of a new L/A, with
the corresponding notation thereto, including the
previous L/A number and date of issue of said L/As.
Atty. Manuel:
Frequency of Examination
GR: Only once per taxable year NOTICE OF DISCREPANCY
5. When the CIR chooses to exercise his power to The Informal Conference shall in no case extend
obtain information relative to the examination of beyond thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice for
other taxpayers. informal conference.
Notice of Discrepancy
Notice of Discrepancy
The NOD aims to fully afford the taxpayer with an
opportunity to present and explain his side on the After the Discussion of Discrepancy, it is still found
discrepancies found. that the taxpayer is liable for deficiency tax and he
does not pay the taxes or he does not agree with the
Based on the said RO's submitted initial report of findings, the case shall be endorsed for issuance of
investigation, the taxpayer shall be informed, in a PAN within 10 days from the conclusion of the
writing of the discrepancy in the taxpayer's payment Discussion.
of his internal revenue taxes, for the purpose of the
"Discussion of Discrepancy." Sec. 3.1.1, Revenue Requiations No. 22-2020
amending Revenue Requlations No 12-1999
The Discussion of Discrepancy shall in no case
extend beyond thirty (30) days from receipt of the Q: Kelan nagkakaroon ng PAN?
NOD. A: After discussion of discrepancy, liable parin si
taxpayer sa paningin ng BIR, hindi pa nagbayad si
Sec. 3.1.1, Revenue Regulations No. 22-2020, taxpayer, or hindi parin agree sa findings si tax payer
amending Revenue Regulations No. 12-1999 mag iissue na tayo ng PAN within 10 days from the
conclusion of the Discussion.
A: Similar sa purpose of Notice of Informal Conference,
which is to inform the taxpayer. Then, magkakaroon ng Filing of Returnà Payment of Taxes à LOA à
discussion ng discrepancy which before we call as within 30 days, serves to taxpayer, within 120 days
Notice of Informal Conference, ngayon ang tawag lang report sa LOA yung findings à Notice of
ay discussion of discrepancy. So basically, it serves the Discrepancy, from the time of receipt of the notice
same purpose. And same na the discussion of of discrepancy, within 30 days kailangan
discrepancy shall in no case extend beyond 30 days magkaroon na ng discussion of discrepancy. From
from receipt of the notice of discrepancy, parang NIC the conclusion of the discussion of discrepancy,
rin- the informal conference should in no case extend within 10 days the issuance of PAN.
beyond 30 days from receipt of the NIC.
Atty. Manuel:
If the taxpayer disagrees with the discrepancy, pwede Atty. Manuel:
pa syang magpadala ng ibang documents to the BIR,
provided it is submitted within 30 days after receipt of Basically notice, and therefore the purpose is to notify
the NOD. So pwede magpadala ng additional the taxpayer kung ano ang finding ng BIR.
documents to rebut whatever is indicated doon sa report
attached sa NOD. However, if after the NOD hindi parin Q: Sir, hindi bai to ulit lang ng notice of
sila magkasundo, panahon na para sa PAN discrepancy?
(Preliminary Assessment Notice). A: Madalas, kung ano ang nakalagay sa NOD, yun din
ang lalabas sa PAN, kasi di napag-agreehan. Kung
matinong usapan naman ang nangyare sa discussion of
discrepancy, may changes naman na mangyayare.
Atty. Manuel:
magkakaparehas ang mga ito, kahit nagsubmit si Importance of informing the taxpayer of the law and
taxpayer ng kanyang mga pieces of evidence, facts
documentary requirements, etc. then it is a violation of
a taxpayer’s right to due process. Atty. K: Aside from the fact that it is for due process
requirement, it is done in order for the taxpayer to set-
Q: Bakit violation of taxpayer’s right to due up intelligent defences.
A: Kasi yung requisites of administrative due process
under Ang Tibay v. Court of Industrial Relations, Even prior to the issuance of PAN, the taxpayer may be
yung requisites of administrative due process doon, one allowed to make voluntary payments of probable
requisite therein provided na- the administrative agency deficiency taxes and penalties. (Revenue Memorandum
must consider the party’s evidence. Kung parehas lang Order No. 11-2014)
yung NOD, copy paste sa PAN, it is as if the
administrative agency did not consider at all the Note: Payment will stop the assessment process and
evidence of the tax payer. Therefore, that is a violation will stop the BIR from issuing the PAN. However, this
of the taxpayer’s right to due process, if there is identity rarely happens.
between or among the NOD, PAN and FAN.
If after review and evaluation by the CIR or his DAR, If the taxpayer fails to respond within 15 days from the
it is determined that there exists sufficient basis to date of receipt of the PAN, he shall be considered in
assess the taxpayer for any deficiency tax, à PAN default, in which case, a Formal Letter of Demand and
shall be issued for the proposed assessment. Final Assessment Notice (FLD/FAN) shall be issued
calling for payment of the taxpayer’s deficiency tax
Section 3.1.1., Revenue Requlations No. 18-2013 liability. (Section 3.1.1, Revenue Regulations No. 18-
Q: When will PAN be issued? The failure to file a reply to PAN will not bar the taxpayer
A: If it is determined that there is a sufficient basis to from protesting the FAN. (Section 3.1.1, Revenue
assess the taxpayer. Regulations No. 18-2013)
Section 228, National Internal Revenue If the taxpayer, within 15 days from date of receipt of the
Code PAN, responds that he/it disagrees with the findings of
the deficiency tax or taxes, an FLD/FAN shall be issued
within 15 days from filing/submission of the taxpayer’s
response, calling for payment of the taxpayer’s
A: It must be in writing, signed by the BIR. Also, due deficiency tax liability, inclusive of the applicable
process requires that the taxpayer be informed of the penalties (Section 3.1.1., Revenue Regulations No. 18-
factual and legal basis on which the assessment is 2013)
Q: What is the purpose of being informed?
A: The importance is for the taxpayer to set up Atty. K: In these cases, the BIR can directly issue
intelligent defenses, without the factual and legal basis, FLD/FAN.
paano mo sya irerebut. So that’s the importance of the
assessment notices, as part of due process (a) When the finding for any deficiency tax is the result
requirement. of any mathematical error in the computation of the
You cannot refund and carry over at the same time. DISPUTED ASSESSMENTS
REQUISITES OF PROTEST If there are several issues involved in the FLD or FAN
but the taxpayer only disputes or protests against the
1. Must be in writing validity of some of the issues raised, the assessment
2. Addressed to the CIR or his duly authorized attributable to the undisputed issue or issues shall
representative become final, executory and demandable.
3. Statement of facts, applicable to laws, rules and
regulations or jurisprudence on which the protest is Those issues are deemed admitted. Final and
based otherwise the protest would be void. executory na magproceed ng collection si BIR on those
4. Must contain the following: issues which were not contested sa protest.
a. Name of the taxpayer and address for the
immediate past 3 taxable years For instance, the FAN contains an assessment for
b. Nature of the request, specifying the newly income tax, VAT, DST. Ang prinotest lang, income tax.
discovered evidence to be presented Therefore, pwede nang magproceed sa collection with
c. Taxable periods covered by the respect to VAT and DST which were not protested by
assessment the taxpayer.
d. Amount and kind of tax involved and the
assessment notice number Eventually, decision na. Once we have filed a protest,
e. Date of receipt of the assessment notice or magkakaroon ng final decision on disputed assessment
letter of demand (FDDA).
f. Itemized statement of the finding to which
the taxpayer agrees (if any) as basis for the
computation of the tax due, which must be FINAL DECISION ON DISPUTED ASSESSMENT
paid upon filing of the protest (FDDA)
g. Itemized schedule of the adjustments to
which the taxpayer does not agree Final Decision on Disputed Assessment (FDDA)
h. Statements of facts or law in support of the is the final decision of the CIR or a duly authorized
protest representative on the protest to the FAN.
KINDS OF PROTEST The CIR issues the FDDA within 180 days from filing
of protest or submission of additional documents.
1. Request for reconsideration – refers to a plea of re-
evaluation of an existing records without need of Atty. Manuel:
additional evidence
2. Request for reinvestigation – refers to a plea of re- So mas mahaba ang timeline kapag request for
evaluation of an assessment on the basis of newly reinvestigation.
discovered or additional evidence that a taxpayer
intends to present in the reinvestigation The FDDA should state the facts, the applicable law,
the rules and regulations, or the jurisprudence on
Supporting documents for requests for which such decision is based.
- The taxpayer shall submit all relevant Atty. Manuel:
supporting documents in support of his
protest within sixty (60) days from date of filing The FDAA should state the factual and legal basis para
of protest. if gustong i-appeal ni taxpayer to the CTA, at least alam
niya kung papaano siya mag-appeal.
Atty. Manuel:
Otherwise, it’s as if the taxpayer did not file a request for
reinvestigation. Therefore, it would make the CIR v. Liquigaz Philippines Corp.
assessment final and executory G.R. No. 215334
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Atty. Manuel:
Walang actual taking of the property but mostly it can
GR: Collection is only allowed when there is already be a mere annotation lang doon sa title. That is already
a final assessment made for the determination of a tax lien.
the tax due.
If the land has tax lien, for it to be binding against
Atty. Manuel: third persons, as with any claim on any property, the
CIR must register the tax lien before the Register of
Kahit hindi pa executory, even though it is appealed Deeds.
before the court, as long as may FDDA na and there is
no injunction issued, pwede na rin mangolekta ang BIR. Therefore, if I sold my land prior to the registration of
the tax lien, the purchaser takes the land free from
XPN: Judicial action to collect the tax liability is any liens and encumbrances, and the CIR may not
permitted even without an assessment when the enforce any lien on the property which I sold to an
taxpayer: innocent third person (purchaser in good faith).
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This lien shall not be valid against any mortgagee Warrant of Warrant of Distraint / Levy
purchaser or judgment creditor until notice of such Garnishment
lien shall be filed by the Commissioner (CIR) in
the office of the Register of Deeds of the province - Issued directly to the
or city where the property of the taxpayer is situated bank to release the
or located. funds / deposit in
favor of the BIR.
Hindi na dumadaan
It is a summary remedy whereby the collection of tax sa taxpayer ‘yung
is enforced on the goods, chattels or effects of the personal property
taxpayer. The property may be offered in a public niya, diretso na sa
sale, if taxes are not voluntarily paid. BIR, because it is
already in the
Atty. Manuel: possession of the 3rd
Personal property ang distraint. Kukunin ang person, so si 3rd
property, it will be subject to a public sale, and proceeds person na lang ang
would be used in order to satisfy any tax liability. sisingilin.
2 Kinds of Distraint
Personal property Personal property
1. Actual Distraint – consists in the actual
seizure and taking possession of personal
property of the taxpayer. LEVY
Atty. K:
Actual seizure, meaning, there is really taking. It is the seizure of real property and interest in or rights
Kukunin talaga ang property from the taxpayer. to such properties for the satisfaction of taxes due from
the delinquent taxpayer.
2. Constructive Distraint – a preventive
remedy which aims at forestalling a possible Atty. Manuel:
dissipation of the taxpayer’s assets when Real property ang levy. Same process with distraint –
delinquency sets in. No actual tax delinquency kukunin ang property, it will be subject to a public sale,
of the taxpayer is necessary before the same is and proceeds thereof would be used in order to satisfy
resorted to by government. any tax liability or for the payment of taxes.
Owner: Taxpayer
Possessor: Bank
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UST FACULTY OF CIVIL LAW | Atty. Kenneth Manuel
the 10-year prescriptive period will apply pursuant to At the point of release or mailing, that’s the date the
Sec. 248 of the NIRC. assessment is made. Para saan iyan? Ang importance
niyan ay para sa pagbibilang ng prescriptive period.
Normally, ang computation ng BIR ay lagpasang 30%
ang i-aassess sa’yong tax. Madalas, ang inaallege nila
ay 10-year prescriptive period would apply. Atty. Manuel:
Sa pagbibilang ng prescriptive period, kailangan yung
RATIONALE BEHIND PRESCRIPTION releasing, mailing, or sending must be within 3 years or
10 years, as the case may be.
Q: Para saan ang prescription? Papaano natin malalaman kung prescribed na ba?
A: Yung 3 years from due date or filing, whichever is later.
I. To the government: Officers would be obliged to act Yun ang rule natin sa prescription.
properly and promptly in making assessments.
Atty. K: So let’s say, January 1, 2022 nag-file ng return. Let’s
Remember, prompt and certain availability of taxes is an say eto rin deadline para madali. Eto kunwari yung start
imperious need pursuant to the lifeblood doctrine. Para ng reckoning day para sa prescription. So 3 years—
magmadali, kailangan ng prescription. January 1, 2025.
II. To the taxpayers: December 25, 2024, a few days before January 1, 2025,
1. For feelings of security against unjust tax audit. nakatanggap ng LOA. Tapos naissue yung PAN nung
January 5. Naissue ang FAN, Fenruary 14.
Atty. K:
Para mapanatag ang kanilang loob na hindi na Prescribed na ba yung assessment kung natanggap
sila maassess for something that is super long yung LOA before the 3 year period? And yung PAN and
ago. FAN after the expiration of the 3 year period? Answer is
2. Limit on obligation to keep their books and for
inspection. The assessment contemplated in Secs. 203 and 222
refers to the service of the FAN upon the taxpayer
Atty. K: (CIR v. Transitions Optical Philippines, 2017)
Kasi magugulat na lang na baka mag-assess
ang BIR na “Itong transaction mo noong 1852 Atty. Manuel:
parang hindi pa buhay si Rizal noon, inaassess Papasok dapat sa 3-year period—not the receipt of
mo na, tapos paparusahan mo ‘yung LOA, not receipt of PAN, not the receipt of the NOD, but
corporation taxpayer dahil hindi makaproduce rather the releasing, mailing or sending of the Final
ng documents noong 1852. Baka nabomba na, Assessment Notice or Formal Letter of Demand. Eto
or kinain ng anay or binagyo na ‘yung yung dapat pumasok within the 3-year period.
documents. Therefore, it would be impractical
to assess a taxpayer for something that is
so long ago. AMENDED RETURNS
30% ang nabago. 30% increase in sales or 30% yung 1. A waiver of the right to invoke the defense of
deduction. Ano ang mangyayari? The amendment is prescription
considered substantial. 2. but a waiver of the agreement between the
taxpayer and the BIR to extend the period to a
So, if it is substantial, what is the effect sa prescriptive date certain, within which the latter could still
period? Mauusog yung prescriptive period natin. Of assess or collect taxes due.
course, kapag nausog ang prescriptive period natin, it’s
now from due date, actual filing, or amending, EXAMPLE:
whichever is the latest among the three. So, if nagkaroon ng waiver, instead na January 1,
2025—extend natin hanggang March 31, 2025. Tapos
Syempre kailangan mo bigyan ng panahon si BIR, nag- lumipas ang March 31, 2025, hindi nakapag issue ng
amend ka eh (substantial), so mababago investigation. FAN and FLD si CIR. Umakyat ng CTA. Sabi ni CIR,
taxpayer you cannot allege prescription because may
Q: Kailan ba pwede mag-amend? waiver ka. Of course, that is not proper. It’s not a waiver
A: of the right to invoke the defense of prescription but
rather extension lang. Dahil di mo pa rin nafifile sa
Amended Return extension, di ka pa rin nakapag issue ng FAN/FLD, the
taxpayer may still invoke the defense of prescription
When: within 3 years from the date of such filing, the doon sa extended period pursuant to the waiver.
return may be modified, changed, or amended.
Q: Bakit ba nagwawaiver?
XPN: Notice for audit or investigation of such return, A: Normally, the waiver is actually si for the benefit of
statement or declaration has been actually served the taxpayer. Taxpayer ang nagrerequest na mag
upon the taxpayer. execute ng waiver of the statute of limitations. Kasi ang
daming demand ng BIR sa documents and it would take
Section 6(A), National Internal Revenue Code time for the taxpayer to produce these documents.
Normally kakamadali ng BIR, time-pressured ang BIR
Atty. Manuel: kasi malapit na pumatak ang 3-year period to issue the
FAN/FLD. Therefore, mammressure ang BIR na i-
Except if napadalhan ka na ng LOA, hindi ka na pwede release mo yan unless FAN/FLD na agad. Of course
mag-amend. Yun na talaga return mo, di na pwede i- sasabihin ni taxpayer na wala pa documents and
amend belatedly. therefore ipapa-extend ang deadline. Sasabihin ni BIR
na hindi kasi mag pprescribe na 3 years. Counter offer
Q: Can we extend prescription? ni taxpayer na mag execute ng waiver of the statute of
A: Yes. With a waiver. limitations.
GUIDELINES ON PROPER EXECUTION OF it is the taxpayer who is in charge. But there are many
WAIVERS cases too na mali yung waiver of the defense of
prescription—mali sa form—but since tinanggap ni BIR,
the BIR was held responsible for such, hindi na nakapag
The Waiver of the Statute of Limitations shall be
assess si BIR, nagging prescribed na.
executed before the expiration of the period to
assess or to collect taxes.
The waiver may or may not be notarized. It is
The date of execution shall be specifically indicated sufficient that the waiver is in writing.
in the waiver.
Q: Can there be multiple waivers?
Atty. Manuel: A: Yes. Walang limit as to the number of waivers. Kung
gusto mong mag-extend nang mang-extend, go lang.
Ilalagay dapat date of execution sa waiver kasi of
course, para malaman that it was executed before the Before the expiration of the period set on the
expiration of the period to assess. Since a waiver is an
previously executed waiver, the period earlier set
agreement between the BIR and the taxpayer, of course
may be extended by subsequent written waiver.
the waiver must likewise be:
Atty. Manuel:
and cannot be served by any Assessment Notice.
Why? Because normally it’s for the taxpayer’s benefit.
Siya ang nagrerequest niyan. Sakanya nagsisimula ang When the Warrant of Distraint/Levy (WDL) is duly
waiver of the defense of prescription. Siya ang served upon the taxpayer, his authorized
nagsesend sa BIR ng kanyang signed copy. Therefore,
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Q: Ano ang natatanggap natin by way of tax refunds? - NB: The 2-year period is jurisdictional. May
A: be extended or may be waived.
1. Tax refund - actual reimbursement of tax
(Sec 204(C), NIRC) Atty. Manuel:
- ini-issuehan tayo ng cheke galing sa
BIR galing sa Bureau of Treasury The 2-year period includes both the administrative
2. Tax credit - the government issues a Tax claim (with the BIR) and the judicial claim (petition
Credit Certificate (TCC) which may be for review before the CTA) for refund.
applied against any internal revenue tax,
excluding withholding taxes, for which the Illustration of 2-Year Period for §229 Refund:
taxpayer is directly liable. (Sec. 204(C))
Nagbayad ako on Dec. 31, 2020. Nagfile ako ng Only proof of withholding; Proof of remittance is not
administrative claim for refund on April 2022. Mage- required.
expire ang 2-year period ng Dec. 31, 2022. Therefore,
any time before Dec. 31, 2022, I can file my judicial
claim for refund. Atty. Manuel:
If you filed a claim for refund, it presupposes that you
This is assuming that there is INACTION on the part of paid for the same.
the CIR. Because if there is DENIAL, from receipt of the
denial (of the administrative claim), within 30 days, dun Banco De Oro (BDO) v. Republic
tayo magfa-file ng petition for review with the CTA G.R. No. 198756, 16 August 2016
(judicial claim).
Atty Manuel:
But assuming there is inaction by the CIR, then I can file On withholding tax, only proof of withholding is required.
my judicial claim for refund any time as long as it is Di kailangan patunayan ng isang taxpayer that
within the 2-year prescriptive period which ends on Dec. remittance was paid by the withholding agent.
31, 2022.
YES. If the taxpayer would wait for BIR to decide, the The “taxpayer” is the person entitled to claim a tax
taxpayer would lose the right to appeal considering that refund. He is the “party adversely affected” who is
if he will wait for the BIR to decide, it will already exceed given the right to appeal the decision or ruling of the
the 2-year prescriptive period within which to file his CIR.
petition for review before the CTA. Thus, no matter how
close the filing of the administrative claim for refund Statutory taxpayer: to whom the tax is imposed by
before the BIR is to the expiration of the 2-year law.
prescriptive period, pwedeng immediately after, you file
a petition for review before the CTA as long as mag-
eexpire na yung 2-year prescriptive period. Q: Who is the proper party?
Atty. Manuel:
Fourth requisite: As to statutory taxpayer, sino ba ang nagfifile ng return?
Taxpayer must present proof of payment. Sino ba ang pwedeng makulong sa di pagbabayad ng
tax kung sya ang statutory taxpayer natin.
On withholding tax:
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Where the tax has been shifted:
the taxpayer Respondent is a domestic corporation duly registered
with the Board of Investments. It entered into three
Agreements for Programming and Consultancy
Atty. Manuel: Services with Prism, a Malaysian corporation.
Let’s take for instance, VAT. Si seller nagbenta kay
buyer. Sa pagbenta kay buyer, alam natin na tax is an Prism billed respondent in the amount of
indirect tax and therefore may tax-shifting na US$547,822.45. Thinking that these payments
nagaganap wherein the economic burden of VAT is constitute royalties, respondent withheld 25% of the
passed from the seller to the buyer. amount as royalty tax under the RP-Malaysia Tax
Treaty. Within the two-year period, Smart filed a claim
Q: Can the buyer file a claim for refund? for refund of the above-mentioned amount.
Atty. Manuel:
Protest, sometimes, is essentially a claim for refund in
the abovementioned instances.
Refunds or credits made after such time shall earn 1. SEC. 112(A) – Refund of input VAT attributable to
interest at the rate of 6% per annum. zero-rated sale
2. SEC. 112(B) – Refund of input VAT on cancellation
(Sec, 79(C), NIRC) of registration.
Any excess of the taxes withheld over the tax due Who files: any VAT-registered person, whose sales
from the taxpayer shall be returned or credited are zero-rated or effectively zero-rated
within three (3) months from the fifteenth (15th)
day of April. Refunds or credits made after such time Reason for refund:
shall earn interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per
annum, starting after the lapse of the three-month ZERO-RATING V. EXEMPT
period to the date the refund of credit is made. [Sec. In both instances of zero rating, there is total relief for
79(C)(2), NIRC] the purchaser from the burden of the tax. But in an
exemption there is only partial relief, because the
purchaser is not allowed any tax refund of or credit for
Q: What is the rate of interest under Sec. 79(C)(2)? input taxes paid. [Commissioner of Internal Revenue v.
A: The interest is 6% per annum if the excess is not Seagate Technology (Philippines), G.R. No. 153866, 11
returned or credited within 3 months from 15 April. February 2005]
112 (A) – from the close First ground: A reasonable doubt as to the validity
of the quarter when the of the claim against the taxpayer exists.
zero-rated sale was
From date of payment 1. Jeopardy assessment na minadali lang
2. No factual and legal basis
3. Nag-rule na ang CTA against the BIR
112 (B) – from the date of
cancellation of
Second ground: The financial position of the taxpayer
registration demonstrates a clear inability to pay the assessed tax.
25% Surcharge
Before litigation or at any stage of the litigation, even
during appeal. 50% Surcharge
For Civil cases (i.e. assessment, collection) at wala 25% surcharge (Sec. 248 (A), NIRC)
namang criminal case, it may be compromised at any 1. If there is failure to file return and the tax due
stage of the litigation. thereon;
a. Enforce the Compromise; or 3. Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the time
-Ask for specific performance and enforce the prescribed for its payment in the notice of
compromise na bayaran ang napag-agreehan. assessment; or
b. Rescind the Compromise.
-You may ask for rescission and enforce the 4. Failure to pay the full or part of the amount of
original assessment of the BIR prior to the tax shown on any return required to be filed, or
Compromise. the full amount of tax due for which no return is
required to be filed, on or before the date
Prescriptive Period to Enforce prescribed for its payment.
-You filed a return, but the amount
10 years. (Art. 1144, Civil Code) indicated therein was not paid.
There shall be assessed and collected on any unpaid Non-resident: he shall be deported immediately
amount of tax, interest at the rate of double the legal after serving the sentence without further
interest rate for loans or forbearance of any money proceedings. (Sec. 253(C), NIRC)
as set by the BSP. (Sec. 249(A), NIRC)
Aside from fine and imprisonment, deportation din
Interest is imposed at 12%. Automatic kapag late ang immediately after serving the sentence.
bayad natin.
If the offender:
Compromise Penalty
Public officer or employee: the maximum penalty
It is a certain amount of money which the taxpayer prescribed for the offense shall be imposed and, in
pays to compromise a tax violation. addition, he shall be dismissed from the public
service and perpetually disqualified from holding
any public office, to vote and to participate in any
election. (Sec. 253(C), NIRC)
It is imposed only with a showing that the taxpayer
consented thereto.
If the offender:
This is in lieu of criminal prosecution. Kaysa kasuhan Certified Public Accountant: his certificate as a
ka, automatic magbayad ka na lang ng compromise CPA shall, upon conviction, be automatically revoked
penalty. or cancelled. (Sec. 253(C), NIRC)
May only be imposed if the taxpayer consented thereto
considering that it requires the agreement of the Q: What if the offender is a lawyer?
taxpayer. A: There is no provision in the NIRC.
Juridical Persons
Limit: P1,000,000
Atty. K: May exclusive original jurisdiction na hindi o Exception: With respect to the
dadaan ng anumang korte, hindi dadaan ng anumang decisions or rulings of the CBAA and
quasi-judicial agency; diretso file na agad sa CTA. RTC in the exercise of its appellate
jurisdiction, appeal shall be made by
filing a petition for review under a
EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL JURISDICTION procedure analogous to that provided
for under Rule 43. The CTA shall hear
● Criminal offenses the case en banc.
o All criminal offenses arising from
violations of the NIRC, CMTA, and
other laws administered by the ● Manner of Decision
BIR/BOC o Decisions of the Court shall be in
writing, stating clearly and distinctly
the facts and the law on which they are
o Provided that, offenses or felonies based, and signed by the Justices
where the principal amount of taxes concurring therein.
and fees, exclusive of charges and
penalties, claimed is less than
P1,000,000 or where there is no ● Decision of CTA Division
specified amount claimed shall be tried o Two (2) members of a Division shall
by the regular Courts and the be necessary for the rendition of a
jurisdiction of the CTA shall be decision or resolution in the Division
appellate. Level.
● Period of Appeal
o Any party adversely affected by a o A party adversely affected by a
decision, ruling, or inaction of the CIR, resolution of a Division of the CTA on
CoC, SoF, STI, SoA, CBAA, or RTC a motion for reconsideration or a new
may file an appeal with the CTA within trial, may file a petition for review with
thirty (30) days. the CTA en banc.
Atty. Manuel:
In upholding the supremacy of CTA in deciding tax case,
the CTA is a highly specialized body specifically created
for the purpose of reviewing tax cases. Because of this
recognized expertise, the findings of the CTA will not
ordinarily be reviewed absent a showing of gross error
or abuse on its part.
Atty. Manuel:
May mga kaso na dumederetso ng CTA En Banc. With
respect to decisions or rulings of the CBAA and RTC in
the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, appeal shall be
made by filing a petition for review under a procedure
analogous to that provided for under Rule 43. Deretso
na sa CTA En Banc within a period of 15 days.
Atty. Manuel:
Decisions or Inaction of the CIR are appealable sa CTA
Division. Period is within 30 days.
Atty. Manuel:
Similarly, for CBAA, since palaging appellate yan,
magsisimula sa Local Board of Assessment Appeals
(LBAA), 30 days to appeal to the Central Board of
Assessment Appeals (CBAA). Then, 15 days, under
Rule 43, deretso na tayong CTA En Banc.
Atty. Manuel:
Once na may Decision na tayo ng CTA Division, wag
muna dumeretso ng En Banc. File muna Motion for
Reconsideration or Motion for New Trial. That’s
mandatory and jurisdictional within 15 days from receipt
of Decision.
Atty. Manuel:
Color Code of Arrows:
Blue – Rule 42, 30 days
Red – Rule 43, 15 days
Orange – Revised Rules of CTA, 15 days
Purple – Rule 45, 15 days
Green – LGC, 30 days