AVI 30 Syllabus

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Name: __________________________ www.visualarts.synthasite.



Visual Arts Program

Visual Arts: Grade 11 Course Code: AVI3O Room: 124A

The Art Classroom:

Welcome to Century Secondary School Visual Arts Department. Keep an open mind
and enjoy the experience. The main focus of this class will be on learning art through
practice and experimentation. We will be exploring many different art techniques, processes
and theories.

This class is not about talent and skill. This class is about introducing new ideas and
concepts. Your artistic abilities will grow naturally through practice and experimentation.

Our classroom is also located online: www.visualarts.synthasite.com

 Explore this site; your class will be the AVI3O.

 You will be able to access any handouts that you have missed. You can open them
and print them off.
 I have also placed some great information about selective art periods and artists & will
post some of your artwork online.
 The site is always changing so feel free to stop in a check it out.

Required Materials:
~3 ring Binder for all class notes ~***Pencils
~White Vinyl eraser ~12” Ruler: solid not flexible
~Colour Pencils (We use these a lot!) ~Black Markers
~A few glue sticks ~Scissors
*Sketchbook is optional – but would be a good tool to have to keep all your drawings together

The classroom has a small amount of these materials and you can use them but need to share
All the above materials are available from Staples, Wal-Mart, Zellers, Shoppers, or a Dollar Store.

Please have your materials in & ready to use in a week’s time

Name: __________________________
The Classroom:

This is considered a soft shop classroom. It is different from a regular classroom. We

will be using a variety of materials where you need to make sure you use safely. For this
reason everyone has to follow the following rules:

 Come to class prepared mentally & physically

 Keep a neat and clean notebook.
 Treat others with respect at all times, this includes fellow students, teachers, visitors,
etc. Act in a mature manner in the classroom. Bullying, teasing or any inappropriate
behaviours will not be tolerated.
 No eating, drinking, backpacks or coats allowed in the classroom. Water in a bottle is
 Keep the room tidy and organized. Put your artwork away in the designated area
(portfolio) and always respect other people’s artwork. Never touch another student’s
work unless invited too. Do not write on their work or wreck it. Do not use negative
comments towards others or others artwork.
 The Supply Cabinets: Students are not allowed in the supply cabinets, unless given
permission by the teacher.
 The stairs to the loft are off limits.
 If you have missed a class: You are responsible to ask the teacher for information you
have missed and to check your period bin for you work.
 No Cell phones, Game devices, or other similar electronic devices. We will have a
classroom radio to listen to and it will be set to 96.3, 96.7, 98.7 or 106.7 only & Music
Devices may be used when teacher permits.
 Computer in the classroom is available for use. Please ask the teacher for permission.
If you have an electronic device that searches the web, and need to use it, please ask
the teacher for permission. Students are expected to comply with the GECDSB
school code of conduct policy and classroom expectations as outlined by the teacher
 Sign Out: if you need to leave the room, you must ask the teachers permission. Once
it has been given you will sign out in the sign out duotang.
 Stay in your seats until the bell. Students are expected to remain in their seats once
the bell has rung they may leave the classroom. The first period of the day takes down
all the stools. The last period of the day puts up all stools.

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