Bcse303l Operating-Systems TH 1.0 70 Bcse303l

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Agenda Item 65/39 - Annexure - 35

BCSE303L Operating Systems L T P C

3 0 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives
1. To introduce the operating system concepts, designs and provide skills required to
implement the services.
2. To describe the trade-offs between conflicting objectives in large scale system design.
3. To develop the knowledge for application of the various design issues and services.

Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, student should be able to:
1. Interpret the evolution of OS functionality, structures, layers and apply various types of
system calls of various process states.
2. Design scheduling algorithms to compute and compare various scheduling criteria.
3. Apply and analyze communication between inter process and synchronization
4. Implement page replacement algorithms, memory management problems and
5. Differentiate the file systems for applying different allocation, access technique,
representing virtualization and providing protection and security to OS.

Module:1 Introduction 3 hours

Introduction to OS: Functionality of OS - OS design issues - Structuring methods
(monolithic, layered, modular, micro-kernel models) - Abstractions, processes, resources -
Influence of security, networking, and multimedia.
Module:2 OS Principles 4 hours
System calls, System/Application Call Interface – Protection: User/Kernel modes - Interrupts
-Processes - Structures (Process Control Block, Ready List etc.), Process creation,
management in Unix – Threads: User level, kernel level threads and thread models.
Module:3 Scheduling 9 hours
Processes Scheduling - CPU Scheduling: Pre-emptive, non-pre-emptive - Multiprocessor
scheduling – Deadlocks - Resource allocation and management - Deadlock handling
mechanisms: prevention, avoidance, detection, recovery.
Module:4 Concurrency 8 hours
Inter-process communication, Synchronization - Implementing synchronization primitives
(Peterson’s solution, Bakery algorithm, synchronization hardware) - Semaphores – Classical
synchronization problems, Monitors: Solution to Dining Philosophers problem – IPC in Unix,
Multiprocessors and Locking - Scalable Locks - Lock-free coordination.
Module:5 Memory Management 7 hours
Main memory management, Memory allocation strategies, Virtual memory: Hardware
support for virtual memory (caching, TLB) – Paging - Segmentation - Demand Paging - Page
Faults - Page Replacement -Thrashing - Working Set.
Module:6 Virtualization and File System 6 hours
Virtual Machines - Virtualization (Hardware/Software, Server, Service, Network - Hypervisors
- Container virtualization - Cost of virtualization - File system interface (access methods,
directory structures) - File system implementation (directory implementation, file allocation
methods) - File system recovery - Journaling - Soft updates - Log-structured file system -
Distributed file system.
Module:7 Storage Management, Protection and 6 hours
Disk structure and attachment – Disk scheduling algorithms (seek time, rotational latency
based)- System threats and security – Policy vs mechanism - Access vs authentication -

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Agenda Item 65/39 - Annexure - 35

System protection: Access matrix – Capability based systems - OS: performance, scaling,
future directions in mobile OS.
Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Text Book
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”,
2018, 10th Edition, Wiley, United States.
Reference Books
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, 2016, 4th Edition, Pearson,
United Kingdom.
2. William Stallings, “Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles”, 2018, 9th
Edition, Pearson, United Kingdom.
Mode of Evaluation: CAT, Written Assignment, Quiz, FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 04-03-2022
Approved by Academic Council No. 65 Date 17-03-2022

Proceedings of the 65th Academic Council (17.03.2022) 988

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