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Hydraulic Structures and dam
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535 AAEa- § Se all all 43% om OQ) — @ + 3 SCRIBD Search Q raul Structures so MuticieChice Questons ase ass 8s oss, ass sr 200 a 3 Access the ultimate library with Scribd. az =] Abhydraulicjump is generally formed when a stream moving with GIA hyper-titical velocity meets a stream moving witha rilical velocity [DA hyper-critical velocity meets stream moving with a hyper-critical velocity [A hypercitical velocity meets stream moving witha sub-citical velit THA subseritical velocity meets a stream moving witha hyper-ciical velocity Tans :<} Aall which maintains it depth, is [A trapesoidal notch fall [B] A low weir fall [HA recangularnotch all [All he above (ans. Presence of taikwaterin a gravity dam, [al increases the principal stress and decreases Ue shear stess [D]Increases both the principal stress and the shearsteess Decreases the principal stress and increases the shear stress [a] Decreases bth the principal tress and the shea tress tans.) “The saturation line i the line up to which banks get saturate after the canal runs for sometime, The saturation gradient in ordinary loam soil is generally Waa Gs: 4 fas:1 Tans sad The uplift pressure onthe roof ofan invested syphon is maximum when {al Drain in running ry (ol canatis running dry [Canalis unning with RSL. [G]Drainis running with HEL. (Ans. The mati oF the discharge over a trapezoidal crest 0 a rectangular crest of Sanda fll fidentical parameters, i [altos [alors [e}1.064 [a1054 [Ansa] Pond level in a canal regulators the level of water [athighest flood level [Bat the crestievel at the lowest level [i] none of these. Ul O <533 ABA Dams ana ass 56 ase 060 ost Trv Scribd FREE for 30 davs to access 9 § ScRIBD + @& sideshare Access the ultimate library with Scribd. $e all all 43% me rau Stucturas Mutt Chice Questions ‘The process of laying and compacting earth in layers by power rollers under OMC for construction of earthen dams is known as Rolled fit method Di tyaroutic hit method [S]OMC method [i] Compaction [Ans.: a} Fordliversionof flood water of rivers, the type of canal constructed, is a) Ridge canal [2] Perennial eanat Inundation canal {i} canat lAns.:el ‘The blanket in earth dam s provided Atte ground level on wsside [BlAtthe ground level on the dis side [e] At the ground level of the Djs side of the dam [don the Djs slope (Ans sa} Which embankiment has the thickness ofthe diaphragm at an elevation less {han 10 meters or the height of the embankment above the coreesponding elevation? [a] Diaphragm type dam {a Zoned type dam Nonhomogenous earth dam [i] Homogenous earth dam (Ans. zal TFDiis the depth of water upsteam of the daat above is sil, Bis the width of the throat to achieve critical low in an open venturi uae, the theoretical smanisnum flow Qs Go-171 spi Glo-17180 (go-i7iep3a (do-sr poze Tans cod Retrogression of the bed level of a river downstream a weir, occurs de to La]Heavy impactof water [a] Increase ofthe be level Less percentage of silt Sof soll strata [Anse Ina concrete canal the approximate permissible velocity of water should aot exceed Tosmisee Blame [i smsec [il2misec (ans. §} SCRIBD Trusted by over 1 million members Ag i O <532 Ba G- NES all all 43% Tennis sulaie Tocnton oracanal Read Work, Ts a] Boulders stage of the river _[b] Delta stage of the river [a] Rock stage ofthe river [i Trough stage of the river tAns.: 4) 49 While deciding the alignment ofa proposed canal taking of from a river atB thse alignments of approximately equal lengths ore available, These cross a drainages at CL, C2 and C3 where drainage bed levels C1> C2> C3, you will provide asite C3 [An aqueduct BIA syphon aqueduct IA super passage Asyphon [ns sa] 50 Canals constructed for draining olf water from water logged areas, ar Drains Inundation canals az [al contour canals [ans sal nerally provided, if [i] Ground slope exceed the designed bed slope [Designed bed slope exceeds the ground slope [Ground slopes practically the same as the designed bed slope [None of these [ans sa] 52 Thedepth ofthe crest ofa scouring sluice below the crest ofa head regulator, is generally kept talc [b]1.20m [s}220m (a]320m Uns: bi 052 Bligh’s theory of seepage assumes [il Equal weightage tothe horizontal and vertical creep 5] More weightage to horizontal ewep than vertical eee [a] Less wig 4) Loss of head follows the sine et horizor ve [Ans sal @ During. the construction of an earthen dam by hydraulic fll method evelopment of pore pressure becomes impertantin the [Centratimpervious core [B] Pervious outor shell [El ransition one [Both central core and outers Access the ultimate library with Scribd. A | =]539 MEAs x Thy stages sans isyer Luss tie uesnieess Be all all 42% at the Lowest level [inone of these Ans. dl se Thecrest vel of canal diversion head work, depends upon [EIFSL. of the canal [discharge perimeters [el pond tovet [alt he above [anes 70 _Retrogression ofthe bed level ofa river dowastream a weit, ours due to [heavy impact of water lincrease ofthe bed level, [lless percentage of silt [sort soi strata Tans cad 71 Acconding to Khosla the exist gradient of surface flow [aldepends upen the bid ratio [BJis independent of the bid ratio [lis independent ofthe depths ofthe cutoff walls none ofthese [Ans sal 2.72 Theuplif pressure onthe roof ofan inverted siphon it maximum when [tain is running dey Banal is running dry isrunning withHSL. [canal isrunning with FSL.—fAns.ze) 279 Theuplit pressure onthe roof ofan invested syphon, is maximum when lain in running dry [Banal is running dry [leant isrunning with ESL. [i]drainisrunning with HEL, fans.) 74 Themain function ofa diversion head works ofa canal irom a iver is [to removes {B] to contol toods tostore water Lilt raise waterevel Uns: 75 The mos suitable location of a canal head work is [boulderstageoftheriver [Bi] dela stage ofthe river [Elruck stage ofthe river [ltwough stage ofthe river [Ans.:d 270A canal head workin the boulder stage of iver is nol suitable because [H] subsoil flow exist inthe riverbed [Bithere are heavy seepage losses [el very fev cross drainage works are required [Bia the above [ans.: dl 77 Inabarrage the restlevelis kept [allow with large gates [Bligh with ange gates high with no gates [ov with no gates [Ans sal §& scrieo + & sideshare Access the ultimate library with Scribd. Ul O <ms and Hydraulic Structure (401007) Civil Engineering (201003) Multiple Chotes Questions} Question ak we 15 a3 A sn ile snd yk ny Gy 21 The gh wie sho abe sen tna data a {217i tsb na ab hen onal hase base core _Sileation cpa eveMultiple Choice Questions : Question Bank Chapter 1 Introduction to dams Q.1 The dam constructed on upstream of town to proteet it from floods is known as- 1) detention dam b)diversiondam ——ceoffer dam ‘storage dam Q.2 The temporary dam constructed for dewatering the area to facilitates the execution of ‘foundation work is known as- aydetention dam bMiversion dam e)eaffer dam storage dam Q.3 The dam constructed in river to mise the water level for diresting the flow into off taking ‘canals or intakes ig known as- detention dam bydiversiondam ——e)cofer dam d)storage dam Qe4 The dam constructed with earth or rock fll is known a3- ajrigid dom bynon rigid dam coffer dam diversion dam QS In hollow masonry gravity dam ,the R.C.C deck slabor arch shares- ajtal water pressure silt pressure wave pressure d)weight of water Q6 Stee! dams offer more resistance to eatastrophie failure due to= 4) ground settlement b) sliding ©)evertuming ——d) tension Q-7 A minor dam project has culturable command erea- a)more than 20ha by ess than 20ha —_c) hetween 100 ha to1S0ha dé) between 150 ha-200 ha Q.8.A major dam project las gross storage equal to- 2) 0.5Min* b10 Mm ©)10-60 Mm?) more than 60 Mm Q.9.A medium dam project has aydraulie head equal to- b) 2m 6) 12t030m dd) more than 30m Q.10 In gravity dam, all extemal forces are resisted by- a)resultant force blown weight of eross section c)equivalent uplift pressure d)shear reaction QA11 The embankment dam offers the resistance to all external forces through« ‘shear reaction overturning moment c)eompression resultant Q12 The main advantage in arch dam is that ,tallows- a)minimum length byminimum depth }minimum width dmaximum span Q.13 The small dam designed to reduce the flow velocity and control the soil erosion in area is known as silly saddle dam b)vving dam mailing dam cheek dam Q14 A dam constructed to reduce the wsterway ofa flow is known as- saddle dam. bywwing dam Mailing aycheck dam Q.15 An cath fill embankment dam constructed in mines to store the left out materials of imines is known as sade dam bwving dam tailing dam = djeheck dan Q.16 The area encompassed by ridge line and has @ common drainage point is known }eatchment area bjsubmerged area e}culturable area djvommand area Q.17 The economie height of dam offers. minimum height per unit sto Lyminimum width per unit storage e}mminimum eest per unit storage d)maxinum storage in minimum area Q8 The availability of water over a certain peried is known as- ajdischarge byassured flow run off yield Q.19 The outflow from the reservoir is known as: 15 3 a9:22 M42 4 ‘a)catchment yield b)reservoir yield oyfirm yield hflood (2.20 The yield or more than that which may occur from the catchment for mn” years out of “a” years where “mis ranking and ‘n’ is number of years is known as. ajdesign yield )dependlable yield ejflem yield A)eatchment yield (221 The graph which shows relationship between duration and discharge is known ae amass curve Uidemand curve elevation capacity curve dhydrograph Q.22 The graph of accumulated demand verses duration is known as- amass curve bydemand curve c)elevation capacity curve dhydrograph Q.23 The graph of accumulated demand verses duration is known as- amass curve bxlemand curve c)elevation capacity curve d)hydrograph (0.24 The water stored between the zene of minimum pool level and nermal pool level w known as- aidead storage byvalley storage jive storage surcharge storage Q.25 The water stored temporarily in zone between nermal pool level and minimum poo! level and maximum pool level Is known as a)dead storage byvalley storage clive storage A)surcharge storage Answer key 0 M.C.Qs {a [7s [ke oe] 16a [ie [isd [19.6] a0-b 5 PREC CSCC OOEEOOaEODDECCRECCCECCeEEC@@CCOED Chapter 2. Dam Safety and Instrumentatio 1) Determination of uplift pressure is 8) optional measurement b) routine measurement «) metrological measurement ¢) obligatory measurement 2) Recording of reservoir level and daily evaporation is 8) optional measurement ) routine measurement ©) metrological measurement 4) obligatory measurement) 3) Recording of air ‘emperature and wind velocity is, 4) optional measurement, ) routine measurement «) metological measurement 4) obligatory measurement) 4) Electrical and electronic equipments ae based on priciple of measuring 2) strain by stress ©) pressure 4) magnet filed 5) Hydraulic equipments are based on principle af measuring, a) strain b) stress ©) pressure ) magnetic filed 6) Preumatic equipments are based on principle of measuring a) strain hy stress ©) pressure 4) magnet filed 7) Porous tube piezometer is used ta determine 4) uplift pressure by settlement ¢} lateral movement 4) temperature 8) Inctinometer is used to determinerd. Be known as, a) slip b) epicentre fault d) strike 18) The earthquake waves of smaller amplitude and wave length with greater velocity are known as a) Paves by S waves ©) Love waves 4) Rayleigh wave 16) The waves which cause to oscillate earth mass in an elliptic path in a vertical plane are known as 8) Pwaves ) Rayleigh waves ©) Secondary waves Richter waves 17) Richter seale determines 8) intensity of earthquake by frequency of earthquake ©) density of earthquake 6) magnitude of earthquake 18) For no tension to occur al base, the eccentricity of resultant should not be more than 8 wo! ers 19) Anetemontary pole define following shape of gait dam ‘ape ©) rit angle ingle © squre 6) rectangular 20) Out of following, whic force is not considered in an elementary profile? 2) uplift pressure by hydrostatic pressure ©) hydrodynamic pressure ) self weight 21) Minimum base width for an elementary profile for no tension case is obtained by equation, B= 22) Minimum base width for an elementary profile for no sliding case is obtained by equation, B=9:22 M42 4 5) Gravity dam is preferred i? foundation available is a) soft rock ) sand layer ©) murum bese «) sound rock 6) The uplift pressure, in gravity dam 8) improves stability b) opposes stability ©) reduces hydrostatic pressure ) makes foundation strong 7) Construction of cutofT on upstream side of dam is helpfal for 8) reducing the uplift b) increasing the seepage ©) modifying the foundation ) grouting in foundation, 8) Drainage gallery is subjected to 4) atmospheric pressure b) vacuum pressure ©) uplift pressure 4) absolute pressure ®) Forno tll water condition, the reduction in uplift pressure due to provision of drainage sallery is given by equation a) on oe 10) For lail water condition, the reduction in wplif pressure due to provision of drinage zallery is given by ecuation a) y(he + b) (ht —* yc + 11) The height of rise above the undisturbed reservoir level is called as a) seich b) ebb ©) tide «) setup 12) The periodic undulations caused by intermittent wind aevion, earthquakes, imegular inflow or outflow is known as. 4) seich by tide ©) setup 6) estuary 13) The point on the fault where rupture of tectonic plates stars is known as ) earthquake ) epicenter ©) focus 4) Tsunami 1 15 te 3 ard. Be 4 it of dam ¢) lateral movement ) rotation of dam 4) settlement of dam 9) Inverted pendulum is used to determine aptiltof dam )settlement b) Iateral movement 4) stess distribution 10) Vibrating pressure ellis used to determine a) strain «) settlement 11) Distributed fiber optic tool measures a) Temperature ©) Sirain 12) When the ruprure o¢cur at fault due to movement of gigantic plates following is released ermal energy ast 13) The motion caused by seismie waves appears a) tsunami ¢) earthquake 14) Scismograph records 8) intensity of earthquake ©) focus of epicenter 15) Seismoscope records time of earthquake ©) intensity of earthquake by stess distribution ) lateral movement by Stress d) Settlement in earth, which of the b) lava «) volcanic eneray in the form of shaking ground is known as ) volcano 4) vibration b) location of epicenter 4) amplitude of shaking wave 'b) magnitude of vertical shaking 4) maximum extent of motion Re da Se Be oa 10. Ma Isa Chapter 3. Gravity Dams 1) In gravity dam, all external forces are resisted by 1) hydrostatic pressure ©) uplift pressure by self weight of dam 4) not resultant force 2) Vertical axis of gravity dam is vertical line that passes through 8) upstream edge of top of dam €) downstream edge of dam 3) Drainage gallery in gravity dam 4) reduces hydrostatic pressure ©) reduces uplift pressure 4) An adit is provided as an approach to 2) drainage gallery ©) tail cheaned 15 ») centre of gravity of dam 4) base line of dam b) increases weight of dam 4) reduces drainage b) gravity dam 4) canal te39:22 M42 4 28) The grout of esmen, water and send mixed with highspeed in colloidal form is known aeutofl by slurry eymortar_—_d) colgrout 24) The colgrout is used in construction of )eonerete dam )stone masonry dam c)earthdam 4) rock dam 25) Roller compacted concrete isa concrete without a)slump 6) fly ash ¢) coarse aggregated) admixture 26) Inpresenee of water, which ofthe following are responsible for heat of hydration in concreting? alkali >) acids) silicates and alurainates d) chlorides 27) The process of heat of hydration causes 9) decrease in temperature b) decrease in water cement ration 6) increase in stump 4) increase in temperature 28) The process of heat of hydration forms 8) cracks in concrete ») creep in conerete ©) shrinkage in conerste @) fatigue in concrete 29) Crack formation in gravity dam results into a) durability ) stability c) heat of hydration 4) stress concentrationrd. Be 4 30) The process of crack formation can be effectively controlled by making provision of ) construction joint b) filters )sheet piles) sha 31) The component which is embedded in construction joints to transfer the shear load of fone block fo another is known as a)adit by vault —e)seal——d) hey Answer key Lb 2a 3c 4a 5 6b 7a 8a 9¢ 1a Ild 12a 136 Mb 15a 16b 174 184 1%b 206 2d 22b 23d 24b 25a Ie 27d 2a 29d 30a 31d PEGS PEECEOECEOEEOEEEODEE2RLERBER2BR000R00000 Chapter 4.Arch Dam and Other Dams lultiple Choice Questions 1) In arrarch dam, majority of external forces are transferred through an arch action tothe a)conerete b) abutment ‘©)arch shape 4) base 2) The advantages of an arch dam i that it’ean be constructed with less a) fize board by height ) radius 6) thickness 3) The ratio of thickness of arch dam at foundation to the height of arch dam is known as A) shape coefficient by thickness coefficient ©) hela h coefficient efficient dar 44) An arch dam is favored if the value of canyon shape factor is within the limit of a)10 10 13, b) 8101 5108 200s 5) Most economical and optimum central angle of am arch dam is 1 15 te 3 a@) 131936" ) 33°34" 9) 135930" 6) 136° 38° Coefiielent of an arch dam defines the thickness of profile ) width of profile ©) depth of profile dan arch 7) Im constant angle arch dam, following parameters is constant central angle at tp only ») central angle at bottam onty eens angle ofall orion arch rings) cena angle oF U shape valley 8) Constant angle arch dam may act as 2) variable radios arch dam ) constant radius arc dam ©) double curvature ash dam arch gravity dam 9) In constant radius arch dam , the ‘)cenlalangle decreases with dept bert ange erases wth depth 6) thihness decrease with depth 4) thickness increases with depth 10) In constant radius arch dam, the radius on the downsteam face 4 remains constant 3) vais rom top to bottom «] varies with thickness 6 remains constant with thickness 1) In variable radius arch dam, the central angle 4) remains consta at top b) remains constant at bottom €) varies at all elevations 4) varies only at bottom 12) In double curveture erch dam, the arch shape is provided 4 upstream 2s well as downsream fie by at top and bottom <)inherizomtalas wells vertical planes) tothe alignment {p) The dovinsream sides, generally made up of R.C.C. ate the loping walls which run from ‘op to bottom of dart are known as 4) retaining walls ) buttresses ©) counterforts 4) cantileversCK T ec De 4 4 The water stored in the zone between minimum pool lovel and normal poo! level is known as- 8) useful storage ») normal storage ©) exta storage 4) dead storage 5 Normal poo! level of spillway coincides with- 8) maximum reservoir level b) maximum flood level ©) crest level d) total enerzy line 6 The summation of velocity head and de head is known as- 8) total head ©) gross head d) effective heed 7 The structure which controls of regulates the magni ‘orm of outflow from the dam is known as- ide and frequency of discharge i a) energy dissipation device b) discharge channe! ¢) control structu 4) tail channel 8 The wall constructed on profile of spillway just on downstream of abutment or end pier up to its junction with guide wall is known as- a) flow divide wall ) retaining wall ©) sword hilt 4) spray wall 9 The erest of spillway is consiructed monolithically on either side of pice for additional lateral stability to pier. This additional concrete is known as- 8) spray wall b) sword hilt 8) guide wall 4) control structure 10 The supplementary structure constructed in conjunction with main spillway to divert & release the floods in case of failure of main spillway, is known as- 8) emergency spillway 1) aunillary spillway ©) chute spillway 4) secondary spillway 11 Two adjoining valleys separated by a small hill forms & topographical feature, known 15 3 aPPE... eo a 4 23) The roller compacted conerete dam has zer0- 4) consistency b) workability ©) slump ) water cement ration 24 RCC. dam sllows 40 t0 60 percent reduction in consumption of Ad coment b) sand ©) fly ash 4) coarse aggregate 28) RC.C. dam allows 40 10 60 percent use of 2) natural sand bay ash ©) super plasticizers 6) artical sand Answer key Lb 2d 3a 4a Ba 9b 1b ike 126 6b © 18a 19.6 25.8 @nn@@armaaraaneaacaa Chapter 5. Spillway and Gates | Ifthe ow of Noaxs is continued beyond pool level, iis known as 8) surplus food b) absorbing flood ©) disaster flood d) maximum probable flood 2 Spllay isan overflow section which allows to dscharge a) disaster flood b) surplus flood ©) maximum probable flood ) normal flood The water stored in the zone betweon riverbed level and minimum poo! level is known 4) useful stor ) normal storage ©) extra storage 4) dead storageCK T ec De 4 14) The upstream face of buttress dam consisting of straight inclined wall is known as a) extrados ) intrados ©) deck slab 4d) monolithie Face 15) The top joint of burtress with fat slab on upstream fice is known as 2) hauneh beret esr Mange 16) Buttess dam allows to release 2) ydrostatie pressure Db) upli pressure 6) pore pressure 4) seepage pressure 17) Construstion material of rock fil dam consists of a) rocks used in conerete _b) rocks used with marum andl sand e)rocks used with earth 4) rocks without earth 18) Rockfil dams are favored when a)high hydrostatic uplift exists by heavy seepage exists «earth is not available 4) rock foundation is available 19) The tondeney oF rock i get converted in powered i known as 2) perosraphy ») mealabitity 6) fiabitity 4) fatigue 20) The slopes of rockfil dam are governed by 2) seepage 1) nydrostate pressure 6) angle of internal friction of dam material a) shear strength of rock 21) Which action of he following is dominant indesign ofrckfill dam 2) wedge and interlocking action) siding ation ©) compaction
Tainter gates © Drum gates 4 Vertical lift gates ‘The main cause of siting up a channel, Non-regime section b Inadequateslope © Defectivehead regulator _Allthe above [ans.:d) Pick up the correct statement from the following fs Inalevel crossing, a crest with is top athe canal FS.L is provided across the drainage a its up-stream junction with canal bb Ina level crossing a regulator is provided across the drainage a its down stream «Ina level crossing, a cross regulator is provided! on the canal below the crossing 4 Allthe above Tans: d] Ina Sarda type fall the rectangular est, may he used for discharge up to 8 Ocumecs 10 cumecs © Wcumees 4 20.cumecs: [ans Pick up the correct statement from the following: «Ifthe flexibility is more than one, the outlets hyper-proportional b Ifthe setting of an outlet is higher than that required for proportionality, the ‘outlet is hyper-proportional ats ana Hyrule Stirs 3 Mute Crace Questions «© Ifthe flexibility is 2ro, it isa rigid module 4 Allthe above al According to Khosla, the exits gradient of sutface low Depends upon the bil ratio. b Is independent ofthe b/d ratio € Tsindependentof the depths of ds cut off walls 4 None of these (ans. cal Ul O <907 WAAMs Fall all 90% Hl ‘9789390041498 (1) « siete Mute Crace Questons [Estimation and costing (Cuantity surveying contracts anc! tenders) an 2 os as 6 Which ofthe following componat of buttress dam is alo cal a counterfort [Corbet Dputtress Lateral rece [stoping eck Tans bl No reinforcementis necessary in the [a] Multiple arch buttress dam [B) Mushroom head buttress dam [e] Massive head buttress dam [i] Free head buttress dam Ans: Inasyphonaqueduct {g] Daainage pases over the canal and FS.L-of the cana is below the bottom of the drainage trough [B]Dainage pases over the canal and FS.L-of the canal is above the bottom of the drainage trough ‘Canal passes over the drainage and FLL. ofthe drainages above the bottom ofthe canal tough Canal pases over the drainage and FLFL. ofthe drainage is blow the bottom of the canal trough ans. cad If the height of the hydraulic gradient line above the floor of thickness tis h nd the specific gravity of the material of the floor is G, the minimum thickness tf the lor downstream of the erest-al i given by the equation Tt ncen BD Hm-mice fh DIG-9 @ ere Tans. sad ‘Tohold hydraulic jumps, bale walls are provided in [a] Sarda type falls English type falls, Montague type falls (J Vertcaltype falls Uns. :b1 Pick up the correct sequence of the part a canal system fom the following [a] Head work-dstributary-branch canal-minor {b] Head works main canal branch canab-distibutary-minor Head works main cana-branch canal-minor-dlstabutaty [a] Heads works branch canalmain canaldistributary, minor {Ans.:b) TESHUCAL PURLEATONS pnp tr maeie Ul O <re De 4 Q.21 Which machine is used in pumped storage plant? a) Turbine) Reversible turbine c) Pump — d) Pressure Shaft (0.22 Pumped storage plant requires how many reservoirs? 2 One >) Two 9)Thee — d) Four, Q23. The power plant which has to deliver minimum power throughout the year continuously is known as — 2) Peak load pl plant (Q.24 If the plaat capacity is in the range of ...., such power plant is known as a)Micro b) Mini ¢)Small— d) Medium Q.25 If the plant capacity isin the range of such power pl 4a) Microb) Mini) Small d) Medium b) Base load plant ©) Mini power plant d) Micro Power nt is known as — Answer key \b 2a 3d 4a 55 6d 7b de 94 106 tle 2b 13a lab 15a 168 12d 186 196 200 2b 23b 2b 280 eae, 1OARAPORAARAGAD 15 3 a HT] e) <Fr all ul] 89% Ml 908 MARA Dams an Hyrule Sucros Mlle Coie Qvetone [the exiiyi 2r0, its a rigid module [DAlIthe above [ans.: 4] 4 —_Accordlingsto Khosla the exis gradient of surface flow [a] Depends upon the bj ratio Dis independent ofthe bl ratio Is independent of the depths of ds cat of wall None of these [Ans sal 18 Abydraulie structures designed to withstand [a] Seepage fores Do) Hydrauticjump Hydraulic pressure {i]t above tans.) ae InMontguetype fall TJ Asimight gcsisprovided [A circular glass provided Apambolicgiacsisprovided [3] Noglacisisprovided ——fAns.zel 017 Cross regulatorsin main canalsare provided [iJ To regulate water supply in the dstributaies "To increase water head upstream when a main canal is running with low P 8 supplies To overflow excessive flaw water [None ofthese fans.) 18 Which ofthe following gate works on the principle of counterweight against, the water pressure? [a] Dropping shutters [b]. Stop togs and needles Stoney rller gate [Drum gates (ans sa} 19 Acconding to Lacey, in regime conditions [a] Sit is kept in suspension by vertical components ofeadies Entire cross-section ofthe channel generated at all pointsby the forces x pe ‘normal to the wetted perimeter Boh (a) and gb [a)Neither@) nor b) ans. :4l Ul O <Ce NES lll 89% ll 020 The most suilable sectionof a lined canal is [a] Triangular seston with circular bottom for small canals [By Teapecoidl ection with rounded corners for large canals [Both (a) and (b) [None ofthese 2.21 Anoutletissaid tobe proportional iit Nexbility, i zero {B] Less than one More than one [one ans.) 22 Thelevelof the floor ofa syphon aqueduct canbe obtained Ti] subtracting the depth ofthe culvert from the canal bed Ievel [B)By subtracting the thickness of culvert pls the depth of the culvert fram the canal bed level Poth 0) [None these fans 6) 0.29 If the straight sides of a triangular section of a lined canal with circular bottom of radius D, make an angle ? with horizontal, the hydraulic mean depthis fp blpe ips {ps 22 According to Blighs creep theory, percolating woter flows along [a] stenight path under the foundation of the dam Circular path under the foundation of the dam The outine ofthe base of he foundation of the dam [a] None these Uns: Ans. 2b) 0.25 Ina simple deck sabbuttress dam of given height the buttress spacing can be increased by [i] Increasng the upstream Slope. [Decreasing the upstream Slope. either AorB None ofthese fans.:al TECIINCAL PUBLICATION bn phar eon Dare and thera Stckres lle Chics Queene oe aroused onl for very minor works, [Dropping gates TelStoptogs and needles Rectangular gates Lal Drum gates (ans :b] 27 For the design of major hydraulic stctures on the canal, generally prefered 0, is based on TE] lighs theory [electrical analogy method The relaxation method [i Khosta's mathod of independint variables {ans. 2.26 Pickup the incorrect statement fom the following Ul O <910 RAR NES all ull 89% ft 020 The most suilable sectionof a lined canal is [a] Triangular seston with circular bottom for small canals [By Teapecoidl ection with rounded corners for large canals [Both (a) and (b) [None ofthese 2.21 Anoutletissaid tobe proportional iit Nexbility, i zero {B] Less than one More than one [one ans.) 22 Thelevelof the floor ofa syphon aqueduct canbe obtained Ti] subtracting the depth ofthe culvert from the canal bed Ievel [B)By subtracting the thickness of culvert pls the depth of the culvert fram the canal bed level Poth 0) [None these fans 6) 0.29 If the straight sides of a triangular section of a lined canal with circular bottom of radius D, make an angle ? with horizontal, the hydraulic mean depthis fp blpe ips {ps 22 According to Blighs creep theory, percolating woter flows along [a] stenight path under the foundation of the dam Circular path under the foundation of the dam The outine ofthe base of he foundation of the dam [a] None these Uns: Ans. 2b) 0.25 Ina simple deck sabbuttress dam of given height the buttress spacing can be increased by [i] Increasng the upstream Slope. [Decreasing the upstream Slope. either AorB None ofthese fans.:al TECIINCAL PUBLICATION bn phar eon Dare and thera Stckres lle Chics Queene oe aroused onl for very minor works, [Dropping gates TelStoptogs and needles Rectangular gates Lal Drum gates (ans :b] 27 For the design of major hydraulic stctures on the canal, generally prefered 0, is based on TE] lighs theory [electrical analogy method The relaxation method [i Khosta's mathod of independint variables {ans. 2.26 Pickup the incorrect statement fom the following Ul O <910 BABA NES all all 89% = §3 SCRIBD ( Search Q [al Side was ofa venturi head flume ae splayed out from the end ofthe throat at: 10 fora length of 45m [Length of side walls shouldbe such tha the width of the fume is made ‘equal to 27rd the bed width of the dstrbutary ‘Once the width ofthe flume becomes 2/3rd ofthe width of the distbutary, the splayed walls are increase 01 into get full bed width [Noneor these Uns: 029 Ingationcanalsare generally aligned along [al Ridge line [5] Contourline Valley line []steightline 230 Inacanalsyphon the flow is [a] Under atmospheric pressure [J Pipe flow With steal velosity [a] Undernegative pressure [Ans.:b] 31 The main funetion ofa diversion head works ofa canal froma river, is [To removesitt Do control floods [To store water [i] To raise water level (Ans: ‘aa Pickup dhe correct statement fons the Fllowing [al The ful supply level of «canal shouldbe above ground level [By According to Lacey, rogiene conditions mune particular slope fora given discharge and sil factor ln case the ground slope is ess than the required bed slope the sit factor rust be reduced by permitting the entry of coarse silt [a] Allthe above 1Ans.:d) Ul O <9:11 Dams ane ax ox as6 ost ose ax os ) A ll al) 89% Hl rau Stas Mlle Coie Qvetone IF is the depth of euting,€2 isthe height ofthe bank from bed level #21 and cl +1 ore the slopes in filling and cutting respectively, the horizontal distance between the bed and bask is fx-na (x-at/et Ans :bi “The ratio of the rate of change of discharge ofan outlet and parent channel is Known as [a] Etficiency [B]sensitivity [Fesibity Modular limit Ans. sel ‘The width of a dow is generally kept between 20 40 60 cm and its height above the rod Level should iavariably be moze than Han B20
C2> C3, you wil provide at site C3 [An aqueduct [BJA syphom aquest ‘A super passage [HA syphon [Ans sal Canals constructed for draining off water from water logged areas, are kaown [Drains i tnundation canals Valley canals [al contous canals ans: Aallina canal bed is generally provided, if Ta] Ground slope exccea the designed bed slope {F] Designed bed slope excoods the ground slope | Ground slope is practically the some as the designed bed lope [a] None of these [an “The depth of the crest of a scouting sluice below the crest of a head regulator, is generally kept o20m Gi20m {320m fans.) Bligh’s theory of seepage assumes {a] Equal weightage tothe horizontal and vertical creep [P] More weightage to horizontal ereep than vertical rep Less weightage to horizontal creep than vetica creep Loss or ead follows the sine curve During the construction of an earthen dam by hydraulic fil method, dlevelopment of pore pressure becomes important the [A Centrimpervious core [B] Pervious outer shell tansiton zone {Both central core and outer shell (Ans sal “The process of laying and compacting earth in ayers by power OMC for construction of earthen damsis known as [a] Rolie sill method {b] Hydraulic til method [G]OMC method [Compaction [Ans. al Ul O <912 BGP yes Dams ana os ono aso as oss, ose Zs all al! 89% fll crate Stites te Chace austene The most suitable location ofa canal head work, is [Rouldersstage ofthe river [5] Delta stage ofthe river Rockstageoftheriver [| Troughstge ofthe river [Ans] While deciding the alignment of proposed canal taking off fom a river at B, {hyve alignments of approximately equal lengths are available, These cross a drainages at C1, C2 and C3 where desinage bed levels C1> C2> C3, you wil provide at site C3 [An aqueduct [BJA syphom aquest ‘A super passage [HA syphon [Ans sal Canals constructed for draining off water from water logged areas, are kaown [Drains i tnundation canals Valley canals [al contous canals ans: Aallina canal bed is generally provided, if Ta] Ground slope exccea the designed bed slope {F] Designed bed slope excoods the ground slope | Ground slope is practically the some as the designed bed lope [a] None of these [an “The depth of the crest of a scouting sluice below the crest of a head regulator, is generally kept o20m Gi20m {320m fans.) Bligh’s theory of seepage assumes {a] Equal weightage tothe horizontal and vertical creep [P] More weightage to horizontal ereep than vertical rep Less weightage to horizontal creep than vetica creep Loss or ead follows the sine curve During the construction of an earthen dam by hydraulic fil method, dlevelopment of pore pressure becomes important the [A Centrimpervious core [B] Pervious outer shell tansiton zone {Both central core and outer shell (Ans sal “The process of laying and compacting earth in ayers by power OMC for construction of earthen damsis known as [a] Rolie sill method {b] Hydraulic til method [G]OMC method [Compaction [Ans. al Ul O <912 MBG2- NED all ull 89% fit asa Hyrule Stuctras Male choice Qvetons {255 The proces of laying and compacting eath in layers by power rollers under ONC for construction of earthen dams is known as Rolled fit method Di tyaroutic sit method JOMC method [i] Compaction [Ans al 50 For diversion of flood water of rivers, the typeof canal constructed, is {a} Ridge canal Lb] Perennial canal Inundaton canal {i} canat Ans. sal 057 Thebblanket in earth dam is provided [Ashe ground level on wissise [BlAtthe ground level on the d/s side At the ground level ofthe Djs sae ofthe dam []Oa the Djs slope [Ansa] 50° Which embankment has the thicknes of the diaphragm at an elevation less than 10 meters or the height ofthe embankment above the coresponding elevation? [Diaphragm type dam Di Zonca type dam Non-homogenousearthdam [i] Homogenous earth dam 259 IF Dis the depth of water upstream ofthe thraat above is sil, Bis the width Of the throat, to achieve critical low in an open venturi fume, the theoretical smasimum flow Q, is Mo-171 spi Glo-17160 (Jo-171spx2 (do=srBp20 Tans cad 2.60 Retrogression of the bed level of a river downstream a weir, occurs due to [a]Heavy impactotwater [a] Incwase ofthe be level Less percentage of sit [Sot soitsteata Lanse et Ina concrete canal the approximate permissible velocity of wate should not exceed [osmiee Bi msce [ismiec G2 msec (ans. $3 SCRIBD fact be Tanta ne Ul O <912 MMOGs NES all all 88% OQ) — @ + elevation? japhragm type dam [Bl zoned type dam fomhomogenousearthdam [i] Homogenous earth dam [Ansa] 259 IF Dis the depth of water upstream oF the throat above ts il, Bis the width of the throat, to achieve critical low in an open venturi flume, the theoretical maximum flow Q, iS Go-iziepia Glo- 17180 171 BDI falo- sri nna Tans sad 200 Retrogression ofthe bed level ofa river downstream a weit, occurs due to [a] Heavy impactor water ——_[B] Increase ofthe bed level, Less percentage of sit [alsot soitstrata Tans cal 26 Ina concrete canal the approximate permissible velocity of water should not exceed [osmiee [a]1 mice [ismsce Lal2msce fans: TECHNCAL PIRLATONS an phat er ee §3 SCRIBD Trusted by over 1 million members Try Scribd FREE for 30 days to access over 125 million titles without ads or interruptiogs! Se laa eMart Ul O <912 MBG2D-s ase ass 00 os ost os8 an Fr all ul] 88% Ml Structures 10 Muti Crace Questons Ayes jump is generally formed when a stream moving with [A hyper-citicl velocity mets. stream moving with a eritical velocity [A dypercitcal vlocity moots stam moving with ahyper-cdeal locity Assper-titical velocity meetsa stream moving with a sub-ctial velocity [)A subcritical velocity moots. strsm moving witha hyper-crtal velocity tan Aall which maintains it dept, is TA traperoidal notch fall (BA love weir fall [Arectangularnotch fall [All he above fans sl Presence of tai-waterin a gravity dam, [il Increass the principal stress and decreases the shear stress [D]nereases both the principal stress and the shear sess [El Decreases the principal stress and increases the shear siress Decreases both the principal stress and the shear stress Ans. dl ‘The saturation line isthe line up to which banks get saturated after the canal runs for sometime, The saturation gradient in ordinary loam sols generall fs as: lan ‘The uplift pressure on the roof of an inverted syphon, is maximum when, [Drain in running dry Dib canatis running dry Canal isrunning with SL, [i]Drainisransing with FL. [Ans.:d The ratio ofthe discharge over trapezoidal ces to a rectangular crest of Sanda alls fentical parameters, is ios [Blno74 1.068 (aj10% fans: Pond levelin a canal regulators the level of water [lathighest slood tevel [BJat he crstievel at the lowest level [a] none of these, [Ans.:d) TESHCAL PUBLEATONS™ om upton imaese ‘The ces evel ofa canal diversion head work depends upon GIFSL.of the canal Dil discharge perimeters pond evel Llattthe above Retrogression ofthe bed level of river downstream a weir, occurs due to Ul O <912 MMGD- x Dans ae ono a7 on an ars are om Zr all ul! 88% fll §3 SCRIBD ( Search Q [elat the lowest level Lu} none of these. 1Ans.: dl TEDIWNCAL PUBLICATION bapa ree rau States “ Malis Coie Questions ‘Tho crest level ofa canal diversion head work, depends upon TAFSL. of the canal [i]aischargeporimoters pond level [Jan ee above ans: Retrogresson of the bed level ofa river downstream a weir, occurs due 10 [heavy impact of water increase ofthe bed level Tlless percentage of silt [sort soi strata Ans scl According to Khosla the exist gradient of suface slow [a]depends upon thebid ratio [BJisindependent ofthe bi ratio is independent ofthe depths ofthe cutoff walls none of these. Ans: ‘The uplift pressure on the roof ofan iaverted siphon is maximum shen | Tar drain is running with HSL, [iJeanalisumning with FS. [Ans.:el ‘sunning dey [Besnat is using dry “The uplift pressure on the roof ofan inverted syphon, i maximum when [latain in sunning dry [Blanal is running dry [leanat sunning with ESL. [drain is running with HEL, (Ans. “The main function of a diversion ead works canal froma rivers [alto wemovesitt {Bo contol foods tostore water [alt raise waterlevel Uns: “The mos suitable location of «canal head work is [boulderstageoftheriver —[B]delta stage ofthe river rock sage ofthe river [trough stage ofthe river (Ans.: ‘Acanal head workin the boulder stage of a iver isnot suitable Because [i] subsoil low exists in the iver bed [Dlthere are heavy seepage losses [E] very few cross drainage works are required all the above Ina barrage the crest level iskept [il ow with large gates [al high with tan high with no gates [itow with gates TES CALPURLATIONS® bgt ae Ul O <Fr all ul] 88% Ml 913 RARBG: Dams and Hyraule Stuetires 2 MulisieChice Questons 0.7% Aconcrete gravity dam having a maximum reservoir level at200 m and the RL of the bottom of the dam 100 m, The maximum allowable compressive slress in concrete is 3000 KN/in2 and the specific gravity of conerete is 24 Calculate the height of the dam and check whether it isa high dam or low dam [H—90m High grovity dam [BJ 1=90 m Low gravity damm H=2142 mHigh gravity dam [4] H=214.2 mLow gravity dam {An 79 Pickup the comect statement om the following LB] tna evel crossing, a crest with stop atthe canal PIL is provided across the drainage at its upstream junction with canal [Bl tna level erasing a mgulator Is provided across the drainage atts doven- stream Ina level crossing, 9 cross regulator is provided on the canal below the crossing All the above. Ans.) 280 While deciding the alignment af a proposed canal taking off from a river at B, thive alignments of approximately equal lengths are available, These cross a strainages at Cl, C2 and C3 where drainage bed levels C1 > C2> C3, you will provide at site C3, [alan aqueduct [Blasyphon aqueduet a super passage [Jasyphon. [Ans. al 8: Which of the following zone in Zoned type embankment prevents piping theough cracks? TA Central one Transition zone JOuter zone [alcore walt [Ans
s NES all all 88% i om oss, ows sr ons LB] Approach of the water line in a flamed channel section should nat be steeper than 225 degree TH Departare ofthe waterline from a fumed channel section should nat be steeper than 30 degree Approach of the wate line should not be steeper than and departure Tine not steeper than 225 degree ina fhumed chanel section [a] Approach and departure of the water line ina flumed channel section, should not be steeper than 225 degree. Uns: “The base width ofa solid gravity dam is 35 m and the specific gravity of dam material is 245, What is the approximate allowable eight of the dam having an elementary profile without considering the upiff? o4.68m Gst30m (gisim {sm ans: Pickup te correct statement fom the following Escape TB) The capacity of escapes should not be es than the capacity ofthe canal at its location ‘Theescapes must ead the surplus water to natural drainages [a] Althe above. Uns: Inn arch dam the extrdos cures refer tothe arch rings corresponding ta the [Upstream face of the Dam [Bh] Donensteam face ofthe Dam Either A orB [a] None oF these above fans sal are essential safety valves ina canal system “The constant radius arch dams also sum times called 38 [Constantcentsearchdam [5] Constant angle arch dam | Variable angle arch dam [ilNone of these above [Ans al Whatis the recommenda value of shea friction factor against sliding? [a] More than unity {[b] Less than unity More than t05 [tess than's Ans. sal (0.9 Which ofthe following earth dam is suitable only on impervious foundation? [ilZonedembankmenttype [fh] Homogenous embankment type Ul O <Fr all ul] 88% Ml 913 RARBG: Dans a Hyrule Stirs o MutioiaCreice Questons Non-homogenous type [i] Diaphragm type 1Ans.:b) 2.99 Theaxis ofa geavity dam isthe [i] Line ofthe crown of the dam on the dovrnstrear side Line of the crown ofthe dam on the upstream side ps Contreline of the top width ofthe dam [i] The tine joining mi poins ofthe base fans sb) 91 Which of the following soil material is most preferred for the central ove material of zoned embankinent type dam? [a]Highly imperviousclay —[R] Sands or sity clays Coarse sands [dGraveis Uns: se Attracting groynes ore built TA perpendicular tothe bank [BJ inctined doven steam inclined wp stream [1] none of tes (ans
Se all al! 88% ll Dams ana Hycrute steties % ‘Mutt Craice auestons « the increase in water pressure mementarily caused by the horizontal ‘earthquake acting towards the reservoir 4 the increase in water pressure momentarily caused by the horizontal earthquake acting towards the dam Tans: 2179 Ina concrete gravity dam with a vertical upstream face the stabilising force is provided by th ‘weight of the dam bb the water supported against the upstream slope «© uplift pressure 1 water pressure atthetailend (An: 2.180 What is the value of horizontal destabilizing force caused by the formation of ‘waves in a storage reservoir having a fetch of 52 km due to high wind of 172 kun? 2 30KN b HOKN © LOKN 4 180KN Ans. dl 18 Calculate the value of freehoard that should be provided for a reservoir having a wind velocity of 92 km/h and it extends up to 18 km upstream. 12m b 6m © 225m 425m Tans :1 2182 The upward acceleration of dam due to seismic activity will «8 imerease the base pressure decrease the base pressure © not affect the effective weight of the damm increase the horizontal dynamic force Ans. sal 2.199 What is the average value of acceleration that is sufficient for high dams in 2 Wig t00.155, b 055 100.45, © gs «4 0.15g (where gis the acceleration due to gravity) [Ans.:al 2.194 What is Von Karman’s formula for hydrodynamic force (Pe)? a Pe=0.726 peH b Pe=0424 pelt Pe-0585 pel 4d Pe-0555.Kh. Yow H"2 Ans. sd] ans aa Hyrule Sets a Mute Crice Questons 2185 When the reservoir is empty, the single force acting on itis the sel the dam which acts ata distance of «8 B/2 from the hee! » Bil from the hee! «B/S from the he! 1 B/S from the he! 048 When the reservoir is empty, the maximum vertical stress equal to Ul O <915 RAMS: eal all 87% Da nd yr Scros z nave crate cuestene 2.188 When the reservoir is emply, the Single force acting on itis the sel weight of the dam which acts ata distance of «8 B/2 from the heel Bo from the heel © B/S from the hee! «Bj From the hee] Tans] 0388 When the reservoir is empty, the maximum vertical stress equal to ' Athheel=2W/Band at toe=()—b Atheel =I and at toe = 26/8. © Atheel=toe = 200 thee! ~toe = 2W/B [ans :al 2187 The two-dimensional stability analysis of gravity dams proves better for U- shaped valleys than for V-shaped valley. a Tre False Ans. sal 2188 Calculate the value of minimum base width for an elementary triangular concrete gravity dam supporting 72 m height of nese and fall uplift? (Take specific gravity of concrete as 2.4 and coefficient of friction as ir wate 07) 3 628m, » 977m © 515m a 73m Tans. sd] 0389 For usual values of permissible compressive stress and specific gravity of conerete, a high concrete gravity is the one whose height exceeds 218m » 70m 88m 698m Tans: 2190 For triangular dam section of height H for just no tension under the action of water pressure, self-weight and uplift pressure, the minimum base width required is, s HIG) Hse © HIG-1)"4 eH GayIe Ans.) 2401 Ifthe eccentricity ofthe resultant falls outside the middle third, the ultimate failure ofthe dam oscars by «8 tension crushing © sliding 6 overturning [Ans.:al Ul O <915 BARS e Ss all al! 87% fll ats aa Hyrule Stirs a MutoieCrace Questons 92 oe 0195, 196 x97 ase What isthe value of eccentricity for no tension condition in the dam? 2 e
Bie © > BIS uecBs What isthe formula for limiting height of a gravit a Hmax-f/GeeT) yw b Hmax=#/(S ce Hmax=f/(GesC) yw d Hmax=£/ (Se) yw [ CCaleulate the top width ofthe dam ifthe height oF water Stoned is Sm, 5m b 25m, © 555m 773m Ans. sal In high dams, the safety against sliding shoulel be checked only for friction, 8 Tre b False Uns. 2b) ‘The safety against slicing should be checked anly for friction in ease of low: slams and in high dams, the shear strength ofthe joint a Tre b False (ans. :al For full reservoir condition in a gravity dam, the critical combination of vertical and horizontal earthquake accelerations to be considered for checking the stabil «8 vertically upward and horizontally downstzeam bb vertically downward and horizontally downstream, vertically upward and horizontally upstream 4 vertically downward anel horizontally upstream Ans. 2b) ‘The base width ofa Soli gravity dam is 35 m and the specific gravity of dam ‘material is 2.45, What is the approximate allowable height of the dam having an elementary profile without considering the uplt? 8 6468, bh 548m © 16m 480m Ans. 2b] A low gravity dam of elementary profile made up of concrete of relative lensity 2.57 and safe allowable stress of foundation material 4.2 MPa, Whatis the maximum height of the dam without considering the uplif Forse? 3 120m b 27m © 9m 425m [Ans.:al Ul O <951 BGG2 > @allall 79% ft (2m (a)325 m (Ans sal Dams an Hydraule Sti MuticieCheice Questons 0200 ‘The vertical stress at the tov was found to he 3.4 MPa at the base of the oz 20s 206 szavity dam section, Ifthe downstream face of the dam has a slope of 0.617 horizontal: 1 vestical, the maximum principal sess at the tae of the dam ‘when there is no talwater is (a.7Mra (2am (36Mra (sama Ans: ‘What isthe recommended value of sheae friction factor against sliding? [a] More than unity [Less than unity More than 3 t05 Less than 3 Ans. :
Dams and Hyraule Stutures » MulisieChice Questons [i ecreases the principal shes and increases the shenr sess [il dvoresos both the principal stoss an he shear snes tAns.:4] 0.208 The provision of drainage gallery in a gravity dam helps in. reducing [hydrostatic pressure seepage pressure sit pressure both hydrostatic pressure and seepage pressure tans. 6) 2207 "Which of the following attempts are made to reduce the uplift in order to dam? economize on the provided section of a concrete gravity i. Providing drainage gallery to collect seepage water fi Constructing cutoff under upstream Face i, Prossure grouting in dom foundation iv Provision of shear keys or keyways” (alana it (ali itand i and iv litt anaiv {Ans.:b] 2208 Transverse joints in concrete gravity dams are the [a] horizontal construction joints at each it height [Herta construction joins of full height and width TE] aiagonal construction joints fr torsion [ltongitdinalconstrction joins of fll width (ans
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