Event Management System Mini Project

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Event Management System

Conference Paper · January 2022

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1 author:

Dantu Venkata Sai Kamal

Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology


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Event Management System

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY


Dantu Venkata Sai Kamal

Under the guidance of

P. Kiranmai

Assistant Professor,



(Affiliated to JNTUH Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE and Accredited by NBA)

This is to certify that the project work entitled “Event Management
System” is the bonafide work done


D.V. Sai Kamal 19E11A0562

in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BHARAT INSTITUTE OF

ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Ibrahimpatnam is submitted to Jawaharlal
Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering during 2019-


P. Kiranmai

Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Science Engineering

Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology,

Ibrahimpatnam – 501 510, Hyderabad.

Event Management System
Dantu Venkata Sai Kamal

Abstract— Event Management System is developed to assist students and faculties

in handling college events such as Technical fests, and other events which involves
registration of users to the events through a web application. The Event
Management System is a responsive, dynamic web application with which the
users can interact and register to events of their choice with ease. This will
eliminate the need of unnecessary paperwork involved.

Keywords: Event Management System, Event handling, PHP, MYSQL

1.1 Introduction
Event Management System is a web application developed using PHP, MySQL that can be used in
managing college events. With the pandemic struck, many colleges decided to host their events online.
One such event that can be conducted online is the technical fest, which is an annual event looked up
to by almost every university and college. Technical fests are conducted with great number of events
and a number of students register to the events.
With most universities shifting to online mode of conducting events and fests, there involves a need
of a medium, or a system to help management the events that are being conducted. The students as
well as the faculties can make use of such system to display information about the various events are
being conducted which allows interested users directly register to the event that fascinates them.
Event Management System is aimed to assist in the exact manner. Event Management System is a
web application, which allows users access the system directly with the help of a browser without
installing any mobile application. This increases the accessibility of the application. The web
application is developed using PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS. PHP is used for server-side scripting of
the web application. And HTML, CSS, Styled Components are used for the frontend part of the
application. The Event Management System is deployed in Heroku Cloud.

1.2 Purpose
The main purpose of Event Management System is to assist students and faculties in managing
events with ease. It can further be used in:
- Handling college clubs effectively
- Handling charity events to raise funds for a cause
- Managing activities in Organizations
- Registering to events with ease
- Generating reports of registered users

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
i. UML: The UML stands for Unified modeling language, is a standardized general-purpose visual
modeling language in the field of Software Engineering. It is used for specifying, visualizing,
constructing, and documenting the primary artifacts of the software system. It helps in designing and
characterizing, especially those software systems that incorporate the concept of Object orientation. It
describes the working of both the software and hardware systems. [2]

2. The Overall Description

2.1 Proposed System:
The proposed Event Management System is developed to assist students and faculties manage events
with ease. It is further divided into modules such as:

- Event tracking:

The events created are stored in a MySQL Database in JawsDB server that is hosted by AWS.
The event data is retrieved through SQL queries. This allows users to check all the listed Events
in the web page. New events can be added with ease by storing event details such as Event
Name, Event type, Event registration fee, and Event poster in the Database. These details are
retrieved by the web application through SQL queries.
- Registration of Users:

Users can register to the event of their choice with the help of the Event Management System.
The Web application contains a form which asks for user information such as Name, Email,
Mobile, Event to register, Class, Section and Address. This information will help to analyze and
prepare reports about the events and the users registered in the events.
- Documentation:
The Web application contains clear cut documentation of various events and the information
about each of the events. This documentation will be useful for the users to get to know about
the information that they are interested. The users can register to the events of their choice after
going through the documentation provided in the web application.
- Automated delivery of Reports

Detailed reports can be dynamically generated by the web application and can be mailed to the
admin. These reports include the details of the users registered. This will help in eliminating
manual work in going through each registration to get analytics of the user registrations.
- Accessible/ Dynamic Web Application
The Event Management System is a web application that can be accessed through any device
such as a desktop computer, a mobile phone, a tablet, or event a smart watch. The web
application requires a browser that can load web pages. Hence, the web application is accessible
and dynamic.

2.2 Scope:
The scope of the project is to build an Event Management System without any issues that is designed
to facilitate managing events without any trouble.
Benefits: It has various benefits:
- Manage College-level events with ease.
- Secured registration system
- Auto generate user reports
- Provide abstraction of implementation details.
Goals: The goal of this project is to deploy proposed project, that is Event Management System

2.3 Module Description:

Event Management System is divided into following modules:
1. Landing module
2. Documentation module
3. Events module
4. Registration module
5. Admin module

1. Landing module:
This module is the entry point of the Event Management System. It is the home page of the web
application. It contains basic information of the Event being conducted. For example, if a Tech
fest is being conducted in a college, The landing module can list information of the tech fest.
Details such as name, posters, possible dates of the event can be displayed in the Landing

2. Documentation module:
Documentation module is developed to assist the users in registering to the events. It will
contain information on how to register to particular event and will guide the users across the web
application. Documentation module is solely to assist users in using the Event Management

3. Events module:
Events module contains in detailed information of various events that are added to the Database.
Various categories or types of events such as the Technical, Non-Technical events, Cultural
events, etc. can be listed in the documentation module. And the organized events can be listed
under the type of events as per their category. This module will contain names of the events,
registration links, price of registration (if applicable), posters of the events, and more
information about each of the events.

4. Registration module
The registration module is aimed to help the users register to the events of their choice. It is
achieved by the help of a Registration form that asks users the information such as their Name,
Email, Mobile, Event to register, Class, Section and Address. The user will submit the form after
filling their details using the submit button. The submit button will trigger the back-end code and
will store the user information in the user database. In this way, a user can successfully register
in the events if their choice.

5. Admin module
The admin module is implemented by making use of the concept of abstraction. The admin
module will not be visible to the end users. It can only be accessed by the admin and will contain
information about the user analytics. The admin will be able to add new events and modify or
delete the existing events. These changes will be reflected in the events module that is accessed
by the end users. The admin module is important to make overall changes to the events directly
from the web application and is used by the students or faculties who are in charge of organizing
the events

3. Specific Requirements:
3.1 Hardware Requirements
CPU: Intel® i3 processor or higher.
GPU: Not necessary
Disk Space: 80 GB
3.2 Software Requirements
Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
Browser: Google Chrome v89.0.4389
Integrated Development Environment: VS Code
Server: XAMPP v7.4.9 (Apache Localhost)
Additional Technologies: PHP 7.4.9, Composer v 2.0.12, MySQL
Database: MySQL (JawsDB instance)
Cloud: Heroku
3.3 Functional Requirements
1. Registration: The user must correctly fill the registration form
2. Admin: The admin must enter only the admin username and password to access the
admin module.
3. Event management: Only admin should be able to make changes to the events. Users
should only be able to view the listed events that were added by the admin.
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements
1. Security:
App users should check the performance of the secure shell [https] at URL
It is recommended that you update the plugins in the Internet agent before the program
is launched
2. Availability: The Event Management System should never be down and should always
be accessible.
3. Accuracy: The accuracy of the information published about the events in the application
is guaranteed, the admin or event organizers are responsible for it.
4. Flexibility: The Event Management System is flexible to develop new models and
5. Maintability: The Event Management System is easy to maintain and should be easy to
fix bugs incase any issues arise.
6. Reliability: The application website guarantees the integrity of the data so it should be

4. Model Applicable:

Considering the basic needs of each module, the waterfall model is the most popular solution
for managing the workflow intelligently & digitally: in particular, this is based on SLDC (Software
Development Life Cycle) and module development based on the participants involved in the

- Detailed user needs analysis

- Planning to design modules

- Application implementation.

- Test modules to run the application

5. Modelling Tables:

5.1 Database Schema:

Following are the Tables that are included in the Database. The Database is
created by using MySQL and is named ‘eventsite’

DB overview:

5.2 Events Table:

The Events Table contains the information of various events that are added to the

Creating table:

CREATE TABLE `events` (

`event_id` int(100) NOT NULL,
`event_title` text NOT NULL,
`event_price` int(20) NOT NULL,
`participents` int(100) NOT NULL,
`img_link` text NOT NULL,
`type_id` int(100) NOT NULL

Inserting data:

INSERT INTO `events` (`event_id`, `event_title`, `event_price`, `participents`,

`img_link`, `type_id`) VALUES
(1, 'pubg', 50, 4, 'cs01.jpg', 2),
(2, 'tech quiz', 50, 2, 'cs02.jpg', 1),
(3, 'counter strike', 50, 1, 'cs01.jpg', 2),
(4, 'pair programming', 50, 2, 'cs01.jpg', 1),
(5, 'seminar', 50, 1, 'cs02.jpg', 3),
(6, 'multiple choice', 50, 1, 'cs01.jpg', 4);

5.3 Event_type Table:

The event_type table contains the categories or types of events such as the Technical,
Non-Technical events, Cultural events, etc.

Creating Table:

CREATE TABLE `event_type` (

`type_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`type_title` text NOT NULL

Inserting data:

INSERT INTO `event_type` (`type_id`, `type_title`) VALUES

(1, 'Technical Events'),
(2, 'Gaming Events'),
(3, 'On Stage Events'),
(4, 'Off Stage Events'),
(5, ‘Cultural Events');

5.4 Participants Table:
The participants table will contain the list of registered users who submitted the
registration form after filling the details.

CREATE TABLE `participants` (

`p_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`event_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
`fullname` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(300) NOT NULL,
`mobile` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`college` varchar(300) NOT NULL,
`branch` varchar(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

INSERT INTO `participants` (`p_id`, `event_id`, `fullname`, `email`, `mobile`,

`college`, `branch`) VALUES
(2, 1, 'Sai', 'dantusaikamal@gmail.com', '9177114722', 'BIET', 'CSE'),
(3, 1, 'Rithvik', 'rithvik@gmail.com', '9999999999', 'BIET', 'Pubg'),
(4, 1, 'Pavan', 'pavan@gmail.com', '8888888888', 'BIET', 'hackathon'),
(5, 1, 'Teja', 'teja@gmail.com', '7777777777', 'BIET', 'Pubg');

In the participants table, data is not entered by the admin through SQL. But the data is
fetched from the registration form after the user submits the form.

6. UML Diagrams:

6.1 Class Diagram:

Following is the class diagram of the Event Management System.

6.2 Sequence Diagram:

Following is the Sequence diagram of the Event Management System.

6.3 Activity Diagram:
Following is the Activity diagram of the Event Management System.

7. Conclusion:
Event Management System has many advantages and uses. It can be definitely used in
managing college fests and other events.
With most universities shifting to online mode of conducting events and fests, there
involves a need of a medium, or a system to help management the events that are being
conducted. And our Event Management System is the perfect solution with which the
students as well as the faculties can display information about the various events are
being conducted which allows interested users directly register to the event that
fascinates them.

8. References:
1. https://github.com/Dantusaikamal/Event-management-web (My code)
2. https://www.javatpoint.com/uml
3. https://eventmanagement-system.herokuapp.com/ (My Web application)


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