An Overview of Job Embeddedness: A Review Study
An Overview of Job Embeddedness: A Review Study
An Overview of Job Embeddedness: A Review Study
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study presents an overview of job church-related activities, and membership in community
embeddedness including the dimensions, the related organizations.
concepts of job satisfaction. The purpose of the study is
to learn about the various reviews. Further, the study Organization:
explores the different authors that are affecting the job Organization- links are formal or informal connections
embeddedness of employees from different IT sector that exist between an employee and other people or groups
based on earlier studies. The study uses existing in the organization.It mainly includes relationships with co-
literature review to learn about the job embeddedness workers, members of work groups, and others. So that these
and job satisfaction. This study focuses on several work relationships can be influence personal embeddedness
reviews. The findings of the study reveal that the job and intention to quitboth positively and negatively.
embeddedness is most important influencing. Job
embeddedness may be used to develop the job Community:
satisfaction strategies following on-the-job and off-the- Links-community: it is recognizing the significant
job. So basically, this study is based on several review. influence of friends and other social institutions and also
their influence on decision making. It can be just as
Keywords:- Job Embeddedness, Employee. important to retention asorganizational links. It is that
activities includerelationships, and environmental factors
I. JOB EMBEDDEDNESS can be influencing an individual's intent to stay.