An Overview of Job Embeddedness: A Review Study

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

An Overview of Job Embeddedness:

A Review Study
Sachin kumar
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University
Meerut (Uttar Pradesh)

Abstract:- This study presents an overview of job church-related activities, and membership in community
embeddedness including the dimensions, the related organizations.
concepts of job satisfaction. The purpose of the study is
to learn about the various reviews. Further, the study  Organization:
explores the different authors that are affecting the job Organization- links are formal or informal connections
embeddedness of employees from different IT sector that exist between an employee and other people or groups
based on earlier studies. The study uses existing in the organization.It mainly includes relationships with co-
literature review to learn about the job embeddedness workers, members of work groups, and others. So that these
and job satisfaction. This study focuses on several work relationships can be influence personal embeddedness
reviews. The findings of the study reveal that the job and intention to quitboth positively and negatively.
embeddedness is most important influencing. Job
embeddedness may be used to develop the job  Community:
satisfaction strategies following on-the-job and off-the- Links-community: it is recognizing the significant
job. So basically, this study is based on several review. influence of friends and other social institutions and also
their influence on decision making. It can be just as
Keywords:- Job Embeddedness, Employee. important to retention asorganizational links. It is that
activities includerelationships, and environmental factors
I. JOB EMBEDDEDNESS can be influencing an individual's intent to stay.

According toMitchell et al., (2001) introduced a new  Fit

conceptual framework known as jobembeddedness. It is According to Mitchell et al., (2001) it can be defined
derived from the Lewin's field theory, the term of job as employee's perceived compatibility or comfort with
embeddedness represents a wide asterism of anorganization and environment. The fit between an
influences(Mitchell et al., 2001) on an employee's intent to employee and their environment or community is an
stayand can be consideration of as a net or a web in which important components of job embeddedness.
one can become stuck(Mitchell et al.,2001). It is represented
a unique factor in understanding why people stay at their  Organization:
current jobsand discussed ways in which employers can be The term of fit-organization dimensions isexamining
influence employees' embeddedness andinclination to stay. how well an employeeviews themselves as sharing
They recommended are mainly three components such as compatible goals, characteristics and values with
links, fit, and sacrifice-each in an organizational i.e., on-the- thepotential employer and other employees within the any
job and community i.e., off-the-job. organization. The better the fit, thegreater the possibility the
employee will be stay.
 Table 1 Visualizes the Six Components of Job
Embeddedness.  Community:
According to Mitchell, et al., (2001) it is referred a fit-
Table 1 Job Embeddedness Dimensions community concept to address thenonwork factors that can
Links Fit Sacrifice help rising workers' intention to stay at their currentjobs. It
Organization Links Fit Sacrifice is also capturing how well a people perceives he/she fits into
organization organization organization their surroundingcommunity and environment.
Community Links Fit Sacrifice
community community community  Sacrifice
It is the last and final dimension of the job
 Links embeddedness construct. It is referring to the psychological
According to Mitchell et al., (2001) links are defined and material benefits that an individual would lose at
as the observable connections between employee’s and anygiven time if he/she choose to quit the any organization.
organization. The high links to the organization, the According to Shaw et al., (1998) the greater the sacrifice,
morehighly embedded employee”s will become. It can be themore difficult the decision to quit will be. Aswith the
psychological, social and include age, marital status etc.,

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
dimensions of links and fit, sacrifice also has organization embeddedness were positively linked to unethical pro-
and community dimensions. organizational behaviour. 346 responses were collected from
employees of different Indian organizations and the data
 Organization: were analysed with the multiple regression technique.
Organizational sacrifices can take various forms. It
may be possiblefor an employee to locate a current job with  Linder, C., (2019)
a similar salary and benefits etc. However, there aremany Stated that in this study data were collected from two
fewindubitable organizational sacrifices that may be groups: managers of assigned expatriate workers and self-
employees should consider. There maybe new retirement initiated expatriate workers and recorded on Five-point
and benefit restrictions or some other benefits. Likert scale the data were analyzed with the help of a partial
least squares (PLS) analysis. And also used the surveys
 Community: assessed workers’ motivations for going abroad, and
Community sacrifices usually are an issue only if differences between the two groups were compared by
relocation isrequired with a new job. In many cases, an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results confirmed with
individual's loss of community canrepresent too great a the positive relationships between the degree of
sacrifice. The mainly sacrifice between the employee and organisational embeddedness in institutions abroad and job
the community is a much highly important attribute of job performance and career satisfaction. Additionally, the
embeddedness for an employee who must relocate to change perceptions of embeddedness were depended on workers’
the current jobs. mindsets regarding their career ambitions.

 Job Satisfaction  Alikhani B. A., (2016)

According to Khalib et al. (2015) referred the term of This study reviewed the result offered a founded that
job satisfaction as the extent towhich an employee like or there are differences in structural terms as well as in the
disliketheir current jobs in any organization. According to composition of the networks. In this study delivered were
Umamaheswari and Krishnan (2015) suggested an employee founded on the differences of social network embeddedness
satisfactioncould contribute to enhanced organizational between organizationally embedded and self-initiated
commitment, reduced intent to leave, andultimately employees and also introduces SNA to the field of global
enhanced retention rates. the importance of job mobility research. The methodologically a mixed-methods
satisfaction,managers should work toward raising employee were conducted with the help of qualitative interviews and
satisfaction to help improveefficiency, production, social network analysis (SNA) to investigated the structure
employeeretention and working effectively. This human of the respondent’s social support ego networks.
resource concept of job satisfaction remains most important
to any organizations.  Singh R., (2018)
Examined that supported for the propositions that
II. PRIOR RESEARCH ON JOB organizational embeddedness was predicts workplace
EMBEDDEDNESS deviance and that employee work engagement moderates the
organizational embeddedness– workplace deviance
 Tian A. W., et al., (2016) relationship. The Confirmation was another significant,
Stated that Ability-enhancing HRM, Motivation- positive relationship between organizational embeddedness
enhancing HRM, Opportunity-enhancing HRM, and workplace deviance. Furthermore, confirmed that
Organisational fit, Organisational sacrifice, Organisational significant moderating effect of employee work engagement
links, Task performance. Matched sample was opted to in the organizational embeddedness– workplace deviance
collect the data. And valid responses of 197 Chinese state- relationship. A study was conducted frontline employees
own firm employees and their supervisors were collected. across the financial services sector in the Caribbean nation
Data analysed were with the help of multiple mediation test, of Trinidad. 465 valid responses were collected and
Confirmatory factor analysis and recorded on Seven-point measured on Five points Likert scale. Data were analysied
Likert scale for further analysis. The results revealed that with the help of a three-step multiple hierarchical regression
HRM practices were contribute to the creation and analysis and convenience sampling approach were used.
development of embeddedness, and also the improvement of
job performance. The results suggested that organisations  Treuren G.J.M., and Halvorsen B., (2016),
can be proactively enhanced both embeddedness and Indicated that high levels of PCB weaken the
employee performance through implementing appropriate relationship between client embeddedness and job
HRM practices. satisfaction. In additional, for employers, the client
embeddedness was affected likely to improved employee
 Ghosh S.K., (2017) retention, job satisfaction, affective commitment and
Stated thatthe relationship between job insecurity and employee engagement in this study. Two-wave survey was
unethical pro-organizational behaviour were moderated by conducted121 true responses were stored of employees
job embeddedness. the results showed that the role of job working and measured on five-point Likert scale. For data
insecurity and job embeddedness as important factors analysis, Regression and ANOVA was used.
influencing unethical pro-organizational behaviour. It was
analysed that revealed that both job insecurity and job

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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