Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
Transport & Logistics
The transport and Logistics sector comprises physical and soft infrastructure.
The physical portion constitutes rails, road transport, sea trade and related
freight and air transport, whereas the soft infrastructure covers packaging,
delivery, storage, and trade logistics and facilitation.
Pakistan ranks 122 in the logistics performance index (LPI, 2018), lowest in South
Asia. According to the recently approved National Logistics and Freight policy
2021, the sector is highly fragmented and in dire need of modernization. The
absence of a comprehensive vision for all the ministries and departments is a
Highlights of the sector: major hindrance.
The vast area of Pakistan is critically dependent on the logistic sector for the
availability of goods and services across the country. Pakistan Post, an important
logistics company in Pakistan, ensures the transportation of goods from one
region to another. In addition to it, other logistics companies like TCS also play a
critical role in strengthening the sector. The logistics sector currently employs
more than 20% of the people in the service sector itself. It is an important
contributor to the GDP of the country too. This contribution is further expected
to grow in the coming years.
Business Risk
The Industry Threshold for the Transport and Logistic Industry of GoP has
been 8% and 10% for the Private sector as of December 2022. The
percentage share based on Outstanding has been 6.39% for the public
sector and 0.87% for the private.
As per December 2022 the total outstanding (funded and non-funded) has
been 23,587 million for the government sector against approved limit of
23,587 million. Whereas, for the private sector the total outstanding is
3,199 million for a limit of 3,255 million. The NPLs (Non-Performing Loans)
were 241 million for the private sector and non for the government sector.
Future Outlook
“Foreign The Vision 2025 set the target of raising the road-density to a level of 0.45
kilometer per square km by 2018, which will increase the existing road
national network from about 2,60,000 kms to 3,58,000 kms. Major
shipping lines upgrade in the railway system includes: increasing speed from 95 km per
hour to 120-140 km per hour, doubling tracks of the main line sections,
mulling to
increasing line capacity with a modern signaling system, establishing
North-South and East-West corridors and developing linkages through
road and rail to the Central Asian states, China, and other neighboring
stop services countries and development of a separate freight corridor on the railway
for Pakistan” The Vision emphasizes participation of the private sector as a growth-
~Pakistan today, January 29th 2023 This will further enhance productivity, competitiveness, efficiency,
innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.